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The methamorphic history of the Patapedia thermal zone, Gaspé, Quebec, is re-evaluated in the light of results obtained from a study of fluid inclusions contained in quartz phenocrysts of felsic dyke rocks. The thermal zone is characterised by calc-silicate bodies that have outwardly telescoping prograde metamorphic isograds and display extensive retrograde metamorphism with associated copper mineralization. Three distinct fluid inclusion types are recognized: a low to moderate salinity, high density aqueous fluid (Type I); a low density CO2 fluid (Type II); and a high salinity, high density aqueous fluid (Type III). Fluid inclusion Types I and II predominate whereas Type III inclusions form <10% of the fluid inclusion population. All three fluid types are interpreted to have been present during prograde metamorphism. Temperatures and pressures of metamorphism estimated from fluid inclusion microthermometry and isochore calculations are 450°–500° C and 700–1000 bars, respectively. A model is proposed in which the metamorphism at Patapedia was caused by heat transferred from a low to moderate salinity fluid of partly orthomagmatic origin (Type I inclusions). During the early stages, and particularly in the deeper parts of the system, CO2 produced by metamorphism was completely miscible in the aqueous hydrothermal fluid and locally resulted in high XCO2 fluids. On cooling and/or migrating to higher levels these latter fluids exsolved high salinity aqueous fluids represented by the Type III inclusions. Most of the metamorphism, however, took place at temperature-pressure conditions consistent with the immiscibility of CO2 and the hydrothermal fluid and was consequently accompanied by the release of large volumes of CO2 vapour which is represented by Type II inclusions. The final stage of the history of the Patapedia aureole was marked by retrograde metamorphism and copper mineralization of a calcite-free calc-silicate hornfels in the presence of a low XCO2 fluid.  相似文献   

Archean metasedimentary rocks occur as components of the Isua supracrustals, Akilia association and Malene supracrustals of southern West Greenland. Primary structures in these rocks have been destroyed by metamorphism and deformation. Their chemistry and mineralogy is consistent with a sedimentary origin, but other possible parents (e.g. acid volcanics, altered pyroclastic rocks) cannot be excluded for some of them. There is little difference in the composition of metasedimentary rocks from the early Archean Isua supracrustals and probable correlative Akilia association. Both have a wide range in rare earth element (REE) patterns with LaNYbN ranging from 0.61?5.8. The REE pattern of one Akilia sample, with low LaNYbN, compares favourably with that of associated tholeiites and it is likely that such samples were derived almost exclusively from basaltic sources. Other samples with very steep REE patterns are similar to felsic volcanic boulders found in a conglomeratic unit in the Isua supracrustals. Samples with intermediate REE patterns are best explained by mixing of basaltic and felsic end members. Metasedimentary rocks from the Malene supracrustals can be divided into low silica (≤55% SiO2) and high silica (>77% SiO2) varieties. These rocks also show much variation in LaNYbN (0.46?14.0) and their origin is explained by derivation from a mixture of mafic volcanics and felsic igneous rocks. The wide range in trace element characteristics of these metasedimentary rocks argues for inefficient mixing of the various source lithologies during sedimentation. Accordingly, these data do not rigorously test models of early Archean crustal composition and evolution. The systematic variability in trace element geochemistry provides evidence for the bimodal nature of the early Archean crust.  相似文献   

Archean sedimentary rocks of very limited lateral extent from horizons within basaltic and ultramafic volcanic sequences at Kambalda, Western Australia, are extremely variable in major elements, LIL and ferromagnesian trace element compositions. The REE patterns are uniform and do not have negative Eu anomalies. Two samples have very low total REE abundances and positive Eu anomalies attributed to a very much greater proportion of chemically deposited siliceous material. Apart from these two samples, the Kambalda data are similar to REE abundances and patterns from Archean sedimentary rocks from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia and to average Archean sedimentary rock REE patterns. These show a fundamental distinction from post-Archean sedimentary rock REE patterns which have higher LaYb ratios and a distinct negative Eu anomaly.  相似文献   

