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目前,非饱和土的工程性质已成为岩土工程界研究的热点问题,而非饱和土的抗剪强度的研究对土的工程性质尤为重要。笔者总结了4种用土-水特征曲线预测非饱和土的抗剪强度的公式,用5个Bar的压力板仪测得了马家沟Ⅰ号滑坡体上土体的土-水特征曲线,并采用MATLAB软件,利用Van Genuchten模型对试验数据进行拟合;用国际先进的GDS非饱和反压剪切仪对控制基质吸力为50kPa和100kPa的非饱和土进行直剪试验,得到了相应的抗剪强度。用土-水特征曲线对非饱和土抗剪强度的4种预测值与试验结果进行对比分析,验证各预测公式的准确性,总结其优缺点。最后得出Fredlund预测公式的准确性最高,黄润秋预测公式最为简单易行。  相似文献   

不同初始孔隙比下非饱和黏土渗透性试验研究及模型预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同初始孔隙比下非饱和土渗透系数的试验测量及预测,是进行非饱和土渗流分析及水-力耦合研究的基础,相关工作具有重要的意义。以湖南邵阳红黏土为例,利用千斤顶制备5种不同初始孔隙密度塑土样;采用压力板仪测量其土-水特征曲线;选用变水头法测量其饱和渗透系数;自制有机玻璃桶试验装置,采用瞬态剖面法进行非饱和渗透试验,测量不同初始孔隙比土样的非饱和渗透系数。选用CCG(Childs和Collis-George)修正模型和陶-孔模型预测非饱和渗透系数,并与实测值进行比较,验证模型有效性。以上述试验及模型预测的成果为基础,研究初始孔隙比对非饱和(相对)渗透系数的影响规律。研究结果表明:湖南非饱和黏性土渗透系数随基质吸力增加而降低,在低基质吸力阶段(100 k Pa以内)变化较为剧烈,在高基质吸力阶段(100 kPa以上)变化较为缓慢;CCG模型预测误差较大,陶-孔模型预测值与实测值总体吻合较好;进气值之后,初始孔隙比对非饱和渗透系数的影响较小,对非饱和相对渗透系数的影响较大,相同基质吸力条件下初始孔隙比越小,相对渗透系数越大。  相似文献   

基于一种新强度理论的非饱和土边坡稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非饱和土强度及其边坡稳定性一直是工程界和理论界的一个重要课题。Bishop和Fredlund提出的抗剪强度公式虽被广泛接受,但应用工程仍存诸多不便。针对于此,作者提出了一种有效应力与土水特征曲线发展成的一种新的非饱和土强度公式。该公式不需多组的非饱和土剪切试验,便于工程应用。基于此强度公式,采用VB语言,结合Bishop法,编写了非饱和土边坡稳定性的计算程序,讨论了强度分层的影响,还分析了裂隙对非饱和土边坡稳定性的影响。研究结果表明,对于膨胀土边坡,强度的分层是合理的,也是必要的。  相似文献   

非饱和土土-水特征曲线和结构强度理论   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
黄义  张引科 《岩土力学》2002,23(3):268-271,277
本文从非饮和土中微观孔隙中分离规律出发,考虑到土孔隙内收缩膜对非饱和土剪切强度的影响,推导出了非饱和土土水特征曲线方程和结构强度公式。这不仅揭示了两者的内在联系,而且使它们有了统一的理论基础。这些公式既与试验测量结果相符,又便于实际应用。  相似文献   

以弱膨胀土为试验材料,开展了宽广吸力范围内非饱和土的持水和强度特性试验研究,并提出适用于宽广吸力范围的非饱和土强度模型。结果表明,在广吸力范围内,应力-应变曲线随吸力增加而增高,在低吸力范围呈现应变硬化,在高吸力范围呈现应变软化。低吸力范围,试样呈现剪缩变形;高吸力范围,试样在轴向应变2%处开始呈现剪胀趋势。此外,提出一种区分吸附水和毛细水的土-水特征曲线模型,并假设吸力引起的强度增强部分主要由毛细水决定。将有效应力系数用毛细水饱和度替代,并代入Bishop非饱和土强度公式,利用不同类型土剪切强度的实测数据和文献中剪切强度模型对比,表明该强度模型可以很好地描述宽广吸力范围内的非饱和土强度。  相似文献   

