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We analyzed several records of mean volume backscattering strength (Sv) derived from 150 kHz acoustic doppler current profilers (ADCPs) moored along the equator in upwelling mesotrophic conditions and in the warm pool oligotrophic ecosystem of the Pacific Ocean. The ADCPs allow for gathering long time-series of non-intrusive information about zooplankton and micronekton at the same spatial and temporal scales as physical observations. High Sv are found from the surface to the middle of the thermocline between dusk and dawn in the mesotrophic regime. Biological and physical influences modified this classical diel cycle. In oligotrophic conditions observed at 170°W and 140°W during El Niño years, a subsurface Sv maximum characterized nighttime Sv profiles. Variations of the thermocline depth correlated with variations of the base of the high Sv layer and the subsurface maximum closely tracked the thermocline depth from intraseasonal to interannual time-scales. A recurring deepening (20–60 m) of the high Sv layer was observed at a frequency close to the lunar cycle frequency. At 165°E, high day-to-day variations prevailed and our results suggest the influence of moderately mesotrophic waters that would be advected from the western warm pool during westerly wind events. A review of the literature suggests that Sv variations may result from changes in biomass and species assemblages among which myctophids and euphausiids would be the most likely scatterers.  相似文献   

Integrated assessment of the euphausiid Nematoscelis difficilis (Crustacea; Euphausiacea) and the zooplankton assemblage of the California Current was designed to investigate individual, population, and community responses to mesoscale variability in biological and physical characters of the ocean. Zooplankton samples and observational data were collected along a cross-shelf transect of the California Current in association with the California Cooperative Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) Survey during October 1996. The transect crossed three domains defined by temperature and salinity: nearshore, mid-Current, and offshore. Individual N. difficilis differed in physiological condition along the transect, with higher size-corrected concentrations of four central metabolic enzymes (citrate synthetase, hexokinase, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI)) for euphausiids collected in nearshore waters than in mid-Current and offshore waters. There was little variation in the DNA sequences of the genes encoding PGI and LDH (all DNA changes were either silent or heterozygous base substitutions), suggesting that differences in enzyme concentration did not result from underlying molecular genetic variation. The population genetic makeup of N. difficilis varied from sample to sample based on haplotype frequencies of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI; P=0.029). There were significant differences between pooled nearshore and offshore samples, based on allele frequencies at two sites of common substitutions in the mtCOI sequence (P=0.020 and 0.026). Silhouette and bioacoustical backscattering measurements of the zooplankton assemblage of the top 100 m showed marked diel vertical migration of the scattering layer, of which euphausiids were a small but significant fraction. The biochemical and molecular assays are used as indices of complex physiological (i.e., growth and condition) and genetic (i.e., mortality) processes; the bioacoustical observations provide insight into the ecosystem context for the single-species measurements. All data are intended for integration into predictive models of secondary production and biomass concentration in the ocean.  相似文献   

Cadmium and zinc concentrations were determined in 10 species of pelagic zooplankton collected in the northern North Pacific, the Bering Sea, the Okhotsk Sea and off Hokkaid?, during the summers of 1974–1976. The mean cadmium contents in euphausiids, copepods, and amphipods were 1.16μg/g dry wt (range: 0.36–2.17μg/g), 6.63μg/g (1.66–14.55μg/g), and 8.28μg/g (2.83–14.50μg/g), respectively. Cadmium in euphausiids was significantly lower in concentration than in the other two crustacean groups. The difference in cadmium levels among the crustacean groups is discussed on the basis of feeding habits and physiological characteristics of the zooplankton. Zinc levels in the crustaceans were similar, with values around 100μg/g (range: 59–195μg/g). Both cadmium and zinc concentrations in euphausiids taken from coastal waters off Hokkaid? were significantly higher than those from the Bering Sea and the northern North Pacific. This trend may reflect coastal pollution rather than characteristics of the species. Contribution No. 117 from the Research Institute of North Pacific Fisheries, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University  相似文献   

