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Many physico-chemical variables like rock-type, climate, topography and exposure age affect weathering environments. In the present study, an attempt is made to understand how the nature of clay minerals formed due to weathering differs in tropical regions receiving high and low rainfall. Clay mineralogy of weathering profiles in west coast of India, which receives about 3 m rainfall through two monsoons and those from the inland rain-shadow zones (<200 cm rainfall) are studied using X-ray diffraction technique. In the west coast, 1:1 clays (kaolinite) and Fe—Al oxides (gibbsite/goethite) are dominant clay minerals in the weathering profiles while 2:1 clay minerals are absent or found only in trace amounts. Weathering profiles in the rain shadow region have more complex clay mineralogy and are dominated by 2:1 clays and kaolinite. Fe—Al oxides are either less or absent in clay fraction. The kaolinite—smectite interstratified mineral in Banasandra profiles are formed due to transformation of smectites to kaolinite, which is indicative of a humid paleoclimate. In tropical regions receiving high rainfall the clay mineral assemblage remains the same irrespective of the parent rock type. Rainfall and availability of water apart from temperature, are the most important factors that determine kinetics of chemical weathering. Mineral alteration reactions proceed through different pathways in water rich and water poor environments.  相似文献   

The survival of several ancient monuments made of ignimbrites in Hınıs town (Erzurum-Anatolia), which has suffered from intense annual temperature fluctuations and strong seismic activity, can mainly be attributed to use of suitable building stones. This paper examines the usability as building stones of Middle Miocene Hınıs ignimbrites that widely outcrop in and around Hınıs town. The petrographical, geochemical, mechanical, and physical properties determined lead to categorization of the ignimbrites as four different types. The Hınıs ignimbrites contain dasite–trachy–andesite and rhyolite. Rhyolite is the strongest material whereas the other types, being more porous, are weaker, lighter, and have good heat-insulation properties. Being light (easily transportable, machinable, and workable), good heat insulators, environmentally friendly (because of natural ventilation), sufficiently elastic to sustain seismic loading in the area under study, and more cost-effective than artificial stones, Hınıs ignimbrites are certainly a preferable option for use as light building stone. These ignimbrites are not suitable for use as floor covering, however, (because of rapid abrasion) or for building structural columns (because of low strength).  相似文献   

Mineralogy, major, trace and rare earth elements of a weathering profile developed on tertiary greenstone belt in the extreme North Cameroon are reported. The aim of which was to investigate mineralogical evolution and element mobilization and redistribution during weathering under dry tropical climate. The weathering profile consists of four main horizons: (1) a spheroidal weathering zone constituted by a corestone–shell complex, (2) a C horizon, (3) a Bw horizon and an Ah horizon. The results indicate that nontronite, a Fe-rich smectite, is the exclusive clay mineral formed in the exfoliated shells and the C horizon. It is associated with kaolinite in the upper horizons. The coexistence of these two clay minerals induced a decrease of CEC and pH which becomes neutral. The weathering index (WI) values reveal that weathering becomes more and more intensive from the corestone up to Bw horizon, which is the most weathered horizon in the weathering profile. Mass balance calculations, using Th as immobile element, indicate that Ti is quite mobile and that Al and Fe are relatively enriched at the bottom and strongly leached at the top of the profile. Alkalis and alkaline earth elements are strong leached through out the profile, except Ca which displays similar trend as Al and Fe. The same goes for LILE (Cs, Sr), TTE (Cr, Co, Ni) and HSFE (Y, Nb, Hf). In opposite, REE are depleted at the bottom and enriched in the upper horizons, with more enrichment for LREE than for HREE. It appears that weathering of greenstone belt causes a fractionation of HREE and induces a concentration of LREEs. Ce and Eu anomalies display opposite behaviour.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the rare-earth elements(REE)during the weathering of granites was studied in southern Guangxi,China.Based on the study of the weathering profiles,the soil,weathered and sub-weatereb zones are identified with different REE geochemical behaviours throug the weathering profiles of granite.The Ce anomalies of the weathering profiles cover a large range of values with most falling between 1.02 and 1.43in the soil zone and 0.16and 0.40in the weathered and sub-weathered zones.Light rare-earth elements(LREE) and heavy rare-earth elements(HREE)are enriched to varying degree in the weathering profiles as compared to host granites.In the soil zone,more HREEs are leached than LREEs,and HREEs are more enriched than LREE in the weathered and sub-weathered zones.It is considered that infiltration and adsorption on clays are two processes controlling the enrichment and formation of REE deposits in the weathering profiles of granite.  相似文献   

