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随着海洋强国战略的提出, 海洋经济进入快速发展期。尽管海洋开发的不断深入带来了巨大的经济效益, 但也造成 了海洋生态环境的不断恶化。本文基于演化博弈分析方法, 首先探究了渤海海洋环境治理面临的问题, 并就其治理的主体 (政府 、企业和公众) 构建演化博弈模型, 进一步分析三者达到均衡点所需要的条件, 最后提出相关主体参与海洋环境治理 的建议。结果显示, 监管成本是影响政府参与监管的主要因素, 企业是否非法排污取决于政府监管效率 、非法排污再治理的 成本、罚款与按照标准排污成本的利益比较, 而公众是否参与监督则取决于监督成本和回报。 因此为了实现渤海海洋环境的 有效治理, 应该降低政府监管成本以提高监管效率, 加大对企业非法排污的惩处力度, 畅通公众投诉渠道。  相似文献   

随着我国经济与社会的飞速发展,我国持续不断地开发和利用海洋资源,不可避免地导致资源的过度开发,使海洋环境遭受污染损害。在海洋环境污染物中,陆源污染物约占80%,是最主要的污染物,因此防治陆源污染是保护海洋环境的关键步骤。目前我国防治陆源污染的法律制度有所发展,但仍存在一些问题,须对防治陆源污染物对海洋环境污染损害的法律制度进行分析,并针对其中的问题加以完善。文章论述陆源污染物的概念和种类,分析目前我国防治陆源污染物对海洋环境污染损害法律制度的不足之处,并提出改进建议,主要包括修订或重新制定相关法律法规、完善有关法律责任、完善公众参与制度。  相似文献   

整治陆源污染净化海洋环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了进一步贯彻落实《海域使用管理法》,全面提高对海域的综合管理能力,推进海洋事业在国民经济和社会发展中的地位与作用,国家海洋局海域管理司与《海洋开发与管理》杂志社联合开展“海域使用管理”有奖征文活动。从2005年第4期开始,征文已陆续在本刊“海域使用管理专栏”中刊登。  相似文献   

练兴常 《海洋信息》1999,(11):11-12
环境问题已是当今世界的三大难题之一,我国也不例外。保护生态环境,净化水、空气和陆地已越来越成为人民群众改善居住条件和提高生活质量的迫切要求。治理污染,保护生态环境,建设生态环境已成为各级政府的重要工作目标之一。  相似文献   

对虾养殖,陆源污染与赤潮灾害   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

近年来,大连市近岸海域在促进海洋经济发展的同时面临着巨大的陆源污染压力,近岸海域生态环境遭到不同程度的破坏。文章在全面分析大连市近岸海域污染原因的基础上,提出陆源污染控制对策建议,为大连市近岸海域的可持续发展提供保障。  相似文献   

东海的形成与构造演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东海地区构造演化的地球动力学背景处于晚三叠世以来古亚洲大陆形成、太平洋板块向欧亚大陆俯冲及印度板块向欧亚大陆俯冲的远程效应共同作用下。东海的海洋沉积环境是在上新世以来持续的构造沉降、弧后裂谷作用及全球海平面上升作用下形成的。东海地质构造的剖析及其形成演化的研究,对于理解亚洲地形现代地形格局的形成及大江大河的演化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

文章通过对天津陆源入海污染源和邻近海域的污染评价分析,研究了2011—2012年,天津近岸海域污染状况以及变化趋势,结果显示:天津近岸海域污染现状日趋严重,入海污染物主要为化学需氧量、无机氮和总磷,提出了应加强对陆源排污口的监控和入海污染物总量控制的管理建议。  相似文献   

从制度上确立陆源污染防治资金的负担原则,是建立陆源污染防治资金机制的前提,亦是提供稳定资金来源的保障与发挥资金效用的关键。《联合国海洋法公约》确立了协调原则与对发展中国家实行优惠待遇原则,一些区域性海洋法公约正在形成共同但有区别的资金负担、污染者负担、国际合作等原则。作为陆源污染危害最为严重的区域之一,我国相关法律法规还没有明确陆源污染防治资金的负担原则及主要来源,如何借鉴国际上的成功经验,构建我国的资金机制是海洋陆源污染防治工作的核心任务。  相似文献   

研究表明陆源海洋环境污染是导致海洋污染的主要因素,从世界范围看,70%~80%的海洋污染来源于陆地活动而非船舶。有关陆源海洋环境污染的规则主要体现在区域性的法律框架之中,海洋污染采取区域治理方法具有一定的优势,因为区域中各国的利益、传统和价值观比较接近。在治理全球陆源海洋环境的过程中,联合国环境保护署扮演了极其重要的角色。  相似文献   

