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Lithology and Mineral Resources - Sedimentological features of the Upper Cambrian–Middle Ordovician rocks exposed in eastern Taimyr in the Faddey Gulf area are discussed. The studied sections...  相似文献   

塔西南缘沉积岩层控型铅-锌矿带区域构造控矿作用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
新疆喀什—叶城一带层控沉积岩型铅-锌矿床沿着塔西南缘分布,受区域性的克孜勒陶断裂带控制,成矿作用与区域构造的时空演化密切相关。早古生代末,原特提斯洋封闭使昆仑地体拼贴于塔里木地台南缘,并沉积了一套泥盆系陆相碎屑岩。石炭纪中昆仑以南的古特提斯洋的活动,使塔里木南西边缘形成了陆内裂陷沉积(形成火山块状硫化物矿床)和克拉通边缘拗陷盆地沉积,后者形成了台地边缘相沉积的碎屑岩-碳酸盐,覆于泥盆系之上,构成本区铅-锌矿层位。随着古特提斯在石炭纪末向北消减,二叠纪塔里木地台南缘遭受南北挤压,三叠纪时期处于隆起剥蚀状态,造成盆地构造向隆起造山之间的构造转化。侏罗纪在推覆体前缘下盘形成含煤盆地,后缘出现拉张性盆地。在这种张性和压性构造应力的反复作用下,形成开放环境的宏观破裂构造;在褶皱变动和断裂变动过程,大气降水渗入地层,萃取成矿元素并在构造作用过程中迁移,在发生温度下降、含矿热液稀释、pH增高、氧逸度降低等介质条件变化时,成矿元素沉淀,形成改造作用明显的铅-锌矿床。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Metallogenic chronology is one of the keys in the research of mineral deposits. Determination of metallogenetic epoch is very important for understanding the relationships between mineralization and regional tectonomagmatic events, in studying the origin of mineral deposits, and for summarizing regional mineralization and instructing regional prospecting. The eastern Liaoning region hosts the main concentration of boron resources in China. The boron reserve in eastern Liaoning…  相似文献   

Depositional conditions at the Cenomanian–Turonian time have been specified and a cyclostratigraphic scheme of the correlation of the Turonian sections has been proposed based upon generalizations of our own results concerning sections of Voronezh anteclise, Ulyanovsk–Saratov trough, Crimea, and the Caucasus.  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - A study of the composition of fluid inclusions in ore minerals of the Davenda Mo–porphyry deposit and the Aleksandrovskoe sulfide–quartz–gold ore...  相似文献   

华北地台南缘高山河群碎屑岩潮坪沉积   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李文厚 《沉积学报》1991,9(3):98-105
长城纪高山河期,研究区曾是华北地台上-个十分重要的沉积中心。在长期稳定下沉与相应补偿的构造背景之下,发育了-套以碎屑岩潮坪为主的沉积。标志着潮坪沉积的沉积物和各种原生沉积构造在高山河群地层中均很发育。根据区内潮坪沉积序列的厚度推测,当时的古潮差可能为3.5m左右,与现代海湾的潮差相近。由此判断,高山河群的碎屑岩沉积物基本上形成于古大陆边缘的有潮陆表海中。  相似文献   

