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Simultaneous estimation of effects of source, propagation path, and local site amplification was carried out using observed strong motion records in a frequency range from 0.8 to 20 Hz for the purpose of empirical evaluation of the local site effects in different geological conditions in the northwestern part of Turkey. The analyzed data are S-wave portions of 162 accelerograms from 39 shallow events observed at 14 sites of BYTNet array. A spectral separation method was applied to the observed S-wave spectra. The solutions for source spectra, inelasticity factor of propagation path for S-waves (Q s-value), and factor of site amplification at each site were obtained in a least squares sense. In the analysis, we assumed that the factor of the site amplification at a reference site is the same as that of theoretical amplification of S-waves to the soil model whose bottom layer has an S-wave velocity around 2.15 km/s. The estimated Q s-value of the propagation path is modeled as Q s(f)?=?87.4f0.78. The estimated site amplifications are characterized into three groups. The sites in the first group belong to rock site with no dominant peaks at a frequency range of 2 to 10 Hz. The second group of hard soil sites is characterized with moderately dominant peaks at a frequency of 5 Hz. The last group for soft soil sites has common peaks at a frequency of 4 Hz with larger amplitudes than those in the hard soil group. We, then, compare the amplifications with average S-wave velocity in top 30 m of the shallow S-wave profiles and proposed linear empirical formula between them at each frequency. We, furthermore, inverted the observed amplification factors into S-wave velocity and Q s-value profiles of the deep soil over the basement.  相似文献   

唐山响堂三维场地影响观测台阵   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1994年7月中国地震局工程力学研究所在唐山余震区响堂镇建成了我国第一个三维场地影响观测台阵。该台阵目前有四个测点,分别布设在基岩地表、土层地表、地下17m和地下32m处。它安装了分辨率为16位的井下数字观测系统,主机和从机同步运行,系统时钟采用Omega导航信号自动校对(精度1ms),地震数据采用固态方式(CMOS)存储,每个测点均布设一组 量力平衡式加速度计。该台阵自投入运行至1997年12月  相似文献   

吉林省地震监测台网自数字化观测以来,地震监测能力和速报速度明显提高,但东部的延边地区测震台网密度仍相对偏低。为了进一步提升该区地震监测能力,中国地震局拟在吉林省延边州龙井市建设1个地震台阵,采用圆形阵列方式布设,孔径设为3 km,由9个子台组成。通过图上勘选、宏观勘选、仪器勘选,最终确定9个台点的具体位置,并给出布台方案,为今后实地建设台站打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

Site effects for 11 selected locations were determined in the capital city of Costa Rica. We used a strong motion network made of eight K2 and three SSA accelerographs. The network recorded more than 60 earthquakes in the magnitude range from 2 to 5 during a period of nine months. The site effects were determined using the sediment-to-bedrock spectral ratio (SBSR) and the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) techniques and a time window 4 s beginning from the S-wave arrival. The result suggests that the amplification in the capital city is to be in the range from 2.0 to 3.0. The fundamental frequencies were found to be high in the southern and eastern part of the study area and low in the northern and western part. A possible topographic effect was also observed for one of the stations located nearby a river canyon. The results from earthquake data were compared with the ones obtained from noise data. The horizontal-to-vertical noise ratio (HVNR) technique was used to estimate the site effects using ambient noise. The fundamental frequencies were found to correlate very well between both sets of data; on the other hand, the amplitude given by the noise was observed to be always lower than the one derived from the earthquake data.  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型的数字强震仪(GDQJ-2型数字强震仪),该强震仪以其独特的结构原理和技术性能, 在强震观测、大坝安全监测等地震领域得到广泛的应用.介绍了大坝安全监测的重要意义以及安全监测设备中地震监测设备的进展,介绍了GDQJ-2型数字强震仪的结构原理、技术指标以及在大坝安全监测中的应用,为大坝安全规范设计提出直接依据.  相似文献   

