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Engineering geological mapping was carried out, at a scale of 1:100,000, in the Fortaleza Metropolitan Region, located in northeastern Brazil, to provide engineering geological information as an aid in planning land use and occupation. In this study, eight basic maps were produced drawing: urban areas, lithology, unconsolidated materials in addition to geomorphological map showing slopes, water resources, engineering geological zoning and distribution of geological–geotechnical environmental problems based on information collected through field and laboratory investigations. The region was divided into nine engineering geological zones analyzed in terms of geohazard susceptibility and foundation, excavation and waste disposal conditions.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates how sensitivity analysis and a worst-case scenario analysis can be useful tools in risk assessment of groundwater pollution. The approach is applied to a study area in Hungary with several known groundwater pollution sources and nearby drinking water production wells. The main concern is whether the contamination sources threaten the drinking water wells of the area. A groundwater flow and transport model is set up to answer this question. Due to limited data availability, the results of this model are associated with large uncertainty. Sensitivity analysis and a worst-case scenario analysis are applied to estimate this uncertainty and build confidence in the model results.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the most economic natural source of drinking in urban and rural areas which are degraded due to high population growth and increased industrial development. We applied a GIS-based DRASTIC model in a populated urban area of Pakistan (Peshawar) to assess groundwater vulnerability to pollution. Six input parameters—depth to phreatic/groundwater level, groundwater recharge, aquifer material, soil type, slope, and hydraulic conductivity—were used in the model to generate the groundwater vulnerable zones. Each parameter was divided into different ranges or media types, and ratings R?=?1?–?10 were assigned to each factor where 1 represented the very low impact on pollution potential and 10 represented very high impact. Weight multipliers W?=?1?–?5 were also used to balance and enhance the importance of each factor. The DRASTIC model scores obtained varied from 47 to 147, which were divided into three different zones: low, moderate, and high vulnerability to pollution. The final results indicate that about 31.22, 39.50, and 29.27% of the total area are under low, moderate, and high vulnerable zones, respectively. Our method presents a very simple and robust way to assess groundwater vulnerability to pollution and helps the decision-makers to select appropriate landfill sites for waste disposals, and manage groundwater pollution problems efficiently.  相似文献   

Space not only reflects social inequality, it also reinforces the advantages or disadvantages associated with social class. However, the study of how neighbourhoods affect their residents has only recently entered the debate on urban poverty in Latin America. We use 2000 data from the Brazilian population census, school census, and the state of São Paulo’s educational evaluation system to analyze the relationship between school infrastructure, school academic achievement, and the neighbourhoods in which these schools are located. Our analyses indicate that state-run elementary schools located in areas of concentrated poverty have lower academic achievement in mathematics tests and Portuguese than mixed and affluent areas of the city, even though these schools are all administered by the same government body. We end with a discussion of the relationship between Brazilian education policy and its influence on spatial differences in São Paulo State.  相似文献   

天津市地下水开采对地面沉降影响的多元回归分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下水的过量开采是天津市引起地面沉降的主要原因。因此天津市提出了“压缩地下水开采量”、“地下水人工回灌”、“调整地下水开采层次”等控制地面沉降的3大技术措施。经过多年的努力,控制地面沉降效果明显。如何解决地下水开发与控制地面沉降的关系,更好的贯彻这3大技术措施,是该文编写的初衷。即在开采同样地下水量的情况下,如何使地面沉降量最小;或在地面沉降量容许的情况下,如何开采最大量的地下水。压缩地下水开采量是治理地面沉降的根本措施,亦即如何压缩采水量或调整开采层次会达到最好效果。论文对天津市某区各个地下水开采层的多年累计开采量、累计沉降量进行数据统计分析,建立了该地区累计沉降量及各个地下水开采层的多元相关方程。在此基础上,分析了各个地下水开采层对地面沉降影响的相关程度。以此为该区控制地面沉降的提供依据。  相似文献   

