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In the past, no single standardised method for sampling and sorting benthic macroinvertebrates has been implemented in Germany. Therefore, we tested the suitability of two common sorting protocols, RIVPACS and AQEM/STAR, by taking samples with each protocol at 44 sampling sites. Our results reveal that different methods deliver slightly different assessment results. Moreover these two methods differ in costs. Although the AQEM/STAR protocol takes longer than the RIVPACS protocol, we favoured the AQEM/STAR protocol because of its higher level of standardisation. In order to limit costs to an acceptable level, a modification of the AQEM/STAR protocol (MAS method) is developed. This method is highly standardised, gives stable assessment results and is relatively inexpensive (€ 224.00 for processing of an average sample). A detailed protocol of the newly developed method is given.  相似文献   

In the STAR/AQEM protocol microhabitats covering less than 5% of the sampling area were neglected. Driven by an ongoing discussion on the importance of these underrepresented microhabitats we tested the influence of sampling them. We investigated 48 streams representing 14 different stream types from all over Germany. Macroinvertebrates of underrepresented microhabitats were sampled in addition to the STAR/AQEM protocol. To ensure the method remains feasible in routine monitoring programmes the total sampling and sorting effort of additional sampling was limited to 20 min. Particularly those taxa were picked, which were not recognised during the routine STAR/AQEM sorting.To identify the effect of additional sampling on stream assessment results, we calculated the stream type-specific Multimetric Index (MMI) with the “main” and the “main+additional” data for each sample. The mean and median difference in MMI values between “main” and “main+additional” samples was 0.02 and 0.01, respectively. In seven of 48 samples (14.6%) a different ecological quality class was calculated with the “main+additional” dataset. Regarding common metrics within the MMI as well as intercalibration metrics differences between “main” and “main+additional” samples were analysed. The values differed most in richness metrics (e.g., number of EPTCBO Taxa, number of Trichoptera Taxa). The results of the present study show that additional sampling of underrepresented microhabitats could alter multimetric assessment results.  相似文献   

利用2003年西苕溪TM数据和DEM模型计算了55个样点上游3种空间尺度下(亚流域、河岸带和局部)的土地利用类型,通过冗余分析筛选出能够在显著水平上最大程度解释西苕溪流域底栖动物分布的最小变量组合——氨氮、荫蔽度、电导率、亚流域农田百分比以及栖境复杂度.方差分解结果表明氨氮是研究区域影响底栖动物分布的最重要环境变量,亚流域尺度农田百分比也是一个重要影响变量.在50%-100%适合度范围内最终筛选得到短脉纹石蛾Cheumato-psyche sp.1和Cheumatopsyche sp.2作为关键环境变量指示种.在一定范围内短脉纹石蛾的数量随着水体氨氮浓度和亚流域尺度农田百分比的上升而增加.短脉纹石蛾分布广泛、采集容易、具备一定的耐污能力和主动漂流能力、幼虫个体较大且在水中的生活史较长以及具有一定的生态可塑性等优点决定了短脉纹石蛾可以作为西苕溪流域的受干扰水体氨氮和亚流域尺度农田百分比的指示种.  相似文献   

Based on benthic macroinvertebrate samples from 57 sites of streams in the European Central Highlands (Ecoregion 9; Illies (1978). Limnofauna Europaea, Stuttgart), the composition and the abundance of Simuliid species were analysed in relation to hydromorphological and land use parameters. Sampling sites were located at two stream types differing in catchment geology, stream morphology and channel width. Land use data were taken from the official German information system for cartography and topography (ATKIS) and the German River Habitat Survey. Land use categories suitable to describe the sampling sites were ‘agricultural land’, ‘urban’ and near-natural areas. Hydromorphological parameters of the sites were recorded using the AQEM site protocol (AQEM Consortium (2002). Manual for the application of the AQEM system. A comprehensive method to assess European streams using benthic macroinvertebrates, developed for the purpose of the Water Framework Directive. EVK1-CT1999-00027, Version 1.0. Available via the Internet from www.aqem.de). Relevant parameters controlling Simuliid distribution in streams were the mineral substrates and the biotic microhabitats. Blackfly larvae and pupae were sampled at each site for 15 min. Statistical analysis was performed by CANOCO® (Ter Braak & Smilauer (1997). CANOCO Version 4.5. Biometrics Plant Research International, Wageningen, The Netherlands) using redundancy analysis (RDA).

