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The paper presents results from a laboratory investigation into the dynamic properties of natural intact and model organic soils by means of resonant-column tests. The natural intact organic soils were sands, cohesive soils and peats with varying content of calcium carbonate. The model organic soils were formed in laboratory by mixing kaolinite and paper pulp. The influence of various soil parameters, such as strain level, confining stress, void ratio, plasticity index, organic content and secondary consolidation time on shear modulus, G, and damping ratio, DT, is presented and discussed. The test results on natural organic soils show that only high organic contents (OC ≥ 25%) have significant influence on G and DT at both small and high shear strains. For the model organic soils, however, a significant influence of even lower values of organic content (5% ≤ OC ≤ 20%) on G at small strains and DT at both small and high strains is observed.  相似文献   

The effect of aspect ratio on the mechanical behaviour and micromechanics of two different assemblies during drained triaxial shearing are reported in this paper. Discrete element simulations are done on two different sets of assemblies—first assembly consists of particles with aspect ratio 1.0 and second assembly consists of particles with aspect ratio 1.5. A log normal distribution of particle size is adopted for both the samples. The constitutive behaviour of the assemblies and the evolution of the microstructure of the samples under shearing are closely examined and is related to the aspect ratio of the particles constituting the assembly. The spherical harmonic distributions of contact forces and contact normals along with 3-D histograms are plotted to give quantitative information of the variation of these parameters as the loading progresses. The results indicate that as the aspect ratio increases, there is an increase in the maximum deviatoric stress at the macroscopic level. At the microscopic level, the values of the anisotropic coefficients which are representative of the microparameters also show an increase in the magnitude for the assembly with higher aspect ratio particles.  相似文献   

This study examines the small-strain dynamic properties of mixtures composed of sandy and gravelly soils with granulated tire rubber in terms of shear modulus (GO), and damping ratio in shear (Dmin). Torsional resonant column tests are performed on dry, dense specimens of soil-rubber mixtures in a range of soil to rubber particles size 5:1–1:10 and rubber content from 0 to 35% by mixture weight. The experimental results indicate that the response of the mixtures is significantly affected by the content of rubber and the relative size of rubber to soil particles. Concering the small-strain shear modulus, an equivalent void ratio is introduced that considers the volume of rubber particles as part of the total volume of voids. Based on a comprehensive set of test results a series of equations were developed that can be used to evaluate the shear modulus and damping ratio at small shear strain levels if the confining pressure, the content of rubber by mixture weight, the grain size of soil and rubber particles, and the dynamic and physical properties of the intact soil are known.  相似文献   

确定土体动剪切模量的常用方法有规范法、Kumar法和自相关函数法,确定相应阻尼比的方法有规范法、Das and Luo法、Kokusho法、Kumar法和互相关函数法,为了分析不同方法所产生差异,实现定量化对比分析,笔者以福建标准砂(粒径为0.5~1.0 mm)为研究对象,采用不排水的应力控制动三轴试验,探讨不同的确定土体动剪切模量和阻尼比方法的差异性,并给出了不同土体条件建议选用的方法。结果表明:1)3种方法确定动剪切模量的结果有一定的差异,随剪应变的增大结果的差异逐渐增大,有效围压对结果的差异性有所影响,当剪应变为4×10-3,有效围压为100 kPa时,3种方法差异显著,相对误差最大接近20%;2)而5种方法确定阻尼比的结果差异显著,随着剪应变的增大,5种方法确定的阻尼比相对误差大体上均在迅速减小,只有规范法在有效围压为100 kPa时,其相对误差有较小的增大趋势;5种方法中,Kumar法确定的阻尼比最接近平均阻尼比,互相关函数法远高于平均阻尼比,Das and Luo法和Kokusho法确定的阻尼比基本一致但低于平均阻尼比。建议以后的工程应用中,加载方式为应力控制时,可采用自相关函数法确定动剪切模量,采用Kumar法确定阻尼比,二者确定的动剪切模量和阻尼比均最接近平均值。  相似文献   

Rock reinforcement is widely used in tunnels and surface and underground mines. A large number of proprietary products are available in various configurations of components. While the mechanical properties of the primary element are available from product brochures, the associated component properties may vary widely and adversely influence the overall performance of the system. Field pull out tests are most commonly used to measure the system response in the toe anchor region. However, the response of the collar region is less commonly considered but may be more important. Several case studies are described in which various components and systems of rock bolts and cable bolts have been subjected to static loading in the laboratory and in the field. The results generally demonstrate the importance of considering the properties of all the components and not simply those of the primary element. In some cases, the internal fixtures have strengths much less than the elements. Often it has also been found that the fixture at the collar has significantly less strength than the element and this will result in complete loss of function in restraining surface support hardware, such as plates, mesh and reinforced shotcrete.  相似文献   

