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Historical mining dumps are useful archives for the investigation of weathering processes. The objective of this study was to investigate the weathering behavior of waste-rock material derived from the 800-year-old silver ore mining in Freiberg, Germany. For identifying time-dependent weathering indices, dumped material of four dumps of different ages and corresponding rock was examined regarding the geochemical composition. The dumped material is characterized by high contents of heavy metal containing sulfidic ores, such as pyrite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite and galena. Acid mine drainage is produced by the oxidative weathering of the sulfide minerals and causes the increased dissolving of soluble metals with increasing age of dumps. As a result of these weathering processes, a clear depletion of chalcophile elements in the older dump material (800 years) compared to the youngest dump (100 years) was observed. In the soil horizons downstream the dumps, high quantities of heavy metals (e.g., up to 12,000 ppm As, 3,300 ppm Pb, 640 ppm Zn), mainly adsorbed on organic matter, were determined and indicate a time-dependent element transfer from the dumps into their surrounding soils.  相似文献   

Detailed melt and fluid inclusion studies in quartz hosts from the Variscan Ehrenfriedersdorf complex revealed that ongoing fractional crystallization of the highly evolved H2O-, B-, and F-rich granite magma produced a pegmatite melt, which started to separate into two immiscible phases at about 720°C, 100 MPa. With cooling and further chemical evolution, the immiscibilty field expanded. Two conjugate melts, a peraluminous one and a peralkaline one, coexisted down to temperatures of about 490°C. Additionally, high-salinity brine exsolved throughout the pegmatitic stage, along with low-density vapor. Towards lower temperatures, a hydrothermal system gradually developed. Boiling processes occurred between 450 and 400°C, increasing the salinities of hydrothermal fluids at this stage. Below, the late hydrothermal stage is dominated by low-salinity fluids. Using a combination of synchrotron radiation-induced X-ray fluorescence analysis and Raman spectroscopy, the concentration of trace elements (Mn, Fe, Zn, As, Sb, Rb, Cs, Sr, Zr, Nb, Ta, Ag, Sn, Ta, W, rare earth elements (REE), and Cu) was determined in 52 melt and 8 fluid inclusions that are representative of distinct stages from 720°C down to 380°C. Homogenization temperatures and water contents of both melt and fluid inclusions are used to estimate trapping temperatures, thus revealing the evolutionary stage during the process. Trace elements are partitioned in different proportions between the two pegmatite melts, high-salinity brines and exsolving vapors. Concentrations are strongly shifted by co ncomitant crystallization and precipitation of ore-forming minerals. For example, pegmatite melts at the initial stage (700°C) have about 1,600 ppm of Sn. Concentrations in both melts decrease towards lower temperatures due to the crystallization of cassiterite between 650 and 550°C. Tin is preferentially fractionated into the peralkaline melt by a factor of 2–3. While the last pegmatite melts are low in Sn (64 ppm at 500°C), early hydrothermal fluids become again enriched with about 800 ppm of Sn at the boiling stage. A sudden drop in late hydrothermal fluids (23 ppm of Sn at 370°C) results from precipitation of another cassiterite generation between 400 and 370°C. Zinc concentrations in peraluminous melts are low (some tens of parts per million) and are not correlated with temperature. In coexisting peralkaline melts and high-T brines, they are higher by a factor of 2–3. Zinc continuously increases in hydrothermal fluids (3,000 ppm at 400°C), where the precipitation of sphalerite starts. The main removal of Zn from the fluid system occurs at lower temperatures. Similarly, melt and fluid inclusion concentrations of many other trace elements directly reflect the crystallization and precipitation history of minerals at distinctive temperatures or temperature windows.  相似文献   

