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The loss of added 15N-labelled NH4+ from bottom sediment was studied in situ in a shallow saline Louisiana Gulf Coast lake. 15N-labelled NH4+ was uniformly mixed with sediment at the level of 35 μg N g?1 dry sediment for 24 h before being weighed into polyethylene containers. The 15N-enriched sediment was incubated on the lake bottom for periods up to 337 days. At intervals, triplicate samples were taken and analyzed for inorganic NH4+, organic N, and denitrification rates. Concentrations of NH4+ in the 15NH4+ enriched sediment samples were at levels similar to those measured in vertical intact cores removed from the lake at each sampling date. The initial and final isotopic compositions of NH4+ in the incubated sediments were 44.26 and 0.521 atom % 15N excess, respectively. 15N enrichment in the organic N fraction increased rapidly during the first 15 days of incubation and then increased slowly from 15 to 123 days. Denitrification, estimated by the acetylene blockage technique, ranged from 0.994 to 0.079 ng N g?1 dry sediment per hour. The mean denitrification rate for the 337-day period was 0.28 ng N g?1 h?1. There was no statistical difference in the recovery of 15N between 15 and 337 days of incubation. When the added 15N became incorporated into the organic N pool, little or no further 15N was lost.  相似文献   

The effects of tide and wind upon the distribution and transport of bacteria and diatoms in the aqueous surface microlayers of a Massachusetts and San Francisco Bay salt marsh were examined. The compression of the surface films by both tide and wind resulted in significant enrichments of bacterioneuston. At the San Francisco Bay site, significant numbers of diatoms were transported within the microlayer over a tidal cycle.  相似文献   

Replicate portions of a Delaware salt marsh were enclosed in cylindrical microcosms and exposed to elevated levels of inorganic arsenic (arsenate). All biotic and abiotic components in dosed cylinders rapidly incorporated arsenic. Spartina blades showed the greatest arsenic enrichment, with dosed plants incorporating arsenic concentrations an order of magnitude higher than controls. Spartina detritus and sediments also exhibited greatly elevated arsenic concentrations. Virtually all of the arsenic was incorporated into plant tissue or strongly sorbed to cell surfaces. Thus, elevated arsenic concentrations in estuarine waters will be reflected in living and non-living components of a salt marsh ecosystem, implying that increased arsenic will be available to organisms within the marsh ecosystem.  相似文献   

Pre-weighed packets of Spartina alterniflora and of plastic (polypropylene) twine were placed in a salt marsh pool and recovered on 40 dates spanning 14 months. New packets were placed out regularly to provide a contrast with ageing material. Twelve species of copepods were extracted, counted, and identified. Dry weight and Kjeldahl-nitrogen were determined for Spartina packets.Eight species of copepods, Amphiascus pallidus, Onychocamptus mohammed, Cletocamptus deitersei, Halicyclops sp., Harpacticus chelifer, Mesochra lilljeborgii, Metis jousseaumei and Nitocra sp. were found in higher densities on old grass or plastic packets than on new. The quantity of material was important in that the relative attractiveness of old grass was much lower early in the second year when 7–15% dw and 0·7% nitrogen remained than early in the first year when over 60% dw and 2·0% nitrogen remained. Old plastic polypropylene was equally or more attractive than old grass to 7 of 8 species, therefore, nitrogen decline in old grass was not the factor making it less attractive. Once aged, the quantity of substrate was more important than its quality. Apparently, this is due to colonization by microflora or settlement of detritus but these were not studied. The four clear exceptions to these trends were Darcythompsonia fairliensis and Eurytemora affinis which showed highest densities 72% and 50% of the time in new grass, Apocyclops spartinus with 70% in grass and equal numbers between old and new packets and Acartia tonsa a bay calanoid with 82% of highest densities in the water column and only two occurrences out of 40 dates in the packets.  相似文献   

