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二氧化氯控制欧洲鳗细菌性疾病   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以二氧化氯作为一种新型的消毒剂和杀菌剂,以传统含氯制剂(如漂白粉、二氯异氰尿酸钠、三氯异氰尿酸)作为对照,比较其在治疗欧洲鳗细菌性疾病及改善养殖水质方面的显著特性,其作用活性与环境(如PH、温度、氨及机物)因子的关系。结果表明,二氧化氯(ClO2)对爱德华氏菌,嗜水气单胞菌和柱状屈挠杆菌有很好的杀灭有迅速治愈欧洲鳗的的赤鳍病和肝肾病,且能有效改善养殖水体,水中生化需氧量比对照组下降10%-30%,  相似文献   

海水养殖中应用蛭弧菌控制病原菌的前景与问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛭弧菌是一类专门以捕食细菌为生的寄生性细菌,由于它具有寄生和裂解细菌的生理特性,尤其是对许多致病菌有裂解作用,越来越多的科研工作者将其视为重要的生物净化因子之一。蛭弧菌在海水养殖中用于控制病原菌,是近几年来的研究热点,蛭弧菌对大多数海产致病菌有较强的裂解能力,能改善水质,安全环保,有可能取代抗生素,成为控制病害的新手段。本文综述了蛭弧菌在海水养殖应用方面的研究情况及存在的问题。  相似文献   

海水养殖中应用蛭弧菌控制病原菌的前景与问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蛭弧菌是一类专门以捕食细菌为生的寄生性细菌,由于它具有寄生和裂解细菌的生理特性,尤其是对许多致病菌有裂解作用,越来越多的科研工作者将其视为重要的生物净化因子之一.蛭弧菌在海水养殖中用于控制病原菌,是近几年来的研究热点,蛭弧菌对大多数海产致病菌有较强的裂解能力,能改善水质,安全环保,有可能取代抗生素,成为控制病害的新手段. 本文综述了蛭弧菌在海水养殖应用方面的研究情况及存在的问题.  相似文献   

针对传统模糊控制FC的优缺点,提出了控制模式级模糊化的棚念,并在此基础上提出一种新的模糊控制方法——模糊模式控制FMC;论述了FMC的算法;并给出了一个微机FMC控制器及实验结果。  相似文献   

王有业 《华北国土资源》2012,(3):117-119,121
本论文以沙曲矿的实际需要为出发点,以矿区控制网的布设为主要内容,阐述了全球定位技术在矿山控制测量领域的应用现状度发展前景.结合了沙曲煤矿实际的地形、地貌等客观因素及工程精度的要求,平面控制网采用四级短边、边连接形式的GPS网,GPS不但有精度高、速度快而且同时不受观测条件的限制等优点,因此在矿山测量中得到了广泛的应用.由于GPS网测量的高程为大地高,理论应对测量结果进行高程拟合即大地水准面精化才能得到水准高,而该论文GPS网点的高程直接由水准测量测定,不进行高程拟合,也不使用大地水准面模型求定,高程控制网采用四等水准网,对控制网在外业施测时的注意事项都一一进行了说明,GPS以它的实用性及优越性给矿山测量的发展提供了崭新的手段.  相似文献   

根据多模式控制器的设计理论,以偏差分段为基础,将控制过程分为几个阶段,用不同的模式加以控制,用加速储能控制来解决响应快速性的要求;用快速放能控制来解决响应平稳性要求;用稳态能量控制来解决系统的准确性要求。把控制模式用于双输入双输出关联系统的解耦系统中进行了仿真研究,与常规控制方法做了比较,多模式控制在关联系统中具有良好的动态响应性能。  相似文献   

通过总结生产实践的经验,提出了RTK测量质量控制的基本内容以及影响质量的主要因素,分析了RTK质量控制的基本方法。在一定程度上可弥补现行国标、行标中对RTK测量质量控制方面的不足,对测绘生产有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

