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利用全球海表海温资料(GISST)和NCEP/NCAR再分析风场、海平面气压场资料,研究了热带东印度洋海表温度持续性的季节差异,发现东印度洋海温持续性存在"秋季障碍"现象。进一步分析了东印度洋"秋季障碍"后冬季海温与中东太平洋海温、海平面气压及850hPa风场的关系,并讨论了热带印度洋—太平洋地区海气系统的季节变化与东印度洋"秋季障碍"的关系,结果表明,秋季热带印度洋—太平洋地区海气系统由以印度洋季风环流为主导转向以太平洋海气系统为主导,太平洋海气系统处于急剧加强期,增强的太平洋海气系统对东印度洋海温持续性"秋季障碍"起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

针对常数模算法收敛速度慢的缺点,在分析基于正交小波变换盲均衡器结构和并行软判决盲均衡算法的基础上,提出一种基于正交小波变换的并行软判决盲均衡算法.该算法将正交小波变换引入到并行软判决算法中,利用正交小波变换对信号很强的去相关能力,降低信号的自相关性,以加快算法的收敛速度.水声信道仿真结果表明,与并行的软判决盲均衡算法相比,所提出的基于正交小波变换的并行软判决盲均衡算法具有更快的收敛速度.  相似文献   

在EL Nino现象的持续阶段,赤道西太平洋W海区基本维持冷水,印度洋B海区维持暖水,黑潮A海区维持冷水。赤道东太平洋C区与W区海温为正相变化关系,它们之间凝聚最大值具有5.29个月和2.14个月的振荡周期,而且W区比C区海温提前一个月发生变化。C区与B区海温也为正相变化关系,它们之间凝聚最大值具有45个和22.5个月的振荡周期,而且B区海温比C区海温提前3个月发生变化。  相似文献   

林易  严小冬 《贵州气象》2005,29(Z1):15-17
通过对近半个世纪以来太平洋和印度洋海温变化趋势分析,根据海温异常变化,选取5月太平洋区域(135°~171°E,25°~39°N)和印度洋区域(71°~107°E,25°~39°S)的海温变化指数,与中国汛期降水进行相关分析.结果表明,太平洋和印度洋对中国汛期降水的影响存在很大差别,太平洋的影响大于印度洋的影响,初步建立了一个太平洋和印度洋5月海温变化与中国汛期降水分布的物理概念模型.  相似文献   

本文利用NCEP/NCAR提供的大气环流资料和海表温度异常资料,在分析热带太平洋和印度洋海温异常与冬季大气环流之间关系的基础上提出了一个综合反映热带太平洋和印度洋海温异常的综合指数。分析表明,冬季太平洋和印度洋海温异常指数的值越大(小),东亚冬季风指数的值越大(小),东亚地区将出现异常的南(北)风的响应,东亚冬季风将越弱(强)。应用加热强迫影响热带环流的简单模式研究r热带太平洋印度洋异常海温对东亚冬季风影响的物理机制。结果表明,当冬季热带太平洋和印度洋海温异常指数处于正(负)位相时,西太平洋区域强迫出异常南(北)风。这是使得东亚冬季风偏弱(强)的重要原因之一。冬季热带太平洋和印度洋海温异常对东亚冬季风影响最为显著的关键区是赤道西太平洋。  相似文献   

studying the relationship between SST in the tropical Indian Ocean (TIO), tropical western Pacific (TWP), and tropical eastern Pacific (TEP) and East Asian summer rainfall (EASR), using data provided by NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD and the National Climate Center of China for the period 1979-2008, an index, SSTDI, was defined to describe the SST difference between the TIO and TWP. In comparison with the winter ENSO, the spring SST contrast between the TIO and TWP was found to be more significantly associated with summer rainfall in East Asia, especially along the EASR band and in Northeast China. This spring SST contrast can persist into summer, resulting in a more significant meridional teleconnection pattern of lower-tropospheric circulation anomalies over the western North Pacific and East Asia. These circulation anomalies are dynamically consistent with the summer rainfall anomaly along the EASR band. When the SSTDI is higher (lower) than normal, the EASR over the Yangtze River valley, Korea, and central and southern Japan is heavier (less) than normal. The present results suggest that this spring SST contrast can be used as a new and better predictor of EASR anomalies.  相似文献   