区域地下水污染综合评价研究是一项总结区域地下水水质特征、评估地下水水质和污染状况、分析其驱动机制、研判其演化趋势的重要基础性工作,也是地下水污染防控以及水质改善的重要依据。受水文地质领域一些传统概念、观念以及技术方法的限制,在水质综合评价、污染评价、天然劣质水与污染的区分、人类活动影响等方面存在诸多问题和挑战,认知的科学性和可靠性不断受到质疑,给政府管理部门的应用和决策带来困惑。本研究通过梳理分析近年来区域地下水污染综合评价的研究现状,回顾总结了在水质综合评价、背景值、污染评价、劣质水和劣变水评估以及人类活动识别等方面存在的问题,提出了几点认识和建议:(1)“指标分类评价-组合表达”的水质及污染综合评价思路,可为解决现阶段水质及污染综合评估容易造成歧义和误导的问题提供新的方向;(2)视背景值的建立不仅能够解决传统概念背景值无法获取的问题,还能有效进行污染判定、劣质水和劣变水评估以及人类活动识别,是一项亟待全面开展的基础性工作;(3)劣质水和劣变水概念及评价思路的提出,对区分天然劣质水和污染水具有借鉴意义,在科学回答这两类水对我国地下水水质的影响、帮助决策者理解水质不安全成因等方面有重要意义,但是方法学方面需要进一步探讨;(4)对人类活动影响的识别和量化,进一步推动了对输入型污染、诱导型水质恶化以及水化学场变化所引起的各种水质问题的认识,进而对判断水质演化趋势、污染防控、分类解决水质问题具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

With respect to model parameterization and sensitivity analysis, this work uses a practical example to suggest that methods that start with simple models and use computationally frugal model analysis methods remain valuable in any toolbox of model development methods. In this work, groundwater model calibration starts with a simple parameterization that evolves into a moderately complex model. The model is developed for a water management study of the Tivoli-Guidonia basin (Rome, Italy) where surface mining has been conducted in conjunction with substantial dewatering. The approach to model development used in this work employs repeated analysis using sensitivity and inverse methods, including use of a new observation-stacked parameter importance graph. The methods are highly parallelizable and require few model runs, which make the repeated analyses and attendant insights possible. The success of a model development design can be measured by insights attained and demonstrated model accuracy relevant to predictions. Example insights were obtained: (1) A long-held belief that, except for a few distinct fractures, the travertine is homogeneous was found to be inadequate, and (2) The dewatering pumping rate is more critical to model accuracy than expected. The latter insight motivated additional data collection and improved pumpage estimates. Validation tests using three other recharge and pumpage conditions suggest good accuracy for the predictions considered. The model was used to evaluate management scenarios and showed that similar dewatering results could be achieved using 20 % less pumped water, but would require installing newly positioned wells and cooperation between mine owners.  相似文献   

The geological environment has been heavily polluted by chemical substances over the past few decades. Pollution sources located on the earth’s surface or underground have affected the quality of the environment. A significant amount of impact could be reduced if the allocation of potential pollution sources was based on an evaluation of environmental conditions. The main objective of this study was to develop a methodology for the allocation of potential pollution sources by employing GIS and multi-criteria evaluation techniques. This methodology was applied to a study area located in the eastern part of Lithuania. A GIS-based land suitability analysis was performed after identifying 16 factors concerning the geological and socio-economic environment, which were important for environmental protection, land use and spatial planning. The environmental and socio-economic factors were divided into eliminating and limiting criteria. Criteria maps based on the selected factors were compiled. Areas delineated by eliminating criteria were identified as unsuitable for development (according to national legislation). Limiting criteria were evaluated according to the suitability level, which were determined in this study considering the principles of sustainable development. The relative importance of each criterion was assessed utilising the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). A land suitability index (LSI) was calculated and the final result of the land suitability analysis was summarized in three suitability maps (environmental, socio-economic and composite). Four suitability classes (unsuitable, least, moderately and most suitable) for the allocation of potential pollution sources in the study area were used, and the nine most suitable candidate sites were selected according to the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

张春山    何淑军  辛鹏  孙炜锋    谭成轩    吴树仁    王涛  刘鑫 《地质通报》2009,28(08):1053-1063
在渭滨区地质灾害详细调查的基础上,通过统计分析确定了各类地质灾害危险性和易损性的主要影响因素,采用模型方法和定性评价方法分别进行了地质灾害的危险性评价和易损性评价,在此基础上进行了地质灾害风险评价。渭滨区地质灾害类型主要为滑坡、崩塌、泥石流3种,共发育地质灾害隐患点123个,其中有16个点直接威胁人民的生命和财产。分别统计了渭滨区各乡镇地质灾害的多少和危害程度,总结了区域内地质灾害的分布特征,分析了地质灾害的形成条件,建立了地质灾害风险评价的指标体系,确定了地质灾害危险性、易损性和风险的判别标准,进行了地质灾害风险性评价与区划。共划分为极高风险区、高风险区、中风险区、低风险区和极低风险区5个等级。  相似文献   