Southern Madagascar is the core of a > 1 million km2 Gondwanan metasedimentary belt that forms much of the southern East African Orogen of eastern Africa, Madagascar, southern India and Sri Lanka. Here the Vohibory Series yielded U–Pb isotopic data from detrital zircon cores that indicate that it was deposited in the latest Tonian to late Cryogenian (between ~ 900 and 640 Ma). The deposition of the Graphite and Androyen Series protoliths is poorly constrained to between the late Palaeoproterozoic and the Cambrian (~ 1830–530 Ma). The Vohibory Series protoliths were sourced from very restricted-aged sources with a maximum age range between 910 and 760 Ma. The Androyen and Graphite Series protoliths were sourced from Palaeoproterozoic rocks ranging in age between 2300 and 1800 Ma. The best evidence of the timing of metamorphism in the Vohibory Series is a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 642 ± 8 Ma from 3 analyses of zircon from sample M03-01. A considerably younger 206Pb/238U metamorphic age of 531 ± 7 Ma is produced from 10 analyses of zircon from sample M03-28 in the Androyen Series. This ~ 110 Ma difference in age is correlated with the early East African Orogeny affecting the west of Madagascar along with its type area in East Africa, whereas the Cambrian Malagasy Orogeny affected the east of Madagascar and southern India during the final suturing of the Mozambique Ocean.  相似文献   

The potential for metal release associated with CO2 leakage from underground storage formations into shallow aquifers is an important consideration in assessment of risk associated with CO2 sequestration. Metal release can be driven by acidification of groundwaters caused by dissolution of CO2 and subsequent dissociation of carbonic acid. Thus, acidity is considered one of the main drivers for water quality degradation when evaluating potential impacts of CO2 leakage. Dissolution of carbonate minerals buffers the increased acidity. Thus, it is generally thought that carbonate aquifers will be less impacted by CO2 leakage than non-carbonate aquifers due to their high buffering potential. However, dissolution of carbonate minerals can also release trace metals, often present as impurities in the carbonate crystal structure, into solution. The impact of the release of trace metals through this mechanism on water quality remains relatively unknown. In a previous study we demonstrated that calcite dissolution contributed more metal release into solution than sulfide dissolution or desorption when limestone samples were dissolved in elevated CO2 conditions. The study presented in this paper expanded our work to dolomite formations and details a thorough investigation on the role of mineral composition and mechanisms on trace element release in the presence of CO2. Detailed characterization of samples from dolomite formations demonstrated stronger associations of metal releases with dissolution of carbonate mineral phases relative to sulfide minerals or surface sorption sites. Aqueous concentrations of Sr2+, CO2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Tl+, and Zn2+ increased when these dolomite rocks were exposed to elevated concentrations of CO2. The aqueous concentrations of these metals correlate to aqueous concentrations of Ca2+ throughout the experiments. All of the experimental evidence points to carbonate minerals as the dominant source of metals from these dolomite rocks to solution under experimental CO2 leakage conditions. Aqueous concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+ predicted from numerical simulation of kinetic dolomite dissolution match those observed in the experiments when the surface area is three to five orders of magnitude lower than the surface area of the samples measured by gas adsorption.  相似文献   

E. J. Hanski 《Lithos》1993,29(3-4):197-216
The uppermost volcanic unit of the early Proterozoic Pechenga Group comprises ferropicritic volcanic and hypabyssal rocks which possess well-developed, light-weathering globular (up to 10 cm in size) or layer-like structures mesoscopicly similar to those found in some Archean ocellar komatiites. These structures are superficially reminiscent of features attributed to liquid immiscibility including spheroidal aggregates in all stages of coalescence. However, several lines of field, microscopical, mineralogical and chemical evidence argue against the immiscibility hypothesis. These include identical modal proportions, grain sizes, morphologies and orientations of crystalline phases in the globules and matrix, as strikingly demonstrated, for example, by the spinifex-textured varieties of the globular rocks. A solid-state hydrothermal/metamorphic diffusional process that affected the originally glassy mesostasis is concluded to be the only feasable mechanism for the formation of the globular structures in the Pechenga ferropicrites.  相似文献   

