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核磁共振测深方法的新进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
核磁共振测深(MRS)方法是目前唯一直接探查地下水的新方法。本文概要介绍了参加第二届核磁共振测深(MRS)国际学术研讨会的主要收获。阐述了核磁共振找水仪的研制和进展以及扩大了MRS方法的应用领域方面的情况。在应用MRS方法探测地下水取得很大成效的此基础上,我们率先用MRS方法进行了三峡滑坡监测和秦始皇陵考古工作,又取得了新成果。  相似文献   

Inversion of resistivity in Magnetic Resonance Sounding   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS, or Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - SNMR) is used for groundwater exploration and aquifer characterization. Since this is an electromagnetic method, the excitation magnetic field depends on the resistivity of the subsurface. Therefore, the resistivity has to be taken into account in the inversion: either as a priori information or as an inversion parameter during the inversion process, as introduced in the presented paper. Studies with synthetic data show that water content and resistivity can be resolved for a low resistive aquifer even using only the amplitude of the MRS signal. However, the inversion result can be significantly improved using amplitude and phase of the MRS signal. The successful implementation of the inversion for field data shows that the resistivities derived from MRS are comparable to those from conventional geoelectric methods such as DC resistivity and transient electromagnetic. By having information about both the resistivity and the water content, MRS inversions give information about the quality of the water in the aquifer. This is of utmost interest in hydrogeological studies as this specific information cannot be determined solely by geoelectric measurements, due to the nonunique dependence of resistivity on water content and salinity.  相似文献   

奇异值分解(SVD)实现地震波场分离与去噪新思路   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
依据不同性质的地震信号(反射波、折射波、直达波、面波、VSP上\下行波、多次波、随机干扰等)之间在运动学、视速度和相干性上的差异,借助某种数学变换、SVD分解与重构联合、时域与频域结合的方式,通过这些间接的处理手段,把要提取的目标信号或要剔除的干扰信号转换到一种相干性更好的空间域中,再进行SVD分解与重构,最充分利用SVD滤波技术特点,实现地震波场分离与去噪,而不是直接对信号进行SVD分解与重构来实现地震波场分离与去噪,这样做可有效地避免以往对SVD波场分离与去噪技术应用空间狭窄、有效信号损失严重等缺陷性.  相似文献   


An appropriate streamflow forecasting method is a prerequisite for implementation of efficient water resources management in the water-limited, arid regions that occupy much of Iran. In the current research, monthly streamflow forecasting was combined with three data-driven methods based on large input datasets involving 11 precipitation stations, a natural streamflow, and four climate indices through a long period. The major challenges of rainfall–runoff modelling are generally attributed to complex interacting processes, the large number of variables, and strong nonlinearity. The sensitivity of data-driven methods to the dimension of input/output datasets would be another challenge, so large datasets should be compressed into independently standardized principal components. In this study, three pre-processing techniques were applied: singular value decomposition (SVD) provided more efficient forecasts in comparison to principal component analysis (PCA) and average values of inputs in all networks. Among the data-driven methods, the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with 1-month lag-time outperformed radial basis and fuzzy-based networks. In general, an increase in monthly lag-time of streamflow forecasting resulted in a decline in forecasting accuracy. The results reveal that SVD was highly effective in pre-processing of data-driven evaluations.  相似文献   

In hydrogeology there is a variety of empirical formulae available for determination of hydraulic conductivity of porous media, all based on the analysis of grain size distributions of aquifer materials. Sensitivity of NMR measurements to pore sizes makes it a good indicator of hydraulic conductivity. Analogous to laboratory NMR, Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) relaxation data are of a multi-exponential (ME) nature due to the distribution of different pore sizes in an investigated rock layer. ME relaxation behaviour will also arise due to the superposition of NMR signals which originate from different layers. It has been shown, that both kinds of ME behaviour coexist in MRS and can principally be separated by ME inversion of the field data. Only a few publications exist that have proposed approaches to qualitatively and quantitatively estimate petrophysical parameters such as the hydraulic conductivity from MRS measurements, i.e. MRS porosity and decay times. The so far used relations for the estimation of hydraulic conductivity in hydrogeology and NMR experiments are compared and discussed with respect to their applicability in MRS. Taking into account results from a variety of laboratory NMR and MRS experiments mean rock specific calibration factors are introduced for a data-base-calibrated estimation of hydraulic conductivity when no on-site calibration of MRS is available. Field data have been analysed using conventional and ME inversion using such mean calibration values. The results for conventional and ME inversion agree with estimates obtained from well core analysis for shallow depths but are significantly improved using a ME inversion approach for greater depths.  相似文献   

