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Geomorphological mapping of North Harris provides evidence for the former existence of 10 glaciers with a total area of ca 35 km2. A Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stadial age (ca 12.9–11.5 kyr BP) for this glacial episode is inferred from glacier configuration, landsystems dominated by hummocky recessional moraines, and relationships with Lateglacial periglacial phenomena. Equilibrium line altitudes (ELAs) of 150–289 m were calculated for individual glaciers. ELA variability mainly reflects differences in snow-contributing area. The area-weighted mean ELA (204 m) is consistent with a northwards decline in ELAs along the western seaboard of the British Isles of 69.5 m (100 km)−1, equivalent to a northwards ablation-season temperature decrease of 0.42 °C (100 km)−1. This latitudinal temperature gradient implies a mean July sea-level temperature of ca 7.2 °C for the coldest part of the stade, roughly 6 °C lower than at present. Sea-level precipitation at the time of the LLS glacial maximum is inferred to have been between ca 1970±200 and 2350±200 mm yr−1, implying that LLS precipitation was up to 25% greater than now. Patterns of recessional moraines indicate that the glaciers remained close to climatic equilibrium as they retreated to their sources, though moraine belts implying near-stationary or readvancing ice margins on flat valley floors are separated by moraine-free zones indicating uninterrupted retreat. Calculation of ELAs for ‘residual’ glaciers in former source areas suggests that summer warming of 1.0 °C would have resulted in shrinkage of the glaciers to their sources.  相似文献   

Geomorphological evidence for four former local glaciers has been mapped in the Aran and Arenig Mountains, North Wales. Former glacial extent was deduced from the distribution and assemblage of end and lateral moraines, hummocky moraine, boulder limits, drift limits and periglacial trimlines. Comparison of infilled lake sediment stratigraphies inside and outside of the former glacier limits suggests a Loch Lomond Stadial (Late Devensian) age of the former glaciers (c. 12.9–11.5 cal. ka BP ). This finding is also supported by periglacial–landform contrasts between the land inside and outside of the glacier limits. Reconstruction of the four glaciers illustrates a mean equilibrium line altitude (ELA) of c. 504 m. From the reconstructed ELAs and the combination of precipitation and snowblow input for total accumulation, by analogy with Norwegian glaciers, a mean sea‐level July temperature is calculated at 8.4°C. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geomorphological mapping of northern Arran provides evidence for two advances of locally nourished glaciers, the younger being attributable to the Loch Lomond Stade (LLS) of ca. 12.9–11.5 k yr BP, primarily through the mutually exclusive relationship between glacial limits and Lateglacial periglacial features. The age of the earlier advance is unknown. Inferred LLS glacier cover comprised two small icefields and eight small corrie or valley glaciers and totalled 11.1 km2. ELAs reconstructed using area–altitude balance ratio methods range from 268 m to 631 m for individual glaciers, with an area‐weighted mean ELA of 371 m. ELAs of individual glaciers are strongly related to snow‐contributing areas. The area‐weighted mean ELA is consistent with a north–south decline in LLS ELAs along the west coast of Great Britain. This decline has an average latitudinal gradient of 70 m 100 km?1, equivalent to a mean southwards ablation‐season temperature increase of ca. 0.42°C 100 km?1. Mean June–August temperatures at the regional climatic ELA, estimated from chironomid assemblages in SE Scotland, lay between 5.7 ± 0.1°C and 4.1 ± 0.2°C. Empirical relationships between temperature and precipitation at modern glacier ELAs indicate equivalent mean annual precipitation at the ELA lay between 2002 ± 490 mm and 2615 ± 449 mm. These figures suggest that stadial precipitation on Arran fell within a range between +8% and ?33% of present mean annual precipitation. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geomorphological mapping of southern Skye indicates evidence for a single readvance of locally-nourished glaciers. These comprised a major icefield that occupied c. 155 km2 of the main mountain area, a small icefield c. 10 km2 in extent in the Kyleakin hills and ten corrie glaciers with a total area of c. 16 km2. The absence of Lateglacial pollen sites, shorelines and periglacial features within the limits of local glaciation implies a Loch Lomond Readvance age for this glacial event. The area-weighted mean equilibrium line altitude (ELA) of the reconstructed Loch Lomond Readvance glaciers (319 m) conforms with a regional eastwards rise in ELAs that indicates dominant westerly airstreams during the Loch Lomond Stadial. An easterly decline in ELAs across the former icefields is interpreted in terms of easterly transfer of snow across ice-sheds by westerly winds, though the altitudes of corrie glacier ELAs suggest that the dominant snow-bearing winds were southerlies. Calculations based on the area-weighted mean ELA for the major icefield (308 m) indicate a stadial mean July sea-level temperature of c. 6 °C. The anomalously low gradients of certain former icefield outlet glaciers are attributed to deformation of subglacial sediment, an effect that may vitiate the assumption of linear ablation/accumulation gradients in the calculation of former ELAs for reconstructed glaciers.  相似文献   

