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L.J. de Nooijer I.A.P. Duijnstee M.J.N. Bergman G.J. van der Zwaan 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2008,78(4):715-726
Benthic foraminifera were collected across the Frisian Front, a biologically enriched transition-zone with high organic matter content below a tidal-mixing front in the southern North Sea. On four occasions between 2002 and 2005, box-cores from different hydrographic regimes (i.e. tidally mixed, frontal and stratified) at depths between 30- and 45-m deep were sampled. The results indicate that standing stocks and foraminiferal diversity are higher in the central zone of the Frisian Front than further away from the frontal zone. Most of the abundant species occupy a specific zone relative to the front's central position. Elphidium excavatum is abundant at the southern edge of the Frisian Front, where input of labile organic matter is high and physical disturbance (i.e. resuspension of fine-grained material) is relatively frequent. Ammonia tepida and Quinqueloculina spp. dominate at the front's center where organic carbon input is relatively high. Hopkinsina pacifica has its highest abundances at the deepest, northerly boundary of the front, and Eggerella scabra dominates the deeper, seasonally stratified Oyster Grounds north of the front. Differences in seasonal distribution patterns were minor compared to spatial patterns. Depth distributions varied between summer (more ‘epifaunal’ distribution) and winter (vertically more evenly distributed). The latter suggests that the vertical distribution of foraminifera is governed by the arrival of fresh organic matter at the seafloor in spring and summer. A comparison with foraminiferal abundances across the Frisian Front in 1988/1989 reveals that total abundances and distribution of the most abundant species were similar in both data sets, despite a macrobenthic regime shift at the Frisian Front in the early 1990s. The decoupled dynamics of foraminifera and macrofauna suggests that foraminifera reflect reliably the hydrodynamic environment (stratified, frontal, mixed), despite the changed macrofaunal community and its physical and geochemical consequences. 相似文献
Mahatma Lanuru Rolf Riethmüller Carlo van Bernem Kerstin Heymann 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2007,72(4):603-614
The erosion potential over bedforms in a tidal flat of the East Frisian Wadden Sea was studied by conducting erosion and physical and biological sediment property measurements on the crests and troughs of bedforms. Five stations along a cross-shore transect of 1.5 km length from immediately below the salt marsh to the mid tide-level of the tidal flat were visited during two field campaigns in June and September 2002. Measurements of sediment erodibility were made on both crests and troughs using an EROMES erosion device and quantified in terms of critical erosion shear stress and erosion rate. Surface sediment scrape samples (upper 1 mm layer) were taken from crests and troughs to determine various physical and biological properties of the sediment. The results show that crests are generally more stable (i.e. higher critical erosion shear stresses and lower erosion rates) than troughs. In general, crests contained more chlorophyll a, colloidal carbohydrate, and EPS (extracellular polymeric substance) than troughs. Median grain-size, water content and wet bulk density of the crests showed no statistically significant difference from those of the troughs with the exception at the most landward station immediately below the salt marsh margin, where crests had significantly lower water content and higher wet bulk density than troughs.Two different processes were identified for the difference in erodibility between crests and troughs: (1) At stations with emersion times less than 6 h, the higher benthic diatom biomass (measured as chlorophyll a concentration) on the crests increases the amount of EPS, which is likely to stabilize the sediment surface of these features; (2) in a saltmarsh transition area (most landward station), physical processes such as surface drying and compaction seem to enhance in a synergistic way the sediment stability on the crests. 相似文献
A sand-prone Middle Eocene sequence is recognized in three cored boreholes on the East Shetland Platform. Three lithostratigraphic divisions are recognized: Lower Sand Unit, Main Sand Unit and Upper Claystone Unit. The Lower Sand Unit is of fluvio-deltaic origin, occurring on the southern part of the East Shetland Platform. The Main Sand Unit represents the subsequent transgression of the delta. The unit comprises a set of highstand shelf systems tracts separated by glauconitic bands and reflected by palynological assemblage breaks. The presence of reworked palynofloras in sediments of late Middle Eocene age implies derivation of sediment from the north-west part of the East Shetland Platform. Although it is tempting to ascribe sea level changes to the sediment pattern, a tentative correlation with the Hampshire Basin only highlights the difficulties involved. 相似文献
A digitally recorded and processed multichannel seismic profile between Cromer (England) and Sylt (Germany) has provided the first continuous section through the Miocene to Middle Pleistocene delta complex of the southern North Sea Basin. The profile depicts the progressive westward expansion of deltaic sedimentation that eventually filled in this gently subsiding epicontinental basin. Significant basinward shifts in seismic facies occur above all but one of 14 seismic sequence boundaries that punctuate the deposition of up to 830 m of deltaic sediments on the profile. These sequence boundaries and the morphology of prodelta, delta front, delta top and fluvio-deltaic seismic facies record the interaction between subsidence, cyclic fluctuation in sediment supply to, and cyclic change of relative sea level within the basin. Two submarine slides were developed within delta front facies in the Pliocene section and the profile has intersected a swarm of Elsterian (Middle Pleistocene) glacial palaeovalleys that have been incised into the upper part of the delta complex. 相似文献
Qi-Liang Sun Shi-Guo Wu Thomas Lüdmann Bin Wang Tao-Tao Yang 《Marine Geophysical Researches》2011,32(3):415-428
Gravity flow deposits form a significant component of the stratigraphic record in ancient and modern deep-water basins worldwide.
