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Kuang  Jian  Qi  Shihua  Hu  Xiangyun  Liu  Zhong 《Natural Hazards》2022,111(2):2059-2076
Natural Hazards - Continuous reservoir induced seismicity (RIS) has been observed in the Xinfengjiang reservoir (XFJR), Guangdong province, southeast China. However, due to the lack of systematic...  相似文献   

Research on catastrophic rock avalanche at Guanling, Guizhou, China   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
On June 28, 2010, a catastrophic rock avalanche occurred after an extreme rainstorm at Guanling with N 25°59′10′′ in latitude and E 105°16′50′′ in longitude, Guizhou, China. This rock avalanche has a long run-out distance of 1.5 km, with 1.75 million cubic meters of debris instantly burying two villages and resulting in 99 deaths. It originated in the coal measure strata, with the upper part of limestone and dolomite, the middle part of the sandstone with gentle inclination, and the lower part of shale and mudstone, together locally with coals. This kind of unique structure, with hard resistant caprock overlying softer ductile rocks, coupled with the central outflow region at the contact zone, has catastrophic potential for rock avalanches and creates challenges for engineering geological/hydrogeological analysis. The topography showed that the hillside slopes were steeper at the upper portion but gentler in the lower portion, looked like the shape of a “boot.” The upper steep landform easily led to slope instability due to its high static shear stresses, and the wide middle and lower parts provided kinematic conditions for long run-out. Transformation of the larger potential energy into kinetic energy contributed to the formation of a rapid long run-out rock avalanche. The rainfall from June 27 to 28 was the apparent trigger of this catastrophic avalanche. The measured rainfall of more than 310 mm within 24 h exceeded the local historical records that were recorded over the last 60 years. The pore pressure on discontinuities of sandstone had an effect on the slope stability. The valley runoff supplied a saturated base for the long run-out debris, inducing an additional increase of the terminus distance and the increased velocity of the avalanche movement.  相似文献   

贵州纳雍“8·28”崩塌破坏过程与变形破坏机理初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2017年8月28日,贵州省纳雍县张家湾镇普洒村发生山体崩塌,崩塌方量约6×10~5m^3,造成35人遇难。本文通过应急调查、过程还原及工程地质分析,对崩塌破坏过程及机理初步研究,以期有益于后续防治及类似灾害防范。研究发现,崩塌主要发生在三叠系下统夜郎组灰岩和粉砂岩地层中,岩层面近水平,受构造和卸荷作用,发育有平行于坡面的陡倾节理,受长期重力作用和风化作用影响,溶蚀漏斗和塌陷发育,节理在长期的风化过程中形成裂隙带和沉陷带;崩塌过程还原显示,崩塌可分为"沉陷带变形崩塌-坡面局部崩塌-整体溃屈崩塌-撞击地面-碎屑流"五个阶段;根据崩塌变形和运动特征,崩塌可分为崩塌源区、崩积区、碎屑流区和变形区四个区;崩塌体在降雨和采矿作用影响下,拉裂沉陷带和水体的楔形侧向挤压和劈裂作用加剧了坡顶临空岩土体的变形,崩塌发生前的降雨过程对崩塌的发生有重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

Karst rocky desertification is a typical type of land degradation in the Southwestern China. It has great ecological and economical implications for the local people. Landsat images from the middle of Guizhou Province collected in 1974, 1993 and 2001 were used for change detection of the pattern of Karst rocky desertification. The results show the following findings: (1) Desertification area expanded drastically in 27 years, at an increasing rate about 116.2 km2/year. (2) High areas (900–1,500 m) are the most affected. (3) Areas with the slope <5° or >25° are also easily tend to be Karst rocky deserted. (4) The process of Karst rocky desertification is nearly irreversible. Few areas of Karst rocky desertification could be meliorated to non-desertification land. (5) Most of the degraded lands are located in the south and the central of the study region, and the meliorated land areas are sparsely located in the east and the west part of the region. All these findings would provide bases for the decision-making of the local government to improve the Karst rocky desertification  相似文献   

