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This investigation is aimed at clarifying the nature of the interstellar gas seen in absorption against bright O and B stars. Towards this end we have obtained for the first time HI absorption spectra towards radio sources very close to the lines of sight towards twenty five bright stars previously studied. In this paper we describe the selection criteria, the details regarding our observations, and finally present the absorption spectra. In the accompanying paper we analyse the results and draw conclusions.  相似文献   

Nearby interstellar clouds with high (|ν|≥10km s−1) random velocities although easily detected in NaI and CaII lines have hitherto not been detected (in emission or absorption) in the HI 21cm line. We describe here deep Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) HI absorption observations toward radio sources with small angular separation from bright O and B stars whose spectra reveal the presence of intervening high random velocity CaII absorbing clouds. In 5 out of the 14 directions searched we detect HI 21cm absorption features from these clouds. The mean optical depth of these detections is ∼0.09 and FWHM is ∼10km s−1, consistent with absorption arising from CNM clouds.  相似文献   

We have carried out a sensitive high-latitude (|b| > 15°) HI 21 cm-line absorption survey towards 102 sources using the GMRT. With a 3σ detection limit in optical depth of ∼ 0.01, this is the most sensitive HI absorption survey. We detected 126 absorption features most of which also have corresponding HI emission features in the Leiden Dwingeloo Survey of Galactic neutral Hydrogen. The histogram of random velocities of the absorption features is well-fit by two Gaussians centered at V1sr ∼ 0 km s−1 with velocity dispersions of 7.6 ± 0.3 km s−1 and 21 ± 4 km s−1 respectively. About 20% of the HI absorption features form the larger velocity dispersion component. The HI absorption features forming the narrow Gaussian have a mean optical depth of 0.20 ± 0.19, a mean HI column density of (1.46 ± 1.03) × 1020 cm−2, and a mean spin temperature of 121 ± 69 K. These HI concentrations can be identified with the standard HI clouds in the cold neutral medium of the Galaxy. The HI absorption features forming the wider Gaussian have a mean optical depth of 0.04 ± 0.02, a mean HI column density of (4.3 ± 3.4) × 1019 cm−2, and a mean spin temperature of 125 ± 82 K. The HI column densities of these fast clouds decrease with their increasing random velocities. These fast clouds can be identified with a population of clouds detected so far only in optical absorption and in HI emission lines with a similar velocity dispersion. This population of fast clouds is likely to be in the lower Galactic Halo.  相似文献   

We have used the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT) to measure the Galactic HI 21-cm line absorption towards 102 extragalactic radio continuum sources, located at high (|b| > 15°) Galactic latitudes. The Declination coverage of the present survey is δ}> - 45°. With a mean rms optical depth of ∼ 0.003, this is the most sensitive Galactic HI 21-cm line absorption survey to date. To supplement the absorption data, we have extracted the HI 21-cm line emission profiles towards these 102 lines of sight from the Leiden Dwingeloo Survey of Galactic neutral hydrogen. We have carried out a Gaussian fitting analysis to identify the discrete absorption and emission components in these profiles. In this paper, we present the spectra and the components. A subsequent paper will discuss the interpretation of these results.  相似文献   

The dense molecular cloud cores that form stars, like other self-gravitating objects, undergo bulk oscillations. Just at the point of gravitational instability, their fundamental oscillation mode has zero frequency. We study, using perturbation theory, the evolution of a spherical cloud that possesses such a frozen mode. We find that the cloud undergoes a prolonged epoch of subsonic, accelerating contraction. This slow contraction occurs whether the cloud is initially inflated or compressed by the oscillation. The subsonic motion described here could underlie the spectral infall signature observed in many starless dense cores.  相似文献   

Intermediate-resolution (60 000 R 120 000) observations of interstellar Na  i lines towards 29 stars in the general direction of the Lupus molecular clouds (330°≲ l ≲350°; 0°≲ b ≲25°) are presented. Previously published spectra towards an additional seven stars are also included. Based on the Hipparcos distances to these stars, and the minimum distance at which strong interstellar Na  i lines appear in the spectra, I obtain a distance of ~150±10 pc to the Lupus molecular complex. While in agreement with a number of other independent estimates, this result is at odds with the value of 100 pc recently obtained by Knude & Høg from a Hipparcos -based study of interstellar extinction. A possible explanation for this discrepancy is discussed, and it is concluded that the value of 150±10 pc obtained here is to be preferred. In addition, these observations have some other implications for the structure of the interstellar medium in this direction, and these are briefly considered.  相似文献   

