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The economic importance of the Cretaceous sequence of the Benue Valley is highlighted. The linear sedimentary basin or trough, as sometimes described, is underlain essentially by marine Cretaceous rocks, starting from the Middle Albian, and ranging to the Maastrichtian. There is, so far, no evidence of the occurrence of younger rocks in the Upper and Middle Benue area, though in the Lower Benue and the Niger Delta regions, Palaeocene to Recent formations overlie the older formations.The depositional processes and the tectonics associated with this period caused the emplacement of an accumulation of a number of important minerals of sedimentary and igneous origins, including lead-zinc, barytes, limestone and coal. There are indications of the possible occurrence of evaporites as evidenced by brine-springs associated with collapse features and fracture systems related to diapiric dome structures. The use of the minerals in the Nigerian economy is discussed. There are also favourable prospects for uranium and hydrocarbons. The immediate future will usher in a period of intensive exploration work aimed at evaluating these resources.  相似文献   

Paleocurrent analysis indicates an easterly and a westerly source, respectively, for the Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments in the middle and upper Benue Trough. Petrographic differentiation of the pre-Santonian and post-Santonian sediments is based on their feldspar contents. Petrographic evidence suggests that the Tertiary sediments are polycycled; this fact, coupled with the inferred westerly source, suggests that the present limits of the trough are not the paleolimits. Thus the rift boundary faults are probably further westward and eastward of the present trough margins.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the regional and structural framework of the Cretaceous rocks in the Afikpo Basin located in the southeastern part of the Lower Benue Trough. Results from regional tectonics are presented together with those of the microtectonic analysis of microfaults in the Owutu-Afikpo-Adadama area in the basin. The Owutu-Afikpo-Adadama ridge at the north-central part of the basin marks the boundary between the Late Cenomanian-Turonian-Conianian sediments and the Campanian-Maastrichtian sandstones. This ridge trends N45°E on average and is faulted in three main directions, namely: (1) N-S normal faults; (2) NE-SW strike-slip faults; and (3) NW-SE strike-slip faults. The faulted rocks along these brittle discontinuities are mainly cataclastics with internal fracture cleavage and sigmoidal quartz mosaics that are reminiscent of extensional deformation. The cataclasites often bear slickenside striations.  相似文献   

Based on the results of a detailed magnetic study of the Lower and Middle Benue Trough of Nigeria carried out by the author and results of previous geophysical studies of the Benue Trough and of similar structures elsewhere in the world, a possible model for the tectonic evolution of the Benue Trough has been developed. It is here suggested that the tectonic evolution of the Benue Trough of Nigeria involved the rise of a mantle plume or mantle upwelling, emplacement of intrusive igneous material in the crust, crustal stretching and thinning and consequently rifting. It is thought that this sequence of events may have been repeated in a cyclic manner with intercyclic structural deformations. The basic ideas of the model is shown to be in agreement with acceptable ideas on riftogenesis.
Zusammenfassung Es wird eine mögliche Modellvorstellung für die tektonische Entwicklung des Benue-Grabens aufgezeigt, die auf Ergebnissen einer detaillierten magnetischen Untersuchung des Autors im unteren und mittleren Benue-Graben fußt, sowie auf Ergebnissen aus vorangegangenen geophysikalischen Untersuchungen im Benue-Graben und in anderen, vergleichbaren Strukturen. Die tektonische Entwicklung des Benue-Grabens in Nigeria wird mit dem Aufstieg eines mantle plume, einer Mantelaufwölbung oder mit der Platznahme von intrusivem Magma in der Kruste, Krusten-Dehnung und -Ausdünnen in Verbindung gebracht. Es wird angenommen, daß diese Folge von Ereignissen sich zyklisch wiederholte mit strukturellen Deformationen zwischen den Zyklen. Die Grundgedanken dieses Modells stimmen mit den gängigen Vorstellungen über die Entstehung von Riffsystemen überein.