黔西北地区上二叠统龙潭组泥页岩储层特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
贵州省发育多套含气页岩层系,近年来对于寒武系和志留系黑色页岩进行了较为深入的研究,但是对于上二叠统龙潭组黑色页岩储层研究较为缺乏。文中通过对黔西北地区上二叠统龙潭组黑色页岩进行全岩X衍射矿物分析、TOC含量和Ro、比表面和孔径等测试,特别是场发射扫描电镜实验,分析了龙潭组页岩孔隙类型及储层特征。结果表明:黔西北地区上二叠统龙潭组页岩主要矿物组成是黏土矿物(41.4%)和石英(47.8%)。从空间上看页岩中黏土矿物含量从北向南先减少后增加,石英含量在大方县中部和南部较高。龙潭组黑色页岩的孔隙以中孔为主,空间上从北向南呈现周期性的变化规律。龙潭组泥页岩孔隙分为3类,即粒间孔、粒内孔和有机孔。其中有机孔主要为纳米级,数量丰富,一般呈不规则的圆形,是吸附态赋存的天然气的主要储集空间,具有重要的研究价值。龙潭组页岩孔隙特征受TOC含量和黏土矿物影响明显。有机碳含量高,则微孔越丰富。黏土矿物含量高,则中孔较丰富。石英则对宏孔体积贡献较大。这样定量实验的结果很好的对应了扫描电镜中定性观察的结果。  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩的REE含量极低,但最近在贵州一些碳酸盐岩风化表土层底部首次发现了REE的超常富集层,REE总量最高可达近31000μg/g;Ce强烈亏损,δCe值最低达0.007。这种低背景、高富集、强分异的REE富集现象在贵州碳酸盐岩风化壳中具有一定的普遍性。选取发育在下三叠统花溪灰岩和平坝白云岩之上的两个较具代表性的碳酸盐岩风化壳进行研究,结果表明,这种富集现象与碳酸盐岩风化成土的两阶段性密切相关。(1)在残积土形成阶段(风化早期),碳酸盐的快速溶解导致风化前缘形成一个垂直方向相对狭窄、突变的碱性障(pH值为8左右)。此障既能有效地将碳酸盐岩分解释放的REE以及下渗水携带的REE分解沉淀和以吸附于粘土矿物上的方式富集,也容易使Ce^3 氧化成Ce^4 ,与HCO3^-形成稳定的可溶性络合物随下渗雨水流走,从而使Ce进一步亏损。(2)残积土演化阶段,轻、重稀土发生明显分异,Ce^3 氧化成Ce^4 并发生水解沉淀,致使下渗水富重稀土而贫Ce,最终使REE在剖面上显示出一般风化壳共有的分异特征。另外,根据对碳酸盐岩中的酸不溶物、可溶性稀土的提取以及质量平衡计算,碳酸盐岩能够提供足够的REE物源;以可溶态为主的赋存状态有利于REE的淋滤(活化)。  相似文献   

Zhang  Shi-lin  Yin  Yue-ping  Li  Hai-bo  Wang  Wen-pei  Zhou  Jia-wen 《Landslides》2022,19(8):1987-2004

The Hongshiyan rock avalanche is a remarkable landslide disaster with approximately volume of 12?×?106 m3, triggered by the 2014 Ms. 6.5 Ludian earthquake in Yunnan Province, China. This study conducted a comprehensive analysis by the model based on discrete element (DEM-based) numerical simulation to understand the transport process and mechanism for this rock avalanche. The simulation results showed that the transport process of the rock avalanche depends on the input seismic duration and motion. The average velocity of the rock avalanche sharply increases to peak value of 27 m/s and then gradually decreases to zero, and 64% and 36% of the total energy are dissipated by collision and friction, respectively. In this process, the progressions from simple disintegration along pre-existing discontinuities to fragmentation that creates new fracture surface are documented, and gradual increase of the fragmentation degree over time results in the decrease of fragment size and the formation of well-graded and narrower-interval gradation. This fragmentation evolution creates a conductive condition to the development of internal shear, and is closely associated with the dense flow regime that dominates the main body of the rock avalanche but presents discontinuous distribution along the flow thickness direction. In addition, further analyzing the simulated results indicates that more likely effects of fragmentation on mobility of rock avalanches depend on fragmentation-induced special flow structure, which makes a rock avalanche in a flow state with lower friction and lower energy consumption.