Evidence for 35 former cwm glaciers has been mapped in Snowdonia, N. Wales. Glacial limits are based on end moraines, boulder and drift limits, and the down-valley extent of hummocky moraine. Protalus ramparts indicate that at least 16 semi-permanent snow beds down to altitudes of 150 m also existed. Radiocarbon dates and pollen stratigraphy indicate that the glaciers and snow beds belong to the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stadial. The existence of a large number of ‘Older Series Moraines’ is questionned. Glacier reconstruction and contouring allows calculation of fan line altitudes, and trend surface analysis indicates that they rise from 450 m in the southwest to 700 m in the northeast. It is inferred that mean July temperature at sea-level was around 8·5°C. Two differences between north and south Britain are recognized. Firstly in Snowdonia, as in the Lake District and Southern Uplands, the dominance of southerly air streams appears less than in the Scottish Highlands. Secondly, whereas in the Scottish Highlands, the glaciers appear to have stagnated in situ following initial active retreat, some of those farther south were active during much of the time their margins retreated.  相似文献   

10Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide surface exposure ages from moraines on Nevado Illimani, Cordillera Real, Bolivia suggest that glaciers retreated from moraines during the periods 15.5-13.0 ka, 10.0-8.5 ka, and 3.5-2.0 ka. Late glacial moraines at Illimani are associated with an ELA depression of 400-600 m, which is consistent with other local reconstructions of late glacial ELAs in the Eastern Cordillera of the central Andes. A comparison of late glacial ELAs between the Eastern Cordillera and Western Cordillera indicates a marked change toward flattening of the east-to-west regional ELA gradient. This flattening is consistent with increased precipitation from the Pacific during the late glacial period.  相似文献   

