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A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Mt. Etna is presented; it has altimetric and planimetric resolution of 1 m and 5 m, respectively, and covers an area of about 120 km . This 3-D view of Mt. Etna allowed both recognition and location of the main morphostructural and volcano-tectonic features of the volcano. A slope map has been generated from the DEM; on the basis of slope distributions and surface textures, five acclivity domains have been recognized. The largest domain, south of the summit craters, reflects the occurrence of old plateau lavas, distinct from central volcanoes which built the present Etnean volcanic system. Interaction between the central volcanoes, with their summit calderas and failed slopes, produced the other recognised domains. Furthermore, newly identified relevant morphostructural lines are discussed. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   

The author describes a subterminal radial fissure eruption of Mt. Etna that took place in February 1964. A sketchmap and a chemical analysis of the lava are given.
Zusammenfassung Der Verfasser beschreibt den subterminalen Radialspaltenausbruch des Ätnas im Februar 1964 und fügt eine chemische Analyse der geförderten Lava bei.

Résumé L'auteur décrit une éruption subterminale de l'Etna qui a eu lieu sur une fissure radiale en février 1964. Une carte de la région sommitale de l'Etna et une analyse chimique de la lava sont ajoutées.

Riassunto L'autore descrive l'eruzione radiale verificatasi al cono terminale dell'Etna nel Febbraio del 1964. Dà inoltre un rilevamento schematico della zona del cratere centrale ed il chimismo della roccia.

, 1964 .

Dedicated to Professor Dr. A.Rittmann on the occasion of his 75. birthday

This study is a part of the researches, carried out with the funds of the National Research Council of the Italy under the direction of Prof. A.Ritmann.  相似文献   

Buoyancy controls the ability of magma to rise, its ascent rate and the style of the eruptions. Geophysical, geological and petrological data have been integrated to evaluate the buoyancy of magmas at Mt Etna. The density difference between host rocks and magmas is mainly related to the amount of H2O dissolved in the magma and to the bubble‐liquid separation processes. In the depth interval 22–2 km b.s.l. highly hydrated (H2O ~ 3%) basaltic magmas or mixtures of bubbles + liquid have positive buoyancy and rise rapidly. Conversely, bubble‐depleted liquids, with an intermediate H2O content (~ 1.5%), having neutral buoyancy, will spread out and form magmatic reservoirs at different depths until cooling/crystallization further modify composition and density. These different processes account for the magma compositions, location of magmatic reservoirs as determined by geophysical methods, and the complex eruptive cycles (slow effusions, fire fountains and Plinian eruptions) that have been observed in the history of the volcano.  相似文献   

Fluorine adsorption by volcanic soils at Mt. Etna,Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fluorine adsorption experiments were performed on 28 samples of the first 5 cm of topsoil collected on the flanks of Mt. Etna. The soil samples were equilibrated with F-rich rainwater (3.25 mg/L) at a soil/water weight ratio of 1/25. Aliquots of the supernatant were collected after 1, 7, 72, 720 and 5640 h and analysed for F content. The soil samples could be subdivided into three groups based on their F-adsorption behaviours after 1 h and at the end of the experiment: (1) negative adsorption (F released from the soil to the solution) after 1 h and negative or moderately positive adsorption at the end, (2) from negative after 1 h to strongly positive adsorption at the end, and (3) always strong positive adsorption. The adsorption capacity of the soils was positively correlated with the soil pH, the contents of finer granulometric fractions (clay and silt) and the weathering stage (as quantified by the chemical alteration index). The most F adsorbing soils are found at the periphery of the volcano where aquifers are more vulnerable to contamination due to the shallower depth of the water table. This study further evidences the importance of the Etnean soils in protecting groundwater from an excessive magmatic F input.  相似文献   

When dealing with hazard, the concept of fault capability (the probability of significant surface displacement in the near future) is more useful than the generic and often misleading concept of fault activity. The example of the Pernicana fault, located in the north-eastern flank of the Mt. Etna volcano is used here to illustrate the damage which can be expected in an urbanised area from a capable fault, in this case characterized by 'aseismic creep along part of its length. Along this fault, buildings, roads and other essential lifelines are being affected by slow, left-lateral displacement. The Pernicana fault is only one of a set of structures in the area whose movement, either connected to seismicity or not, is producing severe damage. First identified at the end of the last century, this source of hazard is, nevertheless, still poorly considered by planners and technicians. In Italy fault creep is quite rare outside the Etna region, but fault capability associated with strong earthquakes is relatively frequent, based on historical and palaeoseismological data, and is a feature that should be taken into account for hazard reduction programs.  相似文献   