Our results show a stream type-specific composition of the Blackfly fauna. The analyses reveal sensitivity of the Simuliid species to morphological degradation, which is indicated by the shift in the longitudinal zonation of the Simuliid communities. Especially, Prosimulium hirtipes (Fries, 1824) and Simulium argyreatum Meigen, 1838 are typical representatives of headwater streams. While they seem to indicate undisturbed conditions of this stream type and react sensitively to the degradation of stream habitats, Simulium ornatum Meigen, 1818 and Simulium equinum (Linnaeus, 1758) are more tolerant to stream degradation.

On catchment scale, ‘% natural forest’ and ‘% agricultural land use’ illustrate the degree of degradation of the two selected stream types. ‘Average stream depth’ and ‘relation riffles/pools’ account for hydromorphological degradation reflected by Simuliid species on the smaller reach scale. The analysis of habitat quality revealed that ‘% woody debris’ represents an important parameter of morphological degradation reflected by the Blackfly community.  相似文献   

We have used two different sampling techniques to study the geochemical response of a small lowland rural catchment to episodic storm runoff. The first method involves traditional daily spot sampling and has been used to develop a standard end‐member mixing analysis (EMMA) of the relative contributions of ground water flow and surface runoff to the total stream flow. The second method utilizes a continuous sampling device, powered by an osmotic pump, to produce an integrated 24‐h sample of the stream flow. When combined with the EMMA results from the spot samples, analyses of the integrated samples reveal the presence of a third component that makes a significant contribution to the dissolved NO3, Ca and K export from the catchment during the rising limb of the hydrographic profile of a storm event following a prolonged dry period. The storm occurred in the middle of the night, so that the response of the stream chemistry was not captured by the daily samples. We hypothesize that this third component is derived from the flushing of stored soil water that contains the geochemical signature of decaying vegetation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Colloidal materials and macromolecules that are less than 0.45 mircons in diameter can act to transport both hydrophobic and hydrophilic contaminations in subsurface waters. An automated hollow-fibre ultrafiltration apparatus is described and evaluated regarding its ability to physically size and isolate colloidal materials from natural waters. Sufficient size-fractionated colloidal samples can be obtained from 60 litre samples to perform inorganic, organic, and radionuclide characterizations, as well as allow the binding capacities of humic and fulvic materials to be evaluated. Samples processed in the field with the automated system were compared with laboratory analyses using single cartridge hollow-fibre ultrafilters and found to agree well with each other. Typical sample reproducibilities were with 15 per cent. The results indicate that field collection of colloidal materials is feasible with minimal sample perturbation using the automated sampler.  相似文献   

