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Zhou  Bo  Ku  Quan  Li  Changheng  Wang  Huabin  Dong  Youkou  Cheng  Zhuang 《Acta Geotechnica》2022,17(8):3195-3209

This paper investigates the particle breakage behaviour of a carbonate sand based on single-particle compression experiments with in situ X-ray microtomography scanning (μCT) and a combined finite–discrete element method (FDEM). Specifically, X-ray μCT is applied to extract the information on grain morphology and intra-particle pores of carbonate sand particles to establish an FDEM model. The model is first calibrated by comparing the simulation results of two carbonate sand grains with the corresponding single-particle compression experiment results and then applied to model the stress evolution, cracking propagation and failure of other carbonate sand particles under single-particle compression. To study the influence of intra-particle pores, FDEM modelling of carbonate sands with completely filled intra-particle pores is also performed. The particle strength of carbonate sands both with and without pore filling is found to follow a Weibull distribution, with that of the sand with pore filling being considerably higher. This behaviour is associated with lower stress concentration, resulting in later crack development in the pore-filled sand than in the sand without pore filling. The cracks are found to usually pass through the intra-particle pores. Consequently, a larger proportion of particles fail in the fragmentation mode in the sand without pore filling.


The Himalayan foothill region is traversed by the Main Boundary Thrust, the Himalayan Frontal Thrust and the Piedmont Fault which make the entire densely populated foothill region vulnerable to seismic damages. Tectonic morphometric studies of selected active tectonic indices in conjunction with analysis of multispectral satellite imagery of the foothill terrain from North of Chandigarh to West of Dehradun have revealed the presence of two major active faults. The Jainti Devi Fault, in the vicinity of Chandigarh, has offset nearly all the drainage channels by about 780 m while the Trilokpur Fault, in the vicinity of Nahan, has offset the streams and rivulets by about 1500 m. The values of ratio of valley floor width to valley height, the stream length gradient index, stream sinuosity index and mountain front sinuosity index have been computed and these reaffirm the active tectonic setup of the foothill terrain. The digital terrain model and field investigations reveal the presence of offset streams, sag ponds, linear valleys, shutter ridges and pressure ridges along the fault trace. Trenching carried out in the region has revealed the presence of numerous seismites.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(7):927-938
The tunnel excavation at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory opened several fracture zones at various depths in the crystalline bedrock. One of these zones is the `Redox zone', a vertical fracture zone penetrated at 70 m depth. Except for the tunnel intersection, several boreholes were drilled to intersect the zone at various depths (ranging from 5 to 70 m) and distances from the tunnel. The response in groundwater chemistry to the opening of the zone has been monitored in these boreholes during 3 a, starting in 1991 and for the boreholes at 70 m depth the monitoring is still ongoing. The water chemistry during this monitoring can be largely explained by mixing between fresh water and native saline groundwater (4900 ppm Cl). An increase in HCO3 was recorded, which was interpreted as due to anaerobic respiration. This was supported by 14C-contents in dissolved organic Carbon and HCO3, indicating that recent organic C is transported into the zone and oxidised to CO2. This study exemplifies the use of 14C-analyses of HCO3 in order to trace different C sources contributing to the HCO3 in the groundwater. Three sources were identified: (1) dissolved CO2, dominantly soil-CO2 possibly with some contribution of atmospheric CO2; (2) dissolution of calcite, with low 14C content, which dominantly occurs in the near-surface recharge area; and (3) oxidation of organic material through anaerobic respiration. Corrections for 14C and HCO3 in the native saline water made it possible to determine 2 different fresh water components corresponding to different flow paths. The C isotope data are in accordance with the results from the tracer test and the groundwater flow model, and support that the extensive build up of HCO3 does not mainly takes place locally within the zone but is transported into the zone by dominantly lateral flow. The results from the monitoring showed that new hydrochemical stability is established, which also comprises the interaction between the organic and inorganic C cycles.  相似文献   

In terms of the research on groundwater–surface water heat-tracing methods, investigation of the interactions within the compound system of the groundwater–surface water–hyporheic zone can effectively reveal the relevant physicochemical processes and microbial properties. The evaluation of these properties represents a key component in qualitative and quantitative research on groundwater–surface water interactions. Therefore, this paper reviews the research results on groundwater–surface water interactions achieved by related researchers using heat as a natural tracer over the last decade. In connection with the application of heat-tracing theory to the basic principles of hyporheic exchange between groundwater and surface water, research on groundwater–surface water interaction through one-dimensional steady-state and transient-state heat transport analytical models, techniques to collect and analyze temperature time series data, and numerical simulation technology is reviewed. In addition, directions for future research using groundwater–surface water heat-tracing methods are suggested. First, hypothetical, difficult temperature boundary and hydrogeological conditions require further research. Second, hydrodynamic exchange capacity and the processes of heat exchange and solute concentration exchange in the hyporheic zone alongside riverbeds should be appropriately and accurately measured under multi-scale influences. Third, the overall study of the heat transport process inside the hyporheic zone induced by complex riverbed forms should be performed, and the response mechanism of riverbed hyporheic exchanges driven by riverbed form, the hydrodynamic force of surface water, and sediment permeability should be revealed. The objectives and goals of this paper are to encourage scholars interested in analyzing groundwater–surface water interactions using heat as a tracer to creatively solve practical problems and to improve the ecological functions of river aquatic habitats through new research results.  相似文献   

