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The effect of the vertical component of ground motion on the horizontal response of a sliding system is studied. Soil–foundation interaction is included. The results indicate that the effect of vertical motion is significant in the cascs of harmonically excited foundations.  相似文献   

We propose a model that describes the evolution of crystal sizes and crystal size distributions (CSD) of igneous phenocrysts in a sequence of dissolution and crystallization events. This model is based on the assumption that crystal dissolution is rate-limited by diffusion in melt while crystal growth is controlled by the slower kinetic of new nucleation and growth. As a result, the dissolution rate is inversely proportional to crystal size coming into effect through the curvature of the crystal's surface, but the growth rate does not depend on the crystal size. Closed-form analytical solution of equation for CSD is obtained. We apply results of modeling to quartz and zircon, two prime minerals in silicic igneous systems that are widely used in geochemical and isotopic investigations. The time-series of multiple solution–reprecipitation episodes generate concave-downward CSDs and this result fits well with experimental and natural observations on the abundant concave-down CSD in silicic igneous rocks. We suggest that maturation of crystal populations with sizes above several micrometers can not be caused by a size effect on the solubility of the crystals (Ostwald ripening), but is rather driven by thermal oscillations in experiments and in nature. The model predicts that mean crystal size increases with time proportionally to ∼ t0.20, which is very close to the published experimental results for quartz maturation with the exponent of 0.19–0.22. Our proposed model gives an opportunity to use natural CSDs for interpretation of pre-eruptive magma history, when solubilities and diffusion data are available for constituent elements of the dissolving mineral. In particular, we present time estimates for maturing zircon populations in large volume ignimbrites and estimate that it takes 100–1000 yrs to mature an initially exponential CSD to a lognormal CSD.  相似文献   

The seismic collapse capacity of ductile single-degree-of-freedom systems vulnerable to P-Δ effects is investigated by examining the respective influence of ground motion duration and acceleration pulses. The main objective is to provide simple relationships for predicting the duration-dependent collapse capacity of modern ductile systems. A novel procedure is proposed for modifying spectrally equivalent records, such that they are also equivalent in terms of pulses. The effect of duration is firstly assessed, without accounting for pulses, by assembling 101 pairs of long and short records with equivalent spectral response. The systems considered exhibit a trilinear backbone curve with an elastic, hardening and negative stiffness segment. The parameters investigated include the period, negative stiffness slope, ductility and strain hardening, for both bilinear and pinching hysteretic models. Incremental dynamic analysis is employed to determine collapse capacities and derive design collapse capacity spectra. It is shown that up to 60% reduction in collapse capacity can occur due to duration effects for flexible bilinear systems subjected to low levels of P-Δ. A comparative evaluation of intensity measures that account for spectral shape, duration or pulses, is also presented. The influence of pulses, quantified through incremental velocity, is then explicitly considered to modify the long records, such that their pulse distribution matches that of their short spectrally equivalent counterparts. The results show the need to account for pulse effects in order to achieve unbiased estimation of the role of duration in flexible ductile systems, as it can influence the duration-induced reduction in collapse capacity by more than 20%.  相似文献   

Growth, stem morphology and some biochemical parameters were studied of one completely submerged (Myriophyllum spicatum) and two floating leaved macrophytes (Nymphoides peltata and Trapa japonica) under different turbulence velocities. The root mean square velocities of the high, medium and low amount of turbulence that was generated for the experiment were 2.18 ± 0.66, 1.48 ± 0.26 and 0.70 ± 0.07 cm s−1, respectively, in the microcosm. All three experimental plants survived exposed to all turbulence conditions provided, although a decrease in shoot elongation rate was associated with an increase in turbulence. Acceleration of tissue H2O2 generation and MDA content increased during the study period in all plant species. Oxidative enzymatic activities (POD, IAA and CKX) increased with time in plants under medium and high turbulence velocities. The shoot elongation rate, stem and leaf diameter, chlorophyll content and carbohydrate fractionations were found to be affected by this abiotic stress. It is evident from this study that high turbulence velocity inhibits normal metabolic activities of all three plants, while low to medium turbulence does not harm the floating leaved plants. Moreover, floating leaved plants were found to possess highly capable strategies to cope with this mechanical stress than completely submerged species.  相似文献   

