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南、北盘江流域枯水期水化学特征及离子来源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步了解珠江上游南、北盘江流域水化学现状,对其枯水期36个河水样品进行水化学特征分析,结果表明:枯水期河水pH值在7.85~8.75之间,呈弱碱性,TDS均值为358 mg·L-1。河水中阴离子组成以HCO3-、SO42-为主,当量浓度占比均值达到65%与26%,阳离子中Ca2+和Mg2+是绝对的优势离子,当量浓度占比均值分别为65%和24%。与丰水期相关研究对比分析发现Ca2+、Mg2+、Na+、SO42-、HCO3-、Cl-的枯水期浓度普遍高于丰水期,K+、NO3-丰、枯水期浓度变化不大。Piper图、岩性端元分析以及离子浓度比值分析表明,研究区水化学主要受碳酸和硫酸共同参与下的碳酸盐岩风化控制。南、北盘江流域都受到农业施用的钾肥和氮肥的影响,此外,北盘江主要受到煤炭开采以及燃煤工业的影响,南盘江主要受到源头及上游河段化工企业废水和沿途市县的生活废水的影响。与前人数据对比发现,15年间人为活动对流域水化学的影响加剧。   相似文献   

Based on a comparative study of geochemistry of metavolcanics and metasediments of two large terranes, Baikal-Muya and Khamar-Daban-Ol’khon, as well as of the Baikal-Patom passive margin and Olokit accretionary wedge, we have recognized volcanosedimentary series accumulated in the settings of island arcs of different maturities and fragments of volcanosedimentary complexes of back-arc and fore-arc basins. Metabasalts of the Medvezhy and Tyya Formations in the basement of passive-margin sequence and the Olokit Group are similar in geochemistry to plateau basalts and mark the beginning of rifting on the platform periphery. The abundance of metavolcanics and turbidites in the Olokit Group permits this structure to be considered an accretionary wedge of the Baikal-Muya island arc. According to the metavolcanics composition, the Baikal-Muya terrane formed in the environment of oceanic ensimatic island arcs and back-arc and inter-arc basins with the minimum amounts of sediments and contains ophiolite slices. The geochemistry of metavolcanics and metasediments of the Ol’khon, Talanchan, and Slyudyanka complexes evidences their formation in the environment of ensialic back-arc sediment-rich basin (Slyudyanka, Ol’khon, and Svyatoi Nos series), mature island arc (Anga-Talanchan paleoarc, Anga and Talanchan Groups), and fore-arc basin (Khangarul’ Group). According to chemistry and evolution history, all these complexes must be assigned to the Khamar-Daban-Ol’khon terrane.  相似文献   

The concentration and distribution of U were measured in zircon samples separated from the streambed sediments collected at different sites along the rivers of northern Vietnam using semiconductor alpha spectrometry and alpha- and fission-track autoradiography. Based on the absolute U content and distribution, we distinguished two groups of zircon grains of different origin. Group 1 zircons have relatively low and uniform U contents ranging from 280 to 440 μg/g. Group 2 zircons are characterized by heterogeneous U distribution and U contents ranging from 490 to 2040μg/g. The determination of absolute alpha activity values and alpha spectrometric characteristics for a number of group 2 zircon grains indicated the presence of relatively short-lived alpha-emitters. These radionuclides are probably 210Po, 232U, 236Pu, 241Am, and 243Am, and all of them can originate exclusively from anthropogenic sources. A comparison of the observed alpha activity values for group 2 zircons with those of group 1 zircons and zircons separated from the suspended colloids in river water samples provided conclusive evidence for traces of anthropogenic radioactive contamination in the Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Tuyen Quang, Thac Ba, Viet Tri, and Hanoi streams flowing in the Song Hong (Red) and Song Da (Black) river basins of northern Vietnam and sourced in the southern regions of the neighboring state.  相似文献   

