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Spatial analysis of anthropogenic impact on karst geomorphology (Slovenia)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this contribution is analyzing, visualizing, interpreting and discussing the impacts of anthropogenic influences on karst geomorphology through various geomorphologically based environmental indicators. The primary data sources are digital terrain models (DTMs) as continuous surface data, supported by aerial photographs, satellite images, topographic maps and databases of natural and anthropogenic features. The sources are supplemented by written information about surface changes and in situ inspections. Spatial analyses as quantitative methods in combination with enhanced visualizations as qualitative methods performed in a geographical information system (GIS) on different data sets are introduced as an important methodology. This enables explaining many anthropogenic influences on the terrain surface (landform), which were not perceived before by classical surveying techniques and verifications.  相似文献   

Evaluating the human disturbance on karst areas is a difficult task because of the complexity of these peculiar and unique environments. The human impact on karstic geo-ecosystems is increasingly important and there is an increasing need for multidisciplinary tools to assess the environmental changes in karst areas. Many disciplines, such as biology, geomorphology, hydrology and social-economical sciences are to be considered to sufficiently evaluate the impact on these intrinsically vulnerable areas. This article gives an overview of the evolution of environmental impact on karst areas of the island Sardinia (Italy). For this particular case, the most important impacts in the past 50 years are derived from the following activities, in decreasing importance: (1) mining and quarrying; (2) deforestation, agriculture and grazing; (3) building (widespread urbanisation, isolated homes, etc.) and related infrastructures (roads, sewer systems, aqueducts, waste dumps, etc.); (4) tourism; (5) military activities. To evaluate the present environmental state of these areas the Disturbance Index for Karst environments [Van Beynen and Townsend (Environ Manage 36:101–116)] is applied in a slightly modified version. Instead of considering the indicators of environmental disturbances used in the original method, this slightly modified index evaluates the disturbances causing the deterioration of the environmental attributes. In the Sardinian case study, 27 disturbances have been evaluated, giving rise to the definition of a Disturbance Index ranging between 0 (Pristine) and 1 (highly disturbed). This Disturbance Index simplifies the original KDI method, appears to adequately measure disturbance on Mediterranean karst areas and could be applied with success to other similar regions.  相似文献   

This study focuses on a late Cretaceous karst bauxite deposit in the Murge area of the Apulia district, southern Italy. The first analysis of the vertical distributions of a wide range of elements (including REEs and selected trace elements) throughout the deposit was shown in order to identify the processes determining element fractionation during the evolution of the bauxite.The studied karst bauxite deposit exhibits an ooidal texture, is mineralogically homogeneous, and contains higher abundances of boehmite than of hematite, kaolinite, and anatase. The major element composition of the bauxite is dominated by elevated concentrations of SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3, and analyses of element mobility within the bauxite indicate that all elements except for Nb and Ni, and to a lesser extent Cr, are depleted relative to the immobile element Ti. R-mode factor analysis revealed a number of key findings: (i) some low-solubility elements (e.g., Zr, Th, Ti, V, Ga) were concentrated in detrital zircon and monazite (Zr, Th), in anatase (Ti, V), and possibly in boehmite and hematite (Ga) during the later stages of bauxitisation; (ii) Fe and Cr were concentrated during wet conditions, whereas Al and Co accumulated during dry conditions; (iii) distributions of the light REEs (LREEs) and the heavy REEs (HREEs) are controlled by the same processes, suggesting that little LREE/HREE fractionation occurred during bauxite formation; and (iv) the behaviour of cerium is different from that of the other REEs, and highly variable cerium anomalies are observed across the deposit, with three characteristic Ce/Ce* maxima with values of > 2. Parisite was the only authigenic cerium mineral detected during this study. Thus, we propose a three-step model to explain the distribution of Ce: cerianite is dissolved by cerium reduction, is transported by downward-moving meteoric water (per descensum), and finally parisite is precipitated. This cycle was repeated several times in the Apulian karst bauxite in response to Eh decreases under alkaline conditions, promoted by fluctuations in the groundwater level. Finally, we used the value of the Eu anomaly to discuss the parental affinity or protolith of the bauxite. The value of the Eu anomaly (min. Eu/Eu* = 0.76, max. Eu/Eu* = 0.89) indicates that the bauxite was not derived from carbonates, but rather, that the majority of the bauxite was influenced by intermediate to mafic magmatic sources. Eu/Eu* vs Sm/Nd diagram suggests that the parental material for the bauxite was derived from a combination of a distant magmatic source and clastic material derived from a continental margin (northern Africa) to the south.  相似文献   

