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With the progradation of Godavari delta in the east coast of India, increase in iron (Fe) concentrations in the groundwater was observed. High concentrations of Fe (>10 mg/l) were observed in khondalite and charnockite formations. A lower portion of the Godavari river basin, viz. East Godavari district was chosen for the study of the distribution of iron with special reference to the existing geological formations and the geomorphology of the area. The concentration of iron was observed to vary from below detection limit to 69 mg/l in the groundwater while it was less than 1 mg Fe/l in river and spring waters. The Fe of river water was reduced due to seawater mixing and the electrical conductivity (EC) was increased approximately to half of the seawater conductivity. Unlike the mixing of seawater at the surface, the same seawater mixing with groundwater yielded a water having similar order of EC with relatively high Fe. Fe was inversely related with nitrate in the groundwater. Fe was found to correlate considerably better with manganese in fluvial and coastal alluvium zones. The locations having higher Fe in delta are suspected to be related to palaeo channels. The association between Fe and Mn and their negative association with NO3 may be due to the possible autotrophic denitrification that might have taken place in the subsurface.  相似文献   

Rock slope instabilities are a major hazard for human activities often causing economic losses, property damages and maintenance costs, as well as injuries or fatalities. For slope stability analysis of open pit mines, series of studies must be carried out in order to identify the criteria which should take into consideration. In this research geotechnical parameters; Geological Strength Index (GSI), Rock Quality Designation (RQD), Cohesion (C), angle of internal friction (φ), uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and Rock mass deformation modulus (Em) which are obtained from data measured within geotechnical boreholes and pore pressure (U) are considered as the criteria to evaluate stability of pit No.1 of the Gole Gohar iron mine, located in Kerman province, south east of Iran. Since human judgments and preferences are often vague and complex and decision makers cannot estimate their preferences with an exact scale, we can only give linguistic assessments instead of exact ones. So fuzzy set theory introduced into Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Fuzzy AHP (FAHP) is put forward to solve such uncertain problems. In this paper, FAHP method is used to determine the weights of the criteria by decision makers and then classification of the stability of blocks are determined by TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method by the shortest distance to positive ideal solution (PIS) and the longest distance to negative ideal solution (NIS).  相似文献   

A detailed survey showed that groundwater fluoride was 6.1ppm in the Talupula area of the Anantapur district in southern India which is higher than is normally observed in groundwater elsewhere in India but not so extreme as that reported in Andhra Pradesh (up to 21 mg L-1). Groundwater is used for irrigating agricultural crops as well as for drinking which may expose its population to higher concentrations of fluoride through their diet. A preliminary study examined the concentrations of fluoride in five agricultural crops in the Talupula area and the soil beneath agricultural crops. The stem and leaves of Heliathusannuas, Arachishypogaea, Morusalba, Lychopersiconesculantum, and Phaseolus vulgaris were examined for fluoride and heavy metal accumulation. Heavy metal (Zn, Cu and Pb) accumulation in the stem and leaves were examined to determine if there was any correlation between their uptake and that of fluoride. In the soil beneath the crops, fluoride concentrations ranged from 6.53±0.44 to 8.23±1.22 ppm and a significant accumulation of fluoride was observed in the stems (13.2±2.0 to 23.9±3.6 ppm; p < 0.001) and leaves (16.4±1.9 to 61.5±4.5 ppm) of the agricultural plants. A significant accumulation of fluoride was observed from the stem to the leaves for all plants (p < 0.03) except Helianthus annuas. Copper also displayed significant accumulation from the soil to the stems in some of the plants tested but there was no significant accumulation of zinc or lead. A significant translocation from the stem and accumulation in the leaves was not observed for Cu or Pb but there was significantly higher zinc in the leaves of Arachishypogaea and Morusalba when compared to their stems. This study demonstrated that agricultural plants grown under field conditions and irrigated with groundwater high in fluoride will accumulate fluoride, but that fluoride is unlikely to have a significant effect on Cu, Zn or Pb accumulation in the stems and leaves of agricultural plants of the area. While drinking water is still the major cause of fluorosis in southern India, consumption of foods with high fluoride concentrations may also increase the risk of fluorosis.  相似文献   