Dissolved and particulate concentrations of metals (Fe, Al, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Tl, Pb) and As were monitored over a 5 year period in the Amous River downstream of its confluence with a creek severely affected by acid mine drainage (AMD) originating from a former Pb–Zn mine. Water pH ranged from 6.5 to 8.8. Metals were predominantly in dissolved form, except Fe and Pb, which were in particulate form. In the particulate phase, metals were generally associated with Al oxides, whereas As was linked to Fe oxides. Metal concentrations in the dissolved and/or particulate phase were generally higher during the wet season due to higher generation of AMD. Average dissolved (size < 0.22 μm) metal concentrations (μg/L) were 1 ± 4 (Fe), 69 ± 49 (Al), 140 ± 118 (Mn), 4 ± 3 Co, 6 ± 4 (Ni), 1.3 ± 0.8 (Cu), 126 ± 81 (Zn), 1.1 ± 0.7 (Cd), 0.9 ± 0.5 (Tl), 2 ± 3 (Pb). Dissolved As concentrations ranged from 5 to 134 μg/L (30 ± 23 μg/L). During the survey, the concentration of colloidal metals (5 kDa < size < 0.22 μm) was less than 25% of dissolved concentrations. Dissolved metal concentrations were generally higher than the maximum concentrations allowed in European surface waters for priority substances (Ni, Cd and Pb) and higher than the environmental quality standards for other compounds. Using Diffusion Gradient in Thin Film (DGT) probes, metals were shown to be in potentially bioavailable form. The concentrations in Leuciscus cephalus were below the maximum Pb and Cd concentrations allowed in fish muscle for human consumption by the European Water Directive. Amongst the elements studied, only As, Pb and Tl were shown to bioaccumulate in liver tissue (As, Pb) or otoliths (Tl). Bioaccumulation of metals or As was not detected in muscle.  相似文献   

The sulphide ores of the Baimazhai deposit, although typically orthomagmatic, locally exhibit peculiar textural features and are intimately associated with hydrothermal minerals, such as biotite, amphibole and chlorite. This association suggests that the magmatic sulphide ores were subjected to hydrothermal alteration and subsequent redistribution, resulting in the observed textural features. Geochemically, the Baimazhai sulphide ores are enriched in Cu, Pd and Au, which,according to previous studies, reflects the action of hydrothermal fluids. Interestingly, Ar-Ar dating yielded the plateau ages of about 160–170 Ma, which are at odds with the established Permian age of the Emeishan large igneous province. We interpreted these younger ages as due to thermal resetting during post-Permian tectonothermal events. We have proposed a model in which tectonic movements and hydrothermal fluids related to these events modified the pre-existing magmatic sulphides. Given the degree of overprint, we suggested two possible scenarios: 1) the sulphide disseminations that surround the massive magmatic ores are the result of deformation and hydrothermal alteration; and 2) there were both magmatic massive and disseminated sulphides, in which case the scale and relocation of remobilization would have been smaller, but still detectable.  相似文献   