中国东部边缘海冬季硅酸盐的分布特征及主要来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2007年1~2月的调查资料,分析讨论了中国东部陆架边缘海(南黄海、东海)冬季硅酸盐的分布特征及其主要影响因素。结果表明:近岸海域硅酸盐的高值区位于受长江冲淡水影响的区域;东海的硅酸盐浓度高于南黄海。长江冲淡水和黑潮水是影响东海和南黄海硅酸盐分布的主要因素。黑潮中层水是东海陆架区硅酸盐的主要来源。  相似文献   

陆源入海排污口环境监测评价模式的探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据作者在陆源入海排污口监测与评价的实践,分析了现行<陆源入海排污口及邻近海域生态环境评价指南>(HY/T086-2005)在排污口水质评价中的不足之处,在排污口单要素污染指数的基础上根据污染物的类别和邻近海洋功能区类型赋予相应的权重,提出了"排污口综合评价指数"的概念,并应用此法对排污口水质进行了评价和探讨,综合体现了排污口的污染程度,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

This paper describes measurements of sediments during the 2000-2001 Asian Seas International Acoustic Experiment in the East China Sea. A number of techniques were used to infer properties of these sediments, including gravity and piston cores, subbottom profiling using a water gun, long-range sediment tomography, and in situ measurement of conductivity. Historical data from echosounder records and cores showed two regions of surficial sediments in the experimental area: a silty area to the west and a sandy area to the east. The tomography, cores, and water-gun measurements confirm the two surficial sediment regions seen in the historical data and also indicate that the subbottom structure at the experimental site consists of a thin (0-3 m thick) layer of sandy sediment directly beneath the sea floor. Below this layer, there is an extensive package of sediment with relatively uniform acoustic attributes. Core analysis shows that the surface sediment layer varies in compressional wave speed from a low near 1600 m/s in the west side of the experiment area to 1660 m/s in the east side of the experiment area. Long-range sediment tomography inversions show a similar spatial variation in the surface layer properties. In addition, the layer thickness as determined from tomography is consistent with the estimates from subbottom profiling.  相似文献   

A study is made on the surface distribution ofTrichodesmium thiebautii Gomont in the East China Sea during the years 1961–1967.
  1. This alga is very scarce or absent in the period from January to March, and begins to increase in May and June, reaching the maximum population density from July to September, and again decreases in October and November.
  2. In summerT. thiebautii is predominantly distributed in the area along the Kuroshio current with high densities of 102–103 filaments/l, occasionally exceeding 103 filaments/l. This alga is estimated to occupy the major part or almost all the parts of chlorophylla in situ contained in the surface water of this season.
  3. The occurrence ofT. thiebautii off the southern coasts of Central Japan seems to be caused rather by the multiplication in its own habitat than by the transportation by the Kuroshio current from the East China Sea.

研究了 2 0 0 0年 1 0月和 2 0 0 1年 5月东、黄海航次所采集的沉积物中叶绿素 a及其降解产物脱镁叶绿酸的含量与分布 ,比较了沉积物样品在不同氧化还原条件下培养后的叶绿素 a含量的变化。结果表明 ,整个东、黄海表层沉积物中叶绿素 a的含量是以长江口附近的 E4站含量最高 ,1 0月份为 2 .4 8μg/ g,5月份为 3.0 1μg/ g;对各站位 ,随深度增加叶绿素 a和脱镁叶绿酸的含量呈递减趋势 ,到一定深度含量不再变化 ;个别站位叶绿素 a和脱镁叶绿酸的含量在随深度增加而降低的过程中产生了小的突跃 ,可能是由于生物扰动和环境变化引起的 ;脱镁叶绿酸作为叶绿素 a的主要降解产物随深度增加成为叶绿素存在的主要形式 ;充空气和氮气培养均能增加表层沉积物中叶绿素 a的含量 ;比较了 2 0 0 0年 1 0月份沉积物中叶绿素 a与上层水柱中叶绿素 a的相对含量 ,就 5个站位的平均值而言 ,沉积物中的叶绿素占上层水柱中叶绿素的 36 .9% ,而长江口附近的 E4站沉积物中叶绿素的相对含量为 1 1 1 .1 % ,说明这部分含量是不容忽略的  相似文献   

