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Epiphytic microbial biomass (as chlorophylla) was measured monthly in North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina, for 16 months on spatially distinct stem sections (bottom and middle) of dead and livingSpartina alterniflora growth forms (tall, medium, and short) exposed at low tide. The highest biomass was located on the bottom section of tall plants, presumably due to their relatively longer contact with creek water and associated phytoplankton, and their closer proximity to marsh sediments with associated benthic microalgae, both recruitment sources for epiphytes. Dead plants left standing from the previous year’s growth cycle had higher epiphytic biomass than living plants, which occurred mostly in late spring through fall. Epiphytic biomass was highest in the winter (mean of 1.77 mg chla (m2 marsh)−1) and lowest in the summer (mean of 0.34 mg chla (m2 marsh)−1). Because phytoplankton andSpartina production are lowest in the winter, the results emphasize the relative importance of epiphytes to growth of herbivores in this season.  相似文献   

Chen  Kun-Ting  Chen  Tien-Chien  Chen  Xiao-Qing  Chen  Hua-Yong  Zhao  Wan-Yu 《Landslides》2021,18(6):2111-2124
Landslides - Landslides frequently occur on mountain slopes due to earthquakes and rainfall. When a landslide occurs near a river, the landslide mass moves at a certain speed towards the river...  相似文献   

In recent years, reclaimed wastewater as a water source for urban artificial landscape rivers is being rapidly developed in some coastal cities with limited water resource available in China. However, eutrophication occurs more often in the landscape waterbody with reclaimed wastewater than in natural rivers and lakes. The study of restoration and reconstruction of macrophytes, especially the submerged aquatic vegetation, is essential to inhibit eutrophication of reclaimed wastewater. This study investigated the seasonal variation of biomass of Ruppia maritima in the artificial landscape river using reclaimed wastewater as the only water source in Tianjin, China. It was found that there were two seasonal growth peaks of Ruppia maritima each year in the coastal reclaimedwastewater. The contents of nitrogen and phosphorus of Ruppia maritima varied with the season.  相似文献   

We evaluated the distribution of waterfowl in relation to a seagrass (Ruppia maritima) patch, to infauna, and on its relationship with substrate characteristics. An experiment performed in the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon (37°46′S, 57°27′W; Argentina) was used to evaluate the effect of herbivory on widgeon grass,R. maritima. Control plots of equal size, located between bird exclosures, were exposed to herbivory. The experiment ran for 31 d, starting on December 1, 1994. Censuses showed that black-necked swan ( $\bar x = 50$ birds ha?1, SD = 37, n = 10) and coots ( $\bar x = 42$ birds ha?1, SD = 28, n = 10) were the most important (always present) of the waterfowl seen feeding onR. maritima. The results of the experiment showed greater leaf lengths, lower belowground (rhizomes and roots) biomass, greater aboveground (leaves and shoots) biomass, and greater abundance of the polychaeteHeteromastus similis in exclosure plots. There were no exclosure effects on total biomass (belowground plus aboveground), reproductive parts (fruits and pre- and postpollination flowers), or abundance of most benthic infauna. Topographic surveys showed that sediment surface was higher within theR. maritima patches, but there were no significant differences in granulometric composition. Surveys also showed that bird distribution was strongly associated with the presence ofR. maritima.  相似文献   

A methodology for the isolation ofRuppia maritima L. into algal-free laboratory culture is described. Seeds were surface sterilized with 96% ethyl alcohol of pH 2, kept for several months in cold storage at 7°C, and subsequently transferred to 25°C to induce germination. Basic culture conditions are discussed and a vessel of easy maintenance and sterilization forRuppia culture in ground glass sediments is presented. Minor modifications of this methodology might permit contaminant-free laboratory cultures of other estuarine and marine spermatophytes.  相似文献   