In the taiga gypsum karst ecosystems, gypsum soils formed on the hard gypsum substrates predominate in the soil cover. In these soils, the mineral horizons consist of 95–99% gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) and the litter is the main horizon for nutrient accumulation. For this reason, the ecosystems are vulnerable to fire and erosion by walkers, from which they only recover slowly. Gypsum mining for industrial uses is also leading to the destruction of this unique ecosystem.  相似文献   

In 1995 a sinkhole suddenly formed at Camaiore (Tuscany, Italy), causing destruction or heavy damages to several houses and resulting in the evacuation of many people. To understand the causes, for the formation and evolution of the collapse, surface and underground geologic features were investigated and reconstructed on the basis of geologic and geognostic surveys. The sinkhole area is underlain by thick alluvial deposits that cover a bedrock consisting of the Calcare cavernoso formation. This formation results from hydration and dissolution of Triassic evaporites and has a characteristic spongy and vacuolate texture. The bedrock contains karst cavities, generally filled by breccia and/or alluvial materials. Thus, the sinkhole disaster could be ascribed to deep collapse of a cave in the bedrock, and might be considered a distant effect of ancient karst phenomena in evaporites.  相似文献   

The land around Conversano (Apulia, southern Italy) is part of the Murge karst, interesting limestones and dolomitic limestones of Upper Cretaceous age, in a flat environment with sub-horizontal setting. Dolines and karst depressions are the most typical landforms in the area. Filling of these landforms with eluvial deposits locally created the possibility of water stagnancy at the surface. The Conversano territory presents ten karst lakes that represented, until some decades ago, the only water resource available for the local people, who built the typical bell-shaped wells to collect water volumes satisfying local needs during the dry season. Currently, these lakes have no great importance as water supplies, but represent habitats of great naturalistic value that are still able to support the ecological functionality and the wet environments with self-vegetation. Hydrological and hydrogeological studies have been carried out with the aim to fully estimate the related environmental problems. For this purpose, the hydrogeologic data of historical time series have been collected and compared to those of the last 5 years; successively, according to the Thornthwaite method, a hydrological monthly balance has been evaluated to quantify the distribution of water volumes interacting annually between the surface water bodies and the underlying carbonate groundwater. This evaluation has highlighted the need to carefully consider all the parameters concurring to a right definition of water balance for a karst environment, where pedological features, climatic conditions and anthropogenic modifications to the environment represent the elements of a very delicate system. Particularly, on the basis of recent soil map and field surveys, a re-evaluation of the available water capacity, estimated in some 40 mm, has been carried out. The studies have highlighted the need to extend the environmental protection rules to larger areas around the lakes, e.g. at the catchment scale, with definition of buffer zones; in this manner, it will be possible to constantly monitor the protected land and the local anthropogenic activities, that represent real polluting sources for both the surface water resources and the underlying carbonate groundwaters.  相似文献   

The relationships between the land and sea in the northern Adriatic at the Pleistocene—Holocene boundary are examined by considering sea-level curves and archaeological data. Changes in the Mesolithic (Early Holocene) economy of the inhabitants can be interpreted as a result of palaeoecological variations due to glacioecustatic sea-level changes and recent tectonics. This hypothesis is also supported by evidence of older tectonic movements which may have continued until the end of the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The central-eastern Po Plain in northern Italy is a rapidly subsiding sedimentary basin that hosts about 30% of the Italian population and 40% of Italy's total productive activities. Subsidence rates range from 0 to −70 mm/year, the maximum occurring in synclinal areas at the Po Delta and near Bologna, the minimum located at the top of buried, probable tectonically active anticlines (Mirandola–Ferrara). We show that modern subsidence is at least an order of magnitude higher than due solely to long-term natural processes. This implies that most subsidence in the Po Plain has been induced by human activities. As previously noted, we suggest that the main factor controlling modern subsidence is water withdrawal, which was particularly intense during the second half of the 20th century, coinciding with accelerating economic growth. We also evaluate the impact of rapid subsidence on floods in low areas by comparing subsidence velocity maps with flood maps. This shows that there is a clear-cut correlation between flood frequency and rapid subsidence. In contrast, few floods occurred in low subsidence areas, which generally correspond with the top of buried anticlines. We finally note that the anthropic-caused increase in subsidence has now greatly increased the potential for additional floodings.  相似文献   