Extensive Permo-Carboniferous volcanism has been documented from the Bohemian Massif. The late Carboniferous volcanic episode started at the Duckmantian–Bolsovian boundary and continued intermittently until Westphalian D to Stephanian B producing mainly felsic and more rarely mafic volcanics in the Central Bohemian and the Sudetic basins. During the early Permian volcanic episode, after the intra-Stephanian hiatus, additional large volumes of felsic and mafic volcanics were extruded in the Sudetic basins. The volcanics of both episodes range from entirely subalkaline (calc-alkaline to tholeiitic) of convergent plate margin-like type to transitional and alkaline of within-plate character. A possible common magma could not be identified among the Carboniferous and Permian primitive magmas, but a common geochemical signature (enrichment in Th, U, REE and depletion in Nb, Sr, P, Ti) in the volcanic series of both episodes was recognized. On the other hand, volcanics of both episodes differ in intensities of Nb, Sr and P depletion and also, in part, in their isotope signatures. High 87Sr/86Sr (0.707–0.710) and low εNd (−6.0 to −6.1) are characteristic of the Carboniferous mafic volcanics, whereas low 87Sr/86Sr (0.705–0.708) and higher εNd ranging from −2.7 to −3.4 are typical of the Permian volcanics. Felsic volcanics of both episodes vary substantially in 87Sr/86Sr (0.705–0.762) and εNd (−0.9 to −5.1). Different depths of magma source or heterogeneity of the Carboniferous and Permian mantle can be inferred from variation in some characteristic elements of the geochemical signature for volcanics in some basins. The Sr–Nd isotopic data with negative εNd values confirm a significant crustal component in the volcanic rocks that may have been inherited from the upper mantle source and/or from assimilation of older crust during magmatic underplating and ascending of primary basic magma. Two different types of primary magma development and formation of a bimodal volcanic series have been recognized: (i) creation of a unique magma by assimilation fractional crystallization processes within shallow-level reservoirs (type Intra-Sudetic Basin) and (ii) generation and mixing of independent mafic and felsic magmas, the latter by partial melting of upper crustal material in a high-level chamber (type Krkonoše Piedmont Basin). A similar origin for the Permo-Carboniferous volcanics of the Bohemian Massif is obvious, however, their geochemical peculiarities in individual basins indicate evolution in separate crustal magma chambers.  相似文献   

Although it is traditionally thought that drainage basins are geometrically similar, we present new results which indicate that the aspect ratio of weakly dissected river basins at large scales (10–103 km2) depends on the surface slope: steeper surfaces develop narrower and lengthier basins whereas more gently dipping surfaces develop more equant and wider basins. This relationship is interpreted to be related to the nature of water flow over rough surfaces, with steeper slopes causing less flow convergence and lengthier and narrower basins. We derive an empirical relationship that can be used to infer the slope of a surface on which a river basin acquired its geometry based solely on a measure of its basin form. This relation provides a unique means of inferring the relative chronology of river basin development with respect to surface tilting and therefore provides a direct link between river basin morphology and tectonics.  相似文献   

A petrological, organic geochemical and geochemical study was performed on coal samples from the Soko Mine, Soko Banja basin, Serbia. Ten coal and two carbonaceous clay samples were collected from fresh, working faces in the underground brown coal mine from different parts of the main coal seam. The Lower Miocene, low-rank coal of the Soko Mine is a typical humic coal with huminite concentrations of up to 76.2 vol.%, liptinite less than 14 vol.% and inertinite less than 11 vol.%. Ulminite is the most abundant maceral with variable amounts of densinite and clay minerals. Sporinite and resinite are the most common macerals of the liptinite group. Inertodetrinite is the most abundant maceral of the inertinite group. The mineral-bituminous groundmass identified in some coal samples, and carbonaceous marly clay, indicate sub-aquatic origin and strong bacterial decomposition. The mean random huminite reflectance (ulminite B) for the main coal seam is 0.40 ± 0.05% Rr, which is typical for an immature to early mature stage of organic matter.The extract yields from the coal of the Soko Banja basin ranges from 9413 to 14,096 ppm, in which alkanes constituted 1.0–20.1%, aromatics 1.3–14.7%, asphaltenes 28.1–76.2% and resins 20.2–43.5%. The saturated hydrocarbon fractions included n-C15 to n-C32, with an odd carbon number that predominate in almost all the samples. The contents of n-C27 and n-C29 alkanes are extremely high in some samples, as a contribution of epicuticular waxes from higher plants. Acyclic isoprenoid hydrocarbons are minor constituents in the aliphatic fraction, and the pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph) ratio varies between 0.56 and 3.13, which implies anaerobic to oxic conditions during sedimentation. The most abundant diterpanes were abietane, dehydroabietane and 16α(H)-phyllocladane. In samples from the upper part of the coal seam, diterpanes are the dominant constituents of the alkane fraction. Polycyclic alkanes of the triterpane type are important constituents of alkane fractions. The occurrence of ββ- and αβ-type hopanes from C27 to C31, but without C28, is typical for the Soko Banja coals.The major and trace elements in the coal were analysed using X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). In comparison with world lignites, using the geometric mean value, the coal from the Soko Banja Basin has a high content of strontium (306.953 mg/kg). Higher values than the world lignites were obtained for Mo (3.614 mg/kg), Ni (8.119 mg/kg), Se (0.884 mg/kg), U (2.642 mg/kg) and W (0.148 mg/kg). Correlation analysis shows inorganic affinity for almost all the major and trace elements, except for S, which has an organic affinity.  相似文献   

