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黑龙江黑土区农田土壤/大气界面汞交换通量特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用动力学通量箱与Tekran 2537B气态汞分析仪技术,对黑龙江省黑土区农田土壤/大气界面汞交换通量进行了实地监测,结果显示不同地区黑土的汞交换通量存在显著差异,7个监测点土壤/大气界面汞交换通量均值为(69.46±37.08)ng·m-2·h-1,接近我国典型城市城区土壤/大气界面汞交换通量平均水平。影响因素分析显示,土壤汞含量影响土壤释汞能力,汞交换通量与总辐射强度、土壤温度、土壤湿度和风速呈显著正相关,与相对湿度呈显著负相关,与大气压不相关。  相似文献   

运用Tekran 2537 A与动力学通量箱联测技术,对广州市5个绿化带和草地土壤—大气界面汞交换通量进行了实地监测,结果表明,广州市5个监测点土壤—大气界面汞交换通量密度均值为7.341±9.714 ng·m-2·h-1,不同地点土壤—大气汞交换通量密度有显著差异。汞交换通量密度随土壤汞含量的增加而增大,气象条件显著影响汞交换通量,汞交换通量密度与光照和土壤温度呈显著正相关关系,与土壤pH呈负相关关系,降雨和植被显著影响汞交换通量。  相似文献   

利用动力学通量箱-大气自动测汞仪联用技术,分别于2002年12月和2003年5月对贵州省西南部滥木厂汞矿区5个采样点的土壤汞释放通量进行了系统的测定.结果表明该区土壤是大气的重要汞释放源.5个采样点土壤释汞通量最高值达10 543.7 ng/(m2·h),平均值最高达(2 283.3±2 434.2)ng/(m2·h)(n=152).结果显示土壤总汞含量与土壤释汞通量关系密切,是决定土壤汞释放的内在因素,光照、温度、湿度和大气汞含量等环境因素与土壤释汞通量有较好的相关性,对土壤汞的释放有显著的影响.  相似文献   

海-气间化学物质交换通量的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从以下几个方面简要分析了海—气间化学物质交换通量的参数化研究情况:如果不考虑物质间的化学反应,经典的通量—梯度关系(K理论)可用于估计从大气进入海表面的物质通量。在有化学反应的情形下,应根据化学反应速度与湍流交换速度的相对大小对K理论做修正;已知海表面的物质浓度和物质的沉降速度,可由二者的乘积来估计通量的大小。降水对大气中物质的清除作用是很大的,如何对降水的物理过程进行参数化,直接影响到对湿沉降通量的估计;计算海—气间气体交换通量的一种方法是利用界面两侧的分压差和气体转移系数。这两个参数都可能造成通量估计的不确定性。  相似文献   

在2010年5月调查了沈阳市细河沿岸表层土壤中有机氯农药(OCPs)和多氯联苯(PCBs)的污染现状,评价土壤中OCPs残留的生态风险。沈阳细河沿岸表层土壤中HCHs浓度范围分别为2.32~15.90 ng/g,平均浓度为8.99ng/g。DDTs浓度范围分别为9.06~111.6 ng/g,平均浓度为37.08 ng/g。7种PCBs异构体总平均浓度为1.01ng/g,大部分采样点OCPs和PCBs未超过国家土壤环境质量标准,推断近期可能有林丹的使用但没有新的DDTs污染源输入,但个别地点土壤中的DDTs残留浓度对生态系统健康构成了潜在的威胁。大气蒸汽态HCHs浓度为18.97 ng/m3;DDTs浓度为42.27 ng/m3;PCBs浓度为20.59 ng/m3。研究表明大气长距离传输对该区域的OCPs污染也有较为明显的影响。初步运用逸度概念模型进行分析,发现HCHs和DDTs的逸出方向为从土壤向大气挥发。  相似文献   

张婷  李根  杨忠芳  季峻峰 《地学前缘》2011,18(6):125-133
土壤碳库问题是当前环境碳循环最关注的问题之一。土壤碳库中有滞留时间为千年尺度的老碳成分及百年尺度的新碳成分,有效区分二者并探索其成分对于建立精确的土壤有机碳(SOC)的动力学模型、评估碳库潜能十分必要。文中以长三角地区24个农田土壤样品为研究对象,依据不同碳库抗氧化能力,利用过硫酸钠法对其进行分离,并进一步用可见/近红外(Vis/NIR)、中红外(MIR)光谱等分析方法,探究了过硫酸钠处理前后土壤有机碳的组成变化。研究发现过硫酸钠氧化后TOC含量下降64%~92%,说明新碳占总有机碳(TOC)的64%~92%,老碳则占总有机碳的8%~36%。元素分析表明浙江地区的样点老碳含量总体高于江苏,碱性及钙盐较多的环境有利于老碳的富集。对比处理前后的土壤样品,发现氧化处理后样品在Vis/NIR光谱的所有波段反射率均上升,400~600 nm波段最为显著。MIR光谱分析显示过硫酸钠处理主要使烷基、羧基及酰胺基等基团特征峰发生较大程度消减,表明相对老碳、新碳中含有大量羧基、酰胺基等基团,它们可以作为新碳的光谱指示。  相似文献   

