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席乐  闵锦忠  王仕奇 《气象科学》2018,38(6):739-748
利用WRF中尺度模式对2014年3月30—31日发生在华南的一次强飑线过程进行数值模拟。本次飑线过程受高空槽和低涡切变线影响,水汽条件充足,低层垂直风切变较强。模拟结果表明:发展阶段,后方入流缺口开始出现,飑线逐渐呈弓形结构;成熟阶段,飑线后方入流逐渐下沉到地面并延伸至对流区前沿,冷池完全移入残留冷区并加强,配合九连山下坡过程,飑线得以加强。后方入流对本次飑线过程的发展和维持十分重要。后方入流受环境风及中层负压力扰动作用开始形成,随后受对流区后侧中低层涡旋对的影响迅速发展增强而进入发展阶段,反气旋式涡旋的北侧风场促进了后方入流的形成和发展;成熟阶段,气旋式涡旋的南侧风场使后方入流迅速增强。气旋式涡旋区域主要受涡管拉伸作用增长,反气旋式涡旋区主要受涡度倾斜增长作用。涡旋对垂直涡度主要是由低层水平涡度向上倾斜引起,而水平涡度则是由斜压作用产生。  相似文献   

台风环流区域内中尺度涡量传播特征的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
罗哲贤 《气象学报》2003,61(4):396-405
用一个高分辨率f平面直角坐标系的正压准地转模式,实施了10组积分时间为36 h的试验,研究了初始位于台风外区的一个中尺度涡旋与台风涡旋的相互作用。结果表明:这种相互作用可以激发一个从外区伸展到内区的较小尺度的涡旋对,以此方式将涡量内传至台风中心附近。同时,中尺度涡旋呈现涡量集中化的特征。涡量内传与涡量集中化共存,使内区涡量增多,导致台风增强。此外,在一定条件下,这种相互作用还可以使涡量带破碎和断裂,形成一系列空间尺度更小的涡块。  相似文献   

非轴对称双涡相互作用的研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
在平流动力学的框架内,用准地转正压涡度方程模式实施了19组试验,研究双涡合并的条件及较大尺度涡旋自组织的问题。结果指出:(1)存在着两个影响双涡合并的因素,即初始双涡中心之间的距离和初始涡旋的非轴对称分布。初始两个对称涡旋合并具有明显的临界距离效应,但初始两个非轴对称涡旋能否合并还受到初始涡旋的非对称结构的复杂影响。(2)存在着两类不同的较大尺度涡旋的自组织过程,形成较大尺度涡旋。第一类,初始两个涡旋相同,均呈轴对称分布。双涡作用经历了缓变、快变,以及涡量羽翼的生成、拉伸和发展的过程,合并后呈对称性流型;终态涡内区涡量的堆积来源于两个初始涡,终态涡外区的螺旋带来源于两个初始涡外缘线涡量羽翼的拉伸。第二类,初始两个涡旋不同,一个为椭圆型,一个为偏心型,均呈非轴对称分布。双涡作用中,椭圆涡一边互旋,一边向计算区域中心靠近,同时涡量范围加大,形成了终态涡的内核区;偏心涡一边互旋,一边被不断拉伸,形成了终态涡的螺旋带区;表现出终态涡内区的涡量堆集来源于椭圆涡,终态涡外区螺旋带主要来源于偏心涡的反复拉伸及断裂的特性。  相似文献   

冬季一次引发华北暴雪的低涡涡度分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用NCEP FNL 1°×1°再分析资料和WRF模式,模拟了2010年1月2~3日我国华北地区的一次由涡旋造成的冬季降雪过程,并采用位涡和涡度方程对引发暴雪的涡旋发展机制进行了诊断分析。结果表明,这次降雪过程中,对流层中层高空浅槽东移、加深及发展,并引导低空和地面系统自西向东移动,高空位涡的下传强迫加强了对流层中低层涡旋的发展。平均通量和涡旋区域的辐合、辐散作用对涡旋涡度的增长贡献最大,扰动通量和类倾斜项的作用较小。在中层涡旋成熟期,环境场的风速小于中层涡旋的移动速度时,环境场相对于涡旋区域为辐散,涡旋涡度减小;当环境场风速大于涡旋的移动速度时,环境场相对于涡旋区域为辐合,涡旋涡度增加。在涡旋衰减期,向涡旋外输送的绝对涡度通量使得涡旋涡度逐渐减弱。这次过程中,高空位涡强迫、低空辐合和涡旋边界平均气流对扰动涡度的输送是涡旋发展的主要机制。  相似文献   