The Mana district, located in the northern part of the Birimian Houndé greenstone belt in western Burkina Faso, is a world-class Paleoproterozoic orogenic gold district (∼8 Moz) including five gold deposits (Fofina, Nyafé, Siou, Wona-Kona and Yaho). These deposits are located in specific lithostratigraphic domains, and gold is controlled by various structural features. Deposit- and regional-scale mapping, intrusion age and geochemistry, as well as airborne aeromagnetic and electrical resistivity geophysical data, were used to decipher the tectonic evolution of each gold deposit and the district. Five deformational and four gold mineralizing events were recognized.The first deformation event (D1MD: E-W oriented shortening) affected the metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Lower Birimian group. This early deformation episode was correlated with the formation of gently N-plunging folds (F1MD) and N-S-striking thrusts faults coeval with emplacement of the pre- to synkinematic Wona-Kona and Siou plutons dated at ∼2172 Ma, under greenschist facies metamorphism. The quartz-carbonate veins (V1MD) at Fofina and Siou formed during D1MD at Eoeburnean time, manifesting the first gold event at approximately ∼2172 Ma.The following deformation event (D2MD: E-W oriented extension) is associated with the deposition of the Upper Birimian group (Mana basin) overlying the Lower Birimian group. The geometry of the Mana basin is controlled by the Mana and Maoula shear zones. The Tarkwaian-type rock formation overlying the Upper Birimian group, controlled by the Wona-Kona and Siou shear zones, is constrained at the end of D2MD or at the beginning of the D3MD event with a maximum deposition age at ∼2113 Ma.The third deformation event (D3MD: E-W to WNW-ESE transpression) affected the entire supracrustal rock. Such event is correlated with the formation of map-scale F3MD folds and dextral shear zones during the Eburnean orogeny (∼2113–2090 Ma). A second gold mineralizing event occurred during D3MD and is manifested by quartz-carbonate veins (V3MD) and disseminated sulfides at the Yaho, Fofina and Nyafé and possibly Wona-Kona deposits.The fourth deformation event (D4MD: NNW-SSE transpression) is correlated with sinistral shearing along the major transcurrent faults and the development of asymmetric NNE-striking folds (F4MD) associated with vertical fold axes. Syn-D4MD mineralization is characterized mainly by a strong silicification (Si4MD) with disseminated pyrite and arsenopyrite along the Wona-Kona shear zone and by tiny quartz-carbonate veinlets (V4MD). This event is considered the main gold-bearing event in the western margin of the Mana district.The fifth and last deformation event (D5MD) is brittle in character and was responsible for the formation of E-W subvertical crenulation cleavages and reverse faults under overall N-S shortening. This late deformation event is tentatively associated with a last gold event recorded as free gold associated with muscovite in brittle fractures developed in competent orebodies at the Wona-Kona and Siou deposits. This event could be as young as ∼2022 Ma, the age obtained from Ar-Ar datation of muscovite-schists at the Wona-Kona deposit.Our main contribution is that we decipher multiple gold mineralizing events at the district scale based on deposit- and regional-scale mapping. It is interpreted that gold was introduced as early as ∼2172 Ma and possibly as late as ∼2022 Ma during at least 3 or even 4 shortening tectonic events in a timeframe not yet recognized at the district scale for all the Birimian belts.  相似文献   

Idiomorphic quartz crystals in topaz-bearing granite from the Salmi batholith contain primary inclusions of silicate melt and abundant mostly secondary aqueous fluid inclusions. Microthermometric measurements on melt inclusions give estimates for the granite solidus and liquidus of 640–680°C and 770–830°C, respectively. Using published solubility models for H2O in granitic melts and the obtained solidus/liquidus temperatures from melt inclusions, the initial water concentration of the magma is deduced to have been approximately 3 wt.% and the minimum pressure about 2 kbar. At this initial stage, volatile-undersaturation conditions of magma were assumed. These results indicate that the idiomorphic quartz crystals are magmatic in origin and thus real phenocrysts. During subsolidus cooling and fracturing of the granite, several generations of aqueous fluid inclusions were trapped into the quartz phenocrysts. The H2O inclusions have salinities and densities of 1–41 wt.% NaCl eq. and 0.53–1.18 g/cm3, respectively.  相似文献   