Karst environments are highly vulnerable to a variety of degradation and pollution problems. Geology (fractured carbonate rocks), morphology (presence of a network of cavities produced by karst processes), and hydrogeology (rapid concentrated flow through fractures and conduits) of karst carbonates strongly favour the movement of contaminants towards the water table. In particular, poor quality of subsurface water can derive from polluting substances flowing at the surface, and/or by direct immission of liquid and solid waste into the water table through the systems of conduits and joints in the rock mass. As a consequence, water quality can deteriorate severely, which implies very high economic and social costs in order to clean the polluted sites and restore the original situation. In some cases, such as when the original karst morphology is changed because of anthropogenic interventions, the variations created in the landscape are not recoverable, and a loss of sites of naturalistic interest has to be registered. High vulnerability of a typical karst region of the Mediterranean area is illustrated in this paper by describing some case studies from Apulia, southern Italy. The Apulia region, where karst processes have had a prominent role in the development of the present landscape, is mostly underlain by intensely karstified limestone. Two cases of pollution due to solid waste into karst cavities (Grave di S. Leonardo in the Gargano Promontory and Grave Pelosello in the Murge plateau), landscape transformation in the Minervino Murge area, and degradation of Gravina Monsignore, a typical karst valley in southeastern Murge, are described in the paper. In two out of four cases, degradation of the sites was discovered thanks to activity from local speleologists, who also acted as promoters for cleaning and safeguarding the polluted sites. These examples underline well the mismanagement of karst territories (in particular, the common practice to dump refuse into sinkholes and caves), the pollution of limestone aquifers, and the effects that such pollution in karst areas might have in terms of the risk to public health.  相似文献   

Wide karst plateaus extend in the carbonate rocks of the Grands Causses area, north of Montpellier (south of France). They are surrounded by a hard rock base that feeds important rivers, such as the Tarn River and tributaries, and crosses the plateaus creating deep gorges. The Larzac plateau, the most southern, makes a link with the Mediterranean region. It is traversed by one of the main national roads and another main road under construction from Clermont-Ferrand to Montpellier and Spain. The karst water resource of the plateau, from springs, is used as a water supply for the Millau area (30,000 inhabitants); but it also recharges surface rivers, mainly during the summer and fall when the water level is low, in a region that is well known for water recreation activities, for fish farming and, above all, for sheep farming and Roquefort cheese production. The fundamental question was should the karst and its water resource be fully protected by strict regulations (for example as a nature reservation) in land-use management of the plateau based upon the knowledge of its hydrogeological functioning and its karst structure? Decisions, concerning the ~500-km2 area were elaborated from detailed hydrogeological studies, which included natural and artificial tracing, analysis of karst aquifer functioning, landscape analysis, and risk assessment and mapping. Recommendations were proposed to local and regional decision makers to define what were the preferences in terms of water resource protection and water quality restoration. Following such an approach in a karst area is not easy for hydrogeologists or for decision makers. In non-karstic regions, protection zones currently extend over small areas of a few square kilometers, which can be easily placed under the control of a small municipality. In the present example, the main water supplies are two springs that recharge areas that extend respectively over 100 and 110?km2. Included are several municipalities, some of which use them for their water supply, whereas others are concerned with pollution risks and land management projects. The recent French Water Act, which considers water as a common heritage, allows for general management by all the users, and it deals with the water and the terrain in which it flows. The regulation tools seem very well suited to karst region management. However, time is needed to educate users and decision makers, and with the help of karst scientists, to work together in a framework that is larger than the usual municipal limits.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings from a study on gravity-induced slope deformations along the northern slope of Mt. Nuria (Rieti-Italy). The slope extends from the village of Pendenza to the San Vittorino plain and hosts the Peschiera River springs, i.e. the most important springs of the Central Apennines (average discharge: about 18 m3/s).

