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In the fifteen years since the importance of collisional plateaus with thickened continental crust began to be recognized as one of the inevitable consequences of the processes of plate tectonics, rapid progress in their understanding has come from studies of the world's only active terminal collision zones in the Himalayan-Tibetan and Turkish-Iranian plateaus.Ancient collisional plateaus are being recognized throughout the geological record (back to 3.8 Ga) from the occurrence of extensive areas (typically > 500,000 km2) of 8 kbar metamorphism in granulite facies or from the occurrence of extensive areas of higher level minimum-melt composition granite rocks whose isotopic signatures indicate reactivation of existing continental crust rather than addition of new crust from the mantle at the time of collision. Recognition of strike-slip faulting in the ancient collisional plateau areas indicates that “tectonic escape” may have been as important in the past as it is today.Earth may not be the only planet on which collisional plateaus are important. The highlands of Venus (approximately 7% of the surface with elevations over 1.5 km above mean planetary radius) can only exist as a result of crustal thickening, and not as a product of lithospheric thinning. Most of these highlands can be explained by models involving volcanic construction. However, the highest peaks, including Maxwell Montes, the highest mapped area of Venus rising over 10 km above mean planetary radius, require much greater crustal thickening to support them than can reasonably be explained by a volcanic mechanism. Geological features of Maxwell Montes inferred from radar images suggest some analogy between Maxwell Montes and the Tibetan plateau.It is somewhat paradoxical that extensional tectonics are commonly associated with continental collision, and that collision-related rifts may be the only sites where the uppermost layers of a collision-thickened crust are preserved from erosion. Extensional stress fields are generated during continental collision, primarily in areas associated with strike-slip faulting and “tectonic escape”. Additional extensional stresses are gravitationally generated associated with the topography and thickened crust in a collision zone. Tectonically thickened crust is particularly susceptible to rifting as its lithosphere is weak as a result of heating associated with magmatism. This lithosphere is also compositionally weak because of the relatively thick crust, dominated by a weak quartz rheology, and thin mantle lithosphere, dominated by a strong olivine rheology, in comparison with a lithosphere with a more normal crustal thickness. Thus, the common association of rifts and collision zones may be a consequence of both stresses generated during collision and modification of the lithosphere by collision.  相似文献   

The continental margin orogenic systems of the western Americas are enormous features that formed along the Pacific margins of the North and South American plates during late Mesozoic through Cenozoic time. There has been considerable debate concerning their origin, and they are often compared with intra-oceanic fringing arc-trench systems more typical of the Australasian margins of the Pacific Ocean, in that both involve the subduction of oceanic lithosphere, often with similar convergent relative motion vectors. The onset of orogenesis in the two Cordilleras, as shown in reversal of sedimentary polarity from sources generally on the continent to sources along the Pacific margin, seems to date from shortly after emplacement of the oldest oceanic crust in that part of the Atlantic Ocaen east of each continent — i.e., about 170 Ma, or Middle Jurassic, in the case of the Central Atlantic, and about 135 to 100 Ma, or Early to mid-Cretaceous, in the case of the South Atlantic. These ages also seem to mark the onset of westward motion of the two continents over the Pacific Ocean basin and subsequent crustal thickening and uplift, with development of thrust belts, foreland basins, and foredeeps. Prior to this prolonged westward drift, both margins had been convergent for at least several hundred million years, but no massive mountain building had taken place. Instead, the margins were tectonically “neutral”, with typically submarine fringing arc-trench systems or shallow marine to continental margin arcs which stood “outboard” of shallow marine platformal shelves or basins whose main sedimentary polarity was from the continent. Although accretion of “suspect” terranes, high rates of convergence, and age of subducting lithosphere all may have influenced particularly local tectonic response and/or phases of orogenic activity in the two chains, the absolute motion of the two continental margins over the Pacific Ocean basin is considered to have been the dominant factor in Cordilleran tectonic evolution.  相似文献   