2020年10月22日11时03分37秒四川省绵阳市北川县发生MS4.7地震,四川强震动台网与预警烈度速报台网在震区建成较密集的台站,获取了532组三分量加速度记录,有助于开展区域地震动衰减和地震动特征研究.本文对强震记录进行常规处理后计算出强震动记录的相关参数,利用克里金插值方法得到地震动峰值加速度PGA和峰值速度PGV的空间分布图,长轴呈北西—南东方向.分析强震动记录PGA、PGV随距离的衰减规律,与常用衰减关系预测值进行对比,此次地震PGA的衰减特性与俞言祥和汪素云(2006)提出的中国西部地区水平向基岩加速度衰减关系有较好的一致性.北川MS4.7地震获得的密集强震动记录为建立区域衰减关系,以及开展基于经验格林函数方法(EGFM)再现大震强地震动场展布等研究提供了重要的数据支撑.  相似文献   

为填补大别山区次声观测空白,设计并建设了大别山试验场次声台阵。台阵包含6个观测点,呈五边形分布。台阵供电采用太阳能系统,通信系统基于VPN系统架构,实现了数据的实时自动传输和FTP传输功能。台阵记录到了附近雷电事件及其变化规律,表明该次声台阵数据具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

本文简要回顾了以往地震预报实验场的经验教训,讨论了新一代地震预报实验场的实施策略。汲取汶川地震的经验启示,本文提出"地震博弈"策略,即考虑中长期地震预测的可用性与不确定性,在监测与实验系统设计中考虑地震活动和地震构造相依的区域模型。对于特定的活动断裂或活动地块边界带的潜在强震段落,设置适应多种孕震模型的"想定地震破裂",针对地震孕育的"想定模式"设计观测项目和监测系统。这一系统以地震成因和孕震模型的有效约束、"预期"前兆的有效监测、预测/预报效能的有效检验为导向。从技术角度,本文提出将地震预报实验场作为一个"大科学工程",强调复杂的多层次、多组分技术系统性能的稳健性,以及为确保与地震有效的"近距离接触"的系统可持续性。  相似文献   

2009年姚安mS6.0强震动应急观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了2009年姚安Ms6.0地震强震动应急流动观测台站的布设、记录获取及初步处理结果等情况,并对此次地震余震的高加速度峰值、低地震烈度等有关问题予以讨论,结果认为:场地条件对地面地震动峰值影响较大;高地震动峰值的相对持时短是此次4.7级余震震害轻的主要原因.  相似文献   

The new accelerographic network of Santa Fe de Bogotá is composed of 29 three-component stations with sensors at the surface and three additional six-component borehole stations with three sensors at the surface and three at depth (115, 126 and 184 m). In total, 32 stations have been operative in the metropolitan area of Bogotá since 1999. During this period of time, a significant number of weak motion are recorded and used for a preliminary analysis of local site effects. Using the SH-wave response spectra we verify the behavior of the different seismic zones proposed by the previous microzonation study of the city. A comparison between normalized SH-wave response spectra and the normalized design spectra for each zone clearly depicts that parts of the design spectra should be revised, as well as the boundaries between different zones may require some changes. The spectral amplification levels reach up to a factor of 5. The predominant periods obtained by the amplification spectra in different stations in the city, show variability from 0.3 to 3.0 s. A comparison is also made between the predominant periods obtained using H/V spectral ratios of microtremors and those using weak motion. In general, microtremors tend to predict slightly lower values of dominant periods than those calculated by the weak motion spectra. However, there is a general correlation between the two data sets. Using the data recorded by one of the borehole station, an equivalent linear seismic response analysis was conducted. The modeled and recorded response spectra show similarities in period peaks, however, the modeled soil amplification is underestimated for periods less than 0.8 s. Since the available record is weak motion which represents mostly the linear response of the soils, further analysis is required.  相似文献   

通常认为,成层介质中P波和SV波互相转化、耦合交织而不可以解耦得到单独的P和SV波入射场.针对钻井台阵的两处三分量加速度记录,根据反向方位角将两水平分量分解为径向水平分量和横向水平分量,假设横向水平分量由SH波系组成,竖向分量和径向分水平量由P-SV波系组成.本文提出在频域内解联立方程组的方法,并结合遗传算法-单纯形法混合优化策略,对P-SV耦合场包括SH波系进行了联合剥离反演,最终得到了基岩斜入射P、SV和SH波.最后,通过场地条件差别较大的另一附近钻井台站的联合反演结果,初步验证了其合理性.该项研究对于断层特征和震相特性研究、近地表“软”基岩或土层介质参数研究、场地效应的细致评价具有一定意义.  相似文献   