地面磁共振探测(Surface Magnetic Resonance Sounding,SMRS)是近年来发展起来的一种地球物理新方法,这种在地面直接探测地下介质中氢核丰度的技术,不仅可以用于缺水地区的地下水资源勘查与评价,还可以在地下水引起的堤坝渗漏、滑坡、海水入侵等地质灾害水源的探测预警中发挥独特的作用.本文首次提出了地下磁共振探测方法(Underground Magnetic Resonance Sounding,UMRS),将SMRS方法引入到地下工程领域,实现隧道工程和煤矿开采等地下狭窄空间极端环境的探测.为应用UMRS方法,需要深入研究地下水超前探测理论、准全空间处理与反演方法、旋转多匝小线圈探测模式,强电磁干扰环境自适应噪声压制策略、以及复杂地质环境磁共振与瞬变电磁联合探测关键技术等难题.论文还简要介绍了超导磁探测技术和工程盾构及掘进实时探测等新技术在地下工程生产安全探测预警中的应用前景.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to define and characterize water bearing geological formation and to test the possibility of using geophysical techniques to determine the hydrogeological parameters in three areas in the Vientiane basin, Laos. The investigated areas are part of the Khorat Plateau where halite is naturally occurring at depths as shallow as 50 m in the Thangon Formation. Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) has been used in combination with Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) in different geological environments. In total, 46 sites have been investigated and the MRS and VES recognized the stratigraphic unit N2Q1–3, consisting of alluvial unconsolidated sediments, as the main water bearing unit. The aquifer thickness varies usually between 10 and 40 m and the depth to the main aquifer range from 5 to 15 m. The free water content is here up to 30%, and the decay times vary between 100 and 400 ms, suggesting a mean pore size equivalent to fine sand to gravel. The resistivity is highly variable, but usually around 10–1500 Ω-m, except for some sites in areas 1 and 2, where the aquifer is of low resistivity, probably related to salt water. Hydraulic and storage-related parameters such as transmissivity, hydraulic column, have been estimated from the MRS. The MRS together with VES has been shown to be a useful and important tool for identifying and distinguishing freshwater from possible salt-affected water as well as the salt-related clay layer of the Thangon Formation. This clay layer is characterized by very low free water content and a resistivity lower than 5 Ω-m and can be found in all 3 areas at depths from 15 to 50 m.  相似文献   

We present a singular value decomposition (SVD) filtering method for the enhancement of coherent reflections and for attenuation of noise. The method is applied in two steps. First normal move‐out (NMO) correction is applied to shot or CMP records, with the purpose of flattening the reflections. We use a spatial SVD filter with a short sliding window to enhance coherent horizontal events. Then the data are sorted in common‐offset panels and the local dip is estimated for each panel. The next SVD filtering is performed on a small number of traces and a small number of time samples centred around the output sample position. Data in a local window are corrected for linear moveout corresponding to the dips before SVD. At the central time sample position, we sum over the dominant eigenimages of a few traces, corresponding to SVD dip filtering. We illustrate the method using land seismic data from the Tacutu basin, located in the north‐east of Brazil. The results show that the proposed method is effective and is able to reveal reflections masked by ground‐roll and other types of noise.  相似文献   

A significant practical problem with the pilot point method is to choose the location of the pilot points. We present a method that is intended to relieve the modeler from much of this responsibility. The basic idea is that a very large number of pilot points are distributed more or less uniformly over the model area. Singular value decomposition (SVD) of the (possibly weighted) sensitivity matrix of the pilot point based model produces eigenvectors of which we pick a small number corresponding to significant eigenvalues. Super parameters are defined as factors through which parameter combinations corresponding to the chosen eigenvectors are multiplied to obtain the pilot point values. The model can thus be transformed from having many-pilot-point parameters to having a few super parameters that can be estimated by nonlinear regression on the basis of the available observations. (This technique can be used for any highly parameterized groundwater model, not only for models parameterized by the pilot point method.)  相似文献   

Common multivariate clustering techniques are ineffective in identifying subtle patterns of correlation, and clustering of variables or samples within complex geochemical datasets. This study compares the combination of singular value decomposition (SVD) and semi discrete decomposition (SDD), with that of hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), to examine patterns within a multielement soil geochemical dataset from an agricultural area in the vicinity of Pb–Zn mining operations in central Iran. SVD was used to both identify patterns of correlation between variables and samples and to “denoise” the data, and SDD to simultaneously cluster the samples and variables. The results reveal various spatial associations of mining waste-associated metals As, Ba, Pb and Zn, and within the remaining elements whose distribution is largely controlled by the major oxides. SVD–SDD was found to be superior to HCA, in its ability to detect subtle clusters in soil geochemistry indicative of mine-related contamination in the study area.  相似文献   