Detailed geological-geomorphological and geomechanical surveys, supported by a site stress-strain monitoring system and laboratory tests, led us to define the main evolutionary features of the studied phenomena. Based on the collected data, a “geological-evolutionary model” was developed with a view to identifying a spatio-temporal correlation between relief forms, jointing of the rock mass and its stress conditions. The geological-evolutionary model was expected to improve numerical simulations and to test our assumptions.

The numerical model also allowed us to simulate changes in the stress-strain conditions of the rock mass and correlate them with jointing, seepage, as well as with site-detected and site-monitored forms and deformations. In particular, significant relations between seepage, tensile stresses within the rock mass, karst solution and collapse of cavities were identified.  相似文献   

Experimental data refer to a preliminary estimate of suspended solid and solute load of a perennial river. The basin is composed almost entirely of bare mesozoic, highly fractured, karstified carbonate rocks of the central Apennine range. The suspended solid load related to stormflow events in 1991 corresponds to about 14,970 t yr–1. For the same period the solute load is 60,060 t yr–1 for a mean base flow discharge of 9.4 m3 s–1. Based on the mean concentration of Ca + Mg in water, the value of dissolution of carbonate rocks of 37.1 m3 km–2 (equivalent approximately to 0.04 mm yr–1) was calculated. Physical and chemical variations that occur during storm events indicate the complex dynamic processes in the karst aquifer and the role undertaken by the epikarst as perched water reservoir and by the major conduits that develop through the vadose and saturated zones of the karst system.  相似文献   

Sardinia is one of the Italian regions with the greatest number of dams per inhabitants, almost 60 for a population of only 1.5 million people. Many of these dam sites are located on non-carbonate rocks along the main rivers of the Island and their waters are used for irrigation, industrial, energy supply, drinking and flood regulation purposes.The Pedra 'e Othoni dam on the Cedrino river (Dorgali, Central-East Sardinia) is located along the threshold of the Palaeozoic basement on the Northern border of the Supramonte karst area, where water is forced to flow out of the system through several resurgences, the most famous of which is the Su Gologone vauclusian spring, used for drinking water supply. The other main outflows of the system, Su Tippari and San Pantaleo springs, are at present almost permanently submerged by the high water level of the Pedra 'e Othoni dam. In the near future water will be supplied also to other communities with a possible increase of water taken from the spring.The dam, originally meant to regulate the flooding of Cedrino river but actually used for all sorts of purposes (electricity supply, drinking water, irrigation of farmlands, industrial uses), has a maximum regulation altitude of 103 m a.s.l., only slightly less than a meter below the Su Gologone spring level (103.7 m), and 4 and 9 m respectively above the submerged Su Tippari and San Pantaleo springs.During floods of the Cedrino river, occurring on average twice a year, also the Su Gologone spring becomes submerged by the muddy waters of the lake for a time ranging between a couple of hours up to several days, making water supply impossible.The analysis of the available meteorological and hydrogeological data relative to the December 2004 flood, one of the severest of the past 100 years, suggests that the reservoir is filled in a few days time. Several flooding scenarios have been reconstructed using digital terrain models, showing that backflooding submerges most of the discharge area of the aquifer, having important repercussions also on the inland underground drainage system. The upstream flood prone areas prevalently comprise agricultural lands with some sparse houses, but also highly frequented tourist facilities. Fortunately flooding occurs outside the tourist season, thus limiting risk to a limited number of local inhabitants. Massive discharge at the dam site, instead, determines a more hazardous situation in the Cedrino coastal plain, where population density in low lying areas is much higher. To avoid flooding hazard upstream the water level in the lake should be regulated, keeping it low in the flood prone seasons, and having it filled from the end of the winter in order to have enough water stocked before the beginning of the summer. Discharge at the dam site, instead, should be done cautiously, preventing severe flooding of the coastal Cedrino plain.  相似文献   