强震记录对于地震科学研究、抗震设计理论、政府救灾决策非常重要。由于数字强震仪的线道和极性与出厂标称值不一致的情况不在少数,本文提出了一个集测定、纠正、存档为一体的现场安装工作方法。它简单、准确,其工作增量也减少到相当于1次2分钟的脉动测试。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the site characterization of the Senirkent Basin(Isparta) by using the microtremor(H/V) and surface wave analysis(ReMi) methods. Senirkent district, which is located on the foothill of the Kap? Mountain, are prone to seismic and landslide hazards. After the last landslip disaster(1995), the city has continued to develop on the alluvial basin. The microtremor data collected at 41 stations were analyzed. The predominant frequency and the amplification of the soil were found to be in the range of 1.8–6.6 Hz and 0.8–6.8, respectively. These are 4.0-6.8 Hz and 1-2.5 around the slope of the Kap? Mountain and 0.8-3.6 Hz and 3.0-6.6 at alluvium deposits of the valley. The ReMi data collected along 41 profiles were analyzed to obtain a V_(s30) map. The soil classifications were done by using V_(s30) values according to NEHRP soil classification criteria. The results showed that the southern area of the study had better soil conditions with V_(s30) between 360-1160 m/s and soil class between C and B. The alluvium deposits on the north are relatively low with V_(s30) in the range of 260-360 m/s and soil class D.  相似文献   

“十五”期间,四川强震台网将达到211个子台的规模。若仅按强震观测最基本的技术目标,用足够长的时间收集足够多的强震记录为抗震设计理论服务,显然未能尽其投资潜力。为此,我们将中国地震局工程力学研究所固化在该所GDQJ-1A数字强震仪内的烈度模式识别算法提取到台网中心计算机的后台,使“十五”建设采用的所有强震仪均“升级”成为可以现场测定地震烈度的设备。本文以2005年1月5日马尔康日部5.0级地震为例,展开强震台网的烈度测定和震灾快速评估。  相似文献   

地震台阵对2010 M8.8智利地震 破裂过程的直接成像   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对2010年2月27日智利近海发生的M8.8级巨震,本文反向投影美国地震台网宽频带台站记录到的远震P波辐射能量,得到地震破裂前缘随时间的变化关系.图像表明,智利M8.8级强震破裂过程是一次不均匀的双向破裂过程,整个破裂过程持续了近150 s,破裂尺度跨越震中南端80 km,北北东向上近200 km.  相似文献   

因其简便、经济的独特优势,地脉动台阵方法在场地剪切波速结构探测中得到了广泛应用.为了兼顾探测深度和探测精细程度,地脉动方法通常需要布设多个不同尺寸的台阵.传统的有线测试系统极大地影响了地脉动台阵的现场布设和工作效率.文中介绍了一种地脉动无线测试系统和现场测试方法.该系统采用了无线控制加固态记录方案,在中心观测点无线控制采集系统的开始、结束采集、保存和传输地脉动采集数据号,极大地降低了现场地脉动台阵测试的工作强度、提高了测试效率.在一实际工程场地进行的应用表明,利用该系统采集的地脉动台阵数据提取的瑞利波频散曲线和反演的场地剪切波速结构有较高的精度.  相似文献   

农业是人类与环境联系最为紧密、互动最为频繁的领域之一,也是人类社会最为基础的经济部门.研究特定区域的居民如何选择其作物组合,对于探索早期社会经济基础和人类、环境与生物三者之间的互动关系都至关重要.本文选取位于我国自然地理南北过渡带的河南漯河郝家台遗址,从出土植物大遗存分析入手,揭示了当地在龙山文化至新砦期一直保持着以粟...  相似文献   

通过对甘肃西山坪遗址剖面进行磁化率、粒度、元素以及C/N等参数分析,初步探讨西山坪遗址区域古环境演变以及先民活动特征.各指标参数研究结果表明:西山坪遗址沉积物源主要来自黄土高原风成沉积,环境演变特征主要分为3个研究阶段,在其时间序列上,环境演变呈现中全新世中晚期环境干凉化特征.在此气候环境条件下,先民活动进一步发展,尤...  相似文献   

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