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初论板内造山带   总被引:45,自引:10,他引:45  
张长厚 《地学前缘》1999,6(4):295-308
讨论了关于板内造山带含义的不同认识。指出板内造山带是一种特殊类型的造山带,而不是板缘造山带或板间造山带持续发展的结果。简要介绍分别发育在4 个大陆的不同时代的板内造山带,总结板内造山带在区域大地构造位置、造山带构造格局、构造变形与变质作用、岩浆活动与沉积作用、造山带构造演化等方面与板缘造山带的差异。板内造山带形成于相对较老且强硬的岩石圈板块内部,造山带内部构造单元不具有平行于造山带走向分布的特征,即不具有线状构造格局,构造变形具有地台基底乃至整个地壳卷入的厚皮构造性质,同造山区域变质作用微弱,同造山岩浆活动、沉积作用和构造变形均无极性演化趋势。岩石圈拆沉作用(delamination) 可较好地解释板内造山带的火山活动特征。尽管板块间相互作用( 俯冲或碰撞)所产生的水平挤压应力似乎更易于阐明板内造山带的收缩变形特征;但是,板块间相互碰撞或俯冲产生的边界应力可否有效地被远程传递,尚有待进一步研究和解决。将板块间相互作用的水平应力场与岩石圈纵向物质与能量调整( 重力、热力等) 因素作综合考虑,可能是解决板内造山带造山作用机制的有效途径  相似文献   

兴蒙陆内造山带   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:12  
徐备  王志伟  张立杨  王智慧  杨振宁  贺跃 《岩石学报》2018,34(10):2819-2844
本文提出了"兴蒙陆内造山带"的新概念(Xing-Meng Intracontinent Orogenic Belt,XMIOB),从大地构造、沉积建造、岩浆作用和变质作用等方面论述了XMIOB从晚古生代到中生代初的陆内伸展及陆内造山过程,为探讨晚古生代构造演化提供了新模式。根据对内蒙古中西部晚古生代构造格局的总体认识,可将XMIOB划分为五个构造单元即:早石炭世二连-贺根山裂谷带、晚石炭世陆表海盆地、早二叠世艾力格庙-二连伸展构造带、早-中二叠世盆岭构造带和晚二叠世索伦山-乌兰沟伸展构造带。晚石炭世末-二叠纪在兴蒙造山带基底上发育三期伸展构造:第一期见于内蒙古北部二连-艾力格庙地区,形成陆内裂谷盆地及其盆缘三角洲沉积,发育时代为302~298Ma;第二期在内蒙古中西部广泛分布,以隆起与凹陷相间分布的盆岭构造为特征,发育时代为290~260Ma;第三期见于内蒙古南部索伦山到温都尔庙乌兰沟一带,形成主动裂谷背景下的红海型小洋盆,发育时代为260~250Ma。晚古生代与伸展过程有关的岩浆活动可分四期:1)早石炭世贺根山期:以蛇绿岩为主,发育于具有前寒武纪古老基底和早古生代造山带年轻基底的陆壳伸展区; 2)晚石炭世达青牧场期:主要沿北造山带分布,以基性和酸性岩浆构成的双峰式侵火成岩为特征; 3)早二叠世大石寨期:形成的岩石种类多样,分布广泛,包括双峰式火山岩、双峰式侵入岩和碱性岩; 4)二叠纪末-三叠纪初索伦山期:形成陆缘型蛇绿岩或基性岩-超基性岩组合,产生于软流圈上涌造成的主动裂谷背景。兴蒙陆内造山带的构造变形可分为两期,第一期为晚古生代地层大范围褶皱变形,造成盆-岭构造带的缩短;第二期为沿盆-岭构造的边界强烈剪切变形,产生向东逃逸的挤出构造,其构造背景是北部蒙古-鄂霍茨克造山带和南部大别-秦岭中央造山带的远距离效应引起的被动闭合作用。兴蒙陆内造山带的变质作用分为两个阶段,早期变质作用主要表现为石炭纪期间与陆内伸展有关的低压高温变质,晚期为二叠纪末到三叠纪初区域大面积的低压绿片岩相变质以及沿构造边界的局部中-低压型低温变质。  相似文献   