We report a new occurrence of sapphirine-spinel-corundum bearing granulites enclosed in granitic gneisses near Jagtiyal in the Eastern Dharwar Craton (EDC). These granulites are very important in deciphering the prehistory of the thermal peak of metamorphism due to the presence of refractory phases. The appearance of sapphirine is related to the following reactions: (a) Spl1 + Crd1 = Spr1 (2:2:1) (b) Phl (in Bt1) + Crn1 = East (in Bt2) + Spr2 (7:9:3) + Crd2 (c) Bt2 + Crd1 + Crn1 = Spr2 (7:9:3) + Kfs + H2O (d) Crd1 + Spl1 + Crn1 = Spr2 (7:9:3). The P-T evolution of these sapphirine granulites has been constrained through the use of THERMOCALC program. Temperature of formation of sapphirine-spinel assemblages is high, around 800 °C, and pressure ranges from 5–7 kbars, suggesting that sapphirine formation took place during decompression stage.  相似文献   

Fluoride (F) contamination study had been carried out to see its allocation in Kurmapalli watershed, Nalgonda district, Andhra Pradesh, India. The study area is located about 60 km SE of Hyderabad city. The groundwater is the main source of water for their living. The groundwater in villages and its surrounding are affected by fluoride contamination and consequently the majority of the people living in these villages has health hazards and is facing fluorosis. The purpose of this study is to identify the wells with high F, raise awareness in people, study the water chemistry, and also find out the source of F in groundwater. A total of 32 groundwater samples were collected from different wells in both shallow aquifers and deeper fractures zones during October 2004. The chemical analysis of groundwater has been done. Fluoride values vary from 0.7 to 19.0 mg/l. It is noted that the maximum value (19.0 mg/l) is one of the highest values found in groundwater in India and 78% of the total samples show F concentrations that exceeds the permissible limit value (1.5 mg/l). The highest value of F is found at Madanapur bore well which is located at central part of the watershed. The F value of this bore well was monitored from October 2004 to October 2006. During this period the F concentration varies from 17.8 to 21.0 mg/l with mean 19.3 mg/l. There is no correlation of F with chemical parameters except calcium. The Ca has shown inverse proportional with F. Water–rock interaction studies were also carried out to understand the behavior of F in groundwater at prominent F affected areas. Rock samples were collected and analyzed, and found their enrichment of F. The anthropogenic possibility of F is almost negligible. The rocks of this area are enriched in F from 460 to 1,706 mg/kg. It is indicated that the rock–water interaction is the main source of F in groundwater. The highest values of F are found in middle part of the region and are related to the occurrence of fluoride rich rocks and their chemical kinetic behavior with groundwater.  相似文献   

Geoenvironmental effects of groundwater regime in Andhra Pradesh, India   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 The Indian subcontinent has the largest semi-arid tropical (SAT) area among developing nations. The State of Andhra Pradesh falls under the SAT region in India and is mostly covered by compact and hard rocks, characterized by seasonal rainfall of a highly fluctuating nature, in both space and time. As a consequence of the green revolution and an increase in industrial activity, there has been an increase in the utilization of groundwater resources during the last two decades in Andhra Pradesh. The development has also caused a number of problems, such as water table decline, decrease in well yields and seawater intrusion. Although major irrigation projects have contributed to improved agricultural production, the associated problems of waterlogging, salinization and loss of valuable bioresources have led to the gradual degradation of the land, affecting agricultural productivity. Surface water and groundwater have also been polluted in several parts of the State because of untreated discharge of effluents from the industries into nearby streams or open lands. A brief account of the overall scenario of the hydrogeological framework and geo-environmental effects on the groundwater regime in Andhra Pradesh is presented. Possible management practices and conservation methods are suggested. Received: 9 August 1999 · Accepted: 10 July 2000  相似文献   

Geological studies on saturated to oversaturated and subsolvus aegirine-riebeckite syenite bodies of the Pulikonda alkaline complex and Dancherla alkaline complex were carried out. The REE distribution of the Dancherla syenite shows a high fractionation between LREE and HREE. The absence of Eu anomaly suggests source from garnet peridotite. The Pulikonda syenite shows moderate fractionation between LREE and HREE as reflected by enrichment of HREE and moderate enrichment of LREE. The negative Eu anomaly indicates role of plagioclase fractionation.Three distinct co-eval primary magmas i.e. mafic syenite-, felsic syenite- and alkali basalt magmas — all derived from low-degrees of partial melting of mantle differentiates and enriched metasomatised lower crust played a major role in the genesis and emplacement of the syenites into overlying crust along deep seated regional scale trans-lithospheric strike-slip faults and shear zones following immediately after late-Archaean calc-alkaline arc magmatism at different time-space episodes i.e. initially at craton margin and later on into the thickened interior of the Eastern Dharwar craton. The ductile sheared and folded Pulikonda alkaline complex was evolved dominantly from the magmas derived from partial melting of lower crust and minor juvenile magmas from mantle. Differentiation and fractionation by liquid immiscibility of mafic magma and commingling-mixing of intermediate and felsic magmas followed by fractionational crystallisation under extensional tectonics during waning stages of calc-alkaline arc magmatism nearer to the craton margin were attributed as the main processes for the genesis of Pulikonda syenite complex. Commingling and limited mixing of independent mantle derived mafic and felsic syenitic magmas and accompanying fractionation resulting into soda rich and potash rich syenite variants was tentatively deduced mechanism for the origin of Dancherla, Danduvaripalle, Reddypalle syenites and other bodies belonging to Dancherla alkaline complex at the craton interior. The Peddavaduguru syenite was formed by differentiation of alkali mafic magma (gabbro to diorite) and it’s simultaneous mingling with fractionated felsic syenitic magma under incipient rift. Vannedoddi and Yeguvapalli syenites were derived due to desilicification and accompanying alkali feldspar mestasomatism of younger potash rich granites along Guntakal-Gooty fault and along Singanamala shear zone respectively.  相似文献   