The Swedish Geotechnical Society has adopted a general methodology for risk management in geotechnical engineering projects to reduce the costs related to negative outcomes of geotechnical risks. This technical note highlights the main features of the methodology and strives to inspire the international geotechnical community to apply sensible risk management methods. In the authors’ opinion, a successful geotechnical risk management needs to be structured, be tailored to the project, and permeate the engineers’ everyday work. Then, sufficient quality can be achieved in the project with larger probability.  相似文献   

Croatia is a country of tourism, and this is primarily due to its position by the warm Adriatic Sea, its varying and picturesque landscapes, its diverse and generally favorable climate for tourism, its rich Mediterranean and Central European cultural heritage and its proximity to the leading European consumer countries.In the international tourism market, Croatia presents itself with the slogan A Small Country for a Great Vacation, because its 4.8 million inhabitants and surface area of 56,538 km2 place Croatia in the ranks of the world's smaller countries. Its significance is increased by an additional 33,200 km2 of territorial waters, of which a large part is considered internal waters because of its location within the limits of a series of islands.The tourism offering of Croatia is very diverse, but its basis is formed by three differing and mutually complimentary regions, through their natural characteristics and cultural heritage: coastal, montane and Pannonian and peri-Pannonian Croatia. The total tourism offering of Croatia includes 900,000 beds, of which over one-fifth are in hotels or similar places, two-fifths are in private rooms and one-third in camps.The tradition of tourism in Croatia is over one hundred years old, and according to the number of foreign tourists it is ranked as the fifth country for tourism in southern Europe.  相似文献   


In landslide susceptibility studies, the type of mapping unit adopted affects the obtained models and maps in terms of accuracy, robustness, spatial resolution and geomorphological adequacy. To evaluate the optimal selection of these units, a test has been carried out in an important catchment of northern Sicily (the Imera River basin), where the spatial relationships between a set of predictors and an inventory of 1608 rotational/translational landslides were analysed using the multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) method. In particular, landslide susceptibility models were prepared and compared by adopting four different types of mapping units: the largely adopted grid cells (PX), the typical contributing area–controlled slope units (5000_SLU), the recently optimized parameter-free multiscale slope units (PF_SLU) and a new type (LCL_SLU) of slope unit obtained by crossing classic hydrological partitioning with landform classification. At the same time, once a pixel-based model was prepared, four different SLU modelling strategies were applied to each of the obtained slope unit layers, including two different types of pixel score zoning, a pixel score re-modelling and a factor-based SLU re-modelling. According to the achieved results, LCL_SLUs produced the highest performance and reliability, offering an optimal compromise between the high-performing but scattered and the smoothed but lower-performing prediction images that were obtained from pixel-based and hydrologic SLU–based modelling, respectively. Additionally, among the four adopted SLU modelling strategies, the new proposed procedure, which uses the zoned pixel–based score deciles as the LCL_SLU predictors for a new regression, resulted in the best outstanding performance (ROC_AUC?=?0.95).


Members of IGCP 463, Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds (CORBs), held the third workshop in Romania. In addition to scientific sessions,discussions of results and future plans, the participants examined exposures of Upper Cretaceous Red Beds of the Romanian Carpathians characterized both by pelagic/hemipelagic and turbiditic facies.  相似文献   

Geochronology is fundamental to understanding planetary evolution. However, as space exploration continues to expand, traditional dating methods, involving complex laboratory processes, are generally not realistic for unmanned space applications. Campaign-style planetary exploration missions require dating methods that can (1) rapidly resolve age information on small samples, (2) be applied to minerals common in mafic rocks, and (3) be based on technologies that could be installed on future rover systems. We demonstrate the application of rapid in situ microanalytical Lu–Hf phosphate geochronology using samples of pallasite meteorites, which are representative examples of the deep interiors of differentiated planetoids that are generally difficult to date. Individual pallasites were dated by laser ablation tandem mass-spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS/MS), demonstrating a rapid novel method for exploring planetary evolution. Derived formation ages for individual pallasites agree with traditional methods and have <2% uncertainty, opening an avenue of opportunity for remote micro-analytical space exploration.  相似文献   