雪峰山陆内造山带的构造特征与演化   总被引:47,自引:2,他引:47  
在对雪峰山的地质构造及其演化作了研究,并和阿尔卑斯式、阿巴拉契亚式的造山带和远程推覆体作了对比研究以后,作者认为:雪峰山地区的地质构造以具有多期,多层次的层滑构造为主要特色。其主要特征表现为在垂向剖面上有着多个区域性滑脱层,发育株罗山式褐挣矣逆冲叠瓦推覆构造,但它不是阿巴拉契式远程异地推覆体而是准原地型的。逆掩推覆虽然使原来沉积相带变窄,但并未破坏原来扬子地块东南边缘自北西向南东的由台地相--斜坡相--深水盆地相的沉积古地理格局,它是陆内造山带常见的构造样式,是在陆内裂陷的背景上由于裂谷关闭时陆块拼贴碰撞(即所谓软碰撞)和陆内俯冲产生的。雪峰山地区也发育伸展剥离和滑覆构造,伴随每一次挤压造山、地壳加厚的过程,在后造山期,也有地壳的隆升、地壳的拉伸和厚度减薄,它是深部岩石圈拆沉作用在地壳中的表现。  相似文献   

皖南江南陆内造山带的基本特征与中生代造山过程   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
皖南地区的江南隆起带 ,在震旦纪—中三叠世与周边一样处于被动大陆边缘海相环境。印支—早燕山期 ,该带成为陆内造山带 ,其中发育了一系列近东西向、向北逆冲的逆冲—推覆构造 ,使基底岩系相互叠置、强烈隆升。江南陆内造山带属板内叠置山系 ,不具阿尔卑斯式远程推覆体。地球物理资料表明 ,该陆内造山带下的地壳和岩石圈曾显著加厚。江南陆内造山带形成于北部华北与扬子板块发生陆—陆碰撞、南部华南板块向北推挤的区域动力学背景下  相似文献   

论全球性中-新生代陆内造山作用与造山带   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:25  
崔盛芹 《地学前缘》1999,6(4):283-293
对不同类型造山作用与造山带的深入剖析,在现代地学研究中占有重要的位置。迄今对造山带类型划分以及陆内( 板内) 造山带是否存在及其形成机制问题,尚有不同认识。文章在阐明造山带分类准则的基础上,将全球性中- 新生代造山带划分为陆缘型、陆间型与陆内型三大类。对陆内造山带则划分出发育在前寒武纪古克拉通基础上、发育在前中生代陆缘、陆间造山带基础上两种类型。文内还对全球性中- 新生代陆内造山作用与造山带的展布特点、形成机制及其大陆动力学意义进行概括论述  相似文献   

桐柏—大别山碰撞造山带的大地构造演化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

西昆仑—帕米尔造山带及其北缘前陆盆地板内变形构造   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
曲国胜  陈新安 《地质论评》1998,44(4):419-429
笔者总结了西昆仑—帕米尔造山带及塔西南前陆盆地板内变形的各类构造模式、构造分带、新生代变形格局及构造演化,提出其新生代板内变形具有弧形构造分段性和阶段性演化的特点,发现了依格孜牙、柯克亚、桑株—杜瓦、卡兹克—阿尔特薄皮弧形推覆构造、齐姆根主弧形构造段及玉力群—克里阳构造段的三角带构造及叶尔羌—棋盘对冲过渡型弧形构造。认为对冲过渡型弧形构造及各弧形构造分段间的斜冲走滑带是塔西南前陆盆地板内变形的特殊产物。  相似文献   