Intertrappean beds exposed between upper and lower traps of the Government and Sunnamrayalu quarries of Rajahmundry were analyzed based on benthic and planktic foraminifera, ostracodes and algae observed in thin sections. Planktic foraminifera indicate deposition occurred in the early Danian Parvularugoglobigerina eugubina (P1a) zone shortly after deposition of the lower trap flows. The most diverse planktic assemblages were deposited in limestones of the middle intertrappean interval and indicate an upper P1a age, or subzone P1a(2), as marked by the co-occurrence of P. eugubina, Globoconusa daubjergensis, Parasubbotina pseudobulloides and Subbotina triloculinoides. Reworked late Maastrichtian planktic foraminifera are common in a limestone interval and suggest erosion of uplifted Cretaceous sediments. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages indicate deposition occurred predominantly in shallow inner shelf to brackish environments. Similarly, ostracodes indicate variable environments ranging from inner neritic to brackish with fresh water influx, as also indicated by the presence of fresh water algae. These data confirm an overall deepening from restricted shallow marine to estuarine, lagoonal and finally open marine conditions followed by abrupt emersion and paleosoil deposition prior to the arrival of the upper trap flows at or near the base of C29n.  相似文献   

Plate tectonic activity has played a critical role in the development of petrotectonic associations in the Kadiri schist belt. The calc alkaline association of basalt, andesite, dacite and rhyolite(BADR) is the signature volcanic rock suite of the convergent margin. The N-S belt has gone below the unconformity plane of Cuddapah sediments. In the northern part geochemical and structural attributes of the Kadiri greenstone belt is studied along with microscopic observations of selected samples. Harker diagram plots of major elements generally indicate a liquid line of descent from a common source, such that BADR rocks are derived from a common parent magma of basaltic to andesitic composition. These calc-alkaline volcanic rocks are formed at convergent margins where more silicic rocks represent more highly fractionated melt. All the litho-units of this greenstone belt indicate crush and strain effects. The stretched pebbles in the deformed volcanic matrix with tectonite development along with associated greenschist facies metamorphism, alteration and hydration is remarkable. Flow foliation plane with N-S strike and very low angle(5° to 10°) easterly dip and N-S axial planar schistosity formed due to later phase isoclinal folding can be clearly identified in the field. Basic intrusives are quite common in the surrounding area. All the observations including the field setting and geochemistry clearly demonstrate ocean-continent subduction as the tectonic environment of the study area.  相似文献   

A regional magnetic survey was carried out over an area of 8000 km2 in Godavari districts of Andhra Pradesh, India, which is covered by the rocks of Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt (EGMB)viz., the Khondalitic series and Charnockites in the northern half and Permian to Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments in the southern half, and forms a part of the Krishna-Godavari (K-G) basin. The survey brought out a strong NE-SW trending anomaly in the area covered by the rocks of Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt (EGMB), and a mild ENE-WSW trending anomaly in the area covered by the sediments of the Krishna-Godavari (K-G) basin. The NE-SW trending anomaly in the northern half could be attributed to the exposed/near surface Charnockite basement that has come closer to the surface as a result of Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt (EGMB) tectonics. Explanation of the mild ENE-WSW trending anomaly over the sediments of the Krishna-Godavari (K-G) basin required a faulted magnetic basement at depth downthrown towards the south. It is therefore concluded that the Charnockitic basement together with the Khondalite group of rocks which are folded and faulted during the different phases of tectonics of Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt (EGMB) extend into the Krishna-Godavari (K-G) basin and further, were involved in faulting during the phases of formation and sedimentation in the Krishna-Godavari (K-G) basin.  相似文献   

