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Evidence of asteroid surface features as regolith grains and larger boulders implies resurfacing possibility due to external forces such as gravitational tidal force during close planet encounters. Motion of a meteoroid released from an asteroid in the gravitational fields of the asteroid and the Earth is modeled. We are interested mainly in a distance between the meteoroid and the asteroid as a function of the time. Applications to Itokawa and some close approaching NEAs are presented.  相似文献   

Earlier, it was pointed out that asteroids with diameters close to 200 m that hit the Pacific Ocean once in 104 y create large tsunami waves which could cause serious hazards to the cities and countries lying along the periphery. Here, a more detailed investigation is carried out in relation to tsunami hazards created by earthquakes. It is shown that the energy involved in the asteroid induced tsunami wave is some 300 times greater than large tsunami waves and 100 times greater than the Chile tsunami of 1960, the largest this century. Second, if the impact should take place in the Pacific south of Japan, so that the tsunami wave enters Tokyo Bay, the damage could cost 800 billion dollars, which is 6 times greater than the damage due to the Hanshin (Kōbe-Osaka) earthquake of 1995. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了国内外近地天体探测工作的现状,还介绍了我国正在建造的近地天体探测望远镜的情况。  相似文献   

Solar System Research - A method has been developed for detecting collisional orbits of asteroids in the initial confidence region with a noticeable nonlinearity in the problem of improving their...  相似文献   

A comparative review of analytic theories for the motion of Earth satellites in quasi-circular orbits written in the spherical coordinate frame is presented. The theory of motion is developed for satellites in quasi-circular and quasi-equatorial orbits subjected to geopotential, luni-solar and solar radiation pressure force perturbations. The intermediate orbit is Keplerian and the equations of motion are solved by the Lyapunov–Poincaré small parameter method. Both resonant and non-resonant cases are considered. The results can be useful for the development of a complete theory of weakly eccentric orbits.  相似文献   

The stability of an imaginary planet located in the present main asteroid belt is studied with a 7-body model (Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and the imaginary planet). The fourth-order Hermite algorithm P(EC)3 is used, which has a very small secular energy error for the integration of periodic orbits with a constant time-step. The evolution of orbits is followed up to 108 years. Our numerical results show that the low-order resonances with Jupiter can enhance the stability of the imaginary planet in some cases. The survival probability of the imaginary planet decreases with the planet mass. The upper limit of the imaginary planet's mass that can survive in the main belt is around 1025 kg, i.e., about the Earth's mass.  相似文献   

基于通信卫星的导航系统可以利用比地球静止轨道(Geostationary Earth Orbit,GEO)高约200 km的倾斜高圆轨道(inclined Highly Circular Orbit,iHCO)通信卫星组成导航星座.结合两种轨道高度的倾斜高圆轨道通信卫星,仿真分析了利用倾斜高圆轨道卫星组成的中国区域定位系统(Chinese Area Positioning System,CAPS)的导航性能,并讨论了利用倾斜高圆轨道卫星组成的中国区域定位系统实现中国区域覆盖的最佳星座布局.  相似文献   

汤靖师 《天文学报》2011,52(2):174-175
自从1957年第1颗人造地球卫星Sputnik升空以来,人类进入空间时代已过半个世纪,这50多年中卫星技术日趋成熟.这篇论文根据作者在博士研究生阶段参加的3项课题撰写而成.这3项课题涉及了人造地球卫星轨道理论及应用的几个主要方面,具有一定的代表性,也能够展示目前卫星轨道研究的主要内容、手段以及在应用领域中的重要作用.  相似文献   

李培俊  周济林 《天文学报》2006,47(4):394-401
介绍了N体模拟的Hermite算法,并利用该算法研究了不同质量行星在小行星主带上轨道的演化情况.采用的演化模型是太阳系N体模型(N=7),即把水星、金星、地球的质量加到太阳上,忽略冥王星,同时在小行星主带附近增加一个假想行星,系统演化时间为1亿年.数值模拟显示能够稳定存在于小行星主带上的单个天体的质量上限其量级为10~(25)kg.模拟同时还显示在某些情况下,假想行星与木星之间的低阶共振可以增强系统的稳定性.  相似文献   

We examine 14 plates of the globular cluster M3 (NGC 5272) taken with the 40 cm refractor at the Sheshan station of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory. The plates span over a period of about 77 years. The positions and absolute proper motions of eight stars in the Hipparcos Catalogue and of 49 stars in the Tycho-2 Catalogue are used as the reference frame. The astrometric reduction is made with the central overlapping principle. The absolute proper motions of 534 stars in a region of about 100' × 100' around the cluster are measured. With the new proper motion data the membership probabilities of the stars are determined. The average absolute proper motion obtained for the cluster is -0.06@0.30 mas yr-1 in R.A. and -2.6@0.30 mas yr-1 in Decl. By combining this result with the known distance and radial velocity of the cluster, we also obtained the Galactic orbit of M3 for a chosen three-component Galactic potential.  相似文献   

