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We present BVRI surface photometry of the late-type spiral galaxy NGC 3627. The distributions of the color indices and extinction-independent Q indices show that the observed photometric asymmetry in the inner part of the galaxy, including the bar, is due to an asymmetric distribution of absorbing material. The bluest regions of star formation are located in a ring surrounding the bar. The background-subtracted color indices of individual blue knots are used to estimate the ages of young stellar aggregates. In combination with previously published photometric data, our measurements indicate that the R-band profile of the disk is rather flat in its inner part (r<50″) and becomes steeper further from its center. We estimate the mass of the disk and dark halo by decomposing the rotation curve. The mass-to-light ratio M/L B for the stellar disk is ≈1.4. The galaxy possesses a massive dark halo; however, the mass of the disk exceeds that of the halo in the inner part of the galaxy, which displays a regular spiral structure.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the radial scales, central surface brightnesses, and colors of 400 disks of various types of galaxies. For nine galaxies, the brightness decrease and the central disk brightness were obtained via a two-dimensional decomposition of the U BV RI J H K photometric images into bulge and disk components. We used published disk parameters for 392 of the galaxies. The central surface brightness μ 0,i 0 and linear (disk) scale length h vary smoothly along the Hubble sequence of galaxies within a rather narrow interval. The disks of relatively early-type galaxies display higher central K surface brightnesses, higher central surface densities, higher central mass-to-luminosity ratios M/L(B), smaller sizes (relative to the diameter of the galaxy D 25), redder integrated colors, and redder central colors. The color gradient normalized to the radius of the galaxy and the “blue” central surface brightness of the disk, μ 0,i/0(B), are both independent of the galaxy type. The radial disk scales in different photometric bands differ less in early-type than in late-type galaxies. A correlation between the central disk surface brightness and the total luminosity of the galaxy is observed. We also consider the influence of dust on the photometric parameters of the disks.  相似文献   

The results of multicolor surface photometry of the S0 galaxies NGC 524, NGC 1138, and NGC 7280 and the spiral galaxies NGC 532, NGC 783, and NGC 1589 are analyzed. UBVRI observations were acquired with the 1.5-m telescope of the Maidanak Observatory (Uzbekistan), while JHK data were taken from the 2MASS catalog. The brightness and color distributions in the galaxies are analyzed. Extinction in dust lanes in three spiral galaxies is estimated. The contributions of the radiation of the spherical and disk components in different photometric bands are estimated. Two-color diagrams are used to estimate the composition of the stellar populations in various galaxy components. The variations of the color characteristics in the S0 galaxies is due mostly to radial metallicity gradients.  相似文献   

The results of spectroscopic observations of the host galaxies of objects in the RC catalog (the “Big Trio” program) obtained using the new SCORPIO spectrograph of the Special Astrophysical Observatory are presented. The spectroscopic redshifts of the objects are compared with their photometric color redshifts, and the errors in the latter are estimated. Based on BV RI observations obtained on the 6-m telescope of the SAO, the errors for the population of powerful radio galaxies are close to those found previously for radio quiet galaxies (about 10–20%). The detection of Ly α in the B filter in RC 1626+0448 is confirmed. This object is the second spectrally studied FR II radio source from the RC catalog to have a redshift z>2.5. Star formation in its host galaxy began at a redshift z>3.3. This first use of the new SCORPIO spectrograph demonstrates its promise for studies of very distant steep-spectrum radio galaxies brighter than 23m–24m in V.  相似文献   

BVR c photometry of the galaxy UGC 4332 is presented. It is shown that its inclusion in a list of candidate galaxies with polar rings is erroneous. In reality, it is a spiral galaxy with a powerful bulge and a disturbed dust disk viewed edge-on.  相似文献   