吴正  邢润华  陈富荣  李明辉  刘超  李杨 《地质与资源》2021,30(6):733-739, 732
以安徽旌德-宁国地区大气干湿沉降物为研究对象,共采集6处干湿沉降物样品24件,对大气干湿沉降元素含量特征、通量特征进行对比分析,对干湿沉降元素含量及分布特征加以统计研究,并开展大气干湿沉降环境地球化学评价.结果显示:1)大气干湿沉降元素主要以矿物相形式存在或吸附在固体颗粒上,且受周边环境影响;2)干沉降中Cd、Se的高含量会对研究区土壤污染造成较大影响,湿沉降中部分样点pH超灌溉水水质标准,所有点均达到地表水Ⅱ类环境质量标准;3)区内重金属元素年沉降通量密度为,As年沉降通量低,Hg、Ni、Pb、Cr、Cu、Cd偏低,Zn偏高;4)大气干湿沉降重金属元素通量一般表现为丘陵山区小于城镇及工矿区,主要受燃煤燃烧、尾气排放及人为活动等影响;5)大气干湿沉降物环境地球化学单指标和综合指标评价结果均为一等.  相似文献   

张丽红  郭正府  张茂亮  成智慧 《岩石学报》2014,30(12):3612-3626
土壤微渗漏是地球深部的构造-岩浆活动向大气圈释放温室气体的重要形式之一。近年来,国外许多地热区已经开展了土壤微渗漏温室气体释放通量的定量研究,然而,目前我国尚无该方面的系统研究报道。本文阐述了利用密闭气室法测量地热区土壤微渗漏温室气体释放通量的方法和原理,并将其应用于青藏高原的羊八井地热田。根据研究区的地热活动强度,将羊八井地热田划分为土壤微渗漏释放较弱的A区和土壤微渗漏释放较强的B区。计算结果表明,A区和B区的CO2气体释放通量分别为6.7g·m-2·day-1和98.5g·m-2·day-1。两区释放通量的差异主要受控于断裂的发育程度,即A区位于裂谷的中部,断裂发育程度较差,B区靠近念青唐古拉正断层,断裂发育程度较高,为温室气体的逸出提供了良好的运移通道。羊八井地热田土壤微渗漏CO2气体的释放总量约为8.6×104t·a-1,接近于意大利Vulcano火山区的土壤微渗漏温室气体释放规模(1×105t·a-1)。研究区的气体同位素组分测试结果显示,He同位素值介于0.107RA~0.648RA(RA为大气3He/4He比值),δ13C值介于-11.33‰~-6.79‰(vs.PDB),表明羊八井地热田的温室气体可能主要来源于大陆俯冲环境下的加厚陆壳,其温室气体释放通量的规模主要受控于地壳的岩浆活动以及南北向裂谷拉张作用。羊八井地热田所在的拉萨地块是青藏高原温室气体释放活动最强烈的区域之一,以往的研究表明,青藏高原出露大量新生代火山、地热区,开展火山、地热区温室气体释放通量的研究将有助于深入理解地质因素向当今大气圈释放温室气体的规模等与深部碳循环相关的科学问题。  相似文献   

通过研究太原盆地大气干湿沉降中重金属元素的含量分布特征及年输入通量,讨论其对土壤中重金属元素累积的影响。同时采用富集因子法探讨降尘物质的来源。研究结果表明,降尘中重金属元素As、Cd主要来源于人为活动,Pb的来源可能是人为源和自然源。而Hg则主要来源于自然源。  相似文献   

The Hongfeng Reservoir was built in 1960 and is an alkaline, hyper-eutrophic and seasonal anoxic reservoir due to the contamination from domestic and industrial wastewaters. The water samples at deferent depths from two sampling sites were collected from November 2003 to September 2004 using metal clean protocols. Total Hg (THg), reactive Hg (RHg), dissolved total Hg (DHg), dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM) were measured by gold trap pre-concentration and CVAFS detection. Methyl mercury was measured by distillation followed by aqueous phase ethylation, precollection on a Tenax, isothermal gas chromatography and cold vapor atomic fluorescence detection. There was no discernible seasonal trend (about 8 ng/L) in THg concentration based on the average information developed during the four cruises except for high concentrations at bottom and water-sediment interface in May and September 2004. On the other hand, particulate mercury (PHg) and methyl mercury have discernible seasonal variability. Proportion of PHg increased from 29% in February 2004 to 50% in May 2004. In November 2003, February and May 2004 methyl mercury concentrations were relative low and increased with depth (from 0.13 to 0.40 ng/L). In September 2004, methyl mercury concentrations increased from 0.14 ng/L in the epilimnion to 0.99 ng/L in the hypolimnion. DGM concentrations varied from 0.024 to 0.11 ng/L and decreased with depth.  相似文献   