 The aim of this paper is to verify whether lichens have the capacity to accumulate atmospheric contaminators linked to volcanic activity. About 100 lichens were collected in 1994 and 1995 from two active volcanic areas in Italy: Mount Etna and Vulcano Island. Twenty-seven elements were analyzed for each individual lichen using Instrumental Neutronic Activation Analysis and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. Lichen composition reflects the contribution of the volcanic particulate material, and the two areas investigated can be distinguished on the basis of the concentration of some lithophile elements. Moreover, the distribution in lichens of the elements (As, Sb, Br, Pb) – derived from gas emissions (plume, fumaroles) – also shows different geochemical trends on Mt. Etna and Vulcano. Received: 20 April 1998 · Accepted: 4 July 1998  相似文献   

Summary Melt inclusions in olivine and apatite, and REE distribution of apatite were studied in one of the least differentiated members of the oldest alkaline succession of Mt. Etna. Apatite occurs both as microphenocrysts and as inclusions in olivine crystals, even in the most Mg-rich ones (Fo82). In addition phenocrysts and groundmass are composed of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, olivine and magnetite. Apatite is fluor-apatite, with rather homogeneous major element (measured by electron microprobe, EMP) and REE (measured by laser-ablation microprobe, LAM, and by secondary ion mass spectrometer, SIMS) contents. REE are enriched when compared to the whole rock, with contents in olivine-hosted apatite lower than or the same as those of the microphenocryst cores; these in turn show lower REE values than their edges. Distribution coefficients, calculated from LAM data of microphenocryst edges and whole rock analyses, are higher for LREE (8–12) than for HREE (5–4). In the SiO2 vs. P2O5 diagram melt inclusions and whole rock samples define a trend that is consistent with continuous apatite extraction from a “high P” basalt magma. Finally, whole rock data show LREE/HREE (La/Lu)n enrichment ratios from hawaiites to mugearites (=1.14), consistent with apatite fractionation, lower than those documented for lavas of the “low P” type (enrichment ratio = 1.34–1.37), where conditions for apatite saturation were not established. Received January 2, 2000; revised version accepted April 2, 2001  相似文献   

3D earthquake locations, focal mechanisms and stress tensor distribution in a 16‐month interval covering the 2018 Mt. Etna flank eruption, enabled us to investigate the relationship between magma intrusion and structural response of the volcano and shed light on the dynamic processes affecting the instability of Mt. Etna. The magma intrusion likely caused tension in the flanks of the volcano, leading to significant ground deformation and redistribution of stress on the neighbouring faults at the edge of Mt. Etna's unstable sector, encouraging the ESE sliding of the eastern flank of the volcano. Accordingly, FPSs of the post‐eruptive events show strike slip faulting mechanisms, under a stress regime characterized by a maximum compressive σ1, NE‐SW oriented. In this perspective, any flank eruption could temporarily enhance the sliding process of both the southern and eastern flanks of the volcano.  相似文献   

Benchmarks installed on the upper eastern flank of Mt. Etna in 1982 have subsided continually since then, with the rate of subsidence twice accelerating prior to eruptions. The first of these eruptions was in December 1985, and the second in September 1989. This pattern of accelerating downslope movement has also been observed prior to landslides, and recent work applying knowledge of the failure of materials has shown that analysis of the inverse rate of these movements can be used to predict the time of failure. Post-eruption analyses of geodetic or seismic data from volcanoes has shown that in several cases, this approach could have been used to forecast eruptions weeks in advance. Applying the same principles to the accelerating subsidence on Mt. Etna's eastern flank prior to the eruptions of 1985 and 1989 shows that rough estimates of eruption dates could have been obtained several months in advance. These observations also suggest a speculative eruption-triggering mechanism involving an interplay between slope creep deformation and extensional weakening over the zone of intrusion.  相似文献   