We report results of ecosystem studies in Monterey Bay, California, during the summer upwelling periods, 1996–99, including impacts of El Niño 1997–98 and La Niña 1999. Random-systematic line-transect surveys of marine mammals were conducted monthly from August to November 1996, and from May to November 1997–99. CTDs and zooplankton net tows were conducted opportunistically, and at 10 predetermined locations. Hydroacoustic backscatter was measured continuously while underway to estimate prevalence of zooplankton, with emphasis on euphausiids, a key trophic link between primary production and higher trophic level consumers.The occurrences of several of the California Current’s most common cetaceans varied among years. The assemblage of odontocetes became more diverse during the El Niño with a temporary influx of warm-water species. Densities of cold-temperate Dall’s porpoise, Phocoenoides dalli, were greatest before the onset of El Niño, whereas warm-temperate common dolphins, Delphinus spp., were present only during the warm-water period associated with El Niño. Rorqual densities decreased in August 1997 as euphausiid backscatter was reduced. In 1998, as euphausiid backscatter slowly increased, rorqual densities increased sharply to the greatest observed values. Euphausiid backscatter further increased in 1999, whereas rorqual densities were similar to those observed during 1998. We hypothesize that a dramatic reduction in zooplankton biomass offshore during El Niño 1997–98 led to the concentration of rorquals in the remaining productive coastal upwelling areas, including Monterey Bay. These patterns exemplify short-term responses of cetaceans to large-scale changes in oceanic conditions.  相似文献   

Measurements of carbon in marine “net zooplankton” were made by use of a Leco 70 Second TC-12 Automatic Carbon Determinator. The instrument employs high-temperature (ca. 1600°C), dry-combustion and thermal-conductivity detection of the purified carbon-dioxide combustion product and oxygen carrier gas mixtures. The methodology developed in this study is convenient and rapid (ca. 70 sec per freeze-dried sample), with a mean error (±2σ/x ·100) of ±4.4% at the 3 mg-C level and ±7.4% at the 10 mg-C level when benzoic acid is used as a standard, and ±9.2% at the 5 mg-C level and ±6.0% at the 10 mg-C level when casein is used as the standard. The technique was applied to the “splash zone” marine copepod Tigriopus californicus to obtain an average value of 38.6% C by weight. Concentrated samples of “net zooplankton” of varying size fractions were collected in the Monterey upwelling region over an eight-month period. Values up to 2000 mg-C/m2 ocean surface (0–200 m) were observed in a seasonal cycle doubly peaked for some size fractions but not for others.  相似文献   

We present inorganic carbon data from the coastal upwelling region west of Vancouver Island, Canada (∼48.5°N,126°W) directly after an upwelling event and during summer downwelling in July 1998. The inner-shelf buoyancy current, the outer-shelf and the slope regions are contrasted for both wind regimes (up- and downwelling). Results show strong biological drawdown of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in response to upwelling over the outer-shelf. In contrast, measured pCO2 is exceptionally high (pCO2>1000ppm) in the inner-shelf current, where biological uptake of carbon is consistently large. The biological C:N uptake ratio appears to increase when nitrogen becomes limiting (during downwelling), while the POC:PON ratio is relatively constant (slightly lower than the Redfield ratio) suggesting that excess carbon uptake does not go into the POC pool. As expected, large cells dominate where measured primary productivity is greatest. Sub-surface inorganic carbon (and pCO2) is high over the shelf. We suggest that carbon concentrations may be higher in coastal waters because of remineralization associated with high productivity that is confined to a smaller volume of water by bathymetry. At the coast these sub-surface concentrations are more efficiently mixed into the surface (especially during winter) relative to deeper offshore regions. Thus, despite high primary production, coastal waters may not aid in sequestration of atmospheric carbon.  相似文献   