Résumé L-auteur présente un modèle possible de l'évolution tectonique du graben de Benue (Nigéria). Cette étude se base: d'une part sur une analyse magnétique détaillée, effectuée par l'auteur, des régions inférieure et centrale de la dépression, d'autre part sur des données géophysiques antérieures recueillies dans la même région, ainsi que dans d'autres structures analogues, ailleurs dans le monde. Le modèle propose pour l'évolution tectonique du graben, l'intervention de la montée d'une «mantle plume» ou d'un bombement du manteau, la mise en place de magmas intrusifs dans la croûte, l'étirement et l'amincissement de la croûte, et la fracturation en graben. Cette suite d'événements a pu se répéter de manière cyclique, avec déformations structurales entre les cycles. Les conceptions de base de ce modèle sont en accord avec les idées admises au sujet de la genèse des rifts.

Benue . Benue , , . , . .

Geochemical studies of sandstones from the three lithostratigraphic successions in the southern Benue Trough of Nigeria were undertaken for a geochemical characterization of the sandstones, and to assess their strati-graphic and source evolution.Major and trace elements data were obtained from outcrop sandstone samples. The SIO2/Al2O2, Fe2O3/K2O ra-tios and CaO contents have been used to characterize the Cretaceous sandstones into Al-rich and high and low Fe2O3/K2O ratio sandstones. Results indicate that there are geochemical features that display stratigraphic trends across the succession from the Asu River Group, Eze-Aku Group to the proto-Niger Delta succession which may imply a discontinuous evolution from different source terrains of Precambrian and Mesozoic ages that supplied the sediments. The Asu River Group sandstones have lower SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 and higher MgO; the Eze-Aku sand-stones have higher TiO2, CaO, alkalis and lower MgO while the proto-Niger Delta sandstones have higher SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 and lower alkalis and CaO. These discontinuities signify the influence of tectonic impulses that af-fected the southern Benue Trough during the Cretaceous time. Changes in ratios of TiO2/Al2O3, Fe2O3, Cr and Zr suggest an increasingly mafic contribution to the depositional basin with time. The chemical index of alteration in-creases with time, possibly suggesting that a more intense weathering regime in the hinterland developed with time.  相似文献   

Field investigations in the Upper Benue rift basin of Nigeria highlight the necessity for a review of the Cenomanian-Turonian biostratigraphy of the area. Three ammonite zones of Vascoceras bulbosum (Reyment), Paravascoceras costatum (Reyment) and Pseudotissotia (Bauchioceras) nigeriensis (Woods) have been recognized at sections exposed at the quarry of the cement factory near the village of Ashaka. The sediments within the Vascoceras bulbosum zone also contain specimens of Exogyra olisiponensis (Sharpe), Kanabiceras septemseriatum (Cragin) and Epengonoceras dumbli (Cragin). These are all indicative of an uppermost Cenomanian age and reveal that at least the lower portion of the Gongila Formation as exposed at Ashaka is faunistically equivalent to the Pindiga Formation as exposed in the type section at Pindiga.The shales in the Gombe region in which Libycoceras ismaeli (Zittel) was found are probably part of the Maastrichtian Fika shales outcropping extensively in the northern part of the area. The discovery of Cyclolithes nov. sp. within Gombe sandstones at Dakiti near Kumo confirm that they are at least partially marine in origin and Maastrichtian in age. This could be considered as an additional evidence in favour of the presence of marine waters in the Upper Benue during the last part of the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

In September 1979, rain-induced complex landslides occurred in two separate localities along the slopes of the Akovolwo Mountains near Jato-Aka in the Kwande Local Government area of Benue State, Nigeria.The two movements developed on bedrock slopes covered by a veneer of colluvium and (or) residuum no more than 1.5 to 2m deep. Each started as a slump and graduated into a debris flow. The slump, extending downhill a short distance away from the head scarp, had been reconstituted into a debris flow as the initial movement (sliding movement) of the soil mass caused remoulding of the saturated moving mass into viscous debris-laden mud. The resulting mass moved partly along a pre-existing mountain stream channel and partly along a fresh channel it cleared in the savanna forest. At the break of slope, the mass of boulders was dumped and a trail of smaller fragments littered the channels towards the Katsina-Ala River.  相似文献   