In this paper,the influence of ground motion duration on the inelastic displacement ratio,C1,of highly damped SDOF systems is studied.For this purpose,two sets of spectrally equivalent long and short duration ground motion records were used in an analysis to isolate the effects of ground motion duration on.The effect of duration was evaluated for observed values of C1 by considering six ductility levels,and different damping and post-yield stiffness ratios.A new predictive ...  相似文献   

We follow the electron precipitation characteristics on and nearby a preonset arc using the high resolution Freja TESP instrument. Our data coverage extends from about 10 min before onset up to 1 min before onset. The arc is the most equatorward one (around MLAT 62°) of a system of growth phase arcs, and it was close to the radiation belt precipitation. Within the preonset arc, inverted-V type precipitation dominates. Poleward of the arc we also find some precipitation regions, and here there is systematically a cold electron population superposed with a warm population. Using single and double Maxwellian fits to the measured electron spectra we find the ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling parameters (field-aligned conductance K and the parallel potential drop V) as well as the effective source plasma properties (density and temperature) during the event. Compared to typical expansion phase features, the preonset parallel potential drop is smaller by a factor of ten, the electron temperature is smaller by a factor of at least five, and the field-aligned conductance is about the same or larger. The fact that there are two isotropic superposed electron populations on the poleward side of the preonset arc suggests that the distance between warm trapped electrons on dipolar field lines and colder electrons on open field lines has become so small near the onset that mixing e.g. due to finite electron Larmor radius effects can take place.  相似文献   

This paper explores how dissolution and precipitation reactions are coupled in batch reactor experimental systems at elevated temperatures. This is the fifth paper in our series of ‘‘Coupled Alkali Feldspar Dissolution and Secondary Mineral Precipitation in Batch Systems.' In the previous four papers we presented batch experiments of alkali-feldspar hydrolysis and explored the coupling of dissolution and precipitation reactions(Fu et al. in Chem Geol91:955–964, 2009; Zhu and Lu in Geochim Cosmochim Acta 73:3171–3200, 2009; Zhu et al.in Geochim Cosmochim Acta 74:3963–3983, 2010; Lu et al. in Appl Geochem30:75–90, 2013). Here, we present the results of additionalK-rich feldspar hydrolysis experiments at 150 °C. Our solution chemistry measurements have constrained feldspar dissolution rates, and our high resolution transmission electron microscopy work has identified boehmite precipitation. Reaction path modeling of K-feldspar dissolution and boehmite precipitation simulated the coupled reactions, but only with forced changes of boehmite rate law in the middle of experimental duration. The results which are reported in this article lend further support to our hypothesis that slow secondary mineral precipitation explains part of the wellknown apparent discrepancy between lab measured and field estimated feldspar dissolution rates(Zhu et al. in Water–rock interaction, 2004).  相似文献   

The correlation between ground motion intensity measures (IM) and single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) deformation demands is described in this study. Peak ground acceleration (APG), peak ground velocity (VPG), peak ground displacement (DPG), spectral acceleration at the first-mode period of vibration [As(T1)] and ratio of VPG to APG are used as IM parameters, and the correlation is characterized by correlation coefficients p. The numerical results obtained by nonlinear dynamic analyses have shown good correlation between As(T1) or VPG and deformation demands. Furthermore, the effect of As(T1) and VPG as IM on the dispersion of the mean value of deformation demands is also investigated for SDOF systems with three different periods T=0.3 s, 1.0 s, 3.0 s respectively.  相似文献   

