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Abstract: Plutonic rocks of the Coastal Batholith of Peru were evaluated in terms of the granitoid-series classification using the bulk ferric/ferrous ratio from the literature and new measurements of magnetic susceptibility. The batholith is largely composed of magnetite-series plutonic rocks; the magnetite series make up 85% by number of chemical analyses (n=130) and 80% by measurement of magnetic susceptibility (n=210). The ilmenite-series rocks are mostly found in the felsic facies of the batholith. Asymmetrical distribution of magnetic susceptibility is not clear as in the Japanese Islands and Peninsular Range Batholith, but the magnetic susceptibility may decreases continentward (i. e., Peninsular Range type).
The Cordillera Blanca Batholith and stocks are also composed of mainly magnetite series plutonic rocks, but ilmenite-series rocks may be more predominant than in the Coastal Batholith, which is also indicated by the presence of Sn and W mineralizations.  相似文献   

Subvolcanic ring complexes are unusual in that they preserve a rapidly frozen record of intrusive events. This sequential history is generally lost or complicated in plutons owing to mixing and mingling in a dynamic state. Thus, subvolcanic ring complexes are more like erupted rocks in their preservation of instantaneous events, but the self-contained nature of the complexes allows detailed structural and chemical work to be conducted in environments where the relative timing between individual magmatic events is commonly well preserved.

We suggest that development of subvolcanic ring complexes in the western Peninsular Ranges Batholith (PRB) involved the following three-stage generalized sequence: (1) fracturing of the roof above a buoyant or overpressured magma chamber, which resulted in moderately inward-dipping conical fractures that locally hosted cone sheets; (2) subsequent loss of magma from the chamber, combined with degassing of the melt, which facilitated collapse of the roof along near-vertical ring faults that locally hosted ring dikes; and (3) resurgence of the chamber, and/or intrusion of a broadly cogenetic nested pluton, which locally destroyed evidence for the earlier history of the system. This sequence has been repeated twice in one of the ring complexes that we have identified, which resulted in nested intrusive centers.

Calderas, subvolcanic ring complexes and plutons may represent progressively deeper sections through linked magma plumbing systems, and the systematic occurrences of these features in the western PRB are consistent with progressively deeper along-strike exposures of the batholith from south to north over a distance greater than 250 km.

In addition to subvolcanic complexes in the western PRB, deeper crustal levels exposed in the transition zone between eastern and western parts of the batholith preserve ring complexes emplaced at depths of up to 18 km. Occurrence of these deeper-level complexes suggests either that caldera subsidence can extend to mid-crustal levels or that other processes can produce ring complexes.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy and geological position of the eastern compartment of the Bushveld Complex are described. A mechanical model for the initiation and growth of the eastern compartment of the Bushveld intrusion has been developed using thin elastic plate theory, assuming linked conical magma chambers. It is shown that the contribution to the pressure at the base of a cell by the restitutional force exerted by the roof of Rooiberg felsites is 104 times as great as that of the layers of host in the cone. Both are minimal compared to the lithostatic pressure exerted by the magma pile. Roof deformation is therefore seen to be a more important process than sagging of the floor during intrusion—a feature which probably occurred during cooling, solidification and isostatic readjustment of the area.A stratigraphie model is proposed in which the intrusion of basic rocks into the Transvaal sequence is discussed in the light of continuous basin subsidence. Early submarine sedimentation in an irregularly-floored basin some 620 km in diameter situated on the Archaean craton gave rise to a 7.7 km thick sedimentary pile, to which was added some 7 km of subaerial basalts and felsites. Depression of the floor of the basin into the regime of maximum horizontal compression induced favourable conditions for the intrusion of a total of 2.5 km of diabase sills which further assisted the subsidence. The 9 km thick Bushveld Complex was intruded into the basal sections at points along a 010° trend in a regime characterised by shear failure. Early magma influxes gave rise to a laminated marginal zone forming a shallow cone, with associated sill activity, whilst continued later influxes filled the conical cell, transgressed the floor and uparched the roof. Partial melting in the regions beneath the Complex, exacerbated by continued crustal depression, gave rise to the late Bushveld granites.  相似文献   