Analyses of high-resolution 3D seismic reflection data in a predominantly slope setting, the southern slope of Qiongdongnan
Basin, South China Sea, reveal the extensive presence of gravity flow depositional elements in the Late Pliocene−Quaternary
strata. Three key elements were observed: (1) mass transport deposits (MTDs) including slumps and debris flows, (2) turbidity
current deposits including distributary channel complexes, leveed channel complexes and avulsion channel complexes, and (3)
deep-water drapes (highstand condensed sections). Each depositional element displays a unique seismic expression and internal
structures in seismic profiles and attribute maps. Based on seismic characteristics, the studied succession is subdivided
into six units in which three depositional cycles are identified. Each cycle exhibits MTDs (slump or debris) at the base,
overlain by turbidities or a deep-water drape. The genesis of these cycles is mainly controlled by frequent sea-level fluctuations
and high sedimentation rates in the Late Pliocene–Quaternary. Moreover, tectonics, differential subsidence, and paleo-seafloor
morphology may have also contributed to their formation processes. The present study is aimed to a better understanding of
deep-water depositional systems, and to a successful hydrocarbon exploration and engineering-risk assessment. 相似文献
T.J. Andersen M. Lanuru C. van Bernem M. Pejrup R. Riethmueller 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2010
Sediment erodibility and a range of physical and biological parameters were measured at an intertidal site in the German Wadden Sea area in June, September and November 2002 and February and April 2003 in order to examine the influence of macrozoobenthos and microphytobenthos on sediment erodibility and the temporal variation. The study site was a mixed mudflat situated in the mesotidal Baltrum–Langeoog tidal basin at the East Frisian barrier coast. The mud content at the site was about 35% and the filter-feeding cockle Cerastoderma edule was the dominating macrozoobenthic species (by biomass). The erodibility of the sediment showed strong temporal variation with high erosion thresholds in spring and late summer and significantly lower thresholds during the rest of the study period. The erosion thresholds were strongly dependent on the contents of chlorophyll a (chl a) and colloidal carbohydrates, both indicators of the content of microphytobenthos, in this environment primarily benthic diatoms. The content of microphytobenthos was high in September 2002 and April 2003, and regression analysis indicated that this was the only likely reason for the low erodibility found at these times. A biostabilisation index of about 4.5 was found for a situation with both abundant biofilms and cockles. 相似文献
Maik Grunwald Olaf Dellwig Melanie Beck Joachim W. Dippner Jan A. Freund Cora Kohlmeier Bernhard Schnetger Hans-Jürgen Brumsack 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2009,81(4):445-456
Measurements of methane (CH4) so far have always shown supersaturation in the entire North Sea relative to the atmospheric partial pressure and the distribution of surface CH4 reveals a distinct increase towards the shore. Since North Sea sediments presumably are an insignificant source for CH4 the coastal contribution via rivers and tidal flats gains in importance.In this work, CH4 data from the River Weser, the back barrier tidal flats of Spiekeroog Island (NW Germany), and the German Bight are presented. Results from the River Weser are compared to other rivers draining into the German Bight. Measurements in the tidal flat area of Spiekeroog Island highlight this ecosystem as an additional contributor to the overall CH4 budget of the southern North Sea. A tidally driven CH4 pattern is observed for the water column with maximum values during low tide. Tidal flat sediments turn out to be the dominating source because pore waters discharged during low tide are highly enriched in CH4. In contrast, the freshwater contribution to the