The water, pore water, sediment, and fish samples were collected from the Hongfeng Reservoir in November 2003 and February 2004 in accordance with trace metal protocols. The average concentrations of total mercury (THg), dissolved mercury (DHg), reactive mercury, dissolved gaseous mercury, total methylmercury, and dissolved methylmercury in the water columns were 8.00, 5.70, 0.63, 0.05, 0.16, and 0.07 ng/L, respectively. THg and DHg in the water columns, THg in pore water and THg in lake sediments of the Hongfeng Reservoir showed the level of mercury in the Hongfeng Reservoir was higher than in other natural waters in the world due to the loading of a lot of waste water with relatively high concentrations of mercury, whereas methylmercury concentrations in fish (wet weight) varied from 1.73-51.00 ng/g, much lower than in most remote lakes and reservoirs reported in northern Europe and North America. Methylmercury distributions in pore water and sediments showed methylation occurred mainly in the upper several centimeters of sediment cores in the Hongfeng Reservoir. The concentrations of dissolved organic carbon, total suspended particles, total Hg, and methylmercury were higher at Houwu than those at Daba in November 2003. It is suggested that other pollutants such as N and P from fishing farm and other waste water at Houwu, which resulted in deterioration of water quality, affected the concentrations and distributions of mercury species in the reservoir.  相似文献   

In this research, chlorinated hydrocarbons (polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides) were measured by GC-ECD in sediments from the Hongfeng Reservoir area. The concentrations of total PCBs range from 3.2 to 31.6 ng/g, among which PCB28, PCB52 are the major congeners with the concentrations from 0.5 to 4.6 ng/g, and from 0.4 to 28.1 ng/g, respectively. The concentrations of these pollutants decrease from surface to bottom, while the concentrations at 1-4 cm are lower than at 5-8 cm, suggesting the decline of PCBs input. TOC concentrations of sediment are found in a significant positive correlation with those of PCBs, suggesting that PCBs are mainly adsorbed on organic matter and particles. HCHs and DDTs are the predominant organochlorine pesticides with the concentrations ranging from 1.6 to 8.9 ng/g (average 3.2 ng/g) and 0.9 to 25.7 ng/g (average 7.8 ng/g), respectively. β-HCH and γ-HCH (lindane) are the predominant HCH isomers from sediments, and p, p'-DDE and p, p'-DDT are the predominant DDT isomers. DDT/DDE+DDD and α-HCH/γ-HCH ratios range from 0.6 to 0.9 and 0.1 to 3.0, respectively, which indicates more use of lindane than technical mixtures of HCHs before, and also suggests changes in HCHs and DDTs in the environment. The high values of β-HCH and p, p'-DDE also show that atmospheric input is one of the important sources of the Hongfeng Reservoir, because β-HCH and p, p'-DDE are stable and have low Sw and Pv so that they can be easily transferred over a long range in atmosphere.  相似文献   

为了弄清楚普定水库汞的地球化学循环特征,用金汞齐-冷原子荧光光谱法(CVAFS)和气相色谱技术(GC), 研究了乌江流域上游普定水库水体剖面和沉积物间隙水剖面汞的赋存形态(总汞 THg)、溶解态汞(DHg)、活性汞(RHg)、颗粒态汞(PHg)、总甲基汞(TMeHg)、溶解态甲基汞(DMeHg)和颗粒态甲基汞(PMeHg)的分布特征.结果显示,普定水库水体总汞浓度为1.29~3.18 ng/L, 活性汞浓度为0.09~0.43 ng/L, 总甲基汞浓度为0.06~0.18 ng/L.沉积物间隙水中溶解态汞浓度为2.65 ~11.47 ng/L, 溶解态甲基汞浓度为0.06 ~1.16 ng/L.实验数据表明,普定水库水体中溶解态汞和颗粒态含量相当,其中颗粒态汞占总汞的比例为46%,并与总汞存在极显著相关性(R=0.929,n=20,P<0.01),溶解态汞与总汞相关性不明显(R=-0.067,n=20);冬季普定水库甲基汞以溶解态甲基汞为主,溶解态甲基汞占总甲基汞的比例为63%,溶解态甲基汞与总甲基汞无明显相关关系(R=0.292,n=20),颗粒态甲基汞与总甲基汞存在极显著的相关性(R=0.815,n=20,P<0.01).试验数据表明沉积物孔隙水溶解态汞与溶解态甲基汞浓度明显高于上覆水体, 是普定水库水体中汞的一个重要来源.  相似文献   