Paul Mann  Asahiko Taira   《Tectonophysics》2004,389(3-4):137
Oceanic plateaus, areas of anomalously thick oceanic crust, cover about 3% of the Earth's seafloor and are thought to mark the surface location of mantle plume “heads”. Hotspot tracks represent continuing magmatism associated with the remaining plume conduit or “tail”. It is presently controversial whether voluminous and mafic oceanic plateau lithosphere is eventually accreted at subduction zones, and, therefore: (1) influences the eventual composition of continental crust and; (2) is responsible for significantly higher rates of continental growth than growth only by accretion of island arcs. The Ontong Java Plateau (OJP) of the southwestern Pacific Ocean is the largest and thickest oceanic plateau on Earth and the largest plateau currently converging on an island arc (Solomon Islands). For this reason, this convergent zone is a key area for understanding the fate of large and thick plateaus on reaching subduction zones.This volume consists of a series of four papers that summarize the results of joint US–Japan marine geophysical studies in 1995 and 1998 of the Solomon Islands–Ontong Java Plateau convergent zone. Marine geophysical data include single and multi-channel seismic reflection, ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) refraction, gravity, magnetic, sidescan sonar, and earthquake studies. Objectives of this introductory paper include: (1) review of the significance of oceanic plateaus as potential contributors to continental crust; (2) review of the current theories on the fate of oceanic plateaus at subduction zones; (3) establish the present-day and Neogene tectonic setting of the Solomon Islands–Ontong Java Plateau convergent zone; (4) discuss the controversial sequence and timing of tectonic events surrounding Ontong Java Plateau–Solomon arc convergence; (5) present a series of tectonic reconstructions for the period 20 Ma (early Miocene) to the present-day in support of our proposed timing of major tectonic events affecting the Ontong Java Plateau–Solomon Islands convergent zone; and (6) compare the structural and deformational pattern observed in the Solomon Islands to ancient oceanic plateaus preserved in Precambrian and Phanerozoic orogenic belts. Our main conclusion of this study is that 80% of the crustal thickness of the Ontong Java Plateau is subducted beneath the Solomon island arc; only the uppermost basaltic and sedimentary part of the crust (7 km) is preserved on the overriding plate by subduction–accretion processes. This observation is consistent with the observed imbricate structural style of plateaus and seamount chains preserved in both Precambrian and Phanerozoic orogenic belts.  相似文献   

The relative importance of the contribution of the lower crust and of the lithospheric mantle to the total strength of the continental lithosphere is assessed systematically for realistic ranges of layer thickness, composition, and temperature. Results are presented as relative strength maps, giving the ratio of the lower crust to upper mantle contribution in terms of crustal thickness and surface heat flow. The lithosphere shows a “jelly sandwich” rheological layering for low surface heat flow, thin to average crustal thickness, and felsic or wet mafic lower crustal compositions. On the other hand, most of the total strength resides in the seismogenic crust in regions of high surface heat flow, crust of any thickness, and dry mafic lower crustal composition.  相似文献   

Subduction zones with deep seismicity are believed to be associated with the descending branches of convective flows in the mantle and are subordinated to them. Therefore, the position of subduction zones can be considered as relatively fixed with respect to the steady-state system of convective flows. The lithospheric plate overhanging a subduction zone (as a rule of continental type) may:
1. (1) either move away from the subduction zone; or
2. (2) move onto it. In the first case extensional conditions originate behind the subduction zone and the new oceanic crust of back-arc basins forms. In the second case active Andean-type continental margins with thickening of the crust and lithosphere are observed.
Behind the majority of volcanic island-arcs, along the boundary with marginal-sea basins, independent shallow seismicity belts can be traced. They are parallel to the main seismicity belts coinciding with the Benioff zones. The seismicity belts frame island-arc microplates. Island-arc microplates are assumed to be a frame of reference to calculate relative movements of the consuming and overhanging plates. Using slip vector azimuths for shallow seismicity belts in the frontal parts of the Kurile, Japan, Izu-Bonin, Mariana and Tonga—Kermadec arcs, the position of the pole of rotation of the Pacific plate with respect to the western Pacific island-arc microplates was computed. Its coordinates are 66.1°N, 119.2°W. From the global closure of plate movements it has been determined that for the past 10 m.y. the Eurasian and Indian plates have been moving away from the Western Pacific island-arc system, both rotating clockwise, around poles at 31.1°N, 164.2°W and 1.3°S, 157.5°W, respectively. This provides for the opening of the back-arc basins. At the same time South America is moving onto the subduction zone at the rate of 4 cm/yr. Some “hot spots”, such as Hawaiian, Tibesti, and those of the South Atlantic, are moving relative to the island-arc system at a very low rate, viz. 0.5–0.7 cm/yr. Presumably, the western Pacific subduction zone and “hot spots” form a single frame of reference which can generally be used for the analysis of absolute motions.  相似文献   