东、黄海海表面温度季节内变化特征的EOF分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于1998—2004年的TRMM/TMI卫星遥感海面温度(SST)数据,在初步分析东、黄海SST的季节分布特征的基础上,采用EOF方法分析了SST的季节内变化特征,进而对SST季节内变化的可能机制进行了探讨。EOF分析获得的前4个模态的累积方差贡献率为57.07%,其结果基本反映了东、黄海SST变化的主要物理过程。其中,EOF的第一模态的方差贡献率占30.17%,其空间模态揭示了以东海北部为中心的、整个海域SST变化趋于一致的特征,这一模态的显著变化周期为6.3周;第二模态的方差贡献率占14.36%,其空间模态呈现东南海域与西北海域SST的反相变化趋势,显著变化周期为8.7周和10.6周;第三模态的方差贡献率占7.02%,其空间SST变率最大的区域位于黄海海域,显著变化周期为6.8,8.7,10.2周等;第四模态的方差贡献率占5.52%,其空间SST变率最大的区域位于东、黄海近海,显著变化周期为6.8周。东、黄海SST季节内变化与此海区大气中的季节内振荡是紧密相关的。  相似文献   

随着沿海地区经济的快速发展,海洋陆源性污染日益严重,加强陆海统筹、联防联控治理已迫在眉睫。文章基于系统动力学(SD),构建系统仿真模型,研究不同的联防联控机制情景对浙江省海洋陆源性污染的影响效应。仿真结果表明:联防联控机制将有效减少浙江省入海陆源废水的排放,但是对GDP影响较弱;相较于维持联防联控机制的实施现状,提高排污标准、技术投入、环境治理投资总额、法律约束力等联防联控三大机制的实施强度对浙江省海洋陆源性污染的治理效应更为显著;不同联防联控机制情景的仿真结果存在一定的差异,技术投入和环境治理投资总额的增加对浙江省海洋陆源性污染的治理效果最为明显。提出:制定更加严格的排污标准,控制陆源污染源头;拓宽环境治理投资和技术投入的支持渠道,提高陆源污染物净化效率;完善联防联控立法,加强联合防治监管能力,强化法律的约束力等建议。  相似文献   

At present, in most oceans the lead (Pb) biogeochemical cycling has been disturbed by anthropogenic Pb through atmospheric input. The Pb concentrations in the upper water positively correlate with atmospheric input fluxes of Pb. The North Pacific is affected greatly by atmospheric substances via long-range transport from eastern Asia, especially from Mainland China. Mainland China may export considerable amounts of pollutants into the seas via rivers and the atmosphere owing to its recent fast growth in industry and economy. The East China Sea lies in an important geographical position--a transit between Mainland China and the western North Pacific. However, no data are available for seawater concentrations of Pb, a representative element with anthropogenic origin. In this work seawater samples from both 5 and 30-50 m water layers of 15 stations occupied over a cyclonic eddy in the southern East China Sea were analyzed for particulate Pb (PPb) and dissolved Pb (DPb). The Mean concentration of DPb (approximately 128 ng/l) in the southern East China Sea upper waters (< or = 50 m) is approximately several times higher than those in the Pacific; the high DPb concentrations in the southern East China Sea waters correspond to much higher atmospheric supplies of Pb to the East China Sea. Thus, this study partly fills the 'data gap' of the marginal seas. Also, it indicates that the East China Sea may be considerably contaminated by deposited polluted aerosols. Spatial distributions of DPb in the surface water show a tendency of increasing concentrations with distance offshore, that depends on the magnitudes of atmospheric Pb inputs and on particle scavenging processes. In contrast to DPb, spatial distributions of PPb basically display an 'omega'-like picture and a tendency of decreasing concentrations with distance offshore. These are related to riverine and scavenging sources and to the drive by the eddy. Additionally, the residence times of DPb in the surface water were estimated to be about 2 years, agreeing well with the reported data.  相似文献   

Methane in the East China Sea water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Methane in the East China Sea water was determined four times at a fixed vertical section along PN line consisting of 11–14 stations, in February 1993, October 1993, June 1994 and August 1994. The mean concentration of methane in the surface water was not significantly higher than that in the open ocean. The methane concentration below the pycnocline increased during the stratified period in summer to autumn and reached to 15 nmoles/l at most in October. The concentration of methane was fairly well correlated with AOU in the layer below the pycnocline in the stratified season. This means that methane in the bottom water has only a single source, which is expected to be anoxic sediments near the coast, and that the oxidation rate of methane in the water is extremely slow in the oxic water. The high methane observed in October completely disappeared in February, indicating that the methane was escaped to the atmosphere or transported to the pelagic ocean by the Kuroshio current. The East China Sea, therefore, is not a large direct and stationary source for the atmospheric methane, but may have some role as a source by supplying it sporadically to the atmosphere in early winter or indirectly from the surface of the pelagic ocean.  相似文献   

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