The Xingtai piedmont plain in Hebei Province is a representative area in northern China where endemic fluorosis is serious and shallow high-F ground water is distributed. In this paper, the area is selected as a typical study area, and on the basis of large amounts of field work and the experiments, through groundwater geochemical modelling and by applying the theory and method of the coupled model of hydrodynamic transport and chemical reactions in a multicomponent system, the author performed numerical modelling of the geochemical behaviour of fluoride in a shallow groundwater system, quantitatively studied the hydrodynamic transport and chemical reaction of fluorine migration, transformation and concentration in a water-heterogeneous unsaturated soil system under the conditions of meteoric water infiltration and quantitatively determined the speciation of fluorine and the saturation state and dissolution/precipitation trend of various solid precipitates in shallow high-F groundwater, thus deepening t  相似文献   

In this paper, an attempt has been made to highlight the influence of different parameters such as number of cycles, confining pressure, void ratio, gradation, initial anisotropy and stress path on the dynamic properties of granular materials using Discrete Element Method (DEM). A series of strain controlled cyclic triaxial numerical simulations using three dimensional DEM have been carried out on an assembly of spheres. Dynamic properties such shear modulus (G) and damping ratio (D) were determined from the typical hysteresis loop obtained during cyclic triaxial test simulation. It has been observed from the test results that the numerical simulation using DEM has captured the variation of dynamic properties over a wide range of shear strain values for different parameters considered for the current investigation. Maximum shear modulus (G max) was found to be influenced by initial confining pressure, void ratio, gradation and initial anisotropy. Whereas, the damping ratio (D) was found to be influenced by number of cycles, initial confining pressure, gradation and stress path. Further it has been shown that the variation of shear modulus with shear strain can be divided into three distinct zones such as Isotropic Zone (IZ), Anisotropic Zone (AZ) and Stable Anisotropic Zone (SAZ). A drastic reduction of shear modulus with shear strain has been observed in the Anisotropic Zone (AZ). In addition, the results obtained using numerical simulations have been compared with the laboratory experimental values.  相似文献   

为解决水泥土深层搅拌法在工程施工中不能满足设计要求这一实际问题,提出大水灰比深搅桩概念。将大水灰比深搅桩用于地基处理,对其进行研究,获得大水灰比下,深搅桩能够按正常进度达到设计要求的深度,并形成稳定的承载力和沉降量的工艺控制规程,为浦东机场深搅桩施工提供施工技术保障。  相似文献   

岩石破裂行为的实验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
岩样的破裂行为、破坏过程和参数测试是裂隙断裂构造研究的基础和依据。实验岩石样品采自四川东部和新疆北部地区,为测试准确起见,对岩样进行了应力等值线的有限元法计算。通过单轴和三轴实验的岩样破坏观察和应力应变曲线对比,将岩石的破裂行为、应力应变划分为四个阶段,即裂隙压密阶段、弹性变形阶段、微观劈裂阶段和宏观破裂阶段。基于单轴抗压实验岩石劈裂—破裂—碎裂发展过程的微观分析,可以看出宏观破裂主要是沿岩样原有的隐裂隙、临界裂隙发育的,许多新裂隙则主要是在宏观破裂阶段产生的。  相似文献   

阻尼对应力波传播的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于一维应力波理论,本文讨论了材料粘性(内阻尼)及作用于杆侧表面外阻尼对应力波传播的影响,应力波在外阻尼作用下,向上传播-应力波,该应力波在端面质点速度方向与入射波质点速度相反,而内阻尼则使材料具有松弛、蠕变行为,作用力终止后,端面质点速度缓慢地回复到零。无论是内阻尼还是外阻尼。受其影响,应力波在向下传播过程中,能量有一定程度的耗损  相似文献   

分流比对烃类单分子氢同位素分析的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在单体烃的氢同位素系统测定中,以甲烷为样品,选择不同的分流比(0.1、0.5、1.0、2.0、5.0、10.0),采用气相色谱-高温热转换-同位素比率质谱对相应的氢同位素比值进行研究。结果表明,不同的分流比对峰形、出峰面积及单体烃的氢同位素值有不同程度的影响,总体上随着分流比的增大,峰宽及峰面积呈现指数方式递减;特别是当分流比较小(小于1)时,导致氢同位素值测定结果的不确定度增大;分流比较大时,氢同位素值趋于稳定。文章对造成这种现象的原因进行了分析,认为在单体烃的氢同位素的分析中,选择较大的分流比不会导致明显的同位素分馏,从而对样品分析更为有利。  相似文献   

桩材料阻尼对动测曲线的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王奎华 《岩土力学》1998,19(4):57-62
基于严格的数学模型,从桩材料的阻尼对法桩动测曲线的影响进行研究发现,桩材料阻尼对测试曲线有着不同于拉侧土阻尼的影响,尤其是对瞬态反射波法测试曲线的桩尖反射形状及到达时间影响比较明显。  相似文献   