陕西省宝鸡市渭滨区地质灾害风险评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在渭滨区地质灾害详细调查的基础上,通过统计分析确定了各类地质灾害危险性和易损性的主要影响因素,采用模型方法和定性评价方法分别进行了地质灾害的危险性评价和易损性评价,在此基础上进行了地质灾害风险评价。渭滨区地质灾害类型主要为滑坡、崩塌、泥石流3种,共发育地质灾害隐患点123个,其中有16个点直接威胁人民的生命和财产。分别统计了渭滨区各乡镇地质灾害的多少和危害程度,总结了区域内地质灾害的分布特征,分析了地质灾害的形成条件,建立了地质灾害风险评价的指标体系,确定了地质灾害危险性、易损性和风险的判别标准,进行了地质灾害风险性评价与区划。共划分为极高风险区、高风险区、中风险区、低风险区和极低风险区5个等级。  相似文献   

Wadi El Raiyan depression represents a discharge area of excess wastewater from the Faiyum province. It comprises two lakes: the upper lake connects the lower one through a channel. The intensive agriculture in the area hazardously affects both lakes. To assess the status of these lakes, this work studies the change detection using image classification and post-classification comparison, physicochemical parameters, concentration of trace elements, and microbiological contents. The classified images indicate a maintained constant area of the upper lake from 1990 to 2012 and decreased by 1.6% in 2014. The lower lake area increased by 4.8% between 1990 and 2001, then decreased till 2014 and increased again by 8.4% in 2015. The change detection concluded that the lake could be disappeared by 2019 if the exploitation of water from the upper lake continues, or the lake could be rebounded if the government planned to increase the recharge. The factor analysis implies that the total Fe, Mn, Ni, Ba, and As are controlled by pH–Eh relationship, Cu by TDS, Pb by temperature, while Cd is attributed to anthropogenic factor. The upper and lower lake samples exhibit biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) values lower than fish farm samples. The high BOD and COD values were coupled by high nitrate contents in the studied water samples. The cultivated land drains and the fish farms samples have total coliform (TC) and fecal coliform (FC) higher than the samples collected from the upper lake.  相似文献   

The hillslopes of the Serra do Mar, a system of escarpments and mountains that extend more than 1500 km along the southern and southeastern Brazilian coast, are regularly affected by heavy rainfall that generates widespread mass movements, causing large numbers of casualties and economic losses. This paper evaluates the efficiency of susceptibility mapping for shallow translational landslides in one basin in the Serra do Mar, using the physically based landslide susceptibility models SHALSTAB and TRIGRS. Two groups of scenarios were simulated using different geotechnical and hydrological soil parameters, and for each group of scenarios (A and B), three subgroups were created using soil thickness values of 1, 2, and 3 m. Simulation results were compared to the locations of 356 landslide scars from the 1985 event. The susceptibility maps for scenarios A1, A2, and A3 were similar between the models regarding the spatial distribution of susceptibility classes. Changes in soil cohesion and specific weight parameters caused changes in the area of predicted instability in the B scenarios. Both models were effective in predicting areas susceptible to shallow landslides through comparison of areas predicted to be unstable and locations of mapped landslides. Such models can be used to reduce costs or to define potentially unstable areas in regions like the Serra do Mar where field data are costly and difficult to obtain.  相似文献   

The potential of certain agricultural activities for groundwater pollution has long been recognized. Intensification of agriculture, increases in land area devoted to arable crops, intensification of animal husbandry, and a move away from arable rotations toward monoculture have affected groundwater nitrate content and necessitate continued close monitoring of groundwater. Investigative techniques vary, and have included systematic collection of water quality data from the saturated zone of aquifers, determining solute concentrations in pore waters present in unsaturated zones overlying unconfined aquifers, and deep profiling of consolidated aquifers. Pore water has been analyzed for both chemical components and thermonuclear tritium. Studies continue throughout the world. The results of several of these from various countries are included in the Symposium.  相似文献   

Hydrograph analyses of groundwater depletion process in the spring were used for estimation of karstification degree and groundwater sensitivity to pollution in the whole catchment area. Differences of individual depletion hydrographs enable assessment of the anticipated extent of absorption, attenuation and self-purification processes during the groundwater penetration through the rock environment between its infiltration and its outflow in the spring. The method was applied in the SW part of the Velka Fatra Mountains (Slovakia) “Tlsta” hydrogeological structure. In total, 209 individual recession curves from 20 gauged springs were analyzed. Depending on characteristic groundwater depletion hydrographs with independent sub-regimes, categories of groundwater sensitivity to pollution were defined. Finally, resulting sensitivities to pollution were linked to lithostratigraphical units in the area.  相似文献   

