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使用双参数折减方法分析边坡稳定性的研究较多, 如何把两个折减系数定义为单一的综合安全系数是目前研究的一项重要内容。Isakov提出的最短折减路径法能够保证在不同工况下得到最小安全系数, 但是该方法的缺点在于计算复杂, 不适合工程应用。通过有限元数值模拟, 利用最短折减路径方法计算不同强度黏土构成的不同坡度均质土坡的最小安全系数和对应的折减系数, 探索了最小安全系数与土的初始黏聚力、内摩擦角以及边坡坡度的关系, 分析了初始强度对折减系数的影响。结果表明, 相同坡度下不同强度的黏土边坡在失稳时, 最小安全系数对应的临界破坏强度相同。临界破坏强度与坡度近似成线性正相关关系。由此基于最短折减路径法提出了一种新的计算最小安全系数的方法, 该方法得到的安全系数与目前常用的极限平衡方法所得结果相近, 并且计算简单, 因此可以用于边坡稳定性分析。   相似文献   

降雨作用下边坡不同深度岩土体所经受的劣化作用强度差异显著,从而影响边坡的稳定性。以深圳典型渣土边坡为例,基于改进的 Green-Ampt模型计算降雨作用下的浸润锋深度,通过干湿循环与直剪试验,获得了浸润锋内渣土抗剪强度参数的劣化规律,结合劣化规律并采用双强度折减法研究了不同降雨工况下渣土边坡的稳定性。研究结果表明:随着干湿循环次数的增加,渣土的黏聚力及内摩擦角均减小,且前期减小得快,后期缓慢,4次干湿循环后趋于稳定,符合指数函数的变化趋势,保持稳定不再衰减的渣土黏聚力为9.5kPa,内摩擦角为19°;综合降雨入渗的干湿循环以及双强度折减法得到的渣土边坡的稳定性系数较仅采用传统强度折减法得到的稳定性系数有大幅度的降低,最 大 减 小 了44.5%。该方法可以用于准确评价降雨作用下边坡稳定性。   相似文献   

黄土高原边坡特征与破坏规律的分区研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为了研究黄土高原自然边坡的特征及破坏规律,按山系与水系或水系的分水岭、地貌单元、地层岩性特征等条件,将黄土高原划分为8个区:临洮—永靖区、天水—通渭区、兰州—会宁区、陇东区、靖边—安塞区、隰县—离石区、甘泉—吉县区和汾渭区.根据极限状态边坡的4个野外判别标准,测量了8个区510个自然极限状态黄土边坡断面,分区采用指数模型回归边坡坡高与坡宽的相关关系,计算各区20、50、100m坡高的边坡稳定系数和失效概率.结果表明:黄土高原的边坡特征与破坏形式具有分区特征,且南北差异性明显.临洮—永靖区边坡坡高与坡宽呈线性关系,表明该区边坡坡度不随坡高变化,边坡稳定性受内摩擦角控制;兰州—会宁区和靖边—安塞区高坡陡,低坡缓,高坡不稳定,易发生错落式滑坡;天水—通渭区、甘泉—吉县区和汾渭区高坡缓,低坡陡,稳定性计算结果显示高坡和低坡都较为稳定,但由于地层结构和地貌的特点,高边坡易发生低速蠕变型滑坡或高速远程滑坡;陇东区边坡整体上较为稳定;隰县—离石区受黏粒含量较高的Q1地层控制,高边坡稳定性较差;50m左右坡高的黄土边坡稳定性对强度指标内聚力、内摩擦角的敏感度都高,易于失稳.  相似文献   

水库滑坡变形破坏受其岩土体蠕变特性及环境因素的影响。当滑坡进入加速变形阶段后,变形骤然增大,失稳概率增加。为了研究滑坡岩土体蠕变特性及其稳定性,选取锦屏一级水电站呷爬滑坡为研究对象,采用坡表位移监测曲线分析与室内三轴蠕变试验相结合的方法,建立了Burgers蠕变模型结合FLAC3D软件进行了滑坡稳定性研究。分析坡表位移-时间曲线发现,坡体变形特征与一般滑坡土体的蠕变特征具有相似性,滑带土室内三轴蠕变试验结果表明,滑带土变形可划分为瞬时蠕变、减速蠕变与稳定蠕变3个阶段,同时其瞬时变形量、稳定蠕变速率均随围压以及应力水平的增大而增大。基于滑带土蠕变特性的Burgers蠕变模型的计算结果,对比了常规强度折减法与考虑蠕变的强度折减法的滑坡稳定性系数,计算结果表明呷爬滑坡目前处于稳定状态,在一个计算周期内考虑蠕变的强度折减法较常规强度折减法的稳定性系数下降了0.04,因此,揭示滑坡土体蠕变特性并在此基础上研究其稳定性具有实际意义。   相似文献   