The Cooma Complex of the Lachlan Fold Belt, south‐eastern Australia, is characterised by a large (c. 10 km wide) low‐P, high‐T metamorphic aureole surrounding a small (3 × 6 km) granite pluton. The aureole extends northward to envelop the eastern lobe of the Murrumbidgee Batholith and progressively narrows to a kilometre wide hornfelsic aureole some 50 km north of Cooma. At its northern extremity, the batholith has intruded its own volcanic cover. These regional relations suggest that the Murrumbidgee Batholith is gently tilted to the north, with the Cooma Complex representing the aureole beneath the batholith. Two main deformation events, D3 and D5, affected the aureole. The inner, high‐grade migmatitic domain contains upright F5 folds defined by a composite, transposed S3/S0 fabric and S3/S0 concordant leucosomes. The folded stromatic migmatites define the western limb of a F5 synform, with its axis located in the batholith. Lenses and sheets of the Murrumbidgee Batholith intruded along S3 but also preserve S3 as a strong, solid‐state foliation. S3 and the granite sheets but are also folded by F5, outlining a fanning positive flower structure. These relations indicate that most of the batholith was emplaced before and during D3, but intrusion persisted until early syn‐D5. Formation of the Cooma Granodiorite occurred post‐D3 to early syn‐D5, after formation of the wide metamorphic aureole during early syn‐D3 to early syn‐D5. The Murrumbidgee Batholith was emplaced between pre‐D3 to early syn‐D5, synchronous with the formation of the Cooma Complex. The structural and metamorphic relations indicate that the Murrumbidgee Batholith was the ultimate heat source responsible for the Cooma Metamorphic Complex. D3 structures and metamorphic isograds are subparallel to the batholith margin for over 50 km. This concordance probably extends vertically, suggesting that the isograds also fan outward from the batholith margin. This implies an inverted metamorphic sequence focused on the Murrumbidgee Batholith, although the base has been almost completely removed by erosion in the Cooma Complex. The field evidence at Cooma, combined with previous thermal modelling results, suggest that extensive LPHT metamorphic terranes may represent regional metamorphic aureoles developed beneath high‐level granitic batholiths.  相似文献   

Three progressive metamorphic suites are developed in pelitic rocks of the northern Wopmay Orogen. Two suites are related to the Hepburn Batholith and one to the Wentzel Batholith. All three suites are cut by post-metamorphic wrench faults, some of which have significant vertical displacement. The structural relief so provided reveals that medium-and high-grade isograds associated with the Hepburn Batholith dip inward towards the batholith and are thus “hot-side-up”. Isograds associated with the Wentzel Batholith dip away from the batholith and are thus “hot-side-down”. It is concluded that Hepburn Batholith has the form of the flattened funnel fed from depth, and that Wentzel Batholith is the arched roof of an intrusive complex of unknown shape at depth.  相似文献   

Petrological indices and major element chemistry may be used to select individual plutons within a batholith which are most likely to be tin bearing. The origin and evolution of only the selected individual plutons may be assessed using trace elemental contents and dispersions, (Rb, Ba, Pb, Zn, Mo, Li, Be, F, and W) and selected elemental ratios, K/Na, Ba/Rb, (Li × 1000)/K, Li/Zn, and F/Li. This information may also be used to assess the ore bearing potential of the plutons. The method has been applied to three plutons within the South Mountain Batholith of Nova Scotia, using 75 whole rock major and trace element analyses. The results suggest that only the New Ross Pluton, in which several tin prospects are known, might be ore bearing. All the plutons are considered to be deeply eroded and any economic cassiterite deposits have probably been removed by erosion.  相似文献   

