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PIV在横流中的湍射流实验研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用粒子图象测速技术(PIV),对横流中具有复杂结构流动的湍射流进行了详细观测.实验给出了射流沿程发展情况和由断面最大流速连线形成的轨迹线方程,研究中还发现射流尾迹区中的大尺度结构与圆柱绕流有很大区别.  相似文献   

基于粒子图像测速技术(Particle Image Velocimetry,PIV)对新型开孔桥墩周围的水流结构进行试验研究。通过分析开孔桥墩中轴面(y/b=0)处的立面流场和桥墩周围不同水深位置处的平面流场,探究开孔桥墩周围水流动力结构。试验结果表明,矩形开孔桥墩周围水流呈明显的三维结构特点。在桥墩上设置方孔,能有效地抑制墩前部分下降流的形成、降低墩前壅水的高度和改善墩侧水流流态,同时明显改变墩后尾流结构。方孔所在水深位置处(z/h=0.45),墩侧低速区最大相对宽度以及墩后尾流区最大相对宽度与相对孔宽比(w/b)呈二次曲线关系,且相关关系密切。近水面处(z/h=0.75),w/b=0.5条件下墩后旋涡对的相对长度为无孔时的70%;相反,近床面处(z/h=0.15)旋涡对的相对长度略有增加,但旋涡对的相对宽度一直保持在1左右。  相似文献   

PIV技术的几种实现方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
PIV技术是一种基于流场图像互相关分析的二维流场非接触式测试技术。在介绍利用Fourier变换的互相关特性及其快速算法实现PIV技术的基础上,介绍了可提高分析效率的实序列Fourier变换的实现方法,并进而提出了一种更高效的基于Hartley变换的分析法,给出了分离式内核的Hartley变换互相关特性的明确表达式。从算法复杂性理论与实际分析时间两方面对3种方法进行的比较,充分说明了Hartley变换在PIV技术应用中的优越性。  相似文献   

射流泵流场的PIV测量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用粒子图像速度场仪(PIV)对射流泵渐缩锥形入口、等径直管内有限空间水射流进行测量。该射流泵喉管面积与喷嘴面积之比为4.75,基于射流泵喷嘴直径D和喷嘴出口流速计算的雷诺数为3.68×105。通过流量比在0.20~0.80之间的变化来研究流量比对流场的影响。获得了射流泵对称面流场的速度矢量、轴心速度分布和轴向速度等值线图。结果表明:当射流泵的面积比确定后,射流泵内有限空间射流结构只与射流泵的流量比有关,流量比愈小,其轴心速度衰减得愈快,高速射流区愈短。测量结果为射流泵理论研究和优化设计提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

为了探明含石量对土石混合体边坡渐进破坏的影响,进行了5种不同含石量边坡的静力超载试验。在加载过程中测得作用于边坡顶部的力和位移,同时采集边坡侧面的高清图像。通过对比PIV(particle image velocimetry)分析结果与FLAC~(3D)数值模拟结果揭示了边坡在静力超载作用下的破坏过程并表明PIV分析结果能够体现土石混合体中砾石对剪切带的影响。对比不同含石量边坡的PIV分析结果,发现剪切带都呈"y"型,但含石量对剪切带的发展有重要影响。随着含石量增加,一方面剪切带受砾石影响而逐渐呈现偏转和曲折的特点,并发现剪切带发展过程中的两种"绕石"模式;另一方面,边坡破坏模式从整体破坏到局部分级破坏逐渐过渡,破坏模式的转折点位于含石量30%~53%的区间内。  相似文献   

由于技术手段的限制,勘探中获得的各种原始地质信息及经过处理的探测成果等,均存在一定的局限性或人为性。为了降低构造解释的人为性,提高构造解释的科学性,提出了数字曲面模拟技术。该技术是利用地质勘探获取的离散数据,通过曲面模拟来构建矿层底面的形态。分析了适合煤层底面曲面模拟的数学模型。通过对宁夏冯记沟南部B区四煤的研究表明,数字曲面模拟技术能够有效地分析和研究煤田构造,为煤田构造研究提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

