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Some current methods for the calculation of the geogenetic depth are based on the hydrostatic model, it is induced that the depth in certain underground place is equal to the pressure divided by the specific weight of rock, on the assumption that the rock is hydrostatic and overlain by no other force but gravity. However, most of rock is in a deformation environment and non-hydrostatic state, especially in an orogenic belt, so that the calculated depth may be exaggerated in comparison with the actual depth according to the hydrostatic formula. In the finite slight deformation and elastic model, the relative actual depth value from the 3-axis strain data was obtained with the measurement of strain including that of superimposed tectonic forces but excluding that of time factor for the strain. If some data on the strain speed are obtained, the depth would be more realistically calculated according to the rheologicai model because the geological body often experiences long-term creep strains.  相似文献   

沥青路面下多年冻土上限变化计算的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以相变热传导理论为基础,利用实测路面温度资料计算了多年冻土路基中冻土上限的变化趋势,认为上限的稳定是一个时间相当长的过程.人为上限在目前条件下仍在下降,从现在的12cm/a下降至50a后的5cm/a,届时上限深度将达到94m(从路面起计算).  相似文献   

基坑工程中的坑中坑问题是一个非常普遍但又没有进行深入研究的问题,如何将坑中坑设计等效为常规设计是一个具有现实意义的难题。基于外墙最大墙体变形的等效原则,分析了等效方法的可行性,并通过对坑趾系数X、内外坑开挖宽度比扒内外坑开挖深度比卢的分析,就等效计算深度的公式进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

针对某管道穿越青白江河道的工况,采用管道河流穿越工程中广泛应用的冲刷经验公式,对该穿越段的冲刷深度进行计算,并分析计算结果的合理性与可靠性,提出了符合实际情况管道穿越段稳定地层,为某管道穿越段水工保护工程设计与工程基础埋深的确定提供了技术参考和较可靠的科学依据。  相似文献   

艾军  刘保仲 《冰川冻土》1995,17(1):84-92
由于森林地带植被特征、地面特性等因素差异的影响,使土冻结深度计算成为较复杂的问题,通过在小兴安岭的凉水自然保护区所建立的32个观测点,历经两年的实验研究,摸索出采用换算导热系数及等值土冻结深度的计算方法,与实测值验证表明,是解决设计森林地带土木结构物基础埋置深度的一种途径。  相似文献   

利用Welch功率谱估计方法求埋深的参数选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了采用Welch谱估计方法求异常体埋深时,窗函数类型、窗口长度、FFT点数、重叠采样点数对结果的影响;应用Matlab中的PSD函数,以无限长水平圆柱体为例作了分析。根据分析结果,提出了采用Welch谱估计方法计算异常体埋深时,关于窗函数、窗长度、FFT点数和重叠采样点数选择的建议。  相似文献   

声波测井法计算剥蚀厚度在十红滩地区的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尚高峰  尉小龙  宋哲  刘治国 《铀矿地质》2012,(5):307-310,306
介绍了利用声波测井数据求取地层剥蚀厚度的基本原理及计算方法,并对十红滩北矿带侏罗系剥蚀厚度进行了计算,总结出该区侏罗系的剥蚀厚度特征,对研究盆地演化过程及其演化历史有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Land surface temperature on alpine mountainous cold regions, which is one of basic parameters of the regional hydrological and meteorological conditions, directly affects glacial recession, snow melt, distribution and freezing thawing process of permafrost, evapotranspiration, vegetation growth, and various underlying surface change process, and then changes the regional hydrological and ecological environment, becomes the important parameter of the research on land surface process and the study of eco-hydrological process. This paper tried to provide an overview of research on land surface temperature, and to introduce its influence factors and the ways to obtain land surface temperature data in high mountainous cold region. Relative to low elevation plain, the land surface temperature was significantly affected by local altitude, terrain and plant cover. There were some methods to obtain land surface temperature, such as measurement in situ, retrieval based on remote sensing and calculation by land surface process models, but there were some limitations while used on alpine mountainous cold regions. Land surface temperature data from meteorological stations were only about level bare ground, and the influence of terrain or vegetable cover was not considered. Therefore, the data could not represent the information of region scale on mountainous area. Land surface temperature retrieval from remote sensing data, because of calculation theory, ground observation verification and spatiotemporal resolution, made it difficult to fulfill research on hydrology, land surface process and eco-hydrological process in alpine mountainous area. Land surface process models estimated land surface temperature in the experimental sites with high accuracy, but reduced the accuracy while upscale to the region scale on the mountainous cold area, because of the error from input control meteorological, soil and plant variables, and the error of ground observation site verification. The future research on land surface temperature on alpine mountainous cold regions should strengthen field observations and improve data accuracy, to build a physical land surface temperature estimation method with topographic and vegetation parameters, and to contribute to research on land-atmosphere-water process in alpine mountainous regions.  相似文献   

流速仪法测流最小水深计算公式推导   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在<河流流量测验规范>中,规定了流速仪法测流垂线、流速测点的分布位置和布置测点时的最小水深,[1]也有这方面的刊载,并列举了部分计算公式,但公式考虑不够全面,而且还不符合规范要求.本文依据规范,按流速仪测点布置情况,分析推导出了具体完整的计算公式,并对测点布置方案选择提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

