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We have made a deep search for radio emission from all the northern hemisphere supersoft X-ray sources using the Very Large Array (VLA) and multi-element radio-linked interferometer network (MERLIN) telescopes, at 5 and 8.4 GHz. Three previously undetected sources, T Pyx, V1974 Cygni and RX J0019.8+2156, were imaged in quiescence using the VLA in order to search for any persistent emission. No radio emission was detected in any of the VLA fields down to a typical 1 σ rms noise of 20 μJy beam−1, however, 17 new point sources were detected in the fields with 5-GHz fluxes between 100 and 1500 μJy, giving an average 100-μJy source density of ∼200 deg−2, comparable to what was found in the MERLIN Hubble Deep Field survey. The persistent source AG Draconis was observed by MERLIN to provide a confirmation of previous VLA observations and to investigate the source at a higher resolution. The core is resolved at the milliarcsec scale into two components that have a combined flux of ∼1 mJy. It is possible that we are detecting nebulosity, which is becoming resolved out by the higher MERLIN resolution. We have investigated possible causes of radio emission from a wind environment, both directly from the secondary star, and also consequently, of the high X-ray luminosity from the white dwarf. There is an order of magnitude discrepancy between observed and modelled values that can be explained by the uncertainty in fundamental quantities within these systems.  相似文献   

CSS081007:030559+054715 was discovered by the Catalina Real‐time Transient Survey. Optical spectroscopy revealed a multi‐peaked Hα emission line profile with radial velocities exceeding 1500 km/s, as well as strong Ne emission, suggestive of a neon nova. We monitored the source extensively with the Swift satellite, obtaining a unique dataset spanning 270 days in the soft X‐ray and UV bands. The data reveal a soft, blackbody‐like spectrum with a temperature around 55 eV (though dependent on the modelling), variable X‐ray and UV light curves with a 1.77 day period in both the X‐ray and UV bands, a longer timescale modulation of ∼ 50 days, followed by a slowly declining trend in the soft X‐ray and UV flux. We highlight the Swift observations and their implications for the SSS nature of this object (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Detection of X‐rays from classical novae, both in outburst and post‐outburst, provides unique and crucial information about the explosion mechanism. Soft X‐rays reveal the hot white dwarf photosphere, whenever hydrogen (H) nuclear burning is still on and expanding envelope is transparent enough, whereas harder X‐rays give information about the ejecta and/or the accretion flow in the reborn cataclysmic variable. The duration of the supersoft X‐ray emission phase is related to the turn‐off of the classical nova, i.e., of the H‐burning on top of the white dwarf core. A review of X‐ray observations is presented, with a special emphasis on the implications for the duration of post‐outburst steady H‐burning and its theoretical explanation. The particular case of recurrent novae (both the “standard” objects and the recently discovered ones) will also be reviewed, in terms of theoretical feasibility of short recurrence periods, as well as regarding implications for scenarios of type Ia supernovae (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A period analysis of CCD unfiltered photometry of V4745 Sgr (Nova Sgr 2003 #1) performed during 23 nights in the years 2003–2005 is presented. The photometric data are modulated with a period of  0.20 782 ± 0.00 003 d (4.98 768 ± 0.00 072 h)  . Following the shape of the phased light curve and the presence of the periodicity in all data sets with no apparent change in its value, we interpret this periodicity as orbital in nature and this is consistent with a cataclysmic variable above the period gap. We found a probable short-term periodicity of  0.017 238 ± 0.000 037 d (24.82 272 ± 0.05 328 min)  which we interpret as the probable spin period of the white dwarf or the beat period between the orbital and spin period. Therefore, we propose that nova V4745 Sgr should be classified as an intermediate polar candidate, supporting the proposed link between transition-oscillation novae and intermediate polars. The mass–period relation for cataclysmic variables yields a secondary mass of about  0.52 ± 0.05 M  .  相似文献   

We present results of an analysis of a UV image in the direction of Ophiuchus, obtained with the FAUST instrument. The image contains 228 UV sources. Most of these are identified as normal early-type stars through correlations with catalogued objects. For the first time in this project we identify UV sources as such stars by selecting suitable candidates in crowded fields as the bluest objects in colour–colour diagrams using observations from the Wise Observatory. These candidates are then studied using low-resolution spectroscopy, which allows the determination of spectral types to an accuracy of about one-half class, for 60 stars.
Synthetic photometry of spectral data is performed in order to predict the expected UV emission, on the basis of the photometric information. These results are used along with the Hipparcos /Tycho information, to search for subluminous stars. The comparison of the predicted emission with the FAUST measured magnitudes allows us to select 12 stars as highly probable evolved hot stars. High signal-to-noise spectra are obtained for nine of these stars, and Balmer line profiles are compared with the prediction of atmosphere models and with the spectrum of real stellar atmospheres. Among the nine candidates, six are classified as previously unrecognized sdB stars, and two as white dwarfs. Our result indicates that indeed more bright subluminous stars are still unrecognized in the existing samples.  相似文献   