A study of clay mineral and calcareous nannofossil abundances in late Jurassic–early Cretaceous sediments from the Volga Basin, SE Russia, is presented. From these results, we are able to compare some general patterns of mineralogical and palaeontological change for the Volga Basin to the palaeoclimate models developed for northern Europe and beyond. The two successions examined comprise calcareous mudstones with black organic‐rich shale horizons, overlain by a series of phosphatic silty sands. Clay mineralogical results show a progressive decrease in kaolinite and the concomitant increase of smectite and illite through the middle Volgian, followed by an abrupt increase in kaolinite in the late Volgian. The clay mineral evidence suggests increasing aridity at the end of the Jurassic, similar, in part, to many western European successions. Because of differential settling of clay minerals, superimposed upon this possible climatic signature is likely to be the effect of relative sea‐level change. Calcareous nannofossil analysis from a single section reveals a shift through the middle Volgian from low nutrient, warm water assemblages dominated by Watznaueria to cooler surface water and high nutrient assemblages dominated by Biscutum constans. These observations suggest that increased aridity is also associated with climatic cooling. Black shales are associated with increased productivity, higher sea levels and increases in smectite content. Hence, periods of low (chemical) hinterland weathering during semi‐arid conditions are paradoxically associated with relatively nutrient‐rich waters, and organic‐rich shales. Comparison of published carbon and oxygen stable isotope results from this and other sections to the clay mineral and nannofossil data confirms the palaeoclimatic interpretation. This study significantly improves the published biostratigraphically constrained clay mineral database for this time period, because other European and North American successions are either non‐marine (and thus poorly dated), absent (through penecontemporaneous erosion) or condensed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Grain size and mineral composition of core sediments were used to investigate influences of various terrestrial and marine conditions, which have prevailed on the southwestern Black Sea shelf during the Holocene. Siliciclastic mud with small amounts of sand and gravel from nearby coastal hinterland is the principal sediment type, whereas sediments deposited near the shelf edge and the Istanbul Strait and off the Duru Lake (a paleo-river mouth) constitued large quantities of sand and gravel of both biogenic and terrigenic origin. Variable amounts of aragonite, 1 nmmicas, quartz, feldspars, calcite and dolomite constitute the dominant non-clay minerals in bulk sediments. The clay mineral assemblage in the 〈 2 μm fraction is made up of smectite, illite, kaolinite and chlorite. Aragonite and calcite are mainly derived from benthic accumulations, whereas feldspars (mainly plagioclase) and smectite reflect magmaticvolcanic provenance and the distribution of 1 nm-micas and chlorite correlate with nearby metamorphic sources onland. Nevertheless, grain size and mineral distribution generally indicate a combination of effects of wind and wave climate, longshore and offshore cyclonic currents, changing sea-level stands and nearby source rock and morphological conditions. It is also suggested that at least part of clay minerals could be derived from the northwesterly Danube River input.  相似文献   

