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2008年3月20-22日,东亚VLBI研讨会(East Asia VLBI Workshop)在中国科学院上海天文台召开.共76位代表注册参加了会议,他们分别来自澳大利亚(1人)、韩国(10人)、日本(19人)和中国(46人).  相似文献   

The magnetic field is one of the most important parameters in solar physics,and a polarimeter is the key device to measure the solar magnetic field.Liquid crystals based Stokes polarimeter is a novel technology,and will be applied for magnetic field measurement in the first space-based solar observatory satellite developed by China,Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory.However,the liquid crystals based Stokes polarimeter in space is not a mature technology.Therefore,it is of great scientific significance to study the control method and characteristics of the device.The retardation produced by a liquid crystal variable retarder is sensitive to the temperature,and the retardation changes 0.09°per 0.10℃.The error in polarization measurement caused by this change is 0.016,which affects the accuracy of magnetic field measurement.In order to ensure the stability of its performance,this paper proposes a high-precision temperature control system for liquid crystals based Stokes polarimeter in space.In order to optimize the structure design and temperature control system,the temperature field of liquid crystals based Stokes polarimeter is analyzed by the finite element method,and the influence of light on the temperature field of the liquid crystal variable retarder is analyzed theoretically.By analyzing the principle of highprecision temperature measurement in space,a high-precision temperature measurement circuit based on integrated operational amplifier,programmable amplifier and 12 bit A/D is designed,and a high-precision space temperature control system is developed by applying the integral separation PI temperature control algorithm and PWM driving heating films.The experimental results show that the effect of temperature control is accurate and stable,whenever the liquid crystals based Stokes polarimeter is either in the air or vacuum.The temperature stability is within±0.0150℃,which demonstrates greatly improved stability for the liquid crystals based Stokes polarimeter.  相似文献   

At present, optical autonomous navigation has become a key technologyin deep space exploration programs. Recent studies focus on the problem of orbit de-termination using autonomous navigation, and the choice of filter is one of the mainissues. To prepare for a possible exploration mission to Mars, the primary emphasisof this paper is to evaluate the capability of three filters, the extended Kalman filter(EKF), unscented Kalman filter (UKF) and weighted least-squares (WLS) algorithm,which have different initial states during the cruise phase. One initial state is assumedto have high accuracy with the support of ground tracking when autonomous navi-gation is operating; for the other state, errors are set to be large without this support.In addition, the method of selecting asteroids that can be used for navigation fromknown lists of asteroids to form a sequence is also presented in this study. The simula-tion results show that WLS and UKF should be the first choice for optical autonomousnavigation during the cruise phase to Mars.  相似文献   

根据DSX体系的后牛顿近似理论,直接由Lagrange方程导出了轴对称稳态时空中光子的二阶后牛顿轨迹方程,并求得在赤道平面内传播的光线偏转角.在可测量精度范围内,得到的结论与Schwarzschild和Kerr度规下的情况相吻合.  相似文献   

地基GPS网是监测电离层总电子含量(TEC)的有效手段之一,本文基于上海综合GPS应用网建立了高时空分辨率(0.5h×0.1°×0.1°)的垂直TEC格网模型,用于实时地监测该地区上空电离层TEC变化.该模型每30min给出一幅电离层TEC图,详细地反映了区域电离层分布和变化情况,并可用于实时地改正该地区单频GPS接收机的电离层延迟.  相似文献   

将不同波段的星表、特别是巡天项目产生的大型星表进行交叉证认,一直是进行多波段天文学研究,尤其是数据挖掘、统计分析研究的瓶颈.本文开发和实现了一个不依赖于特定数据库的海量星表融合系统(简称为XMaS_VO),用户能够方便地使用此系统的服务进行星表的上传及自动入库、交叉证认等工作.此外,XMaS_VO具备可移植性,如果用户需要进行很大数量的或者大型星表的交叉证认服务,可以自己建立数据库,方便地将此工具移植到自己的服务器上,自己使用或者开放服务给他人.随着该系统的进一步发展和应用.天文学家将可以轻松自如地获得他们需要的多波段融合数据,自由地选取参数和匹配的结果.从而可以更加有效地从事海量数据处理和分析工作.  相似文献   

空间望远镜的研制一直要求系统的轻量化,美国宇航局(NASA)最近研制的韦伯太空望远镜,其主镜系统面密度相对于哈勃空间望远镜已大幅减轻.在韦伯望远镜主镜系统的研制过程中,NASA开展了一系列关于超轻量镜面系统的验证计划,多家机构拿出多个方案参与竞标.本文选取几个比较典型的方案,介绍这些镜面系统的设计思想、结构、材料、加工以及相关测试结果,期望能对国内相关方面的工作提供参考.  相似文献   