利用第五次耦合模式比较计划(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5,简称CMIP5)月平均资料,从季节变化角度,对热带太平洋、印度洋海温变化与降水变化的关系及其成因进行了初步分析。20个模式集合平均结果表明:在全球增暖背景下,热带太平洋年平均的海温变化与降水变化符合"warmer-get-wetter"型特征,而季节平均与年平均存在明显的差异;冬季和春季,海温增暖最大区和降水增加区之间存在东西向和南北向的位置偏差;夏季和秋季,二者只存在明显的南北位置偏差,且与冬季和春季的情况相反。热带印度洋的冬季和春季海温变化与降水变化也存在位置偏差。两个热带大洋季节平均的降水变化均是"warmer-get-wetter"和"wet-get-wetter"两个机制共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

对青藏高原积雪和热带东太平洋Nin03区海温进行小波分析,讨论它们的年际和年代际变化。在年际变化中,积雪的主要周期是准两年振荡和准6~7年振荡,海温的主要周期是ENSO振荡和准两年振荡。积雪的年代际变化存在准10~12年和准22~24年振荡,海温存在准14~16年和准34~35年振荡。此外积雪和海温均在20世纪70年代后期发生了一次年代际气候跃变现象。积雪由少雪期向多雪期转化,海温从冷水期演变成暖水期。本文还建立了青藏高原积雪和Nifi03区海温与中国夏季降水各时间尺度的相关模型。不同时间尺度的积雪、海温和降水的相关场具有不同的地域特征。它们在有的地区相互加强,有的地区相互减弱。积雪和海温的年代际气候跃变与中国夏季降水的相关程度在某些地区高于年际变化。个例分析表明,利用青藏高原积雪和Nin03区海温多时间尺度变化可以较好地拟合出中国夏季降水的年际和年代际变化。所以在做中国夏季降水预报时,不同因子、不同尺度的作用府当分开考虑。  相似文献   

华北雨季开始早晚与大气环流和海表温度异常的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用国家气候中心的1961~2016年华北雨季监测资料、美国国家环境预报中心/大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)的大气再分析资料、NOAA海表温度资料,分析了华北雨季开始早晚的气候特征,然后利用合成分析、回归分析等方法,研究了华北雨季开始早晚与大气环流系统和关键区域海表温度的关系。结果表明,56 a来华北雨季开始最早在7月6日,最晚在8月10日,1961~2016年华北雨季开始平均日期是7月18日。华北雨季开始时间具有显著的年际变化,但雨季发生早晚的长期变化趋势不太明显。华北雨季开始早晚与西太平洋副热带高压(简称副高)、东亚副热带西风急流、东亚夏季风等环流系统的活动关系密切,当对流层高层副热带西风急流建立偏早偏强,中层西太平洋副高第二次北跳偏早,低层东亚夏季风北进提前时,华北雨季开始偏早,反之华北雨季开始偏晚。华北雨季开始早晚与春、夏季热带印度洋、赤道中东太平洋海表温度关系显著且稳定,当Ni?o3.4指数和热带印度洋全区海表温度一致模态(IOBW)为正值时,贝加尔湖大陆高压偏强,副高偏强偏南,东亚夏季风偏弱,导致华北雨季开始偏晚;当海表温度指数为负值时,则华北雨季开始偏早。  相似文献   

利用大气环流三维分解方法研究了1979—2008年ENSO事件期间热带印度洋和太平洋地区海气相互作用的机制。研究表明ENSO事件期间存在明显的三维"齿轮式"耦合特征;在ENSO事件盛期,与NCEP再分析资料的垂直运动相比,大气环流三维分解方法揭示的东印度洋-西太平洋地区的下沉运动更强,范围更宽。大气环流三维分解方法把垂直速度分解为纬向分量和经向分量两部分,纬向分量表现为很强的下沉运动,而经向分量表现为上升运动,垂直速度的纬向分量和经向分量相互抵消了一部分,综合的结果表现为很强的下沉运动。在热带地区,垂直速度ω*的纬向分量ωW要大于其经向分量ωH,ωW反映了ω*的主要特征;在分析垂直运动方面,与NCEP再分析资料中的垂直速度相比,大气环流三维分解方法具有一定的优点。  相似文献   