Early Jurassic climate is characterized by alternating cold and warm periods highlighted by studies based notably on oxygen isotopes measured on belemnite guards and other marine invertebrate shells. These climatic changes include changes in the hydrological cycle, and consequently weathering and runoff conditions. In order to clarify the erosion and weathering conditions during the Pliensbachian, this study determined the mineralogical composition of the clay fraction of 132 samples taken from the entire stage drilled in the Llanbedr (Mochras Farm) borehole (Cardigan Bay Basin). The clay mineral assemblages are composed of various proportions of chlorite, illite, illite/smectite mixed‐layers (R1 I–S), smectite and kaolinite, with possibly occasional traces of berthierine. The occurrence of abundant smectite indicates that the maximum burial temperature never exceeded 70°C. Consequently, clay minerals are considered mainly detrital, and their fluctuations likely reflect environmental changes. The variations in the proportions of smectite and kaolinite are opposite to each other. Kaolinite is particularly abundant at the base of the jamesoni Zone, in part coinciding with the δ13C negative excursion corresponding to the Sinemurian/Pliensbachian Boundary Event, and through the davoei Zone, whilst smectite is abundant in the upper part of jamesoni and base of ibex zones and through the subnodosus/gibbosus subzones of the margaritatus Zone. The kaolinite‐rich intervals reflect an intensification of hydrolysis and an acceleration of the hydrological cycle, while the smectite‐rich intervals indicate a more arid climate. The spinatum Zone is characterized by a distinct clay assemblage with abundant primary minerals, R1 I–S, kaolinite reworked from previously deposited sediments or from Palaeozoic rocks, and probably berthierine originating from contemporaneous ironstone‐generating environments of shallower waters. This mineralogical change by the end of the Pliensbachian likely reflects a transition from a dominant chemical weathering to a deeper physical erosion of the continent, probably related to a significant sea‐level fall consistent with a glacio‐eustatic origin.  相似文献   

Crystallization experiments at 400 MPa, oxidized condition (logfO2= NNO + 1, where NNO is nickel–nickel oxide buffer) andover a range of temperatures (850–950°C) and fluidcomposition (XH2Oin = 0·3–1) have been carriedout to constrain the storage conditions of the sulphur-richmagma of the Huerto Andesite (an anhydrite, pyrrhotite, andS-rich apatite-bearing, post-Fish Canyon Tuff mafic lava). Theresults are used to evaluate the role of fluids released fromthe crystallization of magmas such as the Huerto Andesite onthe remobilization of the largely crystallized dacitic FishCanyon magma body. Experiments were performed using the naturalandesitic bulk composition with and without added sulphur. Thepresence of sulphur slightly affects the phase equilibria bychanging the phase proportions, stability fields of plagioclase,pyroxenes and ilmenite, and also affects the plagioclase composition.Phase equilibria and mineral composition data indicate thatthe magma may have contained 4·5 wt % water in the meltand that the pre-eruptive temperature was 875 ± 25°C.Assuming that the magma was in equilibrium with a fluid phase,the CO2 concentration of the melt is estimated to be in therange 2000–4000 ppm (at 400 MPa). Before eruption, theandesite had an oxidation state very close to, or slightly within,the co-stability field of anhydrite–pyrrhotite at NNO+ 1·1. At these conditions, the sulphur content in themelt is 500 ppm. Assuming open-system degassing resulting fromcontinuing crystallization at depth, most of the CO2 dissolvedin the andesitic melt should be released after the crystallizationof <10 vol. % of the magma, corresponding to a cooling from875 to 825–850°C. Thus, the fluids released owingto crystallization processes should be mainly composed of waterat temperatures below 825°C. KEY WORDS: experimental study; andesite; volatile; Fish Canyon Tuff; Huerto Andesite  相似文献   

The Freiberg area in the Saxon Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains) represents one of the oldest mining districts in Germany. Argentiferous ore mineralizations with lead, zinc and copper are dominating in this region. Various waste products of mining can be found around Freiberg. In particular, the slags from ore smelting were and are regarded as unusable waste products. However, they preserve information on the smelting and weathering behaviour of slag, which makes them very useful sources of information for our purposes. To reconstruct the chemical processes during ore smelting, historical slag represents a most valuable archive. Therefore, the historical slag dump in Halsbach (Germany) was examined exemplarily for the Freiberg deposit. The slag was dumped approx. 400 years ago and is rich in lead. An interrelation between the slag and the metallurgical process applied can be made on the basis of chemical composition, appearance and microscopic results. The slags of the heap in Halsbach contain high concentrations of heavy metals (average contents in mg kg−1: Zn 40,000; Pb 10,000; Cu 1500; U 1000). Enrichments of heavy metals in the organic-rich soil horizons within the range of the dump foot (maximum contents in the A-horizon in mg kg−1: Zn 3719; Pb 9198; As 3017; Cu 963) imply a faint discharge of metals from the dump.  相似文献   