The graphite-tungsten deposits under consideration in this study are located in the Burugubanda, Pydiputta, Tapasikonda, Marripalem and Madyaratigudem areas of the East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, India. These deposits were formed due to wide spread tectonothermal events associated with the evolution of Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt (EGMB). The graphite deposits of East Godavari district are epigenetic, rhombohedral fluid deposited type and are one of the four deposits of such type reported so far from Srilanka, Spain and England. The graphite deposits were formed due to granodioritic intrusion into the Narsipatnam shear zone, which caused migmatisation of khondalites along with mobilisation and concentration of graphite, as veins and lenses, into the graphite gneisses. The graphite gneisses were subsequently intruded by quartz rich pegmatites that were laden with tungsten mineralisation. The tungsten mineralisation occurs as thin bands, lenses, stringers and vein lets within the quartz matrix and also dispersed in the graphite gneisses. Inclusions of tungsten in graphite indicate that tungsten mineralisation succeeded graphite mineralisation. However, the low P-T phenomenon of tungsten (wolframite-ferberite) mineralisation resulted in low tenor of tungsten ore deposits (WO3: 0.10%). Rare earth elements (REE) are associated with tungsten mineralisation in these areas. During the present study, these graphite-tungsten deposits have been re-examined, in the backdrop of shelving graphite-tungsten projects in these areas. The feed for mineral beneficiation tests was decided on the basis of dispersion of tungsten in quartz and graphite rich fractions of the ore zone. The feed (ROM material) on beneficiation gave recovery of +75% graphite concentrate, tungsten concentrate of consistent chemical grade, besides recovery of sizeable REE concentrate. It also rendered use of unutilised graphite tailing dumps at beneficiation plants, thereby effecting conservation. Thus, the association of tungsten and REE with the entire graphite deposits along with their value addition during beneficiation, as by-product, revived opportunities to restart graphite mining in the Burugubanda, Pydiputta and Tapasikonda areas in particular and East Godavari district, in general, as an economically viable venture. This will initiate opening of graphite mines in other districts of Andhra Pradesh and energise economics of working graphite mines within EGMB, in the states of Jharkhand, Odisha and Tamil Nadu.  相似文献   

Three vertical magnetic profiles were run across an iron-ore formation near Addatigala. Theoretical fits have been obtained for the observed anomaly curves and the possible relation between the formation of the structure and eastern ghat tectonics is discussed. Laboratory determination of the susceptibility, remanence and coercivity of two samples from the structure have been made at various field strengths and the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Fluorine distribution in waters of Nalgonda District, Andhra Pradesh, India   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Geochemical and hydrochemical studies were conducted in Nalgonda District (A.P.), to explore the causes of high fluorine in waters, causing a widespread incidence of fluorosis in the local population. Samples of granitic rocks, soils, stream sediments, and waters were analyzed for F and other salient chemical parameters. Samples from the area of Hyderabad city were analyzed for comparison. The F content of waters in areas with endemic fluorosis ranges from 0.4 to 20 mg/l. The low calcium content of rocks and soils, and the presence of high levels of sodium bicarbonate in soils and waters are important factors favoring high levels of F in waters.  相似文献   

Surface adsorbed gas surveys and geo-microbiological surveys are known techniques of petroleum exploration and aim towards risk reduction in exploration by way of identifying the areas warm with hydrocarbons and to establish intense exploration priorities amongst the identified warm areas. The present investigation aims to explore correlation between the adsorbed gas distribution pattern with the distribution of the counts of methane, ethane, propane and butane microbial oxidizers in the sub soil samples to establish the role of the latter in identifying the upward migration of hydrocarbons especially in the known petroliferous Krishna-Godavari Basin, India. A total of 135 soil samples were collected near oil and gas fields of Tatipaka, Pasarlapudi areas of Krishna Godavari Basin, Andhra Pradesh. The soil samples were collected from a depth of 2?C2.5 m. The samples collected, were analyzed for indicator hydrocarbon oxidizing bacteria, adsorbed light gaseous hydrocarbons and carbon isotopes (??13Cmethane). The microbial prospecting studies showed the presence of high bacterial population for methane (3.94 × 105 cfu/gm), ethane (3.85 × 105 cfu/gm), propane (4.85 × 105 cfu/gm) and butane oxidizing bacteria (3.63 × 105 cfu/gm) in soil samples indicating microseepage of hydrocarbons. The light gaseous hydrocarbon analysis showed 83 ppb, 92 ppb, 134 ppb, 187 ppb and 316 ppb of C1, C2, C3, nC4 and nC5, respectively, and the carbon isotopic composition of ??13C1 of the samples ranged between ? 36.6 ?? to ?22.7?? (Pee Dee Belemnite) values, which presents convincing evidence that the adsorbed soil gases collected from these sediments are of thermogenic origin. Geo-microbial prospecting method and adsorbed soil gas and carbon isotope studies have shown good correlation with existing oil/ gas fields of K.G basin. Microbial surveys indicating microseepage of hydrocarbons can, therefore, independently precede other geochemical and geophysical surveys to delineate areas warm with hydrocarbons and mapped microbiological anomalies may provide focus for locales of hydrocarbon accumulation in the K.G basin.  相似文献   

