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The variable source area (VSA) concept provides the underlying paradigm for managing phosphorus losses in runoff in the north‐eastern USA. This study sought to elucidate factors controlling runoff along two hillslopes with contrasting soils, including characterizing runoff generation mechanisms and hydrological connectivity. Runoff monitoring plots (2 m × 1 m) were established in various landscape positions. Footslope positions were characterized by the presence of a fragipan that contributed to seasonally perched water tables. In upslope positions without a fragipan, runoff was generated primarily via the infiltration‐excess (IE) mechanism (96% of events) and was largely disconnected from downslope runoff. Roughly 80% of total runoff originated from the north footslope landscape position via saturation‐excess (SE) (46% of events; 62% of runoff) and IE (54% of events; 38% of runoff) mechanisms. Runoff from the north hillslope was substantially greater than the south hillslope despite their proximity, and apparently was a function of the extent of fragipan representation. Results demonstrate the influence of subsurface soil properties (e.g. fragipan) on surface runoff generation in variable source area hydrology settings, which could be useful for improving the accuracy of existing runoff prediction tools. Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the mechanisms of runoff generation and routing and their controlling factors at the hillslope scale, on artificial slopes derived from surface coal mining reclamation in a Mediterranean–continental area. Rainfall and runoff at interrill and microcatchment scales were recorded for a year on two slopes with different substrata: topsoil cover and overburden cover. Runoff coefficient and runoff routing from interrill areas to microcatchment outlets were higher in the overburden substratum than in topsoil, and greater in the most developed rill network. Rainfall volume is the major parameter responsible for runoff response on overburden, suggesting that this substratum is very impermeable—at least during the main rainfall periods of the year (late spring and autumn) when the soil surface is sealed. In such conditions, most rainfall input is converted into runoff, regardless of its intensity. Results from artificial rainfall experiments, conducted 3 and 7 years after seeding, confirm the low infiltration capacity of overburden when sealed. The hydrological response shows great seasonal variability on the overburden slope in accordance with soil surface changes over the year. Rainfall volume and intensities (I30, I60) explain runoff at the interrill scale on the topsoil slope, where rainfall experiments demonstrated a typical Hortonian infiltration curve. However, no correlation was found at the microcatchment level, probably because of the loss of functionality of the only rill as ecological succession proceeded. The runoff generation mechanism on the topsoil slope is more homogeneous throughout the year. Runoff connectivity, defined as the ratio between runoff rates recorded at the rill network scale and those recorded at the interrill area scale in every rainfall event, was also greater on the rilled overburden slope, and in the most developed rill network. The dense rill networks of the overburden slope guarantee very effective runoff drainage, regardless of rainfall magnitude. Rills drain overland flow from interrill‐sealed areas, reducing the opportunity of reinfiltration in areas not affected by siltation. Runoff generation and routing on topsoil slopes are controlled by grass cover and soil moisture content, whereas on overburden slopes rill network density and soil moisture content are the main controlling factors. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The results of field measurements conducted in a small (19·37 ha) agricultural watershed on the North Carolina coastal plain during the summer of 1996 are presented. The objective of the study was to develop a more complete understanding of basin response in the region with respect to stormflow generation and, in particular, to identify the processes that determine storm runoff and the conditions under which such processes occur. Twenty‐four storm events were monitored, including two tropical storm systems and two hurricanes. The data demonstrate considerable spatial and temporal heterogeneity in runoff generation within the watershed. Surface flowpaths, in the form of Hortonian overland flow and saturation overland flow, were found to be the dominant runoff processes during the storm events measured. The hillslope flowpaths had the same response time as the basin streamflow, but significantly shorter time of rise and lag times. The importance of Hortonian flow in a basin with sandy, permeable soils, as well as the rapid stormflow response in a low‐relief area with a humid climate, was contrary to expectations. This, coupled with the contingency of runoff response, suggests that it may be difficult to generalize about runoff generation mechanisms in broad terms, and that a synoptic approach may be more appropriate. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Ballona Creek watershed in Los Angeles, California provides a unique combination of heterogeneous urban land cover, a semi-arid environment, and a large outdoor water-use flux that presents a challenge for physically-based models. We ran simulations using the Noah Land Surface Model and Parflow-Community Land Model and compared to observations of evapotranspiration (ET), runoff, and land surface temperature (LST) for the entire 11-year study period. Both models were systematically adjusted to test the impact of land cover and urban irrigation on simulation results. Monthly total runoff and ET results are greatly improved when compared to an in-situ stream gauge and meteorological tower data: from 0.64 to 0.81 for the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) for runoff and from a negative NSE to 0.82 for ET. The inclusion of urban irrigation in semi-arid urban environments is found to be vital, but not sufficient, for the accurate simulation of variables in the studied models.  相似文献   