This study explores the pathways of salt and water movement from the landscape to the stream across major landforms, in dryland areas of south eastern Australia. It was conducted at the Livingstone Creek catchment (43 km2) a sub catchment of the Kyeamba catchment, NSW, Australia. An extensive stream salinity field monitoring network between major landforms was developed and data capture occurred from 2002 to 2004. Additional measurements of surface water isotopes were also taken to independently assess responses observed from the detailed monitoring network and assist in determining the sources of water. Flow and salt mass balances were calculated across four gauging stations for each event. The stream monitoring found patterns of salt delivery to streams were consistent during four monitored stream events. In the hill slope and colluvial fill, lower sloped, meta-sediment landforms, stream salinity responses showed the classical salinity response to an event: an initial increase of salinity at the beginning of an event (due to first flush) which then diminished as a consequence of dilution. The main difference between these landforms was that the colluvial fill lower sloped meta-sediments had sodic, low permeability soils near the stream edge. This lead to (1) less variation in stream salinities during event conditions and (2) during low base flow increases in stream salinity occurred as concentrated salts from the stream banks dissolved. For the flatter, alluvial landforms, the salinity response showed quite a different and contrasting temporal pattern: salinity continued to increase and vary directly with flow during events. For all the landforms, base flow salinity increases as flow diminished after a event although salinity responses were more lagged in the alluvial landform. This different salinity pattern in the alluvial landform is attributed to (1) for event flow, the increased contributions of more saline subsurface lateral flow of soil water from the alluvial landform compared to very fresh direct surface runoff sourced from hillslope landforms upstream and (2) for base flow, seepage of near stream alluvial groundwater through the stream banks that was less saline then the base flow water sourced upstream from the hillslope landforms. The stream water isotope values confirm the above findings by showing that, in the alluvial landforms soil water contributions are important during events and that direct surface runoff with little interaction of soil water occurs from the hill slope landforms during events. Conceptual models describing salt and water movement through the different landforms and under different antecedent catchment wetness conditions are presented. These conceptual models develop our understanding of water and solute (salt) pathways through the landscape to the stream. To date, this is one of the few experimental studies in Australia connecting landscape and stream salinisation.  相似文献   

As a contribution to the long-term emergence studies carried out as part of the “Breitenbach ecosystem project”, this paper presents the results obtained on emergence patterns and population dynamics of blackflies from 1984 to 1988. The Breitenbach is a small first order stream near Schlitz/Hesse, running into the Fulda river. Adult blackflies were caught in 4 greenhouse emergence traps, each spanning the whole width of the stream for a length of 6 m. A manual and then a partly automated method for collecting trapped insects was applied for three years and one year, respectively. Sixteen blackfly-species of different origin were found in the traps: a) autochthonous species: Prosimulium tomosvaryi, Simulium vernum s.l., S. cryophilum s.l., S. ornatum s.l. (common); S. costatum, S. trifasciatum, S. monticola, S. argyreatum (rare); b) species of doubtful origin: S. lundstromi, S. angustitarse, S. angustipes, S. aureum (very rare); c) allochthonous species: S. lineatum, S. equinum, S. erythrocephalum, S. noelleri. It was shown that the last 4 species had not emerged from the Breitenbach but had flown into the traps as adults. In addition, females of autochthonous species with blood or with mature eggs were trapped, which were also considered to have flown in. Besides revealing a limitation of the trap construction, they supported the detailed interpretation of some intricated patterns of appearance. Variations in emergence patterns and specimen numbers between years and traps were pronounced, but only in a few cases could they be attributed to changes in abiotic factors such as water temperature or discharge. P. tomosvaryi had the most simple and regular life cycle, with one well synchronised emergence peak annually from April to May (or even to June). No gradient of specimen numbers along the stream was evident. The two closely related species S. vernum and S. cryophilum had quite similar emergence patterns: There were two broad peaks per year, extending mainly from March to June and from July to October or November. In some cases the number and separation of consecutive generations was not clear. The abundance of both species clearly decreased downstream, more so for S. cryophilum than for S. vernum. In a trap closest to a tributary spring, S. cryophilum was the dominant species during three of the four years examined. The adults of S. ornatum displayed an intricate pattern of appearance, with very low specimen numbers in spring and medium to very high numbers in July/August and September/October. S. ornatum is the only blackfly species that inhabits both the Breitenbach and the adjacent section of the Fulda river. It was shown that females emerging from the Fulda river regularly invade the Breitenbach valley in greatly varying numbers and oviposit there. This leads to overlapping larval cohorts with corresponding emergence peaks. Although S. ornatum was the most abundant species in one year in the lower traps (60 to 80% of all individuals), it remains uncertain whether it is a long-term, permanent member of the autochthonous blackfly fauna of the Breitenbach. Estimates of total numbers of flown-in adults, actual emergence, dry weight biomass, the ecological separation of the species and their life cycle strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