The Saharan Metacraton   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article introduces the name “Saharan Metacraton” to refer to the pre-Neoproterozoic––but sometimes highly remobilized during Neoproterozoic time––continental crust which occupies the north-central part of Africa and extends in the Saharan Desert in Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Chad and Niger and the Savannah belt in Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Congo, Central African Republic and Cameroon. This poorly known tract of continental crust occupies 5,000,000 km2 and extends from the Arabian-Nubian Shield in the east to the Tuareg Shield to the west and from the Congo craton in the south to the Phanerozoic cover of the northern margin of the African continent in southern Egypt and Libya. The term “metacraton” refers to a craton that has been remobilized during an orogenic event but is still recognizable dominantly through its rheological, geochronological and isotopic characteristics. Neoproterozoic remobilization of the Saharan Metacraton was in the forms of deformation, metamorphism, emplacement of igneous bodies, and probably local episodes of crust formation related to rifting and oceanic basin development. Relics of unaffected or only weakly remobilized old lithosphere are present as exemplified by the Archean to Paleoproterozoic charnockites and anorthosites of the Uweinat massif at the Sudanese/Egyptian/Libyan boarder. The article explains why the name “Saharan Metacraton” should be used, defines the boundaries of the metacraton, reviews geochronological and isotopic data as evidence for the presence of pre-Neoproterozoic continental crust, and discusses what happened to the Saharan Metacraton during the Neoproterozoic. A model combining collisional processes, lithospheric delamination, regional extension, and post-collisional dismembering by horizontal shearing is proposed.  相似文献   

Numerous ge ological and geophysical investigations within the past decades have shown that the Rhinegraben is the most pronounced segment of an extended continental rift system in Europe. The structure of the upper and lower crust is significantly different from the structure of the adjacent “normal” continental crust.

Two crustal cross-sections across the central and southern part of the Rhinegraben have been constructed based on a new evaluation of seismic refraction and reflection measurements. The most striking features of the structure derived are the existence of a well-developed velocity reversal in the upper crust and of a characteristic cushion-like layer with a compressional velocity of 7.6–7.7 km/sec in the lower crust above a normal mantle with 8.2 km/sec. Immediately below the sialic low-velocity zone in the middle part of the crust, an intermediate layer with lamellar structure and of presumably basic composition could be mapped.

It is interesting to note that the asymmetry of the sedimentary fill in the central Rhinegraben seems to extend down deeper into the upper crust as indicated by the focal depths of earthquakes. The top of the rift “cushion” shows a marked relief which has no obvious relation to the crustal structure above it or the visible rift at the surface.  相似文献   

In order to understand the origin of long-lived loci of volcanism (sometimes called “hot spots”) and their possible role in global tectonic processes, it is essential to know their deep structure. Even though some work has been done on the crustal, upper-mantle, and deep-mantle structure under some of these “hot spots”, the picture is far from clear. In an attempt to study the structure under the Yellowstone National Park U.S.A., which is considered to be such a “hot spot”, we recorded teleseisms using 26 telemetered seismic stations and three groups of portable stations. The network was operated within a 150 km radius centered on the Yellowstone caldera, the major, Quaternary volcanic feature of the Yellowstone region. Teleseismic delays of about 1.5 sec are found inside the caldera, and the delays remain high over a 100 km wide area around the caldera. The spatial distribution and magnitude of the delays indicate the presence of a large body of low-velocity material with horizontal dimensions corresponding approximately to the caldera size (40 km × 80 km) near the surface and extending to a depth of 200–250 km under the caldera. Using ray-tracing and inversion techniques, it is estimated that the compressional velocity inside the anomalous body is lower than in the surrounding rock by about 15% in the upper crust and by 5% in the lower crust and upper mantle. It is postulated that the body is partly composed of molten rock with a high degree of partial melting at shallow depths and is responsible for the observed Yellowstone volcanism. The large size of the partially molten body, taken together with its location at the head of a 350 km zone of volcanic propagation along the axis of the Snake River Plain, indicates that the volcanism associated with Yellowstone has its origin below the lithosphere and is relatively stationary with respect to plate motion. Using our techniques, we are unable to detect any measurable velocity contrast in the mantle beneath the low-velocity body, and, hence, we are unable to determine whether the Yellowstone melting anomaly is associated with a deep heat source or with any deep phenomenon such as a convection plume, chemical plume, or gravitational anchor.  相似文献   