In semiarid ecosystems, the transfer of water, sediments, and nutrients from bare to vegetated areas is known to be crucial to ecosystem functioning. Rainfall simulation experiments were performed on bare‐soil and vegetated surfaces, on both wet and dry soils, in semiarid shrub‐steppe landscapes of SE Spain to investigate the spatial and temporal factors and interactions that control the fine‐scale variation in water infiltration, runoff and soil loss, and hence the water and sediment flows in these areas. Three types of shrub‐steppe landscapes varying in plant community and physiography, and four types of plant patches (oak shrub, subshrub, tussock grass, and short grass mixed with chamaephytes) were studied. Higher infiltration and lower runoff and soil loss were measured on vegetation patches than on bare soils, for both dry and wet conditions. The oak‐shrub patches produced no runoff, while the subshrub patches showed the highest runoff and soil loss. Despite these differences among patch types, the influence of vegetation patch type on the variables analysed was not significant. The response of bare soil surfaces clearly varied between landscape types, yet the differences were only relevant under dry soil conditions. Stone cover, particularly the cover of embedded stones, and crust cover, were the key explanatory variables for the hydrological behaviour of bare soils. The study documents quantitatively how bare soils and vegetation patches function as runoff sources and runoff sinks, respectively, for a wide range of soil moisture conditions, and illustrates that landscape‐type effects on bare‐soil runoff sources may also exert an important control on the site hydrology, while the role of the vegetation patch type is less important. The effects of the control factors are modulated by antecedent soil moisture, with dry soils showing the most contrasting soil water infiltration between landscapes and surface types. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

At three adjacent sites in steeply sloping woodland in Galicia (NW Spain), surface runoff and associated erosion under simulated rainfall (64 mm h?1) were measured on five occasions between June 1998 and July 1999. Two of the three sites had recently been deforested and topsoil added, and one of these two had been sown with grass, which was germinating at the onset of the study. Deforestation greatly increased runoff and erosion rates, and the recovery of plant cover reduced erosion. All three soils were very hydrophobic due to high levels of poorly humified organic matter, which led to higher runoff rates than expected, especially during dry periods. However, great structural stability prevented there being a significant correlation between runoff rate and soil erosion. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The increase of surface runoff at the plot scale caused by soil water repellency is a generally accepted phenomenon. However, to improve the understanding of the effect of water repellency on runoff at the catchment scale, spatio‐temporal dynamics of water repellency have to be analysed in more detail. The experimental setup of this study allowed the investigation of the relationship between water repellency and runoff generation on Quaternary and Tertiary sandy substrates while ensuring similar conditions in terms of terrain characteristics, meteorological and vegetation‐free conditions on both areas. Measurements of water drop penetration time and contact angle were carried out over a period from September 2003 to December 2005. Spatial variability of actual soil water repellency was related to heterogeneity of substrate and geomorphologic units, variations in time were related with the seasons and their meteorological conditions. To relate variable degrees of actual water repellency to surface runoff generation, both variables were measured in parallel at the plot scale (1 m × 1 m) and at the hillslope scale from September 2004 to December 2005. Soil water repellency of the Tertiary sands showed a temporal variability depending on the season, with the highest degree during summer and autumn. Variation of hydrophobicity between the seasons caused higher runoff coefficients in summer and autumn. Spatial heterogeneity of the soil water repellency revealed lower values in fine‐textured erosion rills and higher values for interrills and top areas. The measured runoff coefficients decreased from the scale of microplots to the hillslope scale due to infiltration in hydrophilic rills on the hillslope. The results suggest that improved hydrological modelling approaches on water‐repellent soils can be based on a geomorphological subdivision of the catchment area and seasonally varying infiltration parameters. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of hillslope topography on storm runoff in a weathered granite mountain, discharge rate, soil pore water pressures, and water chemistry were observed on two types of hillslope: a valley‐head (a concave hillslope) and a side slope (a planar hillslope). Hydrological responses on the valley‐head and side slope reflected their respective topographic characteristics and varied with the rainfall magnitude. During small rainfall events (<35 mm), runoff from the side slope occurred rapidly relative to the valley‐head. The valley‐head showed little response in storm runoff. As rainfall amounts increased (35–60 mm), the valley‐head yielded a higher flow relative to the side slope. For large rainfall events (>60 mm), runoff from both hillslopes increased with rainfall, although that from the valley‐head was larger than that from the side slope. The differences in the runoff responses were caused by differences in the roles of lower‐slope soils and the convergence of the hillslope. During small rainfall events, the side slope could store little water; in contrast, all rainwater could be stored in the soils at the valley‐head hollow. As the amount of rainfall increased, the subsurface saturated area of the valley‐head extended from the bottom to the upper portion of the slope, with the contributions of transient groundwater via lateral preferential flowpaths due to the high concentration of subsurface water. Conversely, saturated subsurface flow did not contribute to runoff responses, and the subsurface saturated area at the side slope did not extend to the upper slope for the same storm size. During large rainfall events, expansion of the subsurface saturated area was observed in both hillslopes. Thus, differences in the concentration of subsurface water, reflecting hillslope topography, may create differences in the extension of the subsurface saturated area, as well as variability in runoff responses. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, laboratory rainfall simulation in an extensive area was used to study the infiltration, and interception and storage from surface runoff in points with different stone cover percentages (0, 10, 20 and 30%) and slopes (5°, 10° and 20°). The experimental results of this study showed that the interrelationships among the slope, stone cover percentage, groundwater level, surface runoff amount, and interception and storage of the ponds were varied and irregular. No systematic patterns were detected for the change in the groundwater level, surface runoff amount, and interception and storage of the ponds with different stone cover percentages at different slopes and no threshold values were apparent. For a 5° slope, if the stone cover percentage was increased, the amount of surface runoff was reduced, the infiltration and the groundwater level experienced no significant change, and the interception and storage of the ponds increased. For a 10° slope, if the stone cover percentage was increased, the amount of surface runoff increased, the infiltration decreased, the groundwater level experienced no significant change or decreased slightly at certain points, and the interception and storage of the ponds increased. For a 20° slope, if the stone cover percentage was increased, the amount of runoff increased, the infiltration decreased, the groundwater level experienced no significant change or decreased slightly at certain points, and the interception and storage of the ponds increased. With or without stone cover, when the hydraulic conductivity of the top material is close to that of fine sand or laterite, an increase in the slope gradient decreased the amount of surface runoff and increased the storage amount of the ponds. As for the stone distribution, an interlaced style showed better performance in the interception and storage of ponds than that of a regular style. There was no significant change in the groundwater level. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mountain headwater catchments in the semi‐arid Intermountain West are important sources of surface water because these high elevations receive more precipitation than neighboring lowlands. This study examined subsurface runoff in two hillslopes, one aspen dominated, the other conifer dominated, adjacent to a first order stream in snow‐driven northern Utah. Snow accumulation, soil moisture, trenchflow and streamflow were examined in hillslopes and their adjacent stream. Snow water equivalents (SWEs) were greater under aspen stands compared to conifer, the difference increasing with higher annual precipitation. Semi‐variograms of shallow spatial soil moisture patterns and transects of continuous soil moisture showed no increase in soil moisture downslope, suggesting the absence of subsurface flow in shallow (~12 cm) soil layers of either vegetation type. However, a clear threshold relationship between soil moisture and streamflow indicated hillslope–stream connectivity, deeper within the soil profile. Subsurface flow was detected at ~50 cm depth, which was sustained for longer in the conifer hillslope. Soil profiles under the two vegetation types varied, with deep aspen soils having greater water storage capacity than shallow rocky conifer soils. Though SWEs were less under the conifers, the soil profile had less water storage capacity and produced more subsurface lateral flow during the spring snowmelt. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of different hillslope units with different topographic characteristics on runoff generation processes based on field observations at two types of hillslopes (0·1 ha): a valley‐head (a convergent hillslope) and a side slope (a planar hillslope), as well as at three small catchments having two types of slopes with different drainage areas ranging from 1·9 to 49·7 ha in the Tanakami Mountains, central Japan. We found that the contribution of the hillslope unit type to small catchment runoff varied with the magnitude of rainfall. When the total amount of rainfall for a single storm event was < 35 mm, runoff in the small catchment was predominantly generated from the side slope. As the amount of rainfall increased (>35 mm), the valley‐head also began to contribute to the catchment runoff, adding to runoff from the side slope. Although the direct runoff from the valley‐head was greater than that from the side slope, the contribution from the side slope was quantitatively greater than that from the valley‐head due to the proportionally larger area occupied by the side slope in the small catchment. The storm runoff responses of the small catchments reflected the change in the runoff components of each hillslope unit as the amount of rainfall increased and rainfall patterns changed. However, similar runoff responses were found for the small catchments with different areas. The similarity of the runoff responses is attributable to overlay effects of different hillslope units and the similar composition ratios of the valley‐head and side slope in the catchments. This study suggests that the relative roles of the valley‐head and side slope are important in runoff generation and solute transport as the catchment size increases from a hillslope/headwater to a small catchment. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of slope, cover and surface roughness on rainfall runoff, infiltration and erosion were determined at two sites on a hillside vineyard in Napa County, California, using a portable rainfall simulator. Rainfall simulation experiments were carried out at two sites, with five replications of three slope treatments (5%, 10% and 15%) in a randomized block design at each site (0%bsol;64 m2 plots). Prior to initiation of the rainfall simulations, detailed assessments, not considered in previous vineyard studies, of soil slope, cover and surface roughness were conducted. Significant correlations (at the 95% confidence level) between the physical characteristics of slope, cover and surface roughness, with total infiltration, runoff, sediment discharge and average sediment concentration were obtained. The extent of soil cracking, a physical characteristic not directly measured, also affected analysis of the rainfall–runoff–erosion process. Average cumulative runoff and cumulative sediment discharge from site A was 87% and 242% greater, respectively, than at site B. This difference was linked to the greater cover, extent of soil cracking and bulk density at site B than at site A. The extent of soil cover was the dominant factor limiting soil loss when soil cracking was not present. Field slopes within the range of 4–16%, although a statistically significant factor affecting soil losses, had only a minor impact on the amount of soil loss. The Horton infiltration equation fit field data better than the modified Philip's equation. Owing to the variability in the ‘treatment’ parameters affecting the rainfall–runoff–erosion process, use of ANOVA methods were found to be inappropriate; multiple‐factor regression analysis was more useful for identifying significant parameters. Overall, we obtained similar values for soil erosion parameters as those obtained from vineyard erosion studies in Europe. In addition, it appears that results from the small plot studies may be adequately scaled up one to two orders of magnitude in terms of land areas considered. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Developing models to predict on‐site soil erosion and off‐site sediment transport at the agricultural watershed scale represent an on‐going challenge in research today. This study attempts to simulate the daily discharge and sediment loss using a distributed model that combines surface and sub‐surface runoffs in a small hilly watershed (< 1 km2). The semi‐quantitative model, Predict and Localize Erosion and Runoff (PLER), integrates the Manning–Strickler equation to simulate runoff and the Griffith University Erosion System Template equation to simulate soil detachment, sediment storage and soil loss based on a map resolution of 30 m × 30 m and over a daily time interval. By using a basic input data set and only two calibration coefficients based, respectively, on water velocity and soil detachment, the PLER model is easily applicable to different agricultural scenarios. The results indicate appropriate model performance and a high correlation between measured and predicted data with both Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (Ef) and correlation coefficient (r2) having values > 0.9. With the simple input data needs, PLER model is a useful tool for daily runoff and soil erosion modeling in small hilly watersheds in humid tropical areas. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Regolith surface characteristics and response were examined over a three‐year period in a badland area in a Mediterranean middle‐mountain zone near Vallcebre (Eastern Pyrenees). Preliminary work carried out in this area indicated clear seasonal patterns of regolith properties driven by frost heaving in winter and crusting and erosion in the rest of the year. Rainfall simulations were performed with a small portable nozzle simulator in order to study seasonal changes in runoff generation, erosion rates and raindrop effect on bulk density changes. The results showed large seasonal variations in runoff and erosion responses. In?ltration rates after runoff start were correlated with precipitation depth before runoff start; runoff generation was therefore related to regolith saturation only to a very limited extent. Erosion rates were more controlled by runoff rates than by the weakness of regolith against raindrop splash, and sediment grain size increased with concentration. The combined role of antecedent regolith moisture and bulk density explained most of the seasonal variability in in?ltration, bulk density changes during rainfall and erosion rates, but some seasonal differences in sediment detachability were not explained by these variables and may be attributed to changes in roughness. Overall, runoff and erosion responses were relatively stable during spring and autumn, whereas wide variations in in?ltration rates and sediment detachment occurred in winter and summer respectively. Experiments conducted in a single season would have produced poorly representative, if not erroneous, results. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The decay of roughness is an important factor governing surface processes such as infiltration and soil erosion. Thus the decay of surface roughness under different surface conditions was investigated and related to quantitative amounts of soil loss, runoff and sediment concentration in a laboratory experiment. Rainfall with an intensity of 128 mm/h was applied to a bare or mulched surfaces of a sandy loam soil with known surface roughness at specified time intervals. The decay of roughness as expressed by roughness ratio, in this experiment, was better predicted when related to an exponential function of the square root of cumulative kinetic energy of rainfall rather than with the cumulative rainfall. The roughness decay equations in literature did not predict breakdown under mulched surfaces accurately. Thus the exponent parameters of the roughness decay equations were adjusted to reflect the reduced decay occurring under mulched surfaces. In a bare soil, regression equations expressing the dependent variables as a function of initial roughness index were significant, but with low coefficients of determination, being 0·39 for soil loss, 0·12 for runoff and 0·36 for sediment concentration. In addition to initial roughness index, cumulative kinetic energy of rainfall was further included in the regressions. This led to an increase in coefficients of determination, which was 0·81 for soil loss, 0·74 for runoff and 0·49 for sediment concentration. The coefficients of determination (0·87 for soil loss, 0·85 for runoff and 0·51 for sediment concentration) were further increased when the final roughness index was included in addition to initial roughness index and cumulative kinetic energy in the regressions. This work shows that soil loss and runoff could be predicted from bare soil surface provided the initial roughness and the energy of rainfall is known. However, field verifications of these relationships are needed under different tillage tools and under natural rainfall. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In?ltration tests, soil mapping and soil property analysis were used to assess the effect of within‐storm rainfall conditions on spatial patterns of surface characteristics relevant for runoff generation, continuity and erosion in the Zin Valley Badlands. Runoff and erosion differ strongly between ridges and slopes. Soils at both locations are susceptible to sealing, but on the sideslopes deep desiccation cracks inhibit continuous ?ow, even during high magnitude rainstorms. The discontinuous nature of runoff has a feedback on surface conditions. Erosion on the ridges maintains shallow soils prone to sealing while in?ltration and deposition on the sideslopes enhance soil depth, a prerequisite for stable desiccation cracks. Some runoff generated on the ridges is transmitted to the valley via rills. On straight sideslopes, rills are single and often discontinuous, indicating limited frequency of continuous runoff. Along concave valley heads, rill systems are well integrated and continuous, concentrating runoff and reducing in?ltration losses along slopes. The longitudinal, V‐shaped valley morphology of small catchments in the Zin Valley Badlands re?ects the long‐term effect of different erosion rates in valley heads and on sideslopes. Over time, valley incision lengthened the sideslopes, reducing the portion of annual rainfall that was runoff‐effective. Once sideslopes reached a critical length that inhibited frequent continuous ?ow, a colluvium with an increased in?ltration capacity developed, reducing runoff frequency even further. Consequently, erosion on the valley sideslopes decreased. Continuous ?ow from ridges to the valley channel remained more common in integrated rill systems in concavities and valley heads, leading to more erosion and retreat of the valley heads. The spatial patterns of runoff and erosion in the Zin Valley Badlands demonstrate that landscape development is strongly affected by processes that lead to differentiation of soil properties on hillslopes with uniform lithology. The patterns of surface characteristics and their role in landscape development are strongly dependent on rainfall conditions, highlighting the need for geomorphologists to identify the dynamic spatial and temporal scales relevant for landscape development. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hydrological and erosive response of the Mediterranean eco‐geomorphologic system has showed a very variable and complex behaviour depending on several factors: topography, geology, vegetation pattern, soil properties, land use management, etc. Climate is a key factor due to the great spatial and temporal variability. This research was carried out over different micro‐environments representative from five hillslopes localized in the Littoral Bethic Mountains in the south of Spain. The results of 20 experiments with rainfall simulations on micro‐plots (0.24 m2) and the differences of the incidence of some biotic and abiotic factors in the eco‐geomorphologic system from semi‐arid, dry‐Mediterranean and sub‐humid sites are exposed. Runoff, soil moisture and sediment were measured before, during and after the experiments. The results have shown rock fragments disposition on soil surface and vegetation seem to be the main factors that control the hydrological and erosive response at the micro‐plot‐scale of the experiments. Embedded rock fragments are the most important soil surface property because they reduce the infiltration. Whilst vegetation increases it what is more influential on the hydrological and erosive response of micro‐environments at more arid sites. We have also observed that there are micro‐environment particularities which play a more important role than the localization in the climatic gradient at micro‐plot scale. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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