利用WRF中尺度数值模式,NCEP/NCAR分析资料,多普勒雷达观测资料等,对2016年7月25日一次东北冷涡下的飑线过程进行数值模拟,研究了飑线形成和维持与水平涡度的关系及飑线过程中中尺度对流涡旋(MCV)的形成机制,分析发现,高低层水平涡度逆时针旋转对本次飑线的形成和维持有很好的指示意义。(1)飑线发生前,高层渤海湾西侧出现水平涡度的逆时针旋转中心,并有较强的辐散配合,低层水平涡度为逆时针弯曲,为飑线产生提供了有利的上升运动条件。随后高层多个对流单体的水平涡度气旋式涡旋合并形成较大范围的气旋式涡旋结构,触发低层的上升运动,同时低层对流区前部形成一致的气旋式弯曲使得对流单体组织成带状结构,形成飑线。(2)飑线成熟时期高层水平涡度表现为统一大范围气旋式涡旋结构,低层则呈现典型的S型弯曲结构,水平涡度x方向的分量沿对流带从南至北表现为正负正,y方向的分量始终为正,并由对流带的中心向两侧减小,显示出水平涡度矢量旋转的方向对飑线影响的重要性。(3)由垂直涡度方程的分析得出,在飑线发展中期,MCV形成前,雷达反射率回波在500 hPa左右表现出明显的旋转,此时主要与500 hPa以上强的正涡度水平平流项及中层倾侧项和水平散度项有关,之后,在这几项的作用下使得中层风场产生气旋式旋转,形成MCV。   相似文献   

用一个带有地形项的准地转正压模式,研究了不同初始涡廓线对涡旋自组织的作用。结果表明:初始涡廓线的不同,不仅可以影响到自组织的过程,而且可以影响到自组织起来的准终态涡的性质。  相似文献   

初始涡的结构与尺度对涡旋自组织影响的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
在涡旋自组织动力学的框架内,实施了9组积分时间为72 h的试验,分析初始涡廓线与初始涡尺度对多涡自组织的作用。试验的初始场上,存在着12个大小不等的β和γ中尺度的涡。若初始涡廓线为高斯型,则这些涡不能自组织形成一个α中尺度的涡;若初始涡廓线为双正弦型、抛物线型或压缩型,则这个α中尺度的涡可以形成。此外,涡廓线不同,三涡流型出现的时间迟早不一,较大尺度α中尺度涡出现的时间也迟早不一。同时,初始涡的半径大小也是影响自组织过程成败的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

通过实况资料以及WRF模式对广西地区的一次飑线过程进行数值模拟,根据模拟结果对飑线内中尺度涡旋MVs(Mesoscale Vortices,MVs)和后向入流与地面大风的成因关系进行了分析。通过涡度收支和涡线分析得出,弓状回波中存在东西涡旋对,其生成主要是散度项造成,中间相对弱的反气旋涡旋是涡线拱起产生的水平涡度向垂直涡度转换引起。通过计算正负涡旋对引起的旋转风从而量化了涡旋对对地面大风的贡献。结果发现,本次过程中涡旋对引起的旋转风在地面大风中占有较大比重,约40%~50%。当去除涡旋对引起的旋转风时,地面大风的强度减弱,位置偏移。由三维流线可以看出后向入流的下沉是产生地面大风的另一个影响因子。通过对浮力加速度和动力加速度进行诊断发现,后向入流的下沉主要是由于负的浮力加速度引起,水平方向的密度不均匀是负浮力加速度产生的主要因子,但在风速突然加强时,动力加速度也有明显的影响。  相似文献   

李祥  杨帅  杨书运 《大气科学》2023,47(1):34-52
由观测和数值模拟结果分析发现,2019年8月5~6日中国西南部的东移型致灾暴雨事件中存在三涡(南北双高原涡、西南涡)相继发展并导致暴雨加强和移动的现象。借助数值试验,研究了多尺度地形因子(青藏高原、横断山脉和四川盆地三大地形)各自对涡旋演变的作用。结果表明,横断山脉对西南涡的形成起关键作用,四川盆地影响着西南涡的位置和强度。对于高原涡(南侧高原涡)的移动,四川盆地地形只影响涡旋强度演变,但不会改变高原涡的移动路径。一旦横断山脉被移除,高原涡的东移现象随之消失。进一步分析青藏高原和四川盆地交界处的陡峭地形坡度改变对涡旋发展的影响发现,发现坡度越陡,高原涡移动速度越快,且盆地内二涡合并后的西南涡强度越强。最后借助于倾斜涡度发展理论,解释了不同坡度对涡旋强度演变的影响:随着坡度变陡,倾斜涡度发展系数沿涡旋下滑路径快速减小,对垂直涡度局地倾向的强迫作用,加剧了涡旋的快速加强。  相似文献   