Two “S-type” (pelitic) granite suites from the New England Batholith, N.S.W., have Upper Carboniferous ages, indicating that they predate by 40 m.y. the intrusion of hornblende biotite granites, and are the oldest plutons of the batholith. Mineralogically and geochemically both suites have “pelitic” characteristics, one suite containing an Al-rich biotite, muscovite and cordierite, the other an Al-rich biotite and rare pyrope-almandine garnet. Low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.706 for both suites probably reflect the volcanoclastic nature and young age of the sedimentary source of these granites at the time of melting. The age of the suites coincides with the last stages of (Andean type?) volcanism along an andesite/dacite volcanic chain to the west, suggesting an origin for the “S-type” granitic magma by partial melting of deformed sediments marginal to a continental region.  相似文献   

The 1200 km2, Early Devonian (395 Ma) Wilsons Promontory batholith is a post-tectonic, high-level, composite body of S-type granites exposed on Wilsons Promontory and its offshore islands. Four plutons and six members are mapped and described. The rocks commonly contain magmatic garnet and cordierite, in addition to biotite, and biotite–quartz pseudomorphs after orthopyroxene. Planar fabrics abound in the batholith, which is characterised by emplacement of shallow-dipping granitic sheets, on a variety of scales. Particle size and density separation occurred during magma flow, and produced a wide variety of structures including layering, pipes and whorls rich in mafic minerals, K-feldspar phenocryst alignments and a notable swarm of enclaves. Local filter pressing may have played a role in the production of accumulations of K-feldspar crystals and the formation of late, tourmaline-bearing leucogranites and quartz veins. Batholith zonation and the distribution of component plutons are inferred to have been formed through sequential intrusion of separate magma batches rather than in situ differentiation. Overall, the batholith appears to consist of saucer-shaped plutons, and it is tilted gently to the east.  相似文献   

The Wolf River Batholith is an anorogenic rapakivi massif in central and northeastern Wisconsin with an age of 1.5 Ga. The Batholith has alkaline affinities and consists of biotite granite and biotite-hornblende adamellite with minor occurrences of quartz syenite and older monzonite and anorthosite. The batholith is part of a major Late Precambrian (1.4–1.5 Ga) magmatic event of continental proportions, represented by separate intrusions extending from Labrador to southern California (Silver et al., 1977).The major and trace element composition (Li, Rb, Sr, Ba, and REE) of 40 samples from the anorthosite, monzonite, and rapakivi granite and adamellite plutons precludes a comagmatic (although not cogenetic) model between all three rock units. However, the monzonite may be related to the anorthosite alone by fractional crystallization of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and apatite. Alternatively, the monzonite may be a separate parent melt or a hybrid associated with the granite and adamellite plutons. The high REE content of the monzonite precludes it from being related to the rapakivi granite and adamellite plutons as a source material, a residuum, or a cumulate.A major portion of the Batholith is an undifferentiated intrusive sequence ranging from older rapakivi granite to younger adamellite. The compositions of these plutons suggest a crustal fusion origin at intermediate to lower levels of the crust (25–36 km). The trace element data are consistent with partial fusion of tonalitic to granodioritic source material.During crystallization and emplacement into the upper crust (less than 4 km), 55–70% fractionation of two feldspars, biotite and hornblende from one of the granite plutons produced a small volume of differentiated granitic melt high in Si, Fe/Mg, Rb, Li, and REE (except Eu), and low in Ca, Mg, Al, Ca/Na, Sr, Ba, and K/Rb and with a large negative Eu anomaly. Presumed associated cumulate material ranges from silica-poor quartz monzonite and quartz syenite.The chemical and mineralogical similarity between the Wolf River Batholith and younger magmatic analogs associated in continental break-up (Nigerian younger granites, White Mountain magma series, and the peralkaline volcanics of the Red Sea Region) are suggestive but not conclusive of an extensional tectonic setting. A preliminary tectonic model suggests that the 1.4–1.5 Ga event is in response to thermal doming in an extensional regime leading to continental separation in the western Cordillera (pre-Belt) and extensive crustal fusion with no rifting or separation across the North American Craton.  相似文献   