L.I. Panina  L.M. Usoltseva 《Lithos》2008,103(3-4):431-444
To find out the reasons responsible for the diversity of igneous rocks forming the alkaline-ultrabasic carbonatite Krestovskiy massif (the Maimecha–Kotui province, Russia) we have studied melt inclusions in clinopyroxene of trachydolerites, porphyric melanephelinites, and tholeiites. It was established that the homogenization temperatures of inclusions in these rocks are rather close: 1140–1180 °C, 1190–1230 °C, and 1150–1210 °C, respectively. Compositions of melt inclusions in clinopyroxenes from different rocks are significantly different. The chemical composition of clinopyroxene of trachydolerites corresponds to that of trachybasalts and their derivatives. The inclusions are enriched in Sr, Ba, P, and S and their total sum of alkalies (at K ≥ Na) is never less than 5–6 wt.%. Inclusions from the rims of clinopyroxene phenocrysts in porphyric melanephelinites are similar in composition also to inclusions in trachydolerites. But in the cores of clinopyroxene phenocrysts the composition of inclusions corresponds to nephelinite melt. The composition of some melt inclusions in the intermediate and cores zones of clinopyroxene from porphyric melanephelinite has high SiO2 (53–55 wt.%), MgO (8–9 wt.%) and a low (1–2 wt.%) total sum of alkalies (at Na ≥ K) and is depleted in Al2O3 (6–7 wt.%), which is similar to the composition of basaltic komatiites. The composition of inclusions in tholeiites is also basic, highly magnesian, and low-alkaline, Sr and Ba are rare to absent. Compared to the inclusions of basaltic komatiite composition, the inclusions in tholeiites are enriched in Al and depleted in Ca, Ti, and P. The melts trapped in clinopyroxenes from different rocks contain low (0.014–0.018 wt.%) water but they are enriched in F: from 0.37 wt.% in nephelinite melts to 0.1–0.06 wt.% in tholeiite and basaltic komatiite melts. Inclusions in all the rocks under study, host clinopyroxene, and the rocks themselves are significantly enriched in incompatible elements (1–2 orders of magnitude relative to the mantle norm). In tholeiites, the partitioning of these elements is rather uniform, while in trachydolerites and especially in melanephelinites it is contrasting with a drastic depletion in HREE relative to LREE, MREE, and HFSE. A conclusion is made that the Krestovskiy massif was formed by no less than three mantle-derived magmas: melanephelinite, tholeiite and basaltic komatiite. Magmas were generated in different magma sources at different depths with various degrees of enrichment in incompatible elements. These magmas were, most likely, dominated by melanephelinite magma. In intermediate chambers this magma differentiated to form derivative melts of nephelinite, trachydolerite–trachyandesite–trachyte compositions. Komatiite-basalt melts were, most likely, derivatives of primitive meimechite magmas.  相似文献   

Petrochemical and Rb-Sr, K-Ar and Sm-Nd isotopic data presented for the Mitterteich granite provide information on whole rock and mineral compositional characteristics, intrusion and cooling history, and protolith nature and put further constraints on the Variscan magmatic evolution in north-east Bavaria.The compositional characteristics classify the Mitterteich granite as a peraluminous (monzo-)granite (SiO2 67.3–73.5 wt.% ). Values for K2O/Na2O (> 1.2 and Al2O3/(CaO + N2O + K2O) (>1.1) are in the range of S-type granites. The rare earth elements show fractionated chondrite-normalized patterns (La N /Yb N =24–19) with negative Eu anomalies (Eu N /Eu N *=0.35–0.19). The micas have restricted ranges of major element composition, but reveal notable variations in trace element concentrations. Different biotite fractions of single specimens show a trend to lower concentrations of compatible elements in the finer fraction which can be explained as a result of asynchronous growth during the fractionation process. The PT conditions of crystallization of the magma based on muscovite and biotite is 600–640°C at 3 kbar. Regression of the whole rock samples gives an isochron corresponding to a 87Rb-87Sr age of 310 ± 7 Ma, initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7104±0.0010 (2 errors) and MSWD =0.03. Muscovite and biotite yield concordant K-Ar ages between 310 and 308 Ma, indicating a fast cooling rate of the granite intrusion. Nd T310values average –4.2±1.0. Nd model ages of 1.4 Ga suggest a source region of mid-Proterozoic age.The Rb-Sr isochron age and initial Sr ratio of the Mitterteich granite are indistinguishable from those of the adjacent Falkenberg granite, establishing a genetic link. However, the K-Ar mica ages suggest that the Mitterteich granite must have undergone a faster uplift or cooling history than Falkenberg. Confronted with the geochronological record of granite emplacement in north-east Bavaria, the new results substantiate the view of three key periods of magmatic activity around 330–325, 315–305 and 290 Ma.  相似文献   