Seasonal depth stratified plankton tows, sediment traps and core tops taken from the same stations along a transect at 29°N off NW Africa are used to describe the seasonal succession, the depth habitats and the oxygen isotope ratios (δ18Oshell) of five planktic foraminiferal species. Both the δ18Oshell and shell concentration profiles show variations in seasonal depth habitats of individual species. None of the species maintain a specific habitat depth exclusively within the surface mixed layer (SML), within the thermocline, or beneath the thermocline. Globigerinoides ruber (white) and (pink) occur with moderate abundance throughout the year along the transect, with highest abundances in the winter and summer/fall season, respectively. The average δ18Oshell of G. ruber (w) from surface sediments is similar to the δ18Oshell values measured from the sediment-trap samples during winter. However, the δ18Oshell of G. ruber (w) underestimates sea surface temperature (SST) by 2 °C in winter and by 4 °C during summer/fall indicating an extension of the calcification/depth habitat into colder thermocline waters. Globigerinoides ruber (p) continues to calcify below the SML as well, particularly in summer/fall when the chlorophyll maximum is found within the thermocline. Its vertical distribution results in δ18Oshell values that underestimate SST by 2 °C. Shell fluxes of Globigerina bulloides are highest in summer/fall, where it lives and calcifies in association with the deep chlorophyll maximum found within the thermocline. Pulleniatina obliquiloculata and Globorotalia truncatulinoides, dwelling and calcifying a part of their lives in the winter SML, record winter thermocline (~180 m) and deep surface water (~350 m) temperatures, respectively. Our observations define the seasonal and vertical distribution of multiple species of foraminifera and the acquisition of their δ18Oshell.  相似文献   

Zooplankton sampling at Station 18 off Concepción (36°30′S and 73°07′W), on an average frequency of 30 days (August 2002 to December 2005), allowed the assessment of seasonal and inter-annual variation in zooplankton biomass, its C and N content, and the community structure in relation to upwelling variability. Copepods contributed 79% of the total zooplankton community and were mostly represented by Paracalanus parvus, Oithona similis, Oithona nana, Calanus chilensis, and Rhincalanus nasutus. Other copepod species, euphausiids (mainly Euphausia mucronata), gelatinous zooplankton, and crustacean larvae comprised the rest of the community. Changes in the depth of the upper boundary of the oxygen minimum zone indicated the strongly seasonal upwelling pattern. The bulk of zooplankton biomass and total copepod abundance were both strongly and positively associated with a shallow (<20 m) oxygen minimum zone; these values increased in spring/summer, when upwelling prevailed. Gelatinous zooplankton showed positive abundance anomalies in the spring and winter, whereas euphausiids had no seasonal pattern and a positive anomaly in the fall. The C content and the C/N ratio of zooplankton biomass significantly increased during the spring when chlorophyll-a was high (>5 mg m−3). No major changes in zooplankton biomass and species were found from one year to the next. We concluded that upwelling is the key process modulating variability in zooplankton biomass and its community structure in this zone. The spring/summer increase in zooplankton may be largely the result of the aggregation of dominant copepods within the upwelling region; these may reproduce throughout the year, increasing their C content and C/N ratios given high diatom concentrations.  相似文献   

We sampled zooplankton and fecal pellets in the upper 200 m of Monterey Bay and nearby coastal regions in California, USA. On several occasions, we observed high concentrations of large pellets that appeared to be produced during night-time by dielly migrating euphausiids. High concentrations of pellets were found in near-surface waters only when euphausiids co-occurred with high concentrations of large (>10 μm) phytoplankton. Peak concentrations of pellets at mid-depth (100 or 150 m) during the day were consistent with the calculated sinking speeds of pellets produced near the surface at night. At these high flux locations (HI group), pellet concentrations declined below mid-depth. In contrast, at locations where the phytoplankton assemblage was dominated by small phytoplankton cells (<10 μm), pellet production and flux were low (LO group) whether or not euphausiid populations were high. Protozooplankton concentrations did not affect this pattern. We concluded that the day and night differences in pellet concentration and flux in the HI profiles were mostly due to sinking of dielly-pulsed inputs in the surface layer, and that small zooplankton (Oithona, Oncaea), heterotrophic dinoflagellates, and bacterial activity probably caused some pellet degradation or consumption below 100 m. We estimated that consumption of sinking pellets by large copepods was insignificant. High fluxes of pellets were episodic because they required both high concentrations of large phytoplankton and large stocks of euphausiids. Under these conditions, flux events overwhelmed retention mechanisms, resulting in large exports of organic matter from the upper 200 m.  相似文献   

