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The bifurcation and instability conditions in geomechanics are closely related to the elasto‐plastic behaviour. In this paper the potential of a multimechanism elasto‐plastic model to predict various modes of failure is examined. First, a brief overview for the essential aspects of the constitutive model and the development of the elasto‐plastic constitutive matrix for this model are presented. Then, numerical simulations of different drained and undrained paths in the axisymmetric and plane‐strain conditions for the Hostun sand are illustrated. These examples confirm the capacity of the model to reproduce instability and strain localization phenomena. The obtained response is in agreement with experimental observations, theoretical developments and numerical analyses existing in the literature. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a rational analysis of pullout resistance of inextensible sheet reinforcement subjected to oblique end force has been presented considering a non‐linear (hyperbolic), elasto‐plastic, normal stress–displacement relationship of the subgrade. Under an oblique pull, high normal stresses develop on stronger subgrades, thus mobilizing high shearing resistance at the reinforcement–soil interface. The higher the bearing resistance of the subgrade, the higher the horizontal component of pullout force and the lower the end displacement of the reinforcement. On the other hand, the end displacement at pullout can become very high for weaker subgrades especially at high values of the angle of obliquity. Also, the pullout capacity under oblique loading for weaker subgrades may approach or even fall below the axial pullout capacity at high values of the angle of obliquity. These adverse pullout responses owing to a low value of bearing resistance of subgrade are magnified when the subgrade stiffness is also small. On weaker subgrades, improvement in angle of interface shear is not advisable as this leads to further reduction in the pullout force and increase in the end displacement. Results are compared with back analysis of published test data on model reinforced soil walls. The comparison suggests that the present model leads to a more rational and better prediction of the pullout failure. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of a heat‐treatment upon the thermo‐mechanical behaviour of a model cement‐based material, i.e. a normalized mortar, with a (w/c) ratio of 0.5. First, a whole set of varied experimental results is provided, in order to either identify or validate a thermo‐mechanical constitutive model, presented in the second paper part. Experimental responses of both hydraulic and mechanical behaviour are given after different heating/cooling cycling levels (105, 200, 300, 400°C). The reference state, used for comparison purposes, is taken after mass stabilization at 60°C. Typical uniaxial compression tests are provided, and original triaxial deviatoric compressive test responses are also given. Hydraulic behaviour is identified simultaneously to triaxial deviatoric compressive loading through gas permeability Kgas assessment. Kgas is well correlated with volumetric strain evolution: gas permeability increases hugely when εv testifies of a dilatant material behaviour, instead of contractile from the test start. Finally, the thermo‐mechanical model, based on a thermodynamics approach, is identified using the experimental results on uniaxial and triaxial deviatoric compression. It is also positively validated at residual state for triaxial deviatoric compression, but also by using a different stress path in lateral extension, which is at the origin of noticeable plasticity. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A large strain analysis of undrained expansion of a spherical/cylindrical cavity in a soil modelled as non‐linear elastic modified Cam clay material is presented. The stress–strain response of the soil is assumed to obey non‐linear elasticity until yielding. A power‐law characteristic or a hyperbolic stress–strain curve is used to describe the gradual reduction of soil stiffness with shear strain. It is assumed that, after yielding, the elasto‐plastic behaviour of the soil can be described by the modified Cam clay model. Based on a closed‐form stress–strain response in undrained condition, a numerical solution is obtained with the aid of simple numerical integration technique. The results show that the stresses and the pore pressure in the soil around an expanded cavity are significantly affected by the non‐linear elasticity, especially if the soil is overconsolidated. The difference between large strain and small strain solutions in the elastic zone is not significant. The stresses and the pore pressure at the cavity wall can be expressed as an approximate closed‐form solution. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a fully coupled finite element formulation for partially saturated soil as a triphasic porous material, which has been developed for the simulation of shield tunnelling with heading face support using compressed air. While for many numerical simulations in geotechnics use of a two‐phase soil model is sufficient, the simulation of compressed air support demands the use of a three‐phase model with the consideration of air as a separate phase. A multiphase model for soft soils is developed, in which the individual constituents of the soil—the soil skeleton, the fluid and the gaseous phase—and their interactions are considered. The triphasic model is formulated within the framework of the theory of porous media, based upon balance equations and constitutive relations for the soil constituents and their mixture. An elasto‐plastic, cam–clay type model is extended to partially saturated soil conditions by incorporating capillary pressure according to the Barcelona basic model. The hydraulic properties of the soil are described via DARCY 's law and the soil–water characteristic curve after VAN GENUCHTEN . Water is modelled as an incompressible and air as a compressible phase. The model is validated by means of selected benchmark problems. The applicability of the model to geotechnical problems is demonstrated by results from the simulation of a compressed air intervention in shield tunnelling. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerous constitutive models built on coaxial theory and validated under axi‐symmetric condition often describe the stress–stain relationships and predict the inceptions of shear banding in sands inaccurately under true triaxial condition. By adopting an elaborated Mohr–Coulomb yield function and using non‐coaxial non‐associated flow rule, a 3D non‐coaxial elasto‐plasticity model is proposed and validated by a series of true triaxial tests on loose sands. The bifurcation analysis of true triaxial tests on dense sands predicts the influence of the intermediate principal stress ratio on the onset of shear band accurately. The failure of soils is shown to be related to the formation of shear band under most intermediate principal stress ratio conditions except for those which are close to the axi‐symmetric compression condition. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an elasto‐plastic model for unsaturated compacted soils and experimental results obtained from a series of suction‐controlled triaxial tests on unsaturated compacted clay with different initial densities. The initial density dependency of the compacted soil behaviour is modelled by establishing experimental relationships between the initial density and the corresponding yield stress and thereby between the initial density and the location and slope of normal compression line. The model is generalized to three‐dimensional stress states by assuming that the shapes of the failure surface and the yield surface in the deviatoric plane are given by the extended SMP criterion. A considerable number of the isotropic compression, triaxial compression and extension tests on unsaturated compacted clay with different initial densities were performed using a suction‐controllable triaxial apparatus, to measure the stress–strain–volume change in different stress paths and wetting paths. The model has well‐predicting capabilities to reproduce the mechanical behaviour of specimens compacted under different conditions not only in isotropic compression but also in triaxial compression and triaxial extension. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of the interactions between the nonlinear soil skeleton and the pore fluid under loading plays a vital role in many geotechnical applications. It is therefore important to develop a numerical method that can effectively capture this nonlinear soil‐pore fluid coupling effect. This paper presents the implementation of a new finite volume method code of poro‐elasto‐plasticity soil model. The model is formulated on the basis of Biot's consolidation theory and combined with a perfect plasticity Mohr‐Coulomb constitutive relation. The governing equation system is discretized in a segregated manner, namely, those conventional linear and uncoupled terms are treated implicitly, while those nonlinear and coupled terms are treated explicitly by using any available values from previous time or iteration step. The implicit–explicit discretization leads to a linearized and decoupled algebraic system, which is solved using the fixed‐point iteration method. Upon the convergence of the iterative method, fully nonlinear coupled solutions are obtained. Also explored in this paper is the special way of treating traction boundary in finite volume method compared with FEM. Finally, three numerical test cases are simulated to verify the implementation procedure. It is shown in the simulation results that the implemented solver is capable of and efficient at predicting reasonable soil responses with pore pressure coupling under different loading situations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents results of unsaturated slope stability analyses using elasto‐plastic finite elements in conjunction with a novel analytical formulation for the suction stress above the water table. The suction stress formula requires four parameters, three for the soil type and one for the steady infiltration (or evaporation) due to environmental effects. The suction stress approach enables the analysis to proceed in the context of classical effective stress, while maintaining the advantages of a general non‐linear finite element approach in which no advance assumptions need to be made about the shape or location of the critical failure surface. The results show the extent to which suctions above the water table can increase the factor of safety of a slope for a variety of different soil types and infiltration rates. All stability analyses that include the effects of suction stresses are contrasted with more traditional approaches in which water pressures above the water table are ignored. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nanyang expansive soil is investigated in its unsaturated state in this paper. The wetting–drying cycle tests of soil–water characteristics of Nanyang expansive soil have been performed in the laboratory. The test results show that the soil–water characteristic curve of the pre-load specimen can well reflect the soil property function of expansive soil. The strength features of the different suction states of the unsaturated expansive soil are also investigated. The hyperbolic model of the suction strength is presented and the parameters of this model are easily determined by tri-axial tests of unsaturated soils. The hyperbolic model is conveniently applied to predict suction strength of an unsaturated soil.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general coupling extended multiscale FEM (GCEMs) for solving the coupling problem of elasto‐plastic consolidation of heterogeneous saturated porous media. In the GCEMs, the numerical multiscale base functions for the solid skeleton and fluid phase of the coupling system are all constructed on the basis of the equivalent stiffness matrix of the unit cell, which not only contain the interaction between the solid and fluid phases but also consider the time effect. Furthermore, in order to improve the computational accuracy for two‐dimensional problems, a multi‐node coarse element strategy for the GCEMs is proposed, and a two‐scale iteration algorithm for the elasto‐plastic consolidation analysis is developed. Some one‐dimensional and two‐dimensional homogeneous and heterogeneous numerical examples are carried out to validate the proposed method through the comparison with the coupling multiscale FEM and standard FEM. Numerical results show that the newly developed GCEMs can almost preserve the same convergent property as the standard FEM and also possesses the advantages of high computational efficiency. In addition, the GCEMs can be easily applied to other coupling multifield and multiphase transient problems. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A computational method, incorporating the finite element model (FEM) into data assimilation using the particle filter, is presented for identifying elasto‐plastic material properties based on sequential measurements under the known changing traction boundary conditions to overcome some difficulties in identifying the parameters for elasto‐plastic problems from which the existing inverse analysis strategies have suffered. A soil–water coupled problem, which uses the elasto‐plastic constitutive model, is dealt with as the geotechnical application. Measured data on the settlement and the pore pressure are obtained from a synthetic FEM computation as the forward problem under the known parameters to be identified for both the element tests and the ground behavior during the embankment construction sequence. Parameter identification for elasto‐plastic problems, such as soil behavior, should be made by considering the measurements of deformation and/or pore pressure step by step from the initial stage of construction and throughout the deformation history under the changing traction boundary conditions because of the embankment or the excavation because the ground behavior is highly dependent on the loading history. Thus, it appears that sequential data assimilation techniques, such as the particle filter, are the preferable tools that can provide estimates of the state variables, that is, deformation, pore pressure, and unknown parameters, for the constitutive model in geotechnical practice. The present paper discusses the priority of the particle filter in its application to initial/boundary value problems for elasto‐plastic materials and demonstrates a couple of numerical examples. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Simple shear of deformable square objects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Finite element models of square objects in a contrasting matrix in simple shear show that the objects deform to a variety of shapes. For a range of viscosity contrasts, we catalogue the changing shapes and orientations of objects in progressive simple shear. At moderate simple shear (γ=1.5), the shapes are virtually indistinguishable from those in equivalent pure shear models with the same bulk strain (RS=4), examined in a previous study. In theory, differences would be expected, especially for very stiff objects or at very large strain. In all our simple shear models, relatively competent square objects become asymmetric barrel shapes with concave shortened edges, similar to some types of boudin. Incompetent objects develop shapes surprisingly similar to mica fish described in mylonites.  相似文献   

In general, pile materials are assumed to be isotropic during the analysis of the load–deflection response of piles under lateral loads. However, commonly used materials such as reinforced concrete and timber as well as potentially promising new pile materials such as fiber reinforced polymers are typically transversely isotropic materials. Experimental studies have shown that transversely isotropic materials have a high ratio of section longitudinal modulus to the section in‐plane shear modulus (Ezz/Gxz) compared to the value for isotropic materials. The high modulus ratio leads to a more significant shear deformation effect in beam bending. To account for the shear deformation effect, the Timoshenko Beam Theory has been adopted in deriving the solutions for the load–deflection response of transversely isotropic piles under lateral loads instead of the Classical (Euler–Bernoulli) Beam Theory. The load–deflection responses depend on the shear effect coefficient, the lateral soil resistance, the embedment ratio, and the boundary conditions. The deflection of the pile, if the shear deformation effect is considered, is always larger than if it is neglected. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A transversely isotropic linear elastic half‐space, z?0, with the isotropy axis parallel to the z‐axis is considered. The purpose of the paper is to determine displacements and stresses fields in the interior of the half‐space when a rigid circular disk of radius a completely bonded to the surface of the half‐space is rotated through a constant angle θ0. The region of the surface lying out with the circle r?a, is free from stresses. This problem is a type of Reissner–Sagoci mixed boundary value problems. Using cylindrical co‐ordinate system and applying Hankel integral transform in the radial direction, the problem may be changed to a system of dual integral equations. The solution of the dual integral equations is obtained by an approach analogous to Sneddon's (J. Appl. Phys. 1947; 18 :130–132), so that the circumferential displacement and stress fields inside the medium are obtained analytically. The same problem has already been approached by Hanson and Puja (J. Appl. Mech. 1997; 64 :692–694) by the use of integrating the point force potential functions. It is analytically proved that the present solution, although of a quite different form, is equivalent to that given by Hanson and Puja. To illustrate the solution, a few plots are provided. The displacements and the stresses in a soil deposit due to a rotationally symmetric force or boundary displacement may be obtained using the results of this paper. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an exact analytical solution to fully coupled axisymmetric consolidation of a semi‐infinite, transversely isotropic saturated soil subjected to a uniform circular loading at the ground surface. The analysis is under the framework of Biot's general theory of consolidation. First, the governing equations of consolidation are transformed into a set of equivalent partial differential equations with the introduction of two auxiliary variables. These partial differential equations are then solved using Hankel–Laplace integral transforms. Once solutions in the transformed domain have been obtained, the actual solutions in the physical domain for displacements and stress components of the solid matrix, pore‐water pressure and fluid discharge can be finally obtained by direct numerical inversion. The accuracy of the numerical solutions developed is confirmed by comparison with an existing exact solution for an isotropic and saturated soil that is a special case of the more general problem addressed. Numerical analyses are also presented to investigate the influence of the degree of material anisotropy on the consolidation settlement. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A direct time-domain numerical procedure is proposed to analyse the transient dynamic response of two-dimensional reservoir–dam–soil systems. The reservoir extends to infinity and the dam is supported by an unbounded soil. The structure with either linear or non-linear material properties is modelled by the Finite Element Method (FEM). The soil is assumed to be an elastic, isotropic and homogeneous half-space represented by a boundary condition in the form of generalized impedance determined by the transient Lamb's solution due to a uniformly distributed traction imposed on the free surface, Guan and Novak.1 Moreover, a technique is developed to include the influence of the reservoir on the dam in terms of nodal accelerations along their interface at different time steps. The advantages of the proposed procedure are obvious. For example, it avoids any additional discretization of the boundaries except the soil–dam interface, and the influence matrix of the fluid is obtained explicitly using shape functions defined at the upstream face of the dam without the finite analysis of the reservoir so that it works very efficiently. Numerical results for a system consisting of reservoir, elastic dam and foundation subjected to the San Fernando, 1971 earthquake ground motion are presented.  相似文献   

A numerical technique, based on a mathematical programming algorithm, is presented for the solution of geotechnical problems where elastic-plastic material behaviour is considered. The proposed approach can be adopted for geotechnical media characterized by any suitable yield condition, accounting, if necessary, for workhardening behaviour. The loading process is subdivided into a series of steps applied to a finite element mesh with geometry and material properties constant along each step, but with possible changes between subsequent steps. As an application some typical geotechnical problems are analysed by means of the proposed algorithm and a comparison is made between the available in situ measurements and the numerical results.  相似文献   

The well-known linear relation between the specific volume and the logarithm of the pressure for the isotropic consolidation has been widely incorporated into elastoplastic constitutive equations of soils. It is, however, indicated in this article that this relation has several physically unaccepted properties. Instead of this relation it is recommended to incorporate the linear relation between both logarithms of the volume and the pressure into constitutive equations, which does not have any of the unrealistic properties.  相似文献   

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