Characterizing the height profile of the flux of wind-eroded sediment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Wind erosion causes severe environmental problems, such as aeolian desertification and dust storms, in arid and semiarid regions. Reliable prediction of the height profile of the wind-eroded sediment flux is crucial for estimation of transport rates, verification of computer models, understanding of particle-modified wind flows, and control of drifting sand. This study defined the basic height profile for the flux of wind-eroded sediment and the coefficients that characterize its equation. Nine grain-size populations of natural sand at different wind velocities were tested in a wind tunnel to measure the flux of sediment at different heights. The resulting flux profiles resemble a golf club with a small back-turn where the flux increases with increasing height within 20 mm above the surface. If the small back-turns are neglected, the flux profiles can be expressed by an exponential-decay function where q r(z) is the dimensionless relative flux of sediment at height z, which follows the exponential-decay law proposed by previous researchers for aeolian saltation. Three coefficients (a creep proportion, a relative decay rate, and an average saltation height) are proposed to characterize the height profile. Coefficients a and b in the above equation represent the creep proportion and relative decay rate as a function of height, respectively. Coefficient a varies widely, depending on grain size and wind velocity, but averages 0.09. It is suggested that the grain size and wind velocity must be specified when discussing creep proportion. Coefficients a and b are nearly linearly correlated and decrease as grain size and wind velocity increase. The average saltation height (the average height sediment particles can reach) was a function of grain size and wind velocity, and was well correlated with coefficients a and b.  相似文献   

Ewald Lüschen 《Tectonophysics》1986,130(1-4):141-146
Crustal studies in western Colombia, by deep seismic, gravity and geomagnetic surveys, during the last two decades have revealed an extremely anomalous crustal structure as compared to the South American Andes further south. Strong gravity gradients and differences in seismic velocities showed a transition from oceanic to continental character between the Western and Central Andes.

Measured gravity and height variations of opposite sign and lengths of 50 to 100 km on three east-west running profiles correlate surprisingly well with the typical positive Bouguer anomaly of the Western Andes which represents an isostatic instability. A gravity decrease of 0.5–1.0 mGal on two profiles and an increase on an intermediate one and corresponding ratios of gravity to apparent height variations of nearly −20 mGal/m are interpreted as consequences of deep-seated density variations. They may be related to collision tectonics and recent obduction processes between aseismic ridges riding on the Pacific Nazca plate and the continent.  相似文献   

纤维矿物粉尘环境矿物学与环境医学研究的新进展   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
本文全面评述了纤维矿物粉尘在环境安全性方面的研究成果与目前存在的主要不足,提出除应注重纤维间的特性差异(纤维剂量、长度、细度)的要求外,还应注意制样方法、样品产地、成因、成分等方面的影响,强调纤维断键、活性自由基、活性中心、纤维电荷、催化性质、氧化-还原强度,“表面介体”等因素的作用,阐明从表面活性及矿物-生物化学作用方面揭示纤维粉尘致病机理的重要性、即从矿物表面官能团、表面综合性状来探讨天然纤维  相似文献   

Using the finite element method, the static and kinematic methods of limit analysis provide tools to solve many stability problems in mechanics of continuous media. The classic problem of the height limit of a Tresca or Mises vertical slope subjected to the action of gravity stems naturally from this theory in plane strain. Although the exact solution to this problem remains unknown, the present work has produced precise bounds using the static and kinematic approaches conjointly: the height limit is now between 3·760 and 3·786 C/ γ, γ being the weight per unit volume and C the soil cohesion. These tests also show that both methods, used on current workstations with industrial optimization codes such as XPRESS or OSL, are capable of solving any plane problem of limit loads in geotechnics or in structural calculus. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Excavations in 1980–1981 at sites (32MZ319 and 32MZ380) along Cinnamon Creek Ridge in the Little Missouri River Badlands of McKenzie County, North Dakota, unexpectedly revealed at each locality the presence of one or more deeply buried paleosols with associated cultural materials. At both sites, 32MZ319 and 32MZ380, multiple paleosols are present, each of which is terminated by an episode of aeolian deposition. Fifteen radiocarbon dates on these paleosols establish an incipient chronology for paleosol development in the study area and permit correlation with other High Plains archaeological complexes. Geological and archaeological data for the two multiple paleosol sites are summarized.  相似文献   