The depth is important for ore finding in Jiaodong gold deposit. However, many geologis tsare still discussing how to confirm the depth for the tectonic and metallogenesis formation. The authors of this paper propose a new method—the correction of metallogenic depth via its structure to calculate the depth. This method, based on the crust rock in a solid stress state, emphasizes the elastic pattern rather than the static-fluid pattern. In addition, this method is more appropriate to the actual situation in the crust than the method of weight/special weight. The authors of this paper illustrating, with the Jiaodong gold deposit as an example, the metallogenic depth correction via structure conclude that the depth of the most deposits, lower than 4-6 km, is often 2.5 kin. Therefore, the authors suggest that there exists a second enrichment belt and that ore resources are more potential at the belt of Jiaodong area. These results have been demonstrated by years of exploration.  相似文献   

确定填埋场中的最大饱和深度是进行渗滤液导排系统设计的关键技术参数。针对倾斜场地上的连续型排水结构,基于流量连续条件、Dupuit假设与扩展Dupuit假设,在稳态渗流下,分别建立了浸润线方程,采用数值方法进行计算。通过变动参数计算与分析表明,当场地坡度小于10%时,可采用Dupuit假设下的计算方法进行计算。对于采用土工排水网的连续型排水结构,土工排水网导水率与场地坡度为控制填埋场最大饱和深度的重要因素;保护层渗透系数与入渗率对于控制排水系统的排水效率具有不可忽视的作用。同时比较了水平场地上的锯齿型与连续型排水结构的排水效率,表明前者优于后者。  相似文献   

水压致裂应力测量系统柔性分析及其对深孔测量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中国大陆范围内广泛使用的钻杆式水压致裂测试系统由6个部分组成,分别为压力流体控制系统、高压水泵、动力系统、数据记录系统、跨接式封隔器和钻杆系统。该套测试系统又可以分为两类,一种是针对孔深<100 m的浅孔测试系统,一种是针对孔深>100 m的深孔测试系统。对于钻杆式水压致裂系统,钻杆、连接管线以及钻孔变形对系统柔性影响均极微小,封隔器变形和压裂液压缩性是主要影响因素。当测试深度小于100 m时,测试系统柔性主要受封隔器变形和系统压裂液压缩性控制;而当测试深度大于100 m时,测试系统柔性主要受系统压裂液压缩性控制。对于深孔测试,钻杆式水压致裂测试系统柔性过大,会影响重张压力Pr0的准确确定。为了消除系统柔性对深孔测试的影响,可以通过其他方法来确定实验段岩体抗拉强度Tfh,进而确定最大水平主应力SH,或者通过其他方法来直接估算SH。在未来的研究工作中,开发井下传感器和井下流量计将是从根本上消除测试系统柔性影响的一条可靠途径。  相似文献   

As an important exchange process of water and heat between the cryosphere and the atmosphere, snow and glacier sublimation is a principal pathway of moisture content loss of cryosphere. The observations and simulations of snow and glacier sublimation for the process and influencing factors were conducted earlier in the Antarctic and the Arctic Pole, North America and northern Europe, and had made great progress. Based on the analysis of the sublimation of ice and snow and the latent heat of sublimation in different regions and climatic conditions, the influencing factors to sublimation of ice and snow were analyzed. Although sublimation of ice and snow is an important part of regional hydrological process and energy budget balance, under humid climate conditions, sublimation of ice and snow is inhibited. it is greatly affected by local topography(elevation, slope and aspect), vegetation and meteorological elements, resulting in large differences in reported sublimation of ice and snow. However, there are many factors that affect the sublimation, resulting in the obvious spatial and temporal differences of research results. The researches lack of long-term, systematic observation and research, and which has contributed to the lack of understanding in the water-heat process of snow and glacier. There are still great uncertainties and difficulties in this study that need to be overcome.  相似文献   

Summary. A computational algorithm which uses depth data from a reference plane to a rock fracture surface in calculating a new three-dimensional joint roughness coefficient is presented. Two independent sets of fracture data are investigated. The new coefficient is compared to Barton’s 2D joint roughness coefficient JRC. A measure indicating corrupt data is discussed. The algorithm is also used to show that, in general, rock roughness is only a local variable, not a directional one.  相似文献   

通过对吉林省内水泥混凝土公路路基冻害的调查,在现场观测和室内实验的基础上,对季节性冻土地区路基土冻害的机理和影响因素进行了研究.确定吉林省中部区域为冻胀易发区;而冻胀性强弱与土的干重度有关,土的干重度接近18 kN/m3时冻胀性最强.高路堤因垫层等的厚度对路基产生的压应力最大,而且存在荷载的抑制作用,冻胀量减小.分别由冻结指数和负气温积值确定的冻深表达式,可作为确定地区冻深的经验公式.  相似文献   

土地开发整理是实现土地可持续利用的一项重要工作,已成为世界关注的焦点。而我国土地资源相对匮乏为此,国土资源部开展了国家投资土地开发整理工作。从土地开发整理项目的概念和标准方面进行分析,提出项目申报的程序及规划设计各阶段的内容深度,为今后的土地开发整理工作提供参考,促进我国土地开发整理事业的发展。  相似文献   

基于灰色理论的地下水埋深预测分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李亮  陈刚  马峰 《地下水》2010,32(3):22-23,55
根据灰色理论预测的基本原理,建立GM(1,1)预测模型,对河北省沧州市东辛店乡地下水位埋深进行实例预测,并对预测结果进行精度检验,分析灰色理论模型在地下水位埋深预测的可行性,结果表明:灰色GM(1,1)可以在数据较少的情况下进行短期预测,且预测精度高,计算简单;另外,通过预测结果和采取措施后的实际水位埋深的比较,可以清晰的看到所采取措施的效果。  相似文献   

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