Extensive and economically-important lithium pegmatites have been described from the eastern flank of the large S-type peraluminous Leinster Granite batholith in southeast Ireland. This flank area is also the locus of a major dip-slip ductile shear zone which was active during emplacement of the Tullow Lowlands pluton of the batholith. All the known bedrock occurrences of lithium pegmatite are contained within this marginal deformation zone. Most previous studies have suggested derivation of the lithium pegmatites by fractionation from the Leinster Granite itself, though none are conclusive. More recently, an anatectic model has been proposed whereby the pegmatites were derived by melting of Li-rich sediments adjacent to the batholithic contact. Our investigation has been concerned with a detailed study of the Rb-Sr isotope systematics and trace element geochemistry of the pegmatites and their host granitoids in an attempt to resolve the problem of pegmatite genesis. The results suggest a strong geochemical and temporal coherence between the Leinster Granite and the lithium pegmatites. A model is proposed in which Li enrichment in residual magmas may be linked to the development of muscovite instead of biotite in the Leinster Granite itself. The Li excluded from entry to biotite then accumulates in highly mobile, low-viscosity pegmatitic fluids which migrate into the marginal shear zone of the Tullow Lowlands pluton where they crystallize at considerably lower temperatures.  相似文献   

The Freiberg area in the Saxon Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains) represents one of the oldest mining districts in Germany. Argentiferous ore mineralizations with lead, zinc and copper are dominating in this region. Various waste products of mining can be found around Freiberg. In particular, the slags from ore smelting were and are regarded as unusable waste products. However, they preserve information on the smelting and weathering behaviour of slag, which makes them very useful sources of information for our purposes. To reconstruct the chemical processes during ore smelting, historical slag represents a most valuable archive. Therefore, the historical slag dump in Halsbach (Germany) was examined exemplarily for the Freiberg deposit. The slag was dumped approx. 400 years ago and is rich in lead. An interrelation between the slag and the metallurgical process applied can be made on the basis of chemical composition, appearance and microscopic results. The slags of the heap in Halsbach contain high concentrations of heavy metals (average contents in mg kg−1: Zn 40,000; Pb 10,000; Cu 1500; U 1000). Enrichments of heavy metals in the organic-rich soil horizons within the range of the dump foot (maximum contents in the A-horizon in mg kg−1: Zn 3719; Pb 9198; As 3017; Cu 963) imply a faint discharge of metals from the dump.  相似文献   

湖南瑶岗仙钨矿床成矿流体演化特征研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
瑶岗仙矿床位于湖南省郴州市瑶岗仙镇,是世界著名的钨矿床。近几年,随着云英岩析离体的发现,对于成矿流体的演化过程有了新的认识。文章通过对瑶岗仙石英脉型黑钨矿矿床的中粒碱长花岗岩、云英岩析离体和石英脉3个阶段地质体的石英中的流体包裹体进行显微测温和激光拉曼光谱分析,并对云英岩析离体中的熔流包裹体进行加热熔化实验,初步证明了瑶岗仙矿床石英脉型黑钨矿阶段成矿流体的演化是由花岗质岩浆→浆液过渡态岩浆→岩浆热液的一个完整连续的过程,而且成矿流体以富含挥发分为特征。并结合地质现象,提出浆液过渡态流体与成矿作用具有直接联系。  相似文献   