Eolian dust deposition is intimately related to atmospheric circulation and environmental setting of the source region, and therefore is an invaluable tool for studying the evolutionary history of atmospheric circulation patterns and paleoclimatic change. Identifying the provenance of any eolian deposit is crucial not only for reconstructing the paleoenvironmental history of the dust source region, but also for understanding the paleoclimatic significance of various indices. Loess and paleosol samples from the Garze region on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau(TP) were analyzed for their elemental(major and trace elements) and isotopic(Sm-Nd) geochemistry and compared with those of Northern Chinese(NC) loess formed at the same age. The results show that the geochemical compositions of the Garze loess and paleosol samples are similar to those eolian deposits on the Chinese Loess Plateau(CLP), and also resemble the average UCC. This indicates that the eolian deposits on the eastern margin of the TP were derived from well-mixed sedimentary protoliths that had undergone numerous upper crustal recycling processes, just as with the CLP loess deposits. However, compared with NC loess, the Garze samples have higher ∑REE, Li, Rb, Zr, Cs, Hf and Bi concentrations, higher TiO2/Al2O3, Hf/Nb, La/Nb, Th/Nb and lower K2O/TiO2, Zr/Hf, Ba/Rb ratios. From the Sm-Nd isotopic geochemistry, εNd(0) and 147Sm/144Nd values of Garze loess and paleosol samples are clearly lower than the NC loess. The higher Bi, Zr and Hf concentrations are relevant to the widely distributed acid-magmatic rocks in this region, whereas the higher contents of Li, Cs, Rb are attributed to the high background values of the TP. The geochemical characteristics of the Garze loess and paleosol samples further prove that the local glacial and other Quaternary detrital sediments are predominantly the contributors for the eolian deposits on the eastern margin of the TP. Stable element concentrations and their ratios in the Garze loess and paleosol samples formed at different times have relatively greater variation ranges in comparison with the NC loess, indicating that the source regions for eolian deposits have been unstable since the late Early Pleistocene. We attribute the instability of dust sources to variable earth surface conditions and the changeable TP winter monsoon in direction and intensity, which are in turn related to the uplift of the TP.  相似文献   


华北地台南缘金矿床的成因和成矿模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文阐述了华北地台南缘金矿床构造一半和地质地球化学条件,认为该区金矿具有形成多期性,成因多重性和物质多源性的特征,它们构成了一个完整的成矿系列,据此建立了成矿模式。  相似文献   

邴志波  王宗秀 《地球学报》2004,25(5):555-560
大连地区是稳定地台发生强烈变形的典型代表.研究表明,自中生代以来该区受多期较强烈构造变形事件的影响,强烈的改造、叠加造成该区复杂的地壳构造面貌,其中NS向剪切变形是区内规模最大、影响范围最广的构造变形,形成大规模EW走向巨型平卧、同斜倒转褶皱,造成大范围地层倒转.本文以变形构造动力学为纲,通过详细的地质调查及构造解析,对大连地区的NS向剪切变形进行了系统研究,确定其变形时间为晚印支期,认为晚印支运动是大连地区褶皱构造格架的奠基构造事件,这种大规模的板内变形是扬子板块和中朝板块陆-陆碰撞的陆内变形效应.  相似文献   

西藏班公湖-怒江缝合带白垩系沉积特征及其构造意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
班公湖—怒江位于西藏中部 ,西起班公湖日土 (33.5°N ,79°E) ,向东经由措勤、尼玛、那曲至东部怒江带 ,走向近东西、其中部大致平行于北纬 32°线 ,延长大于 15 0 0km。该带蛇绿岩发育 ,是中生代板块缝合线 ,是南部拉萨地块与北部羌塘地块的分界线。其中段班戈地区白垩系地层发育 ,包括下白垩统底部川巴组 (K1c)、多巴组 (K1d)、郎山组 (K1l)和上白垩统江巴组 (K2 j)。川巴组为浅海相黑色页岩、泥岩、粉砂岩、砂岩、煤层和火山岩 ;多巴组为含有海侵夹层的陆相碎屑岩建造 ,海侵层为含园笠虫 (Orbitolinasp .)钙质砂岩 ;郎山组为浅海相—泻湖相台地型碳酸盐岩沉积 ;江巴组以陆相、厚层块状的砂砾岩红层为特征。本区白垩系层序的总体特征 ,是以海相火山岩—细碎屑岩为先导、经海陆过渡相碎屑岩和海相碳酸盐岩到陆相红层 ,形成于与B型俯冲作用有关的活动大陆边缘构造背景.  相似文献   