燃烧形成的黑碳粒子进入大气中可影响辐射平衡,导致全球气候变暖,其沉降在河流、湖泊、海洋、土壤等环境中对全球生物地球化学循环起到重要的作用,成为当前国际地球科学研究的热点问题。综述了黑碳的定义及排放、沉降、降解过程,并总结了其在现在及过去环境和气候系统中的重要作用与研究意义。黑碳是全球惰性有机碳库的重要组成部分,在全球慢速碳循环中发挥潜在作用。因其具有很强的吸光特性,它在区域气候变暖过程中扮演重要角色。沉降在不同地质载体中的黑碳难以降解,可以保存几百万年,为地质历史时期古气候和古环境重建研究提供重要信息。海洋沉积物过去数百万年的黑碳记录指示了天然火的演化信息,晚第四纪黄土剖面黑碳也指示了天然火的变化信息,最近千年的湖泊和冰芯黑碳记录既反映了天然火的信息,也指示人类活动的信号。未来黑碳研究应进一步关注标准测量方法,以真正理解黑碳在全球气候与环境系统中的作用。  相似文献   

走滑断裂、"挤压性盆-山构造"与油气资源关系的探讨   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
了解含油气盆地的形成及其演化的影响因素对于含油气盆地的勘探和开发是至关重要的.以美国西部的圣安德烈斯断裂带及伴生的南加州油气盆地作为参考,对中国青藏高原北部与阿尔金走滑断裂系相关的盆-山构造进行了剖析.探讨阿尔金走滑断裂系在其演化过程中,怎样控制区域应力场、变形构造及盆地的形成,进而制约油气的迁移和圈闭.分析结果表明与圣安德烈斯断裂带在美国南加州的盆-山构造体系所起的作用相比较,阿尔金走滑断裂系在青藏高原北部的盆-山构造体系的形成和演化中起相似的作用.青藏高原相对于塔里木盆地的斜向运动导致在阿尔金走滑断裂的东南形成走滑-挤压构造域.形成一系列的走滑和推覆构造,在地形上表现为包括柴达木盆地在内的有序的盆-山相间的构造体系,与南加州富含油气的盆地相似,阿尔金走滑断裂及相配套的走滑-逆冲推覆构造促使在这些盆地中形成富集油气的构造。  相似文献   

钼—AAAQ体系吸附波的极谱法研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
阮传民  徐其亨 《岩矿测试》1991,10(2):111-114
在pH4.1-4.5的HAc-NaAc底液中,Mo(Ⅵ)与5-(4-安替比林偶氮)-8-氨基喹啉(AAAQ)形成1:1的离子缔合物。该缔合物吸附于滴汞电极上于-1.32V(υs.SCE)处产生一灵敏的极谱峰,峰电流与Mo(Ⅵ)浓度在8 ×10~(-4)-8×10~(-2)μg/ml范围内呈线性关系。研究了极谱波性质、缔合物的结构及电极反应过程和机理。应用本法测定了铜钼矿中Mo。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the effective utilization of pond ash, as foundation medium. A series of laboratory model tests have been carried out using square, rectangular and strip footings on pond ash. The effects of dry density, degree of saturation of pond ash, size and shape of footing on ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations are presented in this paper. Local shear failure of a square footing on pond ash at 37% moisture content (optimum moisture content) is observed up to the values of dry density 11.20 kN/m3 and general shear failure takes place at the values of dry density 11.48 kN/m3 and 11.70 kN/m3. Effects of degree of saturation on ultimate bearing capacity were studied. Experimental results show that degree of saturation significantly affects the ultimate bearing capacity of strip footing. The effect of footing length to width ratio (L/B), on increase in ultimate bearing capacity of pond ash, is insignificant for L/B ≥ 10 in case of rectangular footings. The effects of size of footing on ultimate bearing capacity for all shapes of footings viz., square, rectangular and strip footings are highlighted.  相似文献   

The Effects of Fines on the Behaviour of a Sand Mixture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intergranular void ratio, e s, can be used as an alternative indicator to assess the mechanical properties of composite matrix of coarse and fine grains. In this paper, an intensive laboratory study of saturated coarse rotund sand and fine angular sand mixtures with various mix ratios is investigated by a series of oedometer and direct shear tests. Oedometer tests performed on the mixtures show that fines percentages and stress conditions affect the compression behaviours. Tests indicated that, up to a fraction of fines, which is named as transition fines content (FCt), compression behaviour of the mixture is mainly governed by the sand grains. As the percentage of fines exceeds FCt finer grains govern the compression. Performed direct shear tests revealed that there is a relationship between the FCt and shear strength, which is harmonic with the oedometer test results.  相似文献   

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