利用天然地震震相探讨阿尔金地区地壳结构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
薛光琦 《地质论评》1999,45(2):120-124
本文利用阿尔金地区的宽频地震数据,对布设在该区的10个宽频地震台站用接收函数方法进行了速度结构反演,反演的初步结果发现,若至花土沟剖面在20km深度处有一条厚度达5~10km的低速带断续出现,莫霍界面呈台阶状展布,北部浅,南部深;塔里木盆地南缘的地壳厚度为40~42km左右;在阿尔金南,北缘断裂两侧台站下方莫霍深度的错断约6.5~8km,在柴达木盆地北缘,莫霍面的深度达50km以上,S波速为4.5  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine Markov'sche Kettenanalyse wird in der Untersuchung von zwei stratigraphischen Ausschnitten aus der Kreide des Benue-Troges in Nigeria eingesetzt. Vier Faziesabschnitte bestehend aus grobkörnigem, mittelkörnigem und feinem Sandstein sowie Tonstein, lassen sich trennen. Matrizen zu den Faziesübergängen werden nach einem eingeschlossenen und einem mehrstufigen Markovmodell gebildet. Daraus lassen sich unabhängige Probematrizen ableiten. Bei einem Vergleich dieser zwei Serien von Matrizen und der Anwendung von zwei statistischen Tests zu diesen Matrizen stellt man fest, daß die untersuchten Formationsausschnitte Markov'sche Eigenschaften aufweisen, die eine nach oben feiner werdende Zyklizität repräsentieren. Der Fazieszyklus läßt sich als eine Faziesabfolge von Flußrinnen, Gleithängen und Überflutungsebenen eines Flußsystems interpretieren. Mit der Methode einer Fazieszählung läßt sich die Zusammensetzung eines Modalzyklus ermitteln; eine übergeordnete Matrize zeigt wichtige Zusammenhänge auf, die in der eingeschlossenen Matrize nicht sichtbar sind. Im allgemeinen nehmen die Chi-Quadratzahlen bei der Abnahme der Zahl der Nullen in der Ubergangsmatrize zu. Deshalb hat die Wahl der Zählmethode Einfluß auf die Chi-Quadratzahlen. Die Zufälligkeit im Auftreten eines Faziestypes innerhalb eines Zyklus wird durch die Entropie ausgedrückt, die von den Markovmatrizen abgeleitet werden kann. Zwei Arten von Entropien werden für jede Fazies berechnet: die Entropie nach der Ablagerung und vor der Ablagerung bilden zusammen eine Entropieserie. Die Entropie des Gesamtsystems läßt sich ebenfalls berechnen. Diese Werte werden graphisch dargestellt und mit den idialisierten Diagrammen von Hattori verglichen, wobei sich zeigt, daß es sich hier im wesentlichen um einen abgeschnittenen, asymmetrischen Zyklus (Typ A-4 von Hattory) handelt, der in einem Flußsystem abgelagert wurde. Die Untersuchung zeigt weiterhin, daß die Anwendung der Entropiefunktion zusammen mit der Markov'schen Kettenanalyse charakteristische Züge einer Sedimentserie erkennen läßt, die als diagnostischer Hinweis bei der Bewertung von Ablagerungsbedingungen in einer stratigraphischen Serie gewertet werden können.AbstractMarkov chain analysis is used in the study of two composite stratigraphic sections from the Cretaceous of the Benue trough of Nigeria. Four facies states, consisting of coarse sandstone, medium sandstone, fine sandstone and shale, are recognized in the sections. Faciès transition matrices are structured on embedded Markov and multistory Markov model, from which independent trials matrices are derived. By comparing these two sets of matrices, and applying two statistical tests to the matrices, it is established that the stratigraphic sections examined exhibit a Markovian property with a fining-upward cyclicity. The cycle is interpreted in terms of in-channel, point-bar and overbank facies association in a fluvial system. Methods of faciès count