陈伟  孔令伟  郭爱国  陈建斌 《岩土力学》2008,29(7):1783-1787
对部分应用土-水特征曲线来预测非饱和土抗剪强度的公式进行了归纳分析。应用压力板仪与非饱和三轴仪,测试了荆门原状弱膨胀土的土-水特征曲线和控制吸力的非饱和三轴抗剪强度参数,并将试验结果与各抗剪强度公式的预测值进行对比,分析了各强度公式的局限性。试验结果表明,非饱和原状膨胀土的净法向应力摩擦角随着吸力的不同而变化,根据双应力变量理论确定的吸力对强度的贡献与围压有关,不同围压下吸力对强度的贡献不同,表观凝聚力 与吸力间符合乘幂函数关系。  相似文献   

郑国锋  郭晓霞  邵龙潭 《岩土力学》2019,40(4):1441-1448
考虑体变对非饱和土土-水状态的影响,将状态曲面函数引入传统的Vanapalli强度公式得到与孔隙比相关的抗剪强度准则,新准则使用饱和土的强度参数和两条不同孔隙比对应的土-水特征曲线。选择一种尾矿砂和高岭土的混合土料为研究对象,进行一系列的土-水特征曲线试验、吸力控制的等向压缩和三轴剪切试验。试验结果表明,新准则能更准确地预测非饱和土的强度,证明了传统强度预测的误差主要来源于忽略了体变导致的土-水状态变化,并提出在不同应力空间内精确地获得抗剪强度包线的方法,合理地解释了强度包线斜率在净应力-强度平面内随吸力增大、强度包线形状在吸力-强度平面内随净应力发生变化的特性。  相似文献   

非饱和重塑黏土渗透性试验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
高凌霞  栾茂田  杨庆  汪东林 《岩土力学》2008,29(8):2267-2270
工程中常常遇到非饱和土渗流问题,其渗透性是非饱和土的重要研究内容。采用常规压力板仪详细研究了重塑黏土在3种不同击实功和5种不同击实含水率下的土-水特征曲线,并用变水头法测量了相应的饱和土渗透系数。结合土水曲线和饱和渗透系数,基于Van Genuchten模型和Fredlund模型,详细探讨了重塑非饱和重塑黏土在不同击实条件下的渗透性。结果表明,土样饱和渗透系数随着击实含水率的增大而减小,且随着基质吸力的增大土样渗透性差别逐渐减小。当试样吸力达到1 MPa时,可认为不同击实含水率下试样的渗透性基本相同;在轻型击实和简化轻型击实下,试样渗透性很相似。重型击实功下试样的渗透系数和轻型击实下土样渗透系数的比值 随着吸力的增大而逐渐增大,在饱和状态时比值约为1/100,当吸力达到1 MPa时比值逐渐稳定在1/10右。  相似文献   

基质吸力对非饱和土抗剪强度的影响   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
林鸿州  李广信  于玉贞  吕禾 《岩土力学》2007,28(9):1931-1938
在自然界和工程实践中遇到的土大多数是非饱和土,研究吸力对非饱和土抗剪强度的作用,对于工程实践具有重要的意义。通过压力板仪和直剪仪组合试验,探讨了击实土抗剪强度和基质吸力的关系。试验结果表明:凝聚力在饱和度为40%-60%时最大,而内摩擦角则随饱和度增加而有所减少。进一步对比土-水特征曲线与抗剪强度的关系,并整合前人研究成果,指出了非饱和土中吸力对其抗剪强度影响的规律。对于无黏性土,在边界效应区不产生假凝聚力,且内摩擦角不变;在过渡区与非饱和残余区,假凝聚力和基质吸力的关系存在峰值且变化较大,内摩擦角则随吸力增加而增加。对于黏性土,残余体积含水率所对应的最小吸力可能是影响抗剪强度的界限值,小于此吸力值,φb可近似为常数。但在非饱和残余区,凝聚力将随土状态路径的不同而变化。对于重塑土,凝聚力降低;而对于原状土,则凝聚力可能不变或增加。  相似文献   

