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The Monoceros ring, a circular optical nebulosity 3°.5 in diameter and centred at R.A.=6h37m, Dec.=6°30 (l ii =205°.5,b ii =0°.2) is in good structural agreement with radio observations. A neutral hydrogen shell is also accurately projected on the ring. These observations are consistent with the Monoceros ring being a supernova remnant 90–100 pc in diameter expanding at about 45 km s–1 and having an age of the order of a million years. Bright Hii regions containing early-type stars (e.g., galactic cluster NGC 2244 in the Rosette nebula) and extremely young stars of the OB association Mon OB2 lie at the edges of the ring. The positional and temporal coincidence of the Mon OB2 association with a supernova remnant suggests that probably the star formation in this region is induced or speeded up by the passage of a supernova shock wave through the clumpy interstellar medium.  相似文献   

A sequence of images taken at different positions in the resonance lines of Ca ii, Mg ii, and H i was obtained over a quiescent prominence with the LPSP instrument on OSO-8. Ca ii K (and H) profiles are reconstructed at different locations in the prominence with a (10 × 5) arc sec2 resolution. Significant variations of FWHM and line shifts are found: FWHM range from 0.14 Å to 0.5 Å; blue shifts reach about 14 km s-1. The ratio of K to H absolute intensities shows a large spread around the average value of 1.2. The same ratio for the Mg ii lines in the whole prominence is higher (1.7), a fact already noticed at the edge of an active prominence (Vial et al., 1979). The ionization degree, as measured by the L/Ca K ratio, shows noticeable variations within the prominence. The L intensity is about 0.3 times the intensity measured in the quiet Sun, and the L/L ratio is less than one half the disk value. These results indicate important variations of the thermal conditions inside the prominence.DASOP, Observatoire de Paris, 92190 Meudon, France.  相似文献   

The diagramV - log(1 +z e ) as function of (, ) is considered for the quasars. HereV is the apparent visual magnitude,z e is the emission line redshift, and are the equatorial coordinates. Two opposite extreme spots NE and SE are observed on the sky, where the inclination of the straight line fitting the dependenceV - log(1 +z e ) is maximum and minimum. The coordinates of the centres of these extreme spots are ( NE, NE) = (282°, +42°) and ( SE, SE) = (70°, -38°) with errors 5°. A hypothesis of the Superattractor (SA) is proposed to explain such an effect. Two independent tests of this hypothesis are realized. First, the dependence or the frequency a of the absorbers in QSO spectra on (, ) is investigated. A region of the larger a is found. The coordinates of its centre are (, ) = (82°, - 10°) with error 5°. Second, the cases ofz a >z e are plotted in the Mercatorial projection (, ). The most of the casesz -z e > 0.02 are concentrated within the circle with radiusR = 34° and centre (, ) = (50°, - 15°). The both anomalous regions overlap the Southern extreme spot around SE. The SA direction is (, ) = (67°, -21°) with errors about 12°. The redshift of SA isz SA = 1.7 ± 0.3 that corresponds to the distancer SA = (3100 ± 300)h –1 Mpc for the Hubble constantH 0 = 75h kms–1 Mpc–1. The SA mass isM SA ~ 1018-1020 M . The orientation of the normal to the quasiperiodical large-scale sheet structure on the sky occurs near SA.  相似文献   

Simultaneous spectra of spicules in H, H and the Ca ii K have been analyzed. These spectra were obtained with the échelle spectrograph of Sacramento Peak Observatory and have a resolution of 1.5 s of arc. Data include absolute intensities, velocities, linewidths and the optical depth at the center of H. Electron densities range between 6 × 1010cm–3 and 1.2 × 1011cm–3, while the range of the electron temperature is between 12000K and 15000K at a height of 5400 km above the limb. The analysis of the variation of the line of sight velocity across spicules shows that their rotation is very small. There is very good correlation in the structure of all three lines.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the far-UV as well as the UV spectrum of the spectroscopic binary system SZ Psc in the wavelength ranges 1235–1950 Å and 2710–3090 Å, respectively, from spectra obtained with the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE). The UV spectrum of SZ Psc is mainly an emission spectrum. The short wavelength region includes emission lines formed from the low chromosphere to the transition region (e.g., Siiv,Civ, andNv) and also a deep and broad absorption line of Feii.The Mgii[1] resonance doublet at about 2800 Å presents a P Cygni profile and a multiple structure with two emission and two absorption satellite components. We also present the emission measure diagram in the temperature region 4.4T e <53.  相似文献   