determine the composition of the modal cycle in a succession; multistory matrix reveals important relationships between facies states that are not apparent in the embedded matrix. Generally, Chi-square values increase with decrease in the number of zeros in the transition matrix; therefore, choice of count method has an effect on Chi-square value. The randomness in the occurrence of facies within a cycle is evaluated in terms of entropy which can be calculated from the Markov matrices. Two types of entropies are calculated for every facies state: entropy after deposition and entropy before deposition, which together form an entropy set; the entropy for the whole system is also calculated. These values are plotted and compared withHattori's idealized plots which indicate that the sequence is essentially a truncated asymmetric cycle (type A-4 ofHattori), and was deposited in a fluvial environment. The study further suggests that use of the entropy function together with Markov chain analysis reveals some characteristic features in a succession which can be used as diagnostic evidence in evaluating depositional environment of a stratigraphic sequence.
Résumé On utilise une analyse par chaîne de Markov pour étudier deux sections stratigraphiques composites du Crétacé dans l'auge de Benue au Nigeria. Ces sections comportent quatre facies: grès grossier, grès moyen, grès fin et schiste. Les matrices de transition des facies sont structurées d'après un modèle de Markov emboîté et un modèle à étages multiples, à partier de quoi on a dérivé des matrices d'essais indépendantes. En comparant ces deux ensembles de matrices et en appliquant deux tests statistiques à ces matrices, on a établi que les sections stratigraphiques examinées ont une propriété Markovienne avec une cyclicité des matériaux par affinement vers le haut. Le cycle est interprété comme l'association des facies de chenal, de berge (»point-bar«) et de rive (»overbank«) dans un système fluvial. Les méthodes de comptage du facies déterminent la composition du cycle modal dans une séquence. La matrice à étages multiples révêle des relations importantes entre les facies, qui ne sont pas apparentes dans la matrice emboîtée. En général, les valeurs chi-carré augmentent lorsque le nombre de zéros décroît dans la matrice de transition. Par conséquent, le choix de la méthode de comptage a un effet sur la valeur chi-carré. Le caractère plus ou moins aléatoire de l'apparition des facies à l'intérieur d'un cycle s'évalue en termes d'entropie que l'on peut calculer à partir des matrices de Markov. On calcule deux sortes d'entropies pour chaque faciès: l'entropie après dépôt et l'entropie avant dépôt, qui forment ainsi un ensemble d'entropies. On calcule aussi l'entropie du système entier. Ces valeurs sont reportées et comparées avec les tracés idéaux d'Hattori, ce qui indique que la séquence est essentiellement un cycle assymétrique tronqué (type A4 d'Hattori), et qu'elle s'est déposée dans un milieu fluvial. De plus l'étude suggère que l'usage de la fonction d'entropie, conjointement à l'analyse par chaîne de Markov, révèle certains traits caractéristiques dans une succession. Ces traits peuvent être utilisés comme arguments diagnostiques dans la détermination du milieu de dépôt d'une séquence stratigraphique.

