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Water sources and flow paths contributing to stream chemistry were evaluated in four Japanese forested watersheds with steep topography (slopes ≥30°). Stream chemistry during periods without rainfall and during events with less than 100 mm of precipitation was similar to seepage water chemistry, but markedly different from that of soil water which had higher concentrations of NO3 and Ca2+ and lower concentrations of Na+ and HCO3. Also, stream Cl concentrations in a Cl‐treated watershed did not increase either during events with less than 100 mm of total rainfall or at baseflow conditions, even three years after the Cl treatment. These results suggest that groundwater within bedrock fissures of Paleozoic strata had a long residence time and was a major contributor to steam water under baseflow conditions and even during small precipitation events (≤100 mm). In contrast, for large precipitation events (≥100 mm), stream chemistry became more similar to soil water chemistry, especially within the steepest watershed. Also, for large precipitation events, stream Cl concentrations in the Cl‐treated watershed increased markedly. These results suggest that soil water was a major contributor to stream waters only during these large events. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A flush can be defined as stream chemical exhibiting higher concentrations during the prophase of a storm event at an event scale, or exhibiting progressively lower concentrations during several successive storms at a seasonal scale. Investigating the flush characteristics of chemical runoff from forested watersheds is important and helpful to understand the chemical dynamics as well as to design a sampling schedule strategy during storm events. Here, three parameters describing the flush characteristic are quantified and the flush characteristics of chemicals from four Japanese forested watersheds (Mie, Kochi, Nagano and Tokyo) were investigated at both event and seasonal levels. We found that the characteristics of the flush were complicated, and depended on the constituents of the hydrochemistry, climate and runoff quality. Generally, the flush occurs more readily for particulate components than for those in solution; the flush on nitrate‐nitrogen is weaker in regions of nitrogen saturation, such as Nagano and Tokyo, than in Mie and Kochi. Rainfall feature was the main factor controlling the flush of particulate components. However, the source available in a watershed plays a main role on the flushes of dissolve chemicals. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Jens Flster 《水文研究》2001,15(2):201-217
The near‐stream zone has received increasing attention owing to its influence on stream water chemistry in general and acidity in particular. Possible processes in this zone include cation exchange, leaching of organic matter and redox reactions of sulphur compounds. In this study the influences of processes in the near‐stream zone on the acidity in runoff from a small, acidified catchment in central southern Sweden were investigated. The study included sampling of groundwater, soil water and stream water along with hydrological measurements. An input–output budget for the catchment was established based on data from the International Co‐operative Programme on Integrated Monitoring at this site. The catchment was heavily acidified by deposition of anthropogenic sulphur, with pH in stream water between 4·4 and 4·6. There was also no relationship between stream flow and pH, which is indicative of chronic acidification. Indications of microbial reduction of sulphate were found in some places near the stream, but the near‐stream zone did not have a general impact on the sulphate concentration in discharging groundwater. The near‐stream zone was a source of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the stream, which had a median DOC of 6·8 mg L1. The influence on stream acidity from organic anions was overshadowed by the effect of sulphate, however, except during a spring flow episode, when additional organic matter was flushed out and the sulphate‐rich ground water was mixed with more diluted event water. Ion exchange was not an important process in the near‐stream zone of the Kindla catchment. Different functions of the near‐stream zone relating to discharge acidity are reported in the literature. In this study there was even a variation within the site. There is therefore a need for more case studies to provide a more detailed understanding of the net effects that the near‐stream zone can have on stream chemistry under different circumstances. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relationship between solute concentrations and discharge can inform an integrated understanding of hydrological and biogeochemical processes at watershed scales. Recent work from multiple catchments has shown that there is typically little variation in concentration relative to large variations in discharge. This pattern has been described as chemostatic behavior. Pond Branch, a forested headwater catchment in Maryland, has been monitored for stream nitrate (NO3?) concentrations at weekly intervals for 14 years. In the growing season and autumn of 2011 a high‐frequency optical NO3? sensor was used to supplement the long‐term weekly data. In this watershed, long‐term weekly data show that NO3? concentrations decrease with increasing discharge whereas 6 months of 15‐minute sensor observed concentrations reveal a more chemostatic behavior. High‐frequency NO3? concentrations from the sensor collected during different storm events reveal variable concentration–discharge patterns highlighting the importance of high resolution data and ecohydrological drivers in controlling solute export for biologically reactive solutes such as NO3?.  相似文献   