Summary We summarize the evidence for silicate-carbonate liquid immiscibility in two nephelinite lavas from Shombole volcano, East Africa, and discuss its significance for carbonatite petrogenesis. The nephelinite lavas contain spherical to irregular globules 0.5 cm containing low-Sr calcite, Sr-Ca and K-Ba zeolites, fluorite, aegirine, strontianite, and fluorapatite. The globules are interpreted to be magmatic in origin, and represent quenched immiscible carbonate liquid. Most phases in the globules form an interlocking mosaic of euhedral crystals, however, rare blebby intergrowths of calcite and strontianite indicate eutectic crystallization from a melt. The phase assemblages and respective compositions of minerals in the globules and silicate groundmass are nearly identical, indicating that the samples were quenched when two liquids were in near-equilibrium. Experiments with the samples at 200–500 MPa and 975–925 °C have reproduced the natural assemblages (phenocrysts + 2 liquids) exactly and the compositions of experimentally generated solid phases closely match the original phenocrysts. The natural and experimentally produced carbonatites are both sövitic (calcite carbonatite) in composition.The two-liquid experimental data from Shombole are compared with the 300 MPa experimental data ofFreestone andHamilton (1980) andHamilton et al. (1989), who utilized strongly peralkaline bulk compositions typical of the lavas erupted at Oldoinyo Lengai. Both data sets are nearly coplanar in the tetrahedron Si-(Ca + Mg + Fe2+)-(Al + Fe3+)-(Na + K) (SCAN), but the tielines have different orientations and the Oldoinyo Lengai bulk compositions generate alkali-rich carbonatitic liquids, rather than sövitic liquids. At both volcanic centers, only one type of extrusive carbonatite is known, and crystal fractionation schemes to generate one carbonatite from another are not supported by the data. Experiments illustrate that the full range of Ca-Mg-(Na + K) carbonatites can be generated by liquid immiscibility from nephelinitic magmas of different compositions.
Nephelinit- und Karbonatitschmelzen des Shombole-Vulkans, Ostafrika, sind nicht mischbar.: Petrographische und experimentelle Ergebnisse
Zusammenfassung Wir fassen die Hinweise auf fehlende Mischbarkeit von Silikat-Karbonatschmelzen in zwei Nephelinitlaven des Shombole-Vulkans, Ostafrika, zusammen und diskutieren die Bedeutung der Ergebnisse für die Genese der Karbonatite. Die Nephelinitlaven enthalten rundliche bis unregelmäßig geformte Einschlüsse von bis zu 0,5 cm Durchmesser, die Sr-armen Kalzit, Sr-Ca und K-Ba Zeolite, Fluorit, Aegirin, Strontianit und Fluorapatit enthalten. Diese Einschlüsse (Globules) sind magmatischen Ursprungs und stellen rasch abgekühlte unmischbare Karbonat-Schmelze dar. Die meisten Phasen in den Einschlüssen bilden ein vernetztes Mosaik idiomorpher Kristalle. Selten kommen auch tröpfchenförmige Verwachsungen von Kalzit und Strontianit vor, die auf eutektische Kristallisation aus einer Schmelze hinweisen. Die Assoziationen der Phasen, und die Zuammensetzungen der Minerale in den Einschlüssen und in der silikatischen Grundmasse sind fast identisch, und weisen darauf hin, daß die Proben rasch abgekühlt wurden als beide Schmelzen beinahe im Gleichgewicht waren. Experimente mit den Proben bei 200–500 MPa und 975–925°C haben die natürlichen Assoziationen (idiomorphe Kristalle und zwei Schmelzen) genau wiedergegeben und Zusammensetzungen der experimentell hergestellten festen Phasen stimmen sehr gut mit denen der ursprünglichen idiomorphen Kristalle überein. Die natürlichen und die experimentell hergestellten Karbonatite sind sövitischer Zuammensetzung (Kalzit-Karbonatit).Die experimentellen Daten vom Shombole werden mit den bei 300 MPa durchgeführten experimentellen Daten vonFreestone undHamilton (1980) undHamilton et al. (1989) verglichen; letztere benützten stark peralkalische Gesamtzusammensetzungen die typisch für die Laven des Oldoinyo Lengai-Vulkans sind. Beide Datengruppen sind beinahe koplanar in den Tetraedern Si-(Ca + Mg + Fe+2)-(Al + Fe +3)-(Na + K) (SCAN), aber die Konoden haben verschiedene Orientierungen und die Oldoinyo Lengai-Zusammensetzungen erzeugen alkalireiche karbonatitische Schmelzen und nicht sövitische. In beiden vulkanischen Zentren ist nur ein Typ von Karbonatiten bekannt und Fraktionierungs-Mechanismen, die einen Karbonatit aus dem anderen ableiten könnten, werden von den erarbeiteten Daten nicht gestützt. Experimente zeigen, daß das volle Spektrum möglicher Ca-Mg(Na + K) Karbonatite durch Unmischbarkeit (immiscibility) aus nephelinitischen Magmen verschiedener Zusammensetzung abgeleitet werden kann.