针对前身星模型Ws15M⊙,采用程序WLYW89数值模拟了超新星瞬时爆发过程;数值结果表明,在不增大压强的前提下,适当调节坍缩和反弹阶段的压强梯度,超新星瞬时爆发是可以获得成功的.在有限的引力释放能量的情况下,压强梯度的调整增加了对流传能机制,可以缩短瞬时爆发所用的时间,提高爆发能量,使得瞬时强爆炸能够成功.  相似文献   

黑洞也可以蒸发天文学的发展遵循着一条规律:观测、理论、再观测、再理论……这大概也是任何一门自然科学的发展规律,只不过天文学表现得更为突出,而在漫长的发展过程中,观测又始终是天文科学的真谛。因此,天文学又被称为是一门观测的科学。黑洞的观测证据越来越丰富,黑洞对宇宙的威胁也越来越严重。理论天文学家必须出来释疑,让黑洞不仅能吃进去,还要吐出来。吐出来的困难在于黑洞的引力太强,在黑洞的视  相似文献   

一种扩大FAST视场的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所有的大口径射电望远镜都存在这样一个问题:在其分辨率和灵敏度提高的同时,视场变小.而且口径越大,视场越小.这成为大口径望远镜不可回避的矛盾.要解决这个矛盾,可以在望远镜的焦平面上放置Ⅳ个分立馈源.让它们同时工作,这样可以看作把视场扩大了Ⅳ倍.望远镜的工作效率提高Ⅳ倍.但是这样做的缺点是——视场不连续.且馈源数目Ⅳ受到望远镜焦比(F/D)的限制.采用致密焦面阵(dense focal plane array)就可以很好地解决这个问题.致密焦面阵的单元不是喇叭口天线,而是无方向性的Vivaldi天线(Vivaldi antenna).要把Vivaldi阵列应用到望远镜上,需要对单个Vivaldi天线和Vivaldi阵列的电性能有清楚的认识,并能根据需要来设计照明方向图.还要知道大望远镜的焦面上电磁场的分布情况,借此判断能否应用Vivaldi阵列,以及给出Vivaldi单元的分路赋权网络.主要给出了FAST的焦面场的分布情况.并说明应用Vivaldi阵列的可能性.  相似文献   

张衡字平子,河南省南阳县人,生于公元78年,逝世于139年;今年是他诞生的1880周年。公元第一世纪末和第二世纪初,是东汉王朝的繁荣时期,那时它是世界上的四大强国之一(另外三个是匈奴、大月氏和罗马帝国),国内在经济上、文化上和交通上都有相当的发展。这样的和平环境提供了良好的条件,  相似文献   

来参观过 starry 和 yvonne 的天文小屋的朋友,对我们卧室的满天星效果赞不绝口。开关一开,就看到完全根据《全天星图2000》临摹的夏夜星空,满天繁星一闪一闪的,还可以变化颜色。躺在床上数星星,不可不谓一种浪漫、惬意的享受啊。天文同好们应该都有自己家里看到星空的想法吧?最开始我是买了 HOMESTAR PRO,平心而论,这种家庭天象仪的效果已经很  相似文献   

1摘要中文摘要每篇论文前应附有对文章内容准确概括而不加注释或评论的简要陈述,其内容应包括:研究目的、方法、结果和结论.摘要一般应写成报道性文摘,也可写成报道/指示性文摘.一般不用图、表、化学结构式和非公用的符号或述语,也不宜引用正文中的图、表、公式.摘要采用第三人称的写法,不使用"本文"、"作者"等作为主语.中文摘要的篇幅一般以200字左右为宜.  相似文献   

张凤华  周贵德  张波 《天文学报》2008,49(2):133-143
根据13C辐射燃烧的低质量AGB(Asymptotic Giant Branch)星s-过程核合成模型,考察了氦壳层核合成区域中子辐照量分布(以下简称DNE)的特点.结果表明,该模型的DNE同以前的对流核合成模型一样仍然非常接近指数分布,但是每个脉冲的中子辐照量△r和平均中子辐照量To之间的关系却不再是To=-△T/lnr,而近似为To=-△r/ln{q[1.0020 0.6602(r-q) 4.6125(r-q)2-10.8962(r-q)3 13.9138(r-q)4]}(r为重叠因子, q为13C壳层占氦壳层的质量比例).该式从DNE角度将辐射s-过程恒星模型和经典模型统一起来.  相似文献   

用CHAMP加速仪数据校验太阳活动峰年的大气模型精度   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
汪宏波  赵长印 《天文学报》2008,49(2):168-178
介绍CHAMP星载加速仪数据的处理方法.通过对实测数据的分析证实仪器的x轴存在故障.为了研究太阳活动峰年大气模型的精度,处理了2001至2002年的加速仪数据,利用切向非引力加速度反算大气密度.然后从统计的角度分析DTM94和MSIS90大气模型的误差,得到一些定量的结论,太阳活动峰年DTM94的误差为30%-35%,MSIS90的误差为25%-30%,MSIS90比DTM94误差小,模型间最大差异约10%.  相似文献   