Benue, , . 4 , , . . . , , , . , , . . , . . , . : . . , , Hattory: , — — 4 Hattory —, . , , , .

Summary The Abakaliki lead-zinc deposit in the lower Benue Trough (Nigeria) represents the largest of a series of fracture controlled base metal deposits within the Lower Cretaceous (Albian) Asu River Group shales. Field evidence, ore microscopy and electron microprobe analysis of the lodes, suggest that the vein mineralization commenced with pre-ore precipitation of diagenetic marcasite, pyrite and minor gel-like colloform textured schalenblende and galena especially at the vein/wall rock contacts. This was succeeded by an ore stage consisting mainly of sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite and pyrite. Accessories include bournonite and boulangerite. There was also a later introduction of complex intergrowths comprising bornite, chalcocite, enargite, and tennantite. In addition a lead/iron bearing copper sulphide and a copper bismuth sulphide of wittichenite composition (Cu6Bi2SO6), the optical parameters of which do not agree with those of wittichenite, were also introduced. The late stage copper sulphides and sulphosalts were formed as replacements of earlier lower temperature (ca. 170°C) main phase mineralization, when temperature rose in minimum up to 230°C.
Koexistierende Kupfer-Sulfide und Sulfosalze in der Blei-Zink-Iagerstätte Abakaliki, Unterer Benue-Graben (Nigeria) und ihre genetische Bedeutung
Zusammenfassung Die Blei-Zink-Lagerstätte Abakaliki im Unteren Benue-Graben (Nigeria) ist die größte einer Reihe von durch Bruchstrukturen bestimmten Buntmetallagerstätten innerhalb der unterkretazischen (Albian) Asu River Group Shales. Geländebeobachtungen, Erzmi-kroskopie undzeigen, Mikrosondenanalysen zeigen, daß die Gangmineralisation mit der Ablagerung von diagenetischem Markasit, Pyrit und, in kleinerem Ausmaß gel-ähnlicher kolloformer Schalenblende und Bleiglanz, besonders an den Kontaktzonen zwischen Gängen und Nebengestein begonnen hat. Darauf folgte ein Stadium der Erzablagerung, wobei es hauptsächlich zur Bildung von Zinkblende, Bleiglanz, Kupferkies und Pyrit kam. Bournonit und Boulangerit kommen als Nebengemengteile vor. Schließlich gab es eine spätere Bildung von komplexen Verwachsungen, die aus Bornit, Kupferglanz, Enargit und Tennantit bestehen. Außerdem kam es zum Absatz eines Blei-Eisenführenden Kupfersulfids und eines Kupfer-Wismut-Sulfids, dessen Zusammensetzung mit der von Wittichenit (Cu6B22S6) übereinstimmt, dessen optische Parameter jedoch anders sind. Die späten Kupfersulfide und Sulfosalze wurden durch Verdrängung von früheren Tieftemperaturerzen (ca. 170°C) der Hauptphase gebildet, wo die Temperaturen mindestens bis auf 230°C anstiegen.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Petrological and geochemical studies on some volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks from the Lower Benue rift indicate that they are basalts, basaltic and doleritic sills, trachybasalt and trachyte which generally belong to the alkali basalt series. The alkaline affinity is clearly evident in both their normative and modal mineral compositions, as well as their chemical compositions. The generally high fractionation indices [(La/Yb)N] are 7.06 to 17.65 for the basaltic rocks and 23.59 to 135. 35 for the trachytic rocks, against low values commonly seen in subalkaline (tholeiitic) series, with strong enrichments in the incompatible elements. All this strongly supports their alkaline affinity. The basaltic rocks are generally fine-grained and porphyritic, consisting of phenocrysts of clinopyroxene and olivine in the groundmass of the same minerals together with plagioclase. The clinopyroxene is either diopside or clinoenstatite. The trachyte consists of oligoclase, orthoclase, biotite, quartz and exhibits typical trachytic, flow structure. The basaltic and doleritic sills are commonly altered, with calcite and epidote as common alteration prod-ucts. This alteration, which is reflected in the erratic behaviour of K2O, MnO and P2O5 on Harker variation diagrams, high values of LOI, strong depletions in the more mobile LILE (Rb, K, Ba and Sr) and high Th/Ta ratios, is attributed to the effects of an aqueous fluid phase and crustal contamination. On the whole, the mineralogical, as well as major-, trace-elements and REE data suggest that the rocks are co-genetic and most likely derived from differentiation of an alkali olivine-basalt magma, generating through variable low degrees of partial melting of probably an enriched lithospheric (upper) mantle following an asthenospheric uplift (mantle plume or intumescence) with HIMU signa-tures in a within-plate continental rift tectonic setting. This corroborates earlier results obtained for the intrusive rocks in the region.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to evaluate the hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater in parts of the lower Benue Through in Nigeria as well as to evaluate the variation in groundwater chemistry data and the suitability of the groundwater for drinking and other domestic purposes. This was based on chemical analyses of 44 water samples from existing wells and boreholes in the study area. From the statistical analysis (wide ranges, median and standard deviation), it is obvious that there are significant variations in the quality/composition of groundwater in the period of sampling. The calculated SAR, Na% and RSC values indicated that the water is of excellent to good quality and is suitable for irrigation. Na and HCO3 are dominant with respect to the chemical composition of the groundwater. On the basis of water chemistry, hydrochemical indices and factor analysis the dominant controls or processes affecting the distribution of geochemical variables in the study area have been shown to be water/rock interaction which is mainly controlled by carbonate and silicate dissolution as well as anthropogenic influence to a lesser extent. Additional processes include cation exchange reactions and reverse ion exchange to a minor extent.  相似文献   

A slip-debris flow occurred in the Ogbajala Hills of Benue State on 3 September, 1987 after three days of consecutive rainfall. Field measurements of the landslide showed that the slip originated on the upper one-third of the hill at a depth of 1.37 m and extended uniformly to about 50 m downslope before turning into a flow.Stability analysis of the slip using infinite slope analysis yielded a slip surface depth of 1.4 m with a perched water table that rose seven-tenths (0.7) into the thickness of the slipped soil before failure. These analysis results agree closely with field measurements and give an insight into the water table conditions that led to the failure.  相似文献   