Stream chemistry is often used to infer catchment‐scale biogeochemical processes. However, biogeochemical cycling in the near‐stream zone or hydrologically connected areas may exert a stronger influence on stream chemistry compared with cycling processes occurring in more distal parts of the catchment, particularly in dry seasons and in dry years. In this study, we tested the hypotheses that near‐stream wetland proportion is a better predictor of seasonal (winter, spring, summer, and fall) stream chemistry compared with whole‐catchment averages and that these relationships are stronger in dryer periods with lower hydrologic connectivity. We evaluated relationships between catchment wetland proportion and 16‐year average seasonal flow‐weighted concentrations of both biogeochemically active nutrients, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrate (NO3‐N), total phosphorus (TP), as well as weathering products, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), at ten headwater (<200 ha) forested catchments in south‐central Ontario, Canada. Wetland proportion across the entire catchment was the best predictor of DOC and TP in all seasons and years, whereas predictions of NO3‐N concentrations improved when only the proportion of wetland within the near‐stream zone was considered. This was particularly the case during dry years and dry seasons such as summer. In contrast, Ca and Mg showed no relationship with catchment wetland proportion at any scale or in any season. In forested headwater catchments, variable hydrologic connectivity of source areas to streams alters the role of the near‐stream zone environment, particularly during dry periods. The results also suggest that extent of riparian zone control may vary under changing patterns of hydrological connectivity. Predictions of biogeochemically active nutrients, particularly NO3‐N, can be improved by including near‐stream zone catchment morphology in landscape models.  相似文献   

We demonstrate how land use can drive mountain streams in the Southern Rockies across a threshold to induce an alternative state of significantly reduced physical complexity of form and reduced ecological function. We evaluate field data from 28 stream reaches in relatively laterally unconfined valleys and unmanaged forest that is either old‐growth forest or naturally disturbed younger forest, and 19 stream reaches in managed forest with past land use. We evaluate potential differences in stream form, as reflected in channel planform, cross‐sectional geometry, and in‐stream wood loads, and stream function, as reflected in pool volume and storage of organic carbon. Field data indicate a threshold of differences in stream form and function between unmanaged and managed stream reaches, regardless of forest stand age, supporting our hypothesis that the legacy effects of past land use result in an alternative state of streams. Because physical complexity that increases stream retentiveness and habitat can maintain aquatic‐riparian ecosystem functions, the alternative physical state of streams in managed watersheds creates a physical template for an alternative ecological state with reduced pool volume, organic carbon storage, and ecosystem productivity. We recommend maintaining riparian forests that can supply large wood to streams as a stream restoration technique in historically forested stream segments. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Alan R. Hill 《水文研究》1990,4(2):121-130
Groundwater cation concentrations in relation to hydrologic flow paths were studied in the riparian forest zone of a small headwater catchment near Toronto, Ontario. Groundwater entering the riparian zone from uplands showed significant differences in cation concentrations between slope-foot and near-stream locations. Mean Ca, Mg, K, and Na concentrations in shallow groundwater at the upland perimeter of the riparian forest were 65-0, 11-2, 0-7, and 1-8 mg L?1 respectively. Mean Ca, Mg, K, and Na concentrations in deep groundwater flowing upwards through glacial sands beneath the riparian zone were 52-1, 15-1, 1-3, and 2-6 mg L?1 respectively. Shallow groundwater emerged as slope-foot springs producing surface rivulets which crossed the riparian zone to the streams. Deep groundwater flowed upward through organic soils into the rivulets and also discharged directly to the streams as bed and bank seepage. Springs had higher Ca concentrations and lower Mg, K, and Na values than rivulets entering the streams. Conversely, Mg, K, and Na concentrations were higher and Ca concentrations were lower in bank seeps in comparison to rivulets. These results suggest that differences in cation concentrations in groundwater entering the streams result from initial contrast in the chemistry of shallow and deep groundwater rather than from the effects of riparian soils and vegetation.  相似文献   