Singular Value Decomposition method of solving a linear system of equations can be successfully used for focus location when both linear and nonlinear methods are applied. This method can also be used to calculate the variance of the separate source coordinates, when the variance of the input data is known. It is also possible to optimize the geometry of a seismic network by using the condition number of the covariance matrix, and to check the set of data which is used for the focus location when some of the data are expected to be incorrect.Examples of applications of the Singular Value Decomposition method are demonstrated for linear and nonlinear methods with reference to the seismic network in Quirke Mine, Ontario, Canada.Presented at the Fred Leighton Memorial Workshop on Mining Induced Seismicity, Montreal, Canada, August 30, 1987.  相似文献   

目的:提高CT衬度的分辨率,30年来,医学CT经历了原始的第一代CT发展至目前第5代高分辨率CT和高速电子束CT,其成像的空间分辨率和时间分辨率均有明显提高,但CT成像的衬度(密度)分辨率提高并不显著,而衬度分辨率与图像的灰度等级(灰阶)密切相关,是图像清晰度的重要参数。本文对应用双能量光子扫描吸收法以提高CT衬度(密度)分辨率的原理进行分析,并探讨其实际应用的可行性。  相似文献   

Airborne time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) surveys are increasingly carried out in anthropized areas as part of environmental studies. In such areas, noise arises mainly from either natural sources, such as spherics, or cultural sources, such as couplings with man-made installations. This results in various distortions on the measured decays, which make the EM noise spectrum complex and may lead to erroneous inversion and subsequent misinterpretations. Thresholding and stacking standard techniques, commonly used to filter TDEM data, are less efficient in such environment, requiring a time-consuming and subjective manual editing. The aim of this study was therefore to propose an alternative fast and efficient user-assisted filtering approach. This was achieved using the singular value decomposition (SVD). The SVD method uses the principal component analysis to extract into components the dominant shapes from a series of raw input curves. EM decays can then be reconstructed with particular components only. To do so, we had to adapt and implement the SVD, firstly, to separate clearly and so identify easily the components containing the geological signal, and then to denoise properly TDEM data.The reconstructed decays were used to detect noisy gates on their corresponding measured decays. This denoising step allowed rejecting efficiently mainly spikes and oscillations. Then, we focused on couplings with man-made installations, which may result in artifacts on the inverted models. An analysis of the map of weights of the selected “noisy components” highlighted high correlations with man-made installations localized by the flight video. We had therefore a tool to cull most likely decays biased by capacitive coupling noises. Finally, rejection of decays affected by galvanic coupling noises was also possible locating them through the analysis of specific SVD components. This SVD procedure was applied on airborne TDEM data surveyed by SkyTEM Aps. over an anthropized area, on behalf of the French geological survey (BRGM), near Courtenay in Région Centre, France. The established denoising procedure provides accurate denoising tools and makes, at least, the manual cleaning less time consuming and less subjective.  相似文献   

The increasing number of hydro-gravimetry studies proves the rising interest of the hydrology community toward this monitoring method. The accuracy of superconducting gravimeters (SG) potentially allows the retrieval of small water storage changes (WSC) down to a few millimeters of equivalent water thickness. However, the importance of corrections applied to SG data to achieve such a precision in gravity residuals should be recalled. The Djougou permanent gravity station presented in this paper and located in northern Benin, West-Africa, provides a good opportunity to review these considerations. This station is equipped since July 2010 with the superconducting gravimeter SG-060 aimed at deriving WSC at different time-scales, daily to inter-annual. In this area, WSC are (1) part of the control system for evapotranspiration (ET) process, a key variable of the West-African monsoon cycle and (2) the state variable for resource management, a critical issue in storage-poor hard rock basement contexts such as in northern Benin. The potential for deriving WSC from time-lapse gravity data partly depends on environmental features such as topography and the instrument shelter. Therefore, this issue is addressed first, with the background idea that such sensitivity analysis should be undertaken before setting up any new instrument. In Djougou, local topography is quite flat leading to a theoretical straightforward relationship between gravity changes and WSC, close to the standard Bouguer value. However, the shelter plays a significant masking role, which is the principal limitation to the retrieval of fast hydrological processes such as ET following a rain event. Several issues concerning classical gravity corrections are also addressed in the paper. These include gap-filling procedures during rain-events and drift estimates for short time series. Special attention is provided to atmospheric corrections, and different approaches are tested: a simple scalar admittance, a filtered scalar admittance, a frequency-dependent admittance and direct atmospheric loading calculations. It is shown that the physically based approach of direct loading calculations performs better in both residual minimization and ET retrieval. Moreover, non-local hydrological effects are investigated and account for about 20% of the gravity residuals. Finally, gravity residuals are briefly analyzed at two distinct time scales: rapid (up to a few days) and seasonal. At the rapid time-scale, it is shown that ET retrieval is hardly achievable given shelter size and state-of-the-art atmospheric corrections. Still, mean values retrieved from this study are in accordance with known values of potential ET and lateral flow. Direct comparison of gravity changes with hydrological data (neutron probe monitoring and water table levels) show some discrepancies, particularly for the hydrological year of 2011, for which all hydrological data show a deficit, but SG and FG5 data do not. This preliminary analysis both provides a basis and call for further hydro-gravity modeling, to comprehensively investigate the water-cycle at the Djougou station.  相似文献   