High spatial resolution spectral observations of five hedgerow prominences were made in H, He i D3 and Ca ii H and K.The observed relations between the lines were not the same in all prominences. The Ca ii H and K lines were 2–4 times brighter relative to H and D3 than predicted theoretically. The optical thickness of H was less than for the H and K lines, the H was optically thin in medium faint prominence structures. Faint structures appeared slightly hotter than bright structures.On leave from Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1029, Blindern, Oslo 3, Norway.  相似文献   

New observations of solar spicules at Pulkovo, made simultaneously in 4 spectral regions, are described. The profiles of the H, D3, H, H and K lines were derived for 23 spicules.The spicules occur usually in narrow bundles and can be resolved into separate objects only due to a dispersion of radial velocities inside the bundle. The spicules in D3 are diffuse with faint interspicular emission.The emission of hydrogen, helium and Caii originate in different parts of spicules with different radial and turbulent velocities. The core of a spicule with Caii emission is a narrow rope several tens of km in diameter for the normal section. The optical thickness of a spicule in H is approximately 1.0 and the atomic density varies from 1011 to 1012 cm–3.The helium emission in spicules seems to be produced by different mechanisms, one of them being the external radiation of corona and subcoronal matter.The model of a solar spicule is discussed.  相似文献   

A detailed list and analysis of line identifications of five UV spectra of the RS CVn-type binary system TY Pyxidis are presented. These spectra are recorded at different phases with the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE). Two of them are in the wavelength range1235–1950 Å while the other three in the range2700–3110 Å.The far-UV spectrum of TY Pyx is mainly an emission spectrum dominated by the emission lines of the ions:Ci, Oi, Cii, Siii, Heii, Alii, and Feiii. We also pointed out the existence of a Feiii [34] line in absorption.The UV spectrum between 2700–3110 Å is dominated by weak absorption lines. Two satellite components are indicated for many lines, which correspond to the two stars of the system, in the two out of the three spectra (LWP 13386 and LWP 13347).Violet emission wings are observed for Fei [1], Tii [1],Oiv [1], and Siiii [1]. The UV spectrum of TY Pyx is also characterized by the multi-structure of Mgii [1] resonance lines.Based on data from the International Ultraviolet Explorer, de-archived from the Villafranca Data Archive of the European Space Agency.  相似文献   

As a result of the analysis of the observed interstellar 2800 Mgii absorption line data, an empirical relationship — a positive correlation — between the equivalent widthW(2800) and the effective temperature of the starT was discovered (Figure 1). However, in the case when this doublet is of stellar (photospheric) origin, only a negative correlation betweenW(2800) andT exists. Hence, the existence itself of such a positive correlation betweenW(2800) andT may be viewed as incomprehensible for the present influence of the star on the strength of the absorption line 2800 Mgii of nonstellar origin.On the other hand, we have evidence that the ionizing radiation of hot stars cannot provide for the observed very high degree of ionization of the interstellar magnesium. In particular, the observations give for interstellar magnesium the ratioN +/N 1 1000, while in the case of ionization under the action of stellar radiation only we haveN +/N 1 10.The assumption that circumstellar clouds surround hot stars can naturally explain these and other similar facts. A method for the determination of the general parameters-size, concentration, mass etc. — of the circumstellar clouds is developed. The main results of the application of this method to the relation of more than 20 hot stars are:(1) The circumstellar clouds surround almost (70%) all hot giants and subgiants. In the remaining (30%) cases, the absence of circumstellar envelopes requires additional evidence. (2) The linear sizes of circumstellar clouds vary within wide ranges — from 0.002 pc up to 1 pc. Most frequent are clouds with size of 0.1 pc. (3) The main concentration of hydrogen atoms (electrons) in circumstellar clouds is of the order of 100 cm–3; the minimum value is 20–30 cm–3, the maximum 104 cm–3. In one case (Deneb) the electron concentration rises up to 105 cm–3 for the size of the cloud 0.001 pc=3×1015 cm. (4) Stars of the same spectral and luminosity classes may possess circumstellar clouds characterized by quite different parameters. (5) Hydrogen in circumstellar clouds is completely ionized; for these clouds the optical depth c 1; on the average,T c 0.005. (6) The integrated brightness of circumstellar clouds is substantially fainter (by 8–10m) than that of the central star. This is the reason why these clouds cannot be detected by ground-based observations. (7) The masses of individual circumstellar clouds vary from 1 down to 10–4 . This gives for the mass ejection rate from 10–10 to 10–6 per year in case if these clouds are formed by the braking and accumulation of the ejected mass.The method of 2800 Mgii seems very convenient, fruitful and promising for the detection and study of circumstellar envelopes. Also, this method is very sensitive for a determination of the general parameters of such clouds, and concerns practically all their geometric, physical, kinematic and other properties.  相似文献   

