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A heuristic search method for optimal zonation of well logs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Optimal zonation of well-log data, that is, determining an optimal number of major segments such as waveforms in a log, may be achieved by employing a criterion of minimum variance (within a segment) and a heuristic search of potential boundary (link) points of digitized log data. This new method is based on an algorithm originally devised by D. M. Hawkins and D. F. Merriam in 1973. Their method can be improved by introducing a heuristic search procedure, thereby decreasing computer time by 7- to 50-fold, depending on the number of data points and configuration of the logs. Time saving is proportional to the size of the data set. Three examples—one hypothetical and two real—are used to illustrate the modification of the Hawkins and Merriam algorithm.Presented at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 1985.  相似文献   

经历多期构造运动后叠合形成的塔河西南部,用常规速度分析及成图方法都无法制作高精度的构造图,不能满足生产的需要。这里利用塔河西南部钻遇S-D的50口钻、测井资料和3D地震资料,提出了以标准层为基础的井控外推法来拟合速度并最终作构造图的方法。该方法简单实用、成本低,与实际钻探圈闭相对误差小于1.5%,能满足成图精度要求。同时,在研究过程中还发现了多个圈闭,这必将对该区油气资源的重新评价及进一步勘探有重要意义。  相似文献   

井液电阻率法在井管故障探测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对井液电阻率方法与技术的研究和测试仪器的改进,将其运用于井管故障的检测。能简便、快捷、准确地探明井管破损的位置、大小以及由于成井工艺不良而引导的渗漏问题,为修井和故障处理提供了可靠的依据,从而扩大了这种方法的应用领域。  相似文献   

减压井机械淤堵机制与防治方法试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴昌瑜  张伟  李思慎  朱国胜 《岩土力学》2009,30(10):3181-3187
探讨了长江堤防减压井由于设计、施工及运行环境等因素对其产生机械淤堵的影响,研究了不同渗流介质的渗透特性以及多种介质不同组合的综合特性。除传统试验外,自行研制了径向渗透试验模型装置,采用几种物理试验方式配合,对包括地层、反滤层、滤网和井管组成的整个减压井系统,以及径向的水流与几何条件进行模拟试验。通过对室内试验与现场测试成果的综合分析,对减压井机械淤堵机制和淤堵判定进行了归纳,针对实际水动力条件和运行模式,提出了减压井反滤系统防止机械淤堵的优化设计理念。  相似文献   

王嘉歌 《地质与勘探》2018,54(5):1084-1090
本文基于渗流力学原理,综合运用保角变换与等值渗流阻力法推导出扇形板状油藏的产能公式,该公式可以考虑断层夹角、供给边界半径以及井在油藏中的位置等因素对产能的影响。通过与数值方法进行对比,验证了本文产能计算方法的准确性。为指导生产实践,采用本文方法对扇形油藏的产能进行敏感性分析,得到以下结论:产能指数随着供给边界半径的增大而减小,随着井到断层交点距离、断层夹角、井到断层交点连线与断层夹角的增大而增大,断层夹角对产能的影响最大,其次为井到断层交点距离、供给边界半径、井到断层交点连线与断层夹角。  相似文献   

长距离自流型渠道输水控制的二步法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种针对自流型渠道输水的最优化控制的两步法。第一步是控制各闸站流量使渠段水位(或蓄水量)达到目标水位(或蓄水量),第二步是调整流量使渠段水位稳定。建立了使渠道内水流在最短时间内恢复到正常运行水位的最优渠道输水控制模型。构建了长距离渠道输水控制的一系列约束条件,包括渠道下游需水量约束、最高控制水位、水位最大容许下降速度、渠道容许过流能力、最少的开机次数等。提出了利用线性规划或将大系统分解为若干子系统求解的方法。算例结果表明,用传统的渠道控制方法需要几天才能使水位恢复到目标水位的渠道,用本优化方法控制,可以在几小时内使渠道水位达到目标水位并达到稳定。  相似文献   

一种三维优化位移反演分析法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹国金  苏超  姜弘道 《岩土力学》2001,22(3):303-307
论述了一种三维优化位移反演分析,运用复合法编制了优化扫演分析程序,可应用于地下工程施工过程中的反演分析工作,最后给出了具体的应用实例。  相似文献   