非饱和土土水特征曲线(SWCC)测试与预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
非饱和土土水特征曲线(SWCC)表示了土中含水量与吸力之间的关系。文章介绍了6种常用方法,各有其适用范围。体积压力板仪可量测最大基质吸力值为1500kPa的干燥曲线和浸湿曲线;超过1500kPa时,可用盐溶液法进行量测;Tem-ple仪可量测基质吸力达100kPa的干燥曲线;滤纸法可用于测量土体的基质吸力与总吸力;Dew-point电位计可用于量测土样总吸力变化,尤其适合渗透吸力的量测;TDR探头适合于量测小于300kPa的基质吸力。用GDS非饱和土三轴仪可以进行SWCC测试,测试范围主要取决于陶土板的进气值。用准确的数学模型对测得的含水量、吸力数据进行拟合,对于预测非饱和土力学性质、渗透系数、抗剪强度及分析边坡稳定性有重要意义。由于准确测试SWCC难度较大,并且测试影响因素较多,所以根据土体孔隙大小分布和颗粒大小分布情况预测SWCC,也是一种较好的方法。  相似文献   

Most previous studies and applications of electrochemical stabilization of soils through electroosmosis have been made on clayey soils. The object of this investigation was to find out if relatively small amounts of clay (1.5%–3.5%, by weight) present in a sandy soil would be enough for stabilization and strengthening to be possible. The results indicate increases of cohesion of the order of 100–200 lb./sq.ft. X-ray analyses of treated soils indicate that sheet structures of clays are reduced and silicates destroyed upon treatment by electroosmosis. Newly-formed minerals also cement the soil. These neoformations include gibbsite, limonite, calcite, hydrohematite, hydrogoethite (hydrolepidocrocite), hisingerite, allophane, allophanoid, gypsum, hematite, magnetite, nontronite, trona and natron (Na2 CO3, 10H2O). The process seems to be irreversible.  相似文献   

Coupled theory of mixtures for clayey soils   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this work, elasto-plastic coupled equations are formulated in order to describe the time-dependent deformation of saturated cohesive soils (two-phase state). Formulation of these equations is based on the principle of virtual work and the theory of mixtures for inelastic porous media. The theory of mixtures for a linear elastic porous skeleton was first developed by Biot (Theory of elasticity and consolidation for a porous anisotropic solid, Journal of Applied Physics, 1955, 26, 188–185). An extension of Biot's theory into a nonlinear inelastic media was performed by Prevost (Mechanics of continuous porous media, International Journal of Engineering Science, 1980, 18, 787–800). The saturated soil is considered as a mixture of two deformable media, the solid grains and the water. Each medium is regarded as a continuum and follows its own motion. The flow of pore-water through the voids is assumed to follow Darcy's law. The coupled equations are developed for large deformations with finite strains in an updated Lagrangian reference frame. The coupled behavior of the two-phase materials (soil-water state) is implemented in a finite element program. A modified Cam-clay model is adopted and implemented in the finite element program in order to describe the plastic behavior of clayey soils. Penetration of a piezocone penetrometer in soil is numerically simulated and implemented into a finite element program. The piezocone penetrometer is assumed to be infinitely stiff. The continuous penetration of the cone is simulated by applying an incremental vertical movement of the cone tip boundary. Results of the finite element numerical simulation are compared with experimental measurements conducted at Louisiana State University using the calibration chamber. The numerical simulation is carried out for two cases. In the first case, the interface friction between the soil and the piezocone penetrometer is neglected. In the second case, interface friction is assumed between the soil and the piezocone. The results of the numerical simulations are compared with experimental laboratory measurements.  相似文献   