A brief review of the observed parameters of binary systems with black holes is presented. We discuss in detail the evolutionary status of the X-ray binary GRS 1915+105, which contains a massive black hole. Numerical simulations of the evolution of GRS 1915+105 at the X-ray stage indicate that the most probable initial mass of the optical component (donor star) is (1.5–)M. Two possible scenarios are suggested for the evolution of the system prior to the formation of the black hole. If the initial mass of the optical component was (2.5–)M, the system underwent a common-envelope phase; in this case, the initial mass of the black hole progenitor did not exceed ~50M. If the initial mass of the donor was (1.5–2.5)M, a scenario without a common envelope is possible, with the initial mass of the black hole progenitor being smaller than ~50M. The lack of information about the initial mass-ratio distribution for binary components for small q and the uncertainty of the system parameters make it impossible to give preference to a particular scenario for the system's prior evolution.  相似文献   

The paper proposes—and argues in favor of an alternative model to account for the dipole geomagnetic field in which a hitherto unrecognized piezomagnetic effect is the actual cause. This model offers a plausible explanation for the observed field reversals, the westward drift, and the secularly decreasing field strength. It is consistent with recent satellite data, and capable of generalization to planets other than Earth. It also accounts for the fact that the dipole axis is displaced from the geographic axis, and that the center of the dipole is displaced from the geographic center.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Over the past decade, the cost of disasters on lives and livelihoods has increased many folds. However, there are few tools available that can be used to measure the level of...  相似文献   

Extensive Paleozoic sinter deposits occur at the surface associated with sub-surface quartz veining and epithermal Au mineralisation in the Drummond Basin, Australia. We investigated the trace element composition of the sinter deposits and quartz veins in an attempt to develop a new geochemical exploration guide for geological resources. The Drummond Basin hydrothermal silica deposits are unique in having anomalously enriched incompatible element (Cs, Li, Be, U, Th and REE) concentrations in comparison to hydrothermal quartz veins from various granitic-pegmatitic systems elsewhere. The development of relative Ce deficiencies (Ce/Ce*norm < 1) in silica deposits indicate preferential mobilisation of REE over Ce from source rocks by oxidised hydrothermal fluids, leading to relative Ce enrichment in the source material (e.g., rhyolite intrusions). Sinters and quartz veins and some volcanic source rocks show a conspicuous positive Y anomaly relative to REE. This is interpreted in terms of Y fractionation due to fluorine complexation with REE during hydrothermal activity. The majority of sinter and quartz samples within or near the Au mineralisation zone are more enriched in mobile elements (Cs, Li, Rb and Be) than the silica deposits from areas distal to the mineralised area. Normalised Y–REE patterns of the sinter deposits, quartz veins, and wall rocks provide important information on the physico-chemical environment of epithermal mineral deposition in geothermal systems. Trace element systematics as revealed in the current study, particularly in relation to the alkali element mobility, have significant implications for finding new prospect areas and evaluating the potential of existing prospect areas for epithermal metal deposits and active geothermal fields.  相似文献   

The 1980–1986 eruption of Mount St. Helens volcano provides an unprecedented opportunity to observe the evolution of a silicic magma system over a short time scale. Groundmass plagioclase size measurements are coupled with measured changes in matrix glass, plagioclase and Fe–Ti oxide chemistry to document increasing groundmass crystallinity, and thus to better constrain proposed physical models of the post-May 18, 1980 magmatic reservoir. Measurements of plagioclase microlite and microphenocryst sizes demonstrate that relatively rapid growth (approximately 10-9 cm/s) of groundmass plagioclase occurred immediately subsequent to May 18. Relatively rapid plagioclase growth continued through the end of 1980 at an average rate of 3x10-11 cm/s; plagioclase growth rates then decreased to <1x10-11 cm/s through 1986. Changes in groundmass crystallinity are reflected in changes in both matrix glass and plagioclase microphenocryst-rim chemistry, although the matrix glass composition appears to have remained approximately constant from 1981–1986 after a rapid compositional change from May 18 until the end of 1980. Plagioclase microphenocrysts show increasingly more complex zoning patterns with time; microphenocryst-core compositions are commonly positively correlated with crystal size. Both of these observations indicate continuous groundmass plagioclase growth through 1986. Magmatic temperatures estimated from Fe–Ti oxide pairs are approximately constant through 1981 at eruption temperatures of 930°C and at log fO2 of -10.8; by 1985–1986 oxide temperatures decreased to 870°C. Chemical and textural changes can be explained by: (1) rapid degassing and crystallization in response to the intrusion of magma into a shallow (<4.5 km) reservoir toward the end of the May 18, 1980 eruption; (2) continued crystallization at a much reduced rate through 1986 due to slow cooling of the shallow magma reservoir. Growth rates (and consequent chemical changes) appear to decrease at the end of 1980—this is coincident with the change in eruption style from explosive eruptions, sometimes followed by dome growth, to solely extrusive (dome-building) events, and can be explained by the expected viscosity increase of both degassing and increasing crystallinity. The model of twostage crystallization of magma in a shallow reservoir is consistent with conclusions from gas studies (Casadevall et al. 1983; Gerlach and Casadevall 1986 a, b), patterns of crater deformation (Chadwkck et al. 1988) and post-1980 seismicity (Endo et al. 1990), although it does not explain the experimental data of Hill and Rutherford (1989) on the growth rate of amphibole reaction rims. Textural measurements on Mount St. Helens dacite can also be used to evaluate crystallization kinetics in silicic magmas, systems for which experimental data is almost non-existent. Plagioclase growth rates are 5–10 times slower than estimated plagioclase growth rates in basaltic systems, a result consistent with the higher viscosity of a more silicic melt. Furthermore, patterns of textural change (both average crystal size and number density) are similar to those observed during the 1984 Mauna Loa eruption by Lipman and Banks (1987), suggesting that the only modification to the crystallization behavior of plagioclase required in extrapolation from basaltic systems is a moderate decrease in rates, such that the rate of crystallization scales with the melt viscosity.  相似文献   