Three linear zones of active andesite volcanism are present in the Andes — a northern zone (5°N–2°S) in Colombia and Ecuador, a central zone (16°S–28°S) largely in south Peru and north Chile and a southern zone (33°S–52°S) largely in south Chile. The northern zone is characterized by basaltic andesites, the central zone by andesite—dacite lavas and ignimbrites and the southern zone by high-alumina basalts, basaltic andesites and andesites. Shoshonites and volcanic rocks of the alkali basalt—trachyte association occur at scattered localities east of the active volcanic chain,The northern and central volcanic zones are 140 km above an eastward-dipping Benioff zone, while the southern zone lies only 90 km above a Benioff zone. Continental crust is ca. 70 km in thickness below the central zone, but is 30–45 km thick below northern and southern volcanic zones. The correlation between volcanic products and their structural setting is supported by trace element and isotope data. The central zone andesite lavas have higher Si, K, Rb, Sr and Ba, and higher initial Sr isotope ratios than the northern or southern zone lavas. The southern zone high-alumina basalts have lower Ce/Yb ratios than volcanics from the other zones. In addition, the central zone andesite lavas show a well-defined eastward increase in K, Rb and Ba and a decrease in Sr.Andean andesite magmas are a result of a complex interplay of partial melting, fractional crystallization and “contamination” processes at mantle depths, and contamination and fractional crystallization in the crust. Variations in andesite composition across the central Andean chain reflect a diminishing degree of partial melting or an increase in fractional crystallization or an increase in “contamination” passing eastwards. Variations along the Andean chain indicate a significant crustal contribution for andesites in the central zone, and indicate that the high-alumina basalts and basaltic andesites of the southern zone are from a shallower mantle source region than other volcanic rocks. The dacite-rhyolite ignimbrites of the central zone share a common source with the andesites and might result from fractional crystallization of andesite magma during uprise through thick continental crust. The occurrence of shoshonites and alkali basalts eat of the active volcanic chain is attributed to partial melting of mantle peridotite distant from the subduction zone.  相似文献   

The presented model of the Late Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the central Andes and the complex tectonic, geological, and geophysical model of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle along the Central Andean Transect, which crosses the Andean subduction zone along 21°S, are based on the integration of voluminous and diverse data. The onset of the recent evolution of the central Andes is dated at the late Oligocene (27 Ma ago), when the local fluid-induced rheological attenuation of the continental lithosphere occurred far back of the subduction zone. Tectonic deformation started to develop in thick-skinned style above the attenuated domain in the upper mantle and then in the Earth’s crust, creating the bivergent system of the present-day Eastern Cordillera. The destruction of the continental lithosphere is correlated with ore mineralization in the Bolivian tin belt, which presumably started at 16° S and spread to the north and to the south. Approximately 19 Ma ago, the gently dipping Subandean Thrust Fault was formed beneath the Eastern Cordillera, along which the South American Platform began to thrust under the Andes with rapid thickening of the crust in the eastern Andean Orogen owing to its doubling. The style of deformation in the upper crust above the Subandean Thrust Fault changed from thick- to thin-skinned, and the deformation front migrated to the east inland, forming the Subandean system of folds and thrust faults verging largely eastward. The thickening of the crust was accompanied by flows at the lower and/or middle crustal levels, delamination, and collapse of fragments of the lower crust and lithospheric mantle beneath the Eastern Cordillera and Altiplano-Puna Plateau. As the thickness of the middle and lower crustal layers reached a critical thickness about 10 Ma ago, the viscoplastic flow in the meridional direction became more intense. Extension of the upper brittle crust was realized mainly in gliding and rotation of blocks along a rhombic fault system. Some blocks sank, creating sedimentary basins. The rate of southward migration estimated from the age of these basins is 26 km/Ma. Tectonic deformation was accompanied by diverse magmatic activity (ignimbrite complexes, basaltic flows, shoshonitic volcanism, etc.) within the tract from the Western Cordillera to the western edge of the Eastern Cordillera 27–5 Ma ago with a peak at 7 Ma; after this, it began to recede westward; by 5 Ma ago, the magmatic activity reached only the western part of the Altiplano-Puna Plateau, and it has been concentrated in the volcanic arc of the Western Cordillera during the last 2 Ma.  相似文献   