This study presents a ground-motion selection and scaling methodology that preserves the basic seismological features of the scaled records with reduced scatter in the nonlinear structural response. The methodology modifies each strong-motion recording with known fundamental seismological parameters using the estimations of ground-motion prediction equations for a given target hazard level. It provides robust estimations on target building response through scaled ground motions and calculates the dispersion about this target. This alternative procedure is not only useful for record scaling and selection but, upon its further refinement, can also be advantageous for the probabilistic methods that assess the engineering demand parameters for a given target hazard level. Case studies that compare the performance of the proposed procedure with some other record selection and scaling methods suggest its usefulness for building performance assessment and loss models. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Appropriate formulation of bulk parameterization of snow growth and evaporation based on observational characteristics of snow particles is presented. The parameterization is compared to that of S. A. Rutledge and P. V. Hobbs and to detailed treatment in which snow particles are assumed to grow or evaporate in each size bin separately. On the contrary to bulk parameterization of rain, snow diffusional growth or evaporation is accurately represented in the suggested bulk formulation, but growth by riming is overpredicted. Integrations of water budget equations in a one-dimensional updraft have shown that quantitative results, e.g., precipitation intensity, cloudwater content, supersaturation with respect to ice, depend on the parameterization scheme employed, which suggests that comparisons of field measurements with parameterized model outputs is usually not straightforward.  相似文献   

Modal parameters of structural systems have commonly been determined using system identification (SI) methods for damage detection and health monitoring. For determining the deterioration of the integrity of structural systems correctly, modal parameters of a healthy structure have to be obtained with adequate certainty so that these parameters can be used as reliable references for the healthy system to compare with those of the damaged system. In this study, the statistical significance of modal parameters identified using strong motion time histories recorded on two bridge structures is assessed. The confidence intervals of identified modal frequencies and damping ratios are obtained using Monte Carlo simulations and sensitivity analyses in conjunction with eigenrealization algorithm. The dependence of the statistical bounds on model parameters is examined. The effect of using different number of sensors on the statistical significance is evaluated using simulated time history data from a validated finite element model of a bridge. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study presented in this paper addresses the issue of engineering validation of Graves and Pitarka's (2010) hybrid broadband ground motion simulation methodology with respect to some well‐recorded historical events and considering the response of multiple degrees of freedom (MDoF) systems. Herein, validation encompasses detailed assessment of how similar is, for a given event, the seismic response due to comparable hybrid broadband simulated records and real records. In the first part of this study, in order to investigate the dynamic response of a wide range of buildings, MDoF structures are modeled as elastic continuum systems consisting of a combination of a flexural cantilever beam coupled with a shear cantilever beam. A number of such continuum systems are selected including the following: (1) 16 oscillation periods between 0.1 and 6 s; (2) three shear to flexural deformation ratios to represent respectively shear‐wall structures, dual systems, and moment‐resisting frames; and (3) two stiffness distributions along the height of the systems, that is, uniform and linear. Demand spectra in terms of generalized maximum interstory drift ratio (IDR) and peak floor acceleration (PFA) are derived using simulations and actual recordings for four historical earthquakes, namely, the 1979 Mw 6.5 Imperial Valley earthquake, 1989 Mw 6.8 Loma Prieta earthquake, 1992 Mw 7.2 Landers earthquake, and 1994 Mw 6.7 Northridge earthquake. In the second part, for two nonlinear case study structures, the IDR and PFA distributions over the height and their statistics, are obtained and compared for both recorded and simulated time histories. These structures are steel moment frames designed for high seismic hazard, 20‐story high‐rise and 6‐story low‐rise buildings. The results from this study highlight the similarities and differences between simulated and real records in terms of median and intra‐event standard deviation of logs of seismic demands for MDoF building systems. This general agreement, in a broad range of moderate and long periods, may provide confidence in the use of the simulation methodology for engineering applications, whereas the discrepancies, statistically significant only at short periods, may help in addressing improvements in generation of synthetic records. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

调谐结构体系在地震作用下的参数配置研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究调谐结构体系在基底水平地震作用下的减震效果,采用有代表性的两质点模型,从简谐激励出发得出了稳态位移响应表达式和影响参数。在此基础上,计算了子结构周期影响,得出其优化配置公式;分析了子结构与基本结构质量比的影响及配置;分析了基本结构周期、结构阻尼对减震效果的影响。进一步评析了调谐体系在宽带地震反应控制中的参数配置。研究指出质量比是地震作用下高效减震控制的重要参数,并指出了基本结构周期配置的重要性。  相似文献   