Tropical cyclone (TC) activities in the North Indian Ocean (NIO) peak in May during the pre-monsoon period, but the TC frequency shows obvious inter-annual variations. By conducting statistical analysis and dynamic diagnosis of long-term data from 1948 to 2016, the relationship between the inter-annual variations of Indian Ocean SST and NIO TC genesis frequency in May is analyzed in this paper. Furthermore, the potential mechanism concerning the effect of SST anomaly on TC frequency is also investigated. The findings are as follows: 1) there is a broadly consistent negative correlation between NIO TC frequency in May and SST in the Indian Ocean from March to May, with the key influencing area located in the southwestern Indian Ocean (SWIO); 2) the anomalies of SST in SWIO (SWIO-SST) are closely related to a teleconnection pattern surrounding the Indian Ocean, which can significantly modulate the high-level divergence, mid-level vertical motion and other related environmental factors and ultimately influence the formation of TCs over the NIO; 3) the increasing trend of SWIO-SST may play an essential role in the downward trend of NIO TC frequency over the past 69 years.  相似文献   

The distribution of hydrography and circulation in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean(ETIO) during April-May 2011 were analyzed using cruise observations,satellite observations,and historic hydrographic data.It was observed that warm water(28℃) occupies the upper 50-m layer in the ETIO.Low-salinity surface water was observed at the mouth of the Bay of Bengal(BOB),which further extends to the Arabian Sea and off Sumatra via the Sri Lanka coast and the eastern bay mouth.Arabian Sea high-salinity water(ASHSW) is carried eastward along the equator to around 90°E by the equatorial undercurrent(EUC).It also runs south of Sri Lanka(north to 3°N) and in the western bay mouth(west to 87°E) but is much shallower than its counterpart at the equator.It is suggested to be the residual of the ASHSW,which intrudes into the BOB during the preceding southwest monsoon.Our results also show that,in the south of Sri Lanka,just below this subsurface high-salinity water,very-low-salinity water(about 34.8) occurs at depths of 100-200 m.Further analysis suggests that this low-salinity water comes from the BOB.  相似文献   

朱晓炜  李清泉  孙银川  王璠  王岱  高睿娜  刘颖 《气象》2024,50(3):357-369
利用国家气候中心第二代气候模式预测业务系统(BCC-CPSv2)预测产品,引入印度洋海温信号,采用组合降尺度方法建立了西北地区东部汛期降水预测模型。该预测模型对1991—2017年西北地区东部夏季降水的回报技巧较BCC-CPSv2预测技巧显著提高,空间相关系数由0.42提高到0.75,均方根误差明显减小,最多下降达80%。预测模型对降水空间分布型的预测能力较好,很好地回报了典型年份(1987年和2010年)夏季的降水距平百分率分布。通过抓住气象变量的空间分布特征,组合降尺度方法可以修正动力模式产品的预测误差,为西北地区东部夏季降水预测提供科学依据和技术支持,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

利用GFDL CM2p1模式, 本文探讨了初始海温误差对印度洋偶极子(IOD)事件可预报性的影响. 当热带印度洋存在初始海温误差时, IOD预报发生了冬季预报障碍(WPB)现象和夏季预报障碍(SPB)现象. WPB发生与否与正IOD事件发展位相冬季的厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)有关. 即当冬季存在ENSO时, IOD预测不发生WPB现象, 反之亦然. 相比之下, SPB发生与否和ENSO没有必然联系. 此外, 进一步探讨了最容易导致SPB现象的初始海温误差的主要模态, 指出该模态在热带印度洋上表现为东-西偶极子型, 这和前人研究中最容易导致WPB现象的初始海温误差模态相似. 当在热带印度洋上叠加这些初始海温误差后, 热带太平洋上出现了海表温度异常和风场异常, 进而通过大气桥和印尼贯穿流的作用影响热带印度洋, 使之在夏季出现了东-西偶极子型的海表温度异常, 该异常在Bjerknes作用下快速发展, 加强, 最终导致SPB现象的发生.  相似文献   