1IntroductionEnzymaticandmicrobialdegradationoforganicmatterhasabearingnotonlyonearlydiagene sis,butalsoonelementcyclingandmicrobedistributioninlakesediments.Somereportsshowedtheabundancevariationsoforganicmatterinsediments (BurdigeandGardner,1998;ArthurandDean ,1998;WanGuojiangetal.,2 0 0 0 ) .However,duetothecomplexchemicalcompositionoforganicmatter,mechanismsofenzymaticandmicrobialdegradationandvariationsofeachchemicalcomponentneedtobestudiedfurther.Underanoxiccondition ,SO2 -4 isanimpo…  相似文献   

丰水期红枫湖流域氮污染特征的变化规律研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
丰水期对汇入红枫湖的后六河、麻线河、羊昌河和桃花园河等河水中氮素的形态和含量进行测定,结果表明NO3--N是氮素的主要形态,约占TN的25%~65%;三态氮在空间分布上,从上游至下游,四条河流表现出不同的变化规律,后六河NH4+-N、NO2--N与NO3--N的变化规律基本上一致外,含量总体上逐渐增加;其它三条河流中,NH4+-N与NO3--N的含量呈现相反的变化趋势,NO2--N的变化规律则不明显。该流域整体上表现为非点源污染的特征。后六河和麻线河地下水中NO3--N的含量明显高于相应河水中的含量。该研究对亚热带小流域河水中氮磷含量及形态变化研究具有借鉴意义,对该流域的环境规划、环境管理和环境污染治理具有指导意义。  相似文献   

硝化和反硝化对湖泊有机质沉积成岩前降解作用的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
贵州红枫湖10月叶绿素a(chla)和NO3^-含量均比7月明显降低。利用氮同位素等数据对此进行了研究,结果表明,含量的降低是由不同的生物地球化学作用引起的。chla含量的降低主要是水体中有机质降解(硝化)所致,而NO3^- 含量的降低则是缺氧季节湖泊沉积物表层反硝化作用的结果。缺氧季节表层水体仍然能发生较强烈的硝化作用。硝化作用和反硝化作用分别发生在热分层湖泊的上层和沉积物表层。反硝化作用不仅消耗大量的NO3^-,而且还造成了一定量的有机质降解(有机碳作为电子受体)。据估算,在红枫湖后五测点和大坝测点,总有机碳在沉积成岩前分别降解了78%和68%。其中由硝化作用引起的总有机质降解量分别为35.8%和25.9%,而反硝化作用则分别为13.4%和9.2%。  相似文献   

Mercury smelting is one of the important anthropogenic atmospheric mercury emission sources. Small-scale mercury smelting activities with indigenous method which is considered illegal and forbidden by local government always extensively existed in the Wuchuan area, northeastern Guizhou Province, China. Because of the simple processes without any environmental protection, a large amount of mercury vapor released to the ambient air during the processing of cinnabar roasting. By determining mercury concentrations in mercury ore and smelting slag samples, a mass balance method was used to calculate mercury emission factors and annual mercury emission from indigenous mercury smelting in Wuchuan mercury mining areas, Guizhou Province, China. The mercury emission factors ranged from 6.9% to 32.1% with the recovery from 78.4% to 93.6% and the annual mercury emission was up to 3.7-9.6 metric tons. The results highlighted that the indigenous mercury smelting was one of the most important anthropogenic atmospheric mercury emission sources in this region.  相似文献   

Mercury is an important pollutant in lakes. Methylmercury (MeHg), the most toxic mercury species, which can be formed from inorganic mercury in lakes, can be bioaccumulated into high concentration in food chain and result in a potential threat to human beings. Sediments play an important role for the Hg biogeochemistry in the aquatic systems: Mercury methylation has been shown to be fastest in the surfacial sediments, where the microbial activity is highest. The formation of MeHg in lakes suggests that sediments and/or near-shore wetlands can be the sources of MeHg in aquatic environments. The Baihua Reservoir, located in the suburb of Guiyang, was impounded in 1966. From the 1970s to the 1990s, Guizhou Organic Chemical Plant which used inorganic mercury as catalyst to produce acetic acid, was responsible for the discharge of waste water with high mercury content.  相似文献   

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