以2011年8月20日采集的太湖梅梁湾的夏季蓝藻水华为研究对象,通过12个样点平行样的藻蓝蛋白实验提取,基于光谱吸收特征和浓度值,对反复冻融法、超声波法、溶胀法、丙酮法的提取效果进行比较评价.结果表明:4种方法获取的藻蓝蛋白提取液在620 nm附近出现吸收峰,其中,反复冻融法的峰高最强,超声波法最弱,说明反复冻融法的提取效果优于其他方法;反复冻融法、超声波法、溶胀法获取的部分蓝蛋白提取液在670 nm附近具有次吸收峰,与藻蓝蛋白标样的吸收曲线存在差异;反复冻融法、超声波法提取的藻蓝蛋白浓度值变异系数小于0.6,表明这两种方法较其他方法稳定;反复冻融法提取的藻蓝蛋白浓度值高于其他3种方法,可推荐作为太湖蓝藻水样中藻蓝蛋白的提取方法.  相似文献   

“Southern Resident” killer whales include three “pods” (J, K and L) that reside primarily in Puget Sound/Georgia Basin during the spring, summer and fall. This population was listed as “endangered” in the US and Canada following a 20% decline between 1996 and 2001. The current study, using blubber/epidermis biopsy samples, contributes contemporary information about potential factors (i.e., levels of pollutants or changes in diet) that could adversely affect Southern Residents. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes indicated J- and L-pod consumed prey from similar trophic levels in 2004/2006 and also showed no evidence for a large shift in the trophic level of prey consumed by L-pod between 1996 and 2004/2006. ∑PCBs decreased for Southern Residents biopsied in 2004/2006 compared to 1993–1995. Surprisingly, however, a three-year-old male whale (J39) had the highest concentrations of ∑PBDEs, ∑HCHs and HCB. POP ratio differences between J- and L-pod suggested that they occupy different ranges in winter.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of site effects in the urban area of Tecoman in Colima, Mexico. A variety of instruments (both accelerometers and seismometers) were used to record earthquakes and ambient vibration throughout the city. Earthquake records were analysed using several techniques to estimate site effects: spectral ratios relative to a reference station, spectral ratios of the horizontal components relative to the vertical recorded at the same site, and a parametric inversion of Fourier spectra. Ambient noise records were used to estimate a local transfer function using horizontal to vertical spectral ratios. The results show that local amplification at Tecoman is significant. Dominant frequency varies between 0.5 and 0.7 Hz, suggesting a large thickness of the soft sedimentary deposits. We did not observe systematic variations throughout the city. Our more reliable estimates indicate that maximum amplification is comprised between a factor 6 and 8. Comparisons among different sensors and recorders show that all combinations between velocimeters, accelerometers, and recorders provide reliable results provided that the electronic noise is smaller than the noise being recorded. This is notably not the case for accelerometers at quiet sites and for frequencies smaller than 2 Hz. This explains why previous studies disagree as to the usefulness of accelerometers to record ambient noise for site effect studies. This factor is, however, a function of noise amplitude at each site.  相似文献   

了解城市内湖水中胶体的环境行为对研究湖泊水环境中污染物的迁移转化意义重大.微生物降解及自团聚过程是湖泊水体中胶体转化的重要途径,然而目前有关不同粒径胶体在微生物降解及自团聚作用下荧光特性变化的报道还非常少.基于此,本文选取南昌市内最大的湖泊(瑶湖)及其支流水体,通过切向超滤技术、三维荧光光谱法及平行因子分析法(PARAFAC),分析了在灭菌及微生物存在下两种水样含不同粒径胶体的水体(即W原水、W1μm、W0.45μm和W1 kDa)中荧光特性的变化情况.通过PARAFAC模型共解析出3个类腐殖质组分(C1~C3)和1个类蛋白质组分(C4).初始时刻所有水样均以类腐殖质组分含量更高,且大都集中在1 kDa~0.45μm粒径胶体中.两种水样荧光物质的减少为微生物降解及自团聚作用共同主导,自团聚作用约占50%.相较于小粒径(W1 kDa)胶体,微生物降解对大(W原水)、中(W1μm)粒径胶体中荧光物质减少的影响更大.此外,类蛋白物质主要以微...  相似文献   