Modelling the extension of heterogeneous hot lithosphere   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The consequences of weak heterogeneities in the extension of soft and hot lithosphere without significant previous crustal thickening has been analysed in a series of centrifuge models. The experiments examined the effects of i) the location of heterogeneities in the ductile crust and/or in the lithospheric mantle, and ii) their orientation, perpendicular or oblique to the direction of bulk extension. The observed deformation patterns are all relevant to the so-called “wide rifting” mode of extension. Weak zones located in the ductile crust exert a more pronounced influence on localisation of deformation in the brittle layer than those located in the lithospheric mantle: the former localise faulting in the brittle crust whereas the latter tend to distribute faulting over a wider area. This latter behaviour depends in turn upon the decoupling provided by the ductile crust. Localised thinning in the brittle crust is accompanied by ductile doming of both crust and mantle. Domains of maximum thinning in the brittle crust and ductile crust and mantle are in opposition. Lateral differences in brittle crust thinning are accommodated by lateral flow in the ductile crust and mantle. This contrasts with “cold and strong” lithospheres whose high strength sub-Moho mantle triggers a necking instability at the lithosphere-scale. This also differs from the extension of thickened hot and soft lithospheres whose ductile crust is thick enough to give birth to metamorphic core complexes. Thus, for the given lithospheric rheology, the models have relevance to backarc type extensional systems, such as the Aegean and the Tyrrhenian domains.  相似文献   

Multichannel reflection seismic profiles extending southward from the Grand Banks show gently dipping reflectors within “basement” features underlying the Newfoundland Ridge. These reflections appear to be from sedimentary strata, indicating that the Newfoundland Ridge is a remnant of a former sedimentary basin, rather than a ridge of oceanic crust as prescribed by plate tectonic models. Probably this feature is underlain, and to some extent surrounded by, continental crust.  相似文献   

It is proposed that major continental collision normally causes two orogenies. The first is characterized by ophiolite obduction, and the second by widespread deformation, often accompanied by metamorphism and granite intrusion. The two orogenies are separated by a relatively quiescent orogenic pause of 40–60 Ma. The two stages of continental collision are illustrated by examples from the Paleozoic Newfoundland Appalachians, and the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Tethyan collision belts of the Zagros and Himalayas.

The stages of continental collision are explained in terms of the forces driving plate motions, which are dominated by the downward pull of subducting oceanic lithosphere and, to a lesser extent, by the outward push of spreading oceanic ridges.

The Taconic stage marks attempted subduction of continental crust. The buoyancy of continental crust offsets the negative buoyancy of subducting oceanic lithosphere and other driving forces so that plate motion is halted. Orogeny involves vertical buoyancy forces and is concentrated along the narrow belt of plate overlap at the subduction zone.

In a major collision the Taconic stage destroys a substantial proportion of the earth's subducting capacity. It is an event of such magnitude that it has global consequences, reducing sea-floor spreading and the rate of convection. This results in retention of heat within the earth and a consequent increase in the forces driving the plates. The orogenic pause represents the time taken for these forces to become strong enough to overcome the obstruction of buoyant continental crust and renew subduction at the collision zone.

The Acadian stage of collision occurs when renewed subduction is achieved by detachment of continental crust from its underlying lithosphere. As the subcrustal lithosphere is subducted, the crust moves horizontally. The result is crustal shortening with widespread deformation and generation of anatectic granitic magma, as well as subduction related volcanism.

The effects of continental collision on the rate of sea-floor spreading can be related to eustatic changes in sea level, glaciations, and mass extinctions. There may also be connections, through changes in the rate of mantle convection, to the earth's magnetic polarity bias and rotation rate.  相似文献   

对山西隆起区中新生代构造演化的认识   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
对山西隆起区中新生代构造演化的认识,是探讨华北陆块演化、破坏等科学问题的基础。在中新生代期间,不论是岩石圈的差异演化、构造体制转换、岩浆活动,还是地貌反转,位于华北陆块中心部位的山西地区总是处于过渡带的位置。该地理位置说明了该区在华北陆块演化研究中的重要性。在近年1∶5万、1∶25万区域地质调查成果及以往研究资料的基础上,以中生代区域性断裂、新生代汾渭裂谷及山体隆升为主要研究内容,探讨山西隆起区中新生代岩石圈从增厚到减薄、构造体制从挤压到伸展转换,以及随华北陆块一起经历地貌格局从东高西低到西高东低转换的构造演化进程。研究认为,山西地区中新生代构造体系的发育从属统一的区域动力学环境,周边板块之间的相互作用引起深部软流圈变化: 软流圈下沉,岩石圈则相对增厚,地壳垂向伸展,横向收缩; 软流圈上涌,岩石圈相应减薄,地壳水平伸展。软流圈的变化对该地区中新生代构造变形、沉积格局、岩浆活动等方面起着控制作用。  相似文献   