High-calcium, nepheline-normative ankaramitic basalts (MgO > 10 wt.%, CaO/Al2O3 > 1) from Rinjani volcano, Lombok (Sunda arc, Indonesia) contain phenocrysts of clinopyroxene and olivine (Fo85–92) with inclusions of spinel (Cr# 58–77) and crystallised melt. Olivine crystals have variable but on average low NiO (0.10–0.23 wt.%) and high CaO (0.22–0.35 wt.%) contents for their forsterite number. The CaO content of Fo89–91 olivine is negatively correlated with the Al2O3 content of enclosed spinel (9–15 wt.%) and positively correlated with the CaO/Al2O3 ratios of melt inclusions (0.9–1.5). Major and trace element patterns of melt inclusions are similar to that of the host rock, indicating that the magma could have formed by accumulation of small batches of melt, with compositions similar to the melt inclusions. The liquidus temperature of the magma was  1275 °C, and its oxygen fugacity ≤ FMQ + 2.5. Correlations between K2O, Zr, Th and LREE in the melt inclusions are interpreted to reflect variable degrees of melting of the source; correlations between Al2O3, Na2O, Y and HREE are influenced by variations in the mineralogy of the source. The melts probably formed from a water-poor, clinopyroxene-rich mantle source.  相似文献   

Silicate and sulfide melt inclusions from the andesitic Farallón Negro Volcanic Complex in NW Argentina were analyzed by laser ablation ICPMS to track the behavior of Cu and Au during magma evolution, and to identify the processes in the source of fluids responsible for porphyry-Cu-Au mineralization at the 600 Mt Bajo de la Alumbrera deposit. The combination of silicate and sulfide melt inclusion data with previously published geological and geochemical information indicates that the source of ore metals and water was a mantle-derived mafic magma that contained approximately 6 wt.% H2O and 200 ppm Cu. This magma and a rhyodacitic magma mixed in an upper-crustal magma chamber, feeding the volcanic systems and associated subvolcanic intrusions over 2.6 million years. Generation of the ore fluid from this magma occurred towards the end of this protracted evolution and probably involved six important steps: (1) Generation of a sulfide melt upon magma mixing in some parts of the magma chamber. (2) Partitioning of Cu and Au into the sulfide melt (enrichment factor of 10,000 for Cu) leading to Cu and Au concentrations of several wt.% or ppm, respectively. (3) A change in the tectonic regime from local extension to compression at the end of protracted volcanism. (4) Intrusion of a dacitic magma stock from the upper part of the layered magma chamber. (5) Volatile exsolution and resorption of the sulfide melt from the lower and more mafic parts of the magma chamber, generating a fluid with a Cu/Au ratio equal to that of the precursor sulfide. (6) Focused fluid transport and precipitation of the two metals in the porphyry, yielding an ore body containing Au and Cu in the proportions dictated by the magmatic fluid source. The Cu/S ratio in the sulfide melt inclusions requires that approximately 4,000 ppm sulfur is extracted from the andesitic magma upon mixing. This exceeds the solubility of sulfide or sulfate in either of the silicate melts and implies an additional source for S. The extra sulfur could be added in the form of anhydrite phenocrysts present in the rhyodacitic magma. It appears, thus, that unusually sulfur-rich, not Cu-rich magmas are the key to the formation of porphyry-type ore deposits. Our observations imply that dacitic intrusions hosting the porphyry–Cu–Au mineralization are not representative of the magma from which the ore-fluid exsolved. The source of the ore fluid is the underlying more mafic magma, and unaltered andesitic dikes emplaced immediately after ore formation are more likely to represent the magma from which the fluids were generated. At Alumbrera, these andesitic dikes carry relicts of the sulfide melt as inclusions in amphibole. Sulfide inclusions in similar dykes of other, less explored magmatic complexes may be used to predict the Au/Cu ratio of potential ore-forming fluids and the expected metal ratio in any undiscovered porphyry deposit.Editorial handling: B. Lehmann  相似文献   