Northern Folgefonna (c. 23 km2), is a nearly circular maritime ice cap located on the Folgefonna Peninsula in Hardanger, western Norway. By combining the position of marginal moraines with AMS radiocarbon dated glacier‐meltwater induced sediments in proglacial lakes draining northern Folgefonna, a continuous high‐resolution record of variations in glacier size and equilibrium‐line altitudes (ELAs) during the Lateglacial and early Holocene has been obtained. After the termination of the Younger Dryas (c. 11 500 cal. yr BP), a short‐lived (100–150 years) climatically induced glacier readvance termed the ‘Jondal Event 1’ occurred within the ‘Preboreal Oscillation’ (PBO) c. 11 100 cal. yr BP. Bracketed to 10 550–10 450 cal. yr BP, a second glacier readvance is named the ‘Jondal Event 2’. A third readvance occurred about 10 000 cal. yr BP and corresponds with the ‘Erdalen Event 1’ recorded at Jostedalsbreen. An exponential relationship between mean solid winter precipitation and ablation‐season temperature at the ELA of Norwegian glaciers is used to reconstruct former variations in winter precipitation based on the corresponding ELA and an independent proxy for summer temperature. Compared to the present, the Younger Dryas was much colder and drier, the ‘Jondal Event 1’/PBO was colder and somewhat drier, and the ‘Jondal Event 2’ was much wetter. The ‘Erdalen Event 1’ started as rather dry and terminated as somewhat wetter. Variations in glacier magnitude/ELAs and corresponding palaeoclimatic reconstructions at northern Folgefonna suggest that low‐altitude cirque glaciers (lowest altitude of marginal moraines 290 m) in the area existed for the last time during the Younger Dryas. These low‐altitude cirque glaciers of suggested Younger Dryas age do not fit into the previous reconstructions of the Younger Dryas ice sheet in Hardanger. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Considerable uncertainty surrounds the timing of glacier advance and retreat during the Younger Dryas or Loch Lomond Stade (LLS) in the Scottish Highlands. Some studies favour ice advance until near the end of the stade (c. 11.7 ka), whereas others support the culmination of glacier advance in mid‐stade (c. 12.6–12.4 ka). Most published 10 Be exposure ages reported for boulders on moraines or deglacial sites post‐date the end of the LLS, and thus appear to favour the former view, but recalibration of 33 10 Be ages using a locally derived 10 Be production rate and assuming rock surface erosion rates of zero to 1 mm ka?1 produces exposure ages 130–980 years older than those originally reported. The recalibrated ages are filtered to exclude anomalous data, and then employed to generate aggregate probability density distributions for the timing of moraine deposition and deglaciation. The results suggest that the most probable age for the timing of the deposition of the sampled outermost moraines lies in the interval 12.4–12.1 ka or earlier. Deglacial ages obtained for sites inside Loch Lomond Stadial glacier limits imply that glaciers at some or all of the sampled sites were retreating prior to 12.1 ka. Use of aggregated data does not exclude the possibility of asynchronous glacier behaviour at different sites, but confirms that some glaciers reached their maximum limits and began to retreat several centuries before the rapid warming that terminated the LLS at 11.7–11.6 ka, consistent with the retrodictions of recent numerical modelling experiments and with geomorphological evidence for gradual oscillatory ice‐margin retreat under stadial conditions.  相似文献   

Dortch, J. M., Owen, L. A., Caffee, M. W. & Brease, P. 2009: Late Quaternary glaciation and equilibrium line altitude variations of the McKinley River region, central Alaska Range. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00121.x. ISSN 0300‐9483 Glacial deposits and landforms produced by the Muldrow and Peters glaciers in the McKinley River region of Alaska were examined using geomorphic and 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) surface exposure dating (SED) methods to assess the timing and nature of late Quaternary glaciation and moraine stabilization. In addition to the oldest glacial deposits (McLeod Creek Drift), a group of four late Pleistocene moraines (MP‐I, II, III and IV) and three late Holocene till deposits (‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ drifts) are present in the region, representing at least eight glacial advances. The 10Be TCN ages for the MP‐I moraine ranged from 2.5 kyr to 146 kyr, which highlights the problems of defining the ages of late Quaternary moraines using SED methods in central Alaska. The Muldrow ‘X’ drift has a 10Be TCN age of ~0.54 kyr, which is ~1.3 kyr younger than the independent minimum lichen age of ~1.8 kyr. This age difference probably represents the minimum time between formation and early stabilization of the moraine. Contemporary and former equilibrium line altitudes (ELAs) were determined. The ELA depressions for the Muldrow glacial system were 560, 400, 350 and 190 m and for the Peters glacial system 560, 360, 150 and 10 m, based on MP‐I through MP‐IV moraines, respectively. The difference between ELA depressions for the Muldrow and Peters glaciers likely reflects differences in supraglacial debris‐cover, glacier hypsometry and topographic controls on glacier mass balance.  相似文献   