目的 医学核磁共振与地面核磁共振找水是核磁共振技术应用的不同领域。本文通过对二者在方法原理、技术、应用等方面的对比研究,提出了地面核磁共振找水工作建议。  相似文献   

The existence of strong random noise in surface microseismic data may decrease the utility of these data. Non‐subsampled shearlet transform can effectively suppress noise by properly setting a threshold to the non‐subsampled shearlet transform coefficients. However, when the signal‐to‐noise ratio of data is low, the coefficients related to the noise are very close to the coefficients associated with signals in the non‐subsampled shearlet transform domain that the coefficients related to the noise will be retained and be treated as signals. Therefore, we need to minimise the overlapping coefficients before thresholding. In this paper, a singular value decomposition algorithm is introduced to the non‐subsampled shearlet transform coefficients, and low‐rank approximation reconstructs each non‐subsampled shearlet transform coefficient matrix in the singular value decomposition domain. The non‐subsampled shearlet transform coefficients of signals have bigger singular values than those of the random noise, which implies that the non‐subsampled shearlet transform coefficients can be well estimated by taking only a few largest singular values. Therefore, those properties of singular value decomposition may significantly help minimise overlapping of noise and signals coefficients in the non‐subsampled shearlet transform domain. Finally, the denoised microseismic data are obtained easily by giving a simple threshold to the reconstructed coefficient matrix. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated on both synthetic and field microseismic data. The experimental results illustrate that the proposed method can eliminate random noise and preserve signals of interest more effectively.  相似文献   

利用核磁共振方法探查基岩裂隙水   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
基岩裂隙水是我国分布最为广泛的地下水类型之一。本文阐述了基岩裂隙水的特点:含水层产状不规则、其赋存空间介质不均匀、同一含水层埋深不同、地下水运动状态复杂等。这些特殊的地质、地球物理特征,给常用的物探找水方法带来许多困难。本文通过对直接找水的新方法一核磁共振(NuclearMagnetic Resonance,缩写为NMR)测深与间接找水的电阻率测深的对比分析,论述了NMR测深直接找水的实质。并以实例说明了NMR测深在探查基岩裂隙水中的应用效果。  相似文献   

利用核磁共振方法探查岩溶水   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
核磁共振(NMR)找水方法是目前唯一直接找水的物探新方法,该方法可以探查各种类型的地下水。本文仅论述了在岩溶发育区常规电阻率方法找水时遇到的地质干扰。NMR找水方法的原理,仪器的组成,并以实例说明了NMR找水方法探查岩溶水的效果。  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of experimental rock-magnetic, paleomagnetic and palynologic study of Paleolithic sediments sampled along two profiles in the Akhshtyrskaya cave, situated in the vicinity of Black Sea shore. In the upper part of profiles, some magnetite was observed; in the middle and lower parts, strongly oxidized non-stoichiometric magnetite and hematite prevail. Thin maghemite covers on the surface of fine magnetite grains are present in the majority of specimens. Natural remanence has one characteristic component (CHRM), mostly of chemical origin, although in few specimens containing magnetite it may be sedimentary. Directions of CHRM obtained by standard paleomagnetic methods revealed anomalous pattern only in layer 3/2, which is slightly older than the overlying layer 3/1 whose age was established as (35±2)×103 years BP by the U-Th method. This suggests that this paleomagnetic anomaly (PMA) can be correlated with Kargapolovo excursion dated on about (45−39)×103 years BP. In the remaining overlying and underlying layers, directions of CHRM are grouped around the present geomagnetic field. Depth distributions of scalar magnetic parameters generally coincide with the lithological division of the profiles. Palynologic study revealed the presence of 22 pollen zones. Five thermomers separated with colder periods were found in the middle and lower parts of profile. The non-magnetite composition of magnetic fraction of the majority of studied sediments — oxidized nonstoichiometric magnetite and hematite — resulted in the lack of correlations between paleoclimatic and scalar magnetic characteristics.  相似文献   

中国数字地震台网的数据在中国地震学研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
中国大陆邻近印度、欧亚和太平洋板块的边缘,其特点在于具有复杂的地壳构造和高地震活动性。中美合中国数字地震台网(CDSN)运行10年来,在中国地震学研究中发挥了有效的作用。CDSN作为IRIS全球地震台网的参与伙伴,为全球地震学研究作出了贡献。本文概述了CDSN数据在中国地震学研究中的应用。  相似文献   

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