African precipitation trends are commonly analyzed using short-term data observed over small areas. This study analyzed changes in long-term (1901–2015) annual and seasonal precipitation of high spatial (0.5°?×?0.5° grid) resolution covering the entire African continent. To assess an acceleration/deceleration of the precipitation increase/decrease, trend magnitude (mm/year) over the period 1991–2015 was subtracted from that of 1965–1990 to obtain Slope Difference (SD, mm/year). Co-variation of precipitation sub-trends with changes in large-scale ocean–atmosphere conditions was investigated. Regardless of the trend significance, in most parts of Africa, annual precipitation exhibited negative (positive) trends over the period 1965–1990 (1991–2015). Thus, the continent was, on average, recently (from 1991 to 2015) wetter than it was over the period 1965–1990. From 1901 to 2015, the null hypothesis H0 (no trend) was rejected (p < 0.05) for annual precipitation decrease over West Africa especially along the coastal areas near the Gulf of Guinea. The H0 was also rejected (p < 0.05) for the increase in annual and September–November precipitation of some areas along the Equatorial region (such as in Gabon and around Lake Victoria). For both annual and seasonal precipitation, the least SD values in the range ??1 to 1 mm/year were obtained in areas north of 10° N. The SD value went up to about 20 mm/year over the Sahel belt especially for the peak monsoon (June–August season). For the March–May precipitation, positive SD values were obtained in the Western part of Southern Africa. However, negative SD values (around ??5 mm/year) were obtained in the Horn of Africa. Variation in sub-trends of the East African precipitation was found to be driven by changes in Sea Surface Temperature (SST) of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Variability in sub-trends of the West African precipitation is linked to changes in SST of the Atlantic Ocean. Changes in sub-trends of the South African precipitation correspond to anomalies in SST from the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Knowledge of precipitation changes and possible drivers is vital for predictive adaptation regarding the impacts of climate variability on hydro- or agro-meteorology.  相似文献   

Historical trends in Florida temperature and precipitation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Because of its low topographic relief, unique hydrology, and the large interannual variability of precipitation, Florida is especially vulnerable to climate change. In this paper, we investigate a comprehensive collection of climate metrics to study historical trends in both averages and extremes of precipitation and temperature in the state. The data investigated consist of long‐term records (1892–2008) of precipitation and raw (unadjusted) temperature at 32 stations distributed throughout the state. To evaluate trends in climate metrics, we use an iterative pre‐whitening method, which aims to separate positive autocorrelation from trend present in time series. Results show a general decrease in wet season precipitation, most evident for the month of May and possibly tied to a delayed onset of the wet season. In contrast, there seems to be an increase in the number of wet days during the dry season, especially during November through January. We found that the number of dog days (above 26.7 °C) during the year and during the wet season has increased at many locations. For the post‐1950 period, a widespread decrease in the daily temperature range (DTR) is observed mainly because of increased daily minimum temperature (Tmin). Although we did not attempt to formally attribute these trends to natural versus anthropogenic causes, we find that the urban heat island effect is at least partially responsible for the increase in Tmin and its corresponding decrease in DTR at urbanized stations compared with nearby rural stations. In the future, a formal trend attribution study should be conducted for the region. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Journal of Hydrology》2006,316(1-4):71-83
Estimates of recharge to bedrock aquifers from infiltration of precipitation can be difficult to obtain, especially in areas with large spatial and temporal variability in precipitation. In the Black Hills area of western South Dakota and eastern Wyoming, streamflow yield is highly influenced by annual precipitation, with yield efficiency (annual yield divided by annual precipitation) increasing with increasing annual precipitation. Spatial variability in annual yield characteristics for Black Hills streams is predictably influenced by precipitation patterns. Relations between precipitation and yield efficiency were used to estimate annual recharge from long-term records of annual precipitation. A series of geographic information system algorithms was used to derive annual estimates for 1000- by 1000-m grid cells. These algorithms were composited to derive estimates of annual recharge rates to the Madison and Minnelusa aquifers in the Black Hills area of western South Dakota and eastern Wyoming during water years 1931–1998 and an estimate of average recharge for water years 1950–1998. This approach provides a systematic method of obtaining consistent and reproducible estimates of recharge from infiltration of precipitation. Resulting estimates of average annual recharge (water years 1950–1998) ranged from 1 cm in the southern Black Hills to 22 cm in the northwestern Black Hills. Recharge rates to these aquifers from infiltration of precipitation on outcrops was estimated to range from 0.9 m3/s in 1936 to 18.8 m3/s in 1995.  相似文献   

