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The Moho interface provides critical evidence for crustal thickness and the mode of oceanic crust accretion. The seismic Moho interface has not been identified yet at the magma-rich segments (46°-52°E) of the ultra- slow spreading Southwestern Indian Ridge (SWIR). This paper firstly deduces the characteristics and do- mains of seismic phases based on a theoretical oceanic crust model. Then, topographic correction is carried out for the OBS record sections along Profile Y3Y4 using the latest OBS data acquired from the detailed 3D seismic survey at the SWIR in 2010. Seismic phases are identified and analyzed, especially for the reflected and refracted seismic phases from the Moho. A 2D crustal model is finally established using the ray tracing and travel-time simulation method. The presence of reflected seismic phases at Segment 28 shows that the crustal rocks have been separated from the mantle by cooling and the Moho interface has already formed at zero age. The 2D seismic velocity structure across the axis of Segment 28 indicates that detachment faults play a key role during the processes of asymmetric oceanic crust accretion.  相似文献   

The potential hydrothermal systems unexplored in the Southwest Indian Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deep-sea hydrothermal vents possess complex ecosystems and abundant metallic mineral deposits valuable to human being. On-axial vents along tectonic plate boundaries have achieved prominent results and obtained huge resources, while nearly 90% of the global mid-ocean ridge and the majority of the off-axial vents buried by thick oceanic sediments within plates remain as relatively undiscovered domains. Based on previous detailed investigations, hydrothermal vents have been mapped along five sections along the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) with different bathymetry, spreading rates, and gravity features, two at the western end (10°–16°E Section B and 16°–25°E Section C) and three at the eastern end (49°–52°E Section D, 52°–61°E Section E and 61°–70°E Section F). Hydrothermal vents along the Sections B, C, E and F with thin oceanic crust are hosted by ultramafic rocks under tectonic-controlled magmatic-starved settings, and hydrothermal vents along the Section D are associated with exceed magmatism. Limited coverage of investigations is provided along the 35°–47°E SWIR (between Marion and Indomed fracture zones) and a lot of research has been done around the Bouvet Island, while no hydrothermal vents has been reported. Analyzing bathymetry, gravity and geochemical data, magmatism settings are favourable for the occurrence of hydrothermal systems along these two sections. An off-axial hydrothermal system in the southern flank of the SWIR that exhibits ultra-thin oceanic crust associated with an oceanic continental transition is postulated to exist along the 100-Ma slow-spreading isochron in the Enderby Basin. A discrete, denser enriched or less depleted mantle beneath the Antarctic Plate is an alternative explanation for the large scale thin oceanic crust concentrated on the southern flank of the SWIR.  相似文献   

Two long seismic refraction lines along the crest of the Iceland-Faeroe Ridge reveal a layered crust resembling the crust beneath Iceland but differing from normal continental or oceanic crust. The Moho was recognised at the south-eastern end of the lines at an apparent depth of 16–18 km. A refraction line in deeper water west of the ridge and south of Iceland indicates a thin oceanic type crust underlain by a 7.1 km/s layer which may be anomalous upper mantle.An extensive gravity survey of the ridge shows that it is in approximate isostatic equilibrium; the steep gravity gradient between the Norwegian Sea and the ridge indicates that the ridge is supported by a crust thickened to about 20 km rather than by anomalous low density rocks in the underlying upper mantle, in agreement with the seismic results. An increase in Bouguer anomaly of about 140 mgal between the centre of Iceland and the ridge is attributed to lateral variation in upper mantle density from an anomalous low value beneath Iceland to a more normal value beneath the ridge. Local gravity anomalies of medium amplitude which are characteristic of the ridge are caused by sediment troughs and by lateral variations in the upper crust beneath the sediments. A steep drop in Bouguer anomaly of about 80 mgal between the ridge and the Faeroe block is attributed partly to lateral change in crustal density and partly to slight thickening of the crust towards the Faeroe Islands; this crustal boundary may represent an anomalous type of continental margin formed when Greenland started to separate from the Faeroe Islands about 60 million years ago.We conclude that the Iceland-Faeroe Ridge formed during ocean floor spreading by an anomalous hot spot type of differentiation from the upper mantle such as is still active beneath Iceland. This suggests that the ridge may have stood some 2 km higher than at present when it was being formed in the early Tertiary, and that it has subsequently subsided as the spreading centre moved away and the underlying mantle became more normal; this interpretation is supported by recognition of a V-shaped sediment filled trough across the south-eastern end of the ridge, which may be a swamped sub-aerial valley.  相似文献   

The ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge(SWIR) to the east of the Melville fracture zone is characterized by very low melt supply and intensive tectonic activity. Due to its weak thermal budget and extremely slow spreading rate, the easternmost SWIR was considered to be devoid of hydrothermal activity until the discovery of the inactive Mt. Jourdanne hydrothermal field(27°51′S, 63°56′E) in 1998. During the COMRA DY115-20 cruise in2009, two additional hydrothermal fields(i.e., the Tiancheng(27°51′S, 63°55′E) and Tianzuo(27°57′S, 63°32′E)fields) were discovered. Further detailed investigations of these two hydrothermal sites were conducted by Chinese manned submersible Jiaolong in 2014–2015. The Tiancheng filed can be characterized as a lowtemperature(up to 13.2°C) diffuse flow hydrothermal field, and is hosted by fractured basalts with hydrothermal fauna widespread on the seafloor. The Tianzuo hydrothermal field is an inactive sulfide field, which is hosted by ultramafic rocks and controlled by detachment fault. The discovery of the three hydrothermal fields around Segment #11 which receives more melt than the regional average, provided evidence for local enhanced magmatism providing heat source to drive hydrothermal circulation. We further imply that hydrothermal activity and sulfide deposits may be rather promising along the easternmost SWIR.  相似文献   

Geophysical data from 900 km of the Southwest Indian Ridge are used todescribe the pattern of evolution of the plate boundary between 61° Eand 70° E over the past 20 million years. The SWIR is anobliquely-opening, ultra slow-spreading axis, and east of61° E comprises a series of ridge sections, each about 100–120 kmin length. The orientation of these sections varies fromsub-orthogonal to oblique to the approximately N–S spreadingdirection. In general, the suborthogonal sections are shallower, commonlysubdivided into an array of discrete axial segments, and carry recognisablecentral magnetic anomalies. The majority of the oblique sections are single,continuous rifts without continuous axial magnetic signatures.Morphotectonics of the Southwest Indian Ridge crust have not previously beenwell constrained off-axis, and we here present sidescan sonar andswath bathymetric data up to 100 km from the ridge to demonstrate the complexities of its spatial and temporal evolution.A model is proposed that the segmentation style correlates with analong-axis variation between: (a) relatively thick crustal sections which overlie mantle sections with higher magmatic supply created in orthogonally-spreading segments and (b) those oblique sections associated with cooler, magmatically-starved mantle and thinner crust. These latter sections are formed at broad offset zones in theplate boundary, more precisely defined on faster-spreading ridges asnontransform discontinuities. The nonsystematic pattern of crustalconstruction, extensional basin formation and the absence of extension-parallel traces of discontinuities off-axis suggest that the oblique spreading sections are not fixed in space or time.  相似文献   