tidal flats by small coastal tributaries has almost no impact on water column CH4 concentrations. The CH4 level seems to be disturbed irregularly by wind forcing due to elevated degassing and prevention of advective flow when tidal flats remain covered by water.Based on our data, two model calculations were used to estimate the impact of tidal flats on the CH4 budget in the German Bight. Our results demonstrate that the back barrier tidal flats of the east Frisian Wadden Sea contribute CH4 in an order of magnitude between the Wash estuary and River Elbe and thus have to be considered in budget calculations. 相似文献
G. H. Hong S. H. Kim C. S. Chung D.-J. Kang D.-H. Shin H. J. Lee S.-J. Han 《Geo-Marine Letters》1997,17(2):126-132
Recent sediment accumulation rates are 18–230 mg cm-2 yr-1 (0.02–0.2 cm yr-1) based on excess 210Pb activity profiles in the southwestern part of the East Sea (Sea of Japan). Assuming no mixing beneath surface mixed layers,
210Pb-derived sediment accumulation rates are 18–32 mg cm-2 yr-1 in the northern part of the Yamato Ridge and the Ulleung Basin, 29–136 mg cm-2 yr-1 in the Korea Plateau, and 230 mg cm-2 yr-1 in the southern shelf. These values generally agree with long-term sedimentation rates estimated from dated ash layers.
Received: 6 October 1995 / Revision received: 31 May 1996 相似文献
K. Weston T. D. Jickells L. Fernand E. R. Parker 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2004,59(4):559-573
Nitrate and ammonium uptake rates were measured during a series of cruises in the well-mixed region of the southern North Sea from February to September. Water column-integrated uptake rates ranged between 0.01 and 8.7 mmol N m−2 d−1 and 0.01 and 12.2 mmol N m−2 d−1 for nitrate and ammonium, respectively, with ammonium uptake dominating after the phytoplankton spring bloom in May. A moored buoy continuously measuring nitrate and chlorophyll a and seabed current meters were also deployed in the central southern North Sea in the region of the East Anglian plume—a permanent physical feature which transports nutrients towards continental Europe. This enabled the flux of water and hence of nutrients across the southern North Sea to be determined and an assessment of the contribution of freshwater nutrients to the flux to be made. A simple box model is developed to relate the phytoplankton uptake of nitrate and ammonium to the transport of nitrate, ammonium and particulate organic matter (POM) across the southern North Sea. This showed the importance of the plume region of the North Sea in the processing of nitrogen, with nitrate dominating total nitrogen transport prior to the spring bloom (10 340×103 kg N inflow to the plume in March) and transport of nitrogen as ammonium, nitrate and POM in approximately equivalent amounts during summer (2560, 2960 and 2151×103 kg N inflow to the plume, respectively, in July). The box model also demonstrates more generally the need to assess nitrogen transport as nitrate, ammonium and POM if an improved understanding of the impact of nutrient input in shelf seas is to be achieved. 相似文献
The amplifying effect of southern continental shelf of the East China Sea on semidiurnal tides

The coast of Zhejiang Province is a zone of maximum tidal ranges in China. One of the causes is the influence of the adjacent continental shelf. A model is presented in this paper, whose theory suggests that the amplitudes of semidiurnal tides should be amplified on the southern continental shelf of the East China Sea, while those of diurnal tides should not. The values computed from the equations are basically in agreement with observations. 相似文献
南黄海表层不同粒级沉积物中氮的地球化学特征 总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17
南黄海不同粒级沉积物中可转化氮[离子交换态氮(IEF-N)、弱酸可浸取态氮(WAEF-N)、强碱可浸取态氮(SAEF-N)、强氧化剂可浸取氮(SOEF-N)]的地球化学特征各不相同,其中SOEF-N是3种粒级沉积物中含量最高的形态,IEF-N是可转化无机氮中的主要存在形态,也是最易参与循环的形态.当同一粒级沉积物中的可转化不同形态氮都能参与循环时,它们对氮循环的相对贡献从大至小依次为SOEF-N>IEF-N>SAEF-N>WAEF-N.对于不同粒级的沉积物来说,细粒级沉积物中的可转化不同形态氮的绝对含量最高,粗粒级沉积物中不同形态氮的绝对含量最低;如果沉积物中3种粒级组分所占的份额相同,那么细粒级沉积物中可转化氮的量占总可转化氮的60%,是中粒级中的2倍,粗粒级沉积物中可转化氮的近7倍,即细粒级沉积物对氮循环的可能贡献最大.随着沉积物粒级的由粗到细,沉积物中可转化有机氮的相对含量逐渐增加,而无机氮的相对含量逐渐降低. 相似文献