The Bigadiç, Emet and Kirka lacustrine basins of western Turkey may be considered as Tibet-type graben structures that were developed during the Miocene within the Izmir-Ankara suture zone complex. The volcanic-sedimentary successions of these basins are made up of mudstone, carbonate (limestone and dolomite) and detrital rocks, and also of crystal or vitric tuffs about 135 to 200 m thick. The Degirmenli (Bigadiç), Emirler (Bigadiç) Köpenez (Emet) and Karaören (Kirka) tuffs constituting the zeolite deposits are situated beneath four borate deposits (colemanite, ulexite, borax). The most abundant diagenetic silicate minerals are K- and Ca-clinoptilolites in the zeolite deposits, and Li-rich trioctahedral smectites (stevensite, saponite and hectorite) and K-feldspar in the borate deposits. In the Degirmenli, Emirler. Köpenez and Karaören deposits, the following diagenetic faciès were developed from rhyolitic glasses rich in K and poor in Na: (glass + smectite), (K-clinoptilolite + opal-CT), (Caclinoptilolite + K-feldspar ± analcime ± quartz) and (K-feldspar+analcime+quartz). K-feldspar which is also rarely associated with phillipsite (Karaören) and heulandite (Degirmenli and Karaören), succeeds clinoptilolite and precedes analcime in these diagenetic facies where dioctahedral smectites, opal-CT and quartz are the latest minerals. No diagenetic transformations exist between clinoptilolite, K-feldspar and analcime that were formed directly from glass. The lateral facies distributions resulted from the differences in salinity and pH of pore water trapped during deposition of the tuffs, but vertical distributions in vitric tuffs seem to have been controlled by the glass/liquid ratio of the reacting system and the permeability or diffusion rate of alkali elements. The Bigadiç, Emet and Kirka zeolite deposits which were formed in saline basins rich in Ca and Mg ions, show similar chemical changes, i.e. loss of alkalis and gain in alkaline-earth elements that have taken place during the diagenetic transformation of rhyolitic glasses to dioctahedral smectites or clinoptilolite. The absence of sodic zeolites such as mordenite, erionite, chabazite and silica-rich phillipsite is mainly due to the very high K/Na ratio of the starting materials rather than initial alkaline conditions or high Na content in lake waters.  相似文献   

Ibitiara岩体出露在南美巴西中东部巴伊亚州Sao Francisco克拉通内,岩性为花岗闪长岩,属于壳幔岩浆混合作用形成的准铝质-弱过铝质钙碱性Ⅰ型花岗岩。地球化学研究表明该花岗闪长岩富集Ba等大离子亲石元素(LILE)和不相容元素U、Th等,强烈亏损高场强元素(HFSE) Nb、P、Ti等,为富硅、高钾钙碱性岩系列,稀土元素显示轻微负Eu异常,轻重稀土分馏相对明显,富集轻稀土,配分曲线呈明显右倾稀土配分模式。锆石SHRIMP U-Pb测试Ibitiara岩体形成年代为2 103±8 Ma,为古元古代层侵纪晚期-造山纪早期岩浆活动的产物。该岩体形成年龄与亚马逊构造旋回(2.1 Ga±)岩浆活动区域构造背景相呼应,可能为哥伦比亚超大陆聚合增生大西洋陆块群岩浆活动的产物。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to characterise the alluvial sediments and to quantify sedimentation rates of a small river system, the Ribeir?o do Torto in Central Western Brazil. The study area provides an excellent opportunity to examine the effect of land use on sedimentation rates in the region for the first time and thus contributes to understanding sediment transport processes into water reservoirs (silting). 137Cs, 210Pb and 14C dating techniques were used to estimate natural sedimentation rates and those associated with land use development. Complementary use of physical and chemical analyses of the sediments and contained anthropogenic materials revealed that sedimentation dynamics had varied over time. Natural sedimentation rates are more than ten times lower than in the period since the mid-1950s for the alluvial system of the Ribeir?o do Torto. The results indicated that human impact had accelerated the sedimentation dynamics, which resulted in higher sediment quantities and sand content and changes of sediment sources. The variation of sedimentation rates may reflect also several other factors, e.g. natural fluctuation in flow energy or geomorphologic changes within the alluvial system. However, the multiple dating techniques and supplementary interpretation employed in this study show the potential use of radionuclides and soil/sediment parameters to identify changes in sedimentation rate, stream energy and sediment characteristics in floodplains.  相似文献   