Seismic surveys with sub‐bottom profiler were carried out in the Manfredonia Gulf in the southern Adriatic Sea. Here, a buried surface was recognized on which three valleys, located about 80 km from the shelf edge, were deeply incised. Beneath this surface, a pre‐upper Würm seismic unit (PW) was identified. Above, two seismic units were recognized: the transgressive system tract (TST) and highstand system tract (g2). On the basis of regional correlation with onshore and offshore data, these units and their boundaries were dated and correlated with phases of the last glacial–interglacial cycle. The incised valley system was attributed to the Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 2. The TST and g2 units fill the valleys and were attributed to the post‐glacial sea‐level rise and highstand. The incised valleys are anomalous with respect to published models; despite having many characteristics that would have limited the fluvial incision (the lowstand shoreline that remained on the shelf, the low gradient of the shelf, the subsidence that affected the study area since MIS 5), the valleys appear to be deeply incised on the shelf, with valley flanks that can exceed 40 m in height. The model to explain the formation of the valleys comprises enhanced river discharge as the key factor in increasing river energy and promoting erosion across the low gradient shelf. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of karst collapse on the environments in north China   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In this paper, a systematic study was completed on the distribution features and origins of karst collapses in north China. There are 65 modern karst collapse areas with 1,416 karst collapse pits and 38 paleo–karst collapse areas with 3,654 paleo-collapse pillars. Modern karst collapses are mainly distributed in the plain region of the east Taihang and Yanshan Mountains and are concentrated in three zones from the west to the east in this region. The regional distribution features of karst collapses in north China are controlled by the boundary of the geological tectonics, condition of soluble rock and the extent of human activities. From the results, three-grade indices have been adopted to establish a classification scheme for karst collapse in north China. The effects of karst collapses on the environments in north China are summarized using a karst collapse classification scheme.  相似文献   

 Surface sediments, suspended particulate matter and fluffy-layer material, collected in the Arkona Basin and the Pomeranian Bay during 1995–1997, as well as air particulate matter, collected on the island of Rügen during August 1995, were analysed for total organic carbon content, saturated and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The resulting concentrations and distributions of these compounds and molecular PAH ratios are discussed in terms of matrix, origin of the organic matter and seasonal variations. The data show that the Oder river can be identified as a major source for PAH transported into the southern part of the Arkona Basin. A strong atmospheric input of PAH is noted for the central and northern part of the basin. In general, anthropogenic and bacterially degraded hydrocarbons bound to organic carbon-rich and small particles are mainly deposited in the basin center, whereas their natural counterparts accumulate mainly on the basin flanks covered by coarser grained sediments. Received: 2 March 1999 · Accepted: 8 June 1999  相似文献   

Reproduction of hydrographs at karst springs has been an approach of understanding the karst aquifer, which normally acts as drains for the groundwater flow. However, its numerical modeling is difficult since factors for the internal geometry and connectedness are unknown and hard to quantify. Hydrographs of the karst aquifer with well-developed conduits in Shuifang spring catchment were obtained from the automatic gauging station at the spring orifice. Data as to the conduit system were also obtained based on results and analyses of tracer tests. With these data, the hydrological responses of Shuifang spring to storm events were simulated by storm water management model (SWMM) developed by USA EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Nash–Sutcliffe efficiencies are used to compare the computed flow to the observed, which are 0.95 and 0.92 for calibration and validation. SWMM was verified and applicable in karst conduit drainage system. The model illustrated correctly quick recharge through conduits and slow and low inflow from the fissured aquifer matrix. The SCS-CN (soil conservation service-curve number) infiltration method was used for computation of losses and runoff. Field tests indicated that permeability was extremely high but different in karst area, which was less sensitive to the computed runoff when exceeded the common value provided by SWMM. Therefore, an improved quantitative infiltration model for karst area will make SWMM possible to be a useful tool for assessing and reproducing spring hydrographs.  相似文献   