The number and size of bacteria at four depths (0–1, 5–6, 10–11 and 20–21 cm) in a North Carolina salt marsh were minotored by direct counts for 13 months. The number of bacteria reached a maximum of about 1·4 × 1010 cells cm?3 at the sediment surface in October, corresponding to the period of Spartina alterniflora die-back. Cell numbers were lowest and most consistent throughout the year at the 20 cm depth of sediment. Cell volumes averaged 0·2 μm3 at the marsh surface and decreased with depth. Mean standing crop of bacteria to a depth of 20 cm of sediment was about 14 g bacterial carbon m?2. In surface sediments bacteria contribute up to 15% and algae up to 10% of total living microbial biomass as estimated by adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Bacteria were the major biomass component at sediment depths of 5, 10 and 20 cm. At all depths the microbial community contributes < 4% total organic carbon and < 8% of total nitrogen.  相似文献   

The evolution of an allochthonous salt sheet underlying the Mississippi fan is quantified using the two-dimensional LOCACE balanced section program. A first set of tests shows that the shape of the principal normal fault associated with the salt sheet is inconsistent with a roll-over geometry when using flexural slip or simple 120° linear shear criteria with a fixed footwall geometry. The next test with corrected fault geometry allows coherent restoration at the early Lower Miocene using the flexural slip criterion. In two-dimensional reconstructions, the area of salt cannot be balanced, i.e. the area available for salt is considerably wider than the actual salt area shown on the initial section. Thus either salt was dissolved or, perhaps more likely, salt moved outside the plane of section calling for a three-dimensional volumetric reconstruction procedure. The final interpretation is geometrically consistent and suggests that since early Lower Miocene time a large amount of salt moved out of the plane of section forming the allochthonous salt masses. An attempt to approximately balance salt volumes in three dimensions suggests that the amount of salt escaping the system is at least 18%.  相似文献   

The products of 35S-sulphate reduction by sedimentary bacteria were measured at two sites in a salt marsh on the east coast of England. Non-acid-volatile products were measured, after acid-volatile sulphide was removed, by their reduction to sulphide by digestion with tin. The proportion of the sulphate reduced to tin-reducible products varied between 25% in a salt marsh pan and 61% in creek sediment, over a 0–25 cm depth profile. There were also variations with depth at each site in the proportions of sulphate reduced to tin-reducible products. Further examination revealed differences in the proportions of sulphate which were reduced to free sulphide, acid-volatile sulphide, sulphur or pyrite at the two sites. The data suggest that previous work which did not measure non-acid-volatile products underestimated sulphate reduction rates by three-fold in the creek site, but by only one third in the pan.  相似文献   

Salt marshes are widely studied due to the broad range of ecosystem services they provide including serving as crucial wildlife habitat and as hotspots for biogeochemical cycling. Nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and carbon (C) are well studied in these systems. However, salt marshes may also be important environments for the cycling of another key nutrient, silica (Si). Found at the land–sea interface, these systems are silica replete with large stocks in plant biomass, sediments, and porewater, and therefore, have the potential to play a substantial role in the transformation and export of silica to coastal waters. In an effort to better understand this role, we measured the fluxes of dissolved (DSi) and biogenic (BSi) silica into and out of two tidal creeks in a temperate, North American (Rowley, Massachusetts, USA) salt marsh. One of the creeks has been fertilized from May to September for six years allowing us to examine the impacts of nutrient addition on silica dynamics within the marsh. High-resolution sampling in July 2010 showed no significant differences in Si concentrations between the fertilized and reference creeks with dissolved silica ranging from 0.5 to 108 μM and biogenic from 2.0 to 56 μM. Net fluxes indicated that the marsh is a point source of dissolved silica to the estuary in the summer with a net flux of approximately 169 mol h−1, demonstrating that this system exports DSi on the same magnitude as some nearby, mid-sized rivers. If these findings hold true for all salt marshes, then these already valuable regions are contributing yet another ecosystem service that has been previously overlooked; by exporting DSi to coastal receiving waters, salt marshes are actively providing this important nutrient for coastal primary productivity.  相似文献   