In the field partsH, K, L andM of the Orion Nebula, indicated in Figure 2, no obvious differences do appear in the monochromatic photographs obtained in H+[Nii], [Oii], the visual continuum and the range of the Balmer continuum. A different situation we meet in the rest of the field, where one observes two types of featuresA andB, distinguished in Figure 1 by solid and dashed bordering lines respectively. Relative to the conditions in the H+[Nii] pictures, the typeA areas gain in intensity in the photographs taken in the visual continuum. the emission in the forbidden [Oii] lines at 3727 Å is correlated with H+[Nii], the emission in the range of the Balmer continuum with the visual continuum. According to these properties theA-areas must have a particularly high percentage of scattered star light.Most of the areas with identical monochromatic features show a high deficiency of cluster stars correlated with a low surface brightnesss and a reduced gas density. This is explained by an opaqueness of the emission strata in the direction in the line of sight and a position of the same nearer to the observer than the extension of the cluster. There appear surface structures at large distances from the Trapezium which show a correlation between the intensity of scattered star light and the intensity of the emission of the higher ions ([Oiii], [Neiii]). This observation is considered as a proof that canals through the nebular cloud complex allow in some directions the exciting radiation to reach large distances from the star without having suffered an appreciable absorption or scattering.  相似文献   

We scanned the H i L, Mg ii h and k, Ca ii K and H lines simultaneously with the LPSP instrument on OSO-8, to investigate the low and moderate temperature regions of an active region filament. The L line is not reversed except for the innermost position in the prominence. Intensity (k/h), (K/H) ratios are respectively 2 and 1.1, indicating that the Mg ii lines are optically thin, and that Ca ii K is saturated, although not clearly reversed. The results obtained during the second sequence of observations (K saturated before L for example) indicate that within the size of the slit (1 × 10) we are not observing the same emitting features in the different lines.We also observe an important line-of-sight velocity at the outer edge of the feature, increasing outwards from a few km s–1 to 20 km s–1 within 2. Less than half an hour later, this velocity is reduced to 15 km s–1 while the intensities increase. Full width at half maximum intensities for this component indicate turbulence variations from 22 to 30 km s–1. The observed high velocities at the top of the prominence can be compared with radial velocities that Mein (1977) observed in H at the edges of an active filament and interpreted as velocity loops slightly inclined on the axis of the filament.  相似文献   

A ring-shaped infrared emission region is recognizable on the IRAS Sky Flux images of a Cepheus region which happens to include the association Cepheus OB 2. The ring is easily visible both at 60 and 100 microns. The approximate galactic coordinates of its centre arel=102°.8 andb=+6°.7, with an outer diameter of 7 deg. IC 1396 and several otherHii regions, such as S 129, S 133, S 134, and S 140 are apparently parts of the ring. If it is assumed that these Hii regions are physically connected to the ring its distance must be about 900 pc and its diameter 120 pc. The existence of several arc-shaped H filaments along the ring, the proper motion of the nearby runaway star Cephei, and the possible presence of the [Fex] 6375 interstellar line in the spectra of two stars of Cep OB 2 combine to suggest that the infrared ring might well be a result of a supernova explosion which occurred in this region about 2–3 million years ago.  相似文献   

Solar flare observations have been performed with the multichannel L.P.S.P. experiment on board OSO-8 NASA Satellite. Simultaneous H and K Caii, h and k Mgii, L and L Hi profiles have been recorded on the plage just before the flare, during the flare onset and relaxation phases. The different behaviour of line profiles and intensities during the flare is evidenced and indicates a downward propagation with relaxation times increasing from the upper part to the lower part of the chromosphere related to line formation processes. Using the H observed profile, an upper limit of 8 × 1013 cm-3 is derived for the electron density.  相似文献   

Star-like objects are found in Seyfert galaxies Markarian 290, Markarian 298, NGC 1275, and NGC 7469, being connected with the structure peculiarities of the galaxies. The absolute magnitudes of these objects are –16 m M–19 m . It has been supposed that these star formations must stimulate the instability in the disk of the galaxy followed by the matter fall toward the centre of the galaxy. The gas inflow toward the centre will allow the recent star formations and Seyfert nuclei generation.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