张加桂  黄体庄  雷伟志  何宝夫 《地质通报》2009,28(08):1077-1084
2008年云南省盈江县发生了多次中强地震,其中较严重的地震事件有3月21日在南部发生的5.0级地震和8月21日在北部发生的5.9级地震。通过实地考察并结合有关文献,对地震震害特点作了分析,从中得出了农村抗震救灾的启示。几次地震震中均位于岩浆岩区,未见地震断层。地震造成了大量民房破坏,其中3月21日地震对铜壁关乡有轻微的破坏,5.9级地震破坏最严重的是勐弄乡部分村庄,微观震中所在的苏典乡房屋有较轻程度的破坏,油松岭乡江心坡村位于冲积平原,是烈度异常区。有2种原因致使盈江地震震害严重,一是地基地质结构差和力学强度低,如滑坡堆积层地基和易液化沙土地基;二是建筑物的抗震性能差,主要是建筑结构松散和建筑材料质量低劣。盈江地震灾害告诉我们,在农村加强地基勘查和地基处理的极端重要性,同时要加强房屋的抗震设防,加强对地震的应急能力建设,提倡地震保险。  相似文献   

2008年云南盈江地震震害特点及抗震防灾启示   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2008年云南省盈江县发生了多次中强地震,其中较严重的地震事件有3月21日在南部发生的5.0级地震和8月21日在北部发生的5.9级地震。通过实地考察并结合有关文献,对地震震害特点作了分析,从中得出了农村抗震救灾的启示。几次地震震中均位于岩浆岩区,未见地震断层。地震造成了大量民房破坏,其中3月21日地震对铜壁关乡有轻微的破坏,5.9级地震破坏最严重的是勐弄乡部分村庄,微观震中所在的苏典乡房屋有较轻程度的破坏,油松岭乡江心坡村位于冲积平原,是烈度异常区。有2种原因致使盈江地震震害严重,一是地基地质结构差和力学强度低,如滑坡堆积层地基和易液化沙土地基;二是建筑物的抗震性能差,主要是建筑结构松散和建筑材料质量低劣。盈江地震灾害告诉我们,在农村加强地基勘查和地基处理的极端重要性,同时要加强房屋的抗震设防,加强对地震的应急能力建设,提倡地震保险。  相似文献   

刘平  廖友常  张雅静 《中国地质》2016,(6):2173-2191
黔北大竹园地区铝土矿含矿岩系的岩石地层为上石炭统大竹园组,是在晚石炭世马平期渝鄂海湾南西侧近海湖泊群中的濯水湖沉积形成的。大竹园组下段沉积时期,距渝鄂海湾的海岸线较近,濯水湖面积较大(约480 km~2),水位较高,属永久性低能浅水湖泊,以化学沉积作用为主,沉积了大面积的绿泥石岩、绿泥石黏土岩、铁质黏土岩以及少量鲕绿泥石铁矿和赤铁矿。大竹园组上段沉积时期,与渝鄂海湾海岸线间距拉大,湖水变浅,面积缩小(约288km~2),成为间歇性洪控高能浅水湖泊,以物理沉积作用为主,沉积了分布连续、面积巨大的碎屑状铝土矿(岩)体。  相似文献   

2018年5月28日,吉林松原市宁江区毛都站镇牙木吐村发生M5.7级地震(45°16'12″N,124°42'35″E),震源深度13 km,震中位于郯庐断裂带西北侧的扶余/松原—肇东断裂带、第二松花江断裂带和扶余北断裂带交汇处。地震诱发震中距3 km范围内普遍的液化和地表裂缝,给当地居民带来严重灾害。可见液化构造以砂火山为主,其次为液化砂堆、液化砂脉和液化砂席等。液化砂火山又可分为有火山口型砂火山、无火山口型砂火山和无砂型(水)火山。地震液化伴生软沉积物变形构造有变形层理、负载构造和火焰构造、滑塌褶皱、碟状构造和包卷层理等。地震诱发液化砂火山形成过程包括液化层内超孔隙流体压力形成、上覆低渗透层破裂和水、砂喷出地表后砂涌3个阶段。液化和流化砂体在上涌过程中会注入低渗透黏土层形成各种形态的砂脉、砂席和多种类型的变形构造。垂向上地震液化结构可划分为底部松散可液化层、下部液化变形层、上部液化变形层和地表砂火山4层结构。液化层埋深2~5 m,液化层厚度2 m。松原M5.7级地震发震机制为NE-SW(35°~215°)方向挤压应力使断层活跃,推测扶余/松原—肇东断裂是主要的发震断层。松原地震液化构造研究为现代地震活动区和灾害易发区预测提供依据,为地震引发的现代软沉积物变形构造研究提供丰富的素材,兼具将今论古意义,为揭示本世纪以来郯庐断裂带北段进入了一个强断裂和地震活跃阶段提供了最新的实际资料。  相似文献   