This paper presents a computational method able to effectively model both the simultaneous processes typically observed in backward erosion piping, ie, the pipe tip propagation and the conduit cross-section enlargement. The numerical method is based on the novel formulation of a problem of localized erosion along a line propagating in a multidimensional porous medium. In this line, a conduit with evolving transverse size is embedded, which conveys a multiphase flow. The two systems, porous medium and pipe, are bridged by exchange terms of multiphase fluid mass and by a shared fluid pressure field. On the contrary, different fields are considered to describe flows, which are assumed as Darcian in the porous medium and turbulent in the conduit. These two flows drive pipe propagation and enlargement, respectively, as modeled by means of proper erosion kinetic laws. The corresponding numerical formulation is based on the combination between one- and multidimensional finite elements, to model the erosion conduit and the porous medium, respectively. Several simulations are proposed to demonstrate the ability of the proposed approach in reproducing available experimental data of real-scale tests on levees. Our results point out the crucial role played by the combined influence of pipe propagation and enlargement, as well as of three-dimensional (3D) effects. We also assess the mesh independence of the proposed numerical solution, particularly as concerns the calculated pipe propagation history.  相似文献   

对于潜水井流,利用Dupuit公式计算的参数往往相差很大,难以直接选用。对Dupuit公式进行线性化,建立降深(s)与距离(r)的s-lnr直线关系,利用直线斜率、直线在x轴上的截距,可以直接求得唯一的渗透系数K和影响半径R。利用松花江河谷的承压水井抽水试验资料和洮儿河扇形地27个潜水抽水井及其观测孔的抽水试验资料,应用直线图解法分析计算,得到唯一的含水层参数T、K和R。将计算结果与直接利用Dupuit公式所计算的结果相比较,前者的求参效果较好。  相似文献   

Predicting the deformation and evolution tendency of landslides is essential to landslide disaster prevention and mitigation. At present, most of the proposed models for landslide displacement prediction belong to single models. It is difficult to accurately describe the deformation and evolution law only by a single model for the complexity of landslides and limitation of the models. In this paper, we presented an application of linear combination model with optimal weight in landslide displacement prediction. We took Huanlongxicun and Saleshan landslides in Gansu province of China as examples, firstly to build GM(1,1) and Verhulst models for displacement prediction of the two landslides; then build two linear combination models of the two landslides, on the basis of the combining theory with optimal weight and the prediction results of the GM(1,1) and Verhulst models. The results show that the prediction accuracies of the combining models are much higher than those of the single models for both Huanglongxicun landslide and Saleshan landslide. Therefore, the combining model with optimal weight is an effective and feasible method to further improve accuracy for landslide displacement prediction.  相似文献   

张国鸿  黄高元 《安徽地质》2013,(3):211-213,219
本文由两个实际地质勘查工作的应用例子,通过双频激电法与可控源音频大地电磁法勘探工作结果的对比,介绍双频激电法在地质找矿工作中的应用效果。同时根据实际工作体会,指出双频激电法存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

Determining optimal well placement and control is essential to maximizing production from an oil field. Most academic literature to date has treated optimal placement and control as two separate problems; well placement problems, in particular, are often solved assuming some fixed flow rate or bottom-hole pressure at injection and production wells. Optimal placement of wells, however, does depend on the control strategy being employed. Determining a truly optimal configuration of wells thus requires that the control parameters be allowed to vary as well. This presents a challenging optimization problem, since well location and control parameters have different properties from one another. In this paper, we address the placement and control optimization problem jointly using approaches that combine a global search strategy (particle swarm optimization, or PSO) with a local generalized pattern search (GPS) strategy. Using PSO promotes a full, semi-random exploration of the search space, while GPS allows us to locally optimize parameters in a systematic way. We focus primarily on two approaches combining these two algorithms. The first is to hybridize them into a single algorithm that acts on all variables simultaneously, while the second is to apply them sequentially to decoupled well placement and well control problems. We find that although the best method for a given problem is context-specific, decoupling the problem may provide benefits over a fully simultaneous approach.  相似文献   