应用PIV系统研究横流中近壁水平圆柱绕流旋涡特性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
应用粒子图像测速(PIV)系统对横流中近壁水平圆柱绕流进行了试验研究。介绍了试验原理及装置,讨论了试验参数的选取和粒子的跟随性问题。分析了上游来流的流动特性,显示了亚临界雷诺数下间隙比为0.5时圆柱后尾流区旋涡产生、发展和消亡的动态过程,比较了时均流场和瞬时流场旋涡结构。对圆柱尾迹的旋涡脱落特性进行了分析,得出在试验条件下斯特劳哈尔数保持为常数0.2的结论。  相似文献   

Organic nitrogen is omnipresent in nature. The variations of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentration are usually a result of microbial activity, anthropogenic influence, and/or other physical-chemical processes (e.g. photo-mineralization). Therefore, DON serves as an important indicator for aquatic life cycles and water qualities. However, current DON detection methods inevitably produce exaggerated standard deviation, due to their inherent subtraction processes, as shown in the below equation. Consequently, they are incapable of propelling further understandings of the DON occurrence, DON role in nutrient recycling, and DON potential human toxicity as well. SDON=(STN2+SDIN^2)0.5, where: S=standard deviation in an effort to overcome the barricade, the primary goal of this study is to develop a membrane pretreatrnent unit using electro-dialysis (EDI) process. Similar to the well-known mechanism used in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) analysis, which employs acidification and following purging to eliminate the inorganic carbon species, this study believes that EDI could significantly (〉99%) remove the dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) species (i.e., ammonia, nitrite and nitrate) and concurrently retain most of organic nitrogen materials. By grafting the pretreatment unit with a total nitrogen (TN) analyzer, the system then enables direct detection of DON. Meanwhile, EDI discriminates nitrogen not only on size differences, but also on electrostatic force that separates nitrogen species according to their charge, thus making it more advantageous than other membrane technologies. Results showed that this approach was successfully used to separate inorganic from organic nitrogen for the selected water samples, including model amino acids, natural organic water & isolates (i.e., humic substance), and wastewater plant effluents. The EDI process was able to reduce more than 99% of inorganic nitrogen species within 2 hours under a 40-voltage operation condition, ending up with negligible DIN. Meanwhile, it retained more than 90% of organic matter (in terms of DOC) for natural water samples and 80% for wastewater effluent samples, meaning that DON can be analyzed directly without sacrifising significant organics. In addition, the EDI unit deleted other inorganic anions such as bicarbonate, chloride, sulfate, and phosphate, too, implying that this unit might also be applied to other organic matter like organic chloride, sulfur, phosphorous, etc.  相似文献   

This paper investigates two aspect of the direct simple shear (DSS) using three-dimensional finite element analysis. Firstly, the different total stress paths followed by DDS devices that impose constant cross-sectional area using a stiff external boundary, and those that use a constant total stress lateral boundary condition are explored. This is done by conducting finite element analysis of a single cubic element. It is shown that this element may be subjected to perfect simple shear using four different boundary condition types. Each boundary condition type results in the same effective stress path, but different total stress paths and excess pore pressures. The boundary condition types are related to DSS devices in use. The second aspect investigated is the fact that no DSS device can impose true simple shear conditions, as they are unable to generate the required complementary shear stress on the vertical boundaries. Full three-dimensional finite element analysis of a UWA/Berkeley type simple shear device, which has a constant total stress lateral boundary, is then presented. The results are compared to the ideal solution and effects of stress non-homogeneity on the friction angle and undrained shear strength, deduced from a standard interpretation, are established.  相似文献   

泥石流断面内流速垂向分布是研究其流量、冲击力和沟床侵蚀过程的关键。然而,受限于测量装置布设条件,泥石流现场实测及水槽试验中常用的分层流速仪等设备仅能采集断面内少量样本点的流速数据,导致基于实测结果拟合回归的线性分布模型难以准确描述泥石流速度分布规律。对此,本文依托大比例尺泥石流水槽试验开展研究,利用所构建的基于HBP本构的光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)数值模型反演泥石流三维动力过程,通过分层统计算法对大量粒子速度数据进行分析处理,获得了断面内速度垂向分布规律,并据此提出了基于对数函数的泥石流流速垂向非线性分布模型。为验证所提出模型的准确性,利用其他多组水槽试验数据进行了对比分析,结果表明,本文提出的对数分布模型比传统线性分布模型能够更准确地拟合速度剖面,并在模型参数敏感性方面具有更强鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Fabric evolution in a numerical direct shear test   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a three-dimensional discrete element study on the mechanical behaviour and fabric changes of elongated particle assemblages in a direct shear test. Assemblages with elongated particles are prepared under different preparation methods: random placing and deposition. Particles are generated inside a direct shear box with arbitrary orientations in the random placing method. In the deposition approach, two directions of deposition are used: perpendicular and parallel to the shear direction. Assemblages formed by different methods give significantly different initial particle orientations. Different dilatancy responses and shear strengths are resulted upon shearing. Change in fabric along the shear plane is noticeable and the magnitude of such rotation depends highly on the initial particle orientation.  相似文献   