板块碰撞远程效应的传播与地球层圈间的运动   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国西部大地构造活动的一大特点是新生代造山作用的复活 ,特提斯洋的最终关闭———印度板块和欧亚板块碰撞的远程效应常被解释为这种构造复活的原因。比较典型的造山带复活是天山造山带 ,天山造山带原生造山发生于古生代末期 ,古天山洋闭合塔里木板块和哈萨克斯坦板块碰撞拼贴形成碰撞造山带。原生造山的主要特点是海西期沿天山造山带发生大规模的中酸性岩浆活动和古生代沉积岩系的广泛变形变质 ,沿碰撞造山带发育有晚古生代蛇绿混杂岩带。古地磁及沉积相证据分析表明原生造山作用以后 ,塔里木板块、哈萨克斯坦板块、西伯利亚和中朝板块一…  相似文献   

北祁连造山带陆块构造   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘寄陈 《地球科学》1991,16(6):635-642

Studies show that the Tianshan orogenic belt was built in the late stage of the Paleozoic, as evidenced by the Permian red molasses and foreland basins, which are distributed in parallel with the Tianshan belt, indicating that an intense folding and uplifting event took place. During the Triassic, this orogenic belt was strongly eroded, and basins were further developed. Starting from the Jurassic, a within-plate regional extension occurred, forming a series of Jurassic-Paleogene extensional basins in the peneplaned Tianshan region. Since the Neogene, a collision event between the Indian and the Eurasian plates that took place on the southern side of the Tianshan belt has caused a strong intra-continental orogeny, which is characterized by thrusting and folding. Extremely thick coarse conglomerate and sandy conglomerate of the Xiyu Formation of Neogene System were accumulated unconformably on the Tianshan piedmont. Studies have revealed that the strong compression caused by the Indian-Eurasian collision  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous Shihu gold deposit is located in the northern segment of the Taihang Tectonic belt, which extends across the central part of the North China Craton. The deposit is hosted predominantly by the Archean metamorphic crystalline units, and is spatially and temporally related to quartz diorite porphyry present extensively throughout the gold deposit. We studied the geology, geochronology and stable isotopic geochemistry. Zircon U–Pb LA–ICP–MS ages of the quartz diorite porphyry at deposit range from 134 ± 1 to 131 ± 2 Ma, which are coeval and probably genetically related to the mineralization. The majority of the sulfides of the gold deposit have δ34S values ranging from ?1 to 2‰, which suggest an homogeneous magmatic source. In addition, the isotopic compositions of δ18Ofluid and δ18Dfluid vary from 2.1 to 7.0‰ and ?93 to ?65‰, respectively, suggesting that the magmatic fluids mingled with meteoric water. The Pb isotopic analyses reveal that both the ore‐forming materials and the quartz diorite porphyry originated from the lower crust and may have been mixed with mantle material. The 87Sr/86Sri and 143Nd/144Nd (143Nd/144Nd)i ratios for the quartz diorite porphyry demonstrate that there was mixing of two end‐member (crust and the mantle) isotopic compositions. These results suggest that the ore‐forming fluids and materials were derived from lower‐crustal melting induced by mantle processes. Processes associated with the formation of the Shihu gold deposit differ significantly from those that characterize orogenic gold deposits, and instead are representative of formation in an intracontinental tectonic environment.  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous Jiashan Syenite is located in a region of late Jurassic crustal thickening. The Jiashan Syenite can be divided into three concentrically arranged units, the Jiangjiawan, Longtangou and Longtannangou units, which were intruded sequentially. Geochemically, the Jiashan Syenite has a high Ga/Al ratio (>3), is enriched in silica, alkalis, Fe, REE, Th, Ga, Nb, Zr and Hf, is depleted in Mg, Ba, Sr and Ti and in transition elements such as Cr, Co, Ni and V. The three units of the Jiashan Syenite have Ce/Pb ratios ranging from 6.12 to 13.41 and are enriched in light REE (LREE) with a moderate Eu negative anomaly. The 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios range from 0.701409 to 0.707405, with a mean of 0.70379. The εNd (t) values of −2.27 to −5.58 indicate that the magma was probably derived from enriched mantle. The Jiashan Syenite is a post-orogenic intrusion, and can be considered to be an A-type granite. It was emplaced in an environment of lithospheric extension during asthenospheric mantle upwelling. This suggests that the regional compressional shortening and crustal thickening tectonic regime in the Yanshan Orogenic Belt during the Late Jurassic (ca. 135 Ma) changed to lithospheric extension and thinning in the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The Central India Tectonic Zone (CITZ) is a prominent divide and a major suture zone between the North Indian and South Indian crustal blocks. The resistive upper crust as modeled in the magnetotelluric data from CITZ suggests a dominant tonalite–trdondhjemite–granodiorite composition associated with an accretionary complex characterized by mainly felsic rock components. The highly conductive bodies in this zone might represent mafic/ultramafic-layered intrusives derived from a deeper reservoir of underplated basaltic magma related to the formation of the Cretaceous Deccan flood basalts. The uniformly thick mafic lower crust below the cratons on both sides of the suture is interpreted as the accreted remnants of Archaean and Paleoproterozoic subducted slabs. We redefine the nature of deep faults traversing the CITZ, which were described as steep and penetrating the Moho by previous workers, and classify them as listric faults with gentle dips at depth.Seismic reflection data from the eastern side of the suture suggest a northwestward subduction of the Bhandara Craton. Reflection data from the central part of the CITZ show northerly dip in the southern part suggesting northward subduction of the Dharwar Craton. However, an opposite trend is observed in the northern part of the suture with a southward dip of the Bundelkhand craton. Based on these features, and in conjunction with existing magnetotelluric models, we propose a double-sided subduction history along the CITZ. This would be similar to the ongoing subduction–accretion process in the western Pacific region, which possibly led to the development of paired collision-type and Pacific-type orogens. One important feature is the domal structure along the central part of the suture with a thick felsic crust occurring between mafic and intermediate crust. The high resistivity felsic domain suggests underplated sediments/felsic crust that would have caused the doming. Our model also accounts for the extrusion of regional metamorphic belts at the orogenic core, and the occurrence of high pressure–ultrahigh-temperature paired metamorphic belts within the suture.  相似文献   