Six methods for approximating late Pleistocene (Pinedale) equilibrium-line altitudes (ELAs) are compared for rapidity of data collection and error (RMSE) from first-order trend surfaces, using the Colorado Front Range. Trend surfaces computed from rapidly applied techniques, such as glaciation threshold, median altitude of small reconstructed glaciers, and altitude of lowest cirque floors have relatively high RMSEs (97–186 m) because they are subjectively derived and are based on small glaciers sensitive to microclimatic variability. Surfaces computed for accumulation-area ratios (AARs) and toe-to-headwall altitude ratios (THARs) of large reconstructed glaciers show that an AAR of 0.65 and a THAR of 0.40 have the lowest RMSEs (about 80 m) and provide the same mean ELA estimate (about 3160 m) as that of the more subjectively derived maximum altitudes of Pinedale lateral moraines (RMSE = 149 m). Second-order trend surfaces demonstrate low ELAs in the latitudinal center of the Front Range, perhaps due to higher winter accumulation there. The mountains do not presently reach the ELA for large glaciers, and small Front Range cirque glaciers are not comparable to small glaciers existing during Pinedale time. Therefore, Pleistocene ELA depression and consequent temperature depression cannot reliably be ascertained from the calculated ELA surfaces.  相似文献   

A combined geomorphological–physical model approach is used to generate three‐dimensional reconstructions of glaciers in Pacific Far NE Russia during the global Last glacial Maximum (gLGM). The horizontal dimensions of these ice masses are delineated by moraines, their surface elevations are estimated using an iterative flowline model and temporal constraints upon their margins are derived from published age estimates. The equilibrium line altitudes (ELAs) of these ice masses are estimated, and gLGM climate is reconstructed using a simple degree–day melt model. The results indicate that, during the gLGM, ice masses occupying the Pekulney, Kankaren and Sredinny mountains of Pacific Far NE Russia were of valley glacier and ice field type. These glaciers were between 7 and 80 km in length, and were considerably less extensive than during pre‐LGM phases of advance. gLGM ice masses in these regions had ELAs of between 575 ± 22 m and 1035 ± 41 m (above sea level) – corresponding to an ELA depression of 350–740 m, relative to present. Data indicate that, in the Pekulney Mountains, this ELA depression occurred because of a 6.4°C reduction in mean July temperature, and 200 mm a?1 reduction in precipitation, relative to present. Thus reconstructions support a restricted view of gLGM glaciation in Pacific Far NE Russia and indicate that the region's aridity precluded the development of large continental ice sheets. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The geomorphology of the south‐western and central Lake District, England is used to reconstruct the mountain palaeoglaciology pertaining to the Lateglacial and Younger Dryas. Limitations to previous ice‐mass reconstructions and consequent palaeoclimatic inferences include: (i) the use of static (steady‐state) glacier reconstructions, (ii) the assumption of a single‐stage Younger Dryas advance, (iii) greatly varying ice‐volume estimates, (iv) inexplicable spatial variations in ELA (Equilibrium Line Altitude), and (v) a lack of robust extent chronology. Here we present geomorphological mapping based on aerial photography and the NextMap Britain Digital Elevation Model, checked by ground survey. Former glacier extents were inferred and ELAs were calculated using the Balance Ratio method of Osmaston. Independently, a time‐dependant 2‐D ice‐flow model was forced by a regional ELA history that was scaled to the GRIP record. This provided a dynamic reconstruction of a mountain ice field that allowed for non‐steady‐state glacier evolution. Fluctuations in climate during the Younger Dryas resulted in multiple glacial advance positions that show agreement with the location of mapped moraines, and may further explain some of the ELA variations found in previous local and static reconstructions. Modelling based on the GRIP record predicts three phases: an initial maximum extent, a middle minor advance or stillstand, and a pronounced but less extensive final advance. The comparisons find that the reconstructions derived from geomorphological evidence are effective representations of steady‐state glacier geometries, but we do propose different extents for some glaciers and, in particular, a large former glacier in Upper Eskdale.  相似文献   

冰川物质平衡线的估算方法   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1  
崔航  王杰 《冰川冻土》2013,35(2):345-354
冰川物质平衡线高度(ELA)与气候变化, 特别是与气温和降水的变化关系密切, 是重建古气候和反映冰川积累和消融变化的重要代用指标.直接观测方法可以获得较为精准的ELA, 但不能大范围展开.因此, ELA的间接估算方法, 如赫斯法(Hess)、 积累区面积比率法(AAR)、 面积–高程平衡率法(AABR)、 末端至冰斗后壁比率法(THAR)、 终碛到最高峰高差比率法(TSAM)、 侧碛最大高度法(MELM)、 冰斗底部高程法(CF)、 冰川作用阈值法(GT)等, 得到了广泛的发展与应用.然而, 由于受到雪崩或风吹雪补给、 表碛覆盖、 冰川类型和形态等因素的影响, 单一使用某种方法易受到算法本身的限制, 误差较大, 需综合考虑各种算法的适用性和选取参数的差异, 以提高计算的精度, 同时也要考虑到后期构造抬升等的影响.  相似文献   