贵州开阳县龙井湾崩塌地质灾害评估及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙井湾崩塌是磷矿开采引发和加剧的,龙井湾沟谷分布有崩塌6处。文章通过对崩塌区地质环境的勘查,阐述了该区的地质构造、岩性条件、水文地质条件及当前存在的采空区范围及特点,继而采用概率法对采空区上覆的岩体稳定性进行分析,得出了磷矿层的开采将在其上方相应的地表造成一定的变形与移动的结论,阐明了该区崩塌产生的机理,评估了崩塌体的引发和加剧对磷石膏堆场工程的危害性,提出了禁采区范围、清理危岩体(壁)等防治的工程措施。  相似文献   

杨廷锋 《中国岩溶》2016,35(3):332-339
生态可持续发展是区域永续发展的重要条件,西南岩溶石山地区生态承载力供给状况及其支撑社会经济发展的水平是地区发展关注的重要问题。文章以贵州为例,采用基于生态足迹理论下的生态承载力计算方法,利用贵州1978-2013年各类型土地利用面积数据计算并分析了贵州生态承载力的演变特征和动力机制。结果表明:贵州多年平均的生态承载力总量为2 690.560万hm2;经历了1978-1986年的低值期(年均2 440.734万hm2)、 1987-1989年的提高过渡期,到1990-2013年达到较高水平(多年平均值2 899.654万hm2);但贵州的人均生态承载力总体上呈降低趋势(多年平均值为0.796 hm2);各类土地提供的承载力中,耕地的生态承载力最大,占65.9%,其次是林地占25.4%,建筑用地占7.2%,牧草地占1.4%,水域约占0.13%;1978-1985年,贵州生态有盈余,但逐年减少,从1986年开始出现亏损,并呈逐年增大趋势;贵州生态承载力的演变主要受土地利用方式、土地生产能力和人口数量的驱动。   相似文献   

2022年1月3日18时55分,贵州毕节市金海湖新区归化街道田湾子发生一起顺层滑坡,形成约3.5×104 m3的堆积体,造成14人遇难,3人受伤。综合应用无人机航拍、现场测试等技术手段,文章详细描述了现场的地质调查,初步分析了滑坡体特征、滑坡发生的运动过程和成因机理,并对滑坡残留体的潜在危险进行了监测和分析,为现场救援行动提出搜救建议。初步研究结果认为,滑坡源区特殊的地形地貌条件、风化碎裂的泥质白云岩和不利的岩体结构面是滑坡形成的内因,边坡开挖扰动致斜坡的地表形态和应力分布发生改变是滑坡发生的外因。田湾子滑坡发生前斜坡无明显的变形迹象,灾害发生具有突发性,造成了较大的人员伤亡和经济损失,深入研究田湾子滑坡的形成过程和成灾机理,对贵州山区存在类似条件的地质灾害隐患防治工作具有现实的指导意义。  相似文献   

Earthquake is the main driving factor of landslides, and a large number of empirical formulas for seismic parameters have been proposed. This article studies a rock avalanche triggered by a paleoearthquake and two trial trenches in Yongji, Shanxi Province. Six quartz samples were collected from different parts on the top of the boulder, and the youngest 10Be exposure age is 1173 ± 123 years, which is considered as the occurrence time of the rock fall. The trenches excavated near the boulder infer that there was an earthquake between 2000 ± 110 and 465 ± 45 cal a bp in the north Zhongtiao Shan (NZS) fault with a maximum vertical displacement of 1.5 m and the surface rupture length (SRL) of ~35 km corresponding to a magnitude (M S) of 6.70 ± 0.12 based on the displacement. Taking into account the occurrence time and minimum magnitude triggering the rock fall, the latest paleoearthquake revealed by trenches may be the forcing factor. Furthermore, according to historical records of Yongji, the earthquake of magnitude 6 in ad 793 is in consistency with the occurrence time and magnitude of the earthquake triggering the landslide. Therefore, the rock fall is related to the paleoearthquake revealed by the trenches, which may be the 793 Yongji earthquake.  相似文献   