We combine geological and geophysical data to develop a generalized model for the lithospheric evolution of the central Andean plateau between 18° and 20° S from Late Cretaceous to present. By integrating geophysical results of upper mantle structure, crustal thickness, and composition with recently published structural, stratigraphic, and thermochronologic data, we emphasize the importance of both the crust and upper mantle in the evolution of the central Andean plateau. Four key steps in the evolution of the Andean plateau are as follows. 1) Initiation of mountain building by 70 Ma suggested by the associated foreland basin depositional history. 2) Eastward jump of a narrow, early fold–thrust belt at 40 Ma through the eastward propagation of a 200–400-km-long basement thrust sheet. 3) Continued shortening within the Eastern Cordillera from 40 to 15 Ma, which thickened the crust and mantle and established the eastern boundary of the modern central Andean plateau. Removal of excess mantle through lithospheric delamination at the Eastern Cordillera–Altiplano boundary during the early Miocene appears necessary to accommodate underthrusting of the Brazilian shield. Replacement of mantle lithosphere by hot asthenosphere may have provided the heat source for a pulse of mafic volcanism in the Eastern Cordillera and Altiplano at 24–23 Ma, and further volcanism recorded by 12–7 Ma crustal ignimbrites. 4) After 20 Ma, deformation waned in the Eastern Cordillera and Interandean zone and began to be transferred into the Subandean zone. Long-term rates of shortening in the fold–thrust belt indicate that the average shortening rate has remained fairly constant (8–10 mm/year) through time with possible slowing (5–7 mm/year) in the last 15–20 myr. We suggest that Cenozoic deformation within the mantle lithosphere has been focused at the Eastern Cordillera–Altiplano boundary where the mantle most likely continues to be removed through piecemeal delamination.  相似文献   

The Late Cretaceous–Cenozoic evolution of the North German Basin has been investigated by 3-D thermomechanical finite element modelling. The model solves the equations of motion of an elasto-visco-plastic continuum representing the continental lithosphere. It includes the variations of stress in time and space, the thermal evolution, surface processes and variations in global sea level.The North German Basin became inverted in the Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic. The inversion was most intense in the southern part of the basin, i.e. in the Lower Saxony Basin, the Flechtingen High and the Harz. The lower crustal properties vary across the North German Basin. North of the Elbe Line, the lower crust is dense and has high seismic velocity compared to the lower crust south of the Elbe Line. The lower crust with high density and high velocity is assumed to be strong. Lateral variations in lithospheric strength also arise from lateral variations in Moho depth. In areas where the Moho is deep, the upper mantle is warm and the lithosphere is thereby relatively weak.Compression of the lithosphere causes shortening, thickening and surface uplift of relatively weak areas. Tectonic inversion occurs as zones of preexisting weakness are shortened and thickened in compression. Contemporaneously, the margins of the weak zone subside. Cenozoic subsidence of the northern part of the North German Basin is explained as a combination of thermal subsidence and a small amount of deformation and surface uplift during compression of the stronger crust in the north.The modelled deformation patterns and resulting sediment isopachs correlate with observations from the area. This verifies the usefulness and importance of thermomechanical models in the investigation of intraplate sedimentary basin formation.  相似文献   

羌塘西北部松西地区新生代火山岩由安山岩、英安岩和晚期火山颈相流纹斑岩3种岩石类型组成,属于钙碱性-高钾钙碱性岩石系列.岩石富集大离子亲石元素和LREE,相对亏损高场强元素,Nb、Ta、Ti负异常,反映源岩具有壳源特征,基性端员的SiO2含量<53%,表明松西地区玄武安山岩不可能完全由陆壳直接局部熔融产生,应该有少量基性的地幔物质加入.岩浆Eu负异常不明显,说明岩浆来源于加厚陆壳中下部,是印度板块与欧亚板块发生长期碰撞挤压导致青藏高原北部包括羌塘地区的陆壳缩短和加厚、拉萨地块大陆岩石圈的北向俯冲作用以及羌塘陆块之下上涌的软流层物质的底侵作用,引发增厚下地壳发生部分熔融形成的.  相似文献   

