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We have used ESO’s new NIR IFS SINFONI during its Science Verification period to observe the central regions of local starburst galaxies. Being Science Verification observations, the aim was 2-fold: to demonstrate SINFONI’s capabilities while obtaining information on the nature of starclusters in starburst galaxies. The targets chosen include a number of the brighter clusters in NGC1808 and NGC253. Here we present first results.  相似文献   

We present ROSAT [High Resolution Imager (HRI) and Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC)] and ASCA observations of the two luminous ( L x ∼ 1041−42 erg s−1) star-forming galaxies NGC 3310 and 3690. The HRI shows clearly that the sources are extended with the X-ray emission in NGC 3690 coming from at least three regions. The combined 0.1–10 keV spectrum of NGC 3310 can be described by two components, a Raymond–Smith plasma with temperature kT  = 0.81+0.09−0.12 keV and a hard power law, Γ = 1.44−0.20−0.11 (or alternatively a harder Raymond–Smith plasma with kT  ∼ 15 keV), while there is no substantial excess absorption above the Galactic column value. The soft component emission is probably a super wind while the nature of the hard emission is more uncertain with the likely origins being X-ray binaries, inverse Compton scattering of infrared photons, an active galactic nucleus or a very hot gas component (∼108 K). The spectrum of NGC 3690 is similar, with kT  = 0.83+0.02−0.04 keV and Γ = 1.56+0.11−0.11. We also employ more complicated models such as a multi-temperature thermal plasma, a non-equilibrium ionization code or the addition of a third softer component, which improve the fit but not at a statistically significant level (2σ). These results are similar to recent results on the archetypal star-forming galaxies M82 and NGC 253.  相似文献   

We present high spatial resolution X-ray Chandra HRC and HST WFPC2 H α observations of the prototypical infrared-luminous galaxy NGC 6240. The central region of this system shows a remarkably complex morphology, with filaments and loops observed in the optical and X-rays. The total X-ray luminosity is dominated by the extended emission. Both nuclei are clearly detected in the HRC image and both appear to be extended. The energetics of the nuclei imply that the southern nucleus is the more plausible counterpart to the obscured active galactic nucleus. The overall spectral energy distribution of the galaxy is in good agreement with a blend of starburst and AGN components that have similar bolometric luminosities,   L bol∼5×1045 erg s-1  , with the starburst dominating the observed continuum in the near-infrared ( K band), optical and soft X-ray bands.  相似文献   

The bright Seyfert 1 and starburst galaxy NGC 7469 has been monitored at JHKL for 13 yr. Its variations have been small, amounting to less than 0.3 mag, except for an event in 1989 when the flux from its active nucleus declined to about one quarter of its normal level.   Using the technique of flux variation gradients (FVGs), the variations have been analysed, taking into account the known JHK fluxes from the star-forming ring surrounding the nucleus. By comparing the FVGs of NGC 7469 with those of other Seyfert galaxies, the nucleus of NGC 7469 is found to suffer very little reddening.   The active nucleus normally contributes more than 50 per cent of the flux measured in the K and L bands through an aperture of 12 arcsec diameter.   Infrared excesses (above the fluxes expected from stars) are observed from the circumnuclear ring at both K and L and it is suggested that they arise from warm, small particles that also emit the aromatic hydrocarbon features seen in this galaxy.  相似文献   

We present an X-ray spectroscopic study of the prototype far-infrared galaxy NGC 6240 from ASCA . The soft X-ray spectrum (below 2 keV) shows clear signatures of thermal emission well described by a multitemperature optically thin plasma, which probably originates in a powerful starburst. Strong hard X-ray emission is also detected with ASCA and its spectrum above 3 keV is extremely flat with a prominent iron K line complex, very similar to that seen in the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 but about an order of magnitude more luminous ( L 3−10keV ≈ 1.4 × 1042 erg s−1). The hard X-ray spectrum indicates that only reflected X-rays of an active galactic nucleus (AGN) buried in a heavy obscuration ( N H > 2 × 1024 cm−2) are visible. This is evidence for an AGN in NGC 6240, emitting possibly at a quasar luminosity (∼ 1045 erg s−1), and suggests its significant contribution to the far-infrared luminosity.  相似文献   

We present subarcsec angular resolution observations of the neutral gas in the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 520. The central kpc region of NGC 520 contains an area of significantly enhanced star formation. The radio continuum structure of this region resolves into ∼10 continuum components. By comparing the flux densities of the brightest of these components at 1.4 GHz with published 15-GHz data we infer that these components detected at 1.4 and 1.6 GHz are related to the starburst and are most likely to be collections of several supernova remnants within the beam. None of these components is consistent with emission from an active galactic nuclei. Both neutral hydrogen (H  i ) and hydroxyl (OH) absorption lines are observed against the continuum emission, along with a weak OH maser feature probably related to the star formation activity in this galaxy. Strong H  i absorption  ( N H∼ 1022 atoms cm−2)  traces a velocity gradient of 0.5 km s−1 pc−1 across the central kpc of NGC 520. The H  i absorption velocity structure is consistent with the velocity gradients observed in both the OH absorption and in CO emission observations. The neutral gas velocity structure observed within the central kpc of NGC 520 is attributed to a kpc-scale ring or disc. It is also noted that the velocity gradients observed for these neutral gas components appear to differ with the velocity gradients observed from optical ionized emission lines. This apparent disagreement is discussed and attributed to the extinction of the optical emission from the actual centre of this source hence implying that optical ionized emission lines are only detected from regions with significantly different radii to those sampled by the observations presented here.  相似文献   

Molecular line emission is a useful tool for probing the highly obscured inner kpc of starburst galaxies and buried AGNs. Molecular line ratios serve as diagnostic tools of the physical conditions of the gas—but also of its chemical properties. Both provide important clues to the type and evolutionary stage of the nuclear activity. While CO emission remains the main tracer for molecular distribution and dynamics, molecules such as HCN, HNC, HCO+, CN and HC3N are useful for probing the properties of the denser (n≳104 cm−3), star-forming gas. Here I discuss current views on how line emission from these species can be interpreted in luminous galaxies. HNC, HCO+ and CN are all species that can be associated both with photon dominated regions (PDRs) in starbursts—as well as X-ray dominated regions (XDRs) associated with AGN activity. HC3N line emission may identify galaxies where the starburst is in the early stage of its evolution.  相似文献   

Charge‐exchange (CE) emission produces features which are detectable with the current X‐ray instrumentation in the brightest near galaxies. We describe these aspects in the observed X‐ray spectra of the star forming galaxies M82 and NGC 3256, from the Suzaku and XMM‐Newton telescopes. Emission from both ions (O, C) and neutrals (Mg, Si) is recognised. We also describe how microcalorimeter instrumentation on future missions will improve CE observations (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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