浅谈网络会计的内部控制风险与防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着网络会计的日益普及,企业内部控制环境更加复杂,内部控制重点范围也逐渐扩大,加之网络会计内部控制法律的相对滞后,使网络会计的内控风险日益突出。只有在会计信息安全、网络系统控制、内部牵制、会计档案管理等方面,采用财务软件加密等技术方法,并完善内部控制制度,企业才能有效地防范网络会计的内部控制风险,最大限度地发挥网络会计的优势。  相似文献   

运用泛函分析性质以及Fourier变换的方法研究带有周期边界条件的非线性k-s方程在有限时间区间上的精确控制.首先研究线性化k-s方程的精确控制,证明对于任意给定的函数u0∈Hs,uT∈Hs,总能找到一个控制函数h使得线性化k-s方程有解u且满足u(x,0)=u0,u(x,T)=uT;然后结合线性化k-s方程的精确控制,通过定义Fredholm算子并应用Fredholm算子的一些理论找到非线性化k-s方程的控制函数,使其可精确控制.  相似文献   

会计工作监督可来自各个方面 ,最直接、最经常、最有效的监督还是建立财务会计稽核等内部会计控制制度。通过内部会计控制、牵制、稽核 ,及时发现和纠正工作中的失误 ,预防各类违纪、违规问题的发生 ,规范事业单位经济运行秩序 ,为提高单位经济效益奠定良好基础。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONFreshwater eels of genus Anguilla Shaw (fam-ily Anguillidae) have complicated evolutional his-tory and are widely distributed in the world. As acatadromous fish, it spawns in the sea and grow upin rivers. Continental distribution of freshwater eelsshows that they may be related to subtropical circu-lations in the oceans, with most species inhabitingwestern Pacific Ocean, northern Atlantic Ocean andIndian Ocean (Ege, 1939; Tesch, 1977).A. japonica is an important aquacult…  相似文献   

Allelic variation in a total of 7 microsatellites was examined between elvers of freshwater eels (Anguillajaponica and Anguilla anguilla). The number of alleles at these loci ranged from 8 to 26. A single test of each locus revealed significant deficits of heterozygotes (P〈0.01). Significant departure from expectations of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) was found for all loci within four subpopulations of A. japonica, which opposes the panmixia hypothesis of Schmidt. Also exact tests of population differentiation based on allelic frequency distribution disagree the hypothesis of random distribution of individuals among populations. Population structure among four populations of A. japonica was revealed with FST value of 0.009 8 (P=-0.000 48; 10 000 iteration). Pairwise matrixes of FST and RST showed a significant difference between two distantly related species-A, japonica and A. anguilla. Divergent time of the two species calculated by Goldstein method is over 2 million years. The results may challenge the Schmidt's theory about the distribution of freshwater eels.  相似文献   

We used Illumina high-throughput sequencing of PCR-amplified V3-V4 16 S rRNA gene regions to characterize bacterial communities associated with the adductor muscles, gills, gonads and intestines of the Yesso scallop(Patinopecten yessoensis) from waters around Zhangzidao, Dalian, China. Overall, 421,276 optimized reads were classified as 25 described bacterial phyla and 308 genera. Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Tenericutes, Bacteroidetes, Chlamydiae and Spirochaetae accounted for > 97% of the total reads in the four organs. The bacterial 16 S rDNA sequences assigned to Firmicutes and Proteobacteria were abundant in the adductor muscles, gills and gonads; while reads from Tenericutes were dominant in the intestines, followed by those from Firmicutes, Chlamydiae, Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. At the genus level, the dominant genera in the adductor muscles, gills and gonads appeared to be Bacillus, Enterococcus and Lactococcus, whereas Mycoplasma was dominant in the intestines. The relative abundances of Bacillus, Enterococcus, Lactococcus, Alkaliphilus, Raoultella, Paenibacillus and Oceanobacillus were significantly lower in the intestine than in the other three organs. Cluster analysis and principal coordinates analysis of the operational taxonomy units profile revealed significant differences in the bacterial community structure between the intestine and the other three organs. Taken together, these results suggest that scallops have intestine-specific bacterial communities and the adductor muscles, gills and gonads harbor similar communities. The difference in the bacterial community between organs may relate to unique habitats, surroundings, diet and their respective physiological functions.  相似文献   

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