During the Itkillik Glaciation the Brooks Range supported an extensive mountain-glacier complex that extended for 750 km between 141° and 158°W longitude. Individual ice streams and piedmont lobes flowed as much as 50 km beyond the north and south margins of the range. Glaciers in the southern Brooks Range were longer than those farther north because of a southerly precipitation source, whereas those in the central and eastern part of the range were larger than glaciers at the extremities of the mountain system because of higher and more-extensive accumulation areas. Glacier equilibrium-line altitudes (ELAs) at the time of greatest advance were depressed 600 ± 100 m below present levels, whereas during a less-extensive late-glacial readvance (Alapah Mountain) ELA depression was about 300 ± 30 m. Radiocarbon dates indicate that Itkillik drift correlates with Late Wisconsin drift along the southern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and with drift of Cordilleran glaciers in southern Alaska and the western conterminous United States deposited during the last glaciation. Itkillik I moraines represent the maximum ice advance under cold full-glacial conditions between about 24,000 and 17,000 14C y. a. Itkillik II sediments, probably deposited close to 14,000 y. a., are characterized by abundant outwash and ice-contact stratified drift implying a milder climate than that of the Itkillik I phase. Alapah Mountain moraines at the heads of valleys draining high-altitude (≥1800 m) source areas record a possible late Itkillik readvance that is not yet closely dated. Itkillik glaciers may have largely disappeared from Brooks Range valleys by the beginning of the Holocene.  相似文献   

Detailed geomorphological mapping has revealed evidence for the development of plateau icefields in the central fells of the English Lake District during the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stadial (ca. 12.9–11.5 ka). The largest plateau icefield system, which covered an area of approximately 55 km2 (including outlet glaciers), was centred on High Raise. To the west, smaller plateau icefields developed on Grey Knotts/Brandreth and Dale Head, covering areas of 7 km2 and 3 km2 respectively. The geomorphological impact of these plateau icefields appears to have been minimal on the summits, where the survival of blockfields and other frost‐weathered debris (mostly peat‐covered) implies the existence of at least patches of protective, cold‐based ice. Ice‐moulded bedrock at some plateau edges, however, documents a transition to wet‐based, erosive conditions. Prominent moraine systems were produced by outlet glaciers, which descended into the surrounding valleys where their margins became sediment traps for supraglacial debris and inwash. In some valleys, ice‐marginal moraines record successive positions of outlet glaciers, which actively backwasted towards their plateau source. This interpretation differs from that of previous workers, who assumed an alpine style of glaciation, with reconstructed glaciers emanating from corries and valley heads. It is likely that plateau icefields were more common at this time in upland Britain than hitherto has been appreciated. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

From mapping and consideration of prominent drift ridges at Stockdale Head, western Lake District, northern England it is inferred that the ridges are the products of dissection of a glacigenic or soliflual drift sheet rather than landforms constructed at the margins of a Loch Lomond Stade (LLS) valley‐head glacier. This proposal has implications for the recognition of LLS glacier limits and, possibly, understanding the dearth of moraine ridges associated with Dimlington ice in Lake District valleys. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper considers the controversial issue of the existence of pre-'Little Ice Age' Neoglacial moraines in southern Norway. Schmidt hammer rebound values are combined with measures of boulder roundness and weathering rind thickness in an attempt to isolate moraines that include weathered boulders. A critical approach is used in distinguishing sites where boulders have weathered in situ from those where previously weathered clasts have been incorporated into relatively young moraines. The results confirm that possible pre-'Little Ice Age' Neoglacial moraines seem to be restricted to small, high-altitude glaciers in eastern Jotunheimen. It is concluded that at these glaciers a particularly large response to a short-lived earlier Holocene climatic event is more likely to explain the survival of such moraines than a particularly subdued response to the climatic deterioration of the 'Little Ice Age'. More refined dating techniques are required to determine the age of formation of the anomalous moraines, but before the palaeoclimatic significance of such dates can be assessed, a critical test is required to establish whether the moraines mark former ice-front positions, and therefore reflect lowering of equilibrium line altitudes, or whether they have been displaced forwards by later and more extensive glacier advances.  相似文献   