Metasedimentary rocks, a major component of the continental crust, are abundant within ultra‐high pressure (UHP) metamorphic terranes related to continental collisions. The presence of diamond, coesite, and relics of decompressed minerals in these rocks suggests that they were subducted to a depth of more than 150–250 km. Reconnaissance experiments at 9–12 GPa and 1000–1300 °C on compositions corresponding to felsic rocks from diamond‐bearing UHP terranes of Germany and Kazakhstan show that at higher pressures they consist of majoritic garnet, Al‐Na‐rich clinopyroxene, stishovite, solid solution of KAlSi3O8‐NaAlSi3O8 hollandite, topaz‐OH, and TiO2 with α‐PbO2 structure. Comparison of our data with experiments conducted by others at similar P–T conditions shows differences, which are due to variations in bulk chemistry and the type of starting material (gel, oxides, minerals). These differences may affect correct establishment of the ‘point of no return’ of subducted continental lithologies. This paper discusses the implication of the experimental data with regard to naturally existing UHP metamorphic rocks and their significance for our understanding of the deep subduction of continental material.  相似文献   

南岭地区新元古代变质沉积岩的地球化学特征及构造意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对华夏地块南岭地区38个新元古代基底变质岩的岩相学和地球化学分析表明,它们的原岩都是沉积岩。不同地区变质沉积岩的化学成分存在一定的变化,但是它们大都具有明显的轻重稀土元素分异和Eu负异常(Eu/Eu^+=0.35~0.76),高K2O/Na2O、La/Co、Th/Sc比值和低Cr/Zr比值,显示了高成熟度和沉积再循环地壳的特点,表明沉积岩的物质主要来源于古老的再循环的地壳,它们沉积于被动大陆边缘。与其他地区元古宙沉积岩的地球化学对比显示,南岭地区这些新元古代沉积岩不同于赣中和扬子地块南缘的元古宙沉积岩,而与印度东北部ksser Himalaya地区的元古宙沉积岩较为相似。所以,南岭地区新元古代沉积岩的物质不可能来自与赣中和扬子地块南缘沉积物相同的扬子南部的源区,而应该来自南方,这一推论与岩相古地理分析以及沉积物中碎屑锆石形貌特征和年龄谱变化的结论是一致的,指示华夏南部新元古代时曾与一个大陆源区相邻。根据地球化学对比研究,结合已有的年代学对比,推断华夏地块南岭地区(特别是中部)新元古代沉积物很可能来源于与Lesser Himalaya地区元古宙沉积岩相同的源区,即东Gondwana大陆的北缘。这样,华夏地块在Rodinia超大陆裂解时期很可能是位于西澳大利亚-东印度-东南极之间。  相似文献   