Bhat  Deepak R.  Bhandary  N. P.  Yatabe  R. 《Natural Hazards》2013,65(3):2161-2173
There are few places in the world to monitor aseismic creep. One of them is the Ismetpasa segment of the North Anatolian Fault. The observations in the Ismetpasa showed that the creep rate progressively decreased along the 40 years before the 1999 Kocaeli-Golcuk (Mw = 7.6) earthquake and then started increasing. This phenomenon might be a systematic of the creeping segments. If it is the case, this behavior can be utilized for early warning before the expected major earthquake in the Marmara Sea. In this study, the creep rate of the segment has been studied by GPS and InSAR technologies. The results showed that the rate has decreased to 1.3 cm a year. This result might be an indication of stress starting increase. If the segment retains the decreasing trend and it is ceased by a major earthquake, it would be a proof of the relationship between the creep process and the earthquakes. Then, the creep process might be utilized for early warning.  相似文献   

This paper describes the main findings of a laboratory study on the mechanical behaviour of cemented geologically normally consolidated lacustrine clayey soils from two sites, Bacinetto (BA) and Avezzano (AZ), in the Fucino basin (Italy). One-dimensional and triaxial compression tests were carried out in order to investigate the effects of the presence and of the progressive degradation of the interparticle cementation bonds. The two tested soils showed quite different physical and mechanical properties, the more apparent ones being plasticity and yield stress values. The experimental results allowed the gross yield curves and the critical state conditions to be identified for both soils (BA clay and AZ silt). A number of typical features generally exhibited by cemented soils were clearly apparent: yield stresses greater than the in situ stress states, both soils being geologically normally consolidated; high values of compressibility index after yielding, which gradually reduce with increasingly applied stresses; strength reductions associated with a globally contractive behaviour. A convenient normalisation of the experimental results, in which the critical state conditions are assumed as a reference state, allowed the effects of cementation bonds and of their progressive degradation to be highlighted. In particular, BA samples were found to be characterised by different structures related to different degrees of cementation. Furthermore, despite the larger values of the yielding stresses exhibited by AZ silt, stronger effects of cementation are apparent in BA soil. Experimental results seem to indicate that at high values of the applied stress and strain paths, when bonds are largely damaged, the structures of the natural and parent reconstituted BA soil continue to be different.  相似文献   

It is shown that time compression curve obtained from one-dimensional consolidation curve in the laboratory may include six phases. These are initial compression, first primary compression, transition from first primary compression to second primary compression, second primary compression, and transition from second primary compression to creep and lastly creep. This paper attempts to identify the quantitative beginnings and characteristics of these phases. A mathematical characteristic of all the soils that follow primary consolidation as per Terzaghi’s one dimensional consolidation theory is derived. It is known as the constant of primary consolidation. It is used to study the beginning of secondary consolidation and its effects on primary consolidation. Another characteristic of soils for creep and total absence of primary compression is derived. Methods are suggested for the determination of coefficients of Primary and Secondary consolidations and the compression index.  相似文献   

The liquefaction of clayey soils under cyclic loading   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper seeks to investigate the liquefaction of clayey soils, a phenomenon that has been the trigger for many natural disasters in the last few decades, including landslides. Research was conducted on artificial clay-sand mixtures and natural clayey soils collected from the sliding surfaces of earthquake-induced landslides. The undrained response of normally consolidated clayey soils to cyclic loading was studied by means of a ring-shear apparatus. For the artificial clay-sand mixtures, it was found that the presence of a small amount of bentonite (≤ 7%) would cause rapid liquefaction, while a further increase in bentonite content (≥ 11%) produced the opposite effect of raising soil resistance to liquefaction by a significant degree. It was demonstrated that the bentonite-sand mixture was considerably more resistant to liquefaction than the kaolin-, and illite-mixtures, given the same clay content. The test results of plastic soils revealed the significant influence of plasticity on the liquefaction resistance of soil. The microfabric of clayey soil was investigated by means of a scanning electron microscope. The analysis showed that the liquefaction potential of soil was strongly related to certain particle arrangements. For example, soil vulnerable to liquefaction had an open microfabric in which clay aggregations generally gathered at the sand particle contact points, forming low-strength “clay bridges” that were destroyed easily during cyclic loading. On the other hand, the microfabric of soil that was resistant to liquefaction appeared to be more compact, with the clay producing a matrix that prevented sand grains from liquefying. In the case of the natural soils, the obtained results indicated that their cyclic behavior was similarly influenced by factors such as clay content, clay mineralogy and plasticity. The relation between the liquefaction potential of natural soil and its microfabric was thus also established. On the basis of the obtained results, the authors posited an explanation on the mechanism of liquefaction for clayey soil.  相似文献   