Thin, widespread, fallout tuff layers interbedded within fluvio-lacustrine successions of the Carboniferous-Permian Saar-Nahe Basin provide important tephrostratigraphic markers. In addition, radiogeochronometric data derived from the tuffs serve as calibration points for the adjustment to regional chronostratigraphy and to numerical time scales. The Pappelberg-Tuff in the Meisenheim Formation (Glan Group) has been dated by U/Pb zircon SHRIMP technique at 297.0Dž.2 Ma. Taking the Carboniferous/Permian boundary at 296 Ma, the Meisenheim Formation coincides approximately with this boundary. Consequently, underlying strata, lithostratigraphically regarded as the basal part of the 'Rotliegend', chronostratigraphically belong to the Upper Carboniferous. Bed thicknesses, grain size and sorting characteristics of the tuffs and the absence of contemporaneously emplaced volcanics within the Saar-Nahe Basin point to an extrabasinal derivation of the wind-drifted volcanic ash. Decreasing grain sizes of juvenile pyroclastic particles towards the north suggest source areas south of the basin within 300 km distance. The majority of the tuffs are rhyolitic to rhyodacitic and indicate petrographic and geochemical affinities to Moldanubian S-type granitoids, in particular to highly differentiated two-mica granites, and related volcanic effusives. Within the time frame considered here, such potential source rocks were emplaced in the northern and central Black Forest (SW Germany) and the northern Vosges (E France) at 100-150 km distance south of the Saar-Nahe Basin.  相似文献   

The Comblanchien limestone is a well-known building stone that deserves a quantitative characterization in order to be able to certify its origin. We compare petrographical and geochemical characteristics of limestones commercialized under the name of Comblanchien to those of one of their competitors (VATC, a Portuguese coated grain-bearing limestone). From macroscopic and microscopic observations, the distinction is somehow difficult but the coated grain-bearing Comblanchien samples have δ13C values (from +1.75 to +2.25‰) different from those of the VATC sample (negative δ13C value). As an example of application of these results, three samples from a building site near Paris are also studied in order to verify their provenance. We conclude that they do not come from quarries from the Comblanchien area, but likely from Portugal. The study shows that a detailed analysis of building limestones may provide a robust tool for discriminating between currently mined stones of different provenances, and thus open the possibility to attach to a given limestone a fingerprint, an identity card, and if required a commercial label.  相似文献   

The construction suitability of a dimension stone depends on its weathering properties along with the petrology and the petrophysical properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of the dimension stones from the “Drei Gleichen” area for construction and replacement purposes. In total, six sandstones (Ingersleben, Wachsenburg, Hindfelden, Seeberg, Röhnberg, Gleichenberg; Upper Triassic) as well as two carbonates (Wachsenburg sinter; Quaternary, Wandersleben dolomite; Middle Triassic) were analysed. The results from our laboratory and on-site studies of the dimension stones show that rocks from the same stratigraphic layer, like the sandstones from the upper Triassic, can show major differences in their petrophysical and weathering properties. These differences are attributed to their different diagenesis, resulting, e.g. in varying pore space, water balance and strength properties. The pore size distribution can be divided into four different groups based on their occurring maxima and micropore content. The determined water balance properties as well as moisture expansion and salt attack depend on these groups. Next to this, the mineralogical composition significantly influences the weathering resistance. Sandstones with a high content of altered lithoclasts show a high amount of moisture expansion, low strength and, in consequence, a low weathering resistance against salt attack. Based on the results of the present study, an evaluation of construction suitability could be accomplished. From the analysed sandstones, only the Seebergen sandstone is suitable for construction purposes due to its good availability, good strength properties (high compressive and tensile strength, low softening degree) as well as a low porosity. Furthermore, the Wachsenburg sandstone also shows good petrophysical and petrological properties, but exploitable deposits are too sparse to be of commercial interest. From the carbonates, the Wachsenburg sinter shows very suitable rock parameters, but only sparse outcrops occur, which are not appropriate for mining.  相似文献   