The Salu Bulo prospect is one of the gold prospects in the Awak Mas project in the central part of the western province, Sulawesi, Indonesia. The gold mineralization is hosted by the meta‐sedimentary rocks intercalated with the meta‐volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the Latimojong Metamorphic Complex. The ores are approximately three meters thick, consisting of veins, stockwork, and breccias. The veins can be classified into three stages, namely, early, main, and late stages, and gold mineralization is related to the main stage. The mineral assemblage of the matrix of breccia and the veins are both composed of quartz, carbonate (mainly ankerite), and albite. High‐grade gold ores in the Salu Bulo prospect are accompanied by intense alteration, such as carbonatization, albitization, silicification, and sulfidation along the main stage veins and breccia. Alteration mineral assemblage includes ankerite ± calcite, quartz, albite, and pyrite along with minor sericite. Pyrite is the most abundant sulfide mineral that is spatially related to native gold and electrum (<2–42 μm in size). It is more abundant as dissemination in the altered host rocks than those in veins. This suggests that water–rock interaction played a role to precipitate pyrite and Au in the Salu Bulo prospect. The Au contents of intensely altered host rocks and ores have positive correlations with Ag, Ni, Mo, and Na. Fluid inclusions in the veins of the main stage and the matrix of breccia are mainly two‐phase liquid‐rich inclusions with minor two‐phase, vapor‐rich, and single‐phase liquid or vapor inclusions. CO2 and N2 gases are detected in the fluid inclusions by Laser Raman microspectrometry. Fluid boiling probably occurred when the fluid was trapped at approximately 120–190 m below the paleo water table. δ18OSMOW values of fluid, +5.8 and +7.6‰, calculated from δ18OSMOW of quartz from the main stage vein indicate oxygen isotopic exchange with wall rocks during deep circulation. δ34SCDT of pyrite narrowly ranges from ?2.0 to +3.4‰, suggesting a single source of sulfur. Gold mineralization in the Salu Bulo prospect occurred in an epithermal condition, after the metamorphism of the host rocks. It formed at a relatively shallow depth from fluids with low to moderate salinity (3.0–8.5 wt% NaCl equiv.). The temperature and pressure of ore formation range from 190 to 210°C and 1.2 to 1.9 MPa, respectively.  相似文献   

Ferroalloy, base-metal and precious-metal deposits in or around the Gyeongsang Basin, which is located in the Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary terrain at the southeastern Korea, displays a genetic relationship with subvolcanic activities of Late Cretaceous to Tertiary age. Diverse mineralization, which occurs as vein, breccia-pipe, porphyry-style and skarn deposits, took place from 108 to 45 Ma that overlapped with polyphase episodes of igneous activity. Based on the mineralogy, host rock, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data of the deposits, the systematic variation of physicochemical conditions is thought to be due to their relative positions with respect to a magma source that is genetically related to a low to intermediate-sulfidation porphyry system. There appears to be a systematic decrease towards δ18OH2O values from copper (-gold) and ferroalloy deposits through polymetallic to precious-metal ones. However, Cu (-Au) or Fe–Mo–W deposits are proximal to a magmatic source, whereas polymetallic or precious-metal deposits are more distal to transitional.  相似文献   

Mining heaps are used as archives for the investigation of weathering processes. Aim of this work was to investigate the different weathering behavior of heap materials derived from Kupferschiefer mining with respect to environmental hazard. For this purpose, Kupferschiefer and slag material of two heaps of different age were examined regarding to the radionuclide distribution and geochemical composition. By measuring of the local dose rate, performing digital autoradiography and gamma spectrometry the radiological load of the heaps and the heap materials was determined. The geochemical characterization of the samples was performed by XRF, ICP–OES and ICP–MS. The results show a clear higher radionuclide load of the younger slag heap. A depletion of chalcophile and lithophile elements in the older slag was determined. Apart from a homogeneous radionuclide distribution, considerable radionuclide enrichments in fossil fragments could be proven. The results reveal a different weathering behavior of slag material in comparison to the Kupferschiefer depending on the chemical binding of the elements on organic and inorganic species. Natural organic matter as well as apatite in Kupferschiefer act as retention barrier for some metals.  相似文献   