Volcanic eruptions may create a wide range of risks in inhabited areas and, as a consequence, major economic damage to the surrounding territory. An example of volcanic hazard was given between 1998 and 2001 by Mt. Etna volcano, in Italy, with its frequent paroxysmal explosive activity that caused more than a hundred fire-fountain episodes. In the period January–June 2000, in particular, 64 lava fountains took place at the Southeast Crater. During the most intense explosive phase of each episode, a sustained column often formed, reaching up to 6 km above the eruptive vent. Then, the column started to expand laterally causing more or less copious tephra fallout on the slopes of Etna; ash and lapilli, therefore, constituted a serious danger for vehicular and air traffic. A software and hardware warning system was developed to mitigate the volcanic hazard indicating the areas affected by potential ash and lapilli fallout. The alert system was mainly based on the good correspondence between the pattern of volcanic tremor amplitude and the evolution of explosive activity. When a fixed tremor threshold was exceeded, a semiautomatic process started to send faxes to Civil Defence and Municipalities directly affected by tephra fallout, together with information on wind directions from the Meteorological Office. The application of this methodology, during the last 14 eruptive episodes in 2000 and the 14 events occurred in 2001, demonstrated the good correspondence between the forecasts on the areas affected by tephra fallout and the effective tephra distribution on land. Despite the integrity of the performance provided by the alert system, small discrepancies occurred in the technical procedure of alerting, for which possible solutions have been discussed. The improvement of this type of system, could become basic for the Etnean region and be proposed for similar volcanic areas throughout the world.  相似文献   

The exceptional occurrence of fluorine-rich mineral phases in the benmoreitic lava dome of Mt. Calvario (south-western flank of Mt. Etna) has given the opportunity to understand the genetic process allowing their crystallization. Both primary and secondary mineral associations were found, namely: plagioclase, clinopyroxene, olivine, fluorapatite and iron oxides as primary assemblage, whereas fluoro-edenite and fluorophlogopite, ferroan-enstatite, hematite, pseudobrookite and tridymite as secondary mineralization. In addition to some major and trace elements (e.g., Fe, Ti, Na, K, P, Ba, Rb, Sm, Zr), particularly fluorine and chlorine concentrations of the whole rock are significantly higher than other Etnean prehistoric benmoreites, and cannot be accounted for common differentiation processes in the feeding system. The selective enrichment in some elements has been here attributed to volatile flushing occurring in the plumbing system, with fluid/melt ratio of ~0.65:1. The resulting high amount of fluorine, coupled with its high solubility even at low pressure for benmoreitic melts, finally led to nucleation and growth of F-rich mineral phases during syn- and post-eruptive conditions.  相似文献   

The schists and gneisses of the Kanmantoo Group in the eastern Mt. Lofty Ranges show a well marked foliation and lineation. The foliation seen in the field is usually parallel to the bedding. The micas have a preferred orientation parallel to the lineation, resulting in girdles or partial girdles in the fabric diagrams. Quartz does not appear to have any preferred orientation. The lineations plunge to the S.S.E. or N.N.W., the mean plunge being about 20° to the S.S.E. This agrees with the plunge of the fold axes measured in the field and with the plunge of major structures deduced from field mapping. The area is thus one in which all the lineations are “b” lineations.  相似文献   

We present here new measurements of sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide emissions from Vulcano, Etna, and Stromboli (Italy), made by direct sampling at vents and by filter pack and ultraviolet spectroscopy in downwind plumes. Measurements at the F0 and FA fumaroles on Vulcano yielded SO2/H2S molar ratios of ≈0.38 and ≈1.4, respectively, from which we estimate an H2S flux of 6 to 9 t · d−1 for the summit crater. For Mt. Etna and Stromboli, we found SO2/H2S molar ratios of ≈20 and ≈15, respectively, which combined with SO2 flux measurements, suggest H2S emission rates of 50 to 113 t · d−1 and 4 to 8 t · d−1, respectively. We observe that “source” and plume SO2/H2S ratios at Vulcano are similar, suggesting that hydrogen sulfide is essentially inert on timescales of seconds to minutes. This finding has important implications for estimates of volcanic total sulfur budget at volcanoes since most existing measurements do not account for H2S emission.  相似文献   