The karst paleo-sinkhole is a special geological structure widely found in the coal measures of northern China. Some paleo-sinkholes have high permeability and connectivity, making them excellent connectors between the karst aquifer and the coal seam. Consequently, during coal extraction disastrous water inrushes take place frequently, which cause severe loss not only in mine submersions and personnel casualties, but also in environmental quality. Locations and the geological and hydrogeological characteristics of paleo-sinkholes in northern China are presented. In-situ drilling and excavation results show that paleo-sinkholes have different hydrogeological behaviors in different regions and in different mines. Based on observed data, mining-induced strata failure in the seam floor is analyzed. The existence of paleo-sinkholes increases the floor strata failure zone. Numerical simulation then is adopted to model coal mining with the effects of both the paleo-sinkholes and the water pressure in the confined aquifer. Analyses of the simulation conclude that the paleo-sinkhole induces the increase in the strata failure and deformation. These make water inrushes more likely to happen.  相似文献   

Four outcrops of Lower Cretaceous (Barremian) karst bauxites located in Teruel (NE Spain) were analysed. The deposits show a heterogeneous-chaotic lithostructure consisting of pisolitic bauxite blocks embedded in lateritic red clays filling karst cavities. The research has focused on the geochemical study of major, minor, and trace elements (including some critical to industry) of both the bauxites and clays. The objective was to investigate the bauxite precursor material and to characterize the system’s geochemical evolution. Geochemical analyses were carried out by inductively-coupled plasma optical emission and mass spectroscopy. An absolute weathering index has been calculated to estimate element mobility, assuming Ti as an immobile element and the Upper Continental Crust (UCC) as parent material. Further, selected samples were observed by field emission scanning electron microscopy. The data indicate that both the bauxites and red clays originated by intense chemical weathering from more mafic argillaceous sediments than the UCC. Ongoing weathering caused the bauxitization of the upper parts of the original profile, preventing the lower parts from being bauxitized, thus producing the ferrallitized clays underlying the pisolitic bauxites. Subsequent karst reactivation gave rise to the current lithostructure. Ferrallitization is related to Fe, Sc, and V enrichment. On the other hand, although bauxites are relatively enriched in some elements compared to clays, the more intense chemical weathering associated with bauxitization led to chemical homogenization and widespread element depletion. During the bauxitization, Al, Ti, Zr, Cr, and probably Hf and the critical element Nb behaved as more immobile elements in the system. Bauxitization also enhanced homogenization and depletion of the REE, which is more pronounced for the LREE. HREE trends seem to be partly related to the concentration of Ti oxides in the bauxites, whereas P-bearing phases, more frequent in the clays, control the LREE. Subsequent to bauxitization, partial kaolinization of the bauxite took place related to the circulation of acid solutions that also caused the karst reactivation. These late processes caused some Al depletion in the bauxites and enhanced Fe loss together with V and, to a lesser extent, Ge.  相似文献   

This study investigated the thermal regime of shallow groundwater in the Turin area (NW Italy), where the large energy demand has motivated a new interest for renewable sources, such as the use of ground-source heat pumps for domestic heating and cooling. The vertical variability of the groundwater temperature between the ground surface and 10–20 m was detected: deeper temperatures were higher than shallow temperatures in spring, while a decrease with depth occurred in autumn. These variations are connected with the heating and cooling cycles of the ground surface due to the seasonal temperature oscillation. Variations below the seasonal oscillation are likely to be connected with the presence of advective heat transport due to the groundwater flow, according to the hydraulic features of a shallow aquifer. Temperature values mostly ranged between 12 and 14 °C in rural areas, while the values were between 14 and 16 °C below the Turin city. This groundwater warming is attributed to a widespread urban heat island phenomenon linked to warmer land surface temperatures in Turin city. Sparse warm outliers are connected with point heat sources and site-specific conditions of land and subsurface use, which may cause the aquifer temperature to rise. A relatively stable temperature below the seasonal fluctuation zone combined with high productivity and legislated limits for deeper groundwater use represent favourable conditions for a large-scale diffusion of groundwater heat pumps within the shallow aquifer. Moreover, this heat surplus should be regarded as a resource for future geothermal installations.  相似文献   

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