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Solutions to the problem of the point source field in a spherically layered medium are analyzed. For a three-layer waveguide model, a solution in the form of the Watson integral was used. A consideration of the singularities in the plane of the integration variable made it possible to represent the integral as a superposition of three waves. Two of them are connected with the interaction of the primary spherical wave with the lower convex and upper concave interfaces. The third wave is connected with the alternate action with both interfaces. The fourth wave is caused by the interaction between the primary wave and random inhomogeneities of the external medium (the ionosphere). Here, simulation was carried out based on Green equations. The considered unique data of flight measurements of the point source field strength indicate the efficiency of simulating the transhorizon propagation of decameter waves based on the superposition of all four aforesaid wave packets.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that it is required to create probabilistic statistical models of the ionosphere for calculating radio propagation in a wide frequency range. This, in fact, presents a new type of ionospheric modeling. These models are classified into pure statistical and deterministic-stochastic. We describe the key principles of building such models, present some examples of their construction, and discuss some difficulties arising from them.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of the main ionospheric trough location on the form of oblique sounding ionograms on the Murmansk-St. Petersburg subauroral radio path. Using a mathematical model of the high-latitude ionosphere, we have calculated four different distributions of electron density along the radio path. One of the distributions has been obtained when the trough is absent, and the remaining three distributions contain troughs of approximately identical depth and width but located at different distances from the ends of the radio path. Using the program of two-dimensional ray tracing, we numerically synthesized oblique-incidence ionograms for each of the four obtained distributions of electron density. The calculations have shown that the location of the main ionospheric trough affects considerably the shape of oblique-incidence ionograms.  相似文献   

The oblique sounding data at the Magadan-Irkutsk and Norilsk-Irkutsk paths together with the vertical sounding at stations located in northeastern Russia were used to analyze ionospheric disturbances in September 2005 and during geophysically active period in December 2006. It is found that during the main phase of magnetic storms, wave disturbances with a period of 2–4 h are registered. These disturbances cause variations in the layer maximum height up to 40–100 km and in the critical frequency up to 1.5–2 MHz. Those variations change substantially values of the maximum observed frequencies (MOF) of the ionospheric radio channel at the paths considered. Such wave disturbances can be caused by generation of AGWs in the auroral zone and their propagation to equatorial latitudes.  相似文献   

It is shown that besides the known method of topside ionospheric sounding (TS) in the decameter range using low-orbit transit satellites, the same frequency range could be used for ionospheric diagnostics, but using geostationary satellites by the method of multifrequency radio transillumination (MRT). The trajectory and energetic features related to the application of this method in the direct problem of transionospheric sounding of the ionosphere are discussed.  相似文献   

基于RSEI模型的石家庄生态环境质量评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对石家庄地区的生态环境质量进行评价,对于该地区的生态环境治理和保护有重要意义.故选取2001-2018年之间5个时间点的Landsat TM和Landsat-8 OLI影像,通过提取绿度、湿度、干度和热度4项指标,结合主成分分析得到遥感生态指数RSEI,从而对石家庄地区的生态环境质量时空演变进行分析.结果表明:2001...  相似文献   

Dispersion of Rayleigh type surface wave propagation has been discussed in four-layered oceanic crust. It includes a sandy layer over a crystalline elastic half-space and over it there are two more layers—on the top inhomogeneous liquid layer and under it a liquid-saturated porous layer. Frequency equation is obtained in the form of determinant. The effects of the width of different layers as well as the inhomogeneity of liquid layer, sandiness of sandy layer on surface waves are depicted and shown graphically by considering all possible case of the particular model. Some special cases have been deduced, few special cases give the dispersion equation of Scholte wave and Stoneley wave, some of which have already been discussed elsewhere.  相似文献   


Goodness-of-fit measures are important for an objective evaluation of runoff model performance. The Kling-Gupta efficiency (RKG), which has been introduced as an improvement of the widely used Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency, considers different types of model errors, namely the error in the mean, the variability, and the dynamics. The calculation of RKG is implicitly based on the assumptions of data linearity, data normality, and the absence of outliers. In this study, we propose a modification of RKG as an efficiency measure comprising non-parametric components, i.e. the Spearman rank correlation and the normalized flow–duration curve. The performances of model simulations for 100 catchments using the new measure were compared to those obtained using RKG based on a number of statistical metrics and hydrological signatures. The new measure resulted overall in better or comparable model performances, and thus it was concluded that efficiency measures with non-parametric components provide a suitable alternative to commonly used measures.  相似文献   