The Blue Tier Batholith is one of a number of high-level, essentially postkinematic, composite granitoid bodies occurring at the southern end of the Tasman orogenic belt of Eastern Australia.An integrated study of the structure, texture, and geochemistry of the batholith suggests that it has a cumulate-like character. In particular, the trace element (Ba, Rb, Sr) data, when constrained by textural features of the granitiods, indicate that the batholith formed by fractional crystallization of a single magma which underwent crystallization in situ by progressive nucleation and solidification from the roof, walls, and floor inwards. Progressive changes in liquids (cumulate) mineralogy during crystallization led to the observed sequence of early biotite and/or hornblende granodiorites followed by biotite adamellites and late muscovite biotite granites. Progressive in situ crystallization led in some instances to gradational boundaries between granitoid types whereas periodic tectonic distrubances caused the rest magma to reintrude earlier crystallizates in places: thus emplacement and crystallization sequences are parallel. The ultimate product of fractional crystallization was a water-saturated melt, enriched in incompatible elements, whose crystallization resulted in significant tin mineralization.The chemistry of the rocks comprising the batholith is in many respects analogous to that of basic cumulate rocks, although an origin by outward growth of crystals and expulsion of interstitial melt, coupled with convective mixing, rather than by crystal settling, is favoured for the granitoid suite. It is suggested that the Blue Tier Batholith is not an isolated example of a granitoid body with cumulate-like character, but that such bodies may be more common than is recognized.  相似文献   

The Bindal Batholith is the largest granitoid batholith in the Scandinavian Caledonides, emplaced prior to or during the Scandian collision in a complex scenario of Ordovician to Middle Silurian nappe assembly. The Bindal Batholith ranges in compositon from mafic gabbro to leucogranite, but granites and granodiorites are by far the most abundant rock types.

Pb---Pb, Sm---Nd and Rb---Sr isotopic results from plutons of the batholith constrain the origin of the Bindal Batholith magmas. The isotope results suggest the presence of several source reservoirs, giving rise to the granitoid magmas. Both a source relatively depleted in U, Th and Rb and enriched in Sm, a source enriched in U and Rb and depleted in Sm, a source enriched in Th and Rb, but depleted in Sm, and, finally, a source enriched in Th and Sm, but depleted in Rb, is indicated by the initial compositions of the radiogenic isotope ratios. It is suggested that the depleted source reservoirs were contemporaneous depleted mantle and mantle derived rocks in the nappe sequences, that the enriched source reservoir was sediments derived from Proterozoic upper crust of Baltic Shield affinity and that the Th-enriched source reservoir was various Proterozoic rocks, in a lower crustal position, of either Baltic or Laurentian affinity.  相似文献   

Thermotectonic history of the Trans-Himalayan Ladakh Batholith in the Kargil area, N. W. India, is inferred from new age data obtained here in conjunction with previously published ages. Fission-track (FT) ages on apatite fall around 20±2 Ma recording cooling through temperatures of ∼100°C and indicating an unroofing of 4 km of the Ladakh Range since the Early Miocene. Coexisting apatite and zircon FT ages from two samples in Kargil show the rocks to have cooled at an average rate of 5–6°C/Ma in the past 40 Ma. Zircon FT ages together with mica K−Ar cooling ages from the Ladakh Batholith cluster around 40–50 Ma, probably indicating an Eocene phase of uplift and erosion that affected the bulk of the batholith after the continental collision of India with the Ladakh arc at 55 Ma. Components of the granitoids in Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene sediments of the Indus Molasse in Ladakh supports this idea. Three hornblende K−Ar ages of 90 Ma, 55 Ma, and 35 Ma are also reported; these distinctly different ages probably reflect cooling through 500–550°C of three phases of I-type plutonism in Ladakh also evidenced by other available radiometric data: 102 Ma (mid-Cretaceous), 60 Ma (Palaeocene), and 40 Ma (Late Eocene); the last phase being localised sheet injections. The geodynamic implications of the age data for the India-Asia collision are discussed.  相似文献   