The soft sediment fish communities below 20 m depth were studied at two sites on the west coast of Scotland (Irvine Bay, Firth of Clyde and the Lynn of Lorne) using small meshed beam trawls. In both cases the emphasis was on the small demersal fish (<15 cm) within these communities. The Irvine Bay community was studied between May 1978 and December 1979 and the Lynn of Lorne community between February 1975 and October 1976.Twenty-seven fish species were recorded in Irvine Bay and 32 in the Lynn of Lorne. In both communities four species constituted more than 78% of the total annual abundance, two gobies (Lesueurigobius friesii and Pomatoschistus norvegicus) were high in the dominance ranking for both sites. The species abundance lists were similar for both sites (0·62 level of similarity) but the species lists for each site were different (0·36 level of similarity). The overall mean density of small demersal fish was similar for both sites (Irvine Bay = 0·045 individuals m?2 and the Lynn of Lorne = 0·047 individuals m?2). There were two periods of high abundance for both communities (late autumn to winter and late spring). There was, however, a low repeatability between successive years. The species richness (D) was relatively high (Irvine Bay = 1·5-3·08, Lynn of Lorne = 1·4-3·34) as was the species diversity (H′) (Irvine Bay = 1·17-1·97, Lynn of Lorne = 1·23-1·95). The proportional representation (J′) of each species within the community was greater in Irvine Bay (J′ = 0·57-0·77) than in the Lynn of Lorne (J′ = 0·50-0·72). Therefore these two communities of small demersal fish appeared to be similar at the community level but the way in which this was achieved was different.  相似文献   

The IMECOCAL Program began in 1997, with the objective of sampling plankton systematically in the Mexican region of the California Current. We present results of chlorophyll a concentrations and zooplankton displacement volumes for the eight cruises from September 1997 to October 1999. The abundance of 22 zooplankton groups was also analyzed for the first four cruises. The response of plankton to the 1997–1998 El Niño was atypical. From September 1997 to January 1998, chlorophyll a and zooplankton volume were at typical values (median integrated chlorophyll was 27 mg/m2 and zooplankton 100 ml/1000 m3 in 9801/02). After the peak of El Niño, the system shifted to cooler conditions. Integrated chlorophyll gradually increased to a median of 77 mg/m2 in April 1999. In contrast, zooplankton volumes decreased from October 1998 onward, despite favorable phytoplankton availability in 1999. Zooplankton structure was dominated by copepods and chaetognaths through the ENSO cycle, but interannual changes were evident. In the fall of 1997 there was a higher proportion of copepods, chaetognaths, and other minor groups, while the fall of 1998 zooplankton was richer in salps and ostracods. Historical data from previous Baja California CalCOFI cruises indicated that zooplankton volumes measured during the IMECOCAL cruises were above the long-term mean for the period 1951–1984. This suggests a differential response of plankton to the El Niño of 1997–1998 compared to the El Niño of 1957–1959. Regional differences in zooplankton volumes were also found, with central Baja California having 41% higher biomass than northern Baja California. Volumes from both regions were larger than those recorded by CalCOFI off southern California during 1997–1998, but the situation was reversed in 1999. The higher biomasses in the 1997–1998 El Niño can be attributed to high abundance of salps, which showed an affinity with warm, saline water.  相似文献   

