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DING Lianzhen 《国际泥沙研究》1997,(1)
I.~onUCTIONChinaisamongthecountrieswhichsufferthemostserioussoilerosionintheworld.Soilconservationstudiesstartedearlyinthe1930's.AlterthefoundingofthePeople'sRepublicofChinain1949,moreeffortshavebeenmadetothesoilconservation.However,becauseofthecrucialnaturalconditionsintheseriouslyerodedregionsandtheimpactsofhumanactivitiesincludingthegrowthofPOpulationdensity,thesituationwasnotmuchimproveduntilthe1980's,whenthecomprehensivewatershedmanagementforsoilandwaterconservationwascarriedoutinlar… 相似文献
Grace S. BRUSH 《国际泥沙研究》1999,(2)
IHISTORICALRECORDSSoilerosioniscloselyrelatedtorainfallandgreatlyenhancedbydeforestationforagricultUreandurbansuburbandevelopment.Amongtheeffectsofsoilerosionarethelossoftopsoilandaconsequentdecreaseincropproductivity.Erodedsoilisalsodepositedintoaquaticsystems,thuslesseningwaterqualityandleadingtodepletionoftheaquaticfoodresource.Italsocausessiltationofwaterwaysmakingthemineffectiveforcommercialtransportaswellasincreasingtheriskoffloods.Theimpactofsedimenterosionanddepositiononhumanso… 相似文献
l 1NTRODUCTIONAs the sediment cAned by the river gets dePositOd in the reservoir, there is a pro gressive reduction in itscaPacity to hold water. For examPle the Zuni reservoir on river Zuni, a tributary of the little ColoradO atBlack rock, New Mexico, U.S.A., lost aboat 75% caPacity in just 20 years. Sindlary, just in l0 years theIchari reservoir on river Tons, a tribUtary of river Yamuna (Inda), reduced to about l5% of its originalcaPacity. Thus, at the planning stage, one must … 相似文献
Cheng-Daw HSIEH Wan-Fa YANG Wen C. WANG 《国际泥沙研究》2006,21(4):261-271
1 INTRODUCTION Sediment and nutrients from a watershed may adversely affect a downstream reservoir by reducing its capacity or degrading water quality. Among the output nutrients, phosphorus is often a growth-limiting element for aquatic organisms and pla… 相似文献
Hubert CHANSON 《国际泥沙研究》1998,(3)
EXTREMERESERVOIRSEDIMENTATIONINAUSTRALIA:AREVIEWHubertCHANSON1ABSTRACTInthepaper,theauthorreviewstheproblemofreservoirsiltati... 相似文献
1 INTRODUCTION Guanting Reservoir is located on the Yongding River (a large tributary of the Haihe River) and at the border of Beijing Municipality and Hebei Province. The reservoir receives three tributaries: the Sanggan River with a drainage area of 25,840 km2, the Yanghe River with 16,170 km2, and the Guishui River with 852 km2. The drainage area above the reservoir is 43,402 km2. The reservoir has two arms. The Sanggan River and Yanghe River join the Yongding River at the ups… 相似文献
YU Wei-Sheng Post-Doctoral Fellow Hydraulic Research Laboratory National Taiwan University Taipei Taiwan China LEE Hong-Yuan Professor Department of Civil Engineering National Taiwan University Taipei Taiwan China 《国际泥沙研究》1993,(2)
I. INTRODUCTIONWhen a sediment--laden flow reaches the backwater zone of a reservoir, the suddenreduction of flow velocity causes sediment particles to settle toward the river bed. Undercertain circumstsnces, it will plunge and form a layer of sediment--water mixture flowingbeneath the water surface. This flowing layer is called the turbidity current. A turbiditycurrent is relatively stable and has important impacts on reservoir sedimentation.In the case of deep reservoirs, due to temper… 相似文献
Rollin H. HOTCHKISS 《国际泥沙研究》1999,(2)
IINTRODUCTIONReservoirsedimentationisannuallydecreasingconstT[lctedworldwidewaterstoragebyanestimatedonepercent(Mahmood,1987).Lossesinaridregionsaredoubled,reducingtheaverageusefulreservoirlifeto20-30years(Bruk,1996).Atthisrateofstorageloss,hydroelectricityasanenergysourcecanhardlybecalledrenewable(Nordin,1993).Reservoirsaregenerallyfillingwithsedimentmorerapidlythananticipated.Forexample,datafromindiaindicatethataCtllalsedimentdeliveryishigherthanpredictedin24of27reservoirs,rangingfro… 相似文献
GUAN Yiexiang RONG Fengtao WANG Jingxin YIN Lisheng WANG Hongtu Project Engineer Hydraulic Research Institute Shanxi Province China Vice Chief Engineer Senior Engineer Water Resources 《国际泥沙研究》1991,(1)
In this paper, a numerical model for sedimentation in Fenhe Reservoir and the adjoining reaches has been presented on the basis of the theory of non-equilibrium sediment transport. The model is calibrated by using a part of the sediment data collected for Fenhe Reservoir and checked by simulating the remaining data. Moreover, the method of optimization in nonlinear programming has been applied to determine the basic parameters of the model applying a concept of fuzzy mathematics to formulate the objective functions. The computed amounts of reservoir deposition and channel deformation arc found to be substantially in agreement with the values observed. 相似文献
XU Guobin Senior Research Engineer Tianjin Institute of Hydroelectric Investigation Design Research Ministry of Water Resources. Dongting Road Hexi District Tianjin P R. China. BAI Shilu Senior Research Engineer Tianjin Institute o 《国际泥沙研究》1997,(3)
I.INTRODUCTIONReseri,oirsonoverloadedriverswillreachthestateofrelativeequilibriumwithcontinuousdevelopmentofsedimentation.Insuchcase,thereisdePOsitinfrontofthedam.Thereforethesiltpressureonthedambodyisconsiderablylarge.Sedimentationelevationinfrontofthedamisoneofthefactorsofcalculatingthesiltpressure.Inaddition,tokeeplong-termworkingstorageinreservoif,itisnecessarytoinstallbottomoutlets.Asthereisapressureconduitinfrontoftheoperatinggateofthebottomoutlet,thesedimelltenteredtheconduitwill… 相似文献