Since the work of Horton in 1945, several geomorphologists have made attemps to explain the factors controlling the regional variations of drainage density. One of the most important contributions to this endeavour was made by Melton (1957) who demonstrated that drainage density has a significantly high negative correlation with Thornthwaite's P/E index. Melton linterpreted this as a result which shows the efficacy of the natural vegetative cover in controlling erosional processes.Recently the author, in a study of the morphometry of dissection in the central hills of Sri Lanka, found that the relationship between drainage density and effective precipitation in this area is significantly positive. This result when considered in combination with Melton's finding could be interpreted as an indication of the fact that above a certain critical level of effective precipitation (i.e. 80–90) the relationship between drainage density and P/E index turns positive. Such a conclusion is in agreement with the results of recent work by Langbein and Schumm (1958) and Hadley and Schumm (1961), who demonstrated that sediment yield reaches a maximum under grassland conditions and possibly reaches another peak where the impeding effect of vegetation cannot be increased by further increase of precipitation.  相似文献   

This study offers a detailed analysis of the extreme precipitation and long-term precipitation changes in a sedge-grass marsh in the “Wet Meadows” area in the Czech Republic (Central Europe) in the context of flood occurrence. Namely, trends in annual maxima of daily precipitation and trends in the occurrence and amount of rainfall are investigated. The analysis is based on daily measurements of precipitation from 1977 to 2015. We found out that extreme precipitation has become significantly more frequent in recent years, and there are also other significant changes in the rainfall distribution. Possible negative effects on the wetland can be linked to a change of carbon exchange between the ecosystem and the atmosphere and a change of biodiversity. Awareness of these changes is necessary for possible positive human intervention when a desirable wetland functioning is threatened.  相似文献   


The increasing water demand is a concern affecting many regions in the Mediterranean Basin. To overcome this situation rim countries resorted during the last decades to a massive mobilization of their water resources, often resulting in excessive water exploitation. In such a context, understanding the effects of present recharge and aquifer salinization is crucial for correct water management. Understanding the present hydrogeological situation of coastal plains requires the knowledge of both their past morphologic conditions and their recent geological evolution. Within this framework, this paper presents a review of water related problems in the Mediterranean Basin. It suggests a conceptual model for groundwater resources in Mediterranean coastal plains, deriving from the present and past recharge processes. Special attention is paid to providing a better understanding of climate change impacts on water quantity and quality, and conservation of ecological diversity.

Citation Re, V. & Zuppi, G. M. (2011) Influence of precipitation and deep saline groundwater on the hydrological systems of Mediterranean coastal plains: a general overview. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(6), 966–980.  相似文献   

The dynamics of porosity evolution are explored during mineral precipitation that is induced by the mixing of two fluids of different compositions. During mineral precipitation in geological formations, the physical parameters that characterize the porous matrix, such as porosity and specific surface area, can change significantly. A series of coupled equations that determine the changes in porosity is outlined and solved for a 2D model domain using a finite element scheme. Using model parameters equivalent to those for calcite precipitation in a saline system, the evolution of porosity is examined for two types of porous media: (1) an initially homogeneous system and (2) a heterogeneous system containing high porosity regions that serve initially as preferential flow paths. In addition, the influence of two different expressions that relate specific surface area to porosity is explored. The simulations in both domains indicated that porosity was reduced primarily in the regions in which significant degrees of mixing occurred. Although an effective barrier was created in these regions, the fluids bypassed the clogged areas allowing precipitation to continue farther “downstream”. Furthermore, mixing-induced precipitation can account for systems in which some high porosity regions are filled while others remain almost unchanged. Thus, mixing-induced precipitation represents a viable mechanism for the infilling of pores in fractured and porous rocks. The simulations also demonstrate that the choice of functional form for specific surface area plays an important role in controlling porosity patterns by influencing both the kinetics of precipitation and the permeability of the porous medium. As specific surface area is currently one of the least constrained parameters in models of porosity evolution, this result highlights the need for future experimental studies in this field of research.  相似文献   

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