Rates of respiration and ammonia excretion of Euphausia hanseni and Nematoscelis megalops were determined experimentally at four temperatures representative of conditions encountered by these euphausiid species in the northern Benguela upwelling environment. The respiration rate increased from 7.7 µmol O2 h?1 gww ?1 at 5 °C to 18.1 µmol O2 h?1 gww ?1 at 20 °C in E. hanseni and from 7.0 µmol O2 h?1 gww ?1 (5 °C) to 23.4 µmol O2 h?1 gww ?1 (20 °C) in N. megalops. The impact of temperature on oxygen uptake of the two species differed significantly. Nematoscelis megalops showed thermal adaptations to temperatures between 5 °C and 10 °C (Q10 = 1.9) and metabolic constraint was evident at higher temperatures (Q10 = 2.6). In contrast, E. hanseni showed adaptations to temperatures of 10–20 °C (Q10 = 1.5) and experienced metabolic depression below 10 °C (Q10 = 2.6). Proteins were predominantly metabolised by E. hanseni in contrast to lipids by N. megalops. Carbon demand of N. megalops between 5 and 15 °C was lower than in E. hanseni versus equal food requirements at 20 °C. It is concluded that the two species display different physiological adaptations, based on their respective temperature adaptations, which are mirrored in their differential vertical positioning in the water column.  相似文献   

Comparisons of the abundances and size distributions of marine snow (aggregated particles >0.5 mm in diameter) in the upper 100 m of the water column at ten stations off Southern California in the late afternoon with those in the same parcel of water the following morning, after nocturnal vertical migration by zooplankton had occurred, revealed the existence of a previously undescribed process affecting marine particle dynamics. Aggregate abundances increased overnight and changes were positively and significantly correlated only with the abundance of the common euphausiid, Euphausia pacifica, and with no other biological or physical factor. Moreover, mean aggregate size decreased and aggregate size distributions shifted toward smaller size classes when euphausiids were abundant. The only conclusion consistent with these findings was that euphausiids were physically disaggregating marine snow into smaller, more numerous aggregates through shear stresses generated while swimming. Video-recording of both tethered and free-swimming E. pacifica in the laboratory dramatically confirmed that aggregates passing within 8–10 mm of the animal's abdomen were fragmented either by entrainment and direct impact with the beating pleopods or by eddies generated during swimming. At the abundances observed in this study, swimming E. pacifica would have sufficiently disturbed 3–33% of the water column each night to disrupt the aggregates contained therein. This is the first evidence for the fragmentation of large particles by the swimming activities of zooplankton and suggests that macrozooplankton and micronekton play a significant role in the particle dynamics of the water column regardless of whether they consume particles or not. Disaggregation of marine snow by swimming and migrating animals may alter the sizes of particles available to grazers and microbial colonizers and reduce the flux of particulate carbon by generating smaller particles, which potentially sink more slowly and reside longer in the water column. This newly discovered process reduces carbon flux while simultaneously conserving carbon and provides a previously unconsidered link between animal behavior and the biogeochemistry of the sea. It may help explain the exponential reduction in particle flux with depth observed in parts of the ocean and help balance oceanic carbon models.  相似文献   

According to small-amplitude theory, the surface gravity-wave spectrum can be estimated from a subsurface pressure-fluctuation spectrum by applying a factor (K) that compensates for the attenuation of surface-wave amplitude as the depth below the water surface and the wave frequency increase.There are a number of factors, however, that cause K to be inaccurate over a large portion of the spectrum's frequency range. Numerous attempts have been made to derive an empirical correction factor (n) that could be applied to K to provide a better estimate of the surface-wave spectrum. This paper evaluates some of these empirical factors, specifically for use in an estuarine environment, and recommends Graces' (1978) equation for n as a function of the non-dimensional frequency parameter kh (where k = L is the local wavenumber, h the local depth and L the wavelength).The paper also evaluates the maximum limit (Kmax) on the magnitude of K suggested by Esteva & Harris (1970), where relative depth dh (d is the pressure transducer height above the bottom) and koh (a parameter directly related for large values of kh to wave frequency by the dispersion relation) are the independent variables. The choice of Kmax may be made unimportant if d is selected beforehand using an equation (Knowles, 1981a) for the minimum dh limit affected by the choice of Kmax.  相似文献   