Magnetic data collected in conjunction with a Sea Beam bathymetric survey of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Kane Fracture Zone are used to constrain the spreading history of this area over the past 3 Ma. Two-dimensional forward modeling and inversion techniques are carried out, as well as a full three-dimensional inversion of the anomaly field along a 90-km-long section of the rift valley. Our results indicate that this portion of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, known as the MARK area, consists of two distinct spreading cells separated by a small, zero-offset transform or discordant zone near 23°10′ N, The youngest crust in the median valley is characterized by a series of distinct magnetization highs which coalesce to form two NNE-trending bands of high magnetization, one on the northern ridge segment which coincides with a large constructional volcanic ridge, and one along the southern ridge segment that is associated with a string of small axial volcanos. These two magnetization highs overlap between 23° N and 23°10° N forming a non-transform offset that may be a slow spreading ridge analogue of the small ridge axis discontinuities found on the East Pacific Rise. The crustal magnetizations in this overlap zone are generally low, although an anomalous, ESE-trending magnetization high of unknown origin is also present in this area. The present-day segmentation of spreading in the MARK area was inherited from an earlier ridge-transform-ridge geometry through a series of small (∼ 10 km) eastward ridge jumps. These small ridge jumps were caused by a relocation of the neovolcanic zone within the median valley and have resulted in an overall pattern of asymmetric spreading with faster rates to the west (14 mm yr−1) than to the east (11 mm yr−1). Although the detailed magnetic survey described in this paper extends out to only 3 Ma old crust, a regional compilation of magnetic data from this area by Schoutenet al. (1985) indicates that the relative positions and dimensions of the spreading cells, and the pattern of asymmetric spreading seen in the MARK area during the past 3 Ma, have characterized this part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge for at least the past 36 Ma.  相似文献   

The West O’Gorman Fracture Zone is an unusual feature that lies between the Mathematician Ridge and the East Pacific Rise on crust generated on the East Pacific Rise between 4 and 9 million years ago. We made a reconnaissance gravity, magnetic and Sea Beam study of the zone with particular emphasis on its eastern (youngest) portion. That region is characterized by an elongate main trough, a prominent median ridge and other, smaller ridges and troughs. The structure has the appearance of large-offset fracture zone, possibly in a slow spreading environment. However, magnetic anomalies indicate that the offset, if any, is quite small, and the spreading rate during formation was fast. In addition, the magnetic profiles do not support earlier models for a difference in spreading rate north and south of the fracture. The morphology of the fracture zone suggests that flexure may be responsible for some of the topography; but gravity studies indicate some of the most prominent features of the fracture zone are at least partially compensated. The main trough is underlain by a thin crust (or high density body), similar to large-offset fracture zones in the Atlantic, while the median ridge is underlain by a thickened crust. Sea Beam data does not unambiguously resolve between volcanism or serpentinization of the upper mantle as a mechanism for isostatic compensation. Why the West O’Gorman exists remains enigmatic, but we speculate that the topographic expression of a fracture zone does not require a transform offset during formation. Perhaps the spreading ridge was magma starved for some reason, resulting in a thin crust that allowed water to penetrate and serpentinize portions of the upper mantle.  相似文献   

The crenulated geometry of the Southeast Indian ridge within the Australian-Antarctic discordance is formed by numerous spreading ridge segments that are offset, alternately to the north and south, by transform faults. Suggested causes for these offsets, which largely developed since ~ 20 Ma, include asymmetric seafloor spreading, ridge jumps, and propagating rifts that have transferred seafloor from one flank of the spreading ridge to the other. Each of these processes has operated at different times in different locations of the discordance; here we document an instance where a small (~ 20 km), young (< 0.2 Ma), southward ridge jump has contributed to the observed asymmetry. When aeromagnetic anomalies from the Project Investigator-1 survey are superposed on gravity anomalies computed from Geosat GM and ERM data, we find that in segment B4 of the discordance (between 125° and 126° E), the roughly east-west-trending gravity low, correlated with the axial valley, is 20–25 km south of the ridge axis position inferred from the center of magnetic anomaly 1. Elsewhere in the discordance, the inferred locations of the ridge axis from magnetics and gravity are in excellent agreement. Ship track data confirm these observations: portions of Moana Wave track crossing the ridge in B4 show that a topographic valley correlated with the gravity anomaly low lies south of the center of magnetic anomaly 1; while other ship track data that cross the spreading ridge in segments B3 and B5 demonstrate good agreement between the axial valley, the gravity anomaly low, and the central magnetic anomaly. Based on these observations, we speculate that the ridge axis in B4 has recently jumped to the south, from a ridge location closer to the center of the young normally magnetized crust, to that of the gravity anomaly low. The position of the gravity low essentially at the edge of normally magnetized crust requires a very recent (< 0.2 Ma) arrival of the ridge in this new location. Because this ridge jump is so young, it may be a promising location for future detailed studies of the dynamics, kinematics, and thermal effects of ridge jumps.The U.S. Government right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