Five samples of muscovite from mylonites of the earlier Tanlu ductile shear zone on the eastern margin of the Dabie Mountains yield 40Ar/39Ar ages ranging from 178 Ma to 196 Ma. Three of them have reliable plateau ages of 188.7±0.7 Ma, 189.7±0.6 Ma and 192.5±0.7 Ma respectively, which indicates a syn-orogenic, sinistral strike-slip thermal event. This displacement movement derived from the continent-continent collision of the North and South China blocks took place in the Early Jurassic and after uplifting of high-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure slabs to the mid-crust. It is suggested that during the collision the Tanlu fault zone was an intracontinental transform fault caused by differential subduction speeds. The 40Ar/39Ar ages of mylonite whole-rock and muscovite from the later Tanlu ductile shear zone suggest another sinistral strike-slip cooling event at 128 Ma. During this strike-slip faulting, large-scale intrusion and doming uplift occurred in the eastern part of the Dabie orogenic belt. Data o  相似文献   

首次报道了湘中南衡阳盆地东缘上白垩统红花套组中的风成沉积,重新认识了该地区晚白垩世时期的古地理环境。研究区红花套组主要出露一套紫红色块状中-细粒长石石英砂岩、岩屑石英砂岩,普遍见指示风成沙漠环境的巨型板状、楔状交错层理、双向交错层理、平行层理以及典型的风棱石;镜下不含泥质、云母等悬移组分,电镜下可见碟形坑、新月形撞击坑、上翻(平坦)节理片等,综合分析后确认该套砂岩为风成沉积。该套风成砂岩具有重要的古环境意义:风成砂岩的发现,指示该时期为干热气候,沙漠化、盐湖化明显,食物的短缺可能导致衡阳盆地一带恐龙的迁徙;依据沙丘前积纹层倾向特征,恢复了湘中南乃至湖南地区的地表风带特征,为佐证衡阳盆地与其周缘红盆相连通提供一种新的依据。该发现为湖南省的风成沉积领域提供了宝贵的研究材料。  相似文献   

辽东地区硼矿床区域成矿系统分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张艳飞 《地质与勘探》2011,47(4):605-614
辽东硼矿体受层位控制,呈层状、似层状产出,其形成既与原始火山一沉积作用有关,又遭受多期次变质变形及热液的叠加改造,以及印支、燕山期构造一岩浆作用改造等作用过程,矿床为“火山(热水)沉积一变质热液叠加改造”的多期多成因层控矿床。认为多期多阶段变质热液形成与矿集区具有不同成矿有利性质的岩石之间发生的交代作用所引起的各种成矿...  相似文献   

深海氧同位素第3阶段晚期(MIS3a)是青藏高原较为特殊的暖湿时期, 为了解这一时期高原东缘的气候变化细节, 利用AMS14C定年和粒度、总有机碳、正构烷烃等环境代用指标提取了四川都江堰湖相沉积剖面的相应记录.经过校正后的日历年龄显示此剖面沉积于43.6~34.6 kaBP期间, 记录了千年尺度的D-O旋回事件, 其分布时段分别为: DO11(43.6~41.8 kaBP), DO10(41.8~39.2 kaBP), DO9(39.2~37.7 kaBP), DO8(37.7~35.5 kaBP), DO7(35.5 kaBP~未见顶).该剖面总有机碳曲线与南京葫芦洞石笋和格陵兰冰心(GRIP)氧同位素曲线的对比表明, 该区域气候记录对全球高纬地区的冰量变化和亚洲季风演化具有响应; 而中纬度太阳辐射岁差对该区域气候波动的控制作用较强导致了细节上存在差异.   相似文献   