The Zn–Pb–Cu ore deposit of Rammelsberg is characterized by a complex fluid flow history. The main phase of ore deposition occurred during the Middle Devonian in the Rhenohercynian basin. The Kniest zone underlying the stratiform ore is interpreted as the feeder zone, along which hydrothermal fluids migrated upward and were expelled on the sea floor. Mineralizing brines possibly had a minimum temperature of 130°C, and salinity ranged between 4.9 and 10.3 eq. wt.% NaCl. The ore and its host rock became folded during the Variscan orogeny, and low salinity fluids (1.0 to 2.3 eq. wt.% NaCl) were mobilized during this tectonic period. Remobilization of the ore took place during the Mesozoic by a high salinity (17.3 to 20.2 eq. wt.% NaCl) H2O–NaCl–CaCl2 fluid.  相似文献   

The post‐Variscan thermal history of the Erzgebirge (Germany) is the result of periods of sedimentary burial, exhumation and superimposed hydrothermal activity. The timing and degree of thermal overprint have been analysed by zircon and apatite (U–Th)/He and apatite fission track thermochronology. The present‐day surface of the Erzgebirge was exhumed to a near‐surface position after the Variscan orogeny. Thermal modelling reveals Permo‐Mesozoic burial to temperatures of up to 80–100 °C, although the sedimentary cover thins out towards the north resulting in maximum burial temperatures of less than 40 °C. This thermal pattern was locally modified by Cretaceous hydrothermal activity that reset the zircon (U–Th)/He thermochronometer along ore veins. The thermal models show no significant regional exhumation during Cenozoic times, indicating that the peneplain‐like morphology of the basement is a Late Cretaceous feature.  相似文献   

Topaz granite is alkali-feldspar granite that contains essential albite, quartz, K-feldspar, lithium-mica, and topaz. As a group topaz granites are characterized by their extreme enrichment in F (up to 3 wt%) and a wide variety of lithophile elements. They can be subdivided into a 'low-P2O5 subtype' (P2O5 < 0.1 wt%, Al2O3 < 14.5 wt%, SiO2 > 73 wt%) and a 'high-P2O5 subtype' (P2O5 > 0.4 wt%, Al2O3 > 14.5 wt%, SiO2 < 73 wt%), the δ18O values of which indicate a dichotomy of source rock: the low-P2O5 subtype (δ18O < 10‰) having a meta-igneous protolith and the high-P2O5 subtype (δ18O > 10 ‰) a source with a significant component of pelitic material. The unusually high F contents enhance the efficacy of melt segregation and crystal-melt fractionation and so facilitate extreme differentiation in topaz granite magmas. Very low melt volumes restrict the bulk composition of the partial melts regardless of the nature of the source; and extreme fractionation forces them along a path of magmatic convergence, to produce a group of granitic rocks with near-minimum compositions so enriched in a variety of lithophile elements (Li, Nb, Ta, Sn) that economic mineralization often results.  相似文献   

阿尔泰山南缘赛都金矿床的构造-成矿流体及其演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赛都金矿床位于新疆额尔齐斯构造带北西段,矿体受韧性剪切构造带的控制,赋存于玛尔卡库里巨型剪切带内的蚀变糜棱岩带内.构造-成矿流体早期以中高温、富CO2-N2等挥发分为特征,包裹体均一温度252.0~408.0℃;中期以CO2-H2O流体为主,包裹体均一温度203.0~325.8℃,反映了中温热液特征;中晚期演化为中低温、中低盐度的盐水溶液体系,包裹体均一温度120.0~221.0℃.矿石中黄铁矿的δ34S变化范围在3.53‰~5.88‰之间;铅同位素组成的206Pb/204Pb变化于18.099 7~18.358 5,207Pb/204Pb变化于15.487 7~15.579 0,208Pb/204Pb变化于38.111 6~38.355 1.硫铅同位素研究表明成矿物质是从深部富集的,在造山作用过程中从深部岩石通过热液萃取获得.主要的金矿化与后碰撞造山的伸展构造环境有关,构造-成矿流体的演化特征与剪切带演化过程相吻合.  相似文献   