1INTRODUCTIONTheFenheReservoirwasimpoundedin1961withtotalstoragecapacityof720milionm3.ItisthelargestreservoirinShanxiProvince... 相似文献
1 INTRODUCTIONFrom 1989 to 1993, as project managers of the UNDP/UNESCO project entitled Regional TrainingProgramme on Erosion and Sedimentation for Asia, the writers had the privilege of meeting manyoutstanding hydraulic engineers of this region and came to learn of some important erosion andsedimentation problems thereof. Some issues as noted by the writers are presented in the followingalong the some comments. These issues are mainly concerned with rivers. It should be stated tha… 相似文献
Chin-yu LEE Professor Department of Soil Water Conservation National Pingtung University of Science Technology Pingtung Taiwan R.O.C. 《国际泥沙研究》2004,(2)
To recognize the geographical characteristics of the landslide areas will be helpful for the watershedmanagement in the reservoir watershed. According to the quantitative analysis, we'll take differentscores and weighting for the potential parameters of the landslide areas in the Tsengwen reservoirwatershed, and in the meanwhile, we'll extract the different factors, including the slope, aspect,altitude, soil and geological textures etc., and the results shown as maximum one--day rainfall, ratio offorests and average relief is the most affecting parameters on the potential risk map of landslide areas. 相似文献
HUANG Jincbi China Institute of Water Resources Hydroelectric Power Research Fuxinglu A- Beijing China. E-Mail: HJC@IWHR.COM 《国际泥沙研究》2001,16(2)
1 INTRODUCTIONBed aggradation and degradation haPpen to be the most imPOrtant aspects of the alluvial processes instreams if the equilibrium conditions among water discharge, sediment flow, and channel shaPe areclistuIbed by natural or man-made factOfs, e.g., the constrUchon of a dam, change in the sediment suPplyrate, or base level changing. Reliable and quanhtative estimation of the bed aggradation or degradation isimPortant in rivertalning engineering and water management projects. … 相似文献
LeoC.VANRIJN 《国际泥沙研究》2005,20(1):39-51
This keynote lecture addresses engineering sedimentation problems in estuarine and coastal environments and practical solutions of these problems based on the results of field measurements, laboratory scale models and numerical models. The three most basic design rules are: (1) try to understand the physical system based on available field data; perform new field measurements if the existing field data set is not sufficient (do not reduce on the budget for field measurements); (2)try to estimate the morphological effects of engineering works based on simple methods (rules of thumb, simplified models, analogy models, i.e. comparison with similar cases elsewhere); and (3)use detailed models for fine-tuning and determination of uncertainties (sensitivity study trying to find the most influencial parameters). Engineering works should be designed in such a way that side effects (sand trapping, sand starvation, downdrift erosion) are minimum. Furthermore, engineering works should be designed and constructed or built in harmony rather than in conflict with nature. This ‘building with nature‘ approach requires a profound understanding of the sediment transport processes in morphological systems. 相似文献
Chin-yu LEE 《国际泥沙研究》2004,19(2)
To recognize the geographical characteristics of the landslide areas will be helpful for the watershed management in the reservoir watershed.According to the quantitative analysis,we'll take different scores and weighting for the potential parameters of the landslide areas in the Tsengwen reservoir watershed,and in the meanwhile,we'll extract the different factors,including the slope,aspect,altitude,soil and geological textures etc.,and the results shown as maximum one-day rainfall,ratio of forests and average relief is the most affecting parameters on the potential risk map of landslide areas. 相似文献
I. INTRODUCTIONAt present moot sediment transport models applied in engineering practice are based on equilibriumsediment transport approach, i. e. sediment--carrying Capacity is used to replace the actual sediment concentration (ref. 1 -- 9). However, the sediment--carrying capacity, in general, is not equal to sedimentconcentration, they may differ a lot especially for the case of reservoir sedimentation process and/orthe scouring process of river channel in the downstream of a reservoi… 相似文献
本文从水力学的观点分析了新丰江水库区水力扩散与诱发地震活动的影响因素,讨论了新丰江水库区水力扩散与诱发地震活动的时空特点及其形成原因。最后用地震面积扩展法分析讨论了新丰江水库区水力扩散率的动态变化及其大地震的发展趋势。指出新丰江库区基底断裂网络是影响其水力扩散与诱发地震活动最决定的因素,也是形成新丰江水库区水力扩散与诱发地震活动时空特,点最主要的原因,并提出6.1级主震发生一年半以后,水力扩散诱发大地震的可能性不复存在。 相似文献
lINTRoDUCTIoNDifferencesintheprevailinglanduseandmanagementofaridandsemiaridareasaredeterminedinlargepartbyclimate.AridareasgenerallyreceivetoolittleprecipitationtosupportdrylandagricultureordomesticlivestockgrazingalthoughtheyaregrazedbywildIife,andattimes,bydomesticlivestock.Incontrast,insemiaridareasadequatemoistureisusuallyavaiIableatsometimeduringtheyeartoproduceforageforlivestockandwildlife,andtherearesomeyearswhendrylandcropproductionissuccessful.However,bothclimatesarecharacterize… 相似文献