Direct census of shoots tagged in permanent plots was used to assess the present (2000–2002)Posidonia oceanica population dynamics in 25 meadows along the Spanish Mediterranean Coast. Shoot density ranged from 154±8 to 1,551±454 shoots m−2, absolute shoot mortality from 5±0 to 249±53 shoots m−2 yr−1, and absolute shoot recruitment from <5 ±1 to 62±42 shoots m−2yr−1. Specific shoot mortality and recruitment rates, which are mathematically and statistically (p>0.05) independent of shoot density, varied from 0.015±0.006 to 0.282±0.138 yr−1 and 0.018±0.005 to 0.302±0.093 yr−1, respectively. Absolute shoot mortality rate was scaled to shoot density (Pearson correlation, r=0.78, p<0.0001), and variability in specific shoot recruitment rate was partially due to differences in the percentage of growing apexes, which produce most of the recruits within the population (Pearson correlation, r=0.50, p<0.001), demonstrating the existence of structural constraints on shoot demography. Shoot half-life was estimated to range from 2.5 to 60.4 yr and meadow turnover times between 6.7 yr and more than a century, provided current estimates of shoot mortality, recruitment rates, and density remain uniform. There were differences in shoot mortality and recruitment at the regional scale, with the meadows developing along the coast of the Spanish mainland experiencing the highest shoot mortality (Tukey test, p<0.05) and tending to exhibit the highest shoot recruitment. The low shoot recruitment did not balance shoot mortality in most (60%) of the meadows, showing a prevalence of declining populations among the 25 meadows studied (Wilcoxon ranked sign test, p<0.0005). This study demonstrates the power of direct census of seagrass shoots in permanent plots to evaluate the present status of seagrass meadows, to detect on-going population decline, and to provide some insight onto the possible factors involved. The incorporation of direct census of seagrass meadows to monitoring programs will help provide the early-warning signals necessary to support management decisions to conserve seagrass meadows.  相似文献   

加筋土坡临界高度的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乔丽平  王钊 《岩土力学》2006,27(1):132-136
假定破裂面为一过坡脚的斜平面,分别以传统塑性理论和广义塑性理论为基础,导出了加筋土坡临界高度的计算公式。通过与前人试验结果的比较发现,虽然基于广义塑性理论极限法求得的加筋土坡临界高度值要比基于传统塑性理论极限法求得的临界高度值略偏大,且更接近于试验实测值,但二者在工程中均是可靠的,都可用于加筋土坡设计时的参考。  相似文献   

王泓博  张勇  庞义辉  贾伟 《岩土力学》2022,43(4):1073-1082
煤炭开采引起覆岩破断及地表下沉,覆岩及地表运移规律可反映裂隙带高度的动态演化过程。因地表下沉滞后于煤炭开采,对于废弃采空区,长期压实作用导致裂隙带高度较采动期间有所降低。基于地表点下沉速度的阶段特征将裂隙带高度的演化过程分为2个阶段,第1阶段裂隙带发育对应岩层破断逐步向上传递的过程,第2阶段裂隙带高度降低对应离层及裂隙闭合、断裂岩层受压后变形回弹及破碎岩体自然压实的过程。着眼于压实作用对裂隙带高度的影响,根据煤层采厚、垮落带和裂隙带岩层变形量及地表下沉值之间的定量关系,建立了第2阶段裂隙带高度预测模型,并结合太平煤矿实测结果进行验证,采用控制变量法分析了单一因素影响下废弃采空区裂隙带高度的演化特征。结果表明:废弃采空区裂隙带高度受控于垮落带块体强度、垮落带初始碎胀系数、采动期间裂隙带高度最大值及对应的垮落带高度、煤层埋深、地表最终下沉量等因素,太平煤矿采后15 a的裂隙带高度实测值11.36~13.00 m与理论预测值12.75 m吻合度较高,模型的可靠性得到验证。最后,应用此预测模型对武安煤矿(关停矿井)2002-2003年采空区裂隙带高度开展理论计算,结合地空瞬变电磁探测确定了地面瓦斯抽采钻孔理想的终孔位置并成功开展了地面钻孔瓦斯抽采试验。  相似文献   