The present paper is a summary of studies conducted at the Center for Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime University, on temporal trends of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in coastal waters of Japan and South China. Archived marine mammal fat tissues and dated sediment cores were used to evaluate temporal trends of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in relation to their usage in the region. The results indicate that environmental concentrations of these BFRs in Japan and South China increased significantly during the last several decades. Temporal trends in the contaminant concentrations were consistent with historical consumption of the corresponding BFRs. PBDE levels in marine mammals and sediments from Japan, after showing peak concentrations in the 1990s, appear to be leveling off in recent years, in accordance with the discontinued usage of Tetra- and Octa-BDEs in Japan from the 1990s. The change in concentration levels was also accompanied by changes in PBDE congener profiles, i.e. shift towards increased proportion of higher brominated BDEs. Furthermore, in recent years HBCD concentrations in marine mammals from Japan appear to exceed those of PBDEs, presumably reflecting increasing usage of HBCDs over PBDEs. In finless porpoises from the South China Sea, PBDE levels were much higher than HBCD concentrations both in the past and recent years, implying consumption of HBCDs was not as high as that of PBDEs in China. In dated sediment cores from Tokyo Bay, concentrations increased exponentially with doubling times of 4.6–7.9 years, 6.1–12 years and 7.1–12 years for BDE-209, ΣPBDEs and HBCDs, respectively.  相似文献   

Diatoms from the genus Achnanthidium are abundant in rivers, streams, and springs of the Appalachian Mountains. They inhabit clean and polluted waters, including those affected by acid mine drainage. The identification of Achnanthidium taxa is difficult due to their small cell size and insufficient information in the diatom floras. We studied the taxonomy and ecology of Achnanthidium in Appalachian rivers by analyzing a data set of benthic diatom samples and corresponding water chemistry data collected during several water-quality surveys from 181 sampling sites. Ten species were identified using scanning electron and light microscopy: A. alpestre (Lowe & Kociolek) Lowe & Kociolek, A. atomus (Hustedt) Monnier, Lange-Bertalot, & Ector, A. deflexum (Reimer) Kingston, A. duthii (Sreenivasa) Edlund, A. eutrophilum (Lange-Bertalot) Lange-Bertalot, A. cf. gracillimum (Meister) Lange-Bertalot, A. cf. latecephalum Kobayasi, A. minutissimum (Kützing) Czarnecki (sensu lato), A. reimeri (Camburn) comb. nov., and A. rivulare Potapova & Ponader. The distribution of common taxa in relation to water chemistry was studied by fitting non-parametric regression models (generalized additive models, GAM, and non-parametric multiplicative regression models, NPMR) to species relative abundances. Studied Achnanthidium species differed considerably in their responses to water chemistry. These results suggest that species-level identifications will lead to more accurate bioassessments.  相似文献   

Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) procedures in the US involve the use of uniform federally approved rules and procedures to assess economic losses and/or address restoration of injured resources that result from spills of hazardous substances and/or oil and petroleum substances in waterways under US jurisdiction. This effort started in the 1980s and involves two federal agencies that have developed separate federally approved procedures and rules, the US Department of Interior (US DOI) and the US Department of Commerce, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (US DOC, NOAA). This paper provides a brief overview of the federal laws applicable to resource damage assessments in the US, review of NRDA rules and procedures, and progress to date regarding US cases.  相似文献   

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