Stability analysis of Llerin Rockfill Dam: An in situ direct shear test   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes the stability of the Llerin rockfill dam using Barton–Kjaernsli's shear criterion. To fit the parameters of this criterion, a direct shear test was designed that allows in situ calculation, using large-size samples of the shear stress at which failure is produced for different normal loads. These experimental values are then used to obtain more reliable values for the friction angle and the equivalent roughness of the rockfill material.The rockfill of Llerin dam is formed by a suitably ground gonfolite limestone rockfill that serves as a contention dam for a lagoon of mine tailings. The experimental results obtained in in situ tests were compared with those predicted by the shear criterion, subsequently determining the safety coefficient of the rockfill dam using the SLOPE computer program. We conclude that the values estimated via in situ testing permit the behaviour of the containment dam to be predicted more accurately.  相似文献   

洞室岩体参数的位移正演反分析   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
贾超  刘宁  肖树芳 《岩土力学》2003,24(3):450-454
岩体的某些参数,如弹性模量、强度参数等,对地下洞室的施工和设计具有极其重要的作用。直接进行这些参数的现场测量势必要耗费大量的物资和精力,但结果不一定令人满意。在这种背景下,位移反分析的工程应用具有很重要的理论和实用价值,它克服了直接测量岩体参数所带来的弊端,仅用工程中较易得到的位移量就可以反演出岩体的这些参数。笔者应用位移正演的方法,结合石碑岭隧道这一具体工程进行了岩体参数的反演计算。  相似文献   

Due to variety of current pile bearing capacity methods based on cone penetration test (CPT) measurements, there is always a need for evaluating performance of existing methods to make proper choices of methods as well as safety factors for optimum design. In this regard, geotechnical databases are known as useful tools which facilitate evaluation of existing methods. This paper deals with axial bearing capacity of driven piles in sand using CPT-based methods. A database of seventy-six records is employed to analyze different criteria of interpreting static pile load test results to select the most consistent approach with the CPT-based methods. Then, performance of nine commonly used direct CPT-based methods was evaluated. Finally, via a failure probability and cost optimisation approach, optimum safety factors are presented and discussed. Analysis of different failure criteria shows that the Hansen 80% criterion leads to more consistent results with the CPT-based methods. In addition, almost all of the investigated methods showed promising performance. The attained safety factors range from 1.6 to 3.1 for all records, 1.4 to 3.1 for piles in compression, and 1.4 to 2.2 for the piles in tension. Then, efficiency of methods was evaluated and the methods with higher efficiency are introduced.  相似文献   

A finite element analysis is presented of some direct shear tests carried out on samples of a stiff, heavily overconsolidated clay. The effects of softening are accounted for through a simple material model which views this phenomenon as a consequence of an intrinsic loss of strength of the material taking place when plastic strains increase. After illustrating the main characteristics of the finite element approach, with particular reference to the correct determination of the non-reversible strains, its use in the interpretation of the mentioned shear tests is discussed. Some comments are also presented on the mesh dependence of the numerical results, and on the use of a relation between material parameters and element size which reduces this negative effect. Finally, the solution procedure is applied to the simulation of a compression test in order to investigate the possibility of numerically detecting the ‘spontaneous’ (i.e. not directly induced by the boundary conditions) formation of shear zones within the specimen.  相似文献   