The effect of rotating white dwarf envelopes in determining the structure of nova shells is examined. This is achieved by numerical hydrodynamic simulations of the flows around a binary star system. In previous studies of remnant formation, this rotation has not been included.
It is found that the structures formed in the flow are more consistent with observations of nova shells than the previous theoretical studies. The shells produced by the nova become more prolate with increasing white dwarf envelope rotation. Hence the rotation of white dwarf envelopes must be included in any future discussion of remnant formation.
A possible method of identifying the dominant process by which mixing of accreted and white dwarf matter takes place is suggested.  相似文献   

It is possible to reliably identify white dwarfs (WDs) without recourse to spectra, instead using photometric and astrometric measurements to distinguish them from main-sequence stars and quasars. WDs' colours can also be used to infer their intrinsic properties (effective temperature, surface gravity, etc.), but the results obtained must be interpreted with care. The difficulties stem from the existence of a solid angle degeneracy, as revealed by a full exploration of the likelihood, although this can be masked if a simple best-fitting approach is used. Conversely, this degeneracy can be broken if a Bayesian approach is adopted, as it is then possible to utilize the prior information on the surface gravities of WDs implied by spectroscopic fitting. The benefits of such an approach are particularly strong when applied to outliers, such as the candidate halo and ultracool WDs identified by Vidrih et al. A reanalysis of these samples confirms their results for the latter sample, but suggests that most of the halo candidates are thick-disc WDs in the tails of the photometric noise distribution.  相似文献   

We present the Chandra ACIS-S3 data of the old classical nova RR Pic (1925). The source has a count rate of 0.067 ± 0.002 count s−1 in the 0.3–5.0 keV energy range. We detect the orbital period of the underlying binary system in the X-ray wavelengths. We also find that the neutral hydrogen column density differs for orbital minimum and orbital maximum spectra with values  0.25+0.23−0.18× 1022  and  0.64+0.13−0.14× 1022 cm−2  at 3σ confidence level. The X-ray spectrum of RR Pic can be represented by a composite model of bremsstrahlung with a photoelectric absorption, two absorption lines centered around 1.1–1.4 keV and five Gaussian lines centered at emission lines around 0.3–1.1 keV corresponding to various transitions of S, N, O, C, Ne and Fe. The bremsstrahlung temperature derived from the fits ranges from 0.99 to 1.60 keV and the unabsorbed X-ray flux is found to be  2.5+0.4−1.2× 10−13 erg  cm−2 s−1  in the 0.3–5.0 keV range with a luminosity of 1.1 ± 0.2  1031 erg s−1  at 600 pc. We also detect excess emission in the spectrum possibly originating from the reverse shock in the ejecta. A fit with a cooling flow plasma emission model shows enhanced abundances of He, C, N, O and Ne in the X-ray emitting region indicating existence of diffusive mixing.  相似文献   

We present the first evidence for the direct detection of nickel in the photosphere of the hot DO white dwarf REJ 0503−289. While this element has been seen previously in the atmospheres of hot H-rich white dwarfs, this is one of the first similar discoveries in a He-rich object. Intriguingly, iron, which is observed to be more abundant than Ni in the hot DA stars, is not detected, the upper limit to its abundance (Fe/He=10−6) implying an Fe/Ni ratio a factor of 10 lower than seen in the H-rich objects (Ni/He=10−5 for REJ 0503−289). The abundances of nickel and various other elements heavier than He were determined from Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph spectra. We used two completely independent sets of non-local thermodynamic equilibrium model atmospheres, which both provide the same results. This not only reduces the possibility of systematic errors in our analysis, but is also an important consistency check for both model atmosphere codes.
We have also developed a more objective method of determining T eff and log  g , from the He lines in the optical spectrum, in the form of a formal fitting of the line profiles to a grid of model spectra, an analogue of the standard procedure utilizing the Balmer lines in DA white dwarfs. This gives the assigned uncertainties in T eff and log  g a firm statistical basis and allows us to demonstrate that inclusion of elements heavier than H, He and C in the spectral calculations, exclusively considered in most published optical analyses, yields a systematic downward shift in the measured value of T eff.  相似文献   

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