Electron microprobe analysis was conducted on plagioclase from the plagioclase ultraphyric basalts(PUBs)erupted on the Southwest Indian Ridge(SWIR)(51°E) to investigate the geochemical changes in order to better understand the magmatic processes occurring under ultraslow spreading ridges and to provide insights into the thermal and dynamic regimes of the magmatic reservoirs and conduit systems. The phenocryst cores are generally calcic(An_(74–82)) and are depleted in FeO and MgO. Whereas the phenocryst rims(An_(67–71)) and the plagioclase in the groundmass(An_(58–63)) are more sodic and have higher FeO and MgO contents than the phenocryst cores. The crystallization temperatures of the phenocryst cores and the calculation of the equilibrium between the phenocrysts and the matrix suggest that the plagioclase cores are unlikely to have crystallized from the host basaltic melt, but are likely to have crystallized from a more calcic melt. The enrichment in incompatible elements(FeO and MgO), as well as the higher FeO/MgO ratios of the outermost phenocryst rims and the groundmass, are the result of plagioclase-melt disequilibrium diffusion during the short residence time in which the plagioclase crystallized. Our results indicate that an evolved melt replenishing under the SWIR(51°E) drives the eruption over a short period of time.  相似文献   

The Jan Mayen microcontinent was as a result of two major North Atlantic evolutionary cornerstones—the separation of Greenland from Norway (~54 Ma), accompanied by voluminous volcanic activity, and the jump of spreading from the Aegir to the Kolbeinsey ridge (~33 Ma), which resulted in the separation of the microcontinent itself from Eastern Greenland (~24 Ma). The resulting eastern and western sides of the Jan Mayen microcontinent are respectively volcanic and non-volcanic rifted margins. Until now the northern boundary of the microcontinent was not precisely known. In order to locate this boundary, two combined refraction and reflection seismic profiles were acquired in 2006: one trending S–N and consisting of two separate segments south and north of the island of Jan Mayen respectively, and the second one trending SW–NE east of the island. Crustal P-wave velocity models were derived and constrained using gravity data collected during the same expedition. North of the West Jan Mayen Fracture Zone (WJMFZ) the models show oceanic crust that thickens from west to east. This thickening is explained by an increase in volcanic activity expressed as a bathymetric high and most likely related to the proximity of the Mohn ridge. East of the island and south of the WJMFZ, oceanic Layers 2 and 3 have normal seismic velocities but above normal average crustal thickness (~11 km). The similarity of the crustal thickness and seismic velocities to those observed on the conjugate M?re margin confirm the volcanic origin of the eastern side of the microcontinent. Thick continental crust is observed in the southern parts of both profiles. The northern boundary of the microcontinent is a continuation of the northern lineament of the East Jan Mayen Fracture Zone. It is thus located farther north than previously assumed. The crust in the middle parts of both models, around Jan Mayen island, is more enigmatic as the data suggest two possible interpretations—Icelandic type of oceanic crust or thinned and heavily intruded continental crust. We prefer the first interpretation but the latter cannot be completely ruled out. We infer that the volcanism on Jan Mayen is related to the Icelandic plume.  相似文献   