曹日红  曹平  林杭  张科  谭希文 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z2):456-463
利用二维颗粒流程序生成5种不同粗糙程度的节理模型,并对5种节理模型进行了5种不同法向恒定荷载作用下的直剪试验,从细观角度分析了不同粗糙程度的节理模型在法向荷载下的形貌损伤情况和裂纹演化机制。与此同时,分析了节理JRC值和节理面颗粒摩擦系数对节理抗剪强度影响,并反推出了节理面抗剪强度参数Cj与?j与JRC值的关系。结果为:法向恒定荷载越大时,节理峰值抗剪应力越大,剪胀现象越小,节理形貌损伤范围越大。随着剪切的进行,上下节理面接触范围减小,微裂纹开始主要沿节理面产生,随着剪切位移的继续增加微裂纹数量显著增加,并且不局限于节理面附近而深入到模型内部。随着节理粗糙程度(JRC值)和节理面颗粒摩擦系数的增加节理峰值抗剪应力也增大。节理抗剪强度参数Cj与?j随着JRC值的增大而增大。所得结果可以为室内试验和工程应用提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

In this study,the fractal dimensions of velocity fluctuations and the Reynolds shear stresses propagation for flow around a circular bridge pier are presented.In the study reported herein,the fractal dimension of velocity fluctuations(u′,v′,w′) and the Reynolds shear stresses(u′v′ and u′w′) of flow around a bridge pier were computed using a Fractal Interpolation Function(FIF) algorithm.The velocity fluctuations of flow along a horizontal plane above the bed were measured using Acoustic Doppler Velocity meter(ADV)and Particle Image Velocimetry(P1V).The PIV is a powerful technique which enables us to attain high resolution spatial and temporal information of turbulent flow using instantaneous time snapshots.In this study,PIV was used for detection of high resolution fractal scaling around a bridge pier.The results showed that the fractal dimension of flow fluctuated significantly in the longitudinal and transverse directions in the vicinity of the pier.It was also found that the fractal dimension of velocity fluctuations and shear stresses increased rapidly at vicinity of pier at downstream whereas it remained approximately unchanged far downstream of the pier.The higher value of fractal dimension was found at a distance equal to one times of the pier diameter in the back of the pier.Furthermore,the average fractal dimension for the streamwise and transverse velocity fluctuations decreased from the centreline to the side wall of the flume.Finally,the results from ADV measurement were consistent with the result from PIV,therefore,the ADV enables to detect turbulent characteristics of flow around a circular bridge pier.  相似文献   

单粒组密砂剪切带的直剪试验离散元数值分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
为分析砂土的剪切力学特性,采用离散元商业软件PFC2D对单粒组密砂在直剪试验中出现的剪切带进行了数值分析。改进传统的分条带观察方式,采用矩形格分割法观察试样内部不同区域的变形特性。对离散元商业软件进行了二次开发,实现了大小主应力及其应力主方向角的可视化,分析了试样内部的应力偏转情况。同时,以纯转动率和颗粒速度等微观变量为中心,观察了试样内部颗粒的运动状态,解析了直剪试验中砂土剪切带形成的微观机制。研究表明,直剪试验中应变局部化区域集中在剪切面附近的一个条带内。通过转动场和速度场的分析可知,剪切带宽度约为10~15倍的砂土平均粒径,带内颗粒转动明显,带边缘出现大的速度和转动变化梯度。对组构和接触力分布的分析可知,剪切过程中粒间接触点和接触力的主轴方向发生了相一致的偏转,偏转后的主轴方向为60°左右。  相似文献   

We report an improved method for determining the intramolecular carbon isotopic composition of acetate using direct injection of aqueous samples. The system builds upon prior work that established pyrolytic conditions for online analysis and represents a significant advance in that it requires minimal preparation for samples containing as little as 1 mM sodium acetate in aqueous solution. The technique is applicable for analysis of oilfield brines, culture samples, biological samples and natural porewaters. We demonstrate its accuracy by use of a stable isotope dilution series. We also show that addition of a base and cryogenic preconcentration may induce an isotopic effect on the carboxyl carbon. This isotopic fractionation does not appear to extend to the measured methyl carbon isotope value although it can significantly alter the measured isotopic composition of the whole molecule. Our preconcentration experiments demonstrate that the method is suitable for carbon isotopic measurements of acetate methyl carbon in natural samples at concentrations as low as 90 μM, considerably broadening potential applications.  相似文献   

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