用物质点强度折减法求解边坡安全系数时, 需要选择一定的失稳判据, 而采用不同的失稳判据获得的安全系数通常存在一定差异。为此, 采用物质点强度折减法对两个边坡算例进行了稳定性分析, 对比研究了文献中常用的4种边坡失稳判据(计算不收敛、特征点位移突变、塑性应变贯通及界限值判据)在计算边坡安全系数时的合理性及适用性。同时, 将Spencer极限平衡法获得的安全系数作为参考, 进一步验证了结果的合理性与准确性。结果表明: ①数值计算的收敛性不能作为边坡失稳判据; ②将特征点位移突变视为边坡失稳判据时, 获得的安全系数与极限平衡法获得的结果基本一致, 故特征点位移突变可以作为边坡失稳判据; ③塑性应变贯通和边坡最大位移随迭代时间步趋于稳定的界限值不宜单独作为边坡失稳判据。   相似文献   

边坡条分法物理意义是以强度折减表征材料峰值强度的下降程度。以不平衡推力部分强度折减法为例,推广传统假设,应用理想弹塑性模型和全过程剪应力-应变模型,在峰值剪应力和峰值应变相等条件下,模拟边坡的渐进破坏过程;提出了临界状态决定法,随着临界状态逐步移动,边坡不平衡力和驱动力越来越大,抗滑力越来越小,直至整体处于破坏状态。以湖北省恩施州稻池村边坡为例,以3种数值(部分强度折减、理想弹塑性和全过程剪应力-应变本构)模型揭示边坡渐进破坏过程中各参量变化特征。结果表明:3种数值条块法均能描述稻池村边坡渐进破坏过程,基于条分法和理想弹塑性模型部分强度折减系数大于全过程剪应力-应变本构模型稳定系数。   相似文献   

降雨入渗和人工开挖是诱发黄土滑坡的重要因素, 为了研究在这2种诱因作用下关中地区黄土滑坡失稳过程及其对稳定性的影响, 以陕西省长武县杨厂村老庙滑坡为研究对象, 通过现场调查、地质测绘和钻孔勘探, 查明了该滑坡变形特征, 定性分析了滑坡变形演变过程; 基于滑坡变形前15 d内日降雨量实测值, 采用有限元软件, 对坡脚开挖后连续降雨作用下滑坡形成过程进行了仿真模拟; 基于强度折减法对该滑坡稳定性变化规律进行了研究。结果表明: ①关中地区特殊的地层结构是滑坡变形的内因, 降雨是最主要的诱发因素; ②滑坡失稳演化过程表现为: 坡体处于蠕滑状态, 坡脚开挖后, 坡体前缘失稳, 牵引中后缘坡体向下错动而产生张拉裂缝, 在降雨作用下, 雨水沿裂缝渗入坡体深部, 滑坡中部岩土体浸水后抗剪强度降低, 从而导致黄土层与红黏土层接触面饱水形成贯通滑带, 诱发深层滑坡; ③滑坡开挖后较初始状态, 稳定性系数降幅为0.102, 此后受连续降雨影响, 稳定性系数在前10 d以平均0.010/d的速率缓慢下降, 第10~13 d以0.034/d的速率快速下降至最低, 第13 d以后开始回升。研究结果可以为该类滑坡防治提供有效依据。   相似文献   

夏日哈木镍钴矿为大型镍钴硫化物矿床,现拟建大型露天采场,边坡采用分台阶式高边坡,最高边坡高度超过600m。该工程具有开挖成本高,边坡一但失稳后果严重的特点。为此需要选择一个即节约经济成本又保障整体边坡稳定的最佳边坡角。本文采取Geostudio软件中的Slope模块极限平衡方法对拟建露天采场假设开挖边坡角的整体边坡稳定性进行分析,提出最佳设计边坡角。 本次边坡角优化的思路:首先根据场地工程地质条件和拟建边坡的高度等因素将拟建边坡划分为5个区,选择典型边坡工程地质剖面并进行工程地质岩体分段,然后通过岩石强度指标折减计算(本文采用费辛柯法、M.Georgi法和经验法)给各分段的岩体赋予凝聚力、内摩擦角等计算参数,采用极限平衡方法(Geostudio软件中的Slope模块法)对不同角度下对各分区边坡的破坏形式及安全系数进行计算,最后提出了各分区边坡的最佳设计边坡角。  相似文献   