We present centrifuge experiments to study the surface deformation induced by shallow pluton emplacement in a rheologically stratified crust. Sand simulates the topmost brittle crust; plastilina and denser silicone represent more and less competent crustal portions, respectively; lighter silicone simulates a buoyant intrusion. In the models, density differences affect the rate of intrusion but not their evolution or shape, whereas viscosity and strength stratifications control both the shape and rate of the intrusions. With a higher viscosity contrast (102–4) between the intrusion and the embedding media, the rise of the lighter silicone induces a laccolith-like intrusion, responsible for doming and thinning of the overburden; an apical depression may form, inducing silicone extrusion. Conversely, with a lower (101) viscosity contrast, the overburden and the intrusion exhibit a lens-shaped form, with a broad central depression bordered by an upward flexure towards the periphery. A sag in the floor of the intrusion is commonly observed; no silicone extrusion occurred. The intrusion is a hybrid between a laccolith and a lopolith. The comparison with nature (1) confirms roof uplift as an important means of accommodating space during pluton emplacement and (2) suggests that, where roof uplift plays a major role, pluton emplacement can induce a well-correlated sequence of events at surface: doming, the development of a depression and extrusion.  相似文献   

库车坳陷古近系库姆格列木群底砂岩段沉积可划分为北缘砂砾岩带冲积扇粗碎屑沉积-下切辫状水道充填-河流-三角洲沉积、温宿凸起边缘近端冲积扇-扇三角洲沉积和塔北凸起西南缘的下切谷充填-河流三角洲-滨浅湖滩坝3个相带,中部为干旱盐湖-泻湖-海湾沉积.物源体系分析表明,西部的温宿凸起、北边的南天山造山带和塔北隆起上的大陆蚀源区为坳陷提供物源.库车坳陷碎屑物基本上来自于南天山和温宿凸起再循环造山带,坳陷北缘的逆冲造山和隆升作用形成了长期的物源供给区,沿坳陷东北缘发育了巨厚的冲积扇.西部的温宿凸起早期存在物源,沿凸起边缘发育有小型的边缘扇或扇-辫状河三角洲.塔北隆起在古近纪早期提供一定的物源,克拉201井附近结晶基底的剥蚀是南部大陆蚀源区的主要物质来源.却勒1井、羊塔5井等地的碎屑物极可能来自3个物源区.研究区物源体系的分析与总体的古构造、古地理格局相一致,库车坳陷古近系基底东高西低,有大量陆源碎屑由东向西推进,东、西两侧的低凸起带和北缘的前陆前渊带构成的古构造特征决定着物源和岩相分布的总体格局.  相似文献   

The late Miocene Cordillera Blanca Batholith lies directly overthick (50 km) crust, inboard of the older Cretaceous CoastalBatholith. Its peraluminous ‘S’ type mineralogyand its position suggest recycling of continental crust, whichis commonly thought to be an increasingly important componentin magmas inboard of continental margins. However, the peraluminous,apparent ‘S’ type character of the batholith isan artefact of deformation and uplift along a major crustallineament. The batholith is a metaluminous ‘I’ typeand the dominant high-silica rocks (>70%) are Na rich withmany of the characteristics of subducted oceanic slab melts.However, the position of the batholith and age of the oceaniccrust at the trench during the Miocene preclude slab melting.Instead, partial melting of newly underplated Miocene crustis proposed. In this dynamic model newly underplated basalticmaterial is melted to produce high-Na, low HREE, high-Al ‘trondhjemitic’type melts with residues of garnet, clinopyroxene and amphibole.Such Na-rich magmas are characteristic of thick Andean crust;they are significantly different from typical cole-alkaline,tonalite-grano-diorite magmas, and their presence along thespine of the Andes provokes questions about models of trondhjemitegenesis by melting of subducted oceanic crust, as well as anygeneralized, circum-Pacific model involving consistent isotopicor chemical changes inboard from the trench. KEY WORDS: batholith; modified ‘I’ type granite; Na-rich magma; thick crust * Corresponding author.  相似文献   