Gil Young Kim Bo Yeon Yi Dong Geun Yoo Byong Jae Ryu Michael Riedel 《Marine and Petroleum Geology》2011,28(10):1979-1985
The Gas Hydrate Research and Development Organization (GHDO) of Korea successfully accomplished both coring (hydraulic piston and pressure coring) and logging (logging-while-drilling, LWD, and wireline logging) to investigate the presence of gas hydrate during the first deep drilling expedition in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea of Korea (referred to as UBGH1) in 2007. The LWD data from two sites (UBGH1-9, UBGH1-10) showed elevated electrical resistivity (>80 Ω-m) and P-wave velocity (>2000 m/s) values indicating the presence of gas hydrate. During the coring period, the richest gas hydrate accumulation was discovered at these intervals. Based on log data, the occurrence of gas hydrate is primarily controlled by the presence of fractures. The gas hydrate saturation calculated using Archie’s relation shows greater than 60% (as high as ∼90%) of the pore space, although Archie’s equation typically overestimates gas hydrate saturation in near-vertical fractures. The saturation of gas hydrate is also estimated using the modified Biot-Gassmann theory (BGTL) by Lee and Collett (2006). The saturation values estimated rom BGTL are much lower than those calculated from Archie’s equation. Based on log data, the hydrate-bearing sediment section is approximately 70 m (UBGH1-9) to 130 m (UBGH1-10) in thickness at these two sites. This was further directly confirmed by the recovery of gas hydrate samples and pore water freshening collected from deep drilling core during the expedition. LWD data also strongly support the interpretation of the seismic gas hydrate indicators (e.g., vent or chimney structures and bottom-simulating reflectors), which imply the probability of widespread gas hydrate presence in the Ulleung Basin. 相似文献
Dagmar Kieke Birgit Klein Lothar Stramma Monika Rhein Klaus Peter Koltermann 《Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers》2009,56(10):1656-1674
The variability of two modes of Labrador Sea Water (LSW) (upper and deep Labrador Sea Water) and their respective spreading in the interior North Atlantic Ocean are investigated by means of repeated ship surveys carried out along the zonal WOCE line A2/AR19 located at 43–48°N (1993–2007) and along the GOOS line at about 48–51°N (1997–2002). Hydrographic section data are complemented by temperature, salinity, and velocity time series recorded by two moorings. They have been deployed at the western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) in the Newfoundland Basin during 1996–2004. The analysis of hydrographic anomalies at various longitudes points to a gradual eastward propagation of LSW-related signals, which happens on time scales of 3–6 years from the formation region towards the MAR. Interactions of the North Atlantic Current (NAC) with the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) close to Flemish Cap point to the NAC being the main distributor of the different types of LSW into the interior of the Newfoundland Basin. Comparisons between the ship data and the mooring records revealed that the mooring sites are located in a region affected by highly variable flow. The mooring time series demonstrate an elevated level of variability with eddy activity and variability associated with the NAC considerably influencing the LSW signals in this region. Hydrographic data taken from Argo profiles from the vicinity of the mooring sites turned out to mimic quite well the temporal evolution captured by the moorings. There is some indication of occasional southward flow in the LSW layer near the MAR. If this can be considered as a hint to an interior LSW-route, it is at least of minor importance in comparison to the DWBC. It acts as an important supplier for the interior North Atlantic, distributing older and recently formed LSW modes southward along the MAR. 相似文献