A simple example simulating a mixture of two normal populations results in some important observations, nonnormality and nonsymmetry of the mixture conditional pdf, nonlinearity of the conditional mean as a function of the conditioning data, heteroscedasticity of the conditional variance and its nonmonotonicity as a function of distance of the unknown to the conditioning data. A comparison of the mixture statistics with those predicted by traditional models ignoring the mixture reveals the inadequacy and inappropriateness of these traditional approaches. A mixture of two multivariate normal populations is illustrated through the analytical expressions of its conditional distribution and moments.  相似文献   

汪洋  殷坤龙 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z2):151-154
为了解决水库库岸滑坡引起的初始涌浪高度问题,从滑坡涌浪的形成机制着手,把滑坡引起的涌浪分为体积涌浪和冲击涌浪两部分,并根据体积守恒原理、明槽中扰动波的传播速度及块体水下运动的位移公式求出了两者的计算式,体积守恒原理用于解决滑坡的入水体积与涌浪高度的关系,水流连续性原理用于解决传播的波速与波高的关系,黏滞力公式用于解决块体水下运动的位移与速度的关系。文章以新滩滑坡为例对初始涌浪高度进行了计算,得出了滑坡入水过程中初始涌浪高度先增后减以及它与滑坡速度的变化不一致的规律。  相似文献   

地球物理勘探工作需要三维坐标为其定位,尤其是重力勘探,对高程有较高的要求.作为一种先进的现代化测量技术,GPS能实时提供高精度的平面坐标,但因其使用WGS-84坐标系统,高程为大地高,没有实际的地球物理意义.地球物理勘探用的是正常高,故GPS测量的大地高无法直接使用.若联测高程,不仅增加工作难度,时间成本和经济成本也将大大增加.本文以长江中下游某些地区地球物理矿产勘查为例,介绍利用广义线性拟合法来获取高程.该模型不仅能对拟合结果进行评价,亦能评价模型参数的优劣.  相似文献   

Environmental problems of groundwater contamination in the Gaza Strip are summarized in this paper. The Gaza Strip is a very narrow and highly populated area along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea (360 km2). Human activities greatly threaten the groundwater resources in the area, while the unconfined nature of some parts of the coastal main aquifer favors groundwater contamination. Recent investigations show contamination of the aquifer with organic substances from detergents, agrochemicals, sewage (cesspools), and waste degradation. These effects enhance each other because there is no recycling industry, sewage system, or any type of environmental protection management at present. Inorganic contamination results from overpumping, which increases the salinity of the groundwater. Seawater intrusion also increases the salinity of the groundwater that are used for drinking and agricultural purposes. Consequently, at present about 80 percent of the groundwater in the Gaza Strip is unfit for both human and animal consumption. Solutions are very urgently needed for these problems in order to prevent the spread of dangerous diseases.  相似文献   

环境污染治理中的生物技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
生物技术是环境污染治理中一种有效的技术方法,与其这经传统处理方法相比具有治理效果好,运行费用低,无二次污染等特点,目前,在污水,废气,土壤和地下水污染治理及固体废弃物处置方法中,生物技术已得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

高速公路工程中动态临界填筑高度的应用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邓永锋  刘松玉  洪振舜 《岩土力学》2006,27(9):1579-1582
临界填筑高度是高速公路工程中关注的一个问题,路堤填筑高度度小于临界填筑高度时,地基的变形和稳定均能得到控制。以往的研究认为一般高速公路临界高度为一个定值,而对其时间效应很少进行研究和应用。根据固结理论,研究了地基土强度在路堤荷载作用下的增长规律,并结合已有临界填筑高度的研究成果,分析了临界填筑高度度随时间的增长规律。在此基础上,对高速公路填筑工艺进行了探讨。  相似文献   

分形理论是研究分形性质及其应用的科学,为人们认识自然界和社会活动中因无序而具有自相似性的系统提供了新的思想和方法。多重分形是分形理论的重要发展。近三十年来,多重分形在环境科学研究中取得进展,例如在提取环境地球化学异常下限值、环境污染物的空间分布模式、环境污染指标随时间演变特征、污染物溯源等方面的取得了很多成果。多重分形谱计算、浓度-面积(C-A)模型等在环境科学研究中起着重要作用。已经取得的研究成果表明,多重分形理论已经成为环境科学研究中一种重要理论,非常值得环境科技工作者进一步学习、研究和应用。  相似文献   

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