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Summary. We report the results of our continuing efforts to compute theoretical seismograms for direct comparison with the experimental time series obtained with the long-period instruments of the WWSSN. The entire theoretical seismogram — body waves and surface waves — is generated for realistic sources buried in a radially heterogeneous, anelastic, spherical earth. The results described in Paper I (Nakanishi, Schwab & Knopoff) are extended to include the summation of 11 modes; for each, the dispersion, attenuation, and excitation are computed down to a minimum period of 1 s. Examples of the theoretical seismograms, and the comparison with experimental results are presented, The results of this comparison indicate that our first application of combined body- and surface-wave generation will concern the investigation of the intrinsic anelasticity in the upper mantle. The indicated technique for such an investigation is based on body waves simply crossing the region of high attenuation a few times in passing from focus to recording station, while a guided surface wave such as Sa , experiences this anelasticity over the entire propagation path.  相似文献   

Summary. Earlier efforts to generate the entire theoretical seismograms, including both body and surface waves for realistic sources buried in a radially heterogeneous anelastic, spherical earth, are extended to include the summation of 16 modes. The comparison between a real seismogram and theoretical time series, relative to different attenuation models in the upper mantle, yields information concerning the anelasticity under the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Summary. A set of recurrence relations which are computationally more efficient than those of the reflection matrix method of Kennett & Kerry is presented for P - and SV -wave generation in a ( n + 1) layered medium. The recurrence relations contain no growing terms and thus provide a stable algorithm for computing complete P and SV synthetic seismograms. Our algorithm requires a fewer algebraic operations for computing the reflectivity and transmissivity coefficients, ranging from 15 per cent less for a source in the half-space to 30 per cent less for a source in the top layer, than the reflection matrix method.  相似文献   

A fault plane solution using theoretical P seismograms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We use the method of Hudson and Douglas, Hudson & Blarney to compute seismograms which simulate the codas of 10 short period P -wave seismograms from a shallow earthquake. The polarities and relative amplitudes of P and pP measured from seven of the observed seismograms are used to compute a fault plane solution with confidence limits, assuming that the source radiates as a double couple. This solution is in approximate agreement with that given for the same earthquake by Sykes & Sbar, who used only the onset polarities of short-period P waves. The small difference between the two solutions can be explained by interference between the true first motion of P and microseismic noise at two stations.
The results show that, for some shallow earthquakes, the relative amplitude method has the following advantages over the first motions method. First, a P/pP amplitude ratio (with appropriate confidence limits) can always be measured, even in seismograms which are so noisy that the first motion of P is uncertain. Second, the fault plane solutions obtained from relative amplitudes have known confidence limits. Finally, by using more information from each seismogram, the relative amplitude method requires considerably fewer seismograms than the first motions method.  相似文献   

We use the Direct Solution Method (DSM) together with the modified operators derived by Geller & Takeuchi (1995) and Takeuchi, Geller & Cummins (1996) to compute complete synthetic seismograms and their partial derivatives for laterally heterogeneous models in spherical coordinates. The methods presented in this paper are well suited to conducting waveform inversion for 3-D Earth structure. No assumptions of weak perturbation are necessary, although such approximations greatly improve computational efficiency when their use is appropriate.
An example calculation is presented in which the toroidal wavefield is calculated for an axisymmetric model for which velocity is dependent on depth and latitude but not longitude. The wavefield calculated using the DSM agrees well with wavefronts calculated by tracing rays. To demonstrate that our algorithm is not limited to weak, aspherical perturbations to a spherically symmetric structure, we consider a model for which the latitude-dependent part of the velocity structure is very strong.  相似文献   

Summary. An algorithm which is part analytical and part numerical is suggested for the computation of complete synthetic seismograms for complex three-dimensional geological structures with radial symmetry. A partial separation of variables based on the combination of a finite Fourier integral transform with respect to the spatial coordinate z together with the finite difference method is the essence of the algorithm. Upon application of the finite transform the problem reduces to solving a system of equations containing only partial derivatives with respect to one spatial coordinate ( r ) and time. As radial symmetry is assumed, there is no functional dependence on φ in the cylindrical system of coordinates ( r , φ, z ). The coefficients of the transformed equations may contain finite Fourier integrals of the z dependence of the elastic parameters. Several examples of synthetic seismograms computed for both SH - and P – SV -waves propagating in complex subsurface geometries are presented and their interpretation discussed.  相似文献   

A new method for computing synthetic seismograms   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary. The computation of theoretical seismograms for models in which the elastic parameters and density vary only with depth (in a plane, cylindrical or spherical geometry) reduces to the solution of an ordinary differential equation plus the evaluation of inverse transformations. In principle, the problem is straightforward. In practice, many techniques and approximations can be used at each stage and many combinations and variants are possible. In this paper, we discuss a new method of evaluating the inverse transforms. Any method can be used to solve the differential equation and we only discuss a few analytic approximations to illustrate the new method. The inverse transformations are a frequency and wavenumber integral. Essentially four techniques can be used to evaluate these depending on the order of integration and whether the wavenumber integral is distorted from the real axis. Three of these have been widely used, but the technique of evaluating the frequency integral first and keeping the wavenumber real is new. In this paper, we discuss some of the advantages of this combination.  相似文献   

Real plane-waves constitute the building blocks for recently developed spectral techniques in synthetic seismology. While providing numerical convenience, real slowness-spectra model certain wave phenomena in a distributed 'unnatural' way, whereas complex spectra model these phenomena in a compact, more 'natural' way. The theory of complex spectra, called by us the 'Spectral Theory of Transients' (STT) and developed elsewhere, is summarized here and contrasted with the real-spectrum approach. Relying strongly on the theory of analytic functions, STT permits the transient responses to be classified and evaluated according to the singularities they introduce in the complex slowness plane. The method is illustrated for a number of 2-D SH -wave model propagation environments, including interface reflection, head waves, multiple encounters with caustics due to concave boundaries or ducting medium inhomogeneities, and diffraction by structures with edges.  相似文献   

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