We have studied high-resolution SWP spectra of AE Aur and 2 Ori A, obtained from the International Ultraviolet Explorer Satellite; and derived curve of growth and column densities ofCii,Cii *, Alii, Siii, Siii *,Sii, Crii, Feii, Niii, and Znii. It has been possible to fit these ions on one empirical curve of growth with a velocity parameterb=13 km s–1 for both stars.Based on the observations made by the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE), and collected at the Villafranca Satellite Tracking Station of the European Space Agency.  相似文献   

Quiescent prominences It is found that Heii 4686 is emitted in the same cold region of 10000 K as hydrogen, metal and neutral helium emission lines. This conclusion is based on the finding that the observed width of 4686 is the same as the calculated width of 4686. The calculated width is derived from the observed widths of hydrogen and metallic lines. The large intensity of Heii 4686 in 10000 K can be explained by the ionization of Heii due to the UV radiation below 228 Å that comes from the corona and the transition region.Loop prominences The very broad width (30 to 50 km s–1) of 4686 for two post-flare loop prominences shows that the Heii line is emitted in hot regions different from regions of hydrogen and metal emission. From the widths of the Balmer lines and many metallic lines the kinetic temperature for one loop is found to be 16000 K in one part and 7600 K in another part. The electron densities are 1012.0 cm–3 and less than 1011.0 cm–3 respectively.Chromosphere The intensity of 4686 in the chromosphere can be interpreted in terms of a temperature of 10000 K with the ionization due to UV radiation. But, since observations of the width of 4686 are not available, a definitive conclusion for the chromosphere cannot be reached.  相似文献   

The results of observations of 49 objects from the second Byurakan spectroscopic sky survey are given; they complete the recent spectroscopy of galactic samples in the fields centered on the coordinates = 09h47m, = +51° and = 09h50m, = +55°. The spectra were obtained on the 2.6-m telescope of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, and the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences, during 1998-2000. Redshifts and absolute stellar magnitudes were determined for all the galaxies.  相似文献   

The data on the spectrum of the cosmic-ray electron component near the earth, on the radio-spectra of radio-galaxies, quasars and the Crab Nebula, as well as the data pertaining to the X-ray spectrum of the cosmic background, all agree that the sources of cosmic-ray electrons (such as supernovae and galactic nuclei) inject particles characterized by a power spectrumN(E)=KE –0, with 01.5–2.5. A mechanism is known in which the source emits a proton-nuclear component of cosmic rays with a spectrumN n (E)=K n E n, n = + 2, =w cr/(ww cr), wherew cr is the cosmic-ray energy density in the source, andw=w cr+w n+w turb, the total energy density. We obtain =2.5 in agreement with observations on the natural assumption that =0.5. Within the framework of the same model with some additional assumptions, the electrons in the source, as well as those ejected by the source, are shown to have a power-spectrum characterized with 0 n = + 2. Thus the model discussed gives an adequate spectrum for both the proton-nuclear and the electron components of cosmic rays.  相似文献   

Comparison of the large-scale density and velocity fields in the local universe shows detailed agreement, strengthening the standard paradigm of the gravitational origin of these structures. Quantitative analysis can determine the cosmological density parameter, , and biasing factor,b; there is virtually no sensitivity in any local analyses to the cosmological constant,. Comparison of the dipole anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background with the acceleration due to theIRAS galaxies puts the linear growth factor in the range 0.6 /b = 0.6 –0.3 +0.7 (95% confidence). A direct comparison of the density and velocity fields of nearby galaxies gives = 1.3 –0.6 +0.7 , and from nonlinear analysis the weaker limit > 0.45 forb > 0.5 (again 95% confidence). A tighter limit, > 0.3 (4–6), is obtained by a reconstruction of the probability distribution function of the initial fluctuations from which the structures observed today arose. The last two methods depend critically on the smooth velocity field determined from the observed velocities of nearby galaxies by thePOTENT method. A new analysis of these velocities, with more than three times the data used to obtain the above quoted results, is now underway and promises to tighten the uncertainties considerably, as well as reduce systematic bias.  相似文献   

An approximate metric is found which represents a sphere of matter embedded in a background of dust. The use of this metric in conjunction with the Friedmann equations gives values of for the three possible values ofk as +6×10–36 (k=+1), +3×10–35 (k=0), +10–36 (k=–1). These values depend on data regarding clusters of galaxies, and are probably accurate to within an order of magnitude given the correctness of the assumptions on which their derivation rests.  相似文献   

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