National terrestrial nitrogen budgets for many developed countries have been calculated as part of the management of impacts of N on the environment, but these rarely represent the subsurface explicitly. Using estimates of vadose zone travel time and agricultural nitrate loading, we quantify, for the first time, the total mass of nitrate contained in the vadose zone of aquifers in England and Wales. This mass peaked in 2008 at 1400 kt N (800 to >1700 kt N from sensitivity analyses), which is approximately 2.5 to 6 times greater than saturated zone estimates for this period and indicates that the subsurface is an important store of reactive nitrogen. About 70% of the nitrate mass is estimated to be in the Chalk, with the remainder split between the Permo‐Triassic sandstones, the Jurassic Oolitic limestones and minor aquifers. Current controls on fertilizer application mean that the vadose zone is now a nitrate source, and in 2015 we estimate the net flux from the unsaturated zone to groundwater to be 72 kt N/a. The mass of nitrate in the vadose zone should be included in future terrestrial nitrogen budgets at national and global scales to improve ecosystem management. British Geological Survey © NERC 2015. Hydrological Processes © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This data note introduces a database of long-term daily total precipitation and stream discharge data for seven forested watersheds in Japan that have been continuously monitored by the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute. Three of the watersheds started data collection in the 1930s. Forest cover across the sites ranges from cool to warm temperate regions with the latitude spanning from 31 to 44° N and annual precipitation ranging from 1200 to 3000 mm yr−1. The effects of vegetation change via clearcutting, thinning and forest fire (among other stressors) on stream discharge can be analysed from the long-term observation sites. Moreover, this multi-site dataset allows for inter- and intra-site comparisons of annual water loss (difference of annual precipitation and stream discharge). These long-term datasets can provide comprehensive insights into the effects of climate change and other stressors on forested ecosystems, not only in Japan but across a spectrum of forest types, if combined with other long-term records from other forested watersheds across the world.  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration (ET) can cause diel fluctuations in the elevation of the water table and the stage in adjacent streams. The diel fluctuations of water levels change head gradients throughout the day, causing specific discharge through near‐stream sediment to fluctuate at the same time scale. In a previous study, we showed that specific discharge controls the residence time of groundwater in streambed sediment that, in turn, exerted the primary control on removal from groundwater passing through the streambed. In this study, we examine the magnitude of diel specific discharge patterns through the streambed driven by ET in the riparian zone with a transient numerical saturated–unsaturated groundwater flow model. On the basis of a first‐order kinetic model for removal, we predicted diel fluctuations in stream concentrations. Model results indicated that ET drove a diel pattern in specific discharge through the streambed and riparian zone (the removal zones). Because specific discharge is inversely proportional to groundwater travel time through the removal zones and travel time determines the extent of removal, diel changes in ET can result in a diel pattern in concentration in the stream. The model predictions generally matched observations made during summertime base‐flow conditions in a small coastal plain stream in Virginia. A more complicated pattern was observed following a seasonal drawdown period, where source components to the stream changed during the receding limb of the hydrograph and resulted in diel fluctuations being superimposed over a multi‐day trend in concentrations. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We studied the relationships between streamwater chemistry and the topography of subcatchments in the Dorokawa watershed in Hokkaido Island, northern Japan, to examine the use of topography as a predictor of streamwater chemistry in a watershed with relatively moderate terrain compared with other regions of Japan. Topographic characteristics of the Dorokawa watershed and its subcatchments were expressed as topographic index (TI) values, which ranged from 4·5 to 20·4 for individual grid cells (50 × 50 m2), but averaged from 6·4 to 7·4 for the 20 subcatchments. Streamwater samples for chemical analyses were collected four times between June and October 2002 from 20 locations in the watershed. The pH of water that passed through the watershed increased from ~5·0 to 7·0, with major increases in Na+ and Ca2+ and marked decreases in NO3? and SO . Distinctive spatial patterns were observed for dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), and NO3? concentrations of streamwater across the watershed. Statistical analyses indicated significant linear relationships between the average TI values of subcatchments and DOC, DON, and NO3? concentrations. Furthermore, the proportion of DOC in streamwaters in the wet season increased with TI values relative to other nitrogen species, whereas NO3? concentrations decreased with TI. The gradients of soil wetness and the presence of wetlands explained many of the observed spatial and temporal patterns of DOC, DON, and NO3? concentrations in the surface waters of the Dorokawa watershed. Our results suggest that the TI is especially useful for predicting the spatial distribution of DOC, DON and NO3? in the surface waters of Hokkaido, where topographical relief is moderate and wetlands more common than in other regions of Japan. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Steven M. Wondzell 《水文研究》2011,25(22):3525-3532