Existing facies concepts and terminology do not integrate biotic and abiotic aspects of present and ancient environments into a whole paleogeographical framework. The facies is the basic structural-morphological unit of paleobiogeography. Facies concepts are reviewed, and their applicability to interpretation of relationships between biota and physicochemical environment in paleobiogeography discussed. The term "paleobiofacies" is proposed as the basic unit of paleobiogeography and defined as the unit assemblage, reconstructed on paleoecological data, interrelating biotic and abiotic environmental components, occupying a definite ecological position influenced by the whole geological development of the region. Paleobiofacies in the early.Cenomanian basin, southwest slope of the Russian Platform, are characterized by faunal assemblages with explicit morphological-stratigraphic aspects and restricted to a particular rock type within two distinct sedimentation areas: 1) coastal shoal deposits, quartz-glauconite sand, spongolites, and oyster beds around the ancient island of Podol'ye, and 2) deep water detrital limestone and chalk. Paleobiofacies characterizing earliest Cenomanian deposits in the shoal water zone are described: 1) rocky littoral Gastrochaena facies; 2) sponge-Arnphidont, sandy sublittoral facies; 3) Syncyclonema-Amphidont spongitic sublittoral facies; 4) Amphidont-Chlamys sandy sublittoral, facies; 5) echinord-coral calcareous sandy sublittoral facies; 6) Rotalipora, sandy argillaceous sublittoral facies; 7) Amphidont-oyster bed facies; and in deep water 8) the Syncydonema-Gryphaea, calcareous ooze, pseudoabyssal facies. Late Early Cenomanian shallow water paleobiofacies are 1) sandy sublittoral facies; 2) Rotalipora, sandy-argillaceous sublittoral fades. Pseudo-abyssal paleobiofacies are 3) Syncyclonema-Chlamys, calcareous-detrital, pseudo-abyssal fades; 4) Syncyclonema-Gryphaea, calcareous ooze, pseudo-abyssal facies. All paleobiofacies are charted. -- E. J. Kauffman.  相似文献   

Abstract: The present paper mainly studies the petroleum system of the Sufyan Depression in the Muglad Basin of central Africa and analyzes its control of hydrocarbon accumulation. On the basis of comprehensive analysis of effective source rock, reservoir bed types and source–reservoir–seal assemblages, petroleum system theory has been used to classify the petroleum system of the Sufyan Depression. Vertically, the Sufyan Depression consists of two subsystems. One is an Abu Gabra subsystem as a self generating, accumulating and sealing assemblage. The other subsystem is composed of an Abu Gabra source rock, Bentiu channel sandstone reservoir and Darfur group shale seal, which is a prolific assemblage in this area. Laterally, the Sufyan Depression is divided into eastern and western parts with separate hydrocarbon generation centers more than 10?000 m deep. The potential of the petroleum system is tremendous. Recently, there has been a great breakthrough in exploration. The Sufyan C-1 well drilled in the central structural belt obtained high-yielding oil flow exceeding 100 tons per day and controlled geologic reserves of tens of millions of tons. The total resource potential of the Sufyan Depression is considerable. The central structural belt is most favorable as an exploration and development prospect.  相似文献   

为探索川滇黔相邻区铅锌矿床之成因规律,提升成矿理论认识及预测找矿效果,通过对区内铅锌矿床分布规律研究得出如下认识:1)发现矿床(点)之集群分布趋势,据此将成矿区域划分为3个矿集区;2)统计发现,震旦系和石炭系具有较高的成矿机率(51.57%),灯影组和摆佐组汇聚了区域80.98%的金属量;3)构造单元分级控制了成矿单元展布,而矿集区与二级构造单元之间具有不完全的对等性,矿集区Ⅰ、Ⅱ由康滇地轴和龙门山拗陷及二者向上扬子区域跨越地带联合控制;4)根据菱(赤)铁矿与铅锌矿空间耦合,以及菱(赤)铁矿伴生铅锌元素、铅锌矿物含量均较高等现象,论证了在盆地演化早期,古陆边缘拗陷带(或海盆)内之次级单元代表了浅海环境之低能较深水凹(断)陷或海湾环境,沉积了古生界志留系兰多维列统特列奇阶至下石炭统德坞阶和中元古界下昆阳群(会理群)两套含铁建造,形成了区域Pb、Zn成矿金属元素的初始富集,并于成岩-后生期经热液流体循环改造而成矿,含铁建造提供了成矿的主要矿质来源;5)本区成矿物质硫源-膏盐层主要赋存于灯影组和摆佐组下伏地层以及寒武系多个层位;6)矿源层、硫源共同决定了矿集区以及层控的形成机制,并成为控制其分布的决定性因素。  相似文献   

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