The Argillite Sequence located at the base of the sedimentary cover on the continental slope of the Sea of Japan was studied by petrographic, palynological, and X-ray diffraction methods. Two spores-pollen complexes were distinguished in it: the Late Oligocene reflecting cooling and the Early Miocene corresponding to initiated warming. The data obtained indicate that the sequence is composed of terrigenous silty-clayey sediments that accumulated in shallow coastal-marine settings. The global sea-level rise at the Early-Middle Miocene transition, combined with the regional tectonic processes, determined the basin deepening, owing to which the argillite sequence was overlain by thick Middle Miocene diatomaceous-clayey sediments. Due to tectonic movement along existing faults in the terminal Late Miocene, the argillite sequence occurring initially at depths of at least 400–500 m was locally exhumed to the basin bottom.  相似文献   

青西凹陷下白垩统湖相喷流岩成因探讨及其意义   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:17  
青西凹陷下白垩统泥云岩 (泥质白云岩、白云质泥岩、白云岩,统称“泥云岩”)以其富含泥级钠长石、石英、铁白云石和重晶石等特殊矿物成分为特点。从构造、沉积、岩石学等方面对青西凹陷下白垩统泥云岩进行了地质分析,指出泥云岩的成因与湖底热水喷流有关。  相似文献   

简要回顾了我国山东省诸城市吕标乡库沟村龙骨涧晚白垩世早期辛格庄组中产出的巨型山东龙的研究历史,并讨论了巨型山东龙与"巨大诸城龙"的系统分类关系。对比两者的产出状况、骨骼结构和个体发育特征,作者认为两者为同物异名。依据古生物命名法规的优先律,巨型山东龙命名在先,合法有效;"巨大诸城龙"命名较晚,是一无效名称,应予取消。还讨论了巨型山东龙的生活习性和生态环境,认为巨型山东龙属陆栖性、群居性、植食性恐龙,生活在气候温暖、雨水充沛、植被繁茂的低山或丘陵地区。此外研究了巨型山东龙赋存地层的沉积特征,认为是一套辫状河流相或冲积扇相沉积,而不是湖相沉积。恐龙化石的密集产出是非正常集群死亡于突发性灾害事件的结果,而与国际上的K/T事件无关。  相似文献   

Abstract Explosive volcanic activity is recorded in the Upper Jurassic of the Paris Basin and the Subalpine Basin of France by the identification of five bentonite horizons. These layers occur in Lower Oxfordian (cordatum ammonite zone) to Middle Oxfordian (plicatilis zone) clays and silty clays deposited in outer platform environments. In the Paris Basin, a thick bentonite (10–15 cm), identified in boreholes and in outcrop, is dominated by dioctahedral smectite (95%) with trace amounts of kaolinite, illite and chlorite. In contrast, five bentonites identified in the Subalpine Basin, where burial diagenesis and fluid circulation were more important, are composed of a mixture of kaolinite and regular or random illite/smectite mixed-layer clays in variable proportions, indicating a K-bentonite. In the Subalpine Basin, a 2–15 cm thick bentonite underlain by a layer affected by sulphate–carbonate mineralization can be correlated over 2000 km2. Euhedral zircon, apatite and biotite crystals have been identified in all the bentonites. The geochemical composition of the bentonites in both basins is characterized by high concentrations of Hf, Nb, Pb, Ta, Th, Ti, U, Y, Zr and low concentrations of Cr, Cs and Rb. Biostratigraphical and geochemical data suggest that the thick bentonite in the Paris Basin correlates with the thickest bentonite in the Subalpine Basin, located 400 km to the south. These horizons indicate that significant explosive volcanic events occurred during the Middle Oxfordian and provide potential long-distance isochronous marker beds. Immobile element discrimination diagrams and rare-earth element characteristics indicate that the original ash compositions of the thickest bentonites correspond to a trachyandesitic source from a within-plate alkaline series that was probably related to North Atlantic rifting.  相似文献   