Water repellency in oil contaminated sandy and clayey soils   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Two sites from a humid tropical environment were studied with respect to soil water repellency caused by hydrocarbon contamination. Samples were analyzed for water repellency (molarity ethanol droplet method), total petroleum hydrocarbons, acute toxicity (Microtox) and field capacity. At both sites, water absorption times were logarithmically related to the molarity ethanol drop value (R > 0.95). In a sandy soil collected from an old separation battery which had been bioremediated, field capacity was strongly related to hydrocarbon concentration (R = 0.998); and at 10,000 mg/kg the calculated field capacity was only 75 % of the baseline. Water repellency was related to hydrocarbon concentration asymptotically and plant growth limiting values (severity > 3.0) were observed at low concentrations (2,400 mg/kg), even though toxicity was at, or below background levels. Bioremediated soil at this site had hydrocarbon concentrations only 1,300 ppm above background, but had extreme water repellency (severity = 4.6–4.7). Soil water repellency was also measured in a clayey, organic rich floodable soil, in a multiple pipeline right-of-way colonized by water tolerant pasture and cattails. Water repellency was associated with total petroleum hydrocarbon concentration (R = 0.962), but was not related to field capacity or toxicity. In this low-lying site, the water repellency observed in the laboratory is probably not representative of field conditions: samples taken at the end of the ten week dry season (and only four days before the first rains) showed ample moisture (> 80 % field capacity).  相似文献   

Crack patterns in clayey soils: Experiments and modeling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents an experimental and numerical study to investigate the behavior of desiccated clayey soils. The performed tests permit to evaluate the crack pattern as well as the tensile strength as a function of suction. A new model that relates the porosity evolution to the suction and to the tensile strength was developed and implemented in the finite element program CODE_BRIGHT. The proposed model captured the initiation and propagation of cracks in a thin layer of desiccated clay and predicted crack patterns in terms of the Minkowski densities (i.e. average crack length and crack intensity factor). The effect of the heterogeneity of the tested specimens, modeled by random clusters, was also quantified. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary A programme of residual shear strength testing has been undertaken on a number of Hellenic soil types: Marls, Clays and Flysch. The residual strength was determined using the Bromhead ring shear aparatus. For the applied normal stress range the residual strength envelope was straight and the resultant residual friction angle values are correlated with the index properties, such as Atterberg limits and grain-size distribution. The influence of mineralogy on the residual friction angle is also considered.  相似文献   

Flow-like landslides in clayey soils represent serious threats for populations and infrastructures and have been the subject of numerous studies in the past decade. However, despite the rising need for landslide mitigation with growing urbanization, the transient mechanisms involved in the solid-fluid transition are still poorly understood. One way of characterizing the solid-fluid transition is to carry out rheometrical tests on clayey soil samples to assess the evolution of viscosity with the shear stress. In this study, we carried out geotechnical and rheometrical tests on clayey samples collected from six flow-like landslides in order to assess if these clayey soils exhibit similar characteristics when they fluidize (solid-fluid transition). The results show that (1) all tested soils except one exhibit a yield-stress fluid behavior that can be associated with a bifurcation in viscosity (described by the critical shear rate \( \dot{\gamma_c} \)) and in shear modulus G; (2) the larger the amplitude of the viscosity bifurcation, the larger the associated drop in G; and (3) the water content (w) deviation from the Atterberg liquid limit (LL) seem a key parameter controlling a common mechanical behavior of these soils at the solid-fluid transition. We propose exponential laws describing the evolution of the critical shear stress τc, the critical shear rate \( \dot{\gamma_c} \), and the shear modulus G as a function of the deviation w-LL.  相似文献   

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