Wave propagation in soil is dependent on both the stiffness and the material damping of the soil. While some researchers have performed finite element modelling of resonant column tests and wave propagation in soil, most do not describe the methodology in detail and there is little or no verification of the correctness of the model. Viscoelastic model has been used to model wave propagation in soil. However, the determination of the parameters in the viscoelastic model is complicated and the parameters may not be related to the soil properties. This paper presents a simplified viscoelastic model with soil parameters obtainable from advanced geotechnical testing to simulate wave propagation in soil medium taking into account of material damping. The viscoelastic material model was first calibrated by replicating torsional, longitudinal and flexural modes resonant column tests. The relationships between the parameters of the simplified viscoelastic model and their corresponding stiffness and damping properties were investigated. An equation was proposed to correlate the decay constant used in the simplified viscoelastic model and the material damping ratio obtained through the application of the logarithmic decrement method on the modelled resonant column test results. The simplified viscoelastic model was then evaluated by modelling wave propagation in a semi-infinite medium. Results indicated that the viscoelastic model with parameters as proposed in this paper is able to model wave propagation in soils.  相似文献   

Numerical studies using the displacement discontinuity method show that a single shear crack under compression propagates in its own direction, because such propagation results in the maximum release of strain energy. The methods of linear elastic fracture mechanics may not be used for such a closed crack, and the stress intensity factors are meaningless in that case. Laboratory observations of propagation by means of kinks at an angle of approximately 70° to the crack may be due to heterogeneities, to the effect of a preexisting crack, to end effects, to microcracking, or to some combination of these factors. Such kinks may thus be local phenomena which cannot release most of the strain energy, and are not incompatible with our numerical results which are based on a global energy balance.  相似文献   

The direction of propagation of magma-filled cracks was theoretically examined for a two-dimensional model. The analytical result indicates that magma-filled cracks, which have magmatic pressures larger than a critical value, propagate in parallel with the maximum principal direction of far-field stress. This may give one of theoretical grounds to the dike method by which the regional stress field is estimated.  相似文献   

In this paper the validity of CADISSE, a regional storage capacity model developed to assess the sensitivity of catchment hydrology to climate variability, is examined. In CADISSE, catchment discharge sensitivity is expressed as the ratio of present maximum reservoir storage to catchment storage capacity. Present maximum storage should be interpreted as the maximum amount of water stored in a catchment at present. Catchment storage capacity is defined as the absolute amount of water that can be stored, given the catchment's dimensions and lithological characteristics. With CADISSE, catchment sensitivity can be quantified regionally using limited discharge data and topographic information. Furthermore, storage capacities can be assessed. CADISSE was successfully applied to 15 catchments in the Upper Loire Basin. However, successful application does not necessarily mean that the variables (present maximum storage and storage capacity) represent real world values. Therefore, a two‐step evaluation procedure is presented in this paper. To evaluate CADISSE, (1) the accurate assessment of regionally determined storage capacity, and (2) the importance of present maximum storage for catchment discharge sensitivity is examined with a daily discharge model by comparing observed and simulated catchment storage behaviour for dry and wet periods. The evaluation was carried out using the probability distributed daily discharge model, PDM, and a weather generator for three catchments with different storage capacities and storage behaviour. Results indicate that catchment storage capacity can be correctly quantified with CADISSE and that differences in storage behaviour are indeed important for analyses of catchment sensitivity. Hence, CADISSE has great potential as it can be used to identify flood‐ and drought‐prone catchments under present and future conditions. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The fluxes of energetic particles in the radiation belts are found to be strongly controlled by the solar wind conditions. In order to understand and predict the radiation particle intensities, we have developed a physics-based Radiation Belt Environment (RBE) model that considers the influences from the solar wind, ring current and plasmasphere. Recently, an improved calculation of wave-particle interactions has been incorporated. In particular, the model now includes cross diffusion in energy and pitch-angle. We find that the exclusion of cross diffusion could cause significant overestimation of electron flux enhancement during storm recovery. The RBE model is also connected to MHD fields so that the response of the radiation belts to fast variations in the global magnetosphere can be studied. We are able to reproduce the rapid flux increase during a substorm dipolarization on 4 September 2008. The timing is much shorter than the time scale of wave associated acceleration.  相似文献   