本文分析了雪峰山陆内造山带的变形特征,认为雪峰山造山带是在克拉通边缘裂陷槽基础上发育起来的,历经了加里东陆缘褶皱始造山、印支一早燕山陆内褶断主造山、晚燕山一早喜马拉雅陆内盆后(重)造山等过程而最后定型的.中生代以来,岩石圈向西北的俯冲,地壳层次向西挤压产生基底滑脱、推覆增厚,进而在松弛伸展过程出现山链两侧双极性的重力滑脱.在分析变形特征的基础上,对本区的挤压推覆-伸展滑脱构造进行了物理模拟实验,实验表明,来自于SE方向的挤压作用是产生大规模的推覆-滑脱构造的动力来源.在后期的应力松弛阶段,产生伸展滑脱构造.  相似文献   

中—新生代东昆仑造山带构造事件及柴西南盆地原型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
倪金龙  汪劲草  周莉  赵小花  刘东  宋召军 《现代地质》2007,21(3):505-510,517
柴西南盆地原型的研究由于其复杂的地质背景存在众多争论。根据盆山耦合理论,从东昆仑造山带与柴西南盆地受制于共同应力场的角度,结合二者资料及野外考察,对东昆仑山中、新生代以来的构造事件进行了厘定。以此为基础,对柴西南盆地原型的形成与改造进行了探讨。认为:中、新生代以来,东昆仑造山带与柴西南盆地一起共同经历了多期挤压与伸展事件。其中,早、中侏罗世东昆仑山可能经历了造山后伸展事件,这一事件可能是中生代柴西南原型盆地的直接成因;新生代早、中期的伸展环境及昆北断裂、阿尔金断裂的右行走滑可能是新生代柴西南原型盆地形成的主要机制。中、新生代以来的多期挤压事件对前期原型盆地有着重要的改造作用。  相似文献   