A slip-debris flow occurred in the Ogbajala Hills of Benue State on 3 September, 1987 after three days of consecutive rainfall. Field measurements of the landslide showed that the slip originated on the upper one-third of the hill at a depth of 1.37 m and extended uniformly to about 50 m downslope before turning into a flow. Stability analysis of the slip using infinite slope analysis yielded a slip surface depth of 1.4 m with a perched water table that rose seven-tenths (0.7) into the thickness of the slipped soil before failure. These analysis results agree closely with field measurements and give an insight into the water table conditions that led to the failure.  相似文献   

Through a study of the geotransect from Golmud to Ejin Qi published recently, the tectonics of the crust beneath the area from the northern Qinghai-Tibet plateau (Qaidam and the Qilian Mountains) to the border between China and Mongolia and its structure, composition and tectonic evolution have been revealed, and abundant information about the deep structures has been provided. Based on the research into the geotransect, it is suggested that the crust in this area was formed by the assembly of the terranes in different geological stages. Following the formation of the Palaeo-Asian continent, the north part of the corridor of the transect became a part of the huge unifying continent by the end of the Early Permian. In the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, as a result of the compression mainly by the push of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau on the south, the unique crustal structure and geomorphologic features on the northern Qinghai-Tibet plateau were formed. This geotransect together with the Yadong-Golmud geotransect co  相似文献   

Petrological and geochemical studies on some volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks from the Lower Benue rift indicate that they are basalts, basaltic and doleritic sills, trachybasalt and trachyte which generally belong to the alkali basalt series. The alkaline affinity is clearly evident in both their normative and modal mineral compositions, as well as their chemical compositions. The generally high fractionation indices [(La/Yb)N] are 7.06 to 17.65 for the basaltic rocks and 23.59 to 135. 35 for the trachytic ...  相似文献   

The Benue Trough is a continental rift related to the openingof the equatorial domain of the South Atlantic which was initiatedin Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous times. Highly diversifiedand volumetrically restricted Mesozoic to Cenozoic magmaticproducts are scattered throughout the rift. Three periods ofmagmatic activity have been recognized on the basis of 40 Ar-39Ar ages: 147–106 Ma, 97–81 Ma and 68–49 Ma.Trace element and Sr, Nd and Pb isotope determinations, performedon selected basaltic samples, allow two groups of basaltic rocksto be identified: (1) a group with a tholeiitic affinity, withZr/Nb=7–11.1; La/Nb = 0.77–1; 87Sr/86Sr; =0.7042–0.7065143Nd/144Nd;i = 0.5125–0.5127; 206Pb/204Pbi = 17.59–18.48;(2) a group with an alkaline affinity, with Zr/Nb = 3.6–6.8;La/Nb=0.53–0.66; 87Sr/86 Sri=0.7029–0.7037; 143Nd/144Ndi=0.5126–0.5129;206Pb/204Pbi = 18.54–20.42. The geochemical data leadto the conclusion that three types of mantle sources were involvedin the genesis of the Mesozoic to Cenozoic basaltic rocks ofthe Benue, without significant crustal contamination: (1) anenriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle from which the tholeiiticbasalts were derived; (2) a HIMU-type (plume) component fromwhich the alkaline basalticrocks originated; (3) a depletedasthenospheric mantle (N-MORB-type source), which was involvedin the genesis of the alkaline basaltic magmas. According to(1) the postulated location of the St Helena hot spot in theEquatorial Atlantic at about 130 Ma and (2) the isotopic compositionof the alkaline basaltic rocks of the Benue Trough and theirgeochemical similarity with the basalts of St Helena, we concludethat the St Helena plume was involved in the genesis of thealkaline magmatism of the Benue at the time of opening of theEquatorial Atlantic. Moreover, the geochemical similarity betweenthe alkaline magmatism of the Benue Trough and that of the CameroonLine suggests that both magmatic provinces were related to theSt Helena plume. Finally, the temporal change of the mantlesources observed in the Benue Trough can be accounted for bythe recent models of plume dynamics, in the general frameworkof opening of the Equatorial Atlantic. KEY WORDS: Benue Trough; Mesozoic to Cenozoic magmatism; Equatorial Atlantic; mantle sources; St Helena plume *;Corresponding author.  相似文献   