南海地区发展型和不发展型中层涡旋的结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对NCEP 1 °×1 °再分析资料进行分析表明,南海地区发展型和不发展型中层涡旋的结构特征有着明显的区别:发展型中层涡旋的中心涡度逐渐增大,并同时向高层和低层发展,其中低层辐合维持得较好;而不发展中层涡旋的中心涡度则逐渐减小,不再向高层发展,其中低层辐合维持得较差。对称性分析表明,发展型中层涡旋的水平风场和风速垂直剖面都具有良好的对称性,而不发展型的较差;发展型中层涡旋中心的风速垂直切变小,有利于对流层中上层暖心的建立与加强,而不发展型则相反。平衡性分析表明,发展型涡旋在对流层中低层的平衡性较好,涡旋维持着较好的风压平衡关系,有利于涡旋的发展;不发展型涡旋则较差。纬向剖面位涡异常分析表明,发展型中层涡旋的正位涡异常在增强的同时向上发展,涡旋处于持续发展的阶段;而不发展型位涡则相反,一方面强度在减小,另一方面没有向上发展,涡旋逐渐减弱。   相似文献   

A two-dimensional numerical model is used to study the influence of small non-precipitating clouds on horizontal roll vortices in the planetary boundary layer. The model explicitly represents the large-scale two-dimensional motions whilst small-scale eddies are parameterized by a buoyancy dependent mixing-length hypothesis. It is applied to conditions corresponding to an observed case of cloud street formation.  相似文献   

Intense columnar vortices in a convecting layer are explored with direct numerical simulations that are otherwise similar to the large-eddy simulations of6, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 126, 2789–2810). With free-slip boundaries and a Rayleigh number of 106(4096 times critical), vortices similar to large dust devils are readily produced. The genesis, intensity and life cycle of these intense vortices (dust devils) are studied. The simulated dust devils last for the order of the over-turning time of the largest eddies. The intensity is limited by the hydrostatic pressure drop supported by the buoyancy confined in the core. The genesis of a simulated dust devil requires not only tilting of the baroclinically generated vorticity, but also a symmetry-breaking event that allows one sign of vorticity to become concentrated in an updraft. Such symmetry breaking is the rule with random initialization in the simulations. However, when initialization is restricted to certain Fourier modes, exceptions are found that produce only symmetric vortex couplets that are relatively weak.  相似文献   

Approximately stationary anticyclones in shallow water on a rotating planet are studied both analytically and numerically. They consist of a monopolar part with large amplitude and a dipolar part with small amplitude, proportional to the beta parameter. An explicit solution for the dipolar part is o obtained with an arbitrary radial profile of the monopolar part. Numerical experiments show that this dipolar part accelerates or decelerates an initially circular vortex depending on the vortex size. The propagation speed is determined by a general integral relation. It is found that for the vortices to be stationary, this speed should not be close to the phase velocity of linear Rossby waves. This requires a strongly elevated surface (large amplitude). The vortices contain a core region with trapped fluid, unlike one-dimensional KdV solitons. Applications of the solution to long-lived geophysical eddies are discussed.  相似文献   

涡度规则分布与非规则分布的转换   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
罗哲贤 《气象学报》1998,56(6):654-664
用一个β平面准地转正压模式积分12个模式日,研究涡旋相互作用问题。初始场上有一个台风涡旋和一对涡旋偶极子,它们的等值线均为光滑、规则的分布。规则分布的涡旋之间的相互作用,可以激发出一个非规则的貌似混乱的涡度分布区域。随着时间的演化,在这个非规则分布的区域,一个相对有序的反气旋环流又逐渐显示出来。  相似文献   

