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香港地区地震风险评价和设防区划   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
香港地区隶属于中国板内地震区中的东南沿海块缘地震带。港-九块体为晚中生代至早第三纪以来以持续稳定上升为主的块体, 块体活动性明显地低于其周边相对下沉的中新生代盆地。为此, 赋予港-九块体为最大可信震级M=5.5级潜在震源区, 而其周边中新生代断陷盆地则为最大可信震级M6.0潜在震源。从大陆地震构造成因的环境、潜在震源可信震级范围M=5.0~7.5和近源地震动饱和等三个方面的可比性, 结合中国大陆地震震源破裂尺度和地震烈度影响场, 所建立的反映中国地震构造和震源破裂及地震烈度影响场特点的PGA和反应谱地震动衰减预测关系式可用于香港地区。以50%概率时的中值对中国强震记录的对比, 本研究所提供的经验期望预测关系式, 能包络实际的资料。因此, 用此地震动衰减预测模式对香港地区地震危险性进行评估, 将会得到相对保守地震动预测值。通过香港地区基岩地震动危险性分析和计算, 参照中国大陆地震设防标准, 进行了基岩设计参数确定和区划。以年概率P=0.02、P=0.002、P=0.0004三个概率标准, 对应的地震动重复周期大约分别约为50a, 500a, 2500a的基岩PGA和反应谱, 作为香港地区基岩上构筑物和建筑物可选的基  相似文献   

滩海区人工岛场地地震安全性评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文以辽河口滩海区人工岛场地为例, 从区域地震地质、近场区地震地质、区域地震活动等方面, 讨论了滩海区人工岛基本地震地质环境特点, 在此基础上, 完成场地地震烈度、地震设防参数、场地地震地质灾害等影响人工岛场地安全性的因素评价。结果说明, 从场地地震安全性角度, 本文所评价的场地, 对人工岛兴建是适宜的。  相似文献   

本文从断裂与地震之间的关系上谈乌鲁木齐地区的活动断裂及该地区历史地震影响区的基本烈度,在此基础上,提出乌鲁木齐市的城建设防对策浅见。  相似文献   

本文主要对我市近年来在依法实施地震安全性评价管理工作中所采取的措施、方法以及取得的成效和存在的问题等作一简单论述。  相似文献   

本文以地处南流江冲积成因为主的古滨海平原的地貌、松散沉积物及其工程地质特性、场地土、场地类别、场地周期等环境特点为基础, 对北海市进行了地震设防区划。将北海市划分为残丘区、台地区和阶地海滩区三个地质地貌单元和相应的三个地震设防分区, 每个地震设防区给出相应的地震影响系数。文中还对场地地震地质灾害进行了评估和预测。  相似文献   

本文以地处南流江冲积成因为主的古滨海平原的地貌、松散沉积物及其工程地质特性、场地土、场地类别、场地周期等环境特点为基础, 对北海市进行了地震设防区划。将北海市划分为残丘区、台地区和阶地海滩区三个地质地貌单元和相应的三个地震设防分区, 每个地震设防区给出相应的地震影响系数。文中还对场地地震地质灾害进行了评估和预测。  相似文献   

在第四纪覆盖区工程场地地震安全评价近场工作中,浅层地震勘探是进行断层探测、断层活动性分析的重要物探手段,结合浅震在常德沅水桥地震安评中的应用实例,归纳分析了该方法在本领域应用的技术特点、技术路线,探讨了物探手段研究断层活动信息的几个问题。  相似文献   

目前的地震安全性评价数据管理方法过于陈旧,不利于数据的查询和再利用。通过对这一问题的深入分析,针对安评数据的多元性特点,结合GIS的优势,提出了利用GIS技术对地震安全性评价数据进行管理的方法,并设计出了数据库管理系统的基本框架。该系统的建立,将为地震安全性评价数据管理、查询和再利用提供便利。  相似文献   

分析了烟台市区的地震环境特点和地震活动态势 ,研究了烟台市区抗震防灾的现状与问题 ,并提出抗震防灾的对策与建议。  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic surveys, including P- and S-wave studies, have been conducted in an area of the Ottawa River valley located 80 km east of Ottawa (Canada). Based on dating of paleolandslides, the existence of paleoearthquake activity has been postulated in this area. The target zone for the seismic survey is characterized by surface disturbance and sediment deformation. P-wave seismic imaging was used to map the overburden–bedrock interface as well as to indicate reflecting boundaries within the overburden. The area of surface disturbance was found to overlie a buried bedrock basin, 8 km in diameter, infilled with a maximum thickness of 180 m of unconsolidated Quaternary sediments. Preliminary results of core logging show the presence of sand overlain by deformed fine sediments within the disturbed area. Shear-refraction studies reveal differences in the velocity–depth profiles between the disturbed area and the surrounding undisturbed areas. The shear-wave reflection method was used to produce a fundamental resonant period map for the area. Surface sediment disturbance was probably due to a combination of ground-motion amplification due to the basin (thick soft sediments) and the presence of water-saturated sand at depth.  相似文献   