The ridge located between 31° S and 34°30′S is spreading at a rate of 35 mm yr−1, a transitional velocity between the very slow (≤20 mm yr−1) opening rates of the North Atlantic and Southwest Indian Oceans, and the intermediate rates (60 mm yr−1) of the northern limb of the East Pacific Rise, and the Galapagos and Juan de Fuca Ridges. A synthesis of multi-narrow beam, magnetics and gravity data document that in this area the ridge represents a dynamically evolving system. Here the ridge is partitioned into an ensemble of six distinct segments of variable lengths (12 to 100 km) by two transform faults (first-order discontinuities) and three small offset (< 30 km) discontinuities (second-order discontinuities) that behave non-rigidly creating complex and heterogeneous morphotectonic patterns that are not parallel to flow lines. The offset magnitudes of both the first and second-order discontinuities change in response to differential asymmetric spreading. In addition, along the fossil trace of second-order discontinuities, the lengths of abyssal hills located to either side of a discordant zone are observed to lengthen and shorten creating a saw-toothed pattern. Although the spreading rate remains the same along the length of the ridge studied, the morphology of the spreading segments varies from a deep median valley with characteristics analogous to the rift segments of the North Atlantic to a gently rifted axial bulge that is indistinguishable from the shape and relief of the intermediate rate spreading centers of the East Pacific Rise (i.e., 21°N). Like other carefully surveyed ridge segments at slow and fast rates of accretion, the along-axis profiles of each ridge segment are distinctly convex upwards, and exhibit along-strike changes in relief of 500m to 1500 between the shallowest portion of the segment (approximate center) and the segment ends. Such spatial variations create marked along-axis changes in the morphology and relief of each segment. A relatively low mantle Bouguer anomaly is known to be associated with the ridge segment characterized by a gently rifted axial bulge and is interpreted to indicate the presence of focused mantle upwelling (Kuo and Forsyth, 1988). Moreover, the terrain at the ends of each segment are known to be highly magnetized compared to the centers of each segment (Carbotte et al, 1990). Taken together, these data clearly establish that these profound spatial variations in ridge segment properties between adjoining segments, and along and across each segment, indicate that the upper mantle processes responsible for the formation of this contrasting architecture are not solely related to passive upwelling of the asthenosphere beneath the ridge axis. Rather, there must be differences in the thermal and mechanical structure of the crust and upper mantle between and along the ridge segments to explain these spatial variations in axial topography, crustal structure and magnetization. These results are consistent with the results of investigations from other parts of the ridge and suggest that the emplacement of magma is highly focused along segments and positioned beneath the depth minimum of a given segment. The profound differences between segments indicate that the processes governing the behavior of upwelling mantle are decoupled and the variations in the patterns of axis flanking morphology and rate of accretion indicate that processes controlling upwelling and melt production vary markedly in time as well. At this spreading rate and in this area, the accretionary processes are clearly three-dimensional. In addition, the morphology of a ridge segment is not governed so much by opening rate as by the thermal structure of the mantle which underlies the segment.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of a seismic refraction experiment that was carried out off Dronning Maud Land (East Antarctica) along the Explora Escarpment (14° W–12° W) and close to Astrid Ridge (6°E). Oceanic crust of about 10 km thickness is observed northwest of the Explora Escarpment. Stretched continental crust, observed southeast of the escarpment, is most likely intruded by volcanic material at all crustal levels. Seismic velocities of 7.0–7.4 km/s are modelled for the lower crust. The northern boundary of this high velocity body coincides approximately with the Explora Escarpment. The upper crystalline crust is overlain by a 4-km thick and 70-km wide wedge of volcanic material: the Explora Wedge. Seismic velocities for the oceanic crust north of the Explora Escarpment are in good agreement with global studies. The oceanic crust in the region of the Lazarev Sea is also up to 10-km thick. The lower crystalline crust shows seismic velocities of up to 7.4 km/s. This, together with the larger crustal thickness might point to higher mantle temperatures during the formation of the oceanic crust. The more southerly rifted continental crust is up to 25-km thick, and also has seismic velocities of 7.4 km/s in the lower crystalline crust. This section is interpreted to consist of stretched continental crust, which is heavily intruded by volcanic material up to approximately 8-km depth. Multichannel seismic data indicate that, in this region, two volcanic wedges are present. The wedges are interpreted to have evolved during different time/rift periods. The wedges have a total width of at least 180 km in the Lazarev Sea. Our results support previous findings that the continental margin off Dronning Maud Land between ≈2°E and ≈13°E had a complex and long-lived rift history. Both continental margins can be classified as rifted volcanic continental margins that were formed during break-up of Gondwana.  相似文献   