During 23–30 September 1997, a rare cyclonic storm has developed close to the Andhra coast, and it has later travelled parallel to coastline northward and finally crossed the land at Chittagong (22°N, 91°E) on 27 September. While translating along the east coast of India, it has produced heavy to very heavy rainfall on the coastal stations causing devastating floods. In this study, we made an attempt to understand the salient causes of this unique cyclone movement. We have analyzed daily fields of wind and relative humidity for 850, 700, 500 hPa and mean daily OLR data to understand the plausible reasons for its movement. The buoy data deployed by National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai, Viz. DS5 (15°N, 81°E), DS4 (19°N, 88°E) and SW7 (20°N, 86°E) were analyzed to understand the ocean–atmosphere interaction processes in the west Bay of Bengal during formation of the system. Analysis of OLR over the cyclonic storm region has revealed that the heavy rainfall areas coincide with low OLR (120–180 W m?2). The persistent southward movement of 500 hPa ridge on the eastern wedge of the system along with the steering current at 200 hPa has helped in maintaining the movement of the system parallel to the east coast of India during its life cycle.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical investigations, which are significant for the assessment of water quality, have been carried out to study the sources of dissolved ions in groundwaters of some rural areas of Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Groundwaters in the area are mostly brackish. High contents of SiO2, and Na+ and Cl- ions in groundwater, in comparison with those of seawater, suggests a meteoric origin of groundwater. The high concentration of SiO2 and various geochemical signatures reflect the weathering of minerals. However, the Na++K+ vs Cl- ratio suggests weathering, has occurred only to some extent. The chemistry of groundwater favours the formation of clay minerals (montmorillonite, illite and chlorite), because of evapotranspiration. The positive saturation index of CaCO3 and the high signatures of Ma2+:Ca2+ and Na+:Ca2+ reveals the occurrence of evaporation. The evaporation enhances the concentration of ions (which occurred originally in the water) in the soils during summer. The very high % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+- % feaaeaart1ev0aaatCvAUfKttLearuavTnhis1MBaeXatLxBI9gBae % bbnrfifHhDYfgasaacH8srps0lbbf9q8WrFfeuY-Hhbbf9v8qqaqFr % 0xc9pk0xbba9q8WqFfea0-yr0RYxir-Jbba9q8aq0-yq-He9q8qqQ8 % frFve9Fve9Ff0dmeaabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaqabeaadaaakeaacqqG % tbWucqqGpbWtdaqhaaWcbaGaeeinaqdabaGaeeOmaiJaeeyla0caaa % aa!2EC5! SO42 - {\rm SO}_{\rm 4}^{{\rm 2 - }} and Cl- contents in some groundwaters and the occurrence of kankar (CaCO3) in the area suggest a long history of evaporation. Greater ionic concentration in the groundwaters of post-monsoon compared with pre-monsoon indicates the increasing addition of leachates into the groundwater from the soils in the monsoon and anthropogenic activities, which leads to a deteriorating quality of groundwater. According to the Gibbs' diagrams, rock weathering, to some extent, and evaporation are the dominant phenomena responsible for the higher ionic concentrations found in groundwater. Measures that benefit sustainable management of groundwater quality are suggested in this study.  相似文献   

Detailed gravity data collected across the Gadwal schist belt in the state of Andhra Pradesh show an 8.4 mgal residual gravity anomaly associated with meta-sediments/volcanics of the linear NNW-SSE trending schist belt that shows metamorphism from green schist to amphibolite facies. This schist belt is flanked on either side by the peninsular gneissic complex. The elevation and slab Bouguer corrected residual gravity profile data were interpreted using 2-D prism models. The results indicate a synformal structure having a width of 1.8 km at the surface, tapering at a depth of about 2.6 km with a positive density contrast of 0.15 gm/cc with respect to the surrounding peninsular gneissic complex.  相似文献   

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