福建省地震重点视防御区城市防震减灾体系工程以中国地震局关于建立健全地震监测预报、震灾预防和紧急救援三大体系为主要目标 ,以国家和福建省确定的地震重点监视防御区为主要目标区 ,尤以切实加强重点监视防御内城市的防震减灾措施 ,强化城市对地震灾害的综合防御能力为主要建设内容。该项目得到中国地震局、福建省委、省政府和有关地市大力支持 ,已列为福建省“十五”重点项目 ,省委、省政府为民办实事重点项目  相似文献   

Advances in earthquake data acquisition and processing techniques have allowed for improved quantification of source parameters for local Australian earthquakes. Until recently, only hypocentral locations and local magnitudes (ML) had been determined routinely, with little attention given to the inversion of additional source parameters. The present study uses these new source data (e.g. seismic moment, stress drop, source dimensions) to further extend our understanding of seismicity and the continental stress regime of the Australian landmass and its peripheral regions.

Earthquake activity within Australia is typically low, and the proportion of small to large events (i.e. the b value) is also low. It is observed that average stress drops for southeastern Australian earthquakes appear to increase with seismic moment to relatively high levels, up to approximately 10 MPa for ML 5.0 earthquakes. This is thought to be indicative of high compressive crustal stress, coupled with strong rocks and fault asperities. Furthermore, the data indicates that shallow focus earthquakes (shallower than 6 km) appear to produce lower than average stress drops than deeper earthquakes (between 6 and 20 km) with similar moment.

Recurrence estimates were obtained for a discrete seismogenic zone in southeastern Australia. Decreasing b values with increasing focal depth for this zone indicate that larger earthquakes (with high stress drops) tend to occur deeper in the crust. This may offer an explanation for the apparent increase of stress drop with hypocentral depth. Consequently, earthquake hazard estimates that assume a uniform Gutenburg–Richter distribution with depth (i.e. constant b value) may be too conservative and therefore slightly overestimate seismic hazard for surface sites in southeastern Australia.  相似文献   

地震预警系统的发展、应用及启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵纪东  张志强 《地质通报》2009,28(4):456-462
从相关概念入手,引出地震预警,分析预测、预报、预警之间的概念差异,认为地震预警是地震已经发生后的及时警报,而不是地震还未发生前的预测或预报。地震预警的基本原理是波速差,当前国际上典型的地震预警系统,如墨西哥城地震预警系统SAS、日本地震早期预警系统EEW及铁路地震预警系统UrEDAS、美国加州地震预警系统ElarmS、中国台湾地震速报系统等,已经在防震减灾领域及重大工程(如水坝、核电站)中得到发展和应用。尽管如此,地震预警系统目前仍处于发展阶段,其本身还存在缺陷,如误报、迟报等,但是在实践中预警系统还是有很大的潜在效益,也有效地解决了一些问题。5?12汶川大地震之后,中国也已准备开始尝试建立类似的地震预警系统。依据地震预警系统的特点并结合中国的实际情况,从基础的断层研究、地震台网建设、信息如何发布等方面对地震预警系统建设的相关问题进行了思考。  相似文献   

林士扬  季建清  苏君 《地质科学》2019,54(4):1167-1184
地震数据可以反演地球内部的构造信息,能够查明地球内部层圈结构及地震发生的机制,对揭示地球结构,进行地震预测及防震减灾具有重要意义。与此同时,对地震数据的统计分析可以获得地壳变形及其深度层次的相关信息。本文利用美国地质调查局(USGS)记录的1900~2018年近3 000 000条全球地震数据进行分析,立足地震震源计算方法,排除不确定性数据,使用震源深度频次分析及高斯分解得到地震层和地震集中区深度的推定。以国际地震中心(ISC)的1970~2016年近2 000 000条数据及中国国家地震科学数据共享中心2009~2018年近300 000条数据进行比较。结果显示,地球标准椭球体深度10 km左右普遍存在一个全球性的地震集中区,与地壳中脆韧性过渡带一致。其上的地壳是全球绝大多数地震发震的深度范围,推定其为地震层;与此同时,局限在洋壳俯冲带中,约35 km处出现了另一个地震集中区,认为是地球岩石圈深度内不容忽视的界面。研究表明,在地球表层(40 km以内),层圈结构对地震有较大的控制作用;而对有洋壳俯冲区域的地震三维结构图成图显示有“贝尼奥夫带”形态,表明俯冲机制能将具有弹性力学性质的刚性块体带至地球较深部,并孕育中、深源地震。因此,地震震源分布可以指示地震层,即刚性块体,在岩石圈中的分布,地震震源深度集中区是岩石圈和中、上地幔最主要的变形和能量释放区。  相似文献   