207Pb/206Pb ages are presented for detrital zircons (Laser Ablation Microprobe ICP‐MS) and whole‐rock Nd isotopic determinations (TIMS) from samples of Neoarchean and Palaeoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks from the Umba granulite terrane and the Keivy domain of the Central Kola composite terrane, Kola Peninsula, north‐western Russia. Three are samples of rocks from the Umba granulite terrane that were deposited ≈ 2.20–1.90 Ga; they contain Archaean detritus, much of it older than 3.0 Gyr, as well as abundant 2.20–1.95‐Gyr‐old material. Deposition may have occurred on the margin of an Archaean craton with an exposed Palaeoproterozoic magmatic arc source, possibly during orogenesis. Two samples from the Keivy domain have remarkably similar, dominantly Archaean detrital zircon age spectra. One was deposited pre‐2.4 Ga, whereas the other was probably deposited post‐2.01 Ga. Both had similar sources, compatible with the proximal country rocks, and possible shallow‐water (?) cratonic margin depositional settings.  相似文献   

对河北大麻坪碱性玄武岩及其内的辉石岩和二辉橄榄岩包体进行了不同温压条件下的弹性波速测定。结果表明,岩石波速与压力正相关,与温度负相关;相同条件下二辉橄榄岩的弹性波速最大,辉石岩次之,玄武岩最小。在1.4GPa压力下获得二辉橄榄岩和辉石岩的弹性波速分别为7.87km/s和7.47km/s,最接近壳幔过渡带的弹性波速。而现代地球物理资料显示该地区莫霍面深度为32km,认为26Ma以来,该地区发生了大规模的岩石圈减薄地质事件。  相似文献   

胡家文 《地球化学》2002,31(4):389-394
为了计算高温,高压和高密度流体的热力学性质,提出了一个具有19个参数的维里型状态方程,其中参数与温度间的函数关系采用由Sutherland位能函数导出的维里系数近似式。除临界点附近以外,在已报道的pVT数据所覆盖的大部分超临界区域内,该方程均可适用。用该方程对H2O,CH4,H2,CO2,CO和O2等流体pVT关系的计算结果令人满意,其中pVT上限分别为:91-610GPa,1.6-11.0cm^3/mol,4000-5000K。计算体积的平均偏 小于0.8%,最大偏差小于5.4%。  相似文献   

Metasediments comprising phyllites, schists and gneisses constitute the predominant rock types in Uwet area of the Oban Massif of southeastern Nigeria. These rocks which range from middle greenschist to uppermost amphibolite facies grade are products of Barrovian-type regional metamorphism. They are of Pan-African age (600 ± 100 Ma).Mineralogical and chemical data indicate that the metasediments were derived from pelites, semipelites and greywackes. The data, compared to those reported in similar rocks from western Nigeria, confirm that the »schist belt« of Nigeria, composed of metasedimentary rocks, is not confined to the western half of the country but extends to southeastern Nigeria.Metamorphism of Uwet area is basically isochemical. Minor variations in bulk rock chemistry are attributable to facies changes in the deposition of the original sediments and to secondary effects such as addition of secondary quartz and calcite.
Zusammenfassung Metasedimente, die sich aus Phylliten, Schiefern und Gneis zusammensetzen, sind die vorherrschenden Gesteinstypen in dem Uwetgebiet des Oban Massiv im Südosten Nigerias. Diese Gesteine, die von der mittleren Grünschieferfazies bis zur oberen Amphibolit-Fazies reichen, sind Produkte regionaler Metamorphose des Barrow-Typ. Ihr Alter ist Pan-Afrikanisch (600 ± 100 Ma).Mineralogische und chemische Daten zeigen an, daß die Sedimente von Pelite, Semipelite und Grauwacken stammen. Die Daten, verglichen mit denen ähnlicher Gesteine vom Westen Nigerias, bestätigen, daß sich der Schiefergürtel, der sich aus Metasedimenten zusammensetzt, nicht nur auf die westliche Hälfte des Landes beschränkt, sondern sich bis zum Südosten Nigerias ausdehnt.Metamorphose im Uwetgebiet ist grundlegend isochemisch. Geringe Veränderungen in der Chemie der Gesteine sind Veränderungen der Fazies in der Ablagerung der originalen Sedimente und sekundären Effekten wie Zusatz von sekundärem Quarz und Kalzit zuzuschreiben.