Summary Volcanic rocks on Ponza Island (Tyrrhenian Sea, central Italy) consist of Pliocene submarine rhyolites and Pleistocene subaerial trachyte and comendite lavas. Chemical variations and the homogeneous Sr and Nd isotopic signatures within the analyzed Pliocene rocks are ascribed to crystal fractionation. The absolute isotopic values, however, indicate the important role of a crustal component in the origin of these magmas. The very high-silica rocks were probably derived from a superimposed mechanism which may have been connected to the ascent of hydrothermal magmatic fluids. Compositional and 87Sr/86Sr variations at constant 143Nd/144Nd values in the Pleistocene rocks are likely due to fractionation of the observed phenocryst assemblage, possibly coupled with minor crustal interaction. These processes, however, cannot account for the extreme enrichment of many incompatible trace elements in the comendites. Some evidence suggests the influence of a halogen- and/or CO2-rich volatile phase. Received February 17, 2000; revised version accepted November 29, 2000  相似文献   

重庆东北部地区巫溪天星河、文峰河的岩溶流域水化学特征研究结果表明:研究区泉水样品的p H值为6.47~8.28,平均值为7.79;流域河水饱和指数(SIc)的平均值为0.14,表明其变化受到流域碳酸盐岩分布的控制。水化学类型以HCO3-Ca型水为主,Ca2+和HCO-3平均分别占阳、阴离子的75%和82%。通过分析Gibbs图,发现泉水的主要组分属于"岩石风化类型",主要反映了岩石的溶解作用对泉水水化学的影响。流域内部分水样NO-3和SO2-4较高,可能是受工农业生产等人类活动的影响引起,此外硫酸也参与了碳酸盐矿物的溶解。  相似文献   

A sediment core from Guanabara Bay (Brazil) was analyzed for 210Pb dating, grain size, total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen, carbon stable isotope ratio (δ13C), nitrogen stable isotope ratio (δ15N) and the metals Fe, Mn, Ni, Co, Cu, Pb, V and Zn, to assess the influence of land use changes on the aquatic system in a region for which large industrial and urban development is expected in the next few decades. To obtain baseline data for improving the monitoring of the expected increase in anthropogenic impacts from surrounding drainage basins, a multivariate analysis of data from different sediment layers was carried out to evaluate the dated sediment record. The geochemical data suggested three different sedimentary phases along the last 200 years. Before the 1880s, the highest clay and TOC contents were observed, where the C/N ratios and the δ13C values suggested a mixture of algal and terrestrial organic matter and the lowest concentrations of Co, Cu, Pb, V and Zn, for which background levels were estimated (4.6, 2.7, 14.9, 24.3 and 70.2 mg kg−1, respectively). From the 1880s to the 1950s, the metal concentrations and sand particles increased, but no change in organic matter quality was observed, reflecting a period of land use change, still without significant sewage input. After the 1950s, the sedimentation rate increased from 0.42 to 0.77 cm year−1 and increasing urban sewage input was evidenced by lower C/N ratios, higher δ15N, decrease of Fe and Mn concentrations and increased fluxes of metals and TOC, which showed a good relationship with population growth data.  相似文献   

Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna(GBM) river basin is the third-largest and one of the most populated river basins in the world. As climate change is affecting most of the hydrometeorological variables across the globe, this study investigated the existence of climate change signal in all four climatological seasons in the GBM river basin and assessed the contribution of anthropogenic activities, i.e., Greenhouse Gases(GHGs) emission in the change. Significant decreasing trends in the monsoon and a small increase in pre-monsoon precipitation were observed. Negligible change was detected in post-monsoon and winter season precipitation. CMIP5 GCMs were used for climate change detection, change point estimation, and attribution studies. Support Vector Machine(SVM) regression method was adopted to downscale GCM variables at the local scale. Monte-Carlo simulation approach was used to detect changes in different seasons. The climate change ‘signals' were detectable after the year 1980 using Signal to Noise ratio(SNR)method in the majority of central and north-western regions. The change point was detectable only in annual monsoon precipitation at the basin level. Attribution analysis indicated 50% contribution of anthropogenic activities(GHGs) to annual monsoon precipitation changes. So, there is high confidence that monsoon precipitation in GBM has significantly changed due to anthropogenic activities. Different mitigation and adaption measures are also suggested, which may be adopted to manage the growing demand and water availability in the basin.  相似文献   

西准噶尔塔尔巴哈台-谢米斯台地区研究和找矿勘探工作十分薄弱,近年来随着谢米斯台铜矿的发现,本项目组陆续发现了喀因德、乌兰浩特、阿依德、巴汗等铜矿点,指示该区具有与火山热液活动有关的铜成矿作用有的潜力。本文对这些矿床(点)开展了地质特征、年代学和地球化学研究显示,区内发育的阿尔木强、谢米斯台铜矿床以及喀因德、乌兰浩特、阿依德、巴汗等铜矿点与火山岩地层密切相关,矿化主要表现为黄铁矿化、孔雀石化,发育绿帘石化、绿泥石化、硅化、碳酸岩化等蚀变,具有火山热液型铜矿特点。锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb测年获得喀因德铜矿点火山岩年龄为455.1±5.4Ma,乌兰浩特铜矿点火山岩年龄为428.6±4.6Ma,阿依德铜矿点火山岩年龄为428.8±7.2Ma,谢米斯台铜矿床火山岩年龄为424.3±4.3Ma,阿尔木强铜矿床火山岩年龄为426.7Ma,巴汗铜矿点火山岩年龄为411.7±4.7Ma,可分为晚奥陶世、中志留世、早泥盆世三个阶段,以中志留世为主。地球化学特征显示晚奥陶世、中志留世、早泥盆世三个阶段的火山岩均形成于岛弧环境;且具有类似的岩浆源区和演化过程;岩浆在上升侵位过程中没有明显的受到外来物质混染。综合地质、年代学和地球化学特征显示,塔尔巴哈台-谢米斯台地区与火山热液有关的铜矿床(点)主要受控于构造背景、地层组合、岩石类型、蚀变、控矿构造等因素,其中中志留世中基性火山岩、与火山机构相关的深部可能存在的次火山岩或浅成侵入岩分布区具有较好的找矿潜力。  相似文献   

Data on carbon river fluxes recently obtained by the authors for the Congo basin within the framework of the PIRAT Program (INSU-CNRS/ORSTOM) are compared with results previously obtained for the Amazon basin. A special interest is devoted to the bicarbonate river fluxes and to their relationships with river discharges. The flux of atmospheric and soil CO2 consumed by rock weathering is estimated to be 3.1 × 105 and 0.5 × 105 moles/a/km2 respectively for the Amazon and the Congo basin. These CO2 fluxes represent, respectively, 67.4% and 74.7% of the total bicarbonate river fluxes. A comparison to other large river basins shows that this contribution is directly related to the proportion of carbonate rock areas. A transfer function between the weathering CO2 flux and the river discharge is calculated for each basin and allows the reconstitution of the variations of this flux using the river discharge fluctuations during the last century. These interannual CO2 fluctuations present average increasing trends of 10% for Amazon basin and only 0.7% for the Congo basin during the last century.  相似文献   