Abyssal hills were delineated in a 185 × 185-km area by an 18.5 × 18.5-km grid of narrow-beam bathymetric and geophysical profiles in oceanic crust of Cretaceous age near 23°N latitude, 31°W longitude. The abyssal hills are similar to features located along flow lines of sea-floor spreading near the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This similarity indicates a primary origin for these abyssal hills related to axial processes at a mid-oceanic ridge involving construction (igneous) and tectonics (faulting), and secondary modification by volcanic activity.  相似文献   

超慢速扩张洋中脊具有不同于其他扩张速率洋中脊的特征,表现为剧烈变化的洋壳厚度和典型的非岩浆段。本文对前人研究的洋中脊岩浆形成关键因素和迁移聚集模式进行综合分析,结合实际地球物理和地球化学的观测数据,探讨了超慢速扩张洋中脊岩浆从地幔源区形成、迁移汇聚、形成洋壳的整个地质过程,进一步指出了影响洋壳结构的关键控制因素。研究结果表明,超慢速扩张洋中脊沿轴洋壳厚度的变化受岩浆补给量和迁移汇聚的共同制约。其中,岩浆补给量受控于洋中脊的地幔潜热、地幔成分和扩张速率的变化;岩浆迁移和汇聚过程则与超慢速扩张洋中脊密集的分段特征和阻渗层的空间结构密切相关。  相似文献   

A combined ocean bottom seismometer, multichannel seismic reflection and gravity study has been carried out along the spreading direction of the Knipovich Ridge over a topographic high that defines a segment center. The youngest parts of the crust in the immediate vicinity of the ridge reveal fractured Oceanic Layer 2 and thermally expanded and possibly serpentinized Oceanic Layer 3. The mature part of the crust has normal thickness and seismic velocities with no significant crustal thickness and seismic velocity variations. Mature Oceanic Layer 2 is in addition broken into several rotated fault blocks. Comparison with a profile acquired ~40 km north of the segment center reveals significant differences. Along this profile, reported earlier, periods of slower spreading led to generation of thin crust with a high P-wave velocity (Vp), composed of a mixture of gabbro and serpentinized mantle, while periods of faster spreading led to generation of more normal gabbroic crust. For the profile across the segment center no clear relation exists between spreading rate and crustal thickness and seismic velocity. In this study we have found that higher magmatism may lead to generation of oceanic crust with normal thickness even at ultra-slow spreading rates.  相似文献   

137°E经向断面上的副热带逆流   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据137°E断面1967~1995年间冬、夏两季的温、盐资料,计算和分析了该断面的地转流和副热带逆流.主要结果如下:(1)副热带逆流在冬季和夏季均存在.冬季,副热带逆流出现1支、2支、3支、4支4种形式,夏季出现2支、3支两种形式,两季均以2支形式占优势.(2)冬季副热带逆流主要出现在22°~23°N、26°~27°N两区间;夏季主要出现在21°~22°N、24°~25°N两区间.(3)副热带逆流的流速呈带状结构,多为单束单核,个别为单束双核形式.流速具有更强,冬弱的特点.(4)副热带逆流的流量年际差异较大,多年平均而言,冬季流量为14.3×106m3/s,夏季的为22.9×106m3/s.(5)冬季,副热带逆流的“源地”与黑潮“源地”同为一体.前者是台湾省以东黑潮东侧海流的一个分支,并沿着暖脊、冷槽边缘而东流.  相似文献   