在考察了高州地区地形地貌、地质构造、基岩与第四系分布及其厚度、地下水静动态特征、当地及周围地震活动的基础上,对高州地区的地震地质环境作出了综合评价,认为位于丘陵平原地区的高州市地震活动水平低,从未发生过5.0级地层,场区和近场区虽有多条断裂通过,但都是全新世非活动断裂,地下水位浅,第四系较薄,据此判定高州市地震地质环境稳定。  相似文献   

含流体孔隙介质中的波能量耗散通常由多种力学机制造成.传统Biot理论中的能量耗散仅仅考虑了固流两相相对运动引起的摩擦耗散,无法准确预测波在孔隙介质中低频段出现的高频散与强衰减现象.为了建立一个能准确预测地震波频段高频散与强衰减现象的动力学模型,我们在Biot理论的基础上引入黏弹性机制,并利用分数阶导数刻画黏弹性本构关系,最终获得了一种新的孔隙介质波传播模型.与传统的Biot模型相比,新模型考虑了含流体孔隙介质中固体骨架的内耗散,对波能量耗散的刻画更为精准.通过数值算例,我们研究了分数阶导数的阶数参数对快P波和S波频散和衰减的影响,并通过来自不同地区且具有不同物理性质的几组流体饱和岩芯实验数据,对比研究了新模型的有效性.结果表明,文章提出的新模型能更准确地预测快P波和S波在低频段出现的高频散和强衰减现象.  相似文献   

用传输函数构建的大气重力波传播理论模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文根据考虑大气热传导和黏滞的重力波复色散关系,采用传输函数的概念,基于重力波的线性理论,构建了用于研究对流层内重力波激发源与电离层响应之间的传输函数数值模式.在相空间中讨论了传输函数振幅的分布特性,并以地面单位脉冲源为例,分析了从地面到300 km高空的响应,得到了物理量的时空分布特征.结果表明:(1)对内重力波的传播而言,大气相当于一个滤波器,只有波动周期在15~30 min,水平波长在200~450 km之间的重力波扰动才最容易到达300 km电离层高度;(2)电离层的响应主要在与地面的激发源之间相隔较远的水平距离上发生;(3)黏滞和热传导系数在低层对上传重力波的影响较小,随着高度的增加它们对重力波的影响越来越大;(4)在低层计算的波动频率与Row理论的计算结果比较一致,然而到了高层却相差较大.  相似文献   

Energy loss in porous media containing fluids is typically caused by a variety of dynamic mechanisms.In the Biot theory,energy loss only includes the frictional dissipation between the solid phase and the fluid phase,resulting in underestimation of the dispersion and attenuation of the waves in the low frequency range.To develop a dynamic model that can predict the high dispersion and strong attenuation of waves at the seismic band,we introduce viscoelasticity into the Biot model and use fractional derivatives to describe the viscoelastic mechanism,and finally propose a new wave propagation model.Unlike the Biot model,the proposed model includes the intrinsic dissipation of the solid frame.We investigate the effects of the fractional order parameters on the dispersion and attenuation of the P-and S-waves using several numerical experiments.Furthermore,we use several groups of experimental data from different fluid-saturated rocks to testify the validity of the new model.The results demonstrate that the new model provides more accurate predictions of high dispersion and strong attenuation of different waves in the low frequency range.  相似文献   


The simplest model for geophysical flows is one layer of a constant density fluid with a free surface, where the fluid motions occur on a scale in which the Coriolis force is significant. In the linear shallow water limit, there are non-dispersive Kelvin waves, localized near a boundary or near the equator, and a large family of dispersive waves. We study weakly nonlinear and finite depth corrections to these waves, and derive a reduced system of equations governing the flow. For this system we find approximate solitary Kelvin waves, both for waves traveling along a boundary and along the equator. These waves induce jets perpendicular to their direction of propagation, which may have a role in mixing. We also derive an equivalent reduced system for the evolution of perturbations to a mean geostrophic flow.  相似文献   

We study the possibilities of the Theoretical Ionosphere Model (TIM) developed at the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, for calculating the HF-radiowave propagation characteristics. The results of simulation based on the TIM are compared with calculations based on the IRI model and data from experimental observations. Analysis of the results of calculations for the maximum usable frequency (MUF) have shown that with the same input data (coordinates of the receipt and transmission points, the route length, date, and time), the differences in the calculated MUFs (using two different models supplying radio routes with ionospheric information) amount to ∼1% in the daytime and reach 10% at night.  相似文献   

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