Snow avalanches are a major natural hazard for road users and infrastructure in northern Gaspésie. Over the past 11 years, the occurrence of nearly 500 snow avalanches on the two major roads servicing the area was reported. No management program is currently operational. In this study, we analyze the weather patterns promoting snow avalanche initiation and use logistic regression (LR) to calculate the probability of avalanche occurrence on a daily basis. We then test the best LR models over the 2012–2013 season in an operational forecasting perspective: Each day, the probability of occurrence (0–100%) determined by the model was classified into five classes avalanche danger scale. Our results show that avalanche occurrence along the coast is best predicted by 2 days of accrued snowfall [in water equivalent (WE)], daily rainfall, and wind speed. In the valley, the most significant predictive variables are 3 days of accrued snowfall (WE), daily rainfall, and the preceding 2 days of thermal amplitude. The large scree slopes located along the coast and exposed to strong winds tend to be more reactive to direct snow accumulation than the inner-valley slopes. Therefore, the probability of avalanche occurrence increases rapidly during a snowfall. The slopes located in the valley are less responsive to snow loading. The LR models developed prove to be an efficient tool to forecast days with high levels of snow avalanche activity. Finally, we discuss how road maintenance managers can use this forecasting tool to improve decision making and risk rendering on a daily basis.  相似文献   

The monitoring of sulfur species in crater lakes has proven to be useful for forecasting episodes of volcanic unrest in certain active volcanoes, including Poás, Costa Rica; Kusatsu-Shirane, Japan; and Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand. In this study, we have improved the current geochemical monitoring of El Chichón volcano through the setting of optimal high-performance liquid chromatography conditions (HPLC) for the analysis of S2−, SO32−, S2O32−, S4O62− and SO42− using a common chromatographic system. The procedure was applied to the analysis of lake samples taken in March, July and October of 2014 and April of 2015. The results were promising, since nearly all species were detected (with the exception of S2O32−) in measurable amounts, including S2− (<0.85–5.05 mg/L), SO32− (<2.77–26.1 mg/L), S4O62− (108.27–303.82 mg/L) and SO42− (489.58–676.26 mg/L). The spatial distribution of these species along the lakeshore showed zones of increased concentrations to the east and southeast of the lake, which provides information on the distribution of faults or cracks that feed hydrothermal fluids to the lake. This method thus provides additional information linked to the volcanic and hydrothermal activity of the volcano.  相似文献   

Based on former conceptual models of vulnerability, this paper aims to improve the quantitative model for regional vulnerability assessment by analyzing in-depth the relation between vulnerability, exposure, coping capacity, and resilience. Taking the mountain settlements in the upper reaches of Min River, China, as a case study, the method of Contributing Weight Superposition (CWS) is applied in establishing both a model and a system for the vulnerability assessment of elements at risk. The CWS approach consists of 13 index factors including population, economic and road densities, building and farmland coverage, hazard-affected areas, urbanization rate, and GDP per capita. Accordingly, a debris flow hazard vulnerability zoning map was obtained and the assessment results show that the distribution of high and comparatively high vulnerability zones, where economic activities are considerably high, has a close correlation to the topography of the catchment and population characteristics. The results thus may serve as a pertinent guidance for settlement relocation, population distribution readjustment, and management to prevent and reduce hazards in the upper reaches of Min River and beyond.  相似文献   

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