On December 24th, Mt. Etna volcano underwent a seismic crisis beneath the summit and upper southern flank of the volcano, accompanied by significant ash emission. Eruptive fissures opened at the base of summit craters, propagating SE‐wards. This lateral eruption lasted until December 27th. Despite the small eruption, seismic swarm and ground deformation were very strong. Sentinel‐1 interferograms show a wide and intense ground deformation with some additional features related to volcano‐tectonic structures. We inverted DInSAR data to characterise the magma intrusion. The resulting model indicates that a large dyke intruded but aborted its upraise at about the sea level; however, this big intrusion stretched the edifice, promoting the opening of the eruptive fissures fed by a shallower small dyke, and activating also several faults. This model highlights that a big intrusion beneath a structurally complex volcano represents a main issue even if the eruption is aborted.  相似文献   

New gravity and aeromagnetic data from Mt Etna volcano are presented which provide evidence for and constraints on relatively dense, high magnetization bodies at shallow levels below the summit craters. These are modelled and interpreted in terms of dyke/sill complexes, which may be the sites of short-term magma storage. A similar but larger body with high density and high magnetization is modelled below the southern wall of the Valle de Bove and may be the remnant of a prehistoric storage system. This body is close to the Valle del Bove, a major collapse feature, and may have influenced its geometry by buttressing and/or focusing zones of weakness.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(6):863-882
New geochemical data on dissolved major and minor constituents in 276 groundwater samples from Etna aquifers reveal the main processes responsible for their geochemical evolution and mineralisation. This topic is of particular interest in the light of the progressive depletion of water resources and groundwater quality in the area. Multivariate statistical analysis reveal 3 sources of solutes: (a) the leaching of the host basalt, driven by the dissolution of magma-derived CO2; (b) mixing processes with saline brines rising from the sedimentary basement below Etna; (c) contamination from agricultural and urban wastewaters. The last process, highlighted by increased concentrations of SO4, NO3, Ca, F and PO4, is more pronounced on the lower slopes of the volcanic edifice, associated with areas of high population and intensive agriculture. However, this study demonstrates that natural processes (a) and (b) are also very effective in producing highly mineralised waters, which in turn results in many constituents (B, V, Mg) exceeding maximum admissible concentrations for drinking water.  相似文献   

Continuous GPS (CGPS) data, collected at Mt. Etna between April 2012 and October 2013, clearly define inflation/deflation processes typically observed before/after an eruption onset. During the inflationary process from May to October 2013, a particular deformation pattern localised in the upper North Eastern sector of the volcano suggests that a magma intrusion had occurred a few km away from the axis of the summit craters, beneath the NE Rift system. This is the first time that this pattern has been recorded by CGPS data at Mt. Etna. We believe that this inflation process might have taken place periodically at Mt. Etna and might be associated with the intrusion of batches of magma that are separate from the main feeding system. We provide a model to explain this unusual behaviour and the eruptive regime of this rift zone, which is characterised by long periods of quiescence followed by often dangerous eruptions in which vents can open at low elevation and thus threaten the villages in this sector of the volcano.  相似文献   

The present work reports on the isotopic characterization of rainfall and groundwater at Mt. Vesuvius. Values of δ 18O, monthly measured on rain samples collected during the period 2002–2004 in a rain-gauge network composed of 10 stations, were compared with meteorological and DEM data. Air temperature, controlled by the local orographic structure, was identified as the main factor influencing rain isotopic composition. Another important role is played by orographic clouds, whose condensation over the top of Mt. Vesuvius is responsible for anomalously high δ 18O values recorded in rain samples from the summit area of the volcanic edifice. A spatial model of rain isotopic composition, based on a 3D distribution of temperature derived by a 1 × 1 km DEM, was implemented and used for calculating the theoretical isotopic signature of seepage, further compared with data measured in the groundwater monitoring network. The analysis evidenced the role of local meteoric recharge as the main source feeding Mt. Vesuvius aquifers. The unique exception is the Olivella drainage gallery, located on the north-eastern flank of the volcanic edifice, whose isotopic composition is slightly more positive than the one expected for its altitude, likely caused by both evaporation processes and mixing with condensed hydrothermal vapor.  相似文献   

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