New swath bathymetric, multichannel seismic and magnetic data reveal the complexity of the intersection between the extinct West Scotia Ridge (WSR) and the Shackleton Fracture Zone (SFZ), a first-order NW-SE trending high-relief ridge cutting across the Drake Passage. The SFZ is composed of shallow, ridge segments and depressions, largely parallel to the fracture zone with an `en echelon' pattern in plan view. These features are bounded by tectonic lineaments, interpreted as faults. The axial valley of the spreading center intersects the fracture zone in a complex area of deformation, where N120° E lineaments and E–W faults anastomose on both sides of the intersection. The fracture zone developed within an extensional regime, which facilitated the formation of oceanic transverse ridges parallel to the fracture zone and depressions attributed to pull-apart basins, bounded by normal and strike-slip faults.On the multichannel seismic (MCS) profiles, the igneous crust is well stratified, with numerous discontinuous high-amplitude reflectors and many irregular diffractions at the top, and a thicker layer below. The latter has sparse and weak reflectors, although it locally contains strong, dipping reflections. A bright, slightly undulating reflector observed below the spreading center axial valley at about 0.75 s (twt) depth in the igneous crust is interpreted as an indication of the relict axial magma chamber. Deep, high-amplitude subhorizontal and slightly dipping reflections are observed between 1.8 and 3.2 s (twt) below sea floor, but are preferentially located at about 2.8–3.0 s (twt) depth. Where these reflections are more continuous they may represent the Mohorovicic seismic discontinuity. More locally, short (2–3 km long), very high-amplitude reflections observed at 3.6 and 4.3 s (twt) depth below sea floor are attributed to an interlayered upper mantle transition zone. The MCS profiles also show a pattern of regularly spaced, steep-inclined reflectors, which cut across layers 2 and 3 of the oceanic crust. These reflectors are attributed to deformation under a transpressional regime that developed along the SFZ, shortly after spreading ceased at the WSR. Magnetic anomalies 5 to 5 E may be confidently identified on the flanks of the WSR. Our spreading model assumes slow rates (ca. 10–20 mm/yr), with slight asymmetries favoring the southeastern flank between 5C and 5, and the northwestern flank between 5 and extinction. The spreading rate asymmetry means that accretion was slower during formation of the steeper, shallower, southeastern flank than of the northwestern flank.  相似文献   

Four uniformly spaced regional gravity traverses and the available seismic data across the western continental margin of India, starting from the western Indian shield extending into the deep oceanic areas of the eastern Arabian Sea, have been utilized to delineate the lithospheric structure. The seismically constrained gravity models along these four traverses suggest that the crustal structure below the northern part of the margin within the Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP) is significantly different from the margin outside the DVP. The lithosphere thickness, in general, varies from 110–120 km in the central and southern part of the margin to as much as 85–90 km below the Deccan Plateau and Cambay rift basin in the north. The Eastern basin is characterised by thinned rift stage continental crust which extends as far as Laxmi basin in the north and the Laccadive ridge in the south. At the ocean–continent transition (OCT), crustal density differences between the Laxmi ridge and the Laxmi basin are not sufficient to distinguish continental as against an oceanic crust through gravity modeling. However, 5-6 km thick oceanic crust below the Laxmi basin is a consistent gravity option. Significantly, the models indicate the presence of a high density layer of 3.0 g/cm3 in the lower crust in almost whole of the northern part of the region between the Laxmi ridge and the pericontinental northwest shield region in the DVP, and also below Laccadive ridge in the southern part. The Laxmi ridge is underlain by continental crust upto a depth of 11 km and a thick high density material (3.0 g/cm3) between 11–26 km. The Pratap ridge is indicated as a shallow basement high in the upper part of the crust formed during rifting. The 15 –17 km thick oceanic crust below Laccadive ridge is seen further thickened by high density underplated material down to Moho depths of 24–25 km which indicate formation of the ridge along Reunion hotspot trace.  相似文献   