Many hyporheic papers state that the hyporheic zone is a critical component of stream ecosystems, and many of these papers focus on the biogeochemical effects of the hyporheic zone on stream solute loads. However, efforts to show such relationships have proven elusive, prompting several questions: Are the effects of the hyporheic zone on stream ecosystems so highly variable in place and time (or among streams) that a consistent relationship should not be expected? Or, is the hyporheic zone less important in stream ecosystems than is commonly expected? These questions were examined using data from existing groundwater modelling studies of hyporheic exchange flow at five sites in a fifth‐order, mountainous stream network. The size of exchange flows, relative to stream discharge (QHEF:Q), was large only in very small streams at low discharge (area ≈ 100 ha; Q < 10 l/s). At higher flows (flow exceedance probability > 0·7) and in all larger streams, QHEF:Q was small. These data show that biogeochemical processes in the hyporheic zone of small streams can substantially influence the stream's solute load, but these processes become hydrologically constrained at high discharge or in larger streams and rivers. The hyporheic zone may influence stream ecosystems in many ways, however, not just through biogeochemical processes that alter stream solute loads. For example, the hyporheic zone represents a unique habitat for some organisms, with patterns and amounts of upwelling and downwelling water determining the underlying physiochemical environment of the hyporheic zone. Similarly, hyporheic exchange creates distinct patches of downwelling and upwelling. Upwelling environments are of special interest, because upwelling water has the potential to be thermally or chemically distinct from stream water. Consequently, micro‐environmental patches created by hyporheic exchange flows are likely to be important to biological and ecosystem processes, even if their impact on stream solute loads is small. Published in 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Little Kickapoo Creek (LKC), a low‐gradient stream, mobilizes its streambed–fundamentally altering its near‐surface hyporheic zone–more frequently than do higher‐gradient mountain and karst streams. LKC streambed mobility was assessed through streambed surveys, sediment sampling, and theoretical calculations comparing basal shear stress (τb) with critical shear stress (τc). Baseflow τb is capable of entraining a d50 particle; bankfull flow could entrain a 51·2 mm particle. No particle that large occurs in the top 30 cm of the substrate, suggesting that the top 30 cm of the substrate is mobilized and redistributed during bankfull events. Bankfull events occur on average every 7·6 months; flows capable of entraining d50 and d85 particles occur on average every 0·85 and 2·1 months, respectively. Streambed surveys verify streambed mobility at conditions below bankfull. While higher gradient streams have higher potential energy than LKC, they achieve streambed‐mobilization thresholds less frequently. Heterogeneous sediment redistribution creates an environment where substrate hydraulic conductivity (K) varies over four orders of magnitude. The frequency and magnitude of the substrate entrainment has implications on hyporheic zone function in fluid, solute and thermal transport models, interpretations of hyporheic zone stability, and understanding of LKC's aquatic ecosystem. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nitrate concentrations in streamwater of agricultural catchments often exhibit interannual variations, which are supposed to result from land‐use changes, as well as seasonal variations mainly explained by the effect of hydrological and biogeochemical cycles. In catchments on impervious bedrock, seasonal variations of nitrate concentrations in streamwater are usually characterized by higher nitrate concentrations in winter than in summer. However, intermediate or inverse cycles with higher concentrations in summer are sometimes observed. An experimental study was carried out to assess the mechanisms that determine the seasonal cycles of streamwater nitrate concentrations in intensive agricultural catchments. Temporal and spatial patterns of groundwater concentrations were investigated in two adjacent catchments located in south‐western Brittany (France), characterized by different seasonal variations of streamwater nitrate concentrations. Wells were drilled across the hillslope at depths ranging from 1·5 to 20 m. Dynamics of the water table were monitored and the groundwater nitrate and chloride concentrations were measured weekly over 2 years. Results highlighted that groundwater was partitioned into downslope domains, where denitrification induced lower nitrate concentrations than into mid‐slope and upslope domains. For one catchment, high subsurface flow with high nitrate concentrations during high water periods and active denitrification during low water periods explained the higher streamwater nitrate concentrations in winter than in summer. For the other catchment, the high contribution of groundwater with high nitrate concentrations smoothed or inverted this trend. Increasing bromide/chloride ratio and nitrate concentrations with depth argued for an effect of past agricultural pressure on this catchment. The relative contribution of flows in time and correlatively the spatial origin of waters, function of the depth and the location on the hillslope, and their chemical characteristics control seasonal cycles of streamwater nitrate concentrations and can influence their interannual trends. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Methane concentrations and selected chemical parameters in interstitial water were examined along subsurface flowpath in two subsystems (hyporheic and parafluvial sediments) in the Sitka stream, Czech Republic. Interstitial methane concentrations exhibited a distinct spatial pattern. In the hyporheic downwelling zone where the sediments are relatively well oxygenated due to high hydrologic exchange with the surface water, low interstitial methane concentrations, averaging 9.3 μg CH4/l, were found. In contrast, upwelling sediments and parafluvial sediments (active channel sediments lateral to the wetted channel) had significantly higher methane concentrations (p < 0.05, and p < 0.01, respectively), averaging 43.2 μg CH4/l and 160.5 μg CH4/l, respectively. Dissolved oxygen was the highest where surface water entered hyporheic/parafluvial sediments and decreased with water residence time in the sediments (p < 0.01). Nitrate concentrations decreased along the flowpath and were significantly lower at downstream end of the riffle (p < 0.001). Sulfate concentrations also show a slight decline with the water residence time, but differences were not significant. Effect of both nitrate and sulfate on methanogenesis is also discussed. The interstitial methane concentration significantly increased with surface water temperature (p < 0.001) and was negatively correlated with redox potential (p < 0.01) and dissolved oxygen (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

Stream water was analysed to determine how induced watershed acidification changed the chemistry of peakflow and baseflow and to compare the relative timing of these changes. Two watersheds in north‐central West Virginia, WS3 and WS9, were subjected to three applications of ammonium sulphate fertilizer per year to induce acidification. A third watershed, WS4, was the control. Samples were collected for 8 years from WS9 and for 9 years from WS3. Prior to analyses, concentration data were flow adjusted, and the influence of natural background changes was removed by accounting for the chemical responses measured from WS4. This yielded residual values that were evaluated using robust locally weighted regression and Mann–Kendall tests. On WS3, analyte responses during baseflow and peakflow were similar, although peakflow responses occurred soon after the first treatment whereas baseflow responses lagged 1–2 years. This lag in baseflow responses corresponded well with the mean transit time of baseflow on WS3. Anion adsorption on WS3 apparently delayed increases in SO4 leaching, but resulted in enhanced early leaching losses of Cl and NO3. Leaching of Ca and Mg was strongly tied, both by timing and stoichiometrically, to NO3 and SO4 leaching. F‐factors for WS3 baseflow and peakflow indicated that the catchment was insensitive to acid neutralizing capacity reductions both before and during treatment, although NO3 played a large role in reducing the treatment period F‐factor. By contrast, the addition of fertilizer to WS9 created an acid sensitive system in both baseflow and peakflow. On WS9, baseflow and peakflow responses also were similar to each other, but there was no time lag after treatment for baseflow. Changes in concentrations generally were not as great on WS9 as on WS3, and several ions showed no significant changes, particularly for peakflow. The lesser response to treatment on WS9 is attributed to the past abusive farming and site preparation before larch planting that resulted in poor soil fertility, erosion, and consequently, physical and chemical similarities between upper and lower soil layers. Even with fertilizer‐induced NO3 and SO4 leaching increases, base cations were in low supplies and, therefore, unavailable to leach via charge pairing. The absence of a time lag in treatment responses for WS9 baseflow indicates that it has substantially different flow paths than WS3. The different hydrologies on these nearby watersheds illustrates the importance of understanding watershed hydrology when establishing a monitoring programme to detect ecosystem change. Published in 2002 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Though high rates of nitrate (NO3) leaching from forests are undesirable, the factors significantly regulating stream NO3 concentration is not clarified yet. In Japan, not only near metropolitan areas but also the Japan Sea-side area with heavy snowfall is well known for receiving more than 10 kg-N ha−1 year−1 of nitrogen (N) deposition. However, NO3 concentration in stream water is relatively low in