基于多孔介质饱和 非饱和渗流理论和非饱和土抗剪强度理论,采用极限平衡法与降雨渗流有限元相结合的方法,选取大庆—广州高速公路江西里仁—龙南段某典型高路堑边坡,利用岩土仿真软件GeoStudio建立模型,研究降雨条件下花岗岩残坡积土路堑边坡失稳破环的形态和机理.结果表明:随着降雨的进行,边坡中地下水位从坡脚处开始抬升,边坡坡脚处容易产生“小弧”滑动破坏;土体体积含水量的增加使得基质吸力下降,从而降低土体强度和边坡的安全系数,且基质吸力与安全系数的下降幅度基本同步;降雨强度对边坡的安全系数有较大影响,小雨阶段,安全系数降幅较缓,而暴雨阶段,安全系数降幅加剧,降幅达24;4%;在强降雨条件下,滑面基质吸力大部分丧失,失稳边坡发生了从整体失稳向局部失稳、从深层失稳向浅层失稳的转变,即强降雨是浅层滑坡的主要外在因素.  相似文献   

黄土滑坡和降雨关系尤为密切。为深入研究降雨入渗对滑坡的促发作用,在对陕西西安地区“9·17”灞桥滑坡现场勘察的基础上,利用数值模拟方法系统研究了黄土边坡在降雨入渗条件下土体相关物理力学指标的变化响应特征及时空分布规律;从滑动面安全系数变化的角度分析了边坡的失稳过程,并揭示了该类滑坡的启动机制。结果表明:(1)降雨入渗首先引起坡面土体的基质吸力逐渐降低,而且不同分布位置的降幅不同;(2)滑坡启动前,坡体的高体积含水量范围随降雨明显扩大,且体积含水量表现出从古土壤层向邻近黄土层递减的规律;(3)边坡的水平方向位移自坡面中部向坡体的上下部呈放射状递减特征,垂直方向位移由上至下逐渐减小,而临界滑动面的安全系数也随降雨入渗过程逐步递减;(4)节理处土体的孔隙水压力和体积含水量的变化响应时间及幅度都早于且强于坡体其他区域,坡体内最大剪应变的区域分布与坡面基本平行,模拟结果与原型滑坡一致;(5)基于黄土独特的水敏性、地质构造和人类工程活动等诱因的影响,加上节理裂隙为水的入渗和运移提供了优势通道,降雨加速了黄土潜蚀和坡体结构破坏过程,改变了边坡内部应力场、位移场和水文地质条件,进而促发了滑坡。  相似文献   

The failure of slope is a progressive process, and the whole sliding surface is caused by the gradual softening of soil strength of the potential sliding surface. From this viewpoint, a local dynamic strength reduction method is proposed to capture the progressive failure of slope. This method can calculate the warning deformation of landslide in this study. Only strength parameters of the yielded zone of landslide will be reduced by using the method. Through continuous local reduction of the strength parameters of the yielded zone, the potential sliding surface developed gradually and evolved to breakthrough finally. The result shows that the proposed method can simulate the progressive failure of slope truly. The yielded zone and deformation of landslide obtained by the method are smaller than those of overall strength reduction method. The warning deformation of landslide can be obtained by using the local dynamic strength reduction method which is based on the softening characteristics of the sliding surface.  相似文献   

It is difficult to obtain reliable shear strength parameters for the stability analysis and evaluation of high loess slopes.Hence,this paper determines slope elements and physical parameter of 79 slopes with heights of[40,120]m based on the measured loess slopes in the Ganquan and Tonghuang subregions of northern Shaanxi Province,China.In the limit state of the loess slope(stability factor Fs is 1.0),a fitting equation for the slope height and width is established.Then,the model is developed by stability analysis software-SLOPE/W,and the comprehensive shear strength parameters corresponding to different slope heights of the high slope in the study area are obtained by inversion using the Morgenstern-Price method.The results show that when the height of the slope increases,the cohesion c increases in the soil,and the internal friction angle j decreases.This change is consistent with the characteristics reflected in the composition and physical properties of the slopes,and the comprehensive strength parametric curves are very similar between the Ganquan subregion and the Tonghuang subregion.A landslide that occurred in Miaodian-zaitou of Jingyang County,Shaanxi Province,is selected to verify this inversion method,and the results show that the calculated shear strength parameters of the inversion are consistent with the measured value of the actual slope.  相似文献   