We present the results of our CCD photometric and moderate-dispersion spectroscopic observations of the binary system V4641 Sgr, which contains a black hole of mass ≈9.5M and a normal B9III star. The photometric light curve reveals an ellipticity effect with very high amplitudes in V and R, 0.40m and 0.37m, and the color curve shows that the surface temperature is nonuniform. All this testifies to tidal distortion of the normal star's surface due to the massive companion and to a high inclination of the orbit to the line of sight. In June and July 2002, during quiescence, we obtained data during three flares with amplitudes up to 0.26m. In particular, spectroscopic observations were acquired near the time of the black hole's inferior conjunction. One hour before conjunction, a depression by EW=0.5 Å was observed in the red wing of the Hα absorption line, interpreted as absorption by gas flowing in the direction from the observer toward the normal star. This flow is apparently associated with a rarefied gas disk around the black hole, and the conjunction grazes the stellar surface if the orbital inclination is close to 70.7°. The maximum velocity along a circular Keplerian orbit is 650 km/s at a distance of R=0.15–0.20a from the black hole (where a is the component separation). Thus, we find the mass of the black hole to be M BH =7.1–9.5M, confirming the model of Orosz et al. (2001).  相似文献   

The results of multicolor surface photometry of the S0 galaxies NGC 524, NGC 1138, and NGC 7280 and the spiral galaxies NGC 532, NGC 783, and NGC 1589 are reported. U BV RI observations were acquired with the 1.5-m telescope of the Maidanak Observatory (Uzbekistan), while JHK data were taken from the 2MASS catalog. The overall structure of the galaxies is analyzed and the galaxy images decomposed into bulge and disk components. The parameters of the galaxy components—rings, bars, spiral arms, and dust lanes—are determined. The bulge/disk decompositions based on averaged one-dimensional photometric profiles yield incorrect parameters for the bulges of the S0-Sa galaxies with bars and/or rings, whose inner regions are dominated by the radiation of the bulge.  相似文献   

Results of numerical simulations of a collision of the gaseous components of two identical disk galaxies during a head-on collision of the galaxies in the polar direction are presented. When the relative velocity of the galaxy collision is small, their gaseous components merge. At high relative velocities (100–500 km/s), the massive stellar components of the galaxies (M g = 109 M ) pass through each other nearly freely, leaving behind the gaseous components, which are decelerated and heated by the collision. If the overall gaseous component of the colliding galaxies is able to cool to the virial temperature during the collision, a new galaxy forms. At velocities V ≥ 500 km/s, the gaseous component does not have time to cool, and the gas is scattered into intergalactic space, supplying it with heavy elements produced in supernovae in the colliding galaxies. High-velocity (V ≥ 100 km/s) collisions of identical low-mass galaxies (M g ≤ 109 M ) whose mass is dominated by the mass of gas lead to the disruption of their stellar components. The overall gaseous component forms a new galaxy when V ≤ 500 km/s, and is scattered into intergalactic space if the velocity becomes higher than this. A galaxy collision increases the star-formation rates in the disk galaxies by nearly a factor of 100. Rotation of the colliding galaxies in the same direction increases the changes of the disruption of both the stellar and gaseous components of the galaxies. The merger of galaxies during their collision can explain the presence of gaseous disks rotating opposite to the rotation of the stellar component in some ordinary elliptical galaxies. Moreover, galaxy mergers can help explain the origin of a comparatively young stellar population in some elliptical galaxies.  相似文献   

Original spectroscopic and photometric observations are used together with data from the literature to compile a master light curve for DI Cep and to analyze individual data series for periodicity. The spectroscopic data reveal the period P=9.24d. Data from different authors show the nine-day quasi-periodicity in the brightness variations fairly reliably, although the period cannot be derived from the entire master set of photometric data. The period P=18.28d is also derived from the V brightnesses. We find variations of the zero epoch of the nine-day period, possibly due to the changing location of an accretion-disk hot spot.  相似文献   