A boundary integral equation method (BIEM) model and three differently formulated finite element method (FEM) models were implemented to explore the spatial and temporal patterns in marsh pore water seepage that each generated. The BIEM model is based on the Laplace equation coupled to a dynamic free-surface condition that assumes that, as the water-table changes, the aquifer instantaneously loses or gains an amount of water equal to the change in head times the specific yield. The FEM models all implement a simplified Richards equation that allows gradual desaturation or resaturation and thus flow in both the saturated and unsaturated zones of the aquifer. Two of the FEM models are based on the governing equation for the USGS model SUTRA and thus take into account fluid and aquifer compressibility. One of these was modified to take into account the effect of tidal loading on the total stress, which is assumed to be constant in the derivation of the original version of SUTRA. The third FEM model assumes that neither the fluid or aquifer matrix is compressible so that changes in storage are due solely to changes in saturation. The unmodified SUTRA model generated instantaneous boundary fluxes that were up to two orders of magnitude greater, and spatially more uniform, than those of the other models. The FEM model without compressibility generated spatial and temporal patterns of the boundary fluxes very similar to those produced by the BIEM model. The SUTRA model with the tidal stress modification gave fluxes similar in magnitude to the BIEM and no compressibility models but with distinctly different distributions in space and time. These results indicate that accurate simulation of seepage from marsh soils is highly sensitive to aquifer compressibility and to proper formulation of the effect of tidal loading on the total stress in the aquifer. They also suggest that accurate simulation may require total stress correction not only for tidal loading but for changes in the water table as well. Finally, to aid the development of methods for the measurement of compressibility, we present a schematic, pore-scale model to illustrate the factors that may govern the compressibility of marsh soils.  相似文献   

Differences in macroinvertebrate community structure and composition were examined from April 1980 to March 1981 in three potholes that had been ditched for mosquito control and three natural (i.e. unditched) potholes, which are located in a San Francisco Bay, California, U.S.A. salt marsh. Measurements of incipient tidal flooding into potholes (i.e. pothole inundation threshold) indicated that these sites comprise a gradient of tidal influences. Exponential decreases in the frequency and duration of tidal inundation corresponded to linear increases in inundation threshold. Since ditched study sites had low thresholds they tended to be more uniformly and regularly influenced by tides, were less saline, had less variable temperature regimens, and supported less filamentous algae than natural potholes. Habitat conditions were generally more similar among ditched than unditched potholes, but environmental conditions were most severe at natural sites near the upper limit of the inundation threshold gradient, where some potholes desiccate during the dry season each year.Differences in macroinvertebrate communities corresponded to differences in habitat conditions. Species richness and diversity (Simpson's Index) were generally highest near the middle of the inundation threshold gradient, which is a pattern predicted by the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis. Analysis of faunal composition using discriminant functions indicated more similarity among potholes located at the lowest positions of the inundation gradient than among potholes with intermediate thresholds. Since ditching lowers the inundation thresholds of potholes, it reduces species richness and diversity, while increasing faunal similarity. As a result, extensive ditching to control salt marsh mosquitoes can reduce the overall complexity of lentic macroinvertebrate communities.  相似文献   

An unditched salt marsh-creek drainage basin (Holland Glade Marsh, Lewes, Delaware) has a sedimentation rate of 0·5 cm year?1. During normal, storm-free conditions, the creek carries negligible amounts of sand and coarse silt. Of the material in the waters flooding the marsh surface, over 80% disappears from the floodwaters within 12 m of the creek. About one-half of the lost material is theoretically too fine to settle, even if flow were not turbulent; however, sediment found on Spartina stems can account for the loss.The quantity of suspended sediment that does reach the back marsh during these normal tides is inadequate to maintain the marsh surface against local sea level rise. This suspended sediment is also much finer than the deposited sediments. Additionally, remote sections of low marsh, sections flooded by only the highest spring tides, have 15–30 cm of highly inorganic marsh muds.This evidence indicates that normal tidal flooding does not produce sedimentation in Holland Glade. Study of the effects of two severe storms, of a frequency of once per year, suggests that such storms can deposit sufficient sediment to maintain the marsh.The actual deposition of fine-grained sediments (fine silt and clay) appears to result primarily from biological trapping rather than from settling. In addition, this study proposes that the total sedimentation on mature marshes results from a balance between tidal and storm sedimentation. Storms will control sediment supply and movement on micro- and meso-tidal marshes, and will have less influence on macro-tidal marshes.  相似文献   