The Dobromirtsi Ultramafic Massif, located in the Rhodope Mountains (SE Bulgaria), is a portion of a Paleozoic sub-oceanic mantle affected by polyphase regional metamorphism. This massif contains several small, podiform chromitite bodies which underwent the same metamorphic evolution as their host peridotites. Like other ophiolite chromitites, those found in Dobromirtsi carry abundant platinum-group minerals (PGM) and base-metal minerals (BMM). The PGM consist mainly of Ru-, Os-, and Ir-based PGM (laurite RuS2-erlichmanite OsS2, Os-Ru-Ir alloys, irarsite [IrAsS], Ru-rich pentlandite, and an unknown Ir-sulfide) but minor Rh- and Pd-based PGM (hollingworthite [RhAsS] and a series of unidentified stannides and sulfantimonides) are also present. In contrast, the BMM are dominated by pentlandite (Ni,Fe)9S8, followed by heazlewoodite (Ni3S2), breithauptite (NiSb), maucherite (Ni11As8), godlevskite (Ni7S6), gersdorffite (NiAsS), millerite (NiS), undetermined minerals containing Ni, As and Sb, orcelite (Ni5-XAs2), awaruite (Ni3Fe) and chalcopyrite (CuFeS2). The detailed study of the textural relationships, morphology and composition of the PGM and BMM inclusions indicate the existence of two different PGM-BMM assemblages: (i) a primary or magmatic; and (ii) a secondary related with postmagmatic alteration. The PGM and BMM inclusions in unaltered zones of chromite crystals (mainly laurite-erlichmanite and pentlandite) are considered to be primary magmatic minerals formed under variable temperature (1200–1100°C) and sulfur fugacity (between −2 and −0.5 log fS2). In contrast, PGM and BMM located along altered edges of chromite and serpentinised silicate matrix are considered to be secondary, formed from or re-equilibrated with altering fluids. Secondary PGM and BMM assemblages are considered as result of the combination of reducing and oxidising events related with regional metamorphism. Under low fO2 states, fS2 also drops giving place to the formation of S-poor Ni-rich sulfides and secondary Ru-alloys by desulfurisation of primary S-containing minerals. In contrast, predominance of platinum-group elements and/or base-metal arsenides and sulfarsenides associated with the altered edges of chromite (chromite strongly enriched in Fe2O3) is related with the fixing of remobilised PGE (mainly Ir, Rh and Pd) and base-metals (mainly Ni and Fe) when late oxidising fluids supplied As as well as Sb and Sn.  相似文献   

闫澍旺  陈静  孙立强  陈浩  林澍 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z1):43-48
在含水率大、抗剪强度低的淤泥中采用抛石挤淤的办法加固地基或建造围埝,处理效果好且经济效益显著,因此得到了广泛地应用。抛石在软弱地基中下沉,直至其重力与地基承载力平衡为止。挤淤所形成截面的形状及抛石下沉深度的计算是此项研究的重点,基于抛石截面为倒梯形和矩形两种形状的假定,考虑淤泥表面隆起对承载力的影响,利用土体极限平衡理论,推导出抛石挤淤深度与抛石高度的关系。通过抛石挤淤的模型试验和现场挤淤的数据,分析比较两种假定下挤淤公式的准确性和适用性,试验结果与公式吻合性很好,该研究结果可为相关工程的设计和施工提供参考。  相似文献   

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