We present the results of our simultaneous photometric and polarimetric observations of the Herbig Ae/Be star VX Cas acquired in 1987–2001. The star belongs to the UX Ori subtype of young variable stars and exhibits a rather low level of photometric activity: only six Algol-like minima with amplitudes ΔV>1m were recorded in 15 years of observations. Two of these minima, in 1998 and 2001, were the deepest in the history of the star’s photometric studies, with V amplitudes of about 2m. In each case, the dimming was accompanied by an increase in the linear polarization in agreement with the law expected for variable circumstellar extinction. The highest V polarization was about 5%. Observations of VX Cas in the deep minima revealed a turnover of the color tracks, typical of stars of this type and due to an increased contribution from radiation scattered in the circumstellar disk. We separated the observed polarization of VX Cas into interstellar (Pis) and intrinsic (Pin) components. Their position angles differ by approximately 60°, with Pis dominating in the bright state and Pin dominating during the deep minima. The competition of these two polarization components leads to changes in both the degree and position angle of the polarization during the star’s brightness variations. Generally speaking, in terms of the behavior of the brightness, color indices, and linear polarization, VX Cas is similar to other UX Ori stars studied by us earlier. A number of episodes of photometric and polarimetric activity suggest that, in their motion along highly eccentric orbits, circumstellar gas and dust clouds can enter the close vicinity of the star (and be disrupted there).  相似文献   

We present the results of simultaneous UBVRI photometric and polarimetric observations of the Ae Herbig star SV Cep made in 1987–1998. Over these 11 years, only a single deep (ΔV>1m) brightness minimum was observed. Near this minimum, the brightness decrease was accompanied by an increase of the linear polarization, as is typical of young UX Ori stars. The photometric observations of SV Cep indicate reversals of the color tracks in brightness minima, as is common for stars of this type, as well as variations of the slopes of the color tracks during and after minima. This provides evidence that the circumstellar dust clouds screening the star differ in their sizes and masses, and also in the optical properties of their dust particles. A Fourier analysis of the brightness variations of SV Cep (including data from the literature) confirms the presence of previously suspected activity cycles with periods P 1=4000d and P 2=670d The polarimetric observations indicate that, along with the inverse correlation between the degree of linear polarization and brightness, the polarization parameters vary on characteristic time scales of 4000 and 1000 days. This suggests the existence of large-scale inhomogeneities in the circumstellar dust disk rotating about the star.  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of galaxies in dense galactic clusters. Observations and theoretical estimates indicate that this evolution may be specified to a large extent by collisions between galaxies, as well as interactions between the gaseous components of disk galaxies and intergalactic gas. We analyze collisions between disk galaxies with gaseous components using a simple model based on a comparison of the duration of a collision and the characteristic cooling time for the gas heated by the collision, and also of the relative masses of stars and gas in the colliding disk galaxies. This model is used to analyze scenarios for collisions between disk galaxies with various masses as a function of their relative velocities. Our analysis indicates that galaxies can merge, lose one or both of their gaseous components, or totally disintegrate as a result of a collision; ultimately, a new galaxy may form from the gas lost by the colliding galaxies. Disk galaxies with mass M G and velocities exceeding ~300 (M G/1010 M )1/2 km/s in intergalactic gas in clusters with densities ~10?27 g/cm3 can lose their gas due to the pressure of inflowing intergalactic gas, thereby developing into E(SO) galaxies.  相似文献   

Stellar photometry obtained using the Hubble Space Telescope is used to study the distributions of the number densities of stars of various ages in 12 irregular and dwarf spiral galaxies viewed edge-on. Two subsystems can be distinguished in all the galaxies: a thin disk comprised of young stars and a thick disk containing a large fraction of old stars (primarily red giants) in the system. Variations of the stellar number density in the thin and thick disks in the Z direction perpendicular to the plane of the galaxy follow an exponential law. The size of the thin disk corresponds to the visible size of the galaxy at the μ = 25 mag/arcsec2 isophote, while the thick disk is a factor of two to three larger. In addition to a thick disk, the massive irregular galaxy M82 also has a more extended stellar halo that is flattened at the galactic poles. The results of our previous study of 12 face-on galaxies are used together with the new results presented here to construct an empirical model for the stellar structure of irregular galaxies. Original Russian Text ? N.A. Tikhonov, 2006, published in Astronomicheskiĭ Zhurnal, 2006, Vol. 83, No. 7, pp. 579–588.  相似文献   