the Japan Sea-side area compared with its concentration in other areas. We examined important environmental factors regulating stream NO3 concentrations at baseflow condition in a large region of Japan, the Kinki region (KIN) including a part of Japan Sea-side (JSK) using Random Forest regression. The amounts of N deposition and precipitation were common regulating factors for stream NO3 concentration at baseflow condition. Random forest showed the significant correlation between the factors related to ecosystem N retention and stream NO3 concentration at baseflow condition, and it suggests that large N deposited during the growing season was incorporated into the ecosystem in the entire KIN. Heavy rain and snow flush N and wash out N accumulated in the surface soil, causing small N accumulation in forests. Also, large precipitation dilute NO3 concentration in baseflows. These things lowered stream NO3 concentration at baseflow condition. Especially in JSK, most of N deposed with the heavy snow flushed out during the snowmelt period. We provided the first statistical confirmation using Random Forest regression that N accumulation and cycling in forest ecosystems were related to NO3 leaching from forests into streams.  相似文献   

Biologically mediated redox processes in the riparian zone, like denitrification, can have substantially beneficial impacts on stream water quality. The extent of these effects, however, depends greatly on the hydrological boundary conditions. The impact of hydrological processes on a wetland's nitrogen sink capacity was investigated in a forested riparian fen which is drained by a first‐order perennial stream. Here, we analysed the frequency distributions and time‐series of pH and nitrogen, silica, organic carbon and oxygen concentrations in throughfall, soil solution, groundwater and stream water, and the groundwater levels and stream discharges from a 3‐year period. During baseflow conditions, the stream was fed by discharging shallow, anoxic groundwater and by deep, oxic groundwater. Whereas the latter delivered considerable amounts of nitrogen (~0·37 mg l?1) to the stream, the former was almost entirely depleted of nitrogen. During stormflow, near‐surface runoff in the upper 30 cm soil layer bypassed the denitrifying zone and added significant amounts to the nitrogen load of the stream. Nitrate‐nitrogen was close to 100% of deep groundwater and stream‐water nitrogen concentration. Stream‐water baseflow concentrations of nitrate, dissolved carbon and silica were about 1·6 mg l?1, 4 mg l?1 and 7·5 mg l?1 respectively, and >3 mg l?1, >10 mg l?1 and <4 mg l?1 respectively during discharge peaks. In addition to that macroscale bypassing effect, there was evidence for a corresponding microscale effect: Shallow groundwater sampled by soil suction cups indicated complete denitrification and lacked any seasonal signal of solute concentration, which was in contrast to piezometer samples from the same depth. Moreover, mean solute concentration in the piezometer samples resembled more that of suction‐cup samples from shallower depth than that of the same depth. We conclude that the soil solution cups sampled to a large extent the immobile soil‐water fraction. In contrast, the mobile fraction that was sampled by the piezometers exhibited substantially shorter residence time, thus being less exposed to denitrification, but predominating discharge of that layer to the stream. Consequently, assessing the nitrogen budget based on suction‐cup data tended to overestimate the nitrogen consumption in the riparian wetland. These effects are likely to become more important with the increased frequency and intensity of rainstorms that are expected due to climate change. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Extensive nitrogen loads at the soil surface exceed plant uptake and soil biochemical capacity, and therefore lead to nitrogen accumulation in the deep vadose zone. Studies have shown that stored nitrogen in the vadose zone can eventually reach the water table and affect the quality of groundwater resources. Recently, global scale models have been implemented to quantify nitrate storage and nitrate travel time in the vadose zone. These global models are simplistic and relatively easy to implement and therefore facilitate analysis of the considered transport processes at a regional scale with no further requirements. However, the suitability of applying these models at a regional scale has not been tested. Here, we evaluate, for the first time, the performance and utility of global scale models at the regional scale. Applied to the Loess Plateau of China, we compare estimates of groundwater recharge and nitrate storage derived from global scale models with results from a regional scale approach utilizing the Richards and advection-dispersion equations. The estimated nitrate storage was compared to nitrate observations collected in the deep vadose zone (>50 m) at five sites across the Loess Plateau. Although both models predict similar spatial patterns of nitrate storage, the recharge fluxes were three times smaller and the nitrate storage was two times higher compared with the regional model. The results suggest that global scale models are a potentially useful screening tool, but require refinement for local scale applications.  相似文献   

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