Résumé Des métasédiments comportant des phyllites, des micaschistes et des gneiss, constituent les types de roches qui prédominent dans la région d'Uwet du Massif d'Oban, dans le sud-est du Nigéria. Ces roches dont le faciès métamorphique s'échelonne depuis celui des schistes verts moyens jusqu'à celui des amphiolites du degré le plus élevé sont les produits d'un métamorphisme régional du type Barrovien. Elles sont d'âge pan-africain (600 ± 100 ma).Les données minéralogiques et chimiques montrent que les métasédiments sont dérivés de pélites, de semi-pélites et de grauwackes. Ces données, comparées, comparées à celles de roches semblables du Nigéria occidental confirment que la zône des schistes cristallins du Nigéria, composée de roches métasédimentaires, ne se limite pas seulement à la moitié occidentale du pays, mais s'éxtend également à sa partie sud-est.Le métamorphisme de la région d'Uwet est fondamentalement isochimique. Des variations mineures dans le chimisme des roches sont attribuées aux variations de facies dans le dépôt des sédiments originaux à certains effets secondaires, comme l'addition de quartz et de calcite secondaires.

, , . Barrow . — -: 600±100 . , , . , , , , , . . , .: . - . : 1 - , . 2 - - , . io2 - . 4 - TiO2 . 5 — . (1), , , , . , . (4) (3), (2). (1), , , ( ). , , .

Psammites from the Ballarat slate belt in SE Australia exhibit well-developed differentiated or spaced cleavage defined by alternating phyllosilicate- and quartz-rich domains (termed P- and Q-domains, respectively). Strain estimates derived from independent microstructural and chemical observations suggest that the P-Q fabrics developed in response to plane-strain deformation dominated by solution transfer with the principal finite shortening in the P-domains approximately twice that in the adjacent Q-domains. Significant finite extensions are indicated by ubiquitous quartz-albite-chlorite overgrowths in both P- and Q-domains, while pressure-shadow development around syntectonic pyrite porphyroblasts suggest finite extension of at least 100%. This estimate is comparable with the extension predicted for constant-volume deformation and consequently there appears to have been no significant bulk material loss or gain on the hand-specimen scale. These observations are consistent with solute transfer scales as little as a few centimetres via diffusion in a stationary fluid and do not require, although do not necessarily preclude, large-scale advective fluid transport through the slate belt during cleavage formation as suggested in previous studies.  相似文献   

Metamorphic textures in medium-grade (~500–550°C) metasedimentary rocks from the Erzgebirge give evidence of prograde rutile crystallization from ilmenite. Newly-crystallized grains occur as rutile-rich polycrystalline aggregates that pseudomorph the shape of the ilmenites. In-situ trace element data (EMP and SIMS) show that rutiles from the higher-grade samples record large scatter in Nb content and have Nb/Ti ratios higher than coexisting ilmenite. This behavior can be predicted using prograde rutile crystallization from ilmenite and indicates that rutiles are reequilibrating their chemistry with remaining ilmenites. On the contrary, rutiles from the lowest grade samples (~480°C) have Nb/Ti ratios that are similar to the ones in ilmenite. Hence, rutiles from these samples did not equilibrate their chemistry with remaining ilmenites. Our data suggest that temperature may be one of the main factors determining whether or not the elements are able to diffuse between the phases and, therefore, reequilibrate. Newly-crystallized rutiles yield temperatures (from ~500 to 630°C, Zr-in-rutile thermometry) that are in agreement with the metamorphic conditions previously determined for the studied rocks. In quartzites from the medium-grade domain (~530°C), inherited detrital rutile grains are detected. They are identified by their distinct chemical composition (high Zr and Nb contents) and textures (single grains surrounded by fine grained ilmenites). Preliminary calculation, based on grain size distribution of rutile in medium-grade metapelites and quartzites that occur in the studied area, show that rutiles derived from quartzites can be anticipated to dominate the detrital rutile population, even if quartzites are a minor component of the exposure.  相似文献   