Modeling of hydrogen emission lines is a powerful tool to study physical processes in the nearest vicinity of young stars because spectral lines carry information on the kinematics and physical conditions of the gas. One of the lines that probe emitting regions closest to the star is the Br$$\gamma $$ line. We consider different types of hybrid models to reproduce both interferometric VLTI-AMBER observations and LBT-LUCIFER spectroscopic observations of the single-peak profile of the Br$$\gamma $$ line of the Herbig AeBe star (HAEBE) VV Ser, a member of the UX Ori type subclass. We computed models of a magneto-centrifugal disk wind, a magnetospheric accretion region (magnetosphere), Cranmer’s polar wind, and scattered light from circumstellar polar dust. Furthermore, we calculated hybrid two-component models consisting of a disk wind and one of the aforementioned models. We computed visibilities and line profiles for all types of models and compared them with the available interferometric observations to constrain model parameters. We conclude that for the inclinations reported for this star (60°–70°), the disk wind alone cannot explain the Br$$\gamma $$ line profile although it may be a dominant contributor to the hydrogen line radiation. However, magneto-centrifugal disk wind in combination with aforementioned emitting regions (magnetosphere, polar wind, or scattered light from polar dust) may be able to reproduce the observations.  相似文献   

Seven early-type galaxies that are members of the massive X-ray group containing NGC 80 have been studied using two-dimensional spectroscopy with the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory. We searched for evidence for the synchronous secular evolution of the galaxies in the group. The bulges of five of the seven galaxies appear to be old, with the average age of the bulge stars being 10–15 billion years. Signs of a relatively recent star-formation burst are observed in the small S0 galaxy IC 1548, whose average bulge age is 3 billion years and average core age is 1.5 billion years. A circumnuclear polar gas ring was also detected in this galaxy; in its outer regions, it makes a smooth transition to a gas disk that counter-rotates relative to the stars. IC 1548 probably underwent a close interaction, which resulted in its transformation from a spiral to a lenticular galaxy; the same interaction may also have induced the central burst of star formation. In the giant E0 galaxy NGC 83, a compact massive stellar-gas disk with a radius of about 2 kpc and very rapid rotation is observed, with ongoing star formation; the so-called “minor merger” is likely to have occurred there. We conclude that the NGC 80 group is in a state of formation, with the small NGC 83 subgroup “falling into” the large, old NGC 80 subgroup.  相似文献   

We present the results of synchronous photometric and polarimetric U BV RI observations of the irregular variable star RZ Psc, acquired at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory in 1989–2002. The star’s photometric behavior is characterized by short, sporadic Algol-like dimmings. We observed only one deep minimum, with a V amplitude of about 1.5m, during the entire observation time. During this minimum, the star’s linear polarization reached 3.5%. Comparisons with polarization observations of RZ Psc during another deep minimum in 1989 show that the two minima can be described by the same polarization-brightness relation, testifying to an eclipsing nature for the minima. This provides evidence that the optical characteristics of the flattened circumstellar dust envelope that gives rise to the star’s intrinsic polarization have remained virtually unchanged over the last 13 years. We argue that the origin of this stability is the presence of a large dust-free cavity in the central region of the circumstellar dust disk of RZ Psc. The cavity could be associated with binarity of the star or the formation of a planetary system, with most of the dust in the central region of the disk being transformed into large bodies—planetesimals and planets.  相似文献   