本文综合研究了青藏高原大地构造格局、地壳与地幔结构、地球物理场特征,对青藏高原整体隆升的物理一力学机制,进行了总结,并提出了隆升、地壳短缩和增厚的动力学模式。论文对以下五个问题进行了研究和讨论:第一,青藏高原巨厚的地壳、薄的岩石图结构、不同产状深大断裂以及推覆、切割和碰撞造山带的基本模式;第二,地震活动、断层面解与区域应力场;第三,板块运移与地体拼贴和大陆增生;第四,青藏高原隆升的物理一力学机制分析;第五,青藏高原隆升的地球动力学模式。研究结果表明,南部印度板块向北运移并与欧亚大陆板块碰撞,北部则受古亚洲板块阻隔并向南推移。在长期的碰撞与挤压作用下,造成了高原地区异常的地震活动和应力场,Lg波能量向南快速衰减和Q值向南递增,水热活动强烈和地壳“南热”、“北冷”及岩石围中“壳热”、“慢冷”的格局。喜马拉雅南、北麓重力未达均衡,高山仍在上升,沿雅鲁藏布江由深部上涌的蛇绿岩套长达1700km,一系列走滑断层的形成和强烈的形变,形成了南界恒河平原北缘、北抵雅鲁藏布江的宽约300~500km的碰撞挤压过渡带。基于此,青藏高原的隆升和地壳短缩增厚的物理一力学机制为软流圈的拖曳作用,促使印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞和长期的挤  相似文献   

The role of the uppermost mantle strength in the pattern of lithosphere rifting is investigated using a thermo-mechanical finite-element code. In the lithosphere, the mantle/crust strength ratio (SM/SC) that decreases with increasing Moho temperature TM allows two strength regimes to be defined: mantle dominated (SM > SC) and crust dominated (SM < SC). The transition between the two regimes corresponds to the disappearance of a high strength uppermost mantle for TM > 700 °C. 2D numerical simulations for different values of SM/SC show how the uppermost mantle strength controls the style of continental rifting. A high strength mantle leads to strain localisation at lithosphere scale, with two main patterns of narrow rifting: “coupled crust–mantle” at the lowest TM values and “deep crustal décollement” for increasing TM values, typical of some continental rifts and non-volcanic passive margins. The absence of a high strength mantle leads to distributed deformations and wide rifting in the upper crust. These numerical results are compared and discussed in relation with series of classical rift examples.  相似文献   

Marginal basins, areas of oceanic lithosphere peripheral to large ocean basins, may be formed by several processes, but the young active marginal basins have the geophysical and geochemical characteristics of young normal oceanic lithosphere. We recognize two distinct tectonic settings in which new oceanic lithosphere may be formed in areas which would be termed marginal basins:
1. (1) Upwelling of fractional melts of mantle material from the region above subducted lithospheric slabs leads to the generation of new oceanic lithosphere behind island arcs. The general case for this tectonic setting involves random location of magma leaks and does not produce correlatable magnetic anomalies. In special cases, an orthogonal ridge—transform system may duplicate the magnetic patterns found on ocean-basin crust.
2. (2) The second tectonic setting develops on very long “leaky” transform faults separating spreading ridges. In areas where the transform has dislocated a block of continental crust, or an island arc, the map view of the resulting marginal basin may resemble the setting of a basin behind an active island arc. However, the “leaky” transform setting is unrelated to active plate convergence or to Benioff zones.
At “normal” ridge-crests, and possibly in some marginal basins, basalt is erupted on long linear magma leaks and rapid cooling forms thick lithosphere with correlatable linear magnetic anomalies. Some marginal basins have high thermal flux, spread slowly and may have thick sediment cover. Slow cooling, numerous point-source magma leaks and extensive hydrothermal alteration diminish magnetic intensities and cause diffuse magnetic patterns. The correlation problems caused by diffuse magnetic anomalies make interpretations of spreading rates and directions in young marginal basins a difficult, if not futile, task.It is likely that fragments of marginal-basin lithosphere form some of the ophiolite complexes; their recognition is critical to paleo-tectonic interpretations. The geochemical characteristics of marginal-basin basalts do not appear to be useful criteria for distinguishing them from ocean-ridge basalts. However, the abundance of short ridges and seamounts in many young marginal basins suggests that an abundance of seamount material, as well as differentiated volcanic and plutonic rocks, in ophiolites may be an indication of derivation from marginal-basin lithosphere.  相似文献   

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