The results are presented from three hydrogrpahic surveys in April 1979 of a 40 × 50 km region of the Celtic Sea, centred at 7°W and 51°N, using a towed undulating sensor system. In the 512 days between Surveys 1 and 2, the seasonal thermocline was established, with surface to bottom temperature differences reaching 1.5°C, the average surface chlorophyll a level increased from ~ 1 to ~ 5.5 mg m?3 due mainly to the growth of diatoms, and the surface nitrate concentration decreased from 6 to 1 μM. The third survey was carried out after a further two days and, although surface properties changed little, there was a general deepening of the mixed layer due to stronger winds, and a further increase in the standing stock of phytoplankton.By applying appropriate techniques of horizontal spatial averaging, which took into account possible advective effects, a quantitative comparison was made of the changes at two positions in the survey area which showed significant differences in the rate of development of the phytoplankton population. A simple model of phytoplankton growth was then developed, based on calculations of eddy diffusivity, on measurements of rates of photosynthetic carbon assimilation, and on observations of carbon to chlorophyll ratios, subsurface light attenuation and inorganic nutrient levels. In the absence of any data on zooplankton populations, the loss of phytoplankton by grazing was left as a free parameter.The model was only partly successful in reproducing the observed changes in chlorophyll concentrations during the first 512 days and showed serious limitations for the subsequent 2 days. However, it emphasised several features of the dynamics of spring phytoplankton populations which require further experimental or observational investigation. These include more precise measurements of carbon to chlorophyll ratios and grazing pressure to which the model is sensitive over a rather narrow range (this has important implications in terms both of control by grazing and nutrient limitation), the potential significance of physiological photoadaptation by the plant cells in determining their vertical distribution, and the role of eddy diffusion across the developing thermocline in relation to the sinking of phytoplankton cells and the upward mixing of inorganic nutrients.  相似文献   

An empirical analysis is performed on the most detailed, recent measurements of turbulent oscillatory boundary layer flow. The measurements show that throughout elevations where the flow can be considered horizontally uniform, one deficit model is sufficient for describing the fundamental mode. Some general properties of the non dimensional velocity deficit D1(z) appear with striking consistency. First of all the identity ln ¦D1¦ ≡ Arg D1, which is a theoretical result for smooth laminar flow, seems to hold with great accuracy for a large range of turbulent flow conditions as well. This is of principal theoretical interest because all previous analytical eddy viscosity models as well as numerical mixing length models predict a consistent and fairly large difference between Arg D1 and ln ¦D1¦. If the identity between ln ¦D1¦ and Arg D1 extends all the way to the bed, it means that the bed shear stress leads the free stream velocity by 45 degrees. It is also found that the structure of smooth turbulent oscillatory flows as measured by Kalkanis (1964) corresponds to a sharp maximum in the normalized energy dissipation rate.  相似文献   

The atmospheric, primary down-column and sedimentary fluxes of particulate aluminium (Alp) have been calculated for a number of regions in the Atlantic Ocean.The vertical down-column flux of Alp from Atlantic surface waters exhibits a strong geographical variation, and its magnitude is influenced by supply mechanisms, which control the surface Alp concentrations, and primary production, which affects the rate of down-column transport. Overall, the down-column transport of Alp is greatest in the marginal regions of the Atlantic. In the eastern margins the highest surface water concentrations are found in the region lying between ~30°N and ~10°N, i.e. under the general path of the northeast trades. In this region there is excellent agreement between the dry (i.e. 1 cm?1 s?1 deposition velocity) atmospheric flux (~80 000 ng Alp cm?2 y?1), the primary vertical down-column flux (? 70 000 ng Alp cm?2 y?1) and the sediment flux (~90 000 ng Alp cm?2 y?1). In the regions to the north (i.e. ~40°N to ~30°N) and to the south (i.e. ~10°N to ~5°S) the primary down-column Alp flux decreases to an average of ~19 000 μg cm?2 y?1, which makes a direct maximum contribution of ~20% of the sediment Alp requirement. In the open-ocean South Atlantic the primary down-column flux of Alp is ~3300 μg cm?2 y?1, this is similar to the dry (i.e. 1 cm?1 s?1 deposition velocity) atmospheric flux, and contributes ~20% of the Alp required by the underlying deep-sea sediment.  相似文献   

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