高亚洲定位监测冰川平衡线高度时空分布特征研究   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
利用高亚洲定位监测冰川平衡线高度数据,对平衡线高度时空分布特征进行了分析。结果表明:高亚洲冰川平衡线高度在空间尺度上具有纬度地带性、经向地带性和区域性的特征。在时间尺度上,高亚洲定位监测冰川平衡线高度呈现不同程度的升高趋势。在天山山区,乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川和Ts.Tuyuksuyskiy冰川的平衡线高度在1960-2013年间,分别增加约116m、80m,二者相比,Ts.Tuyuksuyskiy冰川对气候变化的敏感性更高;在阿尔泰山区,No.125(Vodopadniy)冰川、Maliy Aktru冰川和Leviy Aktru冰川在1983-2007年间,平衡线高度变化趋势基本一致,总体都呈升高趋势,其中,Maliy Aktru冰川平衡线高度增幅最大,升高了约142m;高亚洲定位监测冰川中,1962-2008年间,七一冰川平衡线高度升高速度最快,增幅最大,升高了约264m,升高速度最为缓慢的是乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川,其增幅最小,升高了约47m。  相似文献   

The High Plateaus of Utah include seven separate mountain ranges that supported glaciers during the Pleistocene. The Fish Lake Plateau, located on the eastern edge of the High Plateaus, preserves evidence of at least two glacial advances. Four cosmogenic 3He exposure ages of boulders in an older moraine range from 79 to 159 ka with a mean age of 129 ± 39 ka and oldest ages of 152 ± 3 and 159 ± 5 ka. These ages suggest deposition during the type Bull Lake glaciation and Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (MIS) 6. Twenty boulder exposure ages from four different younger moraines indicate a local last glacial maximum (LGM) of ~ 21.1 ka, coincident with the type Pinedale glaciation and MIS 2. Reconstructed Pinedale-age glaciers from the Fish Lake Plateau have equilibrium-line altitudes ranging from 2950 to 3190 m. LGM summer temperature depressions for the Fish Lake Plateau range from −10.7 to −8.2°C, assuming no change in precipitation. Comparison of the Fish Lake summer temperature depressions to a regional dataset suggests that the Fish Lake Plateau may have had a slight increase (~ 1.5× modern) in precipitation during the LGM. A series of submerged ridges in Fish Lake were identified during a bathymetric survey and are likely Bull Lake age moraines.  相似文献   

At several times during the Quaternary, a major eastward-flowing outlet glacier of the former Patagonian Ice Sheet occupied the Lago San Martin Valley in Argentina (49°S, 72°W). We present a glacial chronology for the valley based on geomorphological mapping and cosmogenic nuclide (10Be) exposure ages (n = 10) of boulders on moraines and lake shorelines. There are five prominent moraine belts in the Lago San Martin Valley, associated with extensive sandar (glaciofluvial outwash plains) and former lake shorelines. Cosmogenic nuclide exposure ages for boulders on these moraines indicate that they formed at 14.3 ± 1.7 ka, 22.4 ± 2.3 ka, 34.4 ± 3.4 ka to 37.6 ± 3.4 ka (and possibly 60 ± 3.5 ka), and 99 ± 11 ka (1σ). These dated glacier advances differ from published chronologies from the Lago San Martin Valley based on 14C age determinations from organic sediments and molluscs in meltwater channels directly in front of moraines or in kettleholes within end moraine ridges. The moraine boulder ages also point to possible pre-LGM glacial advances during the last glacial cycle and a key observation from our data is that the LGM glaciers were probably less extensive in the Lago San Martin Valley than previously thought.  相似文献   

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