A 22-month study was conducted to determine the exchange of nitrogen and phosphorus between a mesohaline vegetated marsh in the Carter's Creek area of Virginia and the surrounding estuary, focusing on the role of the vegetated marsh surface in the processing of these constituents. On an annual basis there was a removal of NH4+, PO43?, NO3?, dissolved organic nitrogen, dissolved organic phosphorus, particulate nitrogen and particulate phosphorus from the tidal water as it resided on the vegetated marsh. Only nitrite was transported from the marsh to the estuary. Most of the nitrogen and phosphorus species showed distinct seasonal trends with respect to the direction of transport except nitrate and orthophosphate. The ammonium flux data indicates that this nutrient was removed from the inundating water during late spring and fall, with a slight release of this constituent into the tidal water during the late summer. The transport of nitrite was from the estuary to the marsh for most of the year except during the fall. The large release of this nutrient into the tidal water at this time is associated with the senescence of the marsh vegetation. There was a large removal of DON from the tidal water during the fall, while the flux of DOP was from the estuary to the marsh for most of the year except during the summer. The largest removal of particulate nitrogen and phosphorus from the tidal water occurred during the summer months when the turbidity of the tidal water was highest, especially when wave scouring of the mudflats brings material into the water column. A loss of particulate nitrogen from the marsh to the estuary was evident during the fall and winter.  相似文献   

The mixing behaviour of iron, manganese, phosphate and humic acid in a Delaware salt marsh creek was studied using field data, laboratory mixing experiments, and geochemical mass balance equations. Property-salinity diagrams for field data indicated that the removal of iron is 56–70% in the 0–10‰ salinity range. A proposed mechanism of removal is the flocculation of colloidal iron, perhaps with humic acid. Phosphate, however, undergoes 195% addition in the same low salinity region, which may be due to release of phosphate from resuspended sediments. Dissolved manganese is conserved, as is humic acid throughout the salt marsh mixing zone. Within the uncertainty of the data the maximum possible removal of humic acid is 23%.Laboratory mixing experiments that simulated salt marsh mixing along the same salinity gradient as observed in the field (5–25‰) showed only small-scale additions and removals compared to the field results. Such small-scale changes occurred largely at salinities >10‰ in the laboratory experiments, whereas most removals and additions occurred at salinities <10‰ in the field. Mixing studies also showed little difference between prefiltered and unfiltered mixes. The studies suggest that simple mixing of salt marsh waters, with or without suspended material, does not strongly influence the observed behaviour of dissolved constituents in salt marshes, and that other processes (e.g. sediment or intertidal exchange) must dominate their behaviour.  相似文献   

Particle-size distributions have been measured for paired samples from the surface microlayer and bulk suspension in a South San Francisco Bay salt marsh. Comparison of size distributions reveals no consistent differences in surface microlayer and bulk particle populations; however, particle numbers were, at times, considerably enriched at the marsh microlayer. An empirical power curve was found to fit the particle-size distributions. The fitted exponents of particle size distributions indicate a slightly greater fraction of particle volume and a substantially greater fraction of particle surface area reside in small (colloidal) particle-size ranges.  相似文献   

The number of bacteria in sediments, interstitial water and overlying tidal water of an oligohaline marsh system are about 109, 106 and 106 cells cm?3, respectively. Average cell size in the overlying water (about 0·06 μm3), is much smaller than that in sediments and interstitial water (about 0·18 μm3). Most bacterial cells in sediments are bound to sediment particles and less than 1% of the cells were displaced by percolating water through sediment columns. Concentration of bacteria in flooding tidal waters is generally higher than that in ebbing waters. Movement of bacterial biomass does not appear to be a significant mechanism of particulate organic transport in marsh sediments and marsh sediments do not appear to be a source of suspended bacteria for estuaries.  相似文献   

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