Observational and reanalysis data are used to investigate the different relationships between boreal spring sea surface temperature (SST) in the Indian and Pacific oceans and summer precipitation in China. Partial correlation analysis reveals that the effects of spring Indian Ocean SST (IO SST) and Pacific SST (PSST) anomalies on summer precipitation in China are qualitatively opposite. When IO SST anomalies are considered independently of PSST anomalies, precipitation decreases south of the Yangtze River, in most areas of Inner Mongolia, and in some parts of Liaoning Province, and increases in the Yangtze River valley, parts of southwestern and northern China, northeastern Inner Mongolia, and Heilongjiang Province. This results in a negative-positive-negative-positive pattern of precipitation anomalies in China from south to north. When PSST anomalies (particularly those in the Nin o3.4 region) are considered independently of IO SST anomalies, the pattern of precipitation anomalies in China is positive-negative-positive-negative from south to north. The genesis of summer precipitation anomalies in China is also examined when El Nin o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) signals are removed from the ocean and atmosphere. An anticyclonic low-level wind anomaly forms in the South China Sea-Northwest Pacific area when the IO SST anomaly (SSTA) is warm and the Northwest Pacific SSTA is cold. This anticyclonic anomaly substantially influences summer precipitation in China. Anomalous warming of tropical IO SST induces positive geopotential height anomalies in the subtropics and an east-west dipole pattern in midlatitudes over Asia. These anomalies also affect summer precipitation in China.  相似文献   

The authors examine the Indian Ocean sea surface temperature(SST) biases simulated by a Flexible Regional Ocean Atmosphere Land System(FROALS) model.The regional coupled model exhibits pronounced cold SST biases in a large portion of the Indian Ocean warm pool.Negative biases in the net surface heat fluxes are evident in the model,leading to the cold biases of the SST.Further analysis indicates that the negative biases in the net surface heat fluxes are mainly contributed by the biases of sensible heat and latent heat flux.Near-surface meteorological variables that could contribute to the SST biases are also examined.It is found that the biases of sensible heat and latent heat flux are caused by the colder and dryer near-surface air in the model.  相似文献   

Weather and climate in East China are closely related to the variability of the western Pacific subtropical high(WPSH), which is an important part of the Asian monsoon system. The WPSH prediction in spring and summer is a critical component of rainfall forecasting during the summer flood season in China. Although many attempts have been made to predict WPSH variability, its predictability remains limited in practice due to the complexity of the WPSH evolution. Many studies have indicated that the sea surface temperature(SST) over the tropical Indian Ocean has a significant effect on WPSH variability. In this paper, a statistical model is developed to forecast the monthly variation in the WPSH during the spring and summer seasons on the basis of its relationship with SST over the tropical Indian Ocean. The forecasted SST over the tropical Indian Ocean is the predictor in this model, which differs significantly from other WPSH prediction methods. A 26-year independent hindcast experiment from 1983 to 2008 is conducted and validated in which the WPSH prediction driven by the combined forecasted SST is compared with that driven by the persisted SST. Results indicate that the skill score of the WPSH prediction driven by the combined forecasted SST is substantial.  相似文献   

热带太平洋印度洋海温异常对亚洲夏季风影响的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用L9R15气候谱模式,就热带太平洋-印度洋夏季海温异常对亚洲夏季风的影响进行了数值研究。结果表明,夏季热带太平洋和印度洋海温正异常时,不仅能造成热带地区大气环流和降水的同时性响应,还能导致东亚夏季风和南亚夏季风的一致减弱,两者的影响是同号的,但并不是两者单独影响的线性叠加,由此给出了亚洲夏季风与热带太平洋-印度洋海气系统的同期关系。  相似文献   

殷永红  史历  倪允琪 《大气科学》2001,25(3):355-371
利用1979年1月~1998年12月的月平均海表温度(SST)、向外长波辐射(OLR)和l000hPa纬向风速等NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对近20年来热带印度洋与太平洋海温异常(SSTA)及相关的环流特征量进行综合分析和研究,发现热带印度洋的内部耦合动力特征模态—偶极子模的强度,存在着年代间的差异,80年代偏弱,90年代偏强。热带印度洋与热带太平洋海气耦合系统之间存在着相互作用,80年代热带印度洋的SSTA主要是对太平洋ENSO的响应,90年代太平洋ENSO的异常发展在一定程度上是受印度洋偶极子模态异常活跃影响的结果。从观测资料诊断分析的角度,找出了90年代后ZC耦合模式对ENSO事件预报失败的可能原因。  相似文献   

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