We present the results of our long-term photometric and polarimetric observations of the classical Herbig Ae star VV Ser, performed at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory as part of a program of photometric and polarimetric monitoring of UX Ori stars. We recorded an unusually deep minimum of VV Ser (ΔV≈3m), with a turn of the color tracks in the V-(U-B) and V-(B-V) diagrams (“the blueing effect”) observed for the first time for this star. The increase of the linear polarization during the minimum brightness was consistent with expectations for variable circumstellar extinction models, and the maximum polarization in the B band reached a record value for UX Ori stars in the deepest part of the minimum (12.8±1.4%). Our results cannot be explained by models with an axially symmetrical circumstellar dust disk consisting of silicate grains. They point to the existence of a large-scale nonuniformity in the azimuthal dust distribution near VV Ser attributable to the presence of a second component or protoplanet.  相似文献   

The ejection of stars from spheroidal and disk dwarf galaxies resulting from the decay of OB associations is studied. This has substantial observational consequences for disk galaxies with escape velocities up to 20 km/s, or dynamical masses up to 108 M . The ejection of stars can (i) reduce the abundances of the products of Type Ia supernovae and, to a lesser degree, Type II supernovae, in disk stars, (ii) chemically enrich the galactic halo and intergalactic medium, (iii) lead to the loss of 50% of the stellar mass in galaxies with masses ∼107 M and the loss of all stars in systems with masses ≲105 M , (iv) increase the mass-to-luminosity ratio of the galaxy.  相似文献   

We present the results of UBV RI observations of the nucleus of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 7469 performed in 1990–2006 at the Mt. Maidanak Observatory of the Ulug Beg Astronomical Institute in Uzbekistan. Light curves for various apertures are plotted for all the filters. Our analysis of these light curves indicates the presence of short-time-scale (from several days to several weeks) and long-term (∼8–9 years) variability of the nucleus. The character of the brightness variations in all the optical filters is the same, with the relative amplitude of the variations decreasing from U to V, but being higher in R than in V. A comparison with earlier observations (prior to 1990) indicates an increase of the time scale for the long-term variability, from three to six years to eight to nine years, providing evidence for changing emission conditions in the accretion disk. We present the results of a statistical analysis of the light curves and an analysis of the color characteristics during different activity periods. Color-index measurements using various apertures demonstrate that the color becomes bluer towards the galaxy nucleus.  相似文献   

Chudakova  E. M. 《Astronomy Reports》2019,63(5):353-364

A method for determining the thickness of the stellar disk of a galaxy from a photometric image of the galaxy in the plane of the sky is proposed and justified. The method can be applied to determine the thickness of plane-parallel exponential disks with an arbitrary, radius-independent, luminosity distribution perpendicular to the plane of the disk J(r, z) = exp(-r/h)f(z). A special feature and advantage of the method is that it enables determination of the thicknesses of disks viewed at arbitrary angles to the plane of the sky (but not strictly edge-on or face-on). The key idea of the method is finding the true inclinations of galaxies viewed at arbitrary angles not from their isophotes, but instead from the azimuthal distribution of the exponential parameter h. The difference between the inclination determined in the traditional way using the isophotes and the true inclination enables estimation of the thickness of the disk. The effectiveness of the method for determining the inclinations of plane-parallel disks is confirmed using a sample of model isothermal galactic disks: I(r, z) = I0 exp(-r/h)sech2(z/z0). The inclinations of the planes of the model galaxies to the line of sight and the relative thicknesses in the model sample vary arbitrarily, making it possible to determine the limits of applicability of the method: z0/h < 0.7 and 10° <i < 75°.A sample of 44 piecewise-exponential disks of galaxies of the southern sky clusters is used to illustrate the application of the technique to observational data. Comparing the distribution of inclinations calculated using the new method and the traditional isophote method shows that the new method yields a more uniform distribution of inclinations to the plane of the sky for the sample galaxies. The derived average disk thicknesses and the disk-thickness distributions are consistent with statistical estimates and observational data from the literature for samples of galaxies viewed edge-on


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