When the slope is in critical limit equilibrium(LE) state, the strength parameters have different contribution to each other on maintaining slope stability. That is to say that the strength parameters are not simultaneously reduced. Hence, the LE stress method is established to analyze the slope stability by employing the double strengthreduction(DSR) technique in this work. For calculation model of slope stability under the DSR technique, the general nonlinear Mohr–Coulomb(M–C) criterion is used to describe the shear failure of slope. Meanwhile, the average and polar diameter methods via the DSR technique are both adopted to calculate the comprehensive factor of safety(FOS) of slope. To extend the application of the polar diameter method, the original method is improved in the proposed method. After comparison and analysis on some slope examples, the proposed method's feasibility is verified. Thereafter, the stability charts of slope suitable for engineering application are drawn. Moreover, the studies show that:(1) the average method yields similar results as that of the polardiameter method;(2) compared with the traditional uniform strength-reduction(USR) technique, the slope stability obtained using the DSR techniquetends to be more unsafe; and(3) for a slope in the critical LE state, the strength parameter φ, i.e., internal friction angle, has greater contribution on the slope stability than the strength parameters c, i.e., cohesion.  相似文献   

This paper describes a precise method combining numerical analysis and limit equilibrium theory to determine potential slip surfaces in soil slopes. In this method, the direction of the critical slip surface at any point in a slope is determined using the Coulomb’s strength principle and the extremum principle based on the ratio of the shear strength to the shear stress at that point. The ratio, which is considered as an analysis index, can be computed once the stress field of the soil slope is obtained. The critical slip direction at any point in the slope must be the tangential direction of a potential slip surface passing through the point. Therefore, starting from a point on the top of the slope surface or on the horizontal segment outside the slope toe, the increment with a small distance into the slope is used to choose another point and the corresponding slip direction at the point is computed. Connecting all the points used in the computation forms a potential slip surface exiting at the starting point. Then the factor of safety for any potential slip surface can be computed using limit equilibrium method like Spencer method. After factors of safety for all the potential slip surfaces are obtained, the minimum one is the factor of safety for the slope and the corresponding potential slip surface is the critical slip surface of the slope. The proposed method does not need to pre-assume the shape of potential slip surfaces. Thus it is suitable for any shape of slip surfaces. Moreover the method is very simple to be applied. Examples are presented in this paper to illustrate the feasibility of the proposed method programmed in ANSYS software by macro commands.  相似文献   

In this paper ,based on a new Geographic Information System(GIS) grid-based three-dimensional (3D) deterministic model and taken the slope unit as the study object ,the landslide hazard is mapped by the index of the 3D safety factor ,Compared with the one-dimensional(1D) model of infinite slope,which is now widely used for deterministic model based landslide hazard assessment in GIS,the GIS grid-based 3D model is more acceptable and is more adapt-able for three-dimensional landslide.Assuming the initial slip as the lower part of an ellipsoid ,the 3D critical slip surface in the 3D slper stability analysis is obtained by means of a minimization of the 3D safety factor using the Monte Carlo random simulation.Using a hydraulic model tool for the watershed analysis in GIS,an automatic process has been devel-oped for identifying the slope unit from digital elevation model(DEM)data,Compared with the grid-based landslide hazard mapping method ,the slope unit possesses clear topograhical meaning,so its results are more credible,All the calcula-tions are implemented by a computational program,3DSlopeGIS,in which a GIS component s used for fulfilling the GIS spatial analysis function.and all the data for the 3D slope safety factor calculation are in the from of GIS data (the vector and the grid layers).Because of all these merits of the GIS-based 3D landslide hazard mapping method,the complex algo-rithms and iteration procedures of the 3D problem can also be perfectly implemented.  相似文献   

Defining a basin under a critical state(or a self-organized criticality) that has the potential to initiate landslides,debris flows,and subsequent sediment disasters,is a key issue for disaster prevention.The Lushan Hot Spring area in Nantou County,Taiwan,suffered serious sediment disasters after typhoons Sinlaku and Jangmi in 2008,and following Typhoon Morakot in 2009.The basin’s internal slope instability after the typhoons brought rain was examined using the landslide frequency-area distribution.The critical state indices attributed to landslide frequency-area distribution are discussed and the marginally unstable characteristics of the study area indicated.The landslides were interpreted from Spot 5 images before and after disastrous events.The results of the analysis show that the power-law landslide frequency-area curves in the basin for different rainfall-induced events tend to coincide with a single line.The temporal trend of the rainfallinduced landslide frequency-area distribution shows 1/f noise and scale invariance.A trend exists for landslide frequency-area distribution in log-log space for larger landslides controlled by the historical maximum accumulated rainfall brought by typhoons.The unstable state of the basin,including landslides,breached dams,and debris flows,are parts of the basin’s self-organizing processes.The critical state of landslide frequency-area distribution could be estimated by a critical exponent of 1.0.The distribution could be used for future estimation of the potential landslide magnitude for disaster mitigation and to identify the current state of a basin for management.  相似文献   

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