In this paper we focused on understanding the isostatic compensation of the Ninetyeast Ridge in the overall context of the Bay of Bengal oceanic lithosphere and the interaction of the ridge system with the north Andaman subduction zone from north of 7–18°N. This region is characterized by the initial interaction of the Kerguelen hotspot with the Bay of Bengal oceanic lithosphere. We used satellite altimeter-derived marine geoid, as it should comprehensively reflect the compensations caused by large spatial wavelength dominated deeper anomaly sources in a hotspot affected lithospheric load like the Ninetyeast Ridge. Our analyses of the geoid-to-topography ratio (GTR), residual geoid, gravity-to-topographic kernel and upward continuation of anomalies show the existence of two different types of source compensation bodies beneath the northern (12–18°N) and southern (7–12°N) Ninetyeast Ridge. In the northern region, the geoid to topography ratio varies from 0.63 ± 0.05 to 0.44 ± 0.03, while in the southern region it ranges from 1.34 ± 0.09 to 1.31 ± 0.07 which resulted in a north to south increase in the apparent compensation depth from ~9 to 28 km. The presence of a shallow Moho, low GTR, broader gravity to topography kernel and the absence of a ridge anomaly from the mantle density dominated upward continued anomaly at z = 300 km indicates that at the northern segment the underplated low density crustal melt is the dominant isostatic compensating body. However, at the southern ridge segment the high GTR, strong gravity-to-topography kernel and the subsistence of the anomaly at long wavelengths, even at z = 300 km represents the existence of large volumes of hotspot related underplated dense material as the source of compensation. The proximity of the dense source compensating body of the southern Ninetyeast Ridge to the Andaman subduction zone affected the regional mantle driven density gradient flow, as observed from the z = 300 km continued gravity anomaly. The existence of a southern Ninetyeast Ridge in such a transpressional regime has caused the formation of a forearc sliver at its eastern flank, which is a major crustal deformational structure developed as a result of ridge-trench collision.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional analysis of gravity andbathymetry data has been achieved along the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR)between the Rodriguez Triple Junction (RTJ) and the Atlantis II transform,in order to define the morphological and geophysical expression ofsecond-order segmentation along an ultra slow-spreading ridge(spreading rate of 8 mm/yr), and to compare it with awell-studied section along a slow-spreading ridge (spreadingrate of 12.5 mm/yr): the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) between 28°and 31°30 N.Between the Atlantis II transform and theRTJ, the SWIR axis exhibits a deep axial valley with an 30°oblique trend relative to the north–south spreading direction. Onlythree transform faults offset the axis, so the obliquity has to beaccommodated by the second-order segmentation. Alongslow-spreading ridges such as the MAR, second-order segmentshave been defined as linear features perpendicular to the spreadingdirection, with a shallow axial valley floor at the segment midpoint,deepening to the segment ends, and are associated with Mantle BouguerAnomaly (MBA) lows. Along the SWIR, our gravity study reveals the presenceof circular MBA lows, but they are spaced further apart than expected. Thesegravity lows are systematically centred over narrow bathymetric highs, andinterpreted as the centres of spreading cells. However, along some obliquesections of the axis, the valley floor displays small topographicundulations, which can be interpreted as small accretionary segments frommorphological analysis, but as large discontinuity domains from thegeophysical data. Therefore, both bathymetry and MBA variations have to beused to define the second-order segmentation of an ultraslow-spreading ridge. This segmentation appears to be characterisedby short segments and large oblique discontinuity domains. Analysis of alongaxis bathymetric and gravimetric profiles exhibits three different sectionsthat can be related to the thermal structure of the lithosphere beneath theSWIR axis.The comparison between characteristics of segmentationalong the SWIR and the MAR reveals two major differences: first, the poorcorrelation between MBA and bathymetry variations and second, the largerspacing and amplitude of MBA lows along the SWIR compared to the MAR. Theseobservations seem to be correlated with the spreading rate and the thermalstructure of the ridge. Therefore, the gravity signature of the segmentationand thus the accretionary processes appear to be very different: there areno distinct MBA lows on fast-spreading ridges, adjacent ones on slowspreading ridges and finally separate ones on ultra slow-spreadingridges. The main result of this study is to point out that 2nd ordersegmentation of an ultra slow-spreading ridge is characterised bywide discontinuity domains with very short accretionary segments, suggestingvery focused mantle upwelling, with a limited magma supply through a cold,thick lithosphere. We also emphasise the stronger influence of themechanical lithosphere on accretionary processes along an ultra slow-spreading ridge.  相似文献   

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