In this work the major and trace elements pollution levels in groundwater of Tuticorin city of Tamil Nadu was investigated. This coastal city with numerous large and small scale industries has increasingly affected the water quality by dumping effluents. The mean major and trace elements levels in groundwater in descending order: Si > Sr > Zn > Fe > Rb > Se > Al > Mn > Cu > As > Cr > Ba > V > Ni > Pb > Mo > Co > Sb > Cd > Ag. The concentrations of As, Se, Pb, Ba, Al, Fe and V (0.084, 0.150, 0.057, 0.837, 0.357 and 0.052) in some of the groundwater samples exceed the standard value of world health organization (WHO, 2004). Interrelationship between the elements was done by correlation matrix and factor analysis which indicates the contribution from industrial and irrigation fields. Spatial interpolation of inverse distance method (IDW) maps of all the elements suggested that discharge of effluents from chemical factory (STERLITE, TAC, SPIC, HEAVY WATER PLANT, NILA SEA FOODS), municipal wastewater, fertilizers were added to the natural sources. Results of this research suggests that proper measures should be taken to protect the vital groundwater resources in the Tuticorin city.  相似文献   

Groundwater is as an important geological agent. Moving groundwater may change the geological environment and cause geological hazards. Therefore, the interaction between groundwater and geo-environment has attracted increasing attention of hydrogeologists, geotechnical engineers and environmental geologists. In general, three main types of interaction between groundwater and the geological environment are identified in this paper, with several special processes for each one. These types include physical interaction, with processes of lubrication, softening or weakening and strengthening of bound water, chemical interaction with processes of ion exchange, dissolution, hydration, hydrolysis, corrosion and oxidation-reduction, and mechanical interaction with processes of hydrostatic pressure and hydrodynamic pressure. The interactions between groundwater and the geological environment can affect the deformability and strength of rock or soil masses. The geological process, engineering activity and heat can change the geo-stress field, recharge, throughflow and discharge conditions of groundwater. The consequence of interactions between groundwater flow and geo-stress changes the geological environment. Meanwhile, the interaction processes can induce geological hazards, such as reservoir-induced earthquakes, landslides, flooding of mines, ground engineering hazards, instability of dams, the collapse of cavities in carbonate and evaporate rocks, land subsidence and earthquakes.  相似文献   

Rapid urban expansion due to large scale land use/cover change, particularly in developing countries becomes a matter of concern since urbanization drives environmental change at multiple scales. Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, has been experienced break-neck urban growth in the last few decades that resulted many adverse impacts on the environment. This paper was an attempt to document spatio-temporal pattern of land use/cover changes, and to quantify the landscape structures in Dhaka Metropolitan of Bangladesh. Using multi-temporal remotely sensed data with GIS, dynamics of land use/cover changes was evaluated and a transition matrix was computed to understand the rate and pattern of land use/cover change. Derived land use statistics subsequently integrated with landscape metrics to determine the impact of land use change on landscape fragmentation. Significant changes in land use/cover were noticed in Dhaka over the study period, 1975–2005. Rapid urbanization was manifested by a large reduction of agricultural land since urban built-up area increased from 5,500?ha in 1975 to 20,549?ha in 2005. At the same time, cultivated land decreased from 12,040 to 6,236?ha in the same period. Likewise, wetland and vegetation cover reduced to about 6,027 and 2,812?ha, respectively. Consequently, sharp changes in landscape pattern and composition were observed. The landscape became highly fragmented as a result of rapid increase in the built-up areas. The analysis revealed that mean patch size decreased while the number of patches increased. Landscape diversity declined, urban dominance amplified, and the overall landscape mosaics became more continuous, homogenous and clumped. In order to devise sustainable land use planning and to determine future landscape changes for sound resource management strategies, the present study is expected to have significant implications in rapidly urbanizing cities of the world in delivering baseline information about long term land use change and its impact on landscape structure.  相似文献   

An initial assessment of an old manufacturing site with groundwater impacted by trichloroethene (TCE) contamination in the metropolitan New York area showed that the TCE was being removed naturally by reductive dechlorination. However, complete dechlorination was not expected at the site because the process was progressing too slowly under transitional to aerobic conditions at a degradation constant of –0.0013 and a TCE half life of 533 days. A pilot test was conducted at the site in which a carbohydrate substrate (molasses) was injected into the groundwater to create an In-Situ Reactive Zone (IRZ). Post-pilot test groundwater sampling and analysis indicated that an IRZ was created successfully as the total organic carbon (TOC) content and conductivity increased significantly while oxidation-reduction (REDOX) potential and dissolved oxygen (DO) decreased. The created IRZ caused enhanced reductive dechlorination of TCE at the site, found to proceed with a degradation constant of –0.0158 and a TCE half life of 44 days.  相似文献   

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