The presence of coherent structures in turbulent shear flows suggests order in apparently random flows. These coherent structures play an important dynamical role in momentum and scalar transport. To develop dynamical models describing the evolution of such motion, it is necessary to detect and isolate the coherent structures from the background fluctuations. In this paper, we decomposed atmospheric turbulence time series into large-scale eddies, which include coherent structures and small eddies, which are stochastic by using Fourier digital filtering. The wavelet energy computed for the three components of the velocity fluctuations in the large-scale eddies appears to have local maximum values at certain time scales, which correspond to the scales or frequencies of coherent structures. We extract coherent signals from large-scale vortices at this scale by inverse wavelet transform formulae. This method provides an objective technique for examining the turbulence signal associated with coherent structures in the atmospheric boundary layer. The average duration of coherent structures in three directions based on Mexican hat wavelets are 33 s, 34 s and 25 s respectively. Symmetric andanti-symmetric wavelet basis functions give almost the same results. The main features of the structures during the day and night have little difference. The dimensionless durations for u, v and w have linear correlations with each other. These relationships are insensitive to the wavelet basis.  相似文献   

An exact model to describe submesoscale, coherent vortices in a uniformly stratified fluid is presented. The model allows for stratification of the eddy interior, so as to agree with observations. The closed set of equations governing the evolution of the eddy on the F-plane is derived. In the case that the interior isopycnal surfaces remain horizontal the stratified analogue of the ‘rodon’, a special solution of the ‘lens equations’ that govern the evolution of uniform-density, warm-core surface eddies, is obtained.  相似文献   

Roll vortices in the planetary boundary layer: A review   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
Roll vortices may be loosely defined as quasi two-dimensional organized large eddies with their horizontal axis extending through the whole planetary boundary layer (PBL). Their indirect manifestation is most obvious in so-called cloud streets as can be seen in numerous satellite pictures. Although this phenomenon has been known for more than twenty years and has been treated in a review by one of us (R.A.Brown) in 1980, there has been a recent resurgence in interest and information. The interest in ocena/land-atmosphere interactions in the context of climate modeling has led to detailed observational and modeling efforts on this problem. The presence of rolls can have a large impact on flux modelling in the PBL. Hence, we shall review recent advances in our understanding of organized large eddies in the PBL and on their role in vertical transport of momentum, heat, moisture and chemical trace substances within the lowest part of the atmosphere.initiated by IAMAP/ICDM Working Group on the Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Air-Sea Interaction.  相似文献   

Oceanography is moving toward the construction of operational observing systems in coastal regions. The essential system design scheme is widely distributed measurements assimilated in computational simulation models, from which a variety of analysis products and forecasts are extracted and publicly disseminated. The detailed specifications for this system must be tested against the relevant oceanic phenomena. This essay surveys coastal physical phenomena in two categories. The more familiar ones are external tides, storm surges, river plumes, coastal topographic waves, upwelling and alongshore boundary currents, mesoscale instability eddies, and topographic contour currents and standing meanders. The phenomena with more recent attention are internal tides, surface fronts, submesoscale vortices, wakes, and littoral currents. Some illustrations are drawn from model simulations made without the aid of data assimilation.  相似文献   

多圈涡旋等值线动力学的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
将单圈涡旋等值线动力学推广到多圈涡旋的等值线动力学。在等值线动力学的框架内,实施了6组计算。结果显示出涡旋移行过程中逆时针打转的现象,该现象有清楚的前兆可寻。讨论了涡旋松紧程度对涡旋移向的影响以及涡旋非对称结构与涡旋移速之间的联系。这些结果与以往数值试验或动力学分析的结果较为一致。  相似文献   

徐全倩  徐海明  马静 《大气科学》2018,42(6):1191-1207
采用高分辨率卫星和再分析资料,利用涡旋探测技术、滤波和合成分析等方法,对夏季北太平洋副热带地区中尺度海洋涡旋与大气的耦合关系进行了分析。结果表明:在日时间尺度上,海洋涡旋的海表温度(Sea SurfaceTemperature,简称SST)与海表风速之间不仅存在同位相的正相关关系,还存在反位相的负相关关系,即在涡旋这种中尺度上既存在海洋对大气的强迫,也存在大气对海洋的强迫。海表风速与SST同位相时,对暖(冷)涡来说,向上(下)的净热通量增强,云和降水增多(减少);其海水温度异常和海流旋度较强,暖(冷)涡较为深厚,一定程度上表明了海洋对大气的强迫。海表风速与SST反位相时,对暖(冷)涡而言,当其处在正(负)位势高度异常、中低层相对湿度较小(大)、气温较高(低)的大气配置下,海表风速较小(大);同时向下(上)净热通量增强,云和降水减少(增多);涡旋海水温度异常和海流旋度较弱,这种暖(冷)涡较为浅薄;表明晴空(阴雨)条件下有利于暖(冷)涡的维持,一定程度上反映了大气对海洋的强迫作用。  相似文献   

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