庙西凹陷中南洼位于渤中凹陷与胶辽隆起过渡带, 受胶辽隆起差异隆升作用控制, 古近系孔店组、沙四段、沙三段以及东营组沉积之后各组遭受了不同程度的剥蚀。 本文综合 利用声波时差法、镜质体反射率法以及地层厚度变化率法恢复了庙西凹陷中南洼各关键期剥蚀厚度, 再现了庙西凹陷中南洼古近系演化过程。 结果表明, 该区古近纪各沉积期在沉积之后普遍遭受了阶段性抬升剥蚀, 致使各期盆地边界形成多个扩大-收缩旋回, 盆地原形并非小而浅;孔店期-东营期原始盆地沉积边界较现今盆地边界可向东外推 18~25 km;孔店期盆地为统一凹陷, 孔店期之后中、南部洼陷区开始出现差异性隆升-沉降作用, 沙四段沉积期继承孔店期的特点, 差异进一步加大, 沙三段沉积期南、北两个次洼彻底分离, 形成两个孤立洼陷, 东营组披覆沉积两洼之上, 并遭受区域性剥蚀。  相似文献   

The 345 ± 10 Ma old composite Ackley City Batholith of southeastern Newfoundland, consists largely of very felsic K-feldspar megacrystic granite and alaskite. Spatially related to the southeast contact of the alaskite are younger aplites and pegmatite, intrusive phases which are interpreted to be pan of a tilted, high level roof zone complex to the batholith. The compositions of the alaskite and roof zone complex define major and trace element gradients similar to those in voluminous high-silica eruptive suites; i.e., the alaskite is more chemically evolved (higher in Rb, lower in Ca, Fe, Mn, Ti, P, Sr, Ba and LREE) toward the roof. Apparently these chemical gradients in the batholith are restricted to the top 2 to 3 kms of the former magma chamber. Fractional crystallization is a plausible process for generating the chemical dispersion in the granites, although very high feldspar partition coefficients for Ba, Sr and Eu are required to generate the observed chemical gradients by a reasonable degree of fractional crystallization. Restriction of crystal fractionation to near the roof of the batholith may reflect a decreased viscosity which would facilitate crystal-liquid separation by processes such as filter pressing, flow differentiation or convective fractionation.The chemical gradients in these granites closely resemble those attributed in high-silica volcanics to the process of thermogravitational diffusion (TGD). Compositional gradients in the upper portion of a magma chamber are consistent with the TGD model. This model, although still poorly understood, is, like fractional crystallization, a plausible mechanism to generate the chemical features of the Ackley City granites.  相似文献   