热亚矮星以其独特的性质受到人们日益关注.它们是年老椭圆星系中良好的紫外源,系统地研究热亚矮星的观测特征和形成机制可以帮助我们理解恒星演化、椭圆星系中"紫外超"现象的起源和球状星团的动力学演化.热亚矮星的形成模型主要包括单星模型和双星模型.双星模型包含三种渠道:公共包层抛射渠道、稳定的洛希瓣物质交流渠道和双氦白矮星并合渠道.该文系统地总结了热亚矮星的观测特征,并简要介绍了它们的形成机制.  相似文献   

云南天文台1m红外太阳望远镜是多功能、多波段的太阳望远镜,望远镜使用过程中主镜的热变形直接关系这系统的光学精度,建立光学系统的光机热结合的分析方法,可以直观的得到热辐射对光学系统的影响结果,使得望远镜的设计阶段就能评估热变形对系统的精度影响,确定光学元件是否满足要求.  相似文献   

高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT)目前被广泛应用于高灵敏度(低噪声)射电天文接收机中. 在低温制冷环境下,其低噪声性能更佳,但对偏置供电系统要求很高,只有在特定的偏置条件下才能得到最佳的低噪声、高增益、高稳定性.本文提供了一套可调试、高稳定、高可靠性、带远程监控功能的可供多级低温制冷HEMT管的偏置电源的设计思路、方法和制作,使在低温制冷状态下的HEMT管能够稳定、安全、可靠地工作在最佳状态.  相似文献   

The discovery of ubiquitous habitable extrasolar planets,combined with revolutionary advances in instrumentation and observational capabilities,has ushered in a renaissance in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence(SETI).Large scale SETI activities are now underway at numerous international facilities.The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST)is the largest single-aperture radio telescope in the world,and is well positioned to conduct sensitive searches for radio emission indicative of exo-intelligence.SETI is one of the five key science goals specified in the original FAST project plan.A collaboration with the Breakthrough Listen Initiative was initiated in 2016 with a joint statement signed both by Dr.Jun Yan,the then director of National Astronomical Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences(NAOC),and Dr.Peter Worden,Chairman of the Breakthrough Prize Foundation.In this paper,we highlight some of the unique features of FAST that will allow for novel SETI observations.We identify and describe three different signal types indicative of a technological source,namely,narrow band,wide-band artificially dispersed and modulated signals.Here,we propose observations with FAST to achieve sensitivities never before explored.For nearby exoplanets,such as TESS targets,FAST will be sensitive to an EIRP of 1.9×1011 W,well within the reach of current human technology.For the Andromeda Galaxy,FAST will be able to detect any Kardashev type II or more advanced civilization there.  相似文献   

Mean motion resonances(MMRs)are widespread in our Solar System.Moreover,resonant dynamics has always been an essential topic in planetary research.Recently,the research about exoplanets and the potential Planet Nine with large eccentricity has given rise to our interests in the secular dynamics inside MMRs in the elliptic model.In this paper,we study the fixed points of the averaged Hamiltonian and the long-term stable regions of the 1/1 resonance(or co-orbital motion)in the elliptic restricted three-body problem(ERTBP)systematically.Numerical integrations prove those test particles trapped in"apsidal co-rotation",where both the resonant angleφresand the secular angleΔω(or apsidal longitude differences)librate simultaneously,always survive the long-term simulations.Furthermore,utilizing a semianalytical method based on the adiabatic approach,three families of long-term fixed points of the averaged Hamiltonian of the planar ERTBP inside the 1/1 resonance have been found.We call them QS-points,Hpoints,and T-points here,whose values of the(φres,Δω)are(0°,180°),(180°,0°),and(±60°,±60°),respectively.All the fixed points of the averaged Hamiltonian of the co-orbital motion in the ERTBP are presented in the e-e’plane(’represents the elements of the planet in this paper).We find that QS-points and T-points always exist for the arbitrary eccentricity of a planet,while H-points only exist for the cases of low e’and very high e.Furthermore,we measure the libration width in terms of eccentricity,Δe,around these stable equilibrium points in the e-Δωphase-space portraits.The"apsidal co-rotation"around all the stable equilibrium points is presented in the e-e’plane.All these results are effectively confirmed by numerical experiments.The long-term stable zones around these periodic orbits in the e-e’plane are significant for the research of the co-orbital motion in the ERTBP.Above all,these practical approaches that we proposed can also be used to study the secular dynamics of other MMRs.  相似文献   

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