The Karakorum gneisses outcrop north of the complex suture separating the Indian-Pakistan plate from the Europe-Asia block; they grade to deformed earlier members of the Karakorum batholith ranging in age from Cretaceous to Miocene and are cross-cut by its later members. The main interest of the region lies in the fact that very young high-grade gneisses (Miocene), outline the southern edge of the Europe-Asia Plate. The tectonic and metamorpic evolution of the Braldu-Baltoro region is interpreted here as resulting from a poly phased history. The following structural sequence has been defined : - (1) A Dl isoclinal folding was accompanied by subparallel healed shear zones and by intense boudinage, and cross-cut by a dense net of post-Dl hetero-geneous leucogranitic veins and stocks; - (2) a major phase of EW trending recumbent folds (D2), is followed by (3) large open D3 folds generating EW trending domai structures (Dassu and Panmah domes); and (4) a late set of brittle to locally more ductile structures such as the southern thrust contact of the Karakorum gneisses with the Shyok suture zone. The sequence proposed here differs from other interpretations (Rex et al. 1988). We consider that the Dl event only may be attributed to the main India-Asia collision and that the D2-D3 events, interpreted as having occurred in a continuum, correspond to a late reactivation of the major thrusts and sutures related to continuing continental subduction.

A Dl-related intermediate pressure assemblage is preserved (Grt-St-Ky) in the upper levels of the tectonic pile; the estimated PT conditions determined are 10-4 Kb and 700°--525°C. In the core of the large D3 domes, late granoblastic recrystallization is widespread together with almost complete S1-S2 transposition, incipient melting and development of a low-pressure sillimanite-bearing assemblage where relicts of higher pressure minerals are locally preserved. Corresponding PT conditions are 650°-550°C and a lower pressure (5.5 to 2.5 Kb). As most of the observed structures at the lower levels (mineral lineations, boudinage) are clearly associated with (or reworked by) D2 and accentuated by D3 which was accompagnied by partial melting, D2 and D3 are interpreted as representing a continuum developed in the same PT field. It can be assumed also that the Baltoro granite was emplaced by the end of this combined D2-D3 event. From the Miocene ages published for the Baltoro granite (20 Ma to 8 Ma), the low-pressure evolution of the Karakorum gneisses may represent a very young high-grade assemblage. The age of Dl is less defined but at least older than 36 Ma old leucogranites.

The sharp contact along the Shyok Suture zone, interpreted as a large thrust (Main Karakorum Thrust - MKT) of this young high-grade metamorphic terrene against the older (older than 30-45 Ma from late undeformed intrusives) Kohistan-Ladakh island-arc domain, is interpreted, following Mattauer (1985), as resulting from the interaction between the still-ongoing northward movement of the Indo-Pakistan plate and an opposite southward continental subduction, seismically active, operating in Pamir.  相似文献   

The Peta Gulf Syncline (Upper Benue Trough, northeast Nigeria) is a fault-bounded pull-apart sub-basin. The boundary faults are mainly northeast-southwest-trending en echelon strike-slip faults, truncated along their lengths by normal and tear faults with stepovers. The eastern marginal faults underwent rotation during sedimentation, whereas the steeply dipping western marginal faults were inactive.The Peta Gulf Sub-basin is filled by the Bima Sandstone Formation (Lower Cretaceous) which has three siliciclastic members: (i) B1: medial fan coarse-grained to microconglomeratic sandstones; (ii) B2: full fluvial medium-grained sandstones with minimal fines; and (iii) B3: lacustrine and flood basin deposits comprising alternating fine-grained sandstones and siltstones/claystones. Sediment supply was from east to west and facies changes show a general fining in this direction. B3 offers the most favourable environment/lithology for U concentration.The only significant U occurrence in the Peta Gulf Syncline is the Zona U anomaly, which occurs within transitional B2-B3 brecciated sandstones with wall rock alterations zones. The mineralised zone has elevated SiO2, Fe, As, Ba and W levels but is depleted in the alkalis, Zr, Rb and Sr. This chemical zonation supports the epigenetic orgin of this anomaly.  相似文献   

Lithology and Mineral Resources - Several barite deposits have been reported to occur in Nigeria within the Benue Trough, one of the West Central African Rift Systems (WCARS) considered variously...  相似文献   

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