Saudi Arabia is characterized as largely aseismic; however, the tectonic plate boundaries that surround it are very active. To improve characterization of seismicity and ground motion hazard, the Saudi Arabian Digital Seismic Network (SANDSN) was installed in 1998 and continues to be operated by the Saudi Geological Survey (SGS) and King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST). This article describes research performed to improve seismic hazard parameters using earthquake location and magnitude calibration of the high-quality SANDSN data. The SANDSN consists of 38 seismic stations, 27 broadband, and 11 short period. All data are telemetered in real time to a central facility at KACST in Riyadh. The SANDSN stations show low background noise levels and have good signal detection capabilities; however, some stations show cultural noise at frequencies above 1.0 Hz. We assessed the SANDSN event location capabilities by comparing KACST locations with well-determined locations derived from ground truth or global observations. While a clear location bias exists when using the global average iasp91 earth model, the locations can be improved by using regional models optimized for different tectonic source regions. The article presents detailed analysis of some events and Dead Sea explosions where we found gross errors in estimated locations. New velocity models we calculated that should improve estimated locations of regional events in three specific regions include (1) Gulf of Aqabah—Dead Sea region, (2) Arabian Shield, and (3) Arabian Platform. Recently, these models were applied to the SANDSN to improve local and teleseismic event locations and to develop an accurate magnitude scale for Saudi Arabia. The Zagros Thrust presents the most seismic hazard to eastern Saudi Arabia because of the frequent occurrence of earthquakes. Although these events are 200 km or further from the Arabian coast, wave propagation through sedimentary structure of the Gulf causes long-duration ground motions for periods between 3 and 10 s. Such ground motions could excite response in large engineered structures (e.g., tall buildings and long bridges) such as was experienced after the November 22, 2005 Qeshm Island earthquake off the southern coast of Iran.  相似文献   

Seismics method were used to evaluate shallow geological conditions at 33 sites in the vicinity of Paducah, Kentucky. A combined set of P- and S-wave seismic refraction and reflection soundings were used, in addition to local borehole information, to produce structure maps of (1) a shallow (< 30 m deep) horizon believed to represent an unconformity surface at the top of the Eocene, and (2) the Paleozoic bedrock surface (< 85 to > 160 m deep). Shear-wave velocity contrasts across the shallow unconformity were generally 2-to-1 while the contrast at the top of the Paleozoic bedrock exceeds 5-to-1. These seismic boundaries have been determined to be very important in modelling and interpreting earthquake ground motion amplification in the Paducah area. The quality and accuracy of the data, and the cost effective nature of the methods, suggest that other communities in areas at risk to damage from seismic activity, with foundation conditions comparable to Paducah, might benefit from similar characterization in order (1) to identify seismically hazardous, near-surface, geological conditions, and (2) to develop geological models that could be used in computer simulations of site response.  相似文献   

本文由简要介绍国内外城市活断层的地震危害、城市活断层的研究现状和立项背景依据来说明福建省城市活断层探测与地震危险性评价工程项目来源 ,阐述了工程目标及其意义 ,叙述了工程的目标区、目标靶与技术方案等主要内容 ,介绍了工程实施的主要经验与存在问题 ,对目前取得的初步成果作了小结。  相似文献   

本文总结了近几年来平潭县地震办的工作,阐述该办防震减灾的工作思路,要求做好震前准备工作,并把工作做好、做实。  相似文献   

本文把福建省地震科技走过的三十年历程 ,按发展的脉络分成三个阶段 :1 970~1 978;1 979~ 1 90 0 ;1 991~ 2 0 0 0 ,按学科分成 1 2个科学问题来进行论述 :①区域地震地质与地震烈度区划研究 ;②地壳结构与区域地球物理场 ;③地震与地壳形变 ;④第四纪活动断裂与地震 ;⑤地震活动时—空特征 ;⑥震源机制解与震源动力学特征 ;⑦地震与地壳—地慢热状态 ;⑧GPS测量与现今地壳运动 ;⑨二程地震及地震安全性评价 ; 城市防震减灾示范工程 ; 地震—地下流体地球化学 ; 地震预期进展 ,旨在让人们对三十年来福建地震科技发展的面貌及内涵有一个概略认识。  相似文献   

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