内蒙古道伦达坝铜多金属矿床成矿流体特征及其演化   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
徐佳佳  赖勇  崔栋  常勇  蒋林  舒启海  李文博 《岩石学报》2009,25(11):2957-2972
内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟西乌旗道伦达坝中型铜多金属矿床位于大兴安岭南段西坡,矿体主要产于粉砂质板岩与黑云母花岗岩的接触带.本文通过系统的岩相学、矿相学、流体包裹体和氢、氧同位素研究表明,道伦达坝铜多金属矿床属岩浆期后气化热液矿床,成矿过程包括早、中、晚3个阶段,温度区间分别为388~>500℃、302~463℃、179~359℃.钨-锡矿化主要发生在中阶段、铜矿化主要发生在晚阶段.初始成矿流体为CH_4-CO_2-H_2O-NaCl体系,随着温压降低,CO_2、CH_4大量逸失,而演化为H_2O-NaCl体系.流体盐度变化范围大,但从早到晚逐步降低.流体临界分离导致钨、锡矿化;流体CH_4、CO_2逃逸和大气降水热液混入导致铜矿化.黑云母花岗岩的侵入活动导致了成矿流体的聚集,而粉砂质板岩有利于成矿流体封闭,致使二者接触带成为有利的成矿和找矿部位.  相似文献   

黑龙江乌拉嘎金矿是我国陆相火山岩区的重要金矿之一。构造位置处于古亚洲构造域与滨太平洋构造域交接复合部位的东北缘,矿体主要分布于团结沟斜长花岗斑岩接触带部位的隐爆角砾岩带和黑龙江群变质岩的层间裂隙中。斜长花岗斑岩的石英斑晶中发育3类包裹体:熔体包裹体、原生的L-V包裹体(及少量的L-V-S包裹体)和次生的L-V包裹体。玻璃质熔体包裹体相当于酸性殘浆的成分(SiO2达69.5%~73.8%),其捕获温度大于800℃。石英斑晶中次生L-V包裹体均一温度集中在210~350℃、盐度5%~7%NaCleqv,代表了次火山岩浆热液的特征,与黄铁矿-早期白色玉髓状石英阶段中Q1的包裹体均一温度范围很接近,而盐度略高于白色玉髓状石英Q1的。乌拉嘎金矿的金成矿可划分3个成矿阶段,发育盐水溶液包裹体:(1)黄铁矿-早期白色玉髓状石英阶段,包裹体均一温度为154~355℃,集中在190~330℃,盐度为1.3%~8.2%NaCleqv,密度为0.53~0.88g/cm3。(2)烟灰色玉髓状石英-多金属硫化物阶段,石英中包裹体均一温度为159~196℃,集中在170~190℃,盐度为2.2%~3.2%NaCleqv,密度0.79~0.92g/cm3。(3)碳酸盐-石英阶段,方解石中包裹体均一温度集中在170~270℃;盐度0.5%~2.9%NaCleqv。成矿流体以中低温、低盐度、贫CO2的盐水体系为特征,与国内外陆相火山-次火山热液矿床十分相似。石英斑晶中熔体、流体包裹体及其共存反映了次火山岩浆活动晚期,由硅酸盐熔体通过不混溶产生含矿的盐水溶液的可能,说明了金成矿与斑岩的成因联系,乌拉嘎金矿应该属于陆相火山-次火山活动有关的中低温浅成热液金矿床。  相似文献   

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