We report the first finding of diamond and moissanite in metasedimentary crustal rocks of Pohorje Mountains (Slovenia) in the Austroalpine ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane of the Eastern Alps. Microscopic observations and Raman spectroscopy show that diamond occurs in situ as inclusions in garnet, being heterogeneously distributed. Under the optical microscope, diamond‐bearing inclusions are of cuboidal to rounded shape and of pinkish, yellow to brownish colour. The Raman spectra of the investigated diamond show a sharp, first order peak of sp3‐bonded carbon, in most cases centred between 1332 and 1330 cm?1, with a full width at half maximum between 3 and 5 cm?1. Several spectra show Raman bands typical for disordered graphitic (sp2‐bonded) carbon. Detailed observations show that diamond occurs either as a monomineralic, single‐crystal inclusion or it is associated with SiC (moissanite), CO2 and CH4 in polyphase inclusions. This rare record of diamond occurring with moissanite as fluid‐inclusion daughter minerals implies the crystallization of diamond and moissanite from a supercritical fluid at reducing conditions. Thermodynamic modelling suggests that diamond‐bearing gneisses attained P–T conditions of ≥3.5 GPa and 800–850 °C, similar to eclogites and garnet peridotites. We argue that diamond formed when carbonaceous sediment underwent UHP metamorphism at mantle depth exceeding 100 km during continental subduction in the Late Cretaceous (c. 95–92 Ma). The finding of diamond confirms UHP metamorphism in the Pohorje Mountains, the most deeply subducted part of Austroalpine units.  相似文献   


In the South-Western part of the Silvretta thrust sheet (Pischa area), metasedimentary rocks and metaso-matie veins show evidence of a Variscan anticlockwise P-T-t path, which differs from previously proposed P-T-t paths in the pre-Mesozoic basements of the Alps. The prograde path corresponds to a HT-LP metamorphism illustrated by sillimanite blastesis after andalusite. Maximum temperature (ca. 550 °C) is constrained by the stability of staurolite and muscovite. After temperature climax, pressure increased quasi-isothermally to P max of ca. 0.5–0.6 GPa. P max is limited by phase relations and fluid inclusion data. The prograde path is characterized by the development of an S2 schistosity and mineral lineation L2 oriented E-W, and by the formation of a first generation of quartz-andalusite veins (type 2 quartz veins) parallel to the S2. The decompression path ends in the stability field of andalusite and is characterized by extensional structures such as symmetric and asymmetric foliation boudinage showing a stretching direction still oriented E-W. The extensional structures also result in the formation of quartz-andalusite-muscovite aggregates. Shear bands affecting both metapelites and type 1 and 2 quartz veins indicate a top to the W-SW sense of shear. The last generation of quartz-andalusite veins (type 3) strikes N-S and vertically cross cuts the foliation. Phase relations suggest that the Silvretta thrust sheet underwent an anticlockwise P-T path, probably a result of magmatism and/or nappe emplacement. The prograde part of this P-T loop developed between 320 and 300 Ma, and cooling already occurred at ca. 300 Ma. Therefore, the Variscan cycle was fast in this part of the Alps.  相似文献   

P- and S-wave velocities in nepheline basalt, Hamada, as well as diabase, Maryland, were measured experimentally to 1000°C and 2.5 GPa. A remarkable frequency dependence of large velocity-decrease was observed for both P- and S-waves at temperatures above 500°C. Remarkable velocity-characteristics, which cannot be explained by the existing theories, were:
1. (1) Velocities were decreased considerably at 1–3 MHz. Above 3 MHz, samples showed elastic behavior like that of a perfect solid, and below 1 MHz, velocity-decrease decayed gradually.
2. (2) Both P- and S-wave velocities decreased in the same way and almost to the same degree.
3. (3) The higher the temperature, the more remarkably velocities decreased, at least up to the experimental limit temperature.
A hypothesis of the relaxation of stress waves by the fluid-flow in the inclusions is proposed. Examples of geophysical applications are given for the attenuation and travel-time anomalies in the volcanic region and the P- and S-wave velocity-decrease in the upper mantle beneath continents.  相似文献   

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