地球自转速率的潮汐变化可由无量纲参数k/cm)(k和cm分别为壳幔的有效Love数和有效极转动惯量)来表征。对于一个具有弹性地幔、平衡海潮和核幔不耦合的地球k/cm=0.944,且与潮波频率无关。海潮的非平衡扰动使k/cm为复数,且与频率有关。大气对自转速率有效勒夫数的贡献约为Δkat=0.0075。同时地幔滞弹性对勒夫数也产生扰动。利用本文得到的理论公式和最新的潮汐数据计算了地球自转速率的潮汐变化,及其有关地球物理机制的影响。  相似文献   

根据液核地球动力学原理,重新推导了在日月子引潮力作用下的地球自转速率变化的理论公式,由此明确地引入了液核影响因子,它与地球和液核的极转动惯量的变化有关。不同于Yoder.C.F(1981)的理论,本文给出了基于引潮力位Doodson展开的地球自转速率变化、日长变化和世界时变化的理论公式,指出尺度因子的转动惯量应取为地幔的有效极转动惯量,Love数应取地幔的有效Love数的理由。  相似文献   

利用“多云模型”方法,从云南天文台二维多波段太阳光谱仪观测到的Hβ光谱资料中导出1989年8月17日太阳西边缘的一个大的耀斑环系不同时间的视向速度场.为了解释观测速度场的主要特征,本文采用如下假设和近似:环内物质在太阳重力、磁场应力和环内气压梯度力联合作用下由环足沿螺旋磁力线上升运动.应用MHD理论计算了它的理论速度场.通过两者的比较发现,计算出的速度场与第一时段的观测速度场基本相似,这似乎对耀斑物质蒸发模型提供了支持.  相似文献   

We use a 2-dimensional self consistent N-body simulation code in order to investigate the evolution of spiral structure in a disk galaxy caused by one small companion galaxy orbiting in elliptical orbit around the main disk galaxy. In all cases one can see spiral arms forming in the disk of the main galaxy. Our numerical results suggest that there is a connection between the shape of the spiral arms and the eccentricity of the companion's orbit. We also examine the maximum density distribution on the spiral arms and the influence of the companion on the velocity RMS of the stars that form the disk of the main galaxy. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

利用日本“Yohkoh”卫星的资料及北京天文台2840MHz的射电观测资料,对1992年6月7日的太阳爆发事件进行了分析,结果表明,在这次爆发的脉冲相期间存在着大小两种时间尺度的脉动分量,大尺度的脉动周期约为30s,小尺度脉动周期为1-4s。利用硬X射线成像观测结果,发现大尺度的脉动与硬X射线源区的一系列变化相对应。文中给出了一个环-环相互作用的MHD振荡调制物理图像。  相似文献   

The brightness temperature distribution of microwave emission in a solar active region generally shows a ring structure, with a dip at the centre. However, no dip was found in the Nobeyama Radioheliograph left handed circular polarization (LCP) image on 1992 August 18; instead, there was a peak. This is a completely LCP source with zero right-handed circular polarization (RCP). We examine this structure in terms of the joint effect of gyroresonance and bremsstrahlung mechanism with a raised electron density above the central part of the sunspot, and the commonly assumed temperature and vertical dipole magnetic field models. The raised electron density is found to be 1.4 × 1011 cm-3 at the chromosphere base.  相似文献   

We investigate the regular or chaotic nature of star orbits moving in the meridional plane of an axially symmetric galactic model with a disk and a spherical nucleus. We study the influence of some important parameters of the dynamical system, such as the mass and the scale length of the nucleus, the angular momentum or the energy, by computing in each case the percentage of chaotic orbits, as well as the percentages of orbits of the main regular resonant families. Some heuristic arguments to explain and justify the numerically derived outcomes are also given. Furthermore, we present a new method to find the threshold between chaos and regularity for both Lyapunov Characteristic Numbers and SALI, by using them simultaneously.  相似文献   

The origin of the Earth's ocean has been discussed on the basis of deuterium/hydrogen ratios (D/H) of several sources of water in the Solar System. The average D/H of carbonaceous chondrites (CC's) is known to be close to the current D/H of the Earth's ocean, while those of comets and the solar nebula are larger by about a factor of two and smaller by about a factor of seven, respectively, than that of the Earth's ocean. Thus, the main source of the Earth's ocean has been thought to be CC's or adequate mixing of comets and the solar nebula. However, those conclusions are correct only if D/H of water on the Earth has remained unchanged for the past 4.5 Gyr. In this paper, we investigate evolution of D/H in the ocean in the case that the early Earth had a hydrogen-rich atmosphere, the existence of which is predicted by recent theories of planet formation no matter whether the nebula remains or not. Then we show that D/H in the ocean increases by a factor of 2-9, which is caused by the mass fractionation during atmospheric hydrogen loss, followed by deuterium exchange between hydrogen gas and water vapor during ocean formation. This result suggests that the apparent similarity in D/H of water between CC's and the current Earth's ocean does not necessarily support the CC's origin of water and that the apparent discrepancy in D/H is not a good reason for excluding the nebular origin of water.  相似文献   

We deal with the stability problem of planar periodic motions of a satellite about its center of mass. The satellite is regarded a dynamically symmetric rigid body whose center of mass moves in a circular orbit.By using the method of normal forms and KAM theory we study the orbital stability of planar oscillations and rotations of the satellite in detail. In two special cases we investigate the orbital stability analytically by introducing a small parameter. In the general case, numerical calculations of Hamiltonian normal form are necessary.  相似文献   

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