贵州纳雍骔岭镇危岩带稳定性及危害范围分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
骔岭集镇—大箐脚一带危岩为喀斯特地区典型的缓倾层状危岩,由于自然环境脆弱,在受岩溶地质、人工活动、降雨诱发等多种因素作用下形成,具有单体规模大、带状长度大、崩落距离远、影响人数多之特点。基于危岩的稳定性及危害分析的基础上,划分危岩崩塌严重影响区及监测预警避让区,对喀斯特地区典型的缓倾层状危岩地质灾害隐患点的早期识别与防范,提高防灾减灾工作的认识具有理论与现实的意义。  相似文献   

赵家岩崩塌是发生在鄂西山区的一处典型岩质崩塌。野外调查发现,陡峻地形、裂隙发育岩体、平缓软弱夹层是危岩形成的基础,岩溶作用、采煤活动是危岩变形发展的影响因素,强降雨是崩塌发生的直接诱因。为了弄清崩塌的形成机理和失稳模式,文章在对崩塌形成条件和影响因素定性分析的基础上,采用刚体极限平衡方法,分别计算了可能失稳模式下,危岩失稳所需后缘裂缝内的临界水头高度,进而通过对比分析,对危岩的失稳方式进行了讨论。结果显示,崩塌发生是危岩在后缘裂缝静水压力推动下,沿下伏炭质页岩层发生剪切滑动破坏,进而产生了滑移式崩塌。该崩塌形成机理的分析结果,可以为鄂西山区类似的崩塌分析与防治提供参考。  相似文献   

To illuminate the migration and transformation of selenium(Se)in the igneous rock-soil-rice system,285 pairs of rhizosphere soil and rice samples were collected from the granitoid and basalt areas in Hainan Province,South China.The contents of Se in soils derived from granitoid and basalt are,respectively,0.19±0.12 mg/kg and 0.34±0.39 mg/kg,which are much higher than Se contents in granitoid and basalt.Selenium shows remarkable enrichment from granitoid and basalt to soils.The mobile fraction of Se in soils derived from granitoid is 0.0100±0.0034 mg/kg,which is significantly higher than that of basalt(0.0058±0.0039 mg/kg).Although soil derived from basalt shows higher Se contents,Se contents in rice samples,mobile fractions of Se in soils,and biological concentration factor(BCF)is similar or even lower than that from granitoid.Basalt consist of calcic plagioclase and pyroxene,and are much richer in Fe,Al,and Ca than granitoid.Correspondingly,the basalt-derived soils have higher goethite,hematite,kaolinite,cation exchange capacity(CEC)content,and higher p H than the granitoid-derived soils,which result in higher adsorption capacity for Se and relatively lower Se bioavailability.Soils derived from granitoid and basalt in tropical regions are beneficial to produce Se-rich rice.  相似文献   

贵州省铝土矿含矿岩系已经有一些研究,但从全省角度看研究有待深入。本次在贵州铝土矿整装勘查及研究成果的基础上,结合最新铝土矿成矿区带划分成果,以贵阳—清镇铝土矿田、遵义—息烽铝土矿田、凯里—黄平—瓮安—福泉铝土矿田、务川—正安—道真铝土矿田四大铝土矿集中区为背景,系统讨论贵州铝土矿含矿岩系的规律。认为贵州铝土矿含矿岩系在时空分布、赋矿地层、下伏地层、含矿岩系厚度、矿物组合和共伴生矿产以矿田为单元均表现出一定的差异性。同时,含矿岩系又表现出一定的规律性,不仅成矿机制相同或相似,而且矿物组合和共伴生矿产等亦有相似性,含矿岩系均覆于古风化壳之上。  相似文献   

研究区内已发岩溶地面塌陷灾害严重,地质环境条件极其复杂,第四系覆盖土层厚度大,底部粉质黏土层土洞发育、隐伏基岩为壶天群灰岩,溶洞及断层破碎带发育,单个溶洞、土洞规模较大,溶洞与溶洞、土洞与溶洞之间连通性能较好。岩溶地面塌陷是以覆盖层粉质黏土层或砂类土层的扰动和土洞的形成为起点的,根据勘查区上覆盖层二元结构的特征,区内地面塌陷及土洞的发育过程可分为"下黏上砂"二元结构塌陷模式和"下黏上砂、软土"多元结构塌陷模式,塌陷区的岩溶塌陷致塌机制主要为机械贯穿作用,塌陷发育大约经历了四个阶段,建议今后不宜在勘查区及其周边一定范围进行地下工程建设活动及抽、排岩溶地下水行为,避免地下水动力条件发生改变,再次发生岩溶地面塌陷。  相似文献   

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