研究了电法测井不同测量方式(井—地,地—井,井—井)下点源场井中电法的三维有限差分数值模拟。采用六面体网格剖分方式来对模型进行剖分,运用一维非零元素行压缩存储模式来存储系数矩阵,减少了内存需求和计算量;采用不完全 Cholesky 共轭梯度(ICCG)方法来求解线性方程组,提高了求解效率;编制了相应的程序实现了井—地、地—井、井—井、倾斜井条件下的电法测井三维有限差分数值模拟。设计的算例结果验证了该算法的正确性和效率性,并且分析了各种情形下的异常特征,为进一步的反演工作打下了基础。  相似文献   

鲁序珍  李小峰 《吉林地质》2009,28(3):59-60,70
本文通过一个实例,总结了在粉砂地层中,怎样正确合理地使用活塞法进行洗井,对用活塞法进行洗井,具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Based on Fredlund’s one-dimensional consolidation equation for unsaturated soil, Darcy’s law and Fick’s law, a semi-analytical solution was presented to the free drainage well with a finite thickness under application of uniform vertical loading and the boundary of the top and bottom surfaces impermeable to water and air. According to the polar governing equations of water and air phases and the boundary and initial conditions, the excess pore-air and pore-water pressures and the soil layer settlement in the Laplace transformed domain are obtained by performing the Laplace transform and utilizing the Bessel functions. Crump’s method is used to perform the inversion of Laplace transform in order to obtain numerical solutions in the real time domain. Finally, a typical example is given to illustrate the changes in the excess pore-air and pore-water pressures and soil layer settlement with time factor at different ratios of air–water permeability coefficient and/or different distances from the well.  相似文献   

The finite‐element (FE) method is used for modeling geotechnical and pavement structures exhibiting significant non‐homogeneity. Property gradients generated due to non‐homogeneous distributions of moisture is one such example for geotechnical materials. Aging and temperature‐induced property gradients are common sources of non‐homogeneity for asphalt pavements. Investigation of time‐dependent behavior combined with functionally graded property gradation can be accomplished by means of the non‐homogeneous viscoelastic analysis procedure. This paper describes the development of a generalized isoparametric FE formulation to capture property gradients within elements, and a recursive formulation for solution of hereditary integral equations. The formulation is verified by comparison with analytical and numerical solutions. Two application examples are presented: the first describes stationary crack‐tip fields for viscoelastic functionally graded materials, and the second example demonstrates the application of the proposed procedures for efficient and accurate simulations of interfaces between layers of flexible pavement. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - In order to solve the problem of surrounding rock rheological failure of large section chamber group in deep well, according to the engineering background...  相似文献   

Yehua Shan  Ge Lin  Zian Li 《Tectonophysics》2004,387(1-4):205-215
An inverse method is developed to determine the optimal stress inversion from imperfect fault data. It is specifically designed to process fault data at variable division—either with observed slip directions or with observed fault/slip senses or with both. The method has the flexibility of processing data with a few fault/slip senses incorrectly determined—a case we occasionally meet in the field. A vast number of artificial 10-datum examples are processed to illustrate the reliability of the method and to examine the effects of the data set at variable division on stress estimation. The results show that the precision of solution decreases with the increase in either of two factors, the percentage of the data limited to slip sense and the range of measurement error, both resulting in a broader dispersion of estimated stress vectors relative to the assigned stress vector in the sigma space. Thus, in order to keep the dispersion within a range of 5° requires the percentage of data for which only slip sense is known to be less than about 20%. This in turn allows for a measurement error range in the data of 10° in real space, much larger than real measurement errors. We believe that the proposed method would be of practical value for stress inversion of fault/slip data.  相似文献   

结合黔西地区煤层群赋存的地质特点和钻井难点,从工程实际和储层保护出发,分析了现有煤层气参数井、预探井井身结构的地质适应性,划分出4种地层(含煤体)结构条件;提出了不同条件下设计与施工优化的4类8种配套井身结构变化形式,并对其优缺点和适用范围进行了分析评价,以期为复杂地质条件下煤层气探井的井身结构设计提供新的思路。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to formulate and validate an accurate MPM approach for the numerical simulation of the large displacement of membranes containing soil. In the proposed approach, the membrane is discretised by a surface mesh that allows accurate simulation of membrane stresses. The membrane is free to move through a three‐dimensional grid for a continuum consisting of tetrahedral elements. The approach is applied to model a geocontainer being released from a split barge, taking into account the frictional contact between the geotextile and the barge. No‐slip contact is assumed between the geotextile and the soil inside. The effect of geocontainer interaction is investigated by dropping a second container. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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