Li  Songtao  Xia  Yong  Liu  Jianzhong  Xie  Zhuojun  Tan  Qinping  Zhao  Yimeng  Meng  Minghua  Tan  Lijin  Nie  Rong  Wang  Zepeng  Zhou  Guanghong  Guo  Haiyan 《中国地球化学学报》2019,38(4):587-609

The newly discovered Baogudi gold district is located in the southwestern Guizhou Province, China, where there are numerous Carlin-type gold deposits. To better understand the geological and geochemical characteristics of the Baogudi gold district, we carried out petrographic observations, elemental analyses, and fluid inclusion and isotopic composition studies. We also compared the results with those of typical Carlin-type gold deposits in southwestern Guizhou. Three mineralization stages, namely, the sedimentation diagenesis, hydrothermal (main-ore and late-ore substages), and supergene stages, were identified based on field and petrographic observations. The main-ore and late-ore stages correspond to Au and Sb mineralization, respectively, which are similar to typical Carlin-type mineralization. The mass transfer associated with alteration and mineralization shows that a significant amount of Au, As, Sb, Hg, Tl, Mo, and S were added to mineralized rocks during the main-ore stage. Remarkably, arsenic, Sb, and S were added to the mineralized rocks during the late-ore stage. Element migration indicates that the sulfidation process was responsible for ore formation. Four types of fluid inclusions were identified in ore-related quartz and fluorite. The main-ore stage fluids are characterized by an H2O–NaCl–CO2–CH4 ± N2 system, with medium to low temperatures (180–260 °C) and low salinity (0–9.08% NaCl equivalent). The late-ore stage fluids featured H2O–NaCl ± CO2 ± CH4, with low temperature (120–200 °C) and low salinity (0–7.48% NaCl equivalent). The temperature, salinity, and CO2 and CH4 concentrations of ore-forming fluids decreased from the main-ore stage to the late-ore stage. The calculated δ13C, δD, and δ18O values of the ore-forming fluids range from − 14.3 to − 7.0‰, −76 to −55.7‰, and 4.5–15.0‰, respectively. Late-ore-stage stibnite had δ34S values ranging from − 0.6 to 1.9‰. These stable isotopic compositions indicate that the ore-forming fluids originated mainly from deep magmatic hydrothermal fluids, with minor contributions from strata. Collectively, the Baogudi metallogenic district has geological and geochemical characteristics that are typical of Carlin-type gold deposits in southwest Guizhou. It is likely that the Baogudi gold district, together with other Carlin-type gold deposits in southwestern Guizhou, was formed in response to a single widespread metallogenic event.


He  Zhonghua  Liang  Hong  Yang  Zhaohui  Huang  Fasu  Zeng  Xinbo 《Natural Hazards》2018,92(2):1155-1178
Natural Hazards - It is common knowledge that drought is considered one of the most damaging natural disasters in terms of economic costs, societal problems, and ecological impacts. In this study,...  相似文献   

This paper presents one of the first investigations into the geochemical enrichment of the middle and lower Mvoti river system. Chemical elements are naturally present in aquatic sediments, but their concentrations tend to rise to potentially toxic levels via both natural and anthropogenic processes. This study evaluated the concentrations of aluminum, arsenic, boron, barium, cadmium, calcium, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, lead, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, phosphorous, selenium, silicon, strontium, titanium, vanadium and zinc, using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy. The levels of elements present were used to assess their spatial distribution within the river and to determine the contamination factors and enrichment factors for each element. The pollution load index (PLi) is another contributing parameter that was calculated to determine the degree of pollution at each site. The results indicate that the sediments of the Mvoti are low to moderately polluted and deteriorating with time (average PLi value of 5.19), and that a major contributing factor to this contamination is natural sources.  相似文献   

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