New Zealand's Geological Foundations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
N. Mortimer   《Gondwana Research》2004,7(1):261-272
New Zealand is a fragment of Gondwana that, before Late Cretaceous sea floor spreading, was contiguous with Australia and Antarctica. Only about 10% of the area of continental crust in the wider New Zealand region (Zealandia) is emergent above sea level as the North and South Islands. No Precambrian cratonic core is exposed in onland New Zealand. The Cambrian to Early Cretaceous basement can be described in terms of nine major volcano-sedimentary terranes, three composite regional batholiths, and three regional metamorphic-tectonic belts that overprint the terranes and batholiths.The terranes (from west to east) are: Buller, Takaka, Brook Street, Murihiku, Maitai, Caples, Bay of Islands (part of former Waipapa), Rakaia (older Torlesse) and Pahau (younger Torlesse). The western terranes are intruded by three composite batholith (>100 km2) sized belts of plutons: Karamea-Paparoa, Hohonu and Median, as well as by numerous smaller plutons. Median Batholith (including the Median Tectonic Zone) is a recently-recognised Cordilleran batholith that represents the site of subduction-related magmatism from ca. 375–110 Ma. Parts of the terranes and batholiths are variably metamorphosed and deformed: Devonian and Cretaceous amphibolite-granulite facies gneisses are present in Buller, Takaka, Median and Karamea-Paparoa units; Jurassic-Cretaceous subgreenschist-amphibolite facies Haast Schist overprints the Caples, Bay of Islands and Rakaia Terranes; Cretaceous subgreenschist facies Esk Head and Whakatane Mélanges bound the Pahau Terrane. In the South Island, small areas (<5 km2 total) of Devonian, Permian, Triassic and Jurassic Gondwana sequences have been identified. In the North Island a widespread Late Jurassic overlap sequence, Waipa Supergroup (part of former Waipapa Terrane), has recently been proposed.  相似文献   

青藏高原中部古近纪发育伦坡拉盆地、色林错盆地、尼玛盆地,组成伦坡拉-色林错-尼玛沉积凹陷,总体呈近东西走向,长超过250km,宽30~50km;凹陷中心古近系河湖相沉积地层厚度达5~6km,下部为古新统-始新统牛堡组砾岩、砂岩、泥岩、泥灰岩,上部为渐新统丁青湖组泥岩、页岩、粉砂岩夹油页岩,顶部被新近系河湖相沉积不整合覆盖。凹陷南部发育尼玛-色林错逆冲推覆构造,凹陷北侧发育赛布错-扎加藏布逆冲推覆构造,伦坡拉盆地北部发育薄皮推覆构造,伴有不同规模的褶皱变形。地壳深部不同深度发育多重逆冲推覆构造,羌塘地块南部自北向南逆冲推覆,拉萨地块北部自南向北逆冲推覆;两者对冲部位地壳厚度发生显著变化,地表形成古近纪沉积凹陷。根据深地震反射及构造解释,结合Airy均衡分析,表明不同深度逆冲推覆及对冲构造运动导致地壳缩短增厚,增厚地壳均衡隆升及密度差异对古近纪沉积凹陷及盆地演化具有重要控制作用。色林错凹陷及邻区古近纪沉积记录对青藏高原地壳增厚与隆升过程具有重要指示意义。  相似文献   

黄陵花岗岩基的成因   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
黄陵花岗岩基位于扬子地台北缘,它连同汉南和鲤鱼寨岩基一起构成扬子地台北缘的低钾花岗岩等,形成于晋宁晚期扬子地台北侧的“秦岭洋”壳向南俯冲导致的大陆边缘造山运动过程中。黄陵花岗岩基可解体为三斗坪、黄陵庙、大老岭、晓峰4个岩套和14个单元,侵位于832-750Ma之间。三斗坪和黄陵庙两个岩套主要由英云闪长岩、奥长花岗岩花岗闪地组成,是在近南北向区域挤压下于约16km深部塑性域定位的同构造花岗岩,前者主要依靠岩浆在构造弱面逐次强力楔入创造定位空间,后者主要在处于活动状态的韧性拉张剪切带内定位。钙碱性系列的大老岭和晓峰岩套则是在本区地壳迅速隆起过程中分别在5km和<1.5km深度的脆性域定位的构造晚期花岗岩。根据岩石化学和同位素组成推断,三斗坪岩套的源岩主要是晚太古代大陆拉斑玄武岩,母岩浆相当于英安质,岩套内的成分变化主要受角闪石分离结晶作用控制;黄陵庙岩套除受分离结晶作用影响外,成分变化主要与英安质母岩浆和某种长英质岩浆的混合有关;大老岭岩套的源岩亦为早前寒武纪火山岩。  相似文献   

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