Abstract: The Maoniuping REE deposit is the second largest light rare earth elements deposit in China, explored recently in the northern Jinpingshan Mountains, a Cenozoic intracontinental orogenic belt in southwestern China. It is a vein-type deposit hosted within, and genetically related to, carbonatite-alkalic complex. Field investigation and new geochemical data of the carbonatites from the carbonatite-alkalic complex support an igneous origin for the Maoniuping carbonatites and related REE mineralization. Carbonatite itself carries rare earth elements which were enriched by hydrothermal solution.
It is known that most of the REE deposits related to carbonatite-alkalic complexes were formed in relatively stable tectonic setting such as cratonic or rifting environment. The Maoniuping deposit, however, was formed during the processes of Cenozoic orogeny. Although the Maoniuping deposit is located in the north sector of the Panxi paleo-rift zone, the rift had been closed before early Cenozoic and evolved into an intracontinental orogenic belt, i.e., the Jinpingshan Orogen, which was formed since later Mesozoic to early Cenozoic. Geochronological and geochemical data also prove that the Maoniuping REE deposit was formed in an intracontinental orogenic belt instead of rift system or stationary block.
The Maoniuping REE deposit is similar to the Mountain Pass REE deposit in many respects such as the high contents of bastnaesite and barite, the low content of niobium, and the common occurrence of sulfides. The discovery of the Maoniuping deposit and other REE deposits during the past two decades suggest a good potential for prospecting REE deposits along the alkalic complex belt located on the eastern side of the Qinghai–Xizang–West Sichuan Plateau.  相似文献   

Tectonic Evolution of the Himalayan Collision Belt   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper discusses the tectonic divisions of the Himalayan collision belt anddeals with the tectonic evolution of the collision belt in the context of crustal accretion in thefront of the collision belt, deep diapirism and thermal-uplift extension and deep material flow-ing of the lithosphere-backflowing. Finally it proposes a model of the tectonic evolution-progressive intracontinental deformation model-of the Himalayan belt.  相似文献   

赣东北-皖南元古代造山带构造格架及演化   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
赣东北-皖南元古代造山带位于扬子板块南缘江南造山带东段,经历了晋宁早期俯冲和晚期碰撞两个造山阶段,自北而南可划分为九岭褶皱变形区、鄣公山构造混杂岩带、江山-绍兴对接带,其间均以区域性构造带相隔,变形强度依次增强,中元古代变质地层分属于史密斯、有限史密斯、非史密斯地层范畴,难以建立总体地层层序而区别于传统的“史密斯”地层;同时,该套地层又形成于元古代扬子、华夏两板块的张开-闭合过程中的统一大地构造背景下,存在着一定的必然联系而有别于“地体构造”、“构造混杂岩”;依据地层组成结合岩石化学研究,在“构造混杂岩”基础上建立了“双列岛弧”的“沟弧盆体系”模式。  相似文献   

青藏高原的新生代火山作用是印度-亚洲大陆碰撞的火山响应,它显示了系统的时、空变化。随着印度-亚洲大陆碰撞从~65 Ma的接触-碰撞(即"软碰撞")转变到~45 Ma的全面碰撞(即"硬碰撞"),火山作用也逐渐从钠质+钾质变为钾质-超钾质+埃达克质。65~40 Ma的钾质和钠质熔岩主要分布于藏南的拉萨地块,少量分布于藏中的羌塘地块。从45~26 Ma,在藏中的羌塘地块中广泛发育钾质-超钾质熔岩和少量埃达克岩。随后的碰撞后火山作用向南迁移,在拉萨地块中产生~26~10 Ma间的同时代超钾质和埃达克质熔岩。尔后,从~18 Ma始,钾质和少量埃达克质火山作用重新向北,在西羌塘和松潘-甘孜地块中呈广泛和半连续状分布。此种时-空变异对形成青藏高原的深部地球动力学过程提供了重要约束。该过程包括:已消减的新特提斯大洋板片的回转、断离及随后增厚拉萨岩石圈根的去根作用,及因此而造成的印度岩石圈向北下插。青藏高原的隆升是自南向北穿时发生的。高原南部被创建于渐新世晚期,并保持至今;直到中新世中期,由于下插印度岩石圈的持续向北推挤,西羌塘和松潘-甘孜岩石圈的下部开始塌陷和拆离,高原北部才达到其现今的高度和规模。  相似文献   

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