We numerically follow the nonlinear evolution of the Parker instability in the presence of phase transitions from a warm to a cold H  i interstellar medium in two spatial dimensions. The nonlinear evolution of the system favours modes that allow the magnetic field lines to cross the galactic plane. Cold H  i clouds form with typical masses  ≃105 M  , mean densities  ≃20 cm−3  , mean magnetic-field strengths  ≃4.3 μG  (rms field strengths  ≃6.4 μG  ), mass-to-flux ratios  ≃0.1–0.3  relative to critical, temperatures  ≃50 K  , (two-dimensional) turbulent velocity dispersions  ≃1.6 km s−1  and separations  ≃500 pc  , in agreement with observations. The maximum density and magnetic-field strength are  ≃103 cm−3  and  ≃20 μG  , respectively. Approximately 60 per cent of all H  i mass is in the warm neutral medium. The cold neutral medium is arranged into sheet-like structures both perpendicular and parallel to the galactic plane, but it is also found almost everywhere in the galactic plane, with the density being highest in valleys of the magnetic field lines. 'Cloudlets' also form whose physical properties are in quantitative agreement with those observed for such objects by Heiles. The nonlinear phase of the evolution takes ≲30 Myr, so that, if the instability is triggered by a nonlinear perturbation such as a spiral density shock wave, interstellar clouds can form within a time suggested by observations.  相似文献   

The possibility of nitrogen isotopic fractionation owing to ion–molecule exchange reactions involving the most abundant N-containing species in dense interstellar clouds has been explored. We find that exchange reactions between N atoms and N-containing ions have most influence on the fractionation, although the extent of fractionation is too small to be readily detectable.  相似文献   

A model is proposed for the formation of water ice mantles on grains in interstellar clouds. This occurs by direct accretion of monomers from the gas, be they formed by gas or surface reactions. The formation of the first monolayer requires a minimum extinction of interstellar radiation, sufficient to lower the grain temperature to the point where thermal evaporation of monomers is just offset by monomer accretion from the gas. This threshold is mainly determined by the adsorption energy of water molecules on the grain material; for hydrocarbon material, chemical simulation places this energy between 0.5 and 2 kcal mol−1, which sets the (true) visible extinction threshold at a few magnitudes. However, realistic distributions of matter in a cloud will usually add to this an unrelated amount of cloud core extinction, which can explain the large dispersion of observed (apparent) thresholds. Once the threshold is crossed, all available water molecules in the gas are quickly adsorbed, because the grain cools down and the adsorption energy on ice is higher than on bare grain. The relative thickness of the mantle, and, hence, the slope of  τ3( A v)  depend only on the available water vapour, which is a small fraction of the oxygen abundance. Chemical simulation was also used to determine the adsorption sites and energies of O and OH on hydrocarbons and study the dynamics of formation of water molecules by surface reactions with gaseous H atoms, as well as their chances to stick in situ.  相似文献   

I review the recent discoveries of variable interstellar absorption lines, widely taken to imply the existence of very small scale(10–100 AU) structure in the interstellar medium. Possible origins of this structure are discussed, and attention is drawn to the fact that most known examples seem to be associated with interstellar shells and bubbles of various kinds. On the other hand, in at least one case (κ Velorum),the variation appears to occur in the supposedly quiescent cold neutral medium, consistent with earlier studies of small scale structure in atomic hydrogen probed at radio wavelengths. Further work is urgently required to determine the prevalence, mode of formation, and the physical and chemical state of these enigmatic structures. Only then will their implications for our wider understanding of the interstellar medium become apparent. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We investigate the evolution of the magnetic flux density in a magnetically supported molecular cloud driven by Hall and Ohmic components of the electric field generated by the flows of thermal electrons. Particular attention is given to the wave transport of the magnetic field in a cloud whose gas dynamics is dominated by electron flows; the mobility of neutrals and ions is regarded as heavily suppressed. It is shown that electromagnetic waves penetrating such a cloud can be converted into helicons – weakly damped, circularly polarized waves in which the densities of the magnetic flux and the electron current undergo coherent oscillations. These waves are interesting in their own right, because for electron magnetohydrodynamics the low-frequency helicoidal waves have the same physical significance as the transverse Alfvén waves do for a single-component magnetohydrodynamics. The latter, as is known, are considered to be responsible for the widths of molecular lines detected in dark, magnetically supported clouds. From our numerical estimates for the group velocity and the rate of dissipation of helicons it follows that a